
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
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December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Friday, February 28, 2014

Well deserved quiet day today. The week has been beyond tiring and I forgot how much I missed sitting at home doing nothing. Till next holidays I guess.

Finally skyped with Suk who I've missed a lot. Talking to her didn't really enthuse me about properly starting uni though. Self sufficiency doesn't exist among us.

After Shriver last night, I decided to read the last hundred pages of Kevin which unnerved me so much the first time round, and this time, I was able to pick up on all the hints that pointed to the ending. My admiration can't be articulated so moving on, I don't think I'm going to touch Catch-22 until the next holiday lol. I am also reluctant to finish my volume of Sherlock because I want more immediately after I'm done, so time to purchase yay. Ignoring the amount of reading that will be expected of us very very soon. Legitimately considering returning to Hornsby to go and print out lecture slides and all, because where else are we ever going to find free printing again?

Time to watch TVD and mourn. Happy Birthday, Anika.

11:45 PM

Thursday, February 27, 2014
destroy and keep

Feeling so worn out right now, this is almost worse than high school and we weren't even doing particularly boring things like sitting in class.

The weather was atrocious today with wind and rain, making my decision to wear a skirt rather regrettable. Nayomi, Will and I joined up for MADSOC yes I'm so excited omfg free dance classes every week yes yes, except we failed to persuade Sean to join. So far I've only joined up for the dance society and SASS. We also decided it'd be best to attend to business camp, even though I'm going to feel bad telling our mentors that, but hopefully Nick will forgive me when I join photosoc. Will and Sandra had a shot at the mechanical bull.

Sean joined us in our search for Max Brenner where Nayomi and I had our usual waffles and we spent five straight minutes all laughing about Phteven again. The guys also tried to explain to us the unsaid rules governing male-make interaction. Strange creatures. It was pretty funny though when the waiter thought those two sitting across each other were sharing waffles instead of me and Nayomi.

Trekked it all the way back to Town Hall so Nayomi could get some chocolate covered strawberries. There we were, casually eating when this random Korean guy tapped me and started talking to me after seeing my access bag. He's an international student and lol it was so awkward and cute and I realised I didn't ask for his name. Omg we bumped into Elaine, Christine and Brandon and it was soooo good to see familiar faces again, felt like crying. Anyway we had ramen for dinner and then I had to rush back to Seymour to attend Lionel Shriver's event.

No regrets skipping the unsw party. Shriver is so small but her voice is so rich and powerful and so were thoughts on sexual divides and the publishing world and the hypocrisy of America and ugh, she's such an amazing woman and writer. However the stupid interviewer was so flustered without any idea of what to say, plus it got a little awkward because she's fat and Shriver's newest book was about obesity and all. Omfg then I was first in line to get my books signed and yeah I probably blabbered on like a fool while she tried to figure out how to spell my name,

Now home and so rest for sleep and a day of rest tomorrow before the real nightmare starts. I'm still kind of excited though, just for meeting people. Not so much finding out what lectures and lecturers are like.


11:38 PM

Wednesday, February 26, 2014
wild rumpus

It's already halfway through the week and I can't decide if it's felt like it's happened extremely fast or slow. Today was terribly hot again but I realised it's the last days of summer... How did it all just go by so quickly.

Got to uni unfortunately early in the late afternoon and the clubs and societies stalls were all closing down, plus I forgot that most memberships incur a fee and I had no cash. Met up with Sean and we just got some mediocre food court food after unsuccessfully prowling Glebe and then we headed back to campus and ended up walking around the science blocks and ovals to pass the time till 7pm.

The line to Manning was already pretty ridiculous when we got there with maybe about 150 people in front of us, which increased to maybe 300-400 by the time Seowoo and Tanya joined us. We all felt pretty regretful going in for maybe half an hour until some brave people decided to get on the dance floor. Boy did it seem to get crowded then. Two female DJs sucked, playing all these slow indie rock jams that were not suitable for dancing. Met some people and forget their names. Sucks that the girl I liked actually goes to UTS. Etc etc Sean and I left a little before 10 with some girls and trekked it back to Central. Once I got off the bus at Castle Hill, I realised it was raining and that was a horrible walk home.

Now it is time to shower this sweat and rain and spilled beer off of me. Toodles.

