
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Good day.

Stayed up till 3am last night, FaceTime-ing Anika and lawl we tried testing each other eco knowledge which we thought remained in our brains but that ended up making us reevaluate how our exam went HAHA.

Dreary morning and I woke up at 10:30 which was somehow the latest I've woken up in months, it seems. Can't stand to see my mornings gone :(

Skip to the evening where for some god forsaken reason, the most annoying group of Year 8 or 9 normos, people I hoped never to see again, took my fucking bus and just yelled their conversations for the whole trip omfg yep thank god no more transport with school kids. However that seems preferable next to crowded bus rides with solemn adults all the way to goddamn uni.

Arrived at Eric's and had some communal corn with Carla, Tanya and Michelle and then Brandon came and then somehow Justin just popped up in the backyard LOLOL. Omg Eric got a pool table whee so I tried my hand at it again with Michelle, Brandon and Justin and I actually got two balls in so that's something to be proud of.

HAHA they sliced the sausages down the middle before putting them on the barbecue and they pretty much looked like penis cross sections, but oh so tasty, and chicken wings, steak, corn and sweet potato mmmm. Beer was a bad idea though, felt like my stomach exploded by the end of the night from all the fizz. Then we commemorated Jina's absence with her edible red-but-pink velvet cake-almost-biscuit.

Crowded around taking photos and watching as Tanya and Justin got drunker as the night went on. It was just nice being around people again, I'd been so used to being alone for a long time.

Quite the dilemma when Michelle realised she had to drive a full car of people home with curfew restrictions but all good. I love group paranoia. Lol then Brandon and I just hung outside my apartment block, chatting while we waited for his mum to pick him up and it was good catching up after so long.

Anyway think it's time to call it a night.

Happy 18th birthday Carla :)

1:13 AM

Thursday, November 28, 2013
north north west

Finally got out of the house today, on a gross humid day but it was more refreshing than pacing my apartment with a book in hand. Speaking of books, I was so proud of myself when I finally finished goddamn Lolita which was such a disappointing ending, though I wasn't expecting anything at all. That's one unfinished book out of the way, several more to go.

Christine and I went to see Belvoir's production of Hamlet today which I was super excited for because Motherwell was saying it's better than the Seymour production we saw, though I don't know how she could make the judgment before having seen it... Maybe just her assumption cause the same guy directed DOAS which I thought was great.

I was disappointed :( So much was omitted from the play and I couldn't find a justification for it and it barely seemed to highlight the internal conflict going on within Hamlet which um, is pretty much integral to the play and just, it was pretty confusing and from someone who knows the play, I really don't know how anyone who isn't familiar with the original text could've gained much from this performance. The freaking program I paid $6 for barely told me anything illuminating either. I'm glad though that the production our grade got to see was better, in my opinion.

Oh my god but Hamlet was strangely attractive in a creepy almost pervert way but then he kissed some old lady in the front row ON THE MOUTH and I was pretty jealous LOL. However Ophelia and Laertes were unbearable to watch. And then they combined Ros and Guild into one nameless character... AND WHERE WAS HORATIO SOB.

There are two plays about Oedipus that I want to see this summer.

Anyway met with Sunhee after and had ramen and matcha ice cream and OMG Christine made and brought peanut butter fudge. So good, yet so bad, the ingredients list is horrifying.

Excited for Carla's tomorrow, excited to see some people finally.

9:50 PM

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Today I finally finished reading Invisible Monsters which just kept getting weirder and weirder too abruptly so unfortunately it was not my cup of tea, but I'll revisit it one day. Now I think I owe it to nobody in particular to finally finish Lolita which I think I started almost two years ago and I will attempt to finish it in the next week.

Finally did some yoga and took a bath because I can actually do those things now without my period yay.

On another note, I realised my HSC timetable is still up on my wall and tomorrow will mark three weeks since its end. I'll take it down soon, once I find something to fill up the empty space.

Most mornings, I wake up with a slight headache because I've been dreaming SO MUCH why won't my brain just take a rest :(

11:43 PM

Monday, November 25, 2013
in between

Happy 74th birthday to my grandpa and happy 18th birthday to Brandon :)

Can't believe it's almost been a month since HSC ended for me. Soon, the HSC will have been 'last year'. Ridiculous.

The majority of today was spent on Christine's scrapbook which I am dying to finish and will hopefully do that very soon. Kind of wish I could keep it, it's pretty good for reminiscing. Maybe once I recover from scrap booking, I'll make my own.

