
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Unprepared for 2015.

I finally bought the Hamlet jumper from Kinokuniya. The line there while I was Christmas shopping was insane, probably almost 20 metres but things moved pretty quickly. The lead up to Christmas passed over uneventfully since there weren't too many presents to buy and wrap this year.

Christmas morning was pretty frantic trying to prepare a meal that would last us all day and that's pretty much what the family did; sit at the dining table from 1pm till dark, eating. This year was probably the latest we ever waited to open our presents, which happened past 7pm as opposed to the usual morning frenzy. The festive spirit wasn't in me this year. Presents were minimal since I asked everyone to save their money for my birthday but I still got a giant hardback of all of Sherlock stories, a modern life guide inspired by Austen, Elie Saab fragrance and some Burt's Bees products so yes very happy. The Sound of Music on tv was a good way to end the day.

Lazy Boxing Day listening to my parents' music and debating whether the Roxette concert would be worth attending lol.

Yesterday was a great day. Jen and I finally met up after her Beijing trip and we went to Newtown with cronuts on the agenda except Brewtown wasn't open so we settled for Pie Tin. The pumpkin pie was amazing, screw Australia and its lack of American sweets. Rowena and I met up once I got back to Towers and jesus I wasn't expecting it to be so busy. We had a look at the department stores and it was generally all disappointing. When you already have markdowns up to 40% prior to Christmas, the Boxing Day 'sales' seem pretty lame. That aside, we had a great catch up over chatime and wedges.

So I haven't resumed Catch-22, there's nearly 200 pages to tank and I'm sitting on an awful number of 9 books completed this year. Somehow that's not enough incentive and I know I'll regret it immensely. Maybe there'll be a burst of inspiration in the next couple days because that's all I've got.

Groupon is amazing, I just discovered all these super cheap 8-week Latin dance deals, Which will be a good way to finish off the last two months of holidays. Hopefully Jen and I actually go through with it.

8:39 PM

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Oops almost a fortnight since I last posted. Sigh, disappointed with my inconsistency.

On December 13, Anika and Nayomi got together to make the most of Anika's presence in Sydney before flying away for another semester, sigh. That's all I miss about high school; constant presence of your friends, which obviously had many downsides but that was usually balanced out. Nayomi was late so Anika and I chilled in Victoria Park, chatting on the swings until we felt nauseous which was possibly provoked by watching a little boy pee in the playground bark. We went to some overpriced Glebe cafe and talked too loudly and ugh just so happy to have had Anika back. Pia's farewell party was later that night and it was also nice to see Jordan and Callum again. There were a lot of weird guests so the three of us were just being recluses.

Mum's birthday the next day which got to a horrible start after losing $500 in the early hours of the morning. My grandparents put that amount into our card envelope which my sister dropped off in our mailbox the previous night so I could write in it on time. Then come 7:30am, groggy and all and then I see our mailbox unlocked and empty and just had a fit. Devastating. But I made some amazing pancakes with this recipe Edwina's friend gave her, never ever going to buy those shitty mixes again. I also made a coffee walnut cake which was pretty delicious, I had doubts about it but clearly bbcgoodfood can be trusted. They had this raspberry and amaretti cake that had 80 people raving and I'm so excited to make it for Christmas.

December 15 saw me sat on the couch for the whole day just watching the same Channel 7 footage of the Lindt cafe siege. Actually Suk made me wake up to see the news. Something was bound to happen soon. I just kept waiting for an explosion or something to kill all the reporters and camera crew. The fact that this went international was mind boggling, especially when my father emailed me asking if I was safe. That day, I also spent hours transcribing a nice piano cover of La Vie en Rose onto hand drawn treble and bass clef lines lol.

In other news, I got through two seasons of Daria, finished The Virgin Suicides and recovered from a fever. Now it's time to do ALL THE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ugh, don't even want to imagine how busy everywhere is going to be.

Uni enrolments have started and I'm getting worried that I won't be able to handle 4 units a semester because they're all going to be so reading/writing heavy. Claw, English and Philosophy for starters, constant essays. After seeing how I salvaged things in sem 2, I finally have some faith in myself but that was a stressful time.

