
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Sunday, June 30, 2013
fudge invalidates all arguments

Finally had a good sleep last night, averaging about ten hours. I realised I haven't been dreaming all that much. Probably because I think so much right before I sleep that my mind is later too tired to continue. 

Sigh, sorted all my sheets except adv and ext, just can't face all the essays and creatives I've got to do and redo these holidays. Though considering an essay takes me a whole week minimum... won't be getting much done. It was pretty nostalgic sorting through prelim ext maths loool good times, I miss dickhead Marshall when he was semi-straight/not as gay. Not to say he still isn't one.

Procrastinated by finding the Bieber choreo we're using and attempting to learn it, and I may have injured my back but that's okay, it's a fun dance (Y) Also zumba'd for the first time since exams started LOL that is also going to contribute to some sore body parts tomorrow. 

Excited for tomorrow. However, not excited about the fact that I gotta go and epilate my legs tomorrow, preferably early so they're not all red and angry looking by the time Michelle's party rolls around. It seriously does not feel like a year ago since her last party omg ridiculous. 

I will attempt pin curls again once my hair is FULLY dry so that little can go wrong/crazy. Or maybe just be safe with a French braid...

It's the last day of June. 
W. O. W. 

11:47 PM

Saturday, June 29, 2013
lump off

It's been a pretty dreary wasteful first day of holidays. I just want to go back to school, but when we do, it's the last term and I literally start to hyperventilate when I think about it so I'm going to move on to recounting the day.

The rain persisted all day which made trekking to Chatswood with Christine a huge pain. Walked around Mandarin Centre and then met up with Tish for Korean lunch and then we had Meet Fresh. Should stop binging whenever I leave the house. It was good to leave, it got so tiring just walking around in the cold and wet.

Haven't done anything since I got home except the laundry. Too hard to get into study mode after relaxing so hard the last week. I'll definitely finish annotating Christine's 4u (finally) and idk maybe start eco notes after Pirates finishes.

Excited for Michelle's, despite having nothing to wear. Time to hardcore afterwards lol.

9:33 PM

Friday, June 28, 2013
have a good one

Last day of term and I'm in a deep state of melancholy over that fact.

Slept in today and arrived just in time for recess. Have to give myself some credit, I frantically picked out mufti and tied up my disastrous pin curls that half fell out while I slept and went wayward, all within twenty minutes.
Motherwell was finally back in English! Not that we really did any work, she just kind of freaked me out about extension and all those creatives sigh. Anxious to receive 4u feedback from her.
Third free was boring, just roamed around the school with Nayomi and Jina and listened to the music people rehearse the instruments. Was not crazy about the drums.
Good lunch.
House choir was eh, thought we did okay but jokes we didn't place at all but no worries, had fun being embarrassed at the front. It was just an unepic last day of school and that is the last time I can say that because the next time will be graduation... someone just kill me, I can't handle the future.

Got home and had a good long nap and then I watched the first Harry Potter movie, reminiscing about how young we all were once.

Shopping tomorrow with Christine and Nayomi which will renew the sense of friendship I really need in the holidays. I hate holidays. It's not even going to be a holiday.

11:23 PM

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Spent yesterday evening following the depressing leadership spill. The Australian public is disgusting. Just raged with Castro and Suk the whole time. Abbott will rape all your fucking assholes. Unless they challenge him too, which might make politics slightly more bearable.

Sigh, should stop sleeping so late. I actually haven't done work except for maths this week. However, I did finally make the normal late bus lol and bought some donuts for maths first period. Took a while to grasp whatever loan repayments we did, and I should do some work now or tomorrow in case I end up forgetting, because the working out in my book makes little visual sense.
Meh eco and then Nayomi and I just sat in the cola surrounded by fat pigeons while I annotated Christine's 4u and she read mine. Had a fantastic view mmm. Got the math trial past papers from Marshall after he forced us to carry boxes of them for him and then got photos of him as Haymitch hehe, he's so cute, and I'm pretty pleased with the teacher's efforts to dress up. Awks Ms Lang dressed as Katniss and she didn't even know who that was.

