
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
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February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Friday, May 31, 2013

The anxiety over time is building. It's too fast. The end of another fucking week. 

Free first this morning but I got to school normal ish time and got a considerable amount of 4u editing done. It's so much more satisfying writing than typing. Actually ended up continuing through second period cause Motherwell didn't take us. Though she did assign us a compulsory creative task, so that's great. Cause there isn't enough to do in the next fortnight. Fuck. However I finished editing 4u in third so got to type some of that up.
And chem was dumb, skipped fifteen minutes of class waiting for the titration kids to finish but it was still felt so long.

I keep passing Mr Hughson in the corridors. Can't complain, he's so cute. 

Mm done nothing this evening except fangirling over Swayze in Ghost with Jiani and Suk. I'm not doing work. Anticipating an early night.

10:25 PM

Thursday, May 30, 2013
out of touch

Need to calm down in order to read half of Hamlet and take down quotes cause it doesn't help if you understand the play with zero textual detail yay.

Half day today, thank heavens. Maths first with a sub and a very hard topic test, and I thought I was semi confident with physical calculus :( Christine jigged, stupid bitch, it was her only period.
Finished environment and the whole economics issues chapter which is just scary. Trying to absorb the fact that our actual learning studies are almost done. I think I've been in a lot of denial for the past months and when it really does approach next time, there will be a breakdown like nothing I've had before lol. Looking forward to it. OH Dunn was talking about babies dying from lead poisoning and Anika accidentally called her senseless instead of insensitive hehehe unfortunately Dunn didn't hear her.
Unproductive double free except that Christine, Sunny and I went to get free fairy floss and popcorn and confectionary and sat down to ten minutes of Clueless that they kindly played for us in the 'Lady's Lounge'.
Study buddy was also fail, I wrote an extra hundred words of shit for my essay.

Done nothing at home and wait around anticipating Dirty Dancing. Idk it's really a shitty movie in terms of plot + character but something about it is so enjoyable BESIDES naked Patrick Swayze and the soundtrack. Of course, Suk missed the whole thing but I had Jiani by me. Now it's finished and I need to stop fangirling and fantasizing about meeting Johnny's.

Parent teacher interviews were boring yesterday, idek why parents come, they contribute nothing. And the teachers only talk based on our marks anyway which are almost always deceiving.

Okay time to work. GHOST AND SUDDENLY 30 AND WIN A DATE WITH TAD HAMILTON TOMORROW OMFG 'CHICK FLICK ULTIMATUM' /quote Jiani. Going to be a good Friday night.

10:47 PM

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
time to begin


Today was one of the most boring excursions ever, because it was the Maritime Museum okay. I can't believe my mum took me there as a child, it was hideously boring. Not even sure what we did, just remember it was so foggy I couldn't see the buses from 50m away. We barely had any time to explore the submarine or ship cause we were just starving and then omfg, just slept during the videos and everything.

Trekked to udon afterwards with Christine and Jina, so fucking full but then ended up halving a pepper lunch with Christine looool.

GOT MY NASTYGAL ORDER AND EVERYTHING FITS! Well, the dress is just a little tighter on the chest than I expected, which I guess is good news LOL. But yeah, I'm happy.

Ceebs chem, gonna watch Kath and Kimderella lol.

9:14 PM

Monday, May 27, 2013

Week 5. Counting this down.

SIGH maths first and so many formulas for series, can't remember all of this. My sister ended up helping me with hw cause she's already done this topic lol.
Double free with Winch and then Dr Turner and generally an unproductive attempt at editing 4u. We got reports back at lunch and omfg Drayton was going to make me lose a mark unless I showed her that I barely went over word count which was the case so full marks for report YAY. I hope 4u scales well.
English last, can't get over missing the full day tomorrow WITH DOUBLE ENGLISH SHJSLDGSKSLA FUCKING CHEM. 

Tried to express my inappropriate feelings of frustration to Christine which didn't work well. I won't be sleeping easily tonight. 

BAH k gonna do some 4u and call it a night.

