
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
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June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
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February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The heat is amazing. I can't wait till it's hot enough to jump into the pool.

This break has by no means been as productive as I'd hoped it'd be. The most work I've done is probably deciding what to do for my English essay (without actually having started) and catching up on those lectures. Which unfortunately were the easier tasks that I'd set for this week. Otherwise, been lazing around, reading, getting into an exercise routine that I probably won't keep up for the rest of the semester.

Last night when I went home for dinner, my dad was telling hideously bad jokes which made me remember that I had these riddles that we played on the bus maybe all the way back in Year 8. However, our Year 8 minds must've been absolutely stupid because these were sooo ridiculous. Lateral thinking my ass, I felt embarrassed for our past selves, thinking about the people who probably overheard. For example, Romeo and Juliet were dead with a broken glass bowl next to them and nobody was or had been home. What happened? Answer: they were goldfish whose bowl had fallen to the ground and they were asphyxiated. Anyway, conversation shifted to talk of horror films which made it a little unsettling to walk home that night.

Christine turned 19 yesterday and I only managed to talk to her just before it hit midnight and the day officially ended. Her gift shipping was giving me a stroke, thank god it's here.

So today, I woke up earlier than I have in ages. Sean and I went to our first bikram yoga class lol. I think I was expecting absolute hell since the room is heated to approximately 40 degrees so it wasn't toooo bad when we got there and just lay down, accustoming to the heat. Then class started and our instructor kindly pointed us out as the newbies which is the pressure every class rookie wants. It wasn't going too bad, even though I was already covered in a layer of sweat after the first breathing exercise because IT WAS SO SMOTHERINGLY FUCKING HOT. However, we managed to endure for maybe half an hour before I finally had to lie down and not faint while some other people gave up earlier so that just made us feel a little better. The middle half hour was just hell. I could only manage to try each move for the first set and then rest for the next set(s). The poses were all doable if it weren't for the heat fogging up my brain. Savasana was ironically my saviour.

In retrospect, I probably didn't do a very good job at pre and post hydration so I felt pretty groggy all day and napped all afternoon. Very productive. We're going to go again tomorrow, maybe all week, take advantage of the 10 day introductory offer. But it's going to be so much worse tomorrow with the knowledge of the conditions nooo. I'm guzzling litres of water now to prep for tomorrow morning.

Anyway, feeling slightly rejuvenated now so time to get a move on with one assignment.

8:21 PM

Friday, September 26, 2014

NAYOMI AND I FINISHED OUR ESSAYS LAST NIGHT. Seriously so poorly written and I'm a bit afraid I'll get some plagiarism remarks but oh well, submitted before midnight and just rolled around revelling in my temporary freedom, it was amazing.

Today, woke up way too early to go and meet Eric for lunch. We went to Pasta Goma where Christine's having her birthday dinner and it was pretty good. Small menu but huge servings for okay prices. That pretty much kept me full all day, dinner wasn't really an option once I got home. Elaine and Nayomi came along and we just chilled around Darling Harbour catching up and soaking up the nice weather. It's also Christine's fault that I bought three VS body lotions. Regretting it a little now, I should've bought a body mist just to spray around my room since I doubt the lasting power of those throughout the day.

Anyway break day is coming to an end, so I feel like I should start exercising and make a study plan for this week so I can come out of it without feeling the panic of being behind. Probably not going to happen.

10:29 PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

So if it weren't for this hideous essay, my midsem break would commence now but no, no. There should be more panic settling in at this stage, but I think my tutor is pretty chill and kind so I'll hold that off until tomorrow.

Tuesday/stats day yey but we endured the two hour lecture with no break, thanks Evelyn you bitch. The tutes go by so fast that you're just struggling to keep up with all the notes and questions without any time to actually process each step so MSL was also a struggle. Thank god for Rowena, she's my only ticket to passing this unit. We had Grill'd burgers which unfortunately didn't mix well with all the cold air in our stomachs.

Beautiful day today, except it's always windier in the city than in the hills which is preferable on hot days but when it's mild at home, it's really just cold at uni. The English exercise took way longer than it was supposed to and it really wasn't even that hard, we just completely failed to concentrate. Going to the tute wasn't any better because we've started Old English and far out, we're pretty much learning a new language why why and then there's Middle English. No cheat sheets in the final, so dead. I haven't even memorised the phonetic alphabet. However, we persevered and I finished and submitted the assignment at 6pm so now there's less than 48 hours to tank this essay.

I'll start after a nap.

9:55 PM

Monday, September 22, 2014

BREAK IS COMING. I also found out that the Monday after is a public holiday thank jesus.