I made a devastating discovery when I put my maxi skirt on today. Since I got it, the hem has always sat perfectly on the floor without impeding on my ability to walk. Today, it is now sitting on my ankles HOW THE FUCK DID I GROW SO MUCH IS THIS THE CONSEQUENCE OF FINALLY GETTING SLEEP IS MY BODY REALLY PRIORITISING MY HEIGHT OVER OTHER AREAS OF POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT? So sad. Now the skirt and other maxis look like shit with my foot/shoe completely visible.

Family dinner at Criniti's where we went overload on pizza and pasta and pork belly omg. Topped off an overflowing stomach with chocolate cheesecake and I missed my dog so much. From now on, I'll probably just walk home every weekday when my parents work and my sister is at school and take advantage of an empty house. Still waiting for a super hot weekday where I can jump into my pool PLEASE.

My mime sandals came today and they will definitely need some time before the straps are comfortable.

Time to read. Hoping to finish Invisible Monsters tomorrow if not tonight so I can start a new one (and ignore my started-but-unfinished books).


11:43 PM

Sunday, November 24, 2013

How is it a matter of weeks till Christmas and the new year? How how how how how?

Yesterday, I earned new respect for my grandma when I discovered that she read and loved Anna Karenina. Russian literature is still very low on my to-read list. Saturday was spent on the couch in front of the TV, watching All About Eve and Annie Hall and Doctor Zhivago. I think I'll alternate between days devoted to reading and days devoted to movies.

This morning, I finally finished reading Middlesex which was a sad accomplishment because I was enjoying it so much. Now I am forcing myself through Invisible Monsters which is just confusing me so much but I'm already past halfway so there's no point starting again till I've actually finished the whole thing once.

In the meantime, I've made a few failed attempts at writing. Knowing that you can't write anything good at this age based on oersonal knowledge and experiences is a total downer on creativtity. Nothing is progressing past three hundred words.

I think it's time to revisit Woolf again. Been about three and a half months since we handed those major works in.

My iPad is awesome but o m f g everytime I switch between internet tabs, they always have to freaking reload and if it's an article I'm reading and I've scrolled way down, it doesn't have the courtesy to refresh and take me back to where I was on the web page.

So times to proceed with my books while everyone parties at Sid's. Seeing Hamlet with Christine on Thursday :)

10:26 PM

Friday, November 22, 2013
Let it slide

Tired, not a very good day, aside from the crappy weather and bad wardrobe choice. Wore the maxi with the mid split that likes to blow with the wind and reveal my crotch if I'm not careful. Decided to go to school today to get grad book and stuff from cottage. Stupid cottage was freaking locked okay what if they throw out my mug WHAT. IF.

Otherwise it was just sad being there. Lots of people were around though, like Jess and Suk and Sarah came lugging a suitcase of books haha. But yeah, had been coping pretty well but today just made me realise how much I miss school. Not that I would really relive it, past that stage thankfully, but I just miss the structure, the buildings, people :( Year 9 just finished their week of peer support training lol, think Year 10 are doing the self defence for life and resilience. Things were so good two years ago, and ABW is coming up next week and they're all having fun while I'm stuck in a timeless period of boredom. Makes me feel a little better that Year 12 have first HSC assessments in a week, but let's face it; we'll be wishing for that once uni starts.

Lunch with Anika, Christine and Suk, and then just chilled with Christine in OB reminiscing about high school while it poured outside. Left me in a pretty pensive and down mood so I went home and decided to stalk our HGHS page during trial time which was sad, and then I listened to Little Wonders for the first time since graduation and cried a bit.

Now I'm just annoyed that I can't go to Sid's at this rate, because it's too inconvenient with track work and Sunday shit transport timetables and fights with mum. Hoping some stroke of luck happens tomorrow that makes it possible to attend. Otherwise another night home with my books.


10:34 PM

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

There is not much to blog about days where all I've been doing is reading x10000. Middlesex is fantastic, it's so great. Watching videos would generally be there too but my download is so slow right now, I have to wait a few days before that can happen.

Grad photo books are available for collection, so I guess an excuse to return to school?