10:45 PM

Sunday, May 26, 2013
all good in the hood

On a better day, I will write a moderately lengthy blog post that contains no complaints or negativity. As for today, I'll settle with the usual.

Forgot to mention on Friday walking out of school, it started to rain harder while waiting for the traffic light and this nice French lady put her umbrella over me and just casually conversed about the weather. It's just so reassuring to know there's always the kindness of strangers.

Anyway, a lot of time was wasted today because well, discovered that Sanditon had started omfg even though it is kinda boring, but I'm just waiting for Darcy to show up. But then Wickham was in another show that had ANOTHER cute guy so I am now a new follower of that too (Y)

Very annoyed with chem, I legitimately know nothing about what to do for this assignment, and redox is just a concept that can't be rote learned. Hamlet went nowhere either, STILL CAN'T WRITE A THESIS. Or figure out paragraph points because what is this question I have no idea.

Well, guess I'll just attempt as much of 4u as possible. It's a relief to attempt writing new Adele bits in past tense but Jesus she sounds dumb and pretentious at the same time. Frees 2nd and 3rd tomorrow to work on this again.

Sigh, so much for consistent diary writing. It's an unexplainable difficulty. It must be laziness, it's so much easier to type than write. I always end up forgetting how I wanted to finish writing a sentence which is too frustrating to handle.

Practice practice practice.

8:29 PM

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday is over and all the work I've done involves editing two pages of 4u. Winch will be so pleased.

It was such a beautiful day. A little cold for liking but so much sun.

My debit Mastercard came so I can finally buy some things online! Which is very very very bad, I have no marginal or average propensity to save. Capitalism is a curse.

Rewatched last ten episodes of LBD again. And I was doing so well with avoiding the shows. Almost a fortnight.

I think I need to start Hamlet now. Three weeks left till assessments. Omfg and chem, yes start both of those tonight. The night is still young.

10:32 PM

Friday, May 24, 2013

It's the end of week 4. Ridiculous.

FREE FIRST so went to Bee's Knee's with Christine, Nayomi and Eric and ordered my usual green tea latte. Think I'll try the pumpkin latte next time. Attempted a little bit of 4u, I edited the first page :) Then we just did nothing of course and got driven back to school.
Finally moved onto metal ions in chem and we did the precipitation reactions and flame tests which was sooo tedious. I swear it's not safe to spray solutions. Anyway, also got our assignment so yay, something else to do.
Fun Food Friday in eco! It was funny watching everyone eat my brownies.
Spent fourth period and an hour after school with Dr Turner, and it was good therapy, he's so sweet.

Soaked in the bath for an hour. Just what I needed, it's been a rollercoaster week. And with an alright end because Monster in Law was on. I still recall my Year 6 trip to China when I watched that movie literally five times for the whole flight.

Need to find an underground salsa club.

10:46 PM

Thursday, May 23, 2013

In a somewhat good mood today, can't pinpoint why, but I shouldn't question it :)

Maybe it started with a prompt bus. Idek I mean Carla and I have been getting to penno with a few minutes to spare till the late train for months, so you can imagine my surprise when we got to penno at 8 on the dot even with wet roads and all.
Eco first with a sub that had a very distinguished American accent, and he was unfortunately not attractive. However I did manage to do some work and understand the chapter.
Motherwell was here in English thankfully, and now I'm just afraid for Mod C, I don't even know how to do Hamlet and throwing in the extra exam just makes it all better. And related texts wtf.
Free; attempted eco notes but then Sandra and I left right before lunch IN THE POURING RAIN. It was ridiculous, legs and feet were soaked by the time we got to the traffic lights. But I got delicious
takoyaki. The prices went up by a dollar :( Then I got two macarons and they were soooo fresh and the shell was so delicious whereas it had been quite dry and crumbly for a while, such a beautiful change.
Series is so tedious, worse way to end studying maths which I think I will miss very much. I'll just miss the structure of every lesson I take. But I try not to dwell too much on leaving school.

