
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
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September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
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February 2010
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December 2014
January 2015

Friday, June 27, 2014
been there

Wow, lazy.

Basically accounting on Tuesday was hideous and 1001 on Wednesday was manageable, and then Nayomi took Sean, Will and I to a delicious albeit overpriced cafe (?) in Newtown and omg the pesto THE PESTO.

The freedom was a little overwhelming. So many hours to waste, not a clue what to do. I did finally move back to the apartment yesterday, regrettably. Despite hating the house and my lack of space and privacy there, it was so good to be able to communicate with people living there i.e. family and getting to see Buttons all the time and having a more widely stocked kitchen. The last will explain my fattening up over the past few weeks I was there, ugh.

The wind has also been hellish.

I managed to fix my timetable! No more 8am tute on Tuesday whoo, got it with Rowena later in the day instead and thank god for that because idk how I'd survive stats on my own. Just like Vincey was my saviour for accounting.

OH Christine and I visited school yesterday to collect our 4u. We also bumped into Jess, Grace, Renata and Angelina. It was weird going back this time, serious feeling of not belonging at all idk. Anyway, it seemed lots of people had already picked up their majors. We tried going through our original intention of reading each others first drafts and all but no, it was a little unbearable to revisit.

We ended up staying for Great Debate which they changed to HGHS vs teachers so no more gender wars. It was a better discussion than the past few, even though the HGHS are so obnoxious and the teachers were naturally limited in what they could say. Anyway it was a windy cold day with a heavy load to carry and I didn't really get much word in with any of my teachers so :(

In other news, I baked a fail cake today because the pan wasn't big enough and the middle wasn't cooked through.


Ugh, sleep.

11:54 PM

Monday, June 23, 2014

I don't want to do this :(

13.5 hours left.

Accounting was atrocious. Aside from staying up till 4am and waking up four hours later, omfg 40% is a lot harder to earn than we all expected. At least I hope that's a consensus agreement, not that it matters unless 1030 is getting scaled because my raw mark has probably failed me. It was just awful.

1001 is almost worse, just because it's the driest thing in the world to study.

So sleep deprived, but sitting there tomorrow for three hours without a clue of anything will feel worse than not sleeping so not sleeping it is.

8:57 PM

Sunday, June 22, 2014
give up

Holidays are so close brb drooling.

I'm pretty terrified for accounting tomorrow. Despite doing a bunch of revision tests and getting satisfactory marks, that was done with the help of the open textbook so sitting in the exam tomorrow might be a problem. And that's only calculations and multiple choice, haven't bothered revising theory enough to be able to answer the short questions.

No doubt tomorrow after the exam will epitomise the nightmare of finals because it'll be time to legitimately cram 2/3 of the 1001 textbook. Whatever, Nayomi and I are just going to eat till we die afterwards and then it's time to resume getting into shape.

I feel like the freedom will be so overwhelming, it'll reduce me to hysterics.

The only bout of procrastination I am not feeling regret over is randomly remembering Fantastic Flying Books and watching it, reliving all the happy feels it produced.

Almost almost almost.

10:43 PM

Friday, June 20, 2014

GUH only the weekend is left to salvage a pass for the last two exams. NOT ENOUGH TIME. Yesterday I was sort of diligent, getting through almost half of 1001 but that didn't last too long because Christine and I ended up skyping from about midnight till 3am. I can't remember what triggered it but I suddenly needed to Youtube DBY and fuck, just swooned over Mike He omg.

I wasted this whole morning and afternoon doing not sure what, but it sure wasn't study. Somehow just couldn't bring myself to and before I knew it, time to leave for the city oops. I'll pay for it later.

So excited to learn new choreo today omg, so tired of the other two pieces. This is a pretty epic one since it's the last before closing, and I really like how the intensity builds over the three songs in that one piece. Plus the choreo for Lorde is much more flowy instead of trying to isolate parts of my body that won't stay still. Angel lent me her Magnetic DVD and it's so tempting to waste hours watching it now instead of waiting for after exams.

