
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Friday, January 31, 2014
don't worry

Chinese New Year and one month into 2014.

Yesterday I was like, it's CNY Eve so I'm gonna treat this like another new start. Spent the day cleaning my room out. Returned a bunch of finished books home, took down my high school stuff to storage, including my math formulas and all the timetables for trials and classes and HSC that I still kept around. Figured I might as well make the room slightly more liveable since I'll be there for first year, at least. Depends how things go.

Uneventful dinner at some small place in Carlo cause my mum wasn't bothered to book a nice place in advance.

They rejected my initial photo submission for student cards because my head got cut off in the photo so I had to submit another one. Thankfully that one will do.

Since no one was bothered to stay up till midnight except for myself, we had dumplings for breakfast and then spent the arvo making them while watching Daria.

Oh my god, I decided it was time to catch up on TVD because all these spoilers on Instagram were getting to me. Worst idea ever, I was so caught up in happiness about things that I forgot that this was TVD and such feelings are provoked in order to snatch them away in an instant. Just when they couldn't have possibly done anything else that seemed more irremediable, well lol. That goddamn 100th episode had every thing going perfectly with all these dead characters coming back for a minute and then Klaroline finally happening and just WHY WON'T KATHERINE JUST TAKE A BREAK AND DIE LIKE SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO. Not to mention she fucked Stefan... Anika needs to catch up so we can rant like we used to.

Another dinner home to celebrate CNY and now I am contemplating an early night since Anika hasn't called me back, as usual. I was watching all these performances at the Grammy's. They all depress me. All so overrated. Jay Sean's Down suddenly just popped back into my head. That song was one of our dance anthems back in the day. I'm gonna go listen to it now.

11:30 PM

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
bottle you up

It baffles me that at the end of each uneventful day, there is still something to write about it. Michelle asked me a very good question today with regards to where I've been and what I've done these holidays... didn't really have an answer but that didn't bother me at all. It amuses me and simultaneously saddens me that, as someone who previously was intent on maintaining all friendships, I've retreated so far from social interactions, with the exception of some people, of course, and am perfectly satisfied with that decision.

But today I decided to leave my shell and bum at Eric's place with Nayomi and Michelle. So strange being back at Hornsby, seeing some of the uniforms walking around. I'm not actually sure where mine are right now. It was nice. We had nuggets and lasagna and played pool and among all the hideously humiliating shots I played, I still managed to get a few balls in.

Nayomi and I registered for all of our O-week activities and damn it's going to be a packed week. Excited isn't the right word to describe how I feel about it all right now, but anticipation definitely.

I started reading Quiet (because just no to Catch-22) because the introvert-extrovert subject was always fascinating and it's interesting to see how I viewed myself each year over the last two years. I don't like the term ambivert so I'm going to say 65% introvert HAHA. But then I'm hoping to meet people soon that actually make me want to resume whatever sociability I used to possess, which isn't to say in order to become more extroverted, but maybe just less introverted, more wanting to interact and enjoy interaction.

Can't believe a month is nearly over. I'm going to start a gratitude journal because they're just goddamn everywhere. But since I missed a whole month (sigh), well that's okay, February is just around the corner.

10:22 PM

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Well, who would've thought I'd be typing this up from my own macbook... Yeah I got an Air. Applause for my total conformity to Apple.

I spent most of yesterday watching Daria, but then I sort of compensated for that waste of time by finishing As You Like It, which was disappointing and I just don't understand how people studied that for belonging. Studying it in itself is already stupid, such a rushed play.

Yay for the bath things that Anika and Nayomi gifted me with. I took a nice hot bath which, as usual, got too hot so I was just bathing in my dripping sweat. It's disconcerting how I can feel my blood sugar levels just drop as soon as I climb out of the tub.

So yeah, got the macbook today, my mum got an iPhone 5s so this family is all going to hell. Not complaining about the $100 app store/iTunes voucher though, except I hardly need any apps and now I'm resisting buying all the SHS games looool.

School starts tomorrow. So weird. But I'll be in the Hornsby area anyway.

