
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
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June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Monday, March 31, 2014

Just need to have a freak out before powering on and failing miserably with eco. How the fuck does the one unit I looked forward to become the biggest nightmare. Conveniently when I was cbf-ing with the subject and contemplating dropping the major AND unit, I find out in my tute that the mid-sem exam is in nine days. Almost started crying in class because I know nothing from the last five chapters. Nothing.

To the only good part of the day, dance class, naturally. Latin was boring as usual, not sure why I still go, I feel bad for the instructor. Salsa was also a disappointment from last week since half the class were completely new and Laurence asked me to go through beginner steps with them TT And it was just slow, we didn't even get to setenta like last week. BUT then Grace and I stayed behind with Fabio and Danna and got some extra practice and then some freestyle with Laurence.

Everything suddenly got hard for comm :( Depreciation and adjusting... ugh I thought accounting was supposed to be better. James was super nice though and let us have an extra week to hand in our additional hw thank god because I didn't do it this week, JUST THIS ONE WEEK. Getting on top of my shit now, I haven't felt this sort of panic in a very long time.

So yes, realised the census date is gone and I can't drop a unit without paying a penalty fee and my mum flipped her shit when I told her so now I have to stick through eco to prove I'm not a fucking hopeless case like the stepkids. Though at this rate, pass average might not be happening since I can barely grasp concepts we sort of covered in high school.

Tomorrow is Madxpress meet up too and still not sure if I have the confidence to even just train with them.

Brb going to go and cry.

9:28 PM

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ugh sick sick sick. This is our last week of daylight saving noooo this is always the signal for a period of darkness. Literally and figuratively. Winter is just doom.

So Saturday was pretty good. Cramming accounting hw was not but then late arvo was the salsa catch up/meet up! Maia was twenty minutes late so she better be grateful that I waited for three trains to come. Laurence's place is amazing. The terrace was directly across the Opera House overlooking Circular Quay and then the Harbour Bridge was just towering above us and wow, fireworks would be incredible. I forgot that the wind would be constantly blowing on the coast though, which is probably how I got sick.

Turnout was okay, maybe 15 people and we were missing one guy to even out the ratio but no matter. Laurence has some smooth moves. He led me around for two songs and wow. It was a little discouraging though, realising how much a guy needs to know and be able to do before being able to lead a lady around. How will I ever find one in this day and age :(

We had some beer, wine, chips and dip and chicken. Then after the 'lesson' ended, he let us chill and put on some latin music to jam to and the city looked beautiful at night. I'm sure the music was better than what would've been blasting out at Martin Place Bar so no regrets about skipping that. Anika and I just stayed on the phone till very late, resulting in my waking at 11 o'clock sigh.

I thought all my accounting hw was done but then I remembered the goddamn additional questions far out. UGH AND ECO QUESTIONS FML HAVEN'T CAUGHT UP ON ANY READING. Ugh, sick. Early night.


8:55 PM

Friday, March 28, 2014

Squeezing in blogging before I shower this sweat off my body and settle back into homework. We don't even have that much, not sure why I'm so behind.

Besides the incessant rain, a good day. 1001 tute was okay since Brett did all the talking for us, plus my table is pretty cool. Then Nayomi, Rowena, Wendy and I all just wasted our break away at the food court talking about anything besides work. Then Sean came and ruined our quality girl time. Good laughs are necessary before heading to the horror of 1040 lectures and Nayomi and I just couldn't do it, we left halfway to go and share waffles at Max Brenner lel, maybe this is why we're falling behind.

Christine joined us! We went and found some Jap place which looked so appealing but the udon and sushi was pretty shit. No matter, it was awesome catching up and talking about inappropriate things at a loud volume. I felt disgusting afterwards because that was my third lunch after food court food and waffles. We walked to campus and back to Central to try and settle our stomachs and ugh, so relieved to get home and enjoy my three day weekend. I spent most of the night learning how to tango on youtube LOL because when they OSCURO auditions asked for latin, they meant tango TT Figured I'd go semi-prepared to the audition and whatever happens happens.

