
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
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September 2009
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January 2015

Sunday, March 31, 2013
Don't leave me

Wasted a lot of time since 6pm, and I'm just gonna waste a little bit more before sitting down to work. About time.

Finally finished the awful speech and editing English, now time to memorise. Sigh, my hand was in good condition after Wednesday. Time to traumatise it all over again.

I guess that was all I had to say LOL except that Elaine and I have been mourning of the impending daylight saving next Sunday. Fucking, days are short enough already. The sun has been setting at 7 instead of 8, and now it's going to be dark by 5. Tragic, WHO THE HELL INVENTED THIS CONCEPT? Could write a textual dynamics essay on daylight saving and human's need to conquer existential angst by creating this stupid system and how everything is so fucking constructed and NOT REAL.

Anyway, I also watched some old clips of old Disney shows and videos of stars then and now and it's actually kind of terrifyingly tragic, seeing how fast they and we have grown. In fact, I was just thinking how little kids cease to really irritate me anymore, but they just make me feel upset that I can't even remember what it was like to be like that. Mid mid-life crisis. Teenage doesn't sound serious enough.

Okay work/carpal tunnel syndrome.

10:37 PM


Alright it's been a good weekend. Unproductive, but I've stopped caring about the last three exams because all I want is to FINISH.

Btw I stayed up till 4am on Friday night/Saturday morning reading Clockwork Princess and