
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Exams are finally done. Just exams though, gotta get onto the three assignments. Maybe it's just two, I never have any idea what's going on with ECON. Ugh yesterday was spent intensively cramming but then I wasted a few hours eating lunch out with my family and grocery shopping etc. It was hardly any fun, eco was just weighing on my mind the whole time. Maybe studied till 1am until I passed out.

Today's cramming was a lot more productive than 1030 with Grace on Monday. I was really dreading perfect competition and monopoly and focused on really knowing the earlier stuff which I think I've got now so I guess that's good. However naturally, the exam did focus on those last two chapters and just ugh, goodbye five marks. But the rest of it was pretty straight forward, so maybe a pass is possible? Also it was good to see Sean after so long. No longer are the days when we just lounged on the law lawns.

Teresa took me and Martin to this cool albeit overpriced place in Central mall for a very late dinner. We missed happy hour(s) though but yeah, as a result got home very late and gave myself a well deserved break watching DWTS and this season is really pissing me off as time goes by.

Anyway, full day tomorrow so should probably rest up after I call Anika, it has been too long.


11:05 PM

Monday, April 28, 2014

So today was the accounting mid sem and it was truly horrific. Omfg, I skipped two tutes to study, though Grace and I pretty much spent those six hours fretting and doing anything but the accounting questions we should've been practising. It was so hopeless, and I ate like there was no tomorrow, really need to resume working out.

Auditorium was gross, so horribly lit and crowded and those goddamn lecture desks are freaking tiny, how are we supposed to sit every exam like this. Nayomi and I bumped into Fabio just before the exam. He is so beautiful, I thought that maybe he could be like our good luck charm but nope, quite the opposite happened. 50% theory my fucking arse, it was so hard, I don't even want to contemplate. I really think the chances of passing are very very low which means I've got to ace the final exam if I don't want to do winter school. This has made me believe that micro might not be as bad. I mean, if most of it is just theory, I should scrap a pass. Ignoring the fact that I can't do any of the production equations and graphs yet. I shall get to that tomorrow.

Nayomi and I drowned our sorrows in oil, literally. Shared some KFC which I still feel I'll about and then we had a nice bus ride home. So grateful she came with me to usyd, I don't know what we'd do without each other. Maybe we'd have made more friends. Pretty happy with my lot though. Small, but enough.

Ugh freaking OSCURO scheduling rehearsals almost every Friday till semester break IN THE EVENING. Body can't handle it :( I have been practising my forward rolls though, hopefully I won't crack my head.

Early night, ready for intensive study tomorrow.

11:05 PM

Sunday, April 27, 2014
before you die

The night is young, no panicking yet. My faith in just passing is slightly increasing even though I haven't actually gotten to the really confusing part of 1040, but I'm 75% way through so I'm pretty pleased. Spreadsheet and MAL done too, so going to devote a little more time to micro before hardcoring 1030 late tonight and all day tomorrow. There's totally time. Jokes, got two tutorials at the worst times and can't afford to miss either.

I feel like the rest of the day was just spent non-stopping eating, and now that my body is mostly recovered, it's time to get back into zumba and squatting so my thighs will be ready for August.

Dinner at Criniti's with the family and ate way too much. I feel like no other table ordered as much as we did. Then my mum decided to bake two japanese cheesecakes, one just for me which is very very bad because I think I might get halfway through the log tonight and then scoff it down while I cry for accounting tomorrow.

Here goes nothing. Toodles.

8:35 PM

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Blogging before I get on a roll, I've been inspired not to fail.

I managed to get through all of the accounting theory for the exam, which means very little when I haven't done any practice questions with financial statements, nor have I finished the stupid spreadsheet and MAL. I'll just wing that tomorrow, gotta get it done and I am not compromising any time after 1030 on Monday. It must all be devoted to NOT FAILING 1040. The textbook conflicts with some bits from our Dixon book in high school though, not sure which one to trust.