Feasted on breakfast because toast has not been cutting it four days a week and then spent ages staring at and wondering what to do with the business simulation. It was pretty straightforward in the end though. My reward was prowling through UO and now I'm debating whether it's worth spending $160 on a bunch of stuff... It's just delaying the inevitable moment of purchase and temporary regret. I'm really annoyed that there's free shipping this weekend when I've already gone through the minimum amount required for free shipping.

Salsa is tomorrow, and I made friends with the really pretty halfie so I would have somebody to trek it to the instructor's place which happens to overlook Circular Quay so a BBQ and wine at sunset should be very nice. Maaaaybe going to the ruse guy's birthday thing afterwards, not that I really know anybody there besides Christine and Wendy, and it's a bar so there didn't look like there was much space to dance.

Plus so much hw to do, totally forgot about accounting AGAIN. It'll be a late night tonight.


11:44 PM

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

No time, too tired to blog. Uni is slowly taking its toll on a pathetic attempt at healthy living.

Traffic was unbelievable in the morning and I missed half of my tutorial by the time I got on campus so cbf. Sooooo much reading to catch up on. Latin was a bit disastrous because samba is too difficult, even when taught at five times less the usual speed. Salsa was fun however, and everyone got the setenta! Oh my god and Luca came back with a shaved face and he is so beautiful.

The hip hop crew Seowoo and I auditioned for offered me to train with them without guaranteeing performance which sounds okay but the people who got in picked up their shit so fast and I only just figured out those 15 seconds of choreo now. It could be very humiliating but 'get involved'...

Long long day. Bosch is the biggest bitch of a trek to get to but I just made it to the 1030 lecture. Abdul is my hero. Best lecturer so far. I finally found Nayomi, and it'd only been a week since we last saw each other but felt like ages. Nice to catch up.

SUSLAS salsa was shit because some other society took the room and we were squeezed into this tiny place doing basics and ugh, what a waste of time. As a result, had to rush to Circular Quay and enjoy a nutritious meal of Hungry Jack's with my mum because we had no time to sit in a restaurant before the play. After the rain, it was so cool and pleasant by the Opera House.

Noises Off was fucking hilarious. I was irritated to see the bitch who played Linda in DOAS, who also happens to share my name, but no matter. It's a total farce but it's amazing because while things seem so unbelievably chaotic, you know it's all been choreographed. Even then, you couldn't tell if anybody made a mistake because it was so meta, play-within-a-play, they could've been doing anything. It was great, the audience was actually laughing.

Anyway, got home late naturally and slept through my alarms so I didn't bother to attend my lectures today. Just as well, the weather in the city is apparently miserable. It's time to properly unpack my camp shit and catch up on a mountain of reading.


12:15 PM

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Helloooo back from camp and it feels amazing to finally be home. My grandparents were probably shocked by how good of a mood I was in when I entered the front door. Without further ado, a recap of SUBS camp.

Last minute rushing camp and a gross walk with my suitcase to the bus but thankfully it wasn't crowded. I ended up meeting Margery who also looked like a camper with her hugeass sleeping bag so that was a nice coincidence. Why we were told to get to Central at 1pm when the buses left past 2pm was beyond me but found some friends and met Rowena who I immediately loved because we shared some Krispy Kreme donuts mm. The bus ride was exhausting talking to this international girl who was very eager to share her experiences in the English language.

I was very grateful to end up in a cabin with Suji and Grace. We did some speed dating and lol I'd already met the people I ended up 'dating' so that was a little bit pointless.

One goddamn nightmare about camp WAS THE FREE TIME OMG IT WAS LIKE JINDABYNE AGAIN BUT WORSE BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T KNOW ANYBODY. Never have I hated doing nothing so much.

We got there pretty late in the arvo so free time till pasta night and then we got split up into teams for trivia night. I think we were pretty good at that, or at least Lachlan had plenty of useless knowledge to share but nup did not like my team. We did get progressively worse as the alcohol continued to flow and then finally they let us just mingle about tipsily. My drinking vessel was a container and some people got very creative indeed. It was super fun, I met a lot of people and had some weird conversations and betted on who would hook up. It's also worth mentioning Stephen, the creepiest fat creep omg not sure how many times and how many girls he asked 'do you wanna hook up'. Nobody was that drunk.