11:49 PM

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
true true true

Another eventful day, another early start sigh. I don't know how I keep sleeping through my 6am alarms. Early starts also mean misleading weather signs since it's so chilly in the morning and then bam, sweating for the rest of the day.

Wendy and I got to uni early to do our access cards. The photo is disgusting lol she literally held up a tiny webcam. Thankfully that means it's bad quality and we can attribute my ugly photo to lack of HD. Nayomi and I also collected our student ID cards which wasn't too bad; still better than high school. The business school lecture was nothing we didn't already know i.e. just get involved in everything you possibly can. Cbf for the campus tour in the middle of the day. it was too hot and shade was lacking.

Career opportunities lecture was hideously boring. We all sat up the very back which was a dumb idea because we obviously couldn't scope the room for hot guys. The waiver test was conveniently in the same hall half an hour after the lecture so Sean chimed and we all just examined the males and all. Typical stuff. Waiver test was dumb and I think I failed it, which is something I'll never stop saying but ugh the pressure was too huge and yeah, haven't had to articulate myself for a while.

Bunch of us just went to Herman's afterwards and chatted and the guys played some pool till everybody dispersed. Nayomi and I were craving schnitzel so Sean and Joe joined us to trek it to Bavarian. Except Joe came on his bike so while the three of us trained it, he rode his bike from Redfern to Town Hall. And still got there at the same time as we did. Crazy.

Bavarian was surprisingly packed for a Tuesday night, naturally full of businessmen with beer bellies drinking beer. It was also our lucky day since the schnitzel was the special with a free schnapps. Holy shit one waiter had enormous boobs and had her shirt unbuttoned to where the middle of the bra rests. Joe got a chilli schnapps which was so spicy, that was somehow very uncalled for. Train ride home was fun, despite Nayomi's friend speaking at a volume way too loud for a train full of earphone-less adults. We had a pretty good laughing fit about the 'Phteven' thing on fb.

I'm going to regret washing my hair tonight since it'll be disgusting after wild rumpus tomorrow. Goddamn doctor's appointment sitting in the middle of the day means I can't see all the stalls and stuff popping up over campus. I'm hoping most people try to get that shit done tomorrow so it won't be as crazy during the last two days.


9:56 PM

Monday, February 24, 2014
life starts

Totally forgot to blog my last days of 'freedom' even though they were spent like any other day reading and playing games and quietly hyperventilating about uni. Last night, I was so scared I couldn't sleep until 2am and then I woke up at 4am randomly before waking at 7am. The horror...

Wow it was so terrifying once you entered the quad with hundreds of people milling around. Met our arts mentor, Nick, who is lovely, and what are the odds that Nick from primary is in my group and Teresa is with Nayomi. And Wendy! It was crazy, there were over 100 groups of approximately 5 in there, and this was just the blue groups. I'm presuming they also had red, green and yellow. Extraordinary amount of people doing arts.

Beginning was a little awkward, forcing out all this dumb conversation but then about six groups merged together, and Nayomi and I were reunited again. It was like peer support with awkward speed dating and the untangling hand chain which was gross because it was hot and everyone was sweaty. By the time morning tea rolled around, it was much more comfortable between our group and man, the quad is beautiful. Plus, catering was pretty good too.

After a boring lecture explaining the arts course, me and Nayomi's group merged for the rest of the day, thanks to the close friendship between our mentors. Meeting everybody, it was weird not having many selective people around and all these people lived in suburbs and attended schools I'd never heard of. Campus tour was a little nightmarish because of the brutal sun and heat, but it was a good introduction despite my forgetting where everything is. In the end, we just went to Manning and spent the next couple of hours dipping in and out of conversations, and it was just so refreshing talking to all these new people.

Everyone dispersed till it was just me Nayomi and Grace, who is lovely, and we just tried to cool off unsuccessfully in shade. Bumped into Grace Park and another Grace, and then omg finally met some selective people, Suji and Will. Grace and I ended up trekking it all the way back to Central with them and it was just great talking.

Suffice to say, sleep is very necessary right now, especially since tomorrow will also be an early day. Business mentoring which will hopefully be as good as arts today, and hopefully I pass the waiver test too. Suffice to also say that today has just been such an unexpected pleasant surprise, meeting people with the same interests and opinions and just being exposed to more different things. I might even say I'm excited to go back.