I pestered my mum to make Anzac biscuits (after Anzac Day, I know) and they turned out like they did years ago. Disgustingly bitter thanks to the bicarb soda. It seriously felt like there was some fizzing going on in my mouth. The only way it's edible is to smother it in nutella.

Wow I had very little to say. Chatted with Anika for a bit, I feel so disconnected from her and Christine, just have no time to talk to them as much as before. Okay I am going to get on top of my eco shit, as much as possible before I pass out tonight. Then tomorrow will be dedicated to accounting. Please don't fail, Gen. Please don't repeat any of this goddamn shit.


10:56 PM

Friday, April 25, 2014
b e a t

SO AFRAID FOR MID SEMS. Not afraid enough to study hard for them. 

Yesterday could have been productive but the accounting textbook just wasn't sinking in and this is just theory. I still need to practise questions with balance sheets. The day flew by and before I knew, had to leave for the city for Anika's surprise farewell dinner and it was still warm out which was such a pain because a cool change was scheduled for later and it is really tiring accommodating for two seasons a day. No complaints about the warmth though, it was beautiful. Can't wait till summer again. 

Got to World Square and waited around for about an hour while people slowly gathered together. Our shouts of surprise went surprisingly well, or maybe we can attribute that to Anika's inattentiveness rather than a really good but not really that great hiding spot. 

Safe to say that Christine, Jess and I ordered and spent the most. All that wagyu and sushi and fried chicken and okonomiyaki and sashimi, jesus. Orders also poured in really slowly and let's face it, with such a large number of people, it wasn't going to go smoothly. Slow orders, absent orders, fucking short of money in the end. Still bitter that people couldn't have just chucked in an extra dollar or two each to make up the whole bill.

Michelle's ride home was delayed a considerable amount of time so we just went to maccas when we got to Castle Hill and had soft serve with fries which was more worth it than N2. We bumped into Ted at the interchange and had a bit of a fret about our failure to keep up with uni before Michelle had to leave and I passed out as soon as I got home. 

Kicking myself for waking up at 11am today and eating breakfast until noon HAHA. I only have three accounting chapters to go, halfway there. Most of the theory is okay, but the questions they'll ask will probably be all these application ones to random scenarios which will be my downfall. 

I forgot to mention that my body feels like hell. It was the epitome of pain yesterday and all these stairs were involved once I left the house. I've been practicing at home though, don't want my body to stop hurting until I get used to all the movements. Must do the forward roll. 


6:44 PM

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Another tiring, ache filled fun day. Except waking up at 6 again, omg. My muscles were screaming. Why does rest activate the pain :(

Warm up was slightly less torturous today since everyone was in pain and it was mostly stretches, but dear lord, the planks and push ups. Working out is the worst.  I accidentally kicked Jordan in the face.

I think I've got the choreo down, very messily and nope still refuse to forward roll on hard floors but it's mostly been committed to muscle memory. Tbh I prefer learning the contemp piece to hip hop, I just feel so out of my comfort zone in the latter. I can do the steps but it just doesn't look funky since Jordan is very technical with his choreo which lacks all this sassy movements that I'd look better doing. Plus the song Justin picked is fucking epic, with epic choreo to match.

Highlight was a ton of free pizza again, and this time they brought chocolate hot cross buns.... So fucking delicious.

My thighs are so gone, as is my back and shoulders and pretty much all of my body. The bruise on my knee is nearly the size of my palm. I need to keep pushing though. There's no point fully recovering because there'll be rehearsals pretty much every week until the production. I'm super excited though, things are coming together really quickly so it should be all cleaned up and fantastic by show time.

On another note, totally forgot about my mid sems coming up in oh idk, five days lol. There's hope for accounting. I'll think about micro later.


11:29 PM

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

This is hardly a mid sem break, haven't felt this busy since October.