Stayed after school with Christine for the study buddy thing lol idek why, spent whole 1.5 hours on maths but at least got the hw done (Y)

Made Joumana's brownie thing again for Fun Food Friday tomorrow. They look positively demented. But I know everyone will eat it and enjoy it.

Sigh was planning to do 4u but now I'm so tired and still don't know what to do by Monday. And it sucks that we get our report marks on Monday AFTER mentor. At least that's the case for Christine and I. I have nothing to hand in.

Anyway, free first and last tomorrow, thank god. Okay sleep.

11:00 PM

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Haven't been at a computer since Monday, though it's arguable whether that's been a good thing or not.

WELL stayed up until 3am finishing that fucking report which was pretty much similar to the partly finished reflection I handed in. Went over that in mentor and well, by the looks of it, neither will be going well.
Extension was so hilarious omfg, Motherwell went over the threesome incipit and I just could not stop laughing and crying IT WAS SO FUNNY OMG CALVINO HAHAHAHA. Yeah it was very immature but come on, she grabbed the two serpent heads? I need to read it again for the lols.

Attempted thrifting with Jess in the hopes of finding old people clothing, but I just found a nice angora green knit and she got a denim jacket that was too small for my shoulders :( Had to air the thing though, I hate the smell of secondhand clothing.

Last athletics/carnival EVER. Failed attempt to dress as an old woman with my Elvis shirt and rolled up flower skirt. It was more effective with my mum's reading glasses but I probably would've broken them.

Stressed for a good ten minutes with Aparna on the phone with Herschell and Jina while I was talking to my sister, trying to figure out who got better Swift tickets. It's ridiculous, no pit and no A-reserve on the floor so we settled for a bay one with a seat around the front of the box. Oh well, saved $100 each at least.

LOL attempted high jump. I remember being able to do it in Year 9, but I don't think our backs are very flexible anymore. Need fucking chiro or some therapy. And then we ran/hobbled the 100m and attempted shotput, failing in all of them but what else were we there for?

Made our 2013 human sign and then rolled down the hill afterwards and very possibly rolled over animal shit of some sort. And then our last event was the 400m walk where we sung to 1D as you do. Ended on a pretty melancholy note, things had only been fun for the first two hours anyway.

Napped till dinner when I got home and spent three hours on maths TT

This morning, I was all excited to start Mod C, having found an appreciation for Plath's prose in her diaries, though I still can't handle poetry. But then some Asian lady walks in and just tries to force answers out of us. We're really just stupid without Motherwell.
Started series in maths, pretty sad to leave calculus because this is so boring. But hopefully simple.
Ditto eco kind of, moved on a lot from CAD esque kind of things and this chapter is essentially revisiting prelim things nobody remembers.

It's time to start Hamlet, I keep delaying it cause I can't write a fucking thesis, but maybe I'll attempt some paragraph points.


7:16 PM

Sunday, May 19, 2013
you are a special snowflake

Still working at this report, it's unbelievable, and going to be super shit anyway. I don't think I can read Woolf after this, so many horrible memories of late nights... At least it's a half day tomorrow, minus 4u periods. Plus I need to finish fucking Hamlet groupwork that I totally forgot about omfg.

My family bought tickets to this play with Cate Blanchett in the holidays. Looking forward to the obscene language and nudity. And I really need to see Importance of Being Earnest. It looks like it's being done in drag.

Guess this was all my procrastination allowed for, back to work now :(

11:38 PM

Saturday, May 18, 2013
let's get naked

In a happy mood because Valentine's Day is on and about to finish and it always makes me feel happy. Those were the days when we first got our crappy laptops and everyone did nothing but watch shows and movies on them. On the downside, I forgot to watch Amelie.

Oh my god, on the other hand, Vampire Diaries was the biggest piece of mindfuck crap OMG tears. It was so cruel, pulling at every emotion. Joy at Klaus and Karoline and then pure devastation everywhere else and wtf it just made no sense in the end. But then I just watched Klaroline scenes to feel better.

Anyway, report progressed nowhere so I'm planning an all nighter tonight. Refuse to do it tomorrow.