10:35 PM

Friday, February 21, 2014

Still impossible to wake up before 8am. My arts mentor texted me today as a customary welcome and he seems nice so I'm a little bit more relaxed for Monday. Just hoping I get a good group of people. O-week is going to be pretty jam-packed and I guess I'm feeling a little bit excited. The weather forecast looks mostly pleasant meaning I won't have to greet everybody as a sweaty mess.

Mmm you can never get tired of watching A Cinderella Story.

I totally forgot about ordering protective gear for my laptop so I guess I'll give writing out shit during lectures a go and see if that's a feasible method. Besides not having to lug the computer around everywhere, it'll probably be better study to type up the scrawl rather than copy and paste and half-heartedly edit documents. Also I'm really upset that I have to miss the essay writing session on Wednesday because of the goddamn doctor. My mum said that's the main way to learn how to write for uni since it obviously won't be anything like writing high school English essays.

9:57 PM

Thursday, February 20, 2014
long gone

Alex turned 51 today. It was uneventful. My mum and I had to run around finding some last minute gifts which just turned out to be the usual package of alcohol, books and cologne. Necessities, really. Doctors again, and I think I've seen them approximately ten times this year. Jesus Christ I am so fucking tired of eating medicine and this new dose is strictly no alcohol and I need to take it only over o-week. Fucking joke.

We had to go to Edwina's Baulko presentation night which is kind of life speech day except at a stupid time without any Year 12's from 2013 except the super high HSC achievers. It was like death, I was yearning for Town Hall. At least we took a break from the dull name calling with bits and pieces of artistic display.

Sitting here, contemplating the end of 'holidays'. When will it sink in...

11:30 PM

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
hanging off the hinges

Weather was miserable today, thank god they cancelled the rockcorps thing. Imagine painting outdoor surfaces in this weather... and the humidity is hideous.

Sigh my dad's birthday is tomorrow and it is just impossible to buy a present. Maybe I'll go to a liquor shop and buy him some really expensive alcohol. It'll also be my first alcoholic purchase, how exciting.

The rest of the day consisted of making dumplings, reading Sherlock and grocery shopping. Suffice to say, it's been pretty hectic.

Getting back into an early waking routine is much more difficult than I remembered. Now I will actually respond to my 8am alarms and then doze off again till about 9. Which is when half my classes will start yay. Ugh that's okay, means I can stop wasting my mornings. Terrified to death of uni.


11:38 PM

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The highlight of yesterday was making delicious salmon ricotta pasta. I suddenly don't hate cooking as much anymore, even though my main job is watching the stove while my mum compiles most of the ingredients. We also got our carpet cleaned yesterday which forced me to really tidy up the clutter spilling on the floor so now it all feels and looks good. I'll tend to the drawers later...

Today, I drove for a little and then had a good freakout about textbooks and how unreasonably expensive they are. However after a day of prowling around fb groups and talking to too many people, I've 'bought' all of my books except for one and saved about $300 compared to buying them new. Turns out my mum is a co-op member but how do you justify spending $150 on a book for one or two semesters at most? It also turns out lots of people did my exact majors of commercial law and economics and a couple people I asked really enjoyed both so hopefully there won't be any regrets with my decision.

Due to tomorrow's rainy humid weather, our Optus Rockcorps volunteering has been cancelled and none of the other days are good so we have to miss out on the free gig or the fucking voucher I could've used for The Naked and Famous sob. One less thing to put on my already empty resume.

I also realised how shitty my timetable kind of is... Assuming I can pass the o-week business test and not have to study one of these zero credit units, I literally have one lecture/tutorial on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, while Thursday will be the goddamn bane of my existence with seven hours of lectures and tutorials. Sob, Thursday used to be my double free day for both weeks in high school. The injustice. At least the last few hours of Thursday are lectures so if I'm really burnt out, just not going to attend.

Going to read more Sherlock (bye Yossarian) and call it a night. Toodles.

11:36 PM

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day was as uneventful as any other day after plans with Christine failed to happen.

