
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
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February 2012
March 2012
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May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
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October 2012
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December 2012
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February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The cold is finally here and looks to be sticking around unfortunately. The earlier warmth felt like spring and I kept thinking it was going to continue to warm up. Truth hurts.

Omg on Tuesday night, finally skyped with Anika after a month without facetime and it was so good catching up and then group call with Brandon and Christine was even better, I MISSED THEM. Their voices were so comforting.

I bummed around at home yesterday afternoon while my mum ran last minute errands and packed for their evening flight. We had some Max Brenner with Edwina before I headed off to stupid hip hop practice ugh, seriously going to bash my head the next time I hear Justice, and just like last week, we didn't get to work on Blood on the Leaves.

After dance, I met up with Nayomi, Sean and Tanya and we headed to Newtown for some mediocre, average-priced thai food and inappropriately loud laughter and conversation. Thankfully it was a pleasant night so we didn't freeze our tits off with our argileh outside Arabella. Such a fucking buzzkill being told that our $20 voucher only applied to food, NOT EVEN BEVERAGES. Nayomi and I just made our buses and yeah, not a great idea to stay out because 1001 tute the next morning sigh. Oh and my parents flew out too.

This morning was such a struggle to wake at 6am, I hadn't technically been to class since last Monday. It was hideously cold all damn day. Bleh tute and then we lined up for a shitty bacon and egg muffin FOR ONE HOUR when we should have just gotten a meat box or something delicious :( Stupid VSA, not trusting them anymore. Anyway, there was no time to study because I was running around trying to get my special consideration forms in and ugh, the procedure was not clear, but I think it eventually worked out after an hour.

Rowena and I were fatasses. We shared some nachos and chatime at Central mall and then lol chocolate souffle for dessert... I know tomorrow's rehearsal is blocking but I sure hope we dance so I can feel a little less guilty about today. That means Jen and I must refrain from our usual Friday night pig out. Maybe we can finally check out usyd vivid, though I doubt it'll be anything special.

I will somehow attempt to get through the recording of today's accounting lecture, though I suspect it'll be full of Paul pausing to get everyone's attention back on him, sigh. He's so disengaging.


9:36 PM

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
eh eh

More lazy days to recount. Yesterday my cold had slightly improved but still ceeb'd on uni and missed two tutes. Bad idea I realised too late, I think that made me slip under the 70% attendance requirement for econ. Thankfully my mum had a doctor's appointment that afternoon so I got the special consideration film filled out. This made me realise how absolutely shit it would be to fail because of attendance. Like failing the exams wouldn't have been enough.

My parents are leaving for HK/Taiwan/Macau tomorrow for the next fortnight (bitches) so I've been spending a little more time at home just hanging around. Unfortunately, I've got to move back home for that period because my sister is incapable of taking care of a home and her dog, not to mention her own self. This could get ugly. It also means a longer walk to the bus stop which will be very inconvenient on my early days. At least I'll get to be with Buttons.

Coconut oil was on sale at the chemist yesterday so I finally decided to try it on my hair. Not sure if it was unrealistic to expect it to smooth the strands after the first treatment but it smells delicious so it doesn't even matter. OOH and since my mum will be doing nothing except for shopping in Asia, I've got a bunch of asian cosmetics she can hopefully find over there.

UGH haven't been able to do any work. 1001 notes was too arduous to get through. I will attempt another chapter though but half of it isn't worth writing down so I'm questioning the value of making 'notes'.

I've been listening to Waka Waka after Pitbull's disastrous FIFA song. The nostalgia is intense. I miss high school.


9:43 PM

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Last couple of days have seen well deserved relaxation after an awful week and before more awful weeks to come.

I ended up finishing 1001 at 5am lol. I could have used all of Friday to finish but I just wanted to sleep with nothing to worry about so Vincey and I toughed it out. Didn't really edit, whatever, only need a pass.

I pretty much watched DWTS all of Friday HAHA sadly endured the season finale and very nearly cried watching Meryl and Maks' freestyle. I'm not sure I can keep watching. This season had such an awesome cast, some of whom could actually give us semi-legit performances and then with Len possibly leaving and just ugh, can't. Maybe I'll just stick to watching Val.

On Saturday, I conveniently came down with a cold. Things like this just let me stick it through work time and as soon as the stress is relieved, my immune system gives up on me and boom. Throat is so thick with phlegm, delicious I know. It also meant that my SWF weekend plans were ruined which was pretty upsetting since Motherwell contacted me and asked to meet up there. Which obviously I couldn't. Got through two chapters of Catch-22, and then figured it was easier to just go on Youtube for the rest of the day.