Great Debate... probably the best one I've seen unfortunately, and also the last one LOL. Was planning on leaving halfway but then I saw Burke to be the last speaker so we had to stay for that. For once, Hornsby was actually semi-coherent, BUT NORMO WAS SHIT WHYYYY. It was pretty inappropriate haha, but generally amusing. So many jokes, gosh, I'm sure the teachers must've been shocked to realise how disgusting us girls are.

Home but then went out to browse Towers with Eric and Nayomi later. We kind of just cuddled up to this headless mannequin that had the most perfect height and build and ugh, think we'll buy those for our formal dates. Everyone will be jealous.

OMG I did an avocado + banana hair mask. Worst idea ever, I have no blender so the banana was a little chunky and I spent nearly an hour in the shower trying to pick it out of my hair. A considerable amount probably still remains but my hair feels so delicious. Going to attempt pin curls, I finally stocked up on bobby pins today cause I've somehow used mine all up... lost them most likely.

God these Australian's cheering Tomic at Wimbledon are embarrassing. Which reminds me Federer is gone from second round, and there is just NO reason to watch unless I need background entertainment while I blog. But I'll watch PLL in a second, even though Nayomi says it was super boring.

Last day of term tomorrow, which I will avoid thinking about. House choir, mufti sigh, need to figure that out before bed. And I feel sick right now, so maybe no to Richard's dinner after school. Just want to stalk Brows...


11:29 PM

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
I was born to serve

Wonka Wednesday. Marshall looked like a legitimate oompa loompa, it was adorbs.

WOW OKAY Rudd is our pm. AGAIN. Fucking great. Well, hello Tony Abbott.

I nearly cried when I took my plate off this morning, my teeth were aching for a good few hours. But I'll get back into them throughout the holidays (Y)

Got maths back first period. Disappointed because I actually made sooo many ridiculous mistakes, and if not for those REALLY STUPID ONES, could've gotten four extra marks. Can justify the others cause I actually didn't understand two mistakes BUT THOSE OTHER ONES, OH MY HEART HURTS. Elaine and I always do this :(
Last chem lesson whoo, but no more Sutherland :( SAW BROWS AND STERLING AHHH. Coggin's scared me so much, that paint cannot be good for the skin.
Revisited DMOs in eco, which made me feel nostalgic of Hindmarsh's annoying powerpoint on ESAs.
Learned new dance at lunch. Took us the whole time to learn less than twenty seconds LOL.
UGH Motherwell is still sick and we had Ms Yo (finally got her name). We did a belonging reading task and loooool. It was pretty bad, going to fail advanced pretty hard.

Suk and I are passionately upset with the 'political decision'. Labor was doomed from the beginning, despite who their leader was, kudos to the uninformed Australians who are probably totally unaware of this decision because they are watching the fucking state of origin AND YET THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE NERVE TO SHARE AND MAKE 'POLITICAL' OPINIONS. Fuck this country. Fuck Kevin Rudd and fuck Tony Abbott.

BOOKED FOR NEW CALEDONIA WITH NAYOMI WHOOOOO SO EXCITED. Except can't think about it till after HSC where we can make our itinerary. So many bars around supposedly, and legal age is 16 so we might get away with trying to sit in one and purchase a drink lol. Maybe find a hot French man. Nayomi can lure them in with her poses.

Got to watch PLL after more enraged discussions and zumba to calm me down.

8:38 PM

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Quick post before bed because I am tired and most people seemed to have had their early night yesterday so I will catch up with them tonight.

Ugh double English WITHOUT MOTHERWELL but that Asian lady let us muck around. I got up to nearly halfway through Calvino without dozing off and then we just finished advanced group work and I tested Anika and Jess on my 4u story and then Tanya tested us three on our memory of the poems lol. No winner but Anika lost HAHA.
Got a photo with Marshall cause he was Buzz Lightyear for Toy Story Tuesday and he was so freaking cute I wanted to die.
Chem was boring, but no Gamble till next term WHOO.
Got Eco back which was too average but I won't complain, considering how little I studied for it. Marks all disappeared in multiple choice as per usual.