Monday was Buttons' 7th birthday! I felt pretty upset thinking that she'd already lived half her life. Anyway since I wasn't bothered to do my essay and it was still Easter, I went home to eat breakfast, a very hearty meal of bacon and too many eggs to count and sweetbread and baklava mm I love Easter. This year I had to miss out on the lamb though because of that fucking essay.

Took guesses on all my answers for the 1040 quiz and somehow managed a 4/10. I'm pretty proud of myself.

Ugh it took ten hours to 'edit' my essay. The time frame included lots of breaks, micro naps and also maybe three fucking hours dedicated to referencing holy mother of god. After this I swear I will not be last minute again. Or I can be last minute but I gotta start earlier, paraphrase and reference all that shit early on with the next assignment. Conveniently, 1040 assigned a report to write except I actually need to catch up on the whole course first. So yes, finished and submitted that shit in by midnight, such an amazing feeling. I barely even proofread my points, and managed 1998 words whoo.

Today was brutal. OSCURO boot camp aaaaaaall day. We got there at 9 and the warm up took an hour and it was so painful. Crunches are death, among many other exercise we were forced to do. Then boom, the Mad Hatter piece everyone participates in is fucking ridiculous contemporary choreo instead of the usual JFH. Justin is so fabulously gay. The dance isn't actually too hard, aside from rolling and balance, it's just super powerful and accented and it should be goddamn amazing by the time we perform in August. Thank god for ballet and yoga, I didn't do as badly as I thought I would. My knee is a swollen little bitch though, and how do they expect fifty people to somersault in sync on a hard floor.

Bless MADSOC, they bought what looked like twenty pizzas and lots of cookies and god, we were wiped after dancing from 9-12. Not the end of the day though, had to endure hip hop until 4. Thankfully most of it was figuring out blocking which I'm proud to say I contributed to. I'm glad I stayed, I was contemplating not attending hip hop because I felt so out of league with all the people in the crew who knew each other but idk everyone just got along more easily so I feel like I actually belonged. I know. I know.

If I wasn't so exhausted or sore, I'd have stayed out to go salsa clubbing with Eddie but nup, my knee is so swollen, it feels like a jutting bone that shouldn't exist. Then I attempted the somersault and while I sort of got the hang of it,  my place is carpeted. And my shoulder is very bruised. I took a cold shower. Hopefully it'll reduce the inevitable muscle aches tomorrow. Another full on 9-4 day, sigh. Good thing Jen is around to mess up contemporary with me. It's also reassuring that not everyone is cut out for that genre but we all gotta stick it through.

Despite an even more torturous day, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Last bit of fun before I sit down to study.


10:53 PM

Sunday, April 20, 2014

I suck.

Essay is still not done. Almost but lol who realised that each part would be more difficult than the former. I will not sleep until the essay is done. 500 more words. Then tomorrow will probably be the most agonising, editing and filling in all the references and making the reference list. Ugh. 

I will definitely attribute this incredibly slow progress to my checking the TV guide. Always always a bad idea. Musical ultimatum today. Singin' in the Rain brought back so many memories of the old house and all our Foxtel movies and basically just easier carefree times. Then Easter Parade and who can ever get tired of The Sound of Music. Thankfully tv is ever any good on Mondays so I will sit my ass down all day again. I feel like I've already gained a few kilos in the past week just sitting down all day. 

I didn't even get to go home and celebrate Easter today with the family because of my goddamn inefficiency. Missed all the food and egg fights :(


9:44 PM

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Still not done with Part B. Honestly, should never underestimate the difficulty of anything until I've attempted it. Nayomi and I have literally spent all day agonising over our argument which is logical and frankly, completely correct, but we have no sources to back up, no goddamn ACAR for it. So we caved in to the stupid argument everyone is bound to do. Of course we wasted about twelve hours before we decided to give in so it has been a pretty unproductive and inefficient day.

