Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Haven't been at a computer since Monday, though it's arguable whether that's been a good thing or not.
WELL stayed up until 3am finishing that fucking report which was pretty much similar to the partly finished reflection I handed in. Went over that in mentor and well, by the looks of it, neither will be going well.
Extension was so hilarious omfg, Motherwell went over the threesome incipit and I just could not stop laughing and crying IT WAS SO FUNNY OMG CALVINO HAHAHAHA. Yeah it was very immature but come on, she grabbed the two serpent heads? I need to read it again for the lols.
Attempted thrifting with Jess in the hopes of finding old people clothing, but I just found a nice angora green knit and she got a denim jacket that was too small for my shoulders :( Had to air the thing though, I hate the smell of secondhand clothing.
Last athletics/carnival EVER. Failed attempt to dress as an old woman with my Elvis shirt and rolled up flower skirt. It was more effective with my mum's reading glasses but I probably would've broken them.
Stressed for a good ten minutes with Aparna on the phone with Herschell and Jina while I was talking to my sister, trying to figure out who got better Swift tickets. It's ridiculous, no pit and no A-reserve on the floor so we settled for a bay one with a seat around the front of the box. Oh well, saved $100 each at least.
LOL attempted high jump. I remember being able to do it in Year 9, but I don't think our backs are very flexible anymore. Need fucking chiro or some therapy. And then we ran/hobbled the 100m and attempted shotput, failing in all of them but what else were we there for?
Made our 2013 human sign and then rolled down the hill afterwards and very possibly rolled over animal shit of some sort. And then our last event was the 400m walk where we sung to 1D as you do. Ended on a pretty melancholy note, things had only been fun for the first two hours anyway.
Napped till dinner when I got home and spent three hours on maths TT
This morning, I was all excited to start Mod C, having found an appreciation for Plath's prose in her diaries, though I still can't handle poetry. But then some Asian lady walks in and just tries to force answers out of us. We're really just stupid without Motherwell.
Started series in maths, pretty sad to leave calculus because this is so boring. But hopefully simple.
Ditto eco kind of, moved on a lot from CAD esque kind of things and this chapter is essentially revisiting prelim things nobody remembers.
It's time to start Hamlet, I keep delaying it cause I can't write a fucking thesis, but maybe I'll attempt some paragraph points.
7:16 PM