Managed four hours of sleep and woke up feeling very hungover and out of it for the rest of the day which definitely prevented having fun. Breakfast was so freaking lol. Toast, croissants and English muffins. Carbing us up for the upcoming night, evidently, it was hilarious and not very delicious.

First activity was making superhero/villain newspaper costumes, super original, and yeah we just made Kim Kardashian and Captain Cock. Probably had some more free time till lunch and then we had a scavenger hunt, though in hindsight, I have no idea what we were actually finding since it was just a sheet of challenges to complete. The most memorable was definitely the hot guy swimming some laps naked. He had a right to be confident.

WE HAD FOUR HOURS FREE TIME TILL DINNER AFTER THAT. It was agony because my head was still feeling dizzy so some of us girls just chilled around and walked the campsite and yeah, it was okay but we were just so hungry and food was insufficient. However it was worth the wait because dinner was really tender and well-seasoned chicken breast mm.

Full-moon party. An ironic name because it was a waxing gibbous (thanks Wiki). Everyone brought plain white shirts and we painted them, mostly with #subs but I did paint tits on this girl before she could protest. Alcohol was a letdown since it was mostly the same mixed goon vodka beer shit from the night before and probably not even as much as the previous night. Plus everybody was dancing and you can't go all out with a cup in your hand. The floor was filthy. Music was pretty good though and dancing was so much fucking fun with everyone going at it. I nearly fell though because this tall drunk girl collapsed on me and mumbled into my ear until her friend carried her off. I did sprain my ankle because I didn't see a step and yeah, going to regret that for a week.

The music and alcohol was gone by 11pm which makes sense since we started maybe 7:30 but wow the night got pretty boring as we all slowly sobered up. Definitely was drunker the first night because I was too busy dancing the second night to keep refilling. Stumbled around to all the different cabins until most people called it a night after 2am.

No hangover (Y) I nearly vomited after smelling how disgusting our cabin was and my own clothes. This morning, there was thankfully the standard hot breakfast except the consistency of the scrambled eggs was like jelly so... Naturally there was more free time, chatting and avoiding cleaning duties. Unofficial award titles were announced with most of the winners being white people obviously. Burgers for lunch was a good way to conclude the camp and thankfully a handful of people were there to take the bus home with me. Shameless spree of Facebook friend requesting.

Camp was good. Not as much fun as I had hoped in the day but the nights were great and I met a few people I'd like to maintain regular contact with. Otherwise, it'll be nice to walk around and spot more familiar faces.

Despite having had lunch, I scarfed down some more lunch at home and sob, homemade food is heaven. 1030 spreadsheets didn't take too long so now it's time to move onto MAL, have a long hot shower and call it a night. Ready for uni tomorrow, yes.


6:42 PM

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Posting before a hopefully fun weekend of drunken pool fun at SUBS camp. I haven't even packed, all my clothes are heaping up on my bed, about to shower and obviously not get an early night. There is no question that the bus ride to Richmond or wherever the site is will be spent unconscious which is just as well since it's that or make awkward conversation with a random person who has no one else to sit with, thanks Nayomi. 

I will make a defence for my lack of preparation today in particular because three people asked me one after the other for help on the 1040 quiz and it felt pretty good helping, especially since I missed the lecture on the relevant topic and only caught up today. 

Guess that was all I had to say. Thursdays are gross. 


11:58 PM

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ugh, guess it shouldn't be a surprise that I've already fallen way way behind on my uni shit. With camp on Friday and a relatively full day tomorrow, not sure how to manage any of the work due Monday.

It was too unbearable to pull myself out of bed for the 1001 lecture at 8:30 when we knew most of it from accounting so I slept another blissful two hours. In hindsight, it was totally pointless coming to uni at all because my eco lecture was stupid, I left halfway, and then had about three hours to kill until the Spanish society salsa class started.