11:29 PM

Sunday, January 26, 2014

So upset right now. A fortnight of tennis has come to an end. Now I don't know what to do with my life. What tournament is this WHERE IS THE NATURAL ORDER? Cannot believe Rafa could've acquired another goddamn injury or maybe he walked in with it. First set was terrible play on his part anyway and Stan was just killing it. Then I was pretty close to tears seeing Nadal cry with his back injury and barely move or pull his underwear or grunt. Fortunately or not, Stan messed up too and wow nearly cried with happiness when Rafa got the third set. The joy as he finally started his pre-serve routine and the occasional grunts :') I was still disappointed when Stan won, which was expected but after that third set and Rafa breaking back in the fourth, I had hope again. At least he lost with the dignity of one set. Would've been a very unpredictable fifth set if it could've existed. And now Stan is no. 1 Swiss player and Federer is second THIS JUST IS NOT MEANT TO BE. But poor Stan, can't even enjoy a proper victory.

Maybe Wimbledon will be more satisfactory.

Now it's really time to question what the purpose of my life will be for the next five weeks.

10:59 PM

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I'm 18 now.

Last night, Anika kindly serenaded me Marilyn Monroe style which was very revolting but I appreciated the effort, even though no one can be as sexy. LOL I also uploaded an ID photo for my uni student card which might or mightn't be rejected, who knows, it wasn't plain background so my sister edited it for me and hopefully it makes the pass.

My grandparents tried to sing HBD to me this morning hehe and gave me too much money so now I have to figure out how to secretly give it back. Or maybe to my parents.

Left for the city and ended up being made to wait for half an hour for Anika and Nayomi to finish their presentation of my gift basket which had to be lugged around allllll day but I was very happy with it once I got home and opened it. Add Jess and Sukanya and we headed off to Bavarian Bier Cafe and then Joumana happened to pop by with her mum! Anyway I ordered a veal schnitzel that was literally about 20x20cm, it was ridiculous. When we made our orders, the waitress asked if we were sharing and seemed surprised when we said no lol, they should suggest on the menu which dishes are too damn big for one human stomach. Ordered my first legal drink, a cocktail that didn't taste very good. Anyway we were just being loud and inappropriate, even when we were bloated sigh, couldn't finish our dishes. It was nice to be able to treat my close friends to a good meal.

Sydney Festival was very overrated. Yes it's the last couple days but there just didn't seem like anything to do and the lawn library was pathetic, barely any fiction anyway. So we just found a shady spot in Hyde Park, minding our own business when this sort of cute but not attractive guy comes and asks us for donations. He was so cute so we all donated LOL and then found out he was German after some bad guesses and then it ended up being a very engaging conversation between the five of us and him. His name is Claudio, or maybe there's a German spelling variation of that, and he was your typical blond hair blue eyed Hitler dream baby, as Suk put it. Things got pretty inappropriate thanks to her, but hey that's how we got his number HAHA. He was not very aware of different ethnicities, thinking Suk was either Italian or Spanish, Anika Puerto Rican and Nayomi black American HAHAHAHAHA then he mistook Jess for jap, but at least he guessed I was Asian lol. He was so cute, aw,  but he's leaving for Germany in April. Maybe we'll call him up one day.

Jess and Suk secretly purchased some delicious chocolate covered strawberries for me and Nayomi thought it was solid chocolate moulded into a strawberry shape topped with fake green leaves at the top.

Eventually my family came along after trekking it to The Rocks to pick up my cake and we headed to Chinta Ria for dinner. That place was crazy packed even before it opened with all these people waiting outside so thank god we made reservations. Food was amazing and service was so quick. Ready to explode by then so I was grateful for the trek back to our car.

They ordered such a weird cake for me, some raspberry mousse and sorbet in a teardrop shape but it wasn't too rich. Lalalal one present my sister got me as a troll was this diet kit where you get a blunt fork that can't pick up anything and a spoon with a hole in the middle... Otherwise, very happy with all the thoughtful unexpected presents and also glad that Li Na won the Open, even though the last game was an unepic 6-0.

I got so much more out of this day than I expected. Good thing I deactivated fb and all because I only wanted to hear from a handful of people and they all delivered so yes it's made me a lot more thankful for those friends and my family especially. Maybe the next few years won't be so bad with these people around.

11:05 PM

Friday, January 24, 2014
come on

Last post as a 'child'. Safe to say it won't be a happy one. Not after the past couple of hours.