Part B is now considerably easier though so hopefully if we finish that tonight, Part C won't take too long (once we figure out another ACAR) and then yes, proceed to editing and the quiz, god. Thank the heavens that accounting isn't due till after the mid-sem break.

My entire body is aching after yesterday and I'm not sure if I'll recover in time for boot camp next week which will also be brutal. Looking forward to it.

1am. Must finish this by then.

11:04 PM

Friday, April 18, 2014

Taking my break. It's really not a wise choice. As soon as I start spewing shit that's not my essay, all thoughts about the essay just disappear and it takes even longer to get back in the zone. Oh well.

Ugh, almost finished Part A last night but I'm still stuck on how to end the stupid ACAR. Sometimes you just don't need to argue anything I'M JUST HERE TO TELL YOU WHAT THE CONSTRUCT IS.

Forced myself up early this morning for three hours of hip hop rehearsal all the way in the goddamn city. It was in a unventilated room so you can imagine how it smelled afterwards with the perspiration of twenty people. Choreo is slightly easier than Madxpress though significantly faster and there was so much pressure because I was the only one starting from scratch. It was super fun though, just needs a whole lot of cleaning up. So much commitment for OSCURO and it's in freaking August with the two bootcamps next week and one is on Tuesday which means I gotta get my shit together and finish this essay on Monday if I want to participate in the huge group act. It's very intimidating being surrounded by all these older people who've had proper dance training so thanking the heavens that I have Jen and Sanchia with me there.

Sigh, after lunch, I slept for about four hours or something, it was so exhausting. Not really regretting it, hopefully it means I can tank it tonight. Sob, was supposed to finish Part B today but the more I ponder over it, the more I'm sure I have absolutely no idea where to start and it's going to take just as long as Part C. Jim is nice, we'd have to be incredibly shitty not to pass and I think I can manage a pass.

Oh my god have not even though about my extra hw and the two mid-sems after stuvac. Literally going to fail.

8:25 PM

Thursday, April 17, 2014

CANNOT EVEN FATHOM HOW SHITTY NAYOMI AND I WERE TODAY OMFG LOL. This essay is so hard, and it really shouldn't be but I'm overthinking things as usual. Literally sat myself down to do it all of yesterday and by 1am, I had about 200 words that were actually properly worded and referenced, and about 600 words of utter bullshit. Fantastic work, Genevieve.

On the bright side, depending on how you look at it, my grandma finally got her P's after the 5th or 6th time taking the test. On the other hand, my grandparents are now one step closer to an accident. I haven't been able to drive since the holidays :(

So dead this morning for early tute, and I am now horrified to say that I have double eyebags. It somehow wasn't even this bad throughout high school and all of a sudden, boom. I was such a tank back then, functioning on so little sleep and now uni is just fucking me up so hard. So depressing recalling the blissful ten hour sleep nights for most of those four months. Still not even close to repaying the accumulated sleep debt over six years.

I had a good freak out after discussing our essays with a few people because everyone was doing it so differently to me and now I've got to reorganise all my ideas and just LET ME GET PAST PART A GODDAMNIT. Of course when that finally happens and I realise Part B is not as easy as I thought it'd be... Positive thoughts. Pretty much did nothing for the rest of the day. We tried and tried and just nope. Had a nice chat with Wendy and Nayomi though, totally worth not toiling through the essay or our other multiple bits of work due very soon.

Now I'm home and I've got to get Part A done. Stupid hip hop tomorrow on a freaking public holiday but I should get home relatively early in the afternoon so I can sit down and hopefully finish Part B and maybe even C before the weekend. Going to have to dedicate quite a bit of time to editing. It's also convenient that my grandparents used up most of our internet data now and it won't be fast again till the 22nd when the essay is due. Youtube will not be a distraction (Y)

Thank god for everyone rushing to buy cruise and party tickets and not considering the work due. I'm feeling slightly better about my predicament knowing that a bunch of comm people are giving up precious writing time to party whoo. Time to step up my game.