Didn't do anything except sort out my chem and eco folder and sheets. Save English for another day lol.

Put my plate back on. My teeth are going to hurt tomorrow.

Feels feels feels.

11:57 PM

bring the drugs

Monday: first day of Spirit Week: last week of Term 2. Great.

Well it was a half day, and that was okay. Plus I ended up falling asleep before 11 so that was a satisfying rest and fever is gone (Y) holy got to penno at 8 ON A MONDAY such a strange happening. But just conversed with Richard, haven't seen him in ages and Friday might be fun if I decide to go.
Maths first without results and Kolhagen brought us the most delicious caramel tarts, it was so good, it was worth the step closer to heartburn and diabetes.
4u went okay, Winch told me my mark before the lunch meeting and it was good, even though we threw a whole heap of issues wrong with my major at me afterwards... Spent remainder of free lamenting over English with Sandra and Ami and then the next free (double!) sitting on Christine's butt in the annex while she attempted Calvino and I read GWTW and Nayomi read Nightlight HAHAHA Belle Goose and Edwart Mullen.
Uhm stalked with Nayomi at lunch. Brows plays drums, I want to die
Sigh, started Hughes groupwork after exams... Not sure why but I had all the notes for Fulbright so that was pretty easy.

God booking flights is so stressful. But it might work out with a group /fingers tightly crossed. I must go to New Caledonia.

Two consecutive full days on Tuesday and Wednesday. Fabulous.

Missed my deadline. Oh well. Christine and I started our journals 'yesterday'.

12:06 AM

Sunday, June 23, 2013
Let me motherfucking love you

I should stop bullshitting so much about work goals and all on my blog, it's embarrassing to refute those goals. This weekend has been nothing but lying on the couch watching TV. Can't complain.

Uh woke up around noon after staying up with Christine as per usual, and then we watched GWTW together and ugh, can't describe my love for it. And the feels for shoulders it triggered again. To top off a good day, Anika has permission for New Caledonia! Except another person is needed and I need to book this week, panic panic panic.

Went home to eat and then watched Jurassic Park. Thankfully I'm not terrified of it as I was when I was seven lol, that was a traumatic experience. Still hate dinosaurs with a passion. I frequently have nightmarish thoughts on strategies to run away from them.

Attempted cleaning sheets. All I did was get them out of my room and dump it into my living room into their respective subject piles. Half that shit is half yearly study, to think that was only a term ago. Anyway stayed up till 2 again with Christine laughing manically and I think I hurt my pelvic muscles as a result cause I was rolling across the floor, drooling and hyperventilating. So much fun.

City with my mum today to buy my sister's 16th present. Got her a Tiffany's key and then got myself a bracelet cause I haven't had one for a while. They always break :( It was miserable outside, and I didn't wear enough so now I'm in bed with a fever. But it's too early to sleep, so obviously it's a good time to blog.

Not sure if we get 4u feedback tomorrow, don't really know what else we can do in mentor. Thankfully it's a half day, just hibernate in the library. Oh it's SPIRIT WEEK. Alright Christine and I are gonna start our five-year journals tomorrow (Y)

Now is the time to sleep. Goodnight.

9:59 PM

Saturday, June 22, 2013
just for one day

Exams are over, praise the lord. And it's been a good day. It's still Friday for me. THIS IS FRIDAY.

Sigh, stayed up till 3am doing chem, honestly it was pretty simple but Christine and I are slow like that. BUT THEN I SLEPT IN OMG ignored my 8:30 alarm and woke up at 10 so I had to shower and leave the house in half an hour, which I somehow managed so that's a relief (Y)

Chem was meh. Report had most of the stuff, except a couple questions were totally bs'd lol. But brows monitored us so that was a good distraction, I just did not care about that test. So many stores had sales so I went to kikki.k to buy some planners because it's the last time we can turn over a new leaf! And we legit need to study for trials right now.