I finished Fahrenheit 451 and was pretty disappointed with it. Actually I was disappointed after maybe 50 pages but powered through. The afterword was better than the novel, explaining the process of writing the novel.

Otherwise, I exercised for the first time in a fortnight and nearly cried because blogilates lol.

TENNIS. WAS. TRAGIC. Such an anticipated match between Federer and Nadal, expectations of 4 or 5 sets. Well the first proved a good tight tie break but it just rolled downhill faster and faster after that, resulting in a gut wrenching 3-set victory for Nadal and omfg not even because he played that great, it's because Federer made too many unforced errors to count omfg ALL THOSE ONES AT THE NET nearly cried because I was so overwhelmed with how Federer's performance just spiraled down.

What's even better, Federer lost against Murray in the semis on my birthday last year. He loses in the semis just before my birthday. This is great.

Well this is an anticlimactic way to enter my 18th year. Time to deactivate facebook.

11:31 PM

Thursday, January 23, 2014
hill of beans

Not sure about all this overcast cool weather, kind of missing the heat, but only because it felt comfortable inside.

Today I took my final step of conforming to Apple and went to go and compare the macbooks. Someone should just send me to hell right now. Probably going to stick with the air, since retina is unnecessary for me and the old pro is too heavy and it really pains me to spend money when I'm still trying to look for a place to rent. Found a few but they're pretty much all shared boarding if I want a low price, sigh. Ooh we went to the ABC shop and found really cheap Daria DVDs. Guess I'll be spending the last month of freedom adopting an even more cynical attitude towards education systems and their students.

Wawrinka defeated Berdych today which kind of saddened me because I was really starting to enjoy watching Berdych play (and he is also very attractive) but I knew Stan would play a better final so now I have to forfeit my loyalty to Nadal because I really really really want a Swiss final. Roger might be capable of defeating him, not like Nadal has been playing his best this tournament. And hopefully Li Na wins. Man I have not missed commentators gushing about Australian players. Very thankful for Jim Courier and his unbiased American commentary.

I think I'm going to try and resume an earlier waking pattern. Starting slow, maybe 8:30 and gradually progress to 7 by the time uni rolls around, whether or not I'm moving. Though I guess if I stay in Castle Hill, going to have to wake up at 6...

11:43 PM

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Today, I officially enrolled as a University of Sydney student. It was not very exciting. After watching Wawrinka defeat Djokovic, I had to spend hours looking through majors and electives again because I had no idea what to do and ended up exhausted this morning and throughout the day.

Met Nayomi at the bus stop and gave her me and Anika's present. The walk to the uni from railway square was bearable but I really don't wanna do that every day. Also, depressed that the business school is not in the main area of campus and it looked kinda rundown.

ENROLMENT WAS STRESSFUL. Legit had no idea what to do with all those forms but we really took a lot longer than necessary lol, but guess I eventually decided on commercial law major for comm and economics for arts. Maybe it won't be as bad as it sounds... Saw a cute guy who was unfortunately very short and three huge white brutish looking guys who somehow got into comm HAHA. As we walked back through the main campus, some left wing activists kept stopping us to sign petitions and all. I'm super excited for orientation week, but that's about it lol, completely terrified to attend school.

Anyway ermg tennis was so stressful with Dimitrov playing better than expected but Nadal managed to save it in four sets and then OMG FEDERER AND MURRAY my sister and I were yelling so loud, neighbours might have heard. But it's okay, maintained faith in Federer and tomorrow I'll decide if I'm going for Nadal or Federer in semi. All I know is that if Wawrinka gets to finals, then I want Federer to win and see a Swiss showdown in the semi. Otherwise, I'm expecting five set matches from now.

Time for bed.

11:58 PM

Tuesday, January 21, 2014
put it away

Little memory of anything except tennis. Nadal and Nishikori's match was FANTASTIC, the poor jap deserved a set but as long as Nadal won, everything is good. AND THEN FEDERER FINALLY SHOWED SOME OF HIS OLD CHAMPION SELF AND DEFEATED TSONGA LIKE A DREAM. Praying those two will meet in the semis.