Fast forwarding to the class, it was so much more fun than I expected. Initially was terrified going in myself after Nayomi and Jen bailed on me but then if I hadn't been alone, probably wouldn't have worked up the nerve to meet Danna who is a very worldly Dominican. And she's friends with Fabio! The next time she goes to an underground salsa club, I'm chiming. The awkward thing in that group though was that the twenty or so people who attended, I was the only one without any knowledge of the spanish language. The class is so much better than the MADSOC one because the teacher is Cuban and knows her shit (and had FABULOUS music), plus the people there seemed more dedicated and just someone caught onto the moves faster despite mostly being beginners. The males were also much more enthusiastic and not afraid to let go. Worth $5. If they open up regular Wednesday classes, I think I'll keep going.

Home late and talking to Anika prevented any productivity I could have had with either packing or homework. But it's late, cannot skip my tutorial tomorrow morning so time to call it a night. I promise to finish accounting work in my break tomorrow.


11:50 PM

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spontaneous day. No classes scheduled but one of my textbooks finally came in (still one fucking more) and I decided to attend an early 1030 lecture because cbf Thursday. If salsa classes are good, I'll go uni four days a week.

Nice surprise when I found April and Eric and Michelle at the bus stop today. Worst idea ever to wear my clog/sandals. They're alright when I walk home or just walk around towers but as soon as I leave those places, they become fucking nightmares.

1030 lecture was okay, awks when I found out the lecturer was Indian because his accent sounded Chinese in the lecture recording. I think I'm slowly getting the hang of accounting and spreadsheets.

Hehe Will and I found Year 8 Nayomi half blind with her purple-red-faded-to-maroon coloured glasses and no eyeliner. Chilled around drinking mediocre juice and a disgusting smoothie before we realised our craving for Wild Caktus at penno. Yummm shared a chicken and rice, hypothesized what inanimate objects would be thinking after seeing a car drive by with a bike attached at the end looking very uncomfortable. Her parents drove me home and omfg her mum reached back to lift the head of the passenger seat higher and it made the loudest crack. Out of the peripheral of my vision, it looked like she snapped her neck up or something HAHA.

Home sweet home. I'll see if I'm in the mood to work after zumba and shower. It isn't occurring to me that camp is two days away. My period will probably still be here :(


9:22 PM

Monday, March 17, 2014
nut up

I love Mondays. That sounds pretty retarded. 6am start aside, the schedule is pretty good.

Well our 1002 tutorial finally started today and I think I've been pretty lucky with my tutes because this guy seems super approachable so I won't feel too bad about stupid questions I ask, despite the assumed HSC economic knowledge I have.

Whee I love dance classes. Admittedly a large part is because I'm probably one of two girls who can dance, and then add Nayomi once she finally attends a class. So grateful that Eddie, or Eddy, knows what he's doing so we can actually properly dance together at our own pace when the instructor unsuccessfully breaks down steps. If the teachers don't use counts, I'm not sure how students can learn.
Salsa was even better because I got to dance with the instructor most of the time and dancing with a man who knew what he was doing... BOOM blew my mind, it was awesome. Thanking my year 10 self for youtubing all those moves when Jina and I had to choreograph a routine.

I bumped into Fabio after and he told me the Spanish society is holding weekly salsa classes too which seem more professional, but that's only an assumption based on the $5 fee for each lesson.

1030 tutorial helped us get the hang of figuring out balance sheets and other spreadsheets which might have helped before doing MAL. Mark got a really horrendous mark for it though so I'm feeling a little better about my fail.

Seowoo and I bumped into each other for the first time at sci-tech and after some unsuccessful studying, I persuaded her to come to hip hop auditions with me. Bad idea, it was definitely advanced level and ugh, choreo was too damn fast. But that's my exercise for the day.

Sigh, tomorrow is my free day but considering camp is soon and my fucking textbooks still haven't come, maybe it's time I demand them early because how to catch up on three weeks of reading... It's been almost a fortnight since I ordered damnit.

So tired, early night tonight. Toodles.

10:16 PM

Sunday, March 16, 2014

How does the weekend fly by?

I don't know how people exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, or even after a light breakfast. Tried it yesterday, did not work very well, was pretty close to fainting and/or falling asleep. Not sure how common it is to yawn during high intensity cardio. Blah blah attempted AND FINISHED accounting hw and productivity ended there. Pretty much lazed around playing candy crush and cleaning my room (chucking everything into drawers, it was an illusion of neatness Anika) until evening rolled around and Anika got to my place.