We went to African for dinner last night. It was disappointing. The portions got smaller for a start, but it was probably because I was ready to faint on top of a dead throat. Chinese tea is a bitch, I brewed too many leaves and had another bout of caffeine overdose.

A Dangerous Method was on SBS last night and I'd been wanting to see it for a long time. Not sure what to have expected but it didn't disappoint and all the theories they were tossing around was easier understood through verbal communication instead of reading chunks of text.

Sigh, today should have been devoted to 1030 homework but not really sure what I did with all those hours instead. Skipping tomorrow sounds very tempting and quite convenient since I can just go to my mum's doctor appointment to get a medical certificate, but there's two tutes tomorrow and not sure if I can afford to miss them. Then again, not sure I can drag myself out of bed at 6am. Nevertheless, time to cram spreadsheet and MAL and additional hw. And begin revision.

10:14 PM

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Unfortunately, 1001is still in progress but 500 words left so hopefully will make it by 2am. Shame, I wanted it done by midnight, and I started at midday so this is a little bit pathetic. Incentive should be the coconut Whittaker's chocolate bar I've been saving for a week as my reward for finishing but so not bothered. No sleep till this is done though.

Tomorrow is going to be blissful. Going to do my nails, catch up on shows because the data renewed itself today, go outside and soak up the sun and then maaaaaybe I'll consider doing 1030. Otherwise, that's reserved for Sunday as per usual.

The next few weeks of study should be planned out, just as an attempt to be as prepared as possible for finals. Time to start studying 1001 from the very beginning, this is going to be fantastic.


11:31 PM

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I FINISHED 1040 REPORT LAST NIGHT. I'm not even going to bother editing it because it took ages to get the word limit to sit on 500 so fuck it, FUCK. IT.

Bleh Econ test today and my notes were pretty comprehensive, full of stats etc and then all these people come in discussing inflation and demand graphs and just things relevant to what we've learned so far in the semester. Safe to say, panicked real bad. In the end, haha it was just 13 super specific questions about stats and policies etc so yeah, pass should be manageable.

Guh spent the next few hours trying to write up the case study in Fisher but the stupid protests were going on RIGHT OUTSIDE THE FUCKING LIBRARY. Like yes, affordable uni fees and all, but you do need to actually pay the government back... Just cruel to impose all three measures of lowering income bracket, increasing interest rate and speeding up payment periods all at once when one or two would've been enough just to ease people in at least. However, that's just blinding people to believe we should all be entitled to everything without paying for it. Whatever, Labor will block everything and nothing productive will come out of anything. So tired of goddamn politics.

Hip hop rehearsal. Pretty sure my mind will just crumble if I have to listen to D.A.N.C.E once more. We spent so long refreshing everyone's memory with choreo and blocking that we didn't even get to do Blood on the Leaves. If Jordan sticks to his word, I'll get to block that piece and hopefully save some group frustration.

Cbf'd on 1001 so Clement, Jordan and I just chilled at Central Park for a couple of hours. It was good, I really enjoy hanging with the crew now.

Ugh yeah skipping uni tomorrow, doing whatever it takes to finish the case study. I think it's manageable, but being at home and knowing I could technically do it on Friday as well might make me complacent. But I gotta get that done so extra hw can be finished before a weekend out. So excited, I must see Jacques Roubaud and then tell Motherwell all about it.


11:25 PM

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The weather is beautiful. Great fucking shame I'm cooped inside all day, breathing in my recycled oxygen.

Econ positively terrified all of us yesterday because that chapter was so ridiculously difficult. Swear to god, if we're not provided with a sheet of equations in the final exam, I may as well not bother attending because it is is going to be a very ugly outcome either way. At least 1030 was manageable and it was an empty bus ride home. However, not a particularly productive evening. After dinner, I decided to nap for oh idk 20-40 minutes. I ended up waking at 9am today so I guess after 13 hours, my body is prepped for the next couple of days.

1040 was so deceptively simple. It's almost done though, 150 words left, thank god for Vincey. Not that either of us understand this last little section. 1001 hasn't been touched sob, still gotta make notes for tomorrow's open book test but hopefully can get through some of Part A tonight.

I really want to finish all of this by Thursday night so that I can attend SWF Friday-Sunday. Already missed out on the weekday sessions but I think the bulk of talks that I'm more interested in is over that three day period so all good. If I can be bothered to trek it all the damn way. Hopefully Wendy will accompany me on the weekend. I wish Suk was here.

Open book test for econ tomorrow, so goddamn stupid. Then there's hours to kill at uni before hip hop in the evening fml. Maybe I'll attempt to absorb the sobriety of Fisher and get work done.