Yesterday, Anika's birthday party finally rolled around, even though it was two weeks early. The rain also decided to just go at it non stop all day so it wasn't technically a garden party. No matter, her living quarters are huge, although it was so humid inside the whole time. Sob it was just so good seeing all these people once more and wow hearing all of Herschell's crazy o-week stories at ANU. Missed her big ass so much and sigh, so jealous of on-campus accommodation. No need to worry about curfew and transport and travel ugh, going to try and get that accommodation next year.

Starters may as well have been the main meal. Lost count of all the pastries, samosas, sausages and other fried goodness that was consumed. It was enjoyable milling around catching up with everybody again, the turn out was pretty good.

Cake before dinner and listened to all the sweet speeches her family made. Really should've done one myself, would've immensely entertained everybody with all these humiliating stories. Then we toasted with champagne shots.

Dinner was delicious. The lamb korma was just cooked to perfection but it may have been a bad idea to go back for seconds. Too full to be in the mood to dance and it was just too damn hot.

People slowly filed out till about ten of us remained and, at Jina's suggestion, we played this hand tapping game that was surprisingly fun and stressful and required the most concentration any of us have had to use for months. Turned out just being Nayomi, Jina, Sylvia and I for a while just chatting and drinking too much orange juice.

Sylvia fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow so just up to me and Anika to make things entertaining. We were going to watch The Originals but it never loaded so we watched the LBD episodes with Darcy in them. Omg then as we went through my phone, remembered I had all these recordings of English classes in Year 11 HAHA not that I ever used them, but we listened to bits and pieces and recalled some funny things in that class like Motherwell's avocado stains on our essays. Probably slept around 3:30.

Woke up with an aching back and I suddenly realised my right ear, which has been blocked for over a week, finally unblocked itself! Sylvia and I were Anika's first passengers outside her family when we went for breakfast at maccas. Her dad is such a clown. Now we know where Anika gets it from.

So exhausted when I got home so I napped with my dog for about an hour. I helped my mum cook lunch and banitsa omfg the milk one is so delicious. Then the family enjoyed Anika's leftovers that they handed out to everybody for dinner.

Right now, I'm doing a good job of keeping a meltdown at bay. Four months gone, one last week of freedom and then ... too scary to contemplate, I don't want this to happen. Apocalypse now please.

8:40 PM

Thursday, February 13, 2014
just epiphanies

Life is feeling a little better because now that I have my own computer, thus my own iTunes, no more confusing shit regarding which device and user I synced my iPod on and all so on Tuesday, I finally made the effort to renovate my music library. Deleted a lot but still kept a considerable amount of older music that I still don't listen to for no reason. HSM is still there in its entirety. Good times.

Christine is also finally back! And it's freaking me out that a month passed pretty quickly since she left i.e. beginning of the year wow. It's hard to pinpoint the moment when I suddenly became aware of time and how quickly it flies. Maybe when senior years started and our first real sense of something ending came about.

Still waiting for the day where I can look over a cafe menu without feeling immense disappointment and regret that I entered that shop instead of maccas or something. So goddamn expensive and not even tasty, so overrated.

It's time for a wardrobe renovation. And time to watch Dirty Dancing because the soundtrack has been on repeat for the last week.

1:34 PM

Monday, February 10, 2014
i know you

Foster the People's first single on their upcoming album is out. This is so exciting, I've been waiting for this for ages.

Nayomi and I hung out today and did a bit of shopping and a lot of eating. Dymocks had sales... it was inevitable. I found this beautiful hardback of Austen's witticisms for ten dollars.

Then I came home to take a bath. It's been a super exciting day, as usual.

It's difficult to sleep early. If I get into bed at or before midnight, sleep doesn't come for another hour or two anyway. But it's getting a little easier waking up early now. Baby steps. 7am this week, 6am for the next five years.

11:52 PM

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Days are too uneventful to recount. To sum up the past few, I spent most of those hours with my mum shopping and cooking and frustrating my parents by introducing them to flappy bird hehe, they can't get past 3. My high score is now 75 yes! I have also progressed another 60 pages with Catch-22 and will continue to persevere and dislike it. I was also super excited about starting a 10 day bikram yoga session this upcoming week before remembering my period is due and bleeding while doing yoga in a 37 degree room could get ugly. Suk also moved to Canberra today and I'm supremely jealous and a little regretful of not going to ANU myself. As for usyd, I could not be looking forward to going any less than right now. Had a mini heart attack looking at my fees.

