Thursday, June 27, 2013
Spent yesterday evening following the depressing leadership spill. The Australian public is disgusting. Just raged with Castro and Suk the whole time. Abbott will rape all your fucking assholes. Unless they challenge him too, which might make politics slightly more bearable.
Sigh, should stop sleeping so late. I actually haven't done work except for maths this week. However, I did finally make the normal late bus lol and bought some donuts for maths first period. Took a while to grasp whatever loan repayments we did, and I should do some work now or tomorrow in case I end up forgetting, because the working out in my book makes little visual sense.
Meh eco and then Nayomi and I just sat in the cola surrounded by fat pigeons while I annotated Christine's 4u and she read mine. Had a fantastic view mmm. Got the math trial past papers from Marshall after he forced us to carry boxes of them for him and then got photos of him as Haymitch hehe, he's so cute, and I'm pretty pleased with the teacher's efforts to dress up. Awks Ms Lang dressed as Katniss and she didn't even know who that was.
Great Debate... probably the best one I've seen unfortunately, and also the last one LOL. Was planning on leaving halfway but then I saw Burke to be the last speaker so we had to stay for that. For once, Hornsby was actually semi-coherent, BUT NORMO WAS SHIT WHYYYY. It was pretty inappropriate haha, but generally amusing. So many jokes, gosh, I'm sure the teachers must've been shocked to realise how disgusting us girls are.
Home but then went out to browse Towers with Eric and Nayomi later. We kind of just cuddled up to this headless mannequin that had the most perfect height and build and ugh, think we'll buy those for our formal dates. Everyone will be jealous.
OMG I did an avocado + banana hair mask. Worst idea ever, I have no blender so the banana was a little chunky and I spent nearly an hour in the shower trying to pick it out of my hair. A considerable amount probably still remains but my hair feels so delicious. Going to attempt pin curls, I finally stocked up on bobby pins today cause I've somehow used mine all up... lost them most likely.
God these Australian's cheering Tomic at Wimbledon are embarrassing. Which reminds me Federer is gone from second round, and there is just NO reason to watch unless I need background entertainment while I blog. But I'll watch PLL in a second, even though Nayomi says it was super boring.
Last day of term tomorrow, which I will avoid thinking about. House choir, mufti sigh, need to figure that out before bed. And I feel sick right now, so maybe no to Richard's dinner after school. Just want to stalk Brows...
11:29 PM