8:30 PM

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The rain is such a bummer. April to September is just miserable.

This morning, as I attempted to work on my essay, I realised how screwed I was lol. So many sources to go through and it hit me now that I should've spent the last six weeks taking down notes and paraphrasing bits from each source and THEN collecting it into an essay. Guess that task has got to be squeezed into one day which will be tomorrow. I refuse to fail I REFUSE TO FAIL 1001. It's only 20% weighting but my chances of passing any other assessments aren't any higher.

Lunch at Epping with my mum and sister at some Jap place after we discover the fried chicken place wasn't open early enough :( Headed to uni afterwards and miserably failed an attempt to look at the essay again so Grace and I just found some food before enduring Abdul's last lecture. So sad, I really really like him and the way he says 'okay?' Spreadsheet hw is such a goddamn bitch this week though far out, and we've got to cram the 1040 quiz by Thursday since Bb is down on Friday. Really wish I said no to OSCURO hip hop, just cannot manage my time, can't bring myself to go to uni on Friday just to dance WHEN MY ESSAY IS DUE ON TUESDAY OH LORD.

Etc Nayomi and I didn't work after the lecture as promised and grabbed some dinner before trekking to Wynyard for my first clubbing experience. No regrets waiting it out, Latin music beats the black and white shit we listen to any day. Felicity just needs to leave Laurence alone, bitch. They held a quick lesson on the absolute basics but most of the people who danced were definitely past intermediate and advanced levels, guys included so that was nice. Oh god, this drunk guy just grabbed me and started rubbing against me, it was revolting. Otherwise, apart from stepping on ankles and getting elbowed and back slamming, it was so much fun even though I mainly danced with Laurence, Eddie and Maros, a few guys asked and they were good leaders. In fact, I was a little grateful for the tight space because it meant no fancy moves could be led to make me look foolish as I'm not a very good follower.

Unfortunately we had to leave early because Nayomi would've been slaughtered otherwise, but maaaaybe we can come again next Tuesday since our essay will have been submitted by 5pm :)

For now, time to sit my ass down and work :(


11:28 PM

Monday, April 14, 2014

Kicking myself. The whole evening was wasted as usual. Not going to sleep until I've written a hundred words, and just anything, any bull shit I can force out. Refusing to pull a 56-hour session before the due date like Sukanya. I've got a week, this is manageable. IT WILL BE DONE. And I've got Sean to cry to when all fails.

So I may or may not have done okay in the econ quiz. We went through answers in the tute today and lel 5 wrong in multiple choice. The problem is that I probably lost 10 marks in the short answer equation deriving because half these people in my tute subbed in some extra stuff in the equation and yeah not sure if we'll get marks for it... At least I know the worst possible thing happening is my scrapping a pass of 50% which was my aim anyway.

Salsa was revolting. Neither Jack nor Luca were there and then there was Laurence and the asian girl, just let me die. I'm the better freaking dancer, just because you probably slept with her does not mean she becomes your assistant. I was stuck being a guy for half the lesson. Stepping up my game tomorrow night, stupid bitch. The upside was that Fabio shaved which looked unbelievably good and Maros or however his name is spelt is a very nice dancer so it was a trade off.

Grace and I lined up for half an hour for some free and mediocre Ben and Jerry's that came to our campus. The wind was crazy, really questioning whether it was worth it or not. 1030 tute was tragic, I realised I lost my bracelet and we had to make balance sheets and bleh. Thank god I stayed up to do the hw because James collected it today.

Annie, bless her, literally crawled with me from Merewether down Eastern all the way to Holme, trying to spot my bracelet on the ground. Futile, absolutely futile. Then Laurence posts a notice for lost property and I just about cried with relief to see a photo of my bracelet.