It's also time to consider new lists for 2015. Resolutions, books, things to do. This year's weren't so successful, but learning curve.

11:02 PM

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Fun fun day worth writing about on time. Finally had a meet up with Nayomi and Sean which probably hasn't happened since very early sem 2 or maybe even late sem 1, idk our timetables didn't sync well this sem unfortunately, so it was really nice being together again. Thank you to the WongFu video I saw months ago where they played mini golf, I was inspired to do the same today. It's probably been 8 years since my family last took me to the putt putt in Dural.

Anyway, managed to find a pretty great one in Thornleigh, except I wish there were more silly obstacles as opposed to inclines/declines and random bumps etc. And why, which genius thought to surround each course with a freaking pool? At least they provided nets to fish the drowning balls out, which Nayomi had to use multiple times.

Holding the putter felt so foreign, it took a while to get the hang of things. A little boy and his mum managed to overtake us, we were pretty bad for the first round of 18 holes, and for some reason, the wind decided to calm down while the sun decided to appear. Severe risk of sunstroke, obviously not conducive to playing well. Palms was better though, and omfg course number 10, Nayomi and I both hit a hole in one! Sean technically did once in an earlier course but it was his second hit so didn't count. We finished 36 holes much faster than I thought we would. I was expecting us to need three hours or something but we managed just under two. It was great, pretty cheap as well, definitely have to go back again.

We went to Eastwood for lunch and ordered the giant schnitzel Nayomi always raved about and yeah, I underestimated how large it was. It was really good though, probably the best schnitzel I've had since it was chunky and juicy while others serve them mostly really thin, which tends to dry out while cooking.

The rest of the day consisted lounging on my couch for a few hours and convincing my dad not to get himself fired for being a smart ass at work. Might be useful to lend him those stupid 1001 notes about teamwork. Anika has finally finished her exams which means I can finally see her after months. Now time to attempt the nightmarish task of relearning My Heart Will Go On on my keyboard. This will be a spectacular fail, thank god I can have the volume at barely a whisper.

11:34 PM

Monday, December 8, 2014

Results came back yesterday and this disgusting weight has finally been lifted off my shoulders. I remembered my relief this morning when I didn't have a nightmare, which I've been a consistently having for the last week thinking about results before sleeping. But yes, did better than I expected. This is encouragement, next sem will be better.

ABC2 played Breaking Dawn Pt 2 a couple nights ago and I figured it was time to give it a chance after the ridiculous twenty minutes we sneaked into at the cinema a couple years ago. You'd figure in these times, they could've done a more realistic job with the zooming backdrop and Renesmee's weird face. That aside, I actually really liked it HAHA, definitely the best film out of the whole franchise, even though I've only seen the first two. Something I could watch again. I'm definitely feeling the urge to grab the four books and hole myself up for two days to relive those Year 7 feels, I was such a loser.

Christmas spirit, I love carols in the shop speakers. Except not the really generic recordings. Sometimes you get lucky with a Bing Crosby or Sinatra recording. There was a singing Santa that was singing Usher's Yeah... Gift shopping is exhausting though, and I've realised that it's probably too late to order anything online and hope for its timely arrival so perusing the useless shopping shelves it is.

I've also been moody since I realised that Vidcon goes from 23-25th July next year which most likely includes the day I land in London and spend in the city before exploring the English countryside, meaning this is crushing my dreams of stalking Dan and Phil.

Oh yeah, finished Northanger Abbey. Keeping in mind it was Austen's first piece, she definitely managed to cultivate her style after it, but yeah, not impressed, pretty bored, little flow in the plot and pretty dumb characters, but in that last aspect, I guess she accurately capture how her society was back then. Started The Virgin Suicides, but after the first few chapters, full immersion clearly requires a less than happy mood to deal with how unsettling it can be.

Reminiscing with some old Miley.

10:26 PM

Saturday, December 6, 2014

It's nice not having to keep track of the time each day anymore. I'm just trying to enjoy these last few days of blissful ignorance before results come back and the future of my study is determined.