Now I'm mourning the defeat of Djokovic okay, all I wanted was a good intense match which was very much the case BUT WAWRINKA WASN'T SUPPOSED TO WIN. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO DJOKOVIC AND NADAL IN THE FINAL, I WANTED A REPLAY OF 2012 WITH A BETTER OUTCOME. Now seriously, Berdych ore Wawrinka in the finals... Nadal better cleanly defeat them (assuming he makes the finals) because so not in the mood to watch him fight it out with them.

Depressed and still stressing about majors. I have to make my decision before sleep. Thankfully it's a coolly pleasant day tomorrow, should be nice to explore the Usyd area.

11:55 PM

Sunday, January 19, 2014
spot on

Too tired to post after Nayomi's 18th party last night, even though I only got home around midnight. It should've just been purple themed, so much purple greeted me when I got to her place; balloons, napkins, cutlery, cups and there were lots of feather boas! Unfortunately, The Reject Shop didn't stock any so I had to make do with a purple hula skirt, which was just as well because it got way too hot to wear the boa. Ooh and Anika and I also got her a purple bouquet with flowers of three different shades of purple :)

Everyone was pretty much hours late, as usual, and initial conversations was all about uni and courses and all, but it was fantastic catching up with people whom I wouldn't communiate with. I thought I went to heaven when I saw all the chicken nuggets lying around, and I probably ended up eating over 20 among other things like pastries and quiches. Not much alcohol either, not that I was able to consume any. Anika had a good time with her first drink though I'm sure HAHA. I got her to roll down Nayomi's steep driveway.

It got a little awkward with the crowd of Ryde kids coming in but I finally met Sylvia's Julie among a bunch of other hand shakes and exchanged names. Dancing was subdued, mosquitoes were not. It felt pretty good to get home and shower and call it a night.

Today, I finally got to progressing some more into Bradbury on the balcony because there was such a nice cool breeze in the morning before it got progressively hotter throughout the day which was spent in front of the tv, watching tennis, the usual. SO MUCH (hopefully) GOOD TENNIS TOMORROW, so excited albeit a bit sad that if they get through quarters, Nadal and Federer will face each other in semis with the obvious motive of a final with Nadal and Djokovic together.

11:47 PM

Friday, January 17, 2014
cheesy riposte

January is going by super quickly. I can't decide if things feel super different after confirming a life direction yesterday. So many mixed feelings. It's mostly excitement when reading about campus life and the units I can take in my arts course but then commerce kind of shits all over that because it looks so boring and I have to take so many subjects to meet the credit requirements.

We had a shitty lunch at some cafe in towers which at least had a couple of free postcards I could snatch, but then my mum lost her diamond earring and we looked like fools walking around looking for it under tables and all. Turns out it was just hidden in her bed.

Excited for Nayomi's tomorrow and wow, she's turning 18 and I follow in a week...

Anyway yesterday's app of the day Shakespeare app is AWESOME. It has all these glossaries and descriptions for scenes and characters and you can tap on words while reading the play to find out what it means. I randomly started reading As You Like It and actually managed to get through the first act and make sense of it all! Could've been useful for Hamlet but eh, I want to be able to enjoy Shakespeare by myself.

The encryption site is dead...

11:43 PM

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wow what a stressful day it's been, starting at 9am when I was woken by a text from Usyd congratulating me on an offer and not specifying a goddamn course. OH AND THEN A FEW HOURS LATER, ANOTHER TEXT EXPLAINING THE PREVIOUS TEXT WAS AN ERROR PIECE OF SHIT, got so stressed out, it provoked really horrible cramps. So the whole day was spent feeling very tense and touchy with everyone around me trying to be positive (I mean, really?).

But I got into comm/art at Usyd! So ecstatic, but I could only express it through a huge sigh of relief. Everyone seemed to have gotten into their first preferences which is really great. Just a little sad that majority of people are going to unsw, but Nayomi will be doing my course so at least there'll be one familiar face around. Five years full time.... Sounds daunting. As is the enrollment process omfg, didn't think to read through majors and credits and units etc and enrollment is on the 22nd. Forcing my mum to run through everything with me tomorrow. Only definite is majoring in English, a potentially regrettable decision but more so if I don't study it.