It was a nice day. Not sure if productive, Liz just introduced me to a couple of English girls which means more support as we inevitably head towards the final exam that most people scrap a pass in so yay. They invited me to go edusoc ball which I was already considering because the Hollywood glamour theme sounds heaps fun but eh money dress social anxiety etc.

Now I was supposed to have nearly finished my essay but then the HD lipsync performances went up so Erica and I spent a good few hours commenting and then finding choreo. I'm so mad at myself lol now I've just increased the last minute Thursday workload.

Sigh, only six hours sleep last night and it was already making me suffer because I haven't felt the need to sleep on the bus all semester until today. It's going to be a miserable week.

10:20 PM

Sunday, September 21, 2014
watch me now

I was sort of on a roll with my essay, probably a mistake to stop now. It's been a nightmare to reach the measly 500 words I'm on now.

Interesting story. I decided to walk around the block after lunch because it was pleasant and sunny and my body was probably very deprived of fresh oxygen. Walking walking and boom had this epiphany about how to structure Part A of my essay which I should've noted down on my phone or something because I'm notorious for forgetting those kind of important things instantaneously. A minute later, a fucking bird shits on the back of my hand. Supposedly that would be construed as good luck. Yeah no eight hours later and I was a teary mess because I'd probably written about 100 words in those hours. Idk, felt a lot better after talking it out with Christine and actually managed to nearly finish one part. Dear god please don't let the rest be as hellish. I swear this word count is preventing any proper discussion of anything and it's just this vague spew of repetition.

This week is going to be a test of time management and prioritising. The English exercise has to be somehow completed tomorrow, then hopefully Rowena can help me power through stats on Tuesday much faster than if I were to fend for myself. Assuming English can be done and dusted and submitted on Wednesday, that's one and a half more days to sit myself down to this stupid essay that I'll probably end up failing anyway for answering the question completely incorrectly.

Midsem break can't come soon enough. After all this self-imposed anxiety, I'm pretty keen to catch up.

11:35 PM


A little bit annoyed that I forgot to post yesterday where it was the actual year later from grad but oh well. My grandparents flew back yesterday at like 6am and then we all had to head to my sister's graduation ceremony in the morning. Idiot left the camera at home so I had to rush home, retrieve it and run to the bus stop. It only took 17 minutes, I was impressed with myself. 

Curse my mum for passing on her shaky hands to me, I am hopeless with cameras and not to mention the stage was so far from where I was standing that the focus just wasn't cooperating and yeah. It was a generally boring ceremony until there was a video with Forever Young playing and I started getting teary remembering my graduation morning and ugh. I was such a good sister though, following Edwina around for an hour taking photos for her. Wish somebody was there to take all these awful candids of me sobbing. All the guys in her grade are so tall.

After we got home it was just a horrifically unproductive day. My mum and I for some bizarre reason had 90% cacao chocolate in the cupboard which literally tasted like dirt so we decided to mix it with milk chocolate and make brownies. It was so good, just the right amount of sweetness and then the crunch of walnut and occasional bits of Toblerone. Most of the evening and night was spent stalking the grad photos of the grade below and cringing over the lipsync videos. Not that our performances were great but no. I had a mini breakdown walking home thinking about my essay and how much easier things were a year ago and how much I'd prefer to study for the HSC lol. There are six fucking assignments on my plate right now, the next month and a half is going to be torture. 

Today was a relatively more productive day in that I've actually got an eighth of my essay poorly written and so many open tabs that I can't even see what they say anymore. Thankfully the topic isn't too dry but oh god why didn't I start these readings six weeks earlier why. And I've still got English to do oh god. 

Oh there we go, just missed the midnight deadline. 

12:01 AM

Thursday, September 18, 2014
one year later

Sob, one more week till doom. Thinking about my essay makes me feel physically ill BECAUSE I JUST CAN'T BRING MYSELF TO READ IT AND ALL I DO IS COMPLAIN SO SOMEONE NEEDS TO PUNCH ME.

Thankfully the English exercise isn't too unbearable and I befriended a girl in my tute who's good at grammar but not so good at metre so we can help each other finish this by Wednesday. Then there's the release of the claw assignment tomorrow and then more stats to catch up on ugh ugh when will this end.

Bright side, I pulled out of dance camp after Ling brought up the very true fact that I'll probably ceebs on stupid hip hop workshops like popping and locking. Feels good to have my $200 and knowing I've got all of Friday to finish that god forsaken essay. Then I can start bikram and take full advantage of the 10 day introductory offer.