We got to Amar's an hour late and things were already in full swing by then so that was good, and it was so nice to see everyone again, though that may have been because we were all tipsy/drunk. Conversation did kind of die after asking about how uni was. Alcohol was gone pretty early, at least what was made available of the stash, and thanks to my empty stomach, it didn't take a lot to get drunk. In hindsight, very thankful for that because since my last chundering episode months ago, I feel nauseous even thinking about alcohol.

Plans changed, had to leave early with Anika and she wasn't allowed to stay over. As a result, got home at 11 and passed out 11:30. It's been a while since I've slept that early.

Sigh, feeling pretty bad remembering all the pancakes I made myself for breakfast. It was a shitty start to the day because accounting hw was so damn fucking difficult and I think I failed the first MAL even with Alex helping me lawl thank god the first test isn't assessible THANK THE DEAR HEAVENS.

My sister got dropped off at usyd after camp so we all just drove over which was pretty pointless. Then we drove to Eastwood for really spicy Sichuan food which I now regret eating. Need to exercise, as well as finish tutorial hw fml fml it's a long day tomorrow. Should get to it.


9:40 PM

Friday, March 14, 2014
long time coming

Could not be more grateful for Fridays off.

Yesterday was a little bit devastating finding out Anika got into medicine in Queensland. Congratulations you goddamn son of a bitch, now what am I going to do?

Otherwise, 1001 tute was okay and then lo and behold, 4.5 hours to kill after. Spent them at sci-tech library which is so cool, idk why because it's a pretty boring layout but it's awesome. Attempts to make accounting notes were foiled by Sandra and some friends she brought. Far out, Sean has finished his engineering essay and I haven't even looked at the question for my business one... Had a pretty good laugh about his ontological bullshit reflection.

MY 1040 IS SO ATTRACTIVE HOLY SHIT. When he walked in, I'm pretty certain all of us students assumed he'd just sit down at a desk but he started addressing us and it probably came as a bit of shock to the few middle aged people in my class. Young, economics honours, super tall and well built, mm.

I skipped the last two lectures of the day which I gotta listen to tomorrow because just cbf to stay at uni till 7:30, just no. It's so hard to concentrate in the huge lecture halls anyway with people shifting around and distracting me.

No sleeping in today, not with a two hour blood test starting at 8am sigh. Needles make me so squeamish and I had three blood tests lol. My right arm is too bruised to be able to exercise and it feels disgusting knowing I can't try to work off the revolting sugary drink I had to consume. However, in my two hour wait, I did accomplish 30 pages of Catch-22 lol. My reward for no breakfast was a bacon and egg roll.

Sigh, after watching the new EA episode today, I felt it had been too long since LBD loool so I watched 30 episodes this morning. After that, it seemed like a good time to buckle down so I attempted an accounting quiz which went alright, if 70% will let me pass. Time to make more accounting notes because I still don't have two textbooks. At least I can be on top of my shit for one unit, which seems like the most difficult one since 1040 is mostly prelim eco, as is 1002. 1001 might be a problem...

I regrettably read an article about grief over pets which set off a pretty long crying session that was fuelled by the well-timed sad songs that came up on shuffle. It's not fair. Why don't dogs have the lifespan of crocodiles.

Ugh my desk still needs to be sorted and the whole bedroom just straightened out in general.

5:06 PM

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The end of the week is thankfully approaching. My sympathy to those five day uni-goers, not sure how we did it over the last thirteen years but props.

Bad habits are returning. Laziness, cbf to exercise or work or eat healthy, sleeping too late, sleeping in lectures. The eco lecturer was so boring, I nodded off for a number of slides before I head-jerked myself awake. Still, anything is preferable to accounting. Apparently I have hw due for my tutorials tomorrow but the 1040 textbook still hasn't come so I won't worry about it, assuming there are others without textbooks.

These random markets selling clothes and jewellery and various organic things were open on Eastern, and the stuff was pretty good to browse through but there just wasn't a way to justify the price tag since it was likely that a considerable amount of the stock was secondhand and probably just bad quality.