Mum made pumpkin soup, so good. And nice to remember Taylor's butternut pumpkin nose.

11:52 PM

Friday, May 17, 2013
moments of being

End of week 3. Time just keeps flying by. Suddenly, HSC is in five months and not six...

Free first this morning thankfully, though I only slept in an hour, and then spent another hour in terrible traffic to school. Wrote about fifty words for my report in the library lol.
Spent the whole extension lesson on my groupwork with Anika LOL so much for 8 minutes per group. But it was good, we got a lot of insight into something that meant nothing, Calvino is so weird. But I do enjoy it now, I want to keep reading. Only the chapters, those incipits make zero sense, which is their purpose.
Completely fail free third, discussing dresses with Christine. I have such a clear image of what I want but it can only be custom made. Buying it would involve a few grand... And Mr Burke is crazy. He's so entertaining.
4u meeting at lunch and Drayton handed back Green's feedback which was okay, not particularly useful so I sent her a super long email asking for extra opinions. But it's going okay, I'm just not happy with it anyway.
Did the ozone tests in chem which means we're moving onto water, oh god...

REPORTS. I have to say, I'm not going to complain. Besides fucking up maths and Adv English, I guess the higher scaling subjects did alright. AND I actually had single digit ranks for Englishes so that work paid off. Now we'll have to fix advanced.

My mum is amazing, idek how she finds such cheap holiday packages but /praying. I'M SO EXCITED. Which is bad, because if things don't work out, I will actually be so devastated.

Anyway, report is only 400 words right now, but I'm thinking this will be manageable. Just finding the specific details/quotes to reference will be a pain, but that's what the internet is for. Hopefully will finish it tomorrow so I can actually edit my story and hand something in to Winch on Monday. And find something to wear for athletics!

Good mood.

11:05 PM

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Procrastinating like a king, it's been going on all afternoon and evening, and it's a half day lol. And it'll continue a little more till this post is over.

Thought I'd mention I slept before midnight last night.

Maths first, quiz; can't do d/v/a graphs.
Dunn let us do some independent study in eco, and it sucks that I always have to talk out the concept to understand it. Reading eco is so ambiguous, things can always mean the reverse of your interpretation.
Failed free in the library, found some book on P&P which I will borrow soon so I can fix the essay, if there's ever time for that...

Left school at lunch and got a debit card set up so I can finally do my own internet shopping whoo, because I still can't get fucking paypal till I'm 18. SO just resorted to my mum's account and got myself a dress and anorak from nastygal hehe, been on the fence for a week about buying but just whatever, need some joy. Like the books that came this morning! Contributing to family debt (Y)

My sister and I made those oreo-peanut-butter-brownies which were demented but delicious. Bringing some to school tomorrow so I can distribute all those calories away from my house.

I think it's time I work. Praying the report can't take too long since it's only 1000 words. Except how to reference like, 20 texts, is beyond me.


10:43 PM

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Last full day of the week, thank god. Too many extremities in my timetable, just had two full days but am now looking forward to two half days :)

Pleasant start to the day with maths with Suk as a buzzing background noise because Elaine was away. Maths makes me happy, it's the only homework I can do. I understand you now, Anika.
Did past HSC question in chem which were essentially all the questions in our Matrix workbook. OMG so hilarious when I refused to fist bump Gina and Ariel said that fisting really hurt... it sure does LOL. She didn't get why I was laughing though.
Finished the topic in eco! We're speeding through pretty efficiently, though how much of that information actually retains in my head is another question.
Hip hop at lunch and we finally learned Britney! Which wasn't as difficult looking as it seemed the first time I saw Erica do it so that's a relief.
Oh lord, the creative 'seminar' was like death, it was so hot and boring and everybody was shifting so they could feel their legs. That guy knew his shit, but damn that mumble was a lullaby, I felt so bad for him. Plus it was historical Australian poetry. Pretty sure Motherwell was feeling kind of regretful afterwards for inviting him.

Went to my first English tutor session and it was pretty terrible revisiting Module A, but she was very detailed in her criticism, more so than Motherwell so combining their two opinions should help. It's time to rewrite that essay. And I'll most likely require another session next week because this Hamlet question is just hard.