In other news, it's been 364 days since graduation wow wow unbelievable. My sister graduates tomorrow making it a full year by then. Wow okay probably going to go back to last year's September archive and relive those last weeks. Maybe I should pull my warm and fuzzies out too while listening to Little Wonders. This time there won't be tears (Y)

11:09 PM

Monday, September 15, 2014

I've actually slapped myself for how slack I've been last weekend oh my god, anxiety is settling in. Two assignments due in a fortnight on the day I'm supposedly leaving for dance camp if I don't pull out by then omg omg omg. Yet to start either of them lol, hate life. There's just some mental block, I cannot bring myself to pull out the necessary readings.

The next few days are also my last days alone which is a lot less upsetting that it was a year ago but upsetting nevertheless. Ugh, no more freedom to exercise whenever (if ever) I want or get away with coming home whenever or cooking for myself or going home randomly to eat or sprawling my work on the dining table OR JUST HAVING ABSOLUTE SILENCE. Plus sharing wifi jesus. I guess that'll be one benefit. Having to manage my internet usage means less youtube which has been consuming a good few hours of my days for the past month.

I hope my sister realises how much better she has it writing English/history/legal/economics essays for the next two months.

I've never really encountered someone with a bad case of mumbling but wow did our Old English lecturer do just that. God, could hardly understand the readings and now I'm pretty sure the lecture recording he slurred through will come to no use.

Fuck alright time to stop putting this off and freaking start so next week won't be a succession of meltdowns.

10:17 PM

Friday, September 12, 2014
door door

Damn, I never realise how lazy I get with blogging. It's been a long week.

Stats on Tuesday could potentially have let to my downfall for the rest of the course if not for Rowena and our subtle communication in the corner of the lab with big monitors to shield us. We went to the Thai tuck shop and had some noodles and delicious fried chicken and thought it'd be appropriate to top it off with some N2. The Alice in Wonderland menu was disappointing. I wasn't in the mood for a decadent $8 cup so stupidly, I went for vegan cookies and cream. After the first spoon, I remembered there was no dairy and it just tasted like coconut because how else can you make something vegan sigh. Praise Priceline, there was finally a Burt's Bees sale so I think I've got enough lip balm to last me another year.

Our English exam is going to be very interesting when we have to write our own interpretations of metre and phonetics because they're all going to be different and I'm sure the faculty will have a lot of fun trying to consider exceptions. All those poor people who speak English with an accent. I did well on the assignment though which was a nice surprise considering I only spent a few hours on it and most of my answers came from google.

A little bummed that contracts is over in claw and that we're starting torts because everyone complains intensely about them. I love Trang, so grateful she's our tutor and doesn't mind if we don't participate even though my tute is pretty good, filled with a lot of passionate people.

The whole of Thursday was wasted because Christine came over. Despite our intentions to get some work done, we really spent most of it hunting for ingredients at Coles and then spending a couple of hours back at mine cooking up some pasta and chicken nuggets mm. My stomach was so bloated for the rest of the day, the tiny bit of abdominal muscle I have couldn't suck it back in. This might've been a result of watching too much youtube but I thought it'd be hilarious to wax her legs and she actually had some hot wax which was definitely an experience. Since it was such a warm beautiful day, all the windows were open so I'm not sure what my neighbours thought what we were doing everytime she shrieked.

Weird dream. There was an indoor tennis court but it was probably the size of school classroom and the seats were elevated next to it and basically it was really close and we all nearly got hit by tennis balls. Part 2 was that they forced me up to do an impromptu samba partner routine in front of an audience and the rest I've forgotten.

The whole of today was also wasted. My mum called me up while I was making breakfast pancakes and decided to come and steal some, and then encouraged me to go shopping with her sigh. If there's not a good start to the day, nothing good will come from the rest of it. Unfortunately I've turned from a night worker to someone completely incapable of concentrating as soon as the sun sets.

Only a week till my grandparents come back and my sister graduates. Mind blowing. One whole year.

9:52 PM

Monday, September 8, 2014

Why is it only Monday.

Last night, I somehow had it in me to stay up till 3am attempting measly revision and not feeling very confident at all about claw or stats. Claw wasn't too bad though. Out of the four papers, I think I managed to get a pretty easy one.

Mid autumn festival today and the moon is looking particularly round and bright. By the time I got home pretty late, my mum was already slightly drunk from the Chinese wine which is always a sight to behold.

In my attempt to relieve my upper back pain, I think I ended up overstretching it and now it feels even worse, so looks like an x-ray is necessary soon. This shouldn't be happening to a teenager :(

There's nothing left to write, I'm just delaying my need to study stats as long as possible. It's going to be such a relief when that's all over. Then it's time to truly catch up, something that I'm actually excited for because in the arduous process of learning claw from scratch, I actually came to enjoy the process. So I'm looking forward to getting my shit for English together.