Had a nice long bath when I got home and then was supposed to go city with Eric and Brandon but cbf so I just went home to eat instead of making myself some instant noodles.

Spontaneously went out at 9 with Eric, Nayomi and Seowoo and just drove around Castle, telling scary stories, before heading to Eastwood for froyo. Bad idea, in hindsight, it was soooo cold, just shivered while I sat there eating my yogurt. Then we drove back to Castle for some maccas and headed back to mine to watch SATC and half of Perks before they had to leave.

Anyway, I've just finished the film, always feeling strange because I can't tell if I'd be envious of these characters or not. Plus, it's 2am, and we're always feeling pensive at this time. Lerman's lips look so perfect, I couldn't stop staring.

Gone with the Wind is on all arvo tomorrow so I got my plan set (Y) Except I also gotta finish cleaning the apartment and sorting out all the sheets FINALLY, I can see my desk. Then Sunday will be time to begin studying. Think I'll revisit belonging or Mod A lol.

Think I'll sleep now. Want to buy some books tomorrow.

2:07 AM

Thursday, June 20, 2013
you in danger

Sigh, still doing chem. Halfway through though, maybe I won't sleep past 2am. It's just so tedious and I'm distracted by Ghost, so it may actually take that long. Sigh, stupid chem. Shipwrecks is dumb.

Anyway, uhm, another reason for inefficiency is calling Christine in the beginning of the day. Of course we end up doing nothing. Didn't end up starting work till noon, so if we had, we would've finished by now.

Well, that's obviously all I had to say lol. Can't wait till tomorrow is over. Going to take a bath.

10:39 PM

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Running in a crypt of a thousand words

I had sincere intentions to do some chem tonight but uhm, I fell asleep while the computer took, I kid you not, half an hour to start up. The battery is so fucked, and if I disturb it's slow start up, it completely freezes on me and just ugh. So I will sleep after this and cram the assignment tomorrow lol.


Slept at midnight though, cause I just refused to sleep as late as usual, and then Christine and I woke around 5am, lying in bed reciting Hamlet shit and then just freaking out and omg it was so cold and I was so tired and I didn't feel like I knew anything. In hindsight, I'm sure I did. I like Hamlet.

The fucking exam however, was fucking stupid. Both questions were straightforward BUT THE FUCK THAT WAS NOT A LISTENING STIMULUS. There was absolutely nothing to say about fucking audio techniques so I legitimately ignored the stimulus except in my last para. And my Hamlet didn't have points either, I just tracked his soliloquies, it was awful and I took 45 min so guh, no time for Hughes which could've been relatively good if I'd skipped Hamlet while I was stuck and moved on. Last paragraph is like, half the first three loool but I got conclusions so who cares, quality over quantity. Not that I have either.

English was such a load off from my mind that I just cbf with eco, but it wasn't terrible. Half the multiple choice was crazy hard, so much fucking consumption function whyyyy but even though I barely studied income and environment for short answers, they were okay to bullshit. Idec just so fucking relieved. Ms Dunn stares while you're writing, it's so unnerving.

Got home and took a well deserved nap after reading some Wilde plays, and I was quite shocked to realise that he looks like Woolf with his long face and eyes and all. Went grocery shopping with mother, I miss company. And unfortunately for her, We Are Young was playing in the car so I belted that out. Good practice for house choir. We had some thai for dinner, yum.

Ugh okay, first time sleeping before midnight in weeks wow. This should be good, I can wake up early tomorrow.

11:03 PM

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Well the worst (for now) is going to commence in less than 8.5 hours and of course I'm not prepared. J-dog, spent seven hours on eco and I got through four chapters...and I actually remember nothing, there is so much. So many policies and trends and impacts causes definitions equations graphs fuck I CAN'T DO THIS.

As for English, well Carla, bless her, got my essay back for me and Motherwell was pleased with it. And now that I have something to work with and memorise, I'm worried all over again about Hamlet. And that's more so than before. I love the play so much, and it's sad that we'll probably all fail it :(

God, last night, Christine and I were going crazy, acting out Hamlet lines together, literally yelling. Pretty sure I disturbed a lot of neighbours but whatever, they're always disturbing themselves. It was lots of fun though, think we ingrained a few scenes into our memories.