7:58 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2014

This week is going to be very stressful. The weekend is now close to over and I obviously haven't made as much progress as I hoped. At least I got accounting done last night which was an absolute bitch. In hindsight, totally benefitted from that rearrangement of priorities because the people asking about MAL today felt so grateful they tried to help me with 1001. Tried as in it's been hours since receiving advice and I'm still on maybe 100 words out of 1500. All my information is set, I just have no idea how to write up any of it.

On the bright side, my mum went to the Blue Mountains yesterday and this little town at the base apparently has a lot of little boutiques and she got me a Penguin bag with A Room of One's Own printed over it. Just adding that to my booklet and mug collection of the same print. I still haven't read Woolf since August, wow. Well not much longer till Christine and I go and retrieve our 4u.

Time to start building up my sleep deprivation stamina to almost HSC standard. Actually, HSC was a fail, trial was my most tank. I think Christine and I stayed up past 3am for that whole second week frantically getting our major works done.

Freedom is close.


11:41 PM

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The weekend is far from over, there is still some hope to cling on to for these assignments to get under way.

Thursday was shitty. I met Kylie in our 1040 lecture and omg tax graphs just ploughed straight through my head. It's so much better than the production cost graphs though, a tiny bit more macro which is what I prefer. Otherwise, library was unproductive and Nayomi bought me too many cookies that were impossible to refuse.

It takes dedication to drag my ass to the city on a Friday night just to dance and then come back with a heavy box full of fundraising freddos to lug around for the next week or so. Pretty incredible though that it only took maybe 24 hours total over the past few weeks to teach almost everybody a 5 minute piece and it's going to be epic. I am so excited to see costumes and make up!

Fridays are going to be the cheat day for me and Jen, we're always left starving after rehearsal. Because I obviously eat very clean every other day of the week. We went back to Coco Cubano and ordered vege nachos and cheesy chilli fries o m f g so heavenly. Dessert was dark chocolate digestive biscuits and Golden Gaytime, sigh, felt pretty guilty on the bus.

UGH Anika woke me up too damn early today. 10am lol. Accounting has been taking me forever BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS ASK US QUESTIONS ABOUT THINGS THAT ARE NOT IN THE GODDAMN LECTURE OR TEXTBOOK. And now I'm attempting 1040 but that probably won't go too well either. Sean has finished the case study, son of a bitch.

Late night tonight. Could've been salsa-ing across the Opera House and drinking Luca's mojitos instead. Toodles.

7:10 PM

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
de dede de de

In an attempt to make up for the weekend of sleep deprivation, I slept maybe a solid 9 hours each night for the past few nights and ended up feeling more fatigued than ever. Just got to hold out a little longer until July rolls around for lifestyle improvement.

ECON tute must have been hard because I have no memory of what we went over. Andrew is seriously the best though. It's such a shame the only good tutor I have is teaching the subject I literally couldn't care less about.

I actually tried to be diligent for a few hours after that, even skipping salsa. However, that was the only class where the number of males exceeded females. After I had to be a leader for three weeks, what the actual fuck. Good news though is that I managed a distinction for 1040, so pretty damn pleased. 1030 tute and then we headed off to the 1040 revision and I'm pretty proud that I managed to stay awake AND absorb information.

Sigh, Sean and I headed to Westfield so I could buy the belated Mothers' Day gift but lel did not even find the store so it was a total waste of time. I've ordered it though and it should hopefully come by Friday, feeling so bad.

Bleh, heading out in the middle of the day sucks, no time for anything before or after. Going to the 1030 lecture was a dumb idea and now we're moving onto management accounting and wow, didn't think things got worse than financial statements.

Christine and I finally met up since maybe Anika's dinner and I finally tried the hot dog I've been wanting for ages. We migrated to Tom N Toms and I'm not sure about her but it wasn't a very productive few hours for me. We also finally tried the bread and cream I've been dying to try and it didn't disappoint. It was super catching up, good to know very little has changed between us.

I swear this stupid econ assessment makes no sense. All the information we can prep with us is straightforward enough but hardly any of it has been covered this semester. Only HSC economics helps me understand what's going on so I have no idea what sort of notes to take into the exam. At least it's open book, can cram it on Tuesday if it comes down to that.

Commitments to OSCURO had me trekking to uni at 4pm. The bus Hornsby's usually take drove by, reminding me to be grateful for packed buses of quiet adults.

Jordan had us expecting the worse i.e. most difficult choreo but as usual, it wasn't that bad even though my back will probably be aching tomorrow. It's a lot more intense than the first one which will be a great way to end the show. Rachel's slotted contemp is also fun so got to practice so I'm cut out to do both.