Most of us skipped out on the start of semester party tonight and thank god we did because it decided to pour around the time I'd have planned to leave. Tomorrow is also a long long day at uni :( It's not bad though, I enjoy the anonymity when you're walking around campus with so many people passing by. Pretty difficult to feel out of place of stand out.

Got to rest up. Toodles.

11:59 PM

Monday, March 10, 2014
do it

Ugh week 2, but I get tomorrow off :) So exhausted because yesterday, I found out there was accounting hw and spent the whole damn arvo and evening trying to make sense of the textbook and the questions were so difficult far out. As a result, ended up exercising, showering and sleeping late.

Sob 6:30 start for a 9am tutorial and UM THE TUTOR NEVER SHOWED UP MOTHER FUCKING HOE. The five of us just sat together fuming for an hour. It was sort of fun I suppose but we still don't know if it just got cancelled or moved...

Dance classes were so much fun! Latin was first and we started with cha cha. Class consisted of maybe 12 girls and 3 guys lol, but one of them did social Latin dancing so he was okay to dance with. The room was so stuffy and ugh, everyone's hands were so sweaty. Lucky I brought sanitiser lol. After Latin was salsa class with considerably more people and maybe 7 guys but plenty more girls. THERE WERE TWO ITALIAN INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS. Fabio and Luka. They are so freaking adorable, although they would be so much sexier if they reduced their beards to just stubble, yum. Plus they seemed to be the only ones with not sweaty hands. Pretty much melted when they started speaking Italian to each other. Both classes were super basic for me but the atmosphere was just enthusiastic and fun so I'm really excited for Mondays now.

Chilled with Will and Grace hehe and then headed to 1030 tutorial. Accounting might be bearable because our tutor seems really chill and sweet, albeit a little weird, and I made two friends when we were forced to practice icebreakers. Then Sean and I trekked it to Zookal to pick up only one of the three textbooks I ordered, sigh.

My nutribullet finally came! Super excited to try it out tomorrow. I also need to catch up on era graphing tomorrow and just sort out my shit together in general.


11:50 PM

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Another bad day. It's probably time to change yourself when you're the source of misery for the people around you. Basically the day has been spent finding the cheapest textbooks since all the rentals are out of stock. I'll be prepared next semester. Over $500 on office 2011 and textbooks in two days. My poor parents.

So yesterday I had a good fit about dropping ECON1001 and doing 1002 instead but that actually got me a better timetable and the 4-day weekend so I was all set. Then MADSOC releases their timetable for the semester and the only classes I planned to attend - salsa and latin - was on Monday; my goddamn day off. So for the sake of getting involved and getting some exercise in, fucked up my timetable. I still get Tuesday and Friday off, but Thursday is a shitty day. 9am start, then a four and a half hour break until classes from 3-7:30. Piece of goddamn shit. I have Nayomi and Sean to fill most of the break but still.

The most productive attempt at working was printing out unit of study outlines, panicking and then just watching Camp Takota. This reminds me that last night, at the ungodly hour of 1am, I decided to watch Frozen. Safe to say, disappointed, and not just because I was expecting to be, but firstly, while I love Idina Menzel, dammit her voice just didn't work for the character. The plot also just went at such a weird pace that the ending seemed super abrupt and idk it just seemed all too rushed. Also, the humour is too stupid to enjoy. They tried too hard to make Anna down to earth. And then I'd already seen Hans' douchebag move through fb memes so that ruined the punchline. While I am all pro-feminist, just cannot deal with it in a Disney movie okay. I'll just commend the snow animation. Won't be watching it again anytime soon. Or listening to the soundtrack.


10:42 PM

Friday, March 7, 2014

Goddamn uni telling me now that I don't have to do one of my economics units because one of my comm core units is pretty much identical and now it's time to fuck up my timetable and possibly not regain my four day long weekend.

8:05 PM

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Whoo end of the week for me, bless the fewer hours of the commerce degree. Not sure how all these engineering and science kids are doing it but props and lol.