Surviving on my own so far. Instant noodles for lunch and then my mum brought maccas for dinner lol, domestic goddess (Y) I really will attempt cooking in the holidays, when I can devote three hours to slowly making a meal.

Okay devoting rest of the night to English, I'm cool with failing eco but my advanced marks really need to be lifted up, considering the creative part of 3u is going to pull my rank downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Can't wait till tomorrow is over. Chem will be a bitch but it will hopefully be manageable. And we can all use a clean slate for trials. Really, it's time to be efficient now.

10:12 PM

Monday, June 17, 2013
now's the time

I feel so alone, like I actually feel sick. Grandparents just left for the airport. I'll have this whole apartment to myself for three months, assuming I can survive without crawling back home. It'll be a good experience, I obviously have attachment and dependence issues. And I've got to put on a happy playlist just so I don't keep pondering on how lonely I feel. Oh good, I found the playlist I made Christine. How very appropriate that the first song is Breaking Free. Sob, the nostalgia. It's going to be a bad night. I have a variation of empty nest syndrome right now.

Well, assessments began today. It was bad. I stayed up till 3am. Again. Fucking 4u is ruining my life. If anything though, I'm glad that my draft is almost complete. Just requires a few changes that won't be very major. And I think I need to cut it down, it's 7800 words which is just, ridiculous, I don't know what extra thousand came in but I gotta get rid of it.

Positively dead for maths, legit just did not care or study really. Christine, Nayomi and I are a very unproductive combo. Feels feels feels.

MATHS WAS BAD. It seemed deceptively easy in the first three questions, then boom. Trig is my nightmare, and J-dog, I must've spent twenty minutes staring at the last question and then I just wrote a random, possibly feasible number. Maybe I'll get a mark for trying lol.

Attempted Hamlet with Christine but that didn't happen. Too many arguments about whether Gertrude is a slut or not, which she is. Then Carla and I left after her society speech. She liked my 4u, idek how she read it in fifteen minutes, I take at least half an hour I swear, possibly because I find it incredibly boring.

WELL haven't done anything till now. Got my play and sparknotes ready to finish my Hamlet quotes. Motherwell was away fml, and my essay has received no feedback soooo she cannot expect me to pass like this. The faculty can't expect ANYONE to pass, THIS IS RIDICULOUS.

Alright. Need an early night tonight. 1am the latest cause lol gotta make a start on eco.

6:33 PM

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lala, procrastinating again. I need an early night tonight i.e. midnight. Six hours should be adequate, and napping from 9am till our maths exam sounds good too.

WELL I finished Mod C at like, 10pm yesterday loool four hours behind schedule. But it's all good. It was fucking horrible and I need to find a better diary entry as a related cause holy shit idek what that last paragraph was and LOL forgot that Fulbright Scholars most likely failed so I should be prepping a third back-up. Ha.

Slept at 3am, after doing nothing but PLAN my reflection. And then I had four pieces of raisin toast for breakfast. The slices are so small, how can everything be shrinking in size and increasing in price?

Did maths for most of the day, and freaked out that I sort of forgot physical calculus things. Planning on losing a fair amount of marks from a graph question. I hope Kolhagen is kind, don't make us fail :(

Uhm, somehow skip to 5pm where I finally decided to start my reflection and I've gotten through the worst of trying to separate my intention/purpose etc. It's already 300 words, can predict kicking myself for struggling with the word limit again.

I must finish this by 8, 9 the latest, zumba + shower cause my ass feels disgusting, it needs to move, and then edit 4u by 11 hopefully, BS JOURNAL ENTRIES LOOOL and preferably highlight eco or get into Hamlet quotes. There are just not enough hours in the day :(


6:25 PM

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Well I have been working on Mod C all fucking day, and the bright side is that I've 400 words to go. On the other hand, I don't even want to think about how much study I had to forgo, this is ridiculous STOP CONSUMING ME ENGLISH. I am not touching adv after this until Monday because holy shit I have not started my reflection.