My period conveniently came yesterday, which I should be grateful for because it didn't occur on the trip. Noumea feels like a dream since I've settled right back at home. Which reminds me, first night after hearing the scary ocean outside our hotel, I had a dream that I woke up and the water had flooded right up to the window (we were on the sixth floor...) and then that woke me up with terror. After I fell asleep again, I dream-woke-up, looked at the balcony and saw a fucking tornado sailing across the ocean surface towards us and it was so terrifying.

UGH trying desperately to save money but I can't deal with all these sales coming at me. Caved and bought some UO stuff yesterday and now thanks to clickfrenzy, more sandals are on sale so I'm just going to get one pair, once I decide. Then hopefully I will be set, and probably unsubscribe my email from all these sites to avoid temptation.

11:54 AM

Sunday, November 17, 2013
Noumea 2013

Five days to recount. They weren't as eventful as expected, but it was a good experience.

Nayomi and I had our first airport experience without an adult to guide us and it was not as scary as we thought, thank god. But I lost my sunglasses which I am going to be depressed about for a long time because I loved them and now I have nothing to wear and have to go back to Glebe to find something similar :(

Window seat on the plan was pointless because it was right next it the plane wing. Arrived in Noumea in time to see the sun setting in the distance which was beautiful. The French language was so intimidating though, all we could do was smile and say bonjour and merci. Eight years of learning French obviously paid off. The airport transfer took 1.5 goddamn hours and it was dark when we got to Le Meridien and we checked our balcony for the ocean view. We could hear the waves and it was just endless pitch black ocean, so scary.

The sun shining on the balcony woke us up at 4:30 idek how but the view was so beautiful, no cameras could do it justice. Spent the morning lounging around the pool after breakfast and on our private strip of beach where we saw our first pair of boobs just suntanning. Then we decided to walk around and slowly made our way to Anse Vate beach and Bais de Citrons, and it needs to be said that the postcard images of white sand is a lie. There's white sand scattered with thousands of rocks that stab your feet.

So many black islanders around, and there really isn't much culture to experience, particularly not in the tourist areas we were in. Walked around, lounged on the beach, trekked all the way back to the hotel which is lovely but completely isolated from everywhere omg.

Our room service guy was adorable. He was so helpful setting up our food and pulling out the tv and just shoving as much advice as possible as he left the room. We named him Claude. Breakfast buffet man is also very cute, and his name is Clements :)

Headed out early to the city centre so we could explore the markets. Lawl this guy sat next to me on the bus and started making conversation and asked to add me on fb so I lied about not having Facebook.

The markets were cute, mostly selling the same fabric and organic jewellery and other little wooden/stone items, as well as fresh produce and bread. Spent a good couple hours visiting all the stalls and got some jewellery pieces because you just wouldn't find them here, and we got a temporary tattoo lol and a fresh coconut which tasted so weird... The water inside was fizzy wtf.

Omg attempted to walk the city and find a famous park but made it a few blocks before we turned back because it was like ghetto slum everywhere, it was so not tourist safe. Problem was, we couldn't find a bus stop HAHA so we trekked about two kilometres trying to remember how we came to the city and praise the lord, just made a bus to Anse Vate. We had some delicious gelato and trekked it back home.

FIRST SPA EXPERIENCE. Nayomi and I each got a back massage which was a pretty awkward but amazing hour. The lady massaged my back but then just randomly stopped and whipped my towel off and forced me up lol. Then they shoved me and Nayomi into a sauna and I swear it was almost 40 degrees inside and we were just panicking, it was so hard to breathe! But in hindsight, it was fantastic, our skin felt amazing later. Finished up the back/leg/foot massage and yeah hadn't felt so relaxed in a long time.

Last day, and we were planning a day trip to the Iles des Pins but too cbf, particularly after our last day so we just lazed around on the beach outside the hotel all day and lol my tan is so brown. We borrowed these huge surfboards that you stand on and paddle with an oar and surprisingly, we didn't fall despite the wind and the small waves, and it was a huge amount of fun. So relaxing, despite the arm strength required. Had lunch overlooking the ocean and Clements came to idly chat hehe but awks, was saying how we looked funny just sitting and rowing on the boards before we were courageous enough to stand, which was pretty embarrassing.

We've been doing a lot of reading on the beach, aside from wading and checking out the topless women. I don't know why all the hot men we've seen are dads. You see a tanned fit man running along the side only to realise he's chasing or being chased by his toddler children. Anyway I'm progressing pretty well through Middlesex which is fan-fucking-tastic. And then we stayed out late to watch our last sunset which was unfortunately cockblocked by the clouds sitting conveniently on the horizon.