For once, it'd be wise to look over this week's 1001 content so I'm not a total fish out of water at every tutorial. Skipping next week's sounds very enticing, and acceptable since I've only skipped one so far. Must sleep before midnight though, not equipped to handle exhaustion anymore. Nayomi and I have got to get a lot done if we want to go to Laurence's on Saturday, and we must because Italian men.


10:48 PM

Sunday, May 11, 2014
coming of

It suddenly hit me that two assignments and one assessment is coming up in less than a fortnight. Thankfully the referencing and reading isn't as heavy as the 1001 essay, WHICH I PASSED AND GOT ABOVE AVERAGE FOR, but yeah no room for failure because finals are not going to be easy. The OSCURO schedule is also kind of insane and I haven't figured out how to manage rehearsals and passing my units.

Otherwise the past three days have been spent with the family i.e. getting fat because that's what always happens when my mum is around. That and exercise just isn't an option right now next to working, wasting time and sleeping.

Sleep deprivation must be getting to me again because these bouts of uncalled for rages haven't been around since last year. I was supposed to get accounting done and dusted yesterday but caved in and spent the evening reading 400 pages of Last Sacrifice, which was enough to get me to crack down and spend another four hours understanding the chapter. And then another two hours finishing the series sigh, so sad. Naturally had to lie in bed afterwards fantasising about a Dimitri so it was probably 4am when I got to sleep.

Curse Mothers' Day and last minute planning. 7:30 wake up call to get home and start baking. Preparation was just a total disaster. Things curdled and spilt and a dish broke and my dad had to keep my mum upstairs till 9am before the cake was in the oven and we'd gotten started on French toast for breakfast. Edwina and I did a pretty good job though, the toast didn't burn, mum was surprised and the rhubarb cake was actually delicious against all odds. Probably the best cake I ever made, and the one that's been consumed the fastest.

Chilled at home all day, pondering the regret that'll come soon of not being productive but it's all good because I never get tired of watching Buttons. Which is what I did for a couple of hours. We went to Eastwood for Sichuan food and all that oil...

Ugh okay, no more unproductive breaks at uni this week, and I think I'm actually going everyday sob. Isolation time because it is really imperative that I do not fail.


10:48 PM

Thursday, May 8, 2014

I always dread the approach of Thursdays but they always end up being the best day of the week, ignoring the 6am start and the fact that I stayed up past 3am doing god knows what. 1001 tute was shitty as usual but it was easier to contribute to since it was all leadership stuff. Really not looking forward to getting marks back. If average is 60%, things aren't looking too good.

Usual unproductive group meet up afterwards. I need to pull myself away if I ever want to get work done on this day. Then again, not many Thursdays like this left after semester ends which is a little sad. Things will be ever changing. Anyway we froze our asses off sitting outside with the blasted wind, but I suppose laughter kept our body temperature up. I think we sat in that place for over three hours before heading to ISL and ugh, it's so gross. All these beanbag chairs must be so dirty.

I went home for dinner, curse my mum for ordering Thai. I was on a roll with getting back into shape after assessment period but this ruined all progress. Dinner conversation pointed toward usual family debates about various topics but no one ended up angry this time so that was quite the achievement.

Ugh, just remembered that finalised exam timetables are out now so should check that out. And they're the same as the draft. Four exams. They're paired off with one after the other in one week and the same in the next which is a little shitty but we finish a little before the actual final date of semester so that will make us feel a little better.

Time to catch up on sleep. Toodles.

11:51 PM

Wednesday, May 7, 2014
it fades

This has been the longest I've gone without blogging in a while.

I went home on Sunday since I just don't have the time or energy to go back during the week, plus I miss the dog all the time. Alex realised a little bit of Bailey's had expired so he gave it to Buttons. Like, maybe two shot glasses worth which is a considerable amount for her tiny body and she was actually drunk, we think. Not walking straight, swaying, head dropping and god her breath was very bad. It was hilarious, she must have slept very well that night. My sister and I wasted potential study time staring at my bookshelf and trying to remember all the prophecies from Percy Jackson lol.

Monday was a long day. My econ tutor is so lovely and helpful, such a shame I really don't care about passing the unit. It was also cold as fuck waking up that early. Salsa was shitty because the number of girls keep increasing and the opposite is happening for the dudes and since the girls are too incompetent to be leaders, I have to be one so 'classes' are just getting really fucking tedious. I'll probably stop going now, so done learning the same things over and over.