Maths might not be disgusting. Avoiding the past papers cause even Kolhagen said they were difficult so I'll just revise exercises.

Also realised that it's impossible to pull an all-nighter after an almost-all-nighter. Fell asleep at 2am with one paragraph done and yeah, managed to pull myself out at 9am and continue.

Tuesday is going to see a full-fledged panic attack LOL ECO HAHA. Okay I'll do two workbook things today, I think I can manage an almost all-nighter tonight to cover BASIC revision of most subjects and hopefully recover by Monday. Ugh, have to get to school at normal time to hand in 4u anyway, fml. Which reminds me, I have months worth of journal entries to bs.

Praying I can finish this essay at 8pm. Motherwell is so deep in marking that I probably won't even get this till Tuesday. Suffice to say, screwed either way.

I have not exercised for a week. This is disgusting. My face is breaking out. And my legs are so hairy, I feel like a man.

My mum promised me retail therapy after this week and I'm holding her to it.

6:29 PM

Friday, June 14, 2013
get lucky

Blogging as a prelude to the impending all-nighter I'm about to have with Ted Hughes. Almost pulled one last night, but gave up at 4:30am. Actually I'd given up on Mod C at around 2 and just proceeded editing 4u, as you do.

Positively dead today, but surprisingly didn't crash at school. Free first but I woke up normal time to meet the girl at Towers to get the docs I bid for yay. My poor thirty dollar ones are starting to break.
Motherwell caused us to panic in ext about advanced. I'm obviously just blocking out the fact that we have  a listening stimulus for Hamlet. Because writing about the play in itself isn't bad enough. And then she discouraged using Fulbright Scholars so uhm, what am I supposed to do THERE'S NO FUCKING CONFLICT.
Failed free. Always resort to 4u and I'm almost kind of done with the draft. Jess picked apart my tense. I can't believe not even Winch or Green gave me shit for it, IT'S CONFUSING ME SO MUCH. Reflection, lord...
Chem was dumb, just listened to Christine recount the basic plots of scary stories which is enough to scare me anyway.

Haha bus'd with Jina and Chrus, attempting to do Mod C. Not Chris, fucking finished exams. But Jina and I wrote a sentence. Con-fucking-gratulations to us.

WELL Saturday didn't come soon enough cause my major breakdown came today. But I suppose that's good, kind of motivated me and I did all the series exercises except one in three hours so I can just leave maths for a bit.

Alright, found some Mod C essays floating around the internet which have given me insight into what actually needs to be said in the paragraphs, so I shall shower and then sit myself down for the rest of the night. And make a schedule for the weekend. Assuming I can finish this essay by tomorrow noon (lol), NEED TO DO ECO AND CHEM.


10:54 PM

Thursday, June 13, 2013
gone gone gone away

Things seem very fatalistic now, just like Birthday Letters. All hurtling towards exams lol, such petty worries.

Today was a half day, thank god for that. I have come to terms with my failure in maths. Literally cannot do anything for series, freaking out that it's in four days. Did not want to think about eco either, because I know there'll be a question on NAIRU and yeah, what is that... 4u is my only non-torture and that's excluding the reflection that I need to do at least half of tonight, which should just be fleshing out my report for now. I feel like I've said all that I needed to in that already, and don't know what to do with 500 more words.

Apparently, 632 terminates at penno now, no more direct trips to and from Hornsby if necessary.

Sigh, edited my 4u draft again, need to type it up AGAIN which takes hours somehow. But I've filled in most of the missing bits, except for a few more so that's slightly reassuring/not really. This thing really feels like my baby. I'm going to hate it and feel so proud of it simultaneously.

Okay switching from chem to English at 9pm, and then I'm going to stay up late as possible. Or sleep at wake at 3am and watch the sky light up lol. Better now than Sunday. Idek what to do for Mod C.

Time to make pots and pots of tea.

8:21 PM


It's no longer Wednesday but I'm going to pretend it is.