FaceTimed with Christine and Anika that night and it was really good to see our friends again :) We probably disturbed the rooms nearby with our manic laughter and yelling etc. Then I introduced Nayomi to Valdaya and we stayed up watching DWTS on the floor near the door cause that's the only area that had wifi.

I gotta say, even though Noumea is pretty much visual perfection with amazing weather, the prospect of home made us so happy. Until the turbulence hit us on the flight home and made me nauseous because we had conveniently just eaten lunch. And GOD it was so good to see English speaking people! I felt like I belonged again :')

Of course, the feeling died down once we got outside the airport and it was wet and windy and cold and ugh home sweet home, goodbye 28 degrees, warm and sunny and breezy beaches.

Upside; my sister and I each got an iPad Air, thanks to slightly cheaper Duty Free and now I can easily roam all my sites in bed without having to sit up at the computer. Still trying to adapt to iOS 7 though TT

Anyway it really was a great experience, and we learned we can solve problems and be independent. Plus it was relaxing. But nothing is better than one's own bed and shower. I'm gonna have to scrub my body a few more times to get rid of all the sunscreen still stuck on my skin, and my suitcase is probably full of sand.

Early night.

10:19 PM

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Hopefully I will be able to blog from Noumea if the hotel wifi isn't shit. If not, well, last one for the week.

Sigh it took a long time this morning to pack away all my make up and other stupid shit from formal, plus sooo tired after staying up till 3am waiting for my hair to freaking dry, but then I just gave up and called it a night, and then ended up waking at 11 which is the latest in months.

So ready for this trip lol got some last minute stuff at kmart today. Not ready at all, so terrified at the thought of not being with my mum but it's a necessary experience. Nayomi and I will just try to avoid dying because we don't have travel insurance LOL.

Still can't decide whether I should come back and get an iPad or iPad mini from Duty Free cause they're both the same but mini is more convenient for size but it's easier to type on the iPad but the iPad is only a tiny bit heavier than the mini this time UGH dilemma. They're both so expensive :( I'll just let whatever I get be my grad/Christmas/birthday present from my sister. Can't describe how much I hate spending money right now. Also the exchange rate is fucking shit, one AUD buys only 68 XFP. Idek what value that is but I know we'll definitely be losing money.

Anyway screw early night, SATC movie is on, so I'll pack the huge pile of stuff on my floor in the suitcase tomorrow.


11:42 PM

it's time

Oh my god, so exhausted but this might make the time I wait for my hair to dry pass faster. This will probably be one big incoherent mess.

WELL it was a hideously stressful day, which I was not prepared for, probably because I was so cbf about everything when of course I'm not. It's been a long time since we've had to get ready like so, which probably caught me very off guard.

The weather greeted us with fine sleets of rain pretty much all goddamn day. It was so windy and wet and cold, even trekking to towers in layers was a disaster so I was pretty much giving up hope for looking good at formal. Ugh stupid organisation, or lack thereof, but last minute supplies trip went pretty quickly (Y)

Disaster began with hair. How ironic that in practising for the past few days, it only took me half an hour tops to get it up. Today, it took over an hour omfg things were just not working out like they were supposed to (naturally) and tears of frustration were coming out because I had to rush out of the house to Nayomi's ermg so stressful there too. Then I pressured myself into wearing my awful heels and they were truly torture devices. Took photos and everything, delayed the limo driver about 15-20 minutes and yeah it was so scary tottering down Nayomi's steep and wet driveway to the car which was crap. No ipod dock meant no music meant boring quiet car ride which made me carsick from sitting backwards anyway.

BLESS THE SKY it cleared up once we got to the city thank GOD. Walking to the stupid place was bad enough, it didn't need to be pouring as well. AH everyone polished up very nicely, I barely recognised that the group of people milling around was our grade. So depressed that I didn't bring my polaroid. Thought it would be impossible to hold if it were raining.

Table 1, right next to the dance floor but last to receive food TT The food was terrible in my opinion, but some people thought it was amazing... Idk entree and main were dry and the fish was tasteless and dessert could have been much better.