Today, I had my first tutorial for BUSS1001 and oh my god didn't know how terrible it'd be. The tutor is nice but boring and I felt really bad for the international kids there because he was being a little rude about how they needed to have their English skills on point. Like they don't feel enough pressure and embarrassment just being an international student. One spoke to me which was awkward because my mandarin was so bad I couldn't even catch what numbers he said. Naturally I found myself at the table full of girls but once the tutor forced us to talk about boyfriend qualities, it wasn't so bad. The guys there weren't hot anyway.

Met up with the usual outside Hermann's for lunch and cupcakes and watching Wendy's face contort as she read Guts hehe. We all went to the BUSS1040 lecture even though it was only Nayomi who actually had that session timetabled down. It was two hours of pure agony. The information was legitimately all the same from the economics lecture I had earlier AND I FUCKING KNEW IT ALL ALREADY OH MY GOD.

Anyway, rushed home because I was so tired afterwards and till now I've been mucking around. Finally it hit me to look through Bb and now I'm having a little panic attack reading our assigned essay question and just trying to sort through everything they've already given us and told us. Gotta find anything I can print because finally visiting Hornsby tomorrow. All the mac workshops at the Castle Hill Apple store are booked till the end of the month so Hornsby was the next best option. About time I figured out how to use this blasted piece of aluminium.

TGIF (soon).

10:33 PM

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Second day of uni wasn't as bad. Besides having a lecture at 8:30 in the morning which required waking up at 6am, it was sort of fun. But fuck waking up was a nightmare and then I ended up being twenty minutes early to the goddamn lecture. Nayomi was about twenty minutes late. Boring as hell, and I was so shocked to hear that about 20% of the cohort will fail the unit omfg.

So that is all I have booked for Wednesday besides the Waiver test which I might attend once or twice over the next couple of months. Timetable is stupid, but then Nayomi, bless her, explained the timetable customisation and now I only have to go to uni three days! Granted Thursday is still pretty gross but better than it was before. Anyway we just hung out with Sean and then I got my eco textbook from some girl.

Anika and Grace finally came and we found Flo so we waited around for Nayomi to finish her tutorial. Such a nice Hornsby reunion and it was also pretty good listening to Anika complain about unsw. We saw a guy who looked like Ruben skating by and Nayomi yelled out his name as a troll; she's done it so many times already with guys we met at o-week, except Ruben was the only one to respond and look at the caller. Sean and Will joined and we all just chilled at Manning.

The storm was crazy. You could see the black clouds just rolling in and boom, lightning thunder showering rain. I had to run in the rain fifteen metres to the bus stop and stepped in dripping wet.

Tomorrow is the end of the week for me, so excited for the four day weekend. I should find a job.

11:55 PM

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

So summer has ended, autumn has taken its place and uni has started. What could be worse?

The weekend was mostly spent intensely panicking about preparing for uni and doing nothing to relax or really prepare. I got Monday off anyway so yeah hm, life began today.

Goddamn timetable gave me a stupid two hour lecture at 2pm and that's it. Going to try and change it tomorrow, with an actual human guiding me because the online customisation makes zero sense. It was a slightly awkward trip down memory lane taking the bus with April and Sharon, reliving primary school days when we were constant 'frenemies'. The weather forecast is also a fucking liar because no it was not 24 degrees today IT WAS NOT.

I got my CLAW textbook from some guy, not anticipating it to weigh a couple of kilograms and then Grace and I had a pretty cheap and satisfying sandwich and juice for lunch before we had to rush to our lectures. Turns out Alison and Flo are in my eco lecture! It was a slow two hours. Since there are no prerequisites for ANYTHING, which is stupid because there should be, the lecturer, who had a slightly off-putting French accent, just went over really basic prelim concepts like opportunity cost. Granted it was a good refresher but ugh, this semester could be pretty boring.

Home, exhausted. Do not even want to contemplate what Thursday is going to be like far out, timetable has to change, I can't deal with six straight hours IN THE FUCKING AFTERNOON. So many societies have events on Thursday evenings goddamnit.

I am also angry that the excel test is such a pain to submit, so much so that even after I spent fifteen minutes last week looking for the stupid submitting process, it didn't even send through. Absolutely refusing to do excel workshops.

Uni sucks.

11:15 PM