Long weekend ruined everything. Provided the delusion of a weekend and now it's past the middle of the week and I just can't fathom this okay, we have twenty two fucking days of school left; this week, week 9 and the weeks leading up to the trial, which I only count as our last official learning days cause trials will probably be worse than HSC and then it's just revision and my heart is racing at the thought of school coming to an end so. Fucking. Soon.

Stayed up till 2am yesterday doing NOTHING. I mean, I wasted a good hour talking to Leanne and Christine about their 4u while neglecting mine. Bright side: finished the easy part of chem, but w/e it's still one less task.

Ugh maths first and wow, I will do well for physical calculus (hopefully) and bomb so hard on series, as today's test proved. Idek, I just don't have time for maths, THERE JUST ISN'T TIME I'M SORRY. And Kolhagen has probably written up a fucking hard test, just cause it's only two topics and whatever hope I may have had at doing better than half-yearly is slowly and steadily vanishing.
Lol Sutherland is so efficient. We actually had notes to copy, I was dumbfounded.
Eco is almost unbearably boring. Just cannot bring myself to care about a topic that's not going to be screwing us over next week.
GUH last adv lesson doing nothing except realising all my potential related texts are no longer potentials. Thanks, Ms Motherwell. So I just resorted to 4u. It's my torturous sort of haven.

Went over Hamlet with tutor which was helpful but lol, she just couldn't help me with Mod C and related and everything so I'm just going to try and do well for Hamlet because there is no hope for Hughes, there just isn't.

Have done nothing at all except waste an hour talking to Christine about foot fetishes and venting sexual frustration. Torso. Then Anika encouraged me to watch PLL which is too ridiculous to ponder over.

Think I'll just sleep now. Plan out a more efficient day tomorrow lol. Jokes, going to skim all the short stories I own for a related.

12:15 AM

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wow successful procrastination till now. I swear I will finish one chem task, or at least complete a substantial amount of it. Really starting to freak out now, I can feel the stress building up and a cry to Dr Turner seems very necesssary. I mean, just to really freak myself out, I'm going to type up my to-do list cause I cbf with paper.

4U draft + reflection lol
Module C essay +  related(s)
(Another Hamlet essay lol)
Revise maths from the three books
Eco workbook + Riley + review questions
Calvino essay + relateds
3U creative

Well then. Better get started. After I say something useless about my day.

Double English was nightmarish, but I just edited 4u in first period and we finished the poems in second, so we've officially finished the 2u course, in terms of learning it. How I yearn for belonging... A cute guy kept walking past our classroom.
Titrated in chem which was actually fun, and Ms Sutherland was so efficient, our class was just dumbfounded for a little while at the pace she was forcing us to work, compared to Gamble.
Uhm, thought Nayomi and I found the cute guy patrolling the cola at lunch. Jokes, he looked like a young, skinny Karnups. So either I was blind or there is another man roaming our school.
Tried not to fall asleep in eco, and seriously so afraid for the assessment. The order of my exams escalate from least to most screwed, which is grammatically incorrect but doesn't matter.

Tutor tomorrow, hopefully can get started with Ted Hughes. The poems themselves are okay to analyse but holy, we just had no time for related.

Excited for 4u date with Leanne in the holidays. I might sign up for the intu maths holiday course if there are availabilities, which is pretty unlikely.

Okay chem.

9:29 PM

Monday, June 10, 2013

Long weekend is coming to a close and guess what? I finished Hamlet. Right before 2pm today and it actually feels like my chest is lighter. Fml, wasted the ENITRE weekend on it, but now I have at least 10 hours to devote some time to chem and maths. I'll get to Ted Hughes later.

Went to Vivid yesterday, idek why, my mum felt like it so we all went. And it was just a bad night. So much traffic, parking was a nightmare and then we found this little Spanish restaurant that made us sit there two hours to eat two fucking dishes. I mean, a plate of chorizos and potatoes and mushrooms and all this really easy frying things came after an hour.... and then the paella came about half an hour after, then churros took 15 minutes. There were four churros, mind you. It was ridiculous. Trekking it to Vivid was no fun with hundreds of milling people, but I did get a few photos. Otherwise, shitty night and due to getting home at midnight, I had to do Hamlet till 2am. Dead.