OMG the music was disappointing too. The DJ had some shitty mix on for most of the night because it took an hour for everyone to get seated and then idk two fucking hours for entree and mains to come out so they weren't allowed to play good music or dim the lights but we convinced him to because less than two hours of dancing just doesn't cut it. Oh and thank the fucking lord that I brought flats because the shoes would have killed and they cruelly said you couldn't go barefoot on the dance floor. A male's rule, I would guess. Jamming in those long dresses... pretty disgusting but my back was able to breathe. Ngaw Marshall and a blonde teacher whose name I don't know just jammed with us, it was so cute. And for some reason, I thought Sylvia's date, Eric, would be like Sylvia. Nope that guy was a pretty enthusiastic dancer, it was awesome.

Who ends an event with Barbie Girl? Worst song ever. So sad that I was too lazy to take more photos, and fuck I only went to the photobooth twice :( But I'll be relying on Mara's photos that will hopefully be up soon yay. Ugh, leaving was anticlimactic and it wasn't hitting me that it was really the last time we'd be gathered together. Not enough closure WHY WASN'T THIS BEFORE GRADUATION, I wanted things to end so badly on graduation. That was a better night than tonight.

Ugh picked out 61 bobby pins from my hair and chucked in so much conditioner to get rid of the hairspray and knots and guh, ready to pass out and now I think my hair is adequately dry so I'm going to call it a night. Tomorrow is going to be just as hectic because Nayomi and I should probably start packing for Noumea LOL. This is going to be good.

Anyway, formal was fun. I am going to miss dancing together so much, not going to find a better group of people to jam around with. But that's okay, we'll have reunion(s). Tomorrow I will fill out details I have most likely forgotten. My body is going to be aching when I wake up.

2:53 AM

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The weather was fantastic today. Wind and rain and chill. Tomorrow is going to be great.

Bless Michelle's family, they dropped us off at Central, saving me an extra few dollars in transport fares. Idk then we finally made our way to Tempe... a location I will never go to again. We had one side of the club mostly to ourselves and then most of us shared schnitzels and then we just chilled in our seats because the trains were all arriving at inconvenient times anyway. Made the bad decision to get apple strudel because it didn't taste that great plus it was a lot of extra fat that wasn't needed, especially not after Sunhee's lawl, my hips. It was also very considerate of people to not turn up and tell Jess last minute. These things make it easier to move on from high school.

Desperately shopped around with Christine finding jewellery and ugh, should not have been so hasty in my purchases because I kept finding better earrings as we progressed through the shops and cbf to return the ones I already got. Tomorrow morning I have to get up still and look for some more stuff. AND FUCKING DECIDE WHAT SHOES I'M WEARING OMFG. Was set on the hideously painful heels because they matched the clutch but the clutch cannot fit ANYTHING and my cork one fits everything but it doesn't go with anything and I don't want judgment if I wear my Lily's and there's just no win-win situation here.

How ironic is it that my hair is probably going to turn out better than any other part of my look? Which is something I probably just jinxed because despite my pretty successful practices over the past few days, things will probably go terribly wrong tomorrow and I'll get so stressed that I can't do anything with it. I'm afraid to think about how much I've spent for formal. It's definitely over $300 right now lol and it is not going to be worth it, but I'm totally open to changing my mind about that.

Far out, totally forgot about my nails. Screw an early night, gotta do that now and the new TVD will hopefully keep me awake while I'm at it.

11:36 PM

Saturday, November 9, 2013
do i do

Humidity is terrible when you're in a carpeted environment and the only tiles are the bathroom or kitchen. It's making me consider going home when it's hot so I can melt on my cold wooden floor. However, it conveniently cools down just a little bit too much. Far out why isn't formal on Tuesday, it seems to be perfect weather :(

BUT Noumea weather is looking pretty good, though the humidity is apparently nuts, but that's okay because I get to see Nayomi's hair explode. Nothing is organised for the trip though and we just don't have the capacity to think about it till after formal, which is one day before the flight haha... This is going to be a great first parent-less trip,  I tell you.

The tailor did a good job hemming my dress so thank god I don't need to pay for extra alterations to the alteration. It only just covers my shoes though so if I wear my Lily's, they'll probably still show and earn some strange looks but really, those heels, just cannot deal. And looks like I'm winging my hair on Monday. I did end up trying out a number of bun looks which seemed to hold okay but knowing luck, or lack thereof, it's going to go hideously wrong on the day. Ditto make up, still don't know what lipstick to wear with a red dress... Red lips seems like red overkill UGH. Oh my god and I just realised I don't have jewellery but there is no time to buy it tomorrow which means I'll probably have to buy on Monday morning OMFG THIS IS THE WORST.