I've accepted there is no hope for ever recovering my poor earring so I'll just go around looking stupid with one earring because it still deserves to be worn.

There's a dilemma with the number of books I want to read by the new year. I'll be two away from ten once Northanger Abbey is finished, and unless Catch-22 will take me a solid three weeks to finish, I'll finish pretty quickly? But then I can't start another book and end the year in the process of reading or having read ELEVEN books. Measly problems.

Family went to Costco a couple days ago to make use of the stupid membership we got ourselves into half a year ago and it was as underwhelming as it was the first time, except for the poppycock and peanut butter filled pretzels mm. It's such a stressful situation with the trolleys there because they don't directly move left and right and manoeuvering through crowded aisles is a high pressure task. However I did find a nice hardback of Arabian Nights for $22 which is relatively light and the hardcover is slightly flexible so it makes for easy reading.

Yesterday Nayomi and I finally caught up over an overpriced meal at Hog's Breath because we were too ceebs to ask about the $10 lunch specials THAT THEY DIDN'T EVEN SHOW US so mad, sneaky shits. We just walked around and I caved and tried a chatime with egg pudding because Rowena's been raving about it. No flavour but it's like the texture of herbal jelly with the taste of the tea so no complaints.

Buttons was left in the rain yesterday thanks to my mum not checking the thunderstorm forecast and when we got home, she was just sitting at the back door getting rained on when she could've taken shelter in her kennel. Idiot. But omg the pet store finally let some dogs out which I swear they haven't done in ages and sigh, made me miss puppy Buttons. They were also handing out organic dog food samples.

Gladiator was on tv last night and it's inspired me to attempt to understand Roman history once again but ugh, anything involving warfare is on my blacklist, I'm just not interested to get annoyed at dead people and their decisions and reasonings. This is probably why Heller is taking me years, literally.

12:52 PM

Monday, December 1, 2014

I feel like I should be recording these measly days in some written form but you can't just start that at the end of the year. I will though. Might be interesting to see what comes out of my pen when you can't backspace.

It's been a beautifully chill week, can't believe it's only been a week. In a nutshell, I spent four days in the city last week which was not a good way to detox from uni. There was my grandpa's 75th where we spent $300 on a fucking tasteless lobster, among other bland dishes. Seafood sucks. Rowena and I stuffed ourselves in Newtown to the point where we spent an hour in Pie Tin trying to finish two slices, which was probably a hideous idea after three plates of thai food. Lesson learned. Lastly, I actually had to go back to uni on Friday for peer mentor training which was just two hours of dictating information we could've read in a handbook or something. They must've made almost a hundred sandwiches which were actually quite gourmet and delicious.

It was Carla's birthday yesterday and we went to the piazza for some average thai and Max Brenner's dessert and it was so nice catching up. Max Brenner's was also jumping at 10pm on a Sunday night. What else could Castle Hill offer lol.

I've also finished reading Atwood and am almost done with Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close which is amazing so far and completely unpredictable so I'm really excited to finish it. Then another month to knock out three more.

After eleven months, I finally got a haircut, was so sick of my thin limp and heavy hair. Then I got home and hours later realised that I fucking lost one earring and had a breakdown thinking that they probably swept it up along with the rest of the hair on the ground. Or that I brushed it off because a moth was buzzing around my ear on our evening walk, which means it is sitting somewhere in the muddy grass because of the rain. Fuck me fuck me, it would've been approaching three years this Christmas since my mum bought them for me I CAN'T LOSE IT WHEN I HAVE A MATCHING NECKLACE BUT YOU CAN'T SPEND $400 ON THE SAME THING AGAIN. So miserable, I discovered it was missing when I was pumped and ready to work out and now I'm sitting here mourning on my bed. Maybe yoga is more suitable for this mood than zumba. I don't have a very good streak with jewellery, the number of necklaces I've broken and bracelets I've lost...

Anyway it's December/summer now. I'm feeling the Christmas spirit seeing all these lights and trees go up in my neighbourhood. It'll be validated once I hear carols in the shopping centre and once our tree goes up, hopefully this coming weekend.

10:54 PM