Beautiful weather tomorrow, very excited.

11:11 PM

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Four day weekend is coming to an end. Sometimes I really love my timetable. It's so satisfying when people look at its screenshot and they're aghast that I don't even need to take a photo of the blank spaces on Thursday and Friday. So good. Except not so good in getting used to the grind of three long uni days when there's an even longer break between it's start and finish.

It'd been ages since Christine and I skyped so we did just that yesterday, effectively ending my run of productivity earlier in the day. Looking back, it's a miracle how we managed to get things done while constantly talking to each other. We pulled out our daily journal that I bought for us and reminisced over the few sentences we would write about each day. Though I'll probably give up this platform one day, there's no way I'll stop noting down as many days as possible. I really should go for a written diary. No need to consider who would be reading it, though I'm not even sure who still comes here. Except maybe Anika. Hey Anika.

Period came today, which is bad timing since cramps will be at its worst tomorrow when I've got a long day of classes and the claw quiz in the evening. Ugh finished those notes way too late and now I can't bring myself to look at stats even though my cheat sheet is still non-existent.

Nature documentaries are honestly the most breathtaking audiovisuals ever, I need to watch more of those in the future instead of films and shows.

Thank god I didn't stay up to watch US Open semis because lel biggest disappointment ever. Who on earth wants to watch a final with Nishikori and Cilic? How could Novak and Roger do this sigh. Means I can sleep in tomorrow.

Back to work.

9:31 PM

Friday, September 5, 2014
climb this night

The fact that I've made a minimum of AT LEAST 7 hours sleep one of my main priorities since semester one ended is a big reason why I'm completely failing at keeping up with anything. This is regardless of the fact that I have four days off. Classes on Mon-Wed which end in the evening which inevitably means getting home after 7 means there is no way I can do work that is necessary for understanding lectures and thus, flail. FLAIL.

Stats is really beginning to do my head in.

And then I wasn't bothered to continue finishing that post so here I am again a few days later. Not sure what time this will be published then. Sometimes when I see incomprehensible typos in old posts, the urge to edit is so strong but then lel if a 2012 post turns up tonight as the new published time.

CLAW isn't that bad. Once I got through the boring legal system and got into contracts, there was definitely some relief that this whole unit wasn't totally going to euthanise me. Gotten through nearly half of the content needed for the midsem so I should hopefully manage to cover the rest by Monday. Hopefully. Ignoring stats and have yet to catch up on English or start assignments.

Timezones suck, broadcasting sucks, it's killing me that I can't watch US Open and can only read about Roger's glory. But the approaching semi finals looks to be a couple of intense matches so I'm gonna have to ready myself for a loooong night tomorrow, jesus, it starts at 1am. Then the final is Monday morning which should be done just in time to leave for afternoon classes.

Jen decided to go gluten free which essentially ruined our Monday dinners. It's so strange not seeing her every week. We're pretty disappointed with the new dwts celebrity and pro cast. There wasn't a chance of topping last season sigh, but hopefully Val and Janel won't disappoint.

My family has never been that big a fan of moon cake and I remember Carla and Jess talking about these frozen ice cream esque ones. We finally found some at the mall and gave them a shot. The little doughy layer was a bit gross but otherwise it was just ice cream. Slightly underwhelming.

Dirty Dancing soundtrack, so good. It's been too long since I've watched that, or watched any tv/movie for that matter. If only there were math homework to do again that actually allows for some sort of audio/visual distraction.

Just need to get Tuesday over and done with and get my shit together. Thankfully the weather improves by then.

10:22 PM

Monday, September 1, 2014

Two more days till my weekend. This beginning of the week timetable is really not as good as it looks. There is no chance that work will even be attempted when I get home after 7pm.

I finally made a friend in my English unit! We both got lost trying to find the assignment drop box. Thank god, shit is getting confusing and someone who is feeling just as lost as I am will be much appreciated. Why did I let myself fall behind so badly in this unit...

Samba class was fun, but definitely out of my comfort zone since samba hips are slightly different to salsa and cha cha. Finally saw Jordan after a fortnight which has felt so long, I can't believe it's only been that long since OSCURO. So bummed that my claw midsem is during next week's class and I have to miss rumba.

OH MY GOD IT'S SPRING. I still clearly remember the first day of September last year because a few flowers had finally begun to bloom on the dead tree outside my window and ugh it was such a beautiful sight. No such luck this year but it did hit 24 degrees so I will cherish this one heavenly day before the weather goes back to shit tomorrow.

11:41 PM