In other events of the day, tennis was unbearable because I waited the whole day to watch Nadal defeat Kokkinakas but all these earlier matches were taking forever especially fucking women's and ugh Nadal obviously won straight sets but it was very enjoyable watching him play so beautifully.

It's the end and beginning of an era.

11:11 PM

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

It's surprisingly stayed pretty cool at home, despite the forecast temperatures and Melbourne hitting mid 40s this week, those poor tennis players. Tennis hasn't been terribly exciting thus far, which isn't very far into the tournament.

Yesterday the doctor prescribed me some antibiotics to hopefully break my hormone cycle and stop my break outs. Upside is the uncertainty of mixing alcohol and antibiotics. Looks like my 18th and the first few months of uni will be super exciting. I'll just join the beer society like Carla.

Bad period pain woke me up today, as well as a loooong match with Nishikori who thankfully won against the dickhead Australian. Only time to root for a Japanese person. Hewitt's five set defeat saddened me very much, just as Jess and I were beginning to respect him as a player. Even more disappointing was Nadal's 'victory' after one set when Tomic retired due to injury. Dumbass, he shouldn't even have played if he was feeling the injury before the match. Well either way, ecstatic to see Nadal again, especially since the last time we watched him play was that agonising almost six hour final with Djokovic in 2012. Edwina and I were dying in China and our stupid little cousin started rooting for Djokovic just to annoy us, which worked very well since he defeated Nadal. Hopefully he'll have an easy win over the next Australian teenager he's playing. Also, Pironkova will hopefully defeat Stosur. Just cause she's Bulgarian (Y) Not sure what I'll be blogging about after tennis.

I think I will actually sleep before midnight tonight. Pretty excited.

11:47 PM

Sunday, January 12, 2014

There's only a little part of me that's feeling a bit ashamed that I spent a few hours watching myscene movies, so good, thank god for the internet because they were only available as DVDs ten years ago. What I would give to live their lives. I also downloading Surviving High School because HHS was taking too long to be able to do anything but sob, have to pay to continue playing SHS and now I don't know what to do anymore. Besides be active and read and be social.

Choke the movie was disappointing in its first ten minutes so now I'm just going to enjoy Burn After Reading and prep myself for a hot fortnight of tennis ahead, hopefully with some social interjections now and then.

Thank you all for being so fucking reliable.

10:08 PM

Saturday, January 11, 2014

I think I am too excited for tennis on Monday. Just spent the last couple of hours watching all these highlights with Nadal, because it has been too damn long since I've watched him play, and then smiling non stop watching the Haiti charity match, SO FREAKING GOOD. Unfortunately I have a doctor's appointment smack in the middle of Monday so hopefully they won't be broadcasting the big players there.

Puberty round two chose such a bad time to hit, seriously, don't want to go into uni with my face looking like it did in Year 8 fml why hormones why who needs boobs and ovum.

No books have been touched today. Instead, I decided to waste more data watching DWTS again lol and for some reason, decided to watch episodes of Madeline.

UAC admissions in just a few days.

11:12 PM

Friday, January 10, 2014
long gone

The heat returned today, inconveniently I might add, since I actually made plans today with my mentor group minus Sarah and Motherwell. The train ride to Central was enjoyable because it's been a while since I've had a long space of time to just ponder (excluding the numerous days spent alone at home).

Anika, Jess, Joumana and I trekked it to Glebe in the hot midday sun but it wasn't a long walk, much more preferable to paying for a comparatively long bus trip. Ooh and Jess gave me Milka chocolate! Sappho was very crowded and a very nice lady helped us adjust the umbrella for our table. She was reading Eugenides. The food is overpriced but pretty gourmet and delicious so it was worth it. However, the bookstore was disappointing. Even the most battered copies were around $7 when you can find a huge selection of very well preserved secondhand books at the bookstore in Baulko. I did buy one anyway, just because, and I convinced Jess to buy an ugly edition of Middlesex. Afterwards we spent a long time browsing Gleebooks. The variety in there compared to the more commercial places like Dymocks and Angus & Robertson...

My mum got me to drive from Penno station to Castle Hill which was very nerve wracking because traffic was starting to increase but it went smoothly. Lol then my mum got me and my sister to help her with dinner. Irony is that she probably could've cooked it faster without our help. A big drop of hot oil sputtered onto my finger and it's still stinging and red.