Just let the week end, I want to be at home with nothing to think about. And I want to cut my hair.

Time to read myself to sleep.

11:52 PM

Friday, November 8, 2013

So sleepy, but must. Blog. Today was too exhausting, not to mention too goddamn hot. I woke up unnecessarily early to get to school after roll call, even though Jess slept in and came much later but that's okay, I got to spend an hour with Horan listening to his voice while finally removing the laptop from the school system etc. I tried to read more 4u major works but if you're not in the mood, you just can't read any of them.

Jess came. Teachers stared at us because for some reason, the recess staff tea was in the library. Really, HSC only ended last week. But yeah I finally signed out. It was very anticlimactic. No last dramatic ID card swipe or anything.

I just remembered that yesterday, I received a call from Mr Marshall LOL was pretty shocked but yeah, sad because the eco ranks were incorrect and I dropped down one, which just puts me at the bottom of the top half :(

Michelle came to do her laptop and then we all just delayed leaving the library because it was too hot outside. UGH and wind too.

Home and napped and ate pizza which was a bad move, and read before getting ready for Sunhee's. Okay the weather out west was still fucking 36 degrees at 5pm while the city was probably ten degrees cooler okay wtf is this, a five minute walk to the bus stop had me sweating like crazy.

It was nice to see everyone again at Sunhee's dinner until they all gathered around one long table and left five of us alone on another so that was already a bummer to the night. Also, getting a banquet was a baaaaad idea. My stomach is a mountain right now, there was so much food, and it was okay. The roast lamb was fantastic because it was cooked to perfection but yeah otherwise, there's nothing that special about Greek food.

Cbf karaoke or anything afterwards so Anika and I just strolled in the rain back to Town Hall to take our transport home, and the bus was surprisingly crowded on a Friday night. I figured people stayed out much later. Then the disgusting heat and humidity hit once I got off at towers, guh whyyyyy. However, it was a pleasant walk in the rain.

Now I am so excited to sleep once I get this post published. Tomorrow, will hopefully not be disappointed by my formal dress alteration, and I should probably go find a clutch.


11:10 PM

Thursday, November 7, 2013
end result

Went back to school. It's almost starting to feel like I haven't graduated lol but yeah took my laptop to Horan who has such a nice melodious voice which is a good counteraction to his death-like appearance.
Found Nayomi and Jess and we just idk prowled around because Nayomi didn't feel like studying for the last exam.

OMFG LOL we went to see Marshall in the deputy's and saw on the bulletin board a picture of Mr and Mrs Hughson looool. Actually, I noticed it behind Dunn's head when we were chatting and had to keep my cool and subtly point it out to the later devastated Nayomi. Sigh, she's pretty :(

Christine came and we just trailed along while she got her books signed off and then had a nice chat with Hindy who will be forever awkward. Apparently he's going to fill in for Ms Wilson!

Etc etc etc left to meet Anika at Chatswood and omfg Christine took us to Sheike and nooo I found this nice almost Indian print maxi dress that went down from $140 to $60 so I just had to get it and now I feel super bad for just spending so much money :( For lunch, we went to Grill'd for the first time which was AHmazing wow, probably not worth over ten dollars but mmmmmmm.

Got home and crashed at 8pm sigh. All these days out are so exhausting.

It was hot and humid today which means the forecast for rain on Monday will probably be right. I went to get my stupid dress hemmed today which is supposed to take only a few days so hopefully nothing will go wrong, and I'm still deciding wear I should wear my Lily's or those hideously painful heels :( I mean, it's raining, we can't take our shoes off.

Ooh bumped into Michelle at towers (again). At least I can always count on some random encounters in the hills long after high school.

UGH FORMAL IS SUCH A HASSLE, THIS BETTER BE FREAKING WORTH IT. It's also going to be impossible to find a clutch that can fit a polaroid. They just don't seem to exist :( At this rate, might also have to go and get my hair done somewhere because self sufficiency just isn't working out.

Bright side: new books came. Time to go and read.

11:20 PM

Tuesday, November 5, 2013
You look like a gondola rider

Woke up too early to invite Eric over but he helped me lug all the sheets to the recycling bin. It was sadly satisfying tossing it all in. GOODBYE CHEMISTRY IN PARTICULAR.