I don't even want to think about the report. It's not happening. I don't have thirty fucking texts to refer to, I don't even have ten that I need. FUCKING SORRY THAT THIS MAY ACTUALLY BE THE PRODUCT OF SOME ORIGINALITY. The only research I do is clarifying little stupid things about London and it's environment.

Early night tonight. I think the sleep seminar somehow willed my body to get into bed earlier, and I have been getting into bed around 12ish. Though I end up reading or Youtubing till past 1.

10:44 PM

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Traffic was appalling, we spent a good half hour on penno rd and ended up getting to school at 9am sigh. Maths was okay, kind of understand this topic now and I'm betting that it's better than series and sequences anyway. It still incorporates calculus which is good, it's enjoyable when I remember how to do it.
Double free, freaking out about my report and reflection but Winch legitimately doesn't care about my research AND JUST WON'T SHUT UP ABOUT MY STORY. I feel a bit better about it after getting some people to read + positive feedback, but now there's the suggestion to completely cut out Adele or change her and Brown......... just can't handle planning all of that right now.
Got assigned more Hamlet groupwork. So done with groupwork.

Formal permission notes were handed out. Biggest lol, how are we to find a date by next Friday? Not bringing one at this rate, as long as we have a good time dancing and taking photos.

Double English first and second, doing groupwork in both omfg STOP. But I've finally almost finished Calvino, and Hamlet should be fine... Today was the last lesson on Hamlet which is confronting-ly sad. I mean, we're up to the last module :( And GOD was unaware that we have assessments for Hamlet AND MODULE C.
Finished all of groupwork in chem, sat around marvelling at how amazing the concert pit is. IT'S ACTUALLY AWESOME! You could touch Taylor Swift!
Eco was stressful because Herschell was unable to get any pit tickets cause idek why but I have the free next week so we really need to get those tickets, otherwise it's just not worth going which will rain so hard on our parades :( Jokes the sale starts at 9am lsdkjcnhlsdcnosdnfosndlo this is stupid. OH WAIT MAYBE HERSCHELL HAS FREES AGAIN.

Ran for macarons with Anika, laughing so hard we couldn't breathe, and not exactly sure what provoked that.

Budget was boring to watch and I just got furious right in the beginning with Liberal laughter so kinda tuned out after. Instead, checked out nastygal sale omggggg. Haven't done advanced due to this. Will get to that now.

You are an amazing friend. It's hard to convey sarcasm this way.

9:35 PM

Sunday, May 12, 2013
dear void

Mother's Day.

So little work has been accomplished today because I wasn't even home TT Seriously, the restaurants get ridiculous, WHY DO WE CLEBERATE THIS? Just baked mum a cake that was waaaay too sweet, and this is the fourth time the cake has gone wrong so the universe must be telling me something. Had yum cha at Carlingford which was mediocre, but I want to go back to East Ocean.

I want to go to fucking Hawaii after formal, WHY HAS NO ONE EVER CONSIDERED IT?! But I've got to go, EVERYBODY will be having their own schoolies all over the NSW coast so going there doesn't sound very appealing.

You've Got Mail is on omfg I don't think I've ever finished it, but I will now. While attempting my reflection at the same time...

9:17 PM

Saturday, May 11, 2013

FUCKING DEVASTATION I JUST MISSED SINGING IN THE RAIN OMFG fuck, I haven't seen it since Foxtel was gone, and I think I may tear up. Fml, okay going to find it somewhere tonight and watch online.

Anyway, went back to school yesterday but Anika jigged. Except I slept in too long and came just as second period started. As usual, always lament about how I should jig every chem lesson cause they're so goddamn useless idek, Gina finished the article in half the lesson and I did one multiple choice question. Correction: MADE one, and it was difficult cause I made four structural formulas, don't really know why.
Fun Food Friday in eco! Elaine and Annie brought quiche and cupckaes, and besides the solidified cold cheese of the quiche, it was pretty good. Dunn brought a collection of old German money notes before and during the hyperinflation period, and they had a 1 billion dollar note!
Attempted to read the eco I missed on Thursday in my free last but jokes, too dry. Then Tanya stormed in with animal piss/drain water on her arm which also got on my bag because it was running down from a hole in the ceiling over the bag area. So we went to kmart and sprayed some deo on her LOL.