Fucking pretended I didn't have any more exams and met up with Suk, Herschell, Elaine, Margaret and Anorah. It was so great seeing everyone, and fuck, had to get takoyaki since the one at Hornsby left :( That first taste of the sauce since maybe 2013 was literal heaven, we just sat there gasping a little. Then we had dinner in Thai Town and now I feel ready to pop.

Guess waiting to digest all that shit gives me time to cram some 1030 lel those weekly hw exercises were useless.


10:20 PM

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Taking it way too easy even though there are still two exams remaining sigh.

The past few days have been awful. All of Monday night was spent cramming micro till 4am and even then, it took me maybe half an hour to sleep so waking up at 9am was nightmarish. I thought I had my shit down but nope, did not do as well as I could have. Short answers were pretty bad, but hopefully that can be salvaged with multiple choice. Nayomi and I caught up for a while after that.

Ugh my ceebs level for macro was at an all time high which I guess prevented a breakdown because I literally didn't study the last three chapters, or even learn them during the sem.

This morning was beyond awful. Sleeping in and rushing shower and breakfast and missing my bus and risking being late to the exam. PLUS in my rush, I dropped my phone and the bottom cracked a little under the screen. At least the exam wasn't bad. Multiple choice was pretty difficult but there was nothing from those chapters that I hadn't learned. Not that I was very familiar with the content we were examined on but eh, could have been much worse.

Luckily I hung around to help Lisa lug all the OSCURO merchandise from the cab because she forgot money for the fare and I had to pay. Anyway, I love the hoodie! The shirt is a loose unisex fit which doesn't look very flattering but it'll suffice.

I must be the only person I know who doesn't give two shits about FIFA or Origin.

Anyway, must revise 1030 midsem material tonight. I've undeservedly lounged around all day.

OOH SEMESTER 2 TIMETABLE. My Monday is bad. 8am stats tute which I've got to attend if I want to understand anything. Then a five hour break and then three goddamn lectures. English ruined everything because it only has one set time for two lectures which overlap with business ones. Wednesday and Thursday is okay though, and I have Tuesday and Friday off so I suppose I shouldn't complain about one hideous day, even if it is horrendously hideous.

Jokes probably changing it. Far out, next semester was supposed to be good.

11:13 PM

Monday, June 16, 2014
r u

Finals start tomorrow and I'm a little bummed that most universities have already started and will finish earlier but I suppose we should begrudge extra time to study. Or do other things.

I'm not sure why it took so long to remind myself that the most effective way of 'studying' for me is writing shit down in an illegible manner just to help it sink in. Obviously have buried those specific memories of HSC but on the weekend, I noticed my sister doing it and just bam, I finally started studying. Making notes on a word document just wasn't cutting it, I haven't felt this productive since the HSC.

Last night I was listening to Yiruma for the first time in years while studying. So many embarrassing Year 7/Twilight memories haha, that was a very retarded phase of my life. And many others. Elaine, if you still occasionally read this. I can't understand why River Flows in You is the only piano piece I can remember perfectly. Everyone just seemed to be able to play it so easily.

I should be grateful that micro is at 2pm tomorrow; sleeping in, extra study time. Except it means I get home pretty late and that's just not enough time to study macro, IT JUST IS NOT. I'm only halfway through that unit and it's the content I haven't reached yet that's terrifying me to no end.

Almost done and one month of bliss.

11:38 PM

Friday, June 13, 2014

FINISHED MICRO NOTES even though today was supposed to be spent doing macro heh. Oh well, woke up too late and spent too long eating. Once brunch was done, I mistakenly turned the TV on to discover A Walk to Remember and spent the next couple of hours dying and crying. It felt good crying so no regrets (for now).

I still haven't moved back to the apartment. I guess back there, the communication barrier with my grandparents is very present so I just shut my mouth and keep to myself. Moving back home temporarily and being able to properly converse with family has been almost relieving. I still hate this house and the little space I have to myself. There's no way I can do anything here since this place has been a bit of a lazy nest whenever I came back over the past year. Definitely going back tomorrow, the weekend can't be wasted.