We probably ended up circling Towers three times, trying to find a suit for him and other various gifts, though the latter was pretty unsuccessful. Then Christine joined us for lunch and we pretty much sat in the food court for a good hour, bored because outside was too hot and there was nothing left to do inside. The highlight of the day was probably seeing M&Ms on sale LOOOL and then Jina joined and we polished those two packets off very quickly. Mm headed off to Cherrybrook for Thai which was very delicious even though it ruined my stomach later. Jina is pretty good at taking selfie polaroids.

Looool slept from 6:30 till 10pm and I would've kept going but my body wouldn't let me. So I resorted to watching Zendaya and Val AGAIN. I need some Chmerkovskiy. This needs to stop, but I can't.

Weather sucks, it was ridiculously cold and it's probably going to rain on the day of our formal. Great, a replay of Year 10.

Headed out to meet Christine in the city to supposedly do some formal shopping idk it wasn't that successful, which isn't to say we didn't make purchases. Omg got the most buttery hand cream at Lush but it was only one tub per customer so we were gonna come back and get more HAHA. Also got a mask to calm my disastrous skin before Monday. Then I finally got the Lily's I've been eyeing from Windsor Smith and Christine got some on-sale heels. Sigh, still don't have shoes for formal and at this rate, I may just wear those sandals because my dress has to be hemmed ASAP.

Udon for lunch because we need to save money. Got some sheet masks and some lemon kumquat tea which was pretty delicious. Then we just slowly trekked around and made our way to Kinokuniya where I inevitably had to buy a book, but only because it was on sale. Still a measly attempt at saving. Back to Lush where I got some bath goodies :)

Slowly progressing through Middlesex lol, can't believe I'm reading my related after the exams. Wound down with some yoga and a bubble bath and jokes about an early night.

The prospect of HSC ending in its entirety is scary. Everything will really be done for the Year 12s of 2013.

12:38 AM

Saturday, November 2, 2013
what a dump

Finally, first warm day in a while, but still not good enough for going to the beach. Tomorrow is super hot and windy too so not ideal either. Obviously my first time going to the beach in years is going to be Noumea at this rate, which I have not planned out at all. And formal is so damn soon NOTHING IS READY.

Watched Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf which was a rather intense way to start off the morning. Worth two hours though.

Spent the day sorting through prelim and HSC sheets and feeling sad. However, I did manage to throw out a considerable amount of sheets, keeping some, of course, and I happily dumped chem into the pile without a second thought. The only memory of chem will be the hideous HSC paper. It was really depressing going back through English though, especially prelim, sigh. So much has changed.

Tomorrow, finally made some plans with Eric, Christine and Jina, and we will hopefully have fun despite the windy heat forecasted for tomorrow.

11:08 PM

Friday, November 1, 2013
i lived it

Still a student today, unfortunately didn't manage to sign out and I just don't want to go back to school and feel all sad :(

Woke up and lugged four maths textbooks and that enormous eco revision booklet to the bus stop and bumped into Anna. Lol bus was late by 20 minutes so was pretty thankful for some company. My left arm is still a tiny bit weak from having to lug that from the station to school. Legitimate nightmare, thank god I returned the rest of the books earlier.

It only hit me when I found no teachers around that this was not a well-planned day and the best chance I had at catching teachers was between periods 2 and 3 or lunch sigh. Just spent period 2 chatting with Burke in the library. Miss spending my frees there. Still wishing to go back because screw HSC being done, shit gets even worse. It's called adulthood.

UGH got everything signed off until for some reason, one part of my stupid school fees wasn't paid for and I have to go and get my laptop unregistered (?) from the school system because, yes, I want to keep the piece of junk. It might come in handy one day. So the leaver's form was not able to be completed so now I have to return some time next week to do it. With my laptop. Eugh.

Physics people finished and Jess, Christine and I went to have some lunch. Then for some sad reason, Jess and I went back to school so we could read 4u works because ugh, I just don't want to go home if I'm out because there is NOTHING TO DO. Literally all that I am going to do is Youtube the same DWTS dances with Val and Zendaya because I ship them so hard, it hurts. Anyway, only managed to get through Sophie's major which very obviously deserved full marks on our last assessment. I question how Winch managed to read 19 major works in one day. Took almost 40 minutes to read one.

The writing challenge starts today and I have no starting point so uh it's probably not happening. One day, will attempt drunken writing. I'm sure that'll remove some creative inhibitions.

11:11 PM