Wasted the evening walking around with my mum, sister and dog around towers and all, it was very traumatic for Buttons. And then we were supposed to go to Max Brenner's but holy shit, Castle Hill nightlife on Friday... still pretty emptily pathetic so we settled for maccas.

Listened to Taylor Swift most of the night :) It was nice listening to her Fearless album and forgetting about her love life, since the publicity and fame came AFTERWARDS so no one really bothered to interpret those songs.

Did some maths this morning, trying to refresh my trig memory. Need to revise more, my half yearly gave me hope for maths and I can't lose that. Sigh, reports. Skipping Yannick's to 'study'. And I can't get home. Missing an opportunity to see Jake.

Vampire Diaries is just becoming senseless and idek how Delena can happen because Ian and Nina broke up :(

Anyway, I need to go home and make Grace's Year 8 food tech cheesecake for Mother's Day. Ah, good memories of Elaine and I swallowing a whole one between ourselves. I miss food tech, and Carla's OCD. And her tuilles HAHA!

American Beauty moment: leaves flew up off the ground to my window and starting dancing there for more than a few seconds.

3:33 PM

Thursday, May 9, 2013
flashbacks and echoes

Hm, the past couple days were obviously not worth recounting. Bad days. Although I did get a cupcake on Wednesday so thanks Christine :) UGH got a virus since Tuesday and there's been phlegm stuck in my throat that won't leave. To make things better, instead of looking forward to Hamlet, I experienced the worst bus ride of my life with a fever and sore throat not to mention busting for 1.5 hours while everyone around me acted and sounded like fucking animals, idek. Just got through it by imagining that I could simultaneously slit all their throats. Mhm. But the effort of not pissing my pants sweated out the fever LOL so I guess that was a bonus.

Play was okay. Not 'so good' like everyone says, because really, Hamlet was just incoherent half the time, and feigned or real madness isn't really an excuse. And I felt dumb to ask what context it was in because that wasn't even clear... iPhones and royal family? I guess Denmark still has that but it was just very confusing. At least Hamlet was cute. But why was Ophelia asian-ish when her brother and father weren't...

Skipped school today to recover and cough up a considerable amount of phlegm, yum. And then I made the mistake of downloading Sims Freeplay and yeah, it's basically taken up the whole day. Plus an empty home and LBD (while attempting maths) made it a pretty good sick day.

AND NOW I AM SO PUMPED BECAUSE TAYLOR SWIFT IS COMING AND THANK GOD RED IS HEAPS BETTER THAN SPEAK NOW BUT NOTHING TRUMPS FEARLESS. It's an inconvenient date, barely have time to party after formal before the concert but there's still the rest of December afterwards.

My Sontag diaries came, so much easier to read with like, entries two sentences long.

Anyway, half day tomorrow thankfully. I'm going to go and brush up on lyrics :)

9:12 PM

Monday, May 6, 2013
it flows through me like rain

I don't like Mondays.

Except for early early early Monday morning LOL stayed up till past 1am with Suk, finishing LBD and fangirling over video call HAHA so unhealthy, and our videos were out of sync thus our reactions were out of sync. So we need to watch it together physically. ALL OF IT AGAIN.