It's just hit me that I forgot to bring my daily journal and gratitude book here so it's going to be empty of a fortnight's worth of entries.

ooOOH curse Lisa for ordering extra OSCURO hoodies, I caved and got one and it actually looks really awesome. The design makes the hoodie versatile, but probably not so much the shirts. I wish they were white like the Magnetic ones :(

Oh yeah, it's Black Friday.

11:04 PM

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I've got to get on top of my game. Sacrificing watching You've Got Mail to attempt measly study. I will be done with micro tonight, I WILL BE FUCKING DONE. And then sleep and speed through macro tomorrow somehow, even though everything after midsems was just incomprehensible.

Last rehearsal for a while (yes) and opening is pretty fun because we just pretend to gossip at a ball in groups and then pose and do a few jazz moves off stage while watching the contemp piece in front of us. Lol we barely moved for those two hours so Jen and I cannot justify why we shared a panini, quesadillas, sweet potato fries with this AHmazing guacamole/aioli hybrid, and then some gelato afterwards.


10:07 PM

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ceeeeeeeeeebs. Too relaxed, even though micro and macro are in just under a week.

Suk and I had a good long conversation on Sunday night, laughing over Joyce's ass fetish and all. It was also the Roland Garros final with Rafa and Novak and ermg the stupid streaming site would occasionally freeze in the middle of a rally and I can only hear the sounds with no clue what happened. Unfortunately, I only managed to stay awake for the first two sets before I woke up 8 hours later. At least Nadal won.

I think the highlight of Monday was eating an omelette with smoked salmon and cream cheese for breakfast and finding out that Val and Zendaya were going to partner up again for his dance company's theatre production. Not that I'll ever get to see it.

OMG idk who was the culprit but Monday night turned into this big stalking reminiscing fb rampage of graduation and lipsync memories. We tagged Mr Marshall to the Miley video heh. Yeah good memories. That was when I remembered my weird dream at Jiani's with the parties in a children's cemetery. I deduced that it was representative of all the children I mentally murdered because they made such a commotion on my bus that week. Maternal instincts right there.

Guh early morning on Tuesday to head to dance which sucked because my parents came back that morning and I couldn't be there to welcome them. At least I bumped into Chris on the bus and had a good catch up.

I was slightly late to rehearsal but they still made me do crunches and push ups and my stomach is feeling it. The closing piece is so much fun, so much funkier than our hip hop routines, except we did have to rehearse those pieces for the next three hours. Body is dead. It's really coming together though, and even if it doesn't end up as clean as it could be, it'll still be a good break from the other dance genres in the show.

Got home and rifled through all the things my parents bought in HK/Taiwan. Pretty much everything is from Uniqlo, but I'm sad that they didn't have time to go to H&M :( Either way, super happy with everything, especially this box of assorted nougat that we spent a considerable amount of time sampling.

Micro is slowly progressing, I'm two chapters away from finishing now. Hopefully I'm best off for that exam. The other three are hopeless at the moment. After tomorrow, no more rehearsals for a week so it's time to take advantage of uninterrupted time.

12:57 PM

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Damn I've been really lazy this week.

I feel like this whole week has been about dance. Finished hip hop blocking on Wednesday. On Friday, we finally blocked FYOFM and it's seriously going to be awesome, I'm so excited for it, even though so many things could go wrong. Today was a full day rehearsal all the way in St Peter's, such a trek for Margery and I and it was SO COLD. However it was mostly worth a whole day gone because we all finally got to see everybody's pieces and it looks so great! I was a little concerned to see so many contemp pieces on the list and that they'd be sort of boring and ballet-ish but they're really energetic and almost JFH so should be awesome.