Anyway, my essay was supposed to be 200 words in before sleeping but after finishing the reading on Levenson, I still have zero idea about the whole subject and do not even want to contemplate how the fuck we're supposed to ACAR any of this, jesus christ. Tomorrow will be unproductive because no way are Nayomi and I passing up on salsa clubbing. I wasted a considerable amount of time youtubing shines and styling so not to be deemed a total noob tomorrow.

Last attempt. Giving it ten minutes before I fall asleep on the floor.


11:37 PM

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Ceebs work. I will diligently work on my essay after this post.

So yesterday was a fantastic day/night. Albeit at a huge opportunity cost but it was worth it. Salsa meet up again at Laurence's mad apartment. Eddie and I got there early, thinking we'd get extra dance lesson time for some more advanced moves but jokes, we ended up helping Luca unpack and lug up five flights of stairs all this shit Laurence bought for the party later tonight. Legit tonnes of cushions, chairs, tables and candles. He obviously has money to burn.

I've also decided that Luca is the most beautiful human being on the planet. And he makes a mean mojito.

People slowly came and I'm so proud of Nayomi making her own way there. Ugh it started raining though making the balcony way too slippery to dance on so we crowded into his tiny lounge room and probably infuriated the poor tenants living below him. Didn't really learn anything new and spent forever going over the setenta. I did get private time with Jack though, omg such a beautiful halfie but lol he's already in with Pauline. So depressing. All the attractive men found someone that night. Even Laurence got in with this gross asian girl, seriously, my self-esteem is dead. So many beautiful Italian girls showed up :( But they were all so lovely so no hard feelings I guess. All these names I've forgotten...

Spent the night dancing away to the same playlist, even though there would've been no complaints if Danza Kudoro had been on repeat the whole night. Luca thought I was 25 after we had a long deep conversation, I was pretty flattered, even though he did blow smoke into my face.

A small group of gay wine society executives came, which was a bit more heartbreak for me and Nayomi because they were so pretty and just ugh, the tragedy. Anyway, we weren't really served proper dinner (a slice of pizza) so we raided the pantry since our 'host' was occupied anyway and then left for a long wait and a long train ride home. Slept at 3am, this is doing wonders for my health.

So I got all of accounting done except for additional questions but that seems like it'll be just theory so all good. But the essay oh lord, due in under ten days. What to do...


5:33 PM

Friday, April 11, 2014

Ugh this week has just been horrendous. Maybe it's the weather, or maybe the lead up to that relatively easy econ exam but my head has just been pounding incessantly. Literally jerked in and out of consciousness in 1040 on Thursday despite the new slightly more riveting lecturer. Agniezka is back in a month. Sooo much to catch up on for 1040, I just want to beg Ms Dunn to help me.

So exhausted, I slept at 9pm last night. It was glorious.
Fucking weird dream though.

Anika and I went back to Hornsby today, not sure why, I could've attempted my essay instead, but since she wouldn't be going back because of Queensland, why not. Everyone was in mufti so we didn't stand out thankfully. So nice to be back on the grounds and see teachers again and remember what it's like having teachers who actually know you and care about you. Lecturers and tutors fucking suck. The office lady gave Anika a little desk clock because she always used to sign in late HAHA. Just chatted with Motherwell and Burke through lunch and then we spent last period just prowling around reminiscing. Memories are still so clear. I don't want to forget anything.

It decided to pour down on us when we left the shelter for Westfield. Had mediocre lunch at Thyme Square with Sean and then we literally sat in the food court for a couple hours waiting for time to pass. It was entertaining while it lasted.

It was nice seeing people again at Aparna's and chatting. There should always be new stuff to talk about now with all these old friends. We waited aaaages for food and then felt pretty much done after entree. Mains came around 9pm and just nope, served myself too much and ate probably half of it. Took lots of photos and ate a lot of salad, it was super chill. Too tired to get into the dancing though but Aparna's dad was so cute bobbing to the beat.

Soooo tired, I fell asleep a few times typing this post. Need to get a lot of rest because salsa tomorrow and I've go to somehow cram in studying before and after.