Bus ride was horrendous, kept starting and stopping all along penno rd and yeah, have not attended roll call this term yet.
Pleased that lots of the ozone information stuck with me from Matrix so chem was a boring breeze, though I can't fathom how this task is supposed to take six lessons... seriously don't have that much time to waste if our assignment is on shipwrecks and we haven't even started water management!
I don't know what's wrong with Winch, because she likes my second draft but that doesn't even matter because I hate it so I need to change it anyway. Plus she seems to only be fussy about super minute details like a word TT So I'll have to wait for Dr Greene's opinion. Then headed to the library and had an interesting conversation with Burke and Paul the delivery guy about feminism LOL.
Attempts at groupwork in ext turned into Tanya sketching out the Japanese erotica incipit hehe. Book is interesting, but unbearable to study.
Failed free last omfg back to the library with Christine and Nayomi and these Year 11s were watching American Beauty! So we were just peaking from outside with Mr Burke cause it happened to be the almost-sex scene with Lester and Angela and just teased him about boobs. But then we just chimed and watched the end which brought back much nostalgia. Checked out the birthday horoscope book with Seowoo and Jina and then had a fit because somebody just noticed Burke's lack of eyebrows HAHAHAHAHA could talk to him all day, he's so entertaining.

Haven't done work except open up Calvino groupwork to which there is nothing to add, even though Motherwell expects ten quotes. It just makes no sense.

Tanya dropped to general maths :(

Might just call it a night and ponder over editing 4u.

10:30 PM

Sunday, May 5, 2013

It's not that late yet. Usually it hits ten o'clock and I start to withdraw from work, knowing that since I'll be sleeping late, why rush and just sleep later anyway. It makes no sense.

Slept till almost noon today, sigh, but had a fulfilling brunch of lots of food my mum prepared for the Orthodox Easter lol. Not complaining. Lamb and pastry and eggs and baklava. And egg fights! Except English totally soured my mood so it just felt like a long day that still passes too quickly.

Wtf was starting to enjoy Calvino while reading it only, but then god, trying to analyse this with the rubric is just so hard IT'S SO HARD BUT I DON'T WANT TO USE ORLANDO FOR HSC SOB. 4U was terrible too, I'm so dead for this reflection I've barely started. Firstly, can't reflect on something I feel was hideous work and plan on reworking AGAIN and also, don't have enough texts or a range of texts to explicitly refer to like all these past reflections so uhm........ So afraid for tomorrow.

w/e waiting for Suk to watch and finish LBD (fourth time for me loool) and yeah, looking forward to it.

On the upside, ordered three Kundera books!

9:44 PM

Saturday, May 4, 2013

WHOO just back from Neda's party and it was awesome :)

Her house is just like some exquisite antique treasure trove of Peruvian-Persian wonder, it's so exotic and adorable. AND SHE HAS A HAMMOCK! And the deck was just laid out with couches and pillows and soooo much meat. Like, I'm guessing more than a hundred skewers of lamb and chicken flsdhalshlajslshsla, her dad said he bought about 23kg of meat looooool. But it was delicious omfg sat there eating for a good hour until we finally decided to dance around and play some pool which I remain hopeless at. I'll get a hot guy to bend me over and teach me...

Yes just danced and ate pastries and smoked the argileh which was bad the first time LOL can't exhale for long enough, but it got better until it got really ash-y.

Fast forward to the birthday speeches which were continually interrupted and I was waiting for that Black Forest cake which was so good, all that cream and then the carrot cake with cream cheese frosting...omg.

11 o'clock and drove home with Abi and Varsha, reminiscing about senior years even though we're still in the middle of one. No matter how much I complain about the next six months, I'm equally going to love it, nothing will compare to high school and the people I know here, knowing that I won't be keeping in touch almost at all. Can only cherish things now, and it's sad it's taken five years to see that but better late than never.

Anyway, calling it a night. Lots of work to do tomorrow, as well as prepare for horrible feedback for 4u because it just feels even worse than my first draft which is saying something.

Food babies due.

11:41 PM

Friday, May 3, 2013

Week 1 is over and it's been an interesting day.