Grace and I had a nice lounge on the sunny front lawns, it was such a beautiful day despite the chill. I think I actually got a hang of statement of cash flows in tute, so thank god for those. Committing it to memory will be the problem. After that, I had to rush to LDA for hip hop and we've pretty much covered all the parts of the dance we need. The choreo is fun but it isn't very epic or lively since Jordan is all about body control rather than big JFH movements. Plus it could look like a disaster since the small movements pay attention to synchronicity which we haven't achieved yet.

That night, I gave in and finally watched Vampire Academy which I've yet to rant to Ravie about. It covered most of the plot, directly quoted a lot and all but it was so quick paced, I could barely keep up with what was happening and that's coming from someone who has read that book over twenty times, I'm estimating. It had potential, all gone to waste. However, watching it did rekindle all my feels for the series so I stayed up reading the first three books. It's been so long since I've read any of those YA series and revisiting one of them brought back memories of easier times.

Tuesday was blissful. I went home and stupidly retrieved Spirit Bound which I spent the whole day reading UGH I LOVE VAMPIRE ACADEMY SO MUCH. I have to resist from getting the last book though, maybe this weekend since I'm starting to regret the opportunity cost of reading.

Finally got a chance to talk to Anika last night, and damn Facetime, I was keen to see her dorm. Fucking Apple is making us update software if we want it to work and I refuse to use iOS 7 on my phone because it is so gross. Everything is so bright and headache-eyestrain inducing.

Skipped uni today too, and it's time to catch up and prepare myself for a long day of tutes and lectures tomorrow.

1:58 PM

Saturday, May 3, 2014

It was a well deserved relaxing day today spent in front of screens so not exactly the best relaxation for the eyes.

It seems that is all.

11:42 PM

Friday, May 2, 2014

Ugh, fourth time getting home this late this week and I'm so exhausted. The distance between home and uni...

Today was spent lounging around in bed because it was well deserved after a shitty week, but then thanks to rehearsals, had to trek it to uni at 5pm ugh. Warm up was much kinder than it was at boot camp except holy fuck all those back bends with leg lifts and demi pointe just no, no such arm or abdominal strength. I'm going to feel the effects of those tomorrow. Otherwise, legs should be fine, hopefully.

New routine is so not easier, and probably more difficult than the Mad Hatter piece. It wasn't very practical of Justin to just choreo something and disregarding the fact that a number of us have had no proper training and actually just cannot pick something up. I've got to start training my body otherwise it's not going to make it through all these spins and leaps and catching Jen flinging herself at me.

I took Jen to the cute place in Central Park after starving through rehearsals till 8pm and ugh, finally home and in bed after a terrible cold shower. Time to rest. Toodles.

11:45 PM

Thursday, May 1, 2014
can't describe

So drop dead tired but feeling obligated to recount today. Thursdays are usually fun because we usually ignore our shitty timetable to indulge in unproductive behaviour.

Ugh so sick of 1001 and I've legit been to two lectures. We get our essays back next week, and apparently the case study is a bitch so this weekend, I will start either that or 1040.

So Ash, Wendy, Rowena and I literally loitered around Eastern Ave for hours just soaking up the sun which eventually just felt like we were being roasted. Sad sad examining the passing lunch crowds for attractive men and finding none. Oh we did see Fabio stumble by hehe but didn't get to introduce his beauty to our friends. That's pretty much what we did from 10:30 till 3:30 when Wendy convinced me somehow to attend Paul's 1030 lecture and he's such a nice guy but ugh so boring but I still can't stand how disrespectful people can be.

I found Annie walking around and then Anika came along so we had a nice chat over some chips before Nayomi finished her tute and the three of us decided to go to Newtown. Kind of disappointing, no eatery really caught our eye. We ended up at this Lebanese place which was satisfactory but the food was so heavy, I still feel so sick. Detox starts tomorrow, I haven't exercised since boot camp and my body is just disgusting, I feel like my waist has disappeared. Anyway the chef was super sweet and gave us a complimentary $20 voucher for May. Not sure if that's a standard with customers or we charmed him with our compliments about his food.

Chilled in this overpriced dessert place, taking bad photos and laughing too loud. Conversation didn't flow too well because I decided to keep pointing it out when one of us said 'like' as a sentence filler. Safe to say, conversation hardly progressed.

It was a little sad but not too sad when we parted ways. Can't really fathom it'll be the last time we meet for a while. Honestly, things will hardly change just cause she's thousands of miles away. It won't change buddy.

Randomly saw Jess and Adrian on the bus. I never look at people as I walk down the aisle, it's awkward when I'm completely oblivious to someone's presence.

Okay now time to sleep. Going to need some proper rest before Justin murders my muscles again tomorrow.


11:59 PM