Not to mention that my period is driving me crazy. No bath :(

Ah, and 4u. After the last two times, I'm physically incapable of pulling another all-nighter. I understand you now, Jess, my body wants sleep by 11pm. So I usually just nap and then attempt bad quality work.

2:53 PM

Friday, June 7, 2013
Let's get mortal

In avoiding my computer and settling for my craptop, I've been very lazy about blogging and I always forget significant insignificant things that happen that I want to remember :(

Essentially, eco notes are done and dusted, and I will leave them until English is done looooool. Literally getting 50% for Hamlet, Hughes has more prospects.

We had a maths party yesterday with donuts and chickadees and scotch fingers and I actually just felt sick the entire evening, so I had no dinner and did Zumba at midnight and then fell asleep on my 4u.

Free first today and I got a coffee from Bee's Knees and finally typed up my third draft for Winch which she approved besides all the things I haven't done, so that's a good sign. (I just had a ten sneeze fit). So it was a relatively good morning but then I got my period looool. It's actually good timing though, I can suffer the worst over this long weekend yay.
Gamble is pathetic, she even pissed off Tarran (I think) for completely messing up our experiments.
Fairy bread and cookies in eco.
MENTOR and we had to scoff down the jam and cream sponge cake and macarons. Spilled icing sugar everywhere oops and then we just accompanied Motherwell on her lunch duty where she obviously ignored all the surrounding students. Gave Mr Marshall Joumana's macaron which may have been a bad idea in retrospect, seeing as he's so fat and all...

Cbf Hamlet, wrote like 100 extra words and stopped. Now I shall read as much of my potential related until midnight where a good rest is scheduled. And then hopefully I can pull an all nighter some day this weekend and not the next lol.

Feels feels feels stop.

11:01 PM

Tuesday, June 4, 2013
falling apart

WEEK SIX. How exciting. Graduating so soon and I'll let all the terror sweep in when exams are done.

Completely USELESS half day with Winch away and Tanya distracting me from 4u with her society, which is so interesting, and very Tanya. Finally did the fertiliser experiment in chem, though I question why they won't just teach us a tiny bit of shipwrecks... And then we got an ext practice essay for Calvino and I doubt that it will be handed in by the end of term. Sorry, Ms Motherwell.

Bummed with Tanya at towers for a little before heading off to dinner with my mum and sister. Gave Criniti's another go and it was not too bad, except if I ever go again, gotta check the online menu and decide cause holy, the menu is so big, we spent literally twenty minutes trying to decide. Dessert at Max Brenner's afterwards, I need to exercise.

Sigh, no Gamble for chem but we had Sutherland so we still ended up doing some work. English was moved to the math room, where we only got through one damn poem omfg, there's still three to go. Plus we got practice essay and assessment notification as well so yay. Maths was moved to the eco room and seriously, series is the biggest pain, all these formulas...

ONE THING I AM PROUD OF. Finally moved past my huge writer's block for 4u, so now I can continue editing so I can hand something to Winch this week. Scared, everything English is due this week and uhm, I've just decided to read and take down quotes/techniques for Hamlet NOW. Essay due Friday, creative due Thursday, I swear I can't do this.

Only thing remotely prepared for is eco.

This is unhealthy.

8:25 PM

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Today, I spent the majority of my hours watching The Carrie Diaries and wow it just turned out all shit in the last episode. But pretty excited to meet a young Samantha Jones in season 2.

Finished economic growth notes and am attempting unemployment but eco is just so hard to simplify, because I think the textbook has already put it into the simplest possible terms which is still difficult to understand.

Took a nice bath. It's bad lying in the tub though cause your posture has to be terrible to lie down.

My grandparents leave for China the Monday that assessments start, which is just too convenient. Maybe after that week, I'll give living on my own a try.

It hurts.

11:39 PM