I hate myself, stayed up past midnight watching Squaresville and LBD again, idek I must be on my third cycle and I finished the show less than a week ago. It's controlling my life.
On the bright side, free first so I got to sleep till 8:30 and it was thankfully very warm in the cottage with the poisonous gas heater.
Ext second and ugh, idek, cannot focus on Calvino, it just makes no sense but I'm feeling very adamant about using Orlando for HSC just cause there are no fresh points to use but Calvino is just too hard for related and plain understanding. Plus groupwork fml. BUT Motherwell told us about how she plays with her grandson weirdly. Idk, she'd be an awesome grandma, but that poor perplexed little boy...
Double free whoo but lol just went to library with Nayomi and Christine and chatted the whole time. Really fucking angry at first, but then we moved onto post-HSC and interesting things and died over facebomb again. It just never ceases to be funny.
Lunch out (Y)
Chem was fucking dumb, went to the library and did nothing but watch a simulation of the Haber process. Every chem lesson is a waste of my time.

Omfg humiliated on the train while Jiani, Suk and Tanya had their wog/ganger fight idek those juniors staring at us HAHA thank god it ended when Tanya got off at penno with me.

Excited for Neda's tomorrow! Not sure what to wear yet but as long as it allows space for my stomach to expand. No idea what Persian food is like but it ought to be delicious. And I can wear my litas since I will probably take my shoes off in the house and thus, no pain.

Anyway, waiting for Suk to catch up to where I'm up to in my rerun session and then we can fangirl together about Darcy hehehe. Darcy-bot. Malfunction.

You are despicable. Fuck off.

10:15 PM

Thursday, May 2, 2013
no house

Never got around to posting on the first day of term 2. I wonder why, considering my last post was around 6am. Of course, it was a lie cause JOKES Christine and I forgot that texts requires titles and we spent a good hour coming up with one that was HORRIBLE legit so stupid and I was so tired that we just could not stop laughing hysterically for a minute. Think I woke my grandparents up. Anyway it was a horrific night, and I felt okay with the product but then I thought about it and just wtf it's disgusting I need to change it immediately.

Kinda crashed already by the time we got to penno and yeah, got myself a useless un-caffeinated chai while bs-ing my journal and then handed it in. So afraid for feedback.
Ha dead with Christine in maths and chem; maths was too frustrating, hated all that physics velocity shit in Year 10 omfg but chem was okay cause Christine and I discovered how much we remembered of the Haber process :)
Eco was just the epitome of bad. Fucking read like six articles and I just kept jerking in and out of consciousness. So slept in the cottage for a bit. Fifteen minutes. Micro nap (Y) A full day out of all fucking days.
English last and we got ext back. Pleased with mine, really wasn't expecting much. Textual dynamics was marked hard, only two 25s and two 24s from Drayton's class, maybe I'll have one high ranking subject! Anyway, Hamlet groupwork, yadda yadda. Missed Motherwell.

Mm got home and crashed immediately. And then Anika woke me up at like, 11:30 and I was ready to kill her cause it took me about an hour to get back to sleep. But otherwise, enjoyed thirteen hours of rest so I think I repaid that one day of sleep debt.

TODAY was cross country. But since I slept yesterday and didn't get appropriate clothes, had to head home in the morning and get dressed but then Mother kindly took me to school in our new but uncomfortable car. All the luxury is on the outside.

No understanding of maths. Managed a bit of the hw but it was pretty hopeless otherwise. Eco next and last, idk and apparently the Flemington excursion is tomorrow! Old days, waking at 4am LOOOL and I miss Carla :(
Double free! Going to enjoy my legal frees with everyone :) exchanged early lunch and then cut up our garbage bags whoo, the drawstring was like a plastic dick. Yeah just mucked around and took lots of ugly photos on the oval.

Kept forgetting we went to normo, was all thinking penno has changed! Anyway actually ran almost half with Anika, cause Dr Briggs kept threatening to overtake us and that would not look good. Of course allowed no time to vlog LOL except for after the race. And Clem finished running in less than seven minutes... No words.

Got driven home too and accomplished nothing cause I decided to watch Squaresville omfg wasted two hours there and I'm about to waste more after this post cause Calvino is too hard to read wtf. Love Mary Kate Wiles and I just realised how cool it is that she was starring with Ashley for LBD. Mary Kate and Ashley! Idk I loved their book series thing.

Yay half day again tomorrow.

Stay square.

10:26 PM

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

So uhm, finished, lol.

6:27 AM