Today has been a good day for tennis. Hewitt's victory over Murray was a very entertaining match to watch, two tie breaks, and then the Bulgarian girl ranked 107 unexpectedly defeated Kerber at APIA final. She is so thin but she was so quick across the court and her hits were so big which was unexpected considering her tiny frame.

OH and the first round drawers for Aus Open was released and Nadal and Tomic are playing together YES HAHA because really, Tomic has no chance, not after the way Nadal has been playing in the last year. Even the stupid Australian news are reporting concern; will our Aussie hero not even have a chance to prove himself? Damn straight, I'm so excited. Nadal better not let himself down.

So Christine is gone and unless she can access wifi, it'll be a quiet month for my phone.

Looking forward to a quiet day home tomorrow, hopefully finish Bradbury and start something else on my book list.

10:48 PM

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Yesterday I finally decided to be social and meet up with Carla and Nayomi at towers for a very late lunch which was nice, really good to catch up. We also bumped into a bunch of Baulkos in the food court including Leanne and I am forever going to be taken aback by how small she is. 

Omg such a fantastic night watching Federer and Tsonga's exhibition match. I wish tennis players always smiled while playing, it was so adorable. Plus it was nice to see Federer win after losing to goddamn Hewitt. 

Today I got woken up at 5:30am, first time I've had only four hours sleep since HSC I think and I paid for it for the rest of the day. My mum has been taking me driving again and omfg just casually driving along and then a lorikeets flies at and hits the windscreen, that was terrifying. 

Hot pot with the family and I was so full so I napped on the floor with my dog. She's never going to walk up or down the stairs. We left her at the bottom and put her dinner bowl at the top and she just sat on the bottom stair and cried for fifteen minutes before we got down and slowly forced her up each stair. 

Anyway, just want to post this before midnight, have my last Sydney conversation with Christine until next month and rest up for a day with my mentor group (minus Sarah) tomorrow yay. 

11:59 PM

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

People returned to work yesterday. Soon enough, school resumes and university commences. I don't know how we'll handle the excitement.

Yesterday, just lazed around at home enjoying the last warm day for a few days and had an amusing time washing my dog. I helped my mum make chili con carne for dinner which turned out good, edible. Wow, no wonder I didn't blog yesterday.

I only remember waking up from a whacky dream which I've been having on a nightly basis again, except unfortunately they never stay in my memory. Since the weather was finally cool today, figured it was appropriate to give into my temptation and eat that kimchi ramen for breakfast. Nayomi also called and it was nice catching up.

My god, towers was so crowded today, such a pain maneuvering around the aisles in Coles. The afternoon was good, getting fat, eating fruit cheese on crackers and pancakes with golden syrup.

My mum took me driving today, and finally I didn't start off all shaky and everything, it was much easier this time round. Think I should put down getting my P's as another resolution or 'thing' to do by 2015.

Anyway I was going to start properly researching for more uni courses but then I got distracted by Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, sigh, keep putting this off. Anything to do with university, I just shut down and it's approaching so fast.

10:49 PM

Sunday, January 5, 2014
Jonathan Livingston

This morning, I resisted the intense urge to eat a bowl of kimchi instant noodles my grandparents cruelly bought the day before. Sheer willpower and prospect of future guilt instead prompted me to eat a goddamn banana and retreat to my room to wait the temptation out. But as a reward for resisting, I figure I'll eat a packet in a few days when the temperature cools down and I won't be sweating while eating.

The day was spent reading whatever short fiction I could find online. I realised I should add all the bits of short fiction I read to my reading journal, or at least the memorable ones but I've no idea of the dates I read them and that's going to hurt my perfectionist side of my 'review' layout.

Sun was relentless when I walked home in the late afternoon but all was well as I settled to watch Key Largo and tempt my dog with cheese and crackers. Sigh, then Jess prompted me to watch Hewitt defeat Federer for the Brisbane International title. The tragedy the day Federer retires... I'm going to have to stop watching tennis for a while to nurture my grief. Anyway, I am so excited for Australian Open next week. Nothing better than hot days and watching the ball go back and forth. AND NADAL IS BACK FINALLY.