Listening to OMAM is making me really miss high school again with all these memories of studying for trials coming back. Not to mention Little Wonders playing on the radio three times in the past weeks while I was driving and trying to keep it together. Screw life and experience, nothing is better than security.

Soon it will be over.

9:29 PM

Thursday, February 6, 2014
a day

Feeling like an old lady from being so exhausted after a day out. Anika and I met up at the city today and just walked around Surry Hills before cbf-ing and heading down allllll the way to The Rocks, but not before buying some chocolate covered strawberries to boost our blood sugar. Weather was pleasant enough to walk around in, thank god for the clouds and the coastal wind. All the cafes EVERYWHERE were too overpriced for perfectly average food so we just headed to Pancakes yum and shared a pizza and nachos. If that wasn't enough, we also got macarons lol and then just lay outside the MCA reading Tiny Beautiful Things, reminding me that I found an edition of The Road in perfect condition at Vinnies for $4 :)

So yes, that was our uneventful but good day out. Bed was my destination as soon as I got home six hours ago till now and I think it's time for a hot shower and minimum ten hours of sleep. So screwed for uni.

I do not like the smell of MacBooks.


11:41 PM

major major major major

Missed my midnight deadline.

I impulsively decided to get my hair cut today (yesterday) and ended up getting about 15cm of it hacked off. Surprisingly, like the last time I got it cut, I was happy with it but that's probably due to my annoyance with my hair before. I didn't realise how long it had gotten, but now my ends feel all healthy and smooth and there's still enough hair to do braids and all, but a top bun has all these ends flicking out :(

I am so excited because Shriver is coming to Sydney to do a talk on not sure what nor do I care right now but YES USYD STUDENTS GET IN FOR FREE SO EXCITED OMFGGGGGG. Maybe I can even get her to sign my book. There's so much happening at Seymour, don't think I can handle it.

Anyway, should sleep ASAP so I'm not dead for my day out with Anika tomorrow yay. It'll be the last cool day for the foreseeable future so why not take advantage of it to prowl around Sydney for hours and not feel all hot and bothered.

In other news, flappy bird is on my iPad. High score 42 yes, so proud of myself and going to ignore whatever higher high scores other people have.


12:21 AM

Tuesday, February 4, 2014
go home

Nothing happened yesterday except for driving and Elaine turning 18 (happy birthday! If you still read this).

Today I drove to Hornsby which was incredibly nerve wracking with all the trucks and lanes ugh. To be fair though, would've been a lot worse driving to school. Pretty weird going back to Westfield. My mum bought me a couple of shirts and I had delicious eel for lunch. Driving back was just terrifying because it was raining and ugh I don't like going 60-70km when it's dry conditions okay. I felt accomplished at the end of it though.

My sister and I had a really hard time thinking up movies that made us cry. I really feel like crying right now.

10:49 PM

Tried and given up.

12:21 AM

Sunday, February 2, 2014
you're standing on my neck

Last four weeks of freedom. How did it all pass so quickly.

Yesterday I spruced up my bare wall with a bunch of postcards I pick up from random places along with my book list and list of 18 things to do. Maybe it'll motivate me. It's certainly more aesthetically pleasing than my maths formulas. Then I impulsively spent $40 on a gratitude diary because none of the plain notebooks had an adequate number of pages. I also went for a run for the first time since maybe cross country last year and only managed two laps before giving up and power walking another four. I say that's progress. One day, I'll run half an hour straight.

Today I finally reached the hundred page mark of Catch-22. Four hundred pages of agonisingly boring humour to go. I will try and finish this before March.

We stored away the old desktop that was cluttering my desk space and now it looks so much more spacious and I can start organising drawers and pens and everything. Plus find a nice cushion for my knees because I refuse to sit down, my butt cannot take it anymore.

Screw yoga, early night tonight. There is a fortnight left for me to get back into early waking routine because half the o-week activities require me to be up at 6am. The joy.

I'm so upset. This stupid student deal at Apple sucks NO ONE NEEDS $100 TO SPEND ON ITUNES OR AT THE APP STORE and then today we found Dick Smith offering to give Microsoft Office for free with any macbook purchase. So. Angry. Have to go and buy Office. Pages just won't cut it.


11:36 PM