11:47 PM

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Quick post before fainting in bed. Tuesday was such a lazy day lol, literally spent about two hours of it studying eco and not sure what else was done. My UO order came and everything fits, I'm so happy. My mum also started talking to me again so that was a relief. Now I just miss my dog, haven't seen her in over a week.

Today was the eco exam, and it wasn't that bad though I did make a couple of completely random guesses in multiple choice but I think I got most of the 10 mark equation deriving question. It was also very informal. They squished everybody in the lecture theatre next to each other which kind of doesn't allow for academic honesty because everyone's answers are in plain sight.

Nayomi and I diligently wasted the next seven hours together after the exam. We had lunch at this Italian restaurant and she got a margherita pizza and I got this pasta which had all these shallots in it so I sprinkled it over her pizza. So hilarious, the manager walked by and on the way back to the kitchen, we heard him saying, why are there shallots on her pizza? He actually brought the poor unsuspecting chef to our table pointing and asking wtf so I had to meekly admit it was me LOOOOL. Then Nayomi left one bite so he forced it in her mouth before clearing our dishes.

Watched people walk by sci-tech for a few hours instead of reading our 1001 material. Eventually we gave up and I taught Nayomi some salsa moves for Saturday which was a lot of fun because bless her, she can actually dance. When we were waiting for the shuttle to Redfern, this weird bikie looking guy rides up on a scooter reeking of alcohol and randomly chats with us about his age and his weird friends and claims to have met Johnny Depp and Michael Hutchence. It was a little scary, thank god campus was still crawling with tired people. Looooong weary train and car ride home.

I've done nothing all night, just lazed in bed facetiming with Anika and yeah, should prep for a long day tomorrow. Can't wait for the break next week to catch up on some much needed sleep.


11:58 PM

Monday, April 7, 2014

Surprisingly not feeling too exhausted today, despite sleeping at 2am which is normally 3am. I got on top of all my accounting shit (except MAL) and it felt pretty good helping Vincey out. It felt especially good because it wasn't really the number stuff but the written answers that required actual thinking.

Econ tute just made me lose hope. Maybe the multiple choice won't be so bad since all the answers are there for me, and hopefully, if there are any short answers, it'll be on easy theory like fiscal and not a long chain of answers to do with the economic issues. However if they ask me anything to do with the consumption function, boom 5 marks gone, 20% gone.

Nayomi finally turned up to salsa class! It was super weird seeing her as we danced around, I'd gotten so used to doing these things without comforting familiar faces. Hopefully she's convinced it's fun enough to attend every week. We're going so ridiculously slowly though, and then some circus people kicked us out before we could get underway with more advanced steps. There'll probably be another thing on Saturday though so gotta get work done if I want to go to that. It was a bit awkward having lunch with Nayomi, Laurence and Fabio, just a little, but I think Nayomi and Fabio hit it off (Y)

1030 tute was good, felt pretty accomplished getting through all those bank reconciliations. Yeah that might be the only unit I pass this semester.

Now, gotta do MAL and review eco. I feel like I know my shit but as soon as I see a question, there's just no information in my head to pull out an answer.

It's so dark so early :(


7:09 PM

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Bit of a shock to wake up at 7am on a Sunday till I remembered we got an extra hour. Obviously was not going to take advantage of that, so I slept in and got up normal time. Thrifty I know.

Spent pretty much all day on econ thinking it'd be okay and then I attempted some chapter reviews and it was a complete disaster. Naturally accounting is even worse, nearly cried because the numbers just were not adding up till I realised my excel screwed up and some numbers were missing. Then there's hw to be collected tomorrow.

Suk is back in Sydney and I am very excited to see her soon. It is really inconvenient that her break ends once we get our Easter break.

Ugh okay nothing to say means it's time to work.


9:14 PM

Saturday, April 5, 2014
who knew

Sob, today is the last day of daylight saving, beginning the descent into the doom of winter.