Otherwise, last day of uni was Thursday and we made a freaking poster in 1001. No going over things that might help us in the exam, of course not. Then it was a very unproductive few hours being loud and disruptive to others in sci-tech before Wendy, Rowena, Nayomi and I headed out for meat boxes and disgusting Max Brenner. Never will we buy banana crepes ever again.

And I pretty much haven't started studying.

At least I get to be with Buttons.

9:38 PM

Monday, June 2, 2014

Someone needs to arrest me for the amount of time I spend not doing work. I think it's knowing I've got to sit on my ass for shit to be done and I can't bring myself to do that after so many hours of sitting doing things besides work lol idk maybe I'd reread that sentence if I wasn't tired.

Week 13 at long last! Econ ended on a slightly positive note because, as opposed to wtf-ing through every single tute during the semester, there was mercy and we did exchange rates. I LOVED HSC ECONOMICS. It was such a breeze today, I was so happy. Now here's hoping that there's a substantial amount of marks for exchange rates to very very slightly offset the failure of the other 12 chapters.

The learning hub across Manning is officially my favourite study area now, and it was a pretty diligent few hours reading eco and stumbling through 1030 tests and I finally saw Grace after weeks!

Last accounting tute was a little sad because it's the only one I looked forward to to consolidate the week's topic. Plus James is such a sweetie, accepting my late hw submission and very likely preventing me from failing the unit.

So I attended the first 1001 lecture since Week 2 HAHA thankfully it was revision and thus was of some use. Contemplating whether it's worth listening to lectures to catch up since the exam isn't for at least another fortnight.

I've got to get my shit together.

Anyway, I've moved back home with my sister for the rest of the week which is even more distracting than the apartment because there's a dog to attend to and televisions nobody watches with Apple TV wired to both of them... What to do.

No work tonight, time to read Orlando and watch a movie and rest up for a hopefully intensive day of study tomorrow.

10:14 PM

Sunday, June 1, 2014
nothing new

It's winter. Shit.

The last few days have been chill, even though internally I've been panicking about how finals are in a fortnight and how easily Week 12 was wasted. Ceebs, I think I can pass the 3 comm units, and that's all that matters.

Friday night was the usual OSCURO rehearsal and we finally got to blocking Heaven's Precipice and wow we actually got through it all, despite a whole circle's worth of people being absent. Now it actually looks pretty awesome. So many things could go wrong but we got time to practice that (not really).

Sigh, Jen and I originally planned not to eat out but nope, couldn't resist. We had Lord of the Fries which was meh, but we'll pick a better sauce next time. On the way to Tom N Toms, we bumped into Christine on her way to pub crawl! It was a very nice surprise, usually you don't bump into someone you want to see. Jen and I shared chocolate toast which was incredibly sickening and it was really good to get home.

Yesterday, I spent the whole goddamn day on accounting, and it still baffles me how long it takes despite how simple the questions usually are. However, the fact that 17 Again and NYE was on tv probably contributed to that mmm Zac Efron.

Today was good, because no work was done and a lot of food was indulged in, and I'm not sure that that's phrased correctly. I headed back home in the morning and Edwina and I shared a whole pancake mix with this ridiculously expensive American PB&J spread my mum got us. It was fucking delicious. Sometime after reminiscing about Disney and Nickelodeon and watching some Suite Life episodes, we caved and made a mug brownie with ice cream. Then I curled up with Buttons and skim read through City of Lost Souls. I've decided that I'll spend about two days of the semester break rereading all of Mortal Instruments and THEN I will suffer through the final instalment, and potentially have a loooong rant to Ravie who will hopefully be back in Sydney because I still have a lot of VA feels to share.

My perception of James Joyce has been marred before even reading any of his work after stumbling across his rather filthy 'love letters' to his wife or whore, not sure, they were into weird things and it was hilariously inappropriate. Probably too inappropriate to mention to any English teacher heh.

Okay, last econ tutorial tomorrow i.e. last hope of passing the unit so I should do my best to at least catch up on reading the content tonight. Last week of uni. It's a relief, seriously done with these units, never going to look back (unless I fail).


7:28 PM