Buttons was traumatised after we tried to force her down our newly de-carpeted stairs. She was frothing at the mouth with fear after I put her on the first step down. She's getting old.


11:44 PM

Saturday, January 4, 2014
wasted angst

First day out today in a long time, felt pretty weird seeing humans outside of my block.

So Christine and I met up at Eastwood today for lunch and so I could finally present the scrapbook that was meant to be the belated other half of her 18th birthday present, but just as well that I took my time so I could incorporate memories from the end of 2013. It was super hot today. Had a gourmet sandwich and some shitty cheesecake and called it a day.

It was good to return to the seclusion of my room so I caught up on I some neglected reading and even managed to avoid watching Mary Poppins and The Wizard of Oz to do that.

I realised I should do something about my sleeping patterns.

11:31 PM

Friday, January 3, 2014
wolf and i

Increased humidity means increased crankiness. Why can't we just suffer good old dry heat.

I watched Silver Linings Playbook yesterday, obviously feeling that it is overrated and somehow really short despite the two hour duration, but the characters barely seemed to develop. You knew they had a past and it ended there, just wasn't enough ... development. And far out all those shouting scenes, how do they expect anybody to get what is being said? I also wonder how Jennifer Lawrence won an Oscar based on that performance. It was good, but not great. Meh.

Yesterday, because Catch-22 will be the death of me, I started reading Fahrenheit 451 hoping it'd be an easy read. It was a little difficult to get into, I prefer Bradbury's shorter fiction but halfway now and maybe that can just ease my mind before I ponder returning back to Heller. Otherwise, spent the evening watching Emma Approved from the start with my sister and smiling like an idiot everytime Knightley walked on screen.

Last night, Christine and I made lists of 18 things to do by 2015. I'm thinking that they're all manageable. Feeling slightly more optimistic about keeping to resolutions and all this year, probably because they don't involve diet and exercise.

Today was hot and my sister walked my dog to the apartment and wow, I hadn't seen her so hot and exhausted in a long time, was worried she was suffocating because her breathing was so fast and shallow and she had a whole bowl of water.

Scanning Christine's scrapbook took me an hour. It'll be sad to part with it when I give it to her tomorrow because it holds shared memories, so figured I'd 'keep' it in pdf form. It was also satisfying surprising my sister with tickets to Vampire Weekend as a belated Christmas gift and repayment for my iPad.

Not feeling keen on going out tomorrow with a forecast of thirty degrees but since Christine's days are limited here, gotta do it.

Oh yeah, I randomly found a penpal lol, after looking through a bunch of women's blog sites and seeing what sites they recommended to be safe. Positive she's not a creep but not divulging any personal information anyway.

My mum is also pushing me to get on-campus accommodation rather than travel for three hours a day to and from uni. As if entering a whole new institution isn't daunting enough, now I gotta be on my own? Who knows if I can even get into usyd, been looking into some UTS courses, still not understanding what communications is but maybe I'll put down one or two as my preference. It'd certainly be more convenient than usyd and unsw.

Two months are going to fly by.

11:57 PM

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

So the reason NYE was shit was probably due to all the narcissistic self blog stalking and particularly reminiscing with Anika on NYE Eve. Fireworks were mediocre as is the norm, champagne fizzed it's way down and my dog licked up a considerable amount of what spilt on the floor. Hehe she's been hungover today, waking later than usual and going back to sleep for the whole morning and afternoon after breakfast.

Otherwise I had a shit start to the day and year after, while cutting up a watermelon, I sliced into my thumb and the nail ugh so disgusting, so much blood, and it is so difficult to function without a thumb, and it's not even my right thumb. The pain was bearable but it kind of triggered a lot of emotions I've felt since graduation and haven't been able to express so boom, crying about more things than one. Family probably think I need help, it was a cut lol.

On the other hand, I made my resolutions and am nearly done compiling a book list to complete by the end of this year.

Otherwise the rest of the day wasn't bad, talking to Christine and Anika and Suk, and eating really delicious meat stew for lunch. I've also decided to skip James Bond tonight in order to exercise. Need to cut down viewing hours and get back on track with reading cause I've been so lazy but omg Catch-22 why are you so uninteresting?

Anyway, time to exercise, figure out how not to wet my thumb while washing my hair and then call it a night.

9:31 PM