It was a little bit nostalgic today with Christine calling too early in the morning and then wasting hours away on the phone claiming we'd study but naturally it didn't happen. Just like the old days. Ugh consumption function is such a nightmare, the whole day has pretty much been spent (with many distractions of course) trying to make sense of twenty pages in the textbook. But now I've gotten through the gross graph/formula shit and now I'm going to try and tank a short and sweet theory chapter and prep myself for a day of accounting tomorrow.

SWF looks freaking amazing, but ugh so many of the talks I want to attend are happening at the same time. Plus kinda wanna go every day but it's so far away. And it just occurred to me that I probably have classes at those times, piece of shit.


11:43 PM

Friday, April 4, 2014
uno dos tres

Procrastinated real good all day. I can feel the regret just waiting to spring at me.

I woke up, tanked and most likely failed the 1040 quiz that was due today. Actually it's possible I managed a definite 50% but totally guessed the rest, plus I was pressed for time. I rushed to uni to try out a colombian salsa class which was a waste of time because the very basic steps are just regular salsa steps, but then he showed me the fast steps and just nope, people will not pick that up by the end of semester. Only about eight people attended the class and while this guy is super technical in his teaching, Laurence's go with the flow rueda is just so much more fun.

After salsa, a couple of us headed to Spanish tapas to celebrate Rowena's 18th. It was pretty good, though the paella was disappointing but WOW super expensive. Only going to go on Mondays now for half price tapas.

I got home around 3, decent time, certainly enough to have finished substantial amounts of work by now but nope, just chilled on my bed reading and playing candy crush and watching DWTS. Repeat for seven hours.

Now it's time to finally finish my ECON notes so I will not be totally screwed for the test on Wednesday. I'm also realising that the essay is due really really soon and I haven't started and ugh I know most people haven't BUT SEAN HAS FINISHED AND IT'S FREAKING ME OUT. Too much ceebs, uni sucks. Gotta somehow catch up on nearly 40 chapters over the next week.


11:00 PM

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Crazy how fast three months has passed, five weeks of semester... Still a long way to go before holidays though.

On Tuesday, I studied away pretty diligently at ECON and two more chapters to go which I can hopefully cover before the weekend is over and maybe JUST MAYBE pass multiple choice because the analytical problem solving questions will just ruin me.

Because ECON was freaking me out so much, I decided to really make the effort to stay awake in Wednesday's lecture which was almost successful until our ten minute break. I slept for twenty. Thankfully it was all very conceptual fiscal theory we'd covered in HSC too so it wasn't too difficult to decipher whatever the hell his accent is trying to tell us.

Etc studied away for a few hours until it was hip hop and yeah, all of us 'spectators' were first years except one guy, so we all felt out of place together. Choreo is so tricky and Jordan expects so much.

Today was a very useless day. I forgot to bring my business simulation thing to tute today but thankfully Jim is pretty relaxed and said we won't lose participation marks handing it in next week. Nayomi and I made the dumb idea of going to 1040 lecture AGAIN but we figured since it was Agniezka's last lecture, we might as well. Nup still left halfway. Fun fun at the food court getting frustrated together over Jen's word-image guessing app and doing a great job wasting away two hours.

Thank god Jen came with me to tango and thank god we were both smart enough to youtube the basic moves before attending the audition because they just jumped in expecting you to know ochos. Half were pretty experienced and the other half was debatable so we really have no clue how we went. It was fun though. My first partner wasn't very good with any sort of tension or leading but then Jen and I switched and DAMN John is good. The pro guy who came to judge us looked like a super old super short Hindmarsh on steroids.

Ugh, my cold hasn't gone away, really hoping it won't become a fever. Anyway, tomorrow's a free day but colombian salsa and Rowena's birthday so yep, sacrificing precious study time. In the meantime, gotta do the 1040 quiz which is apparently difficult and spanning content from four chapters that I have not read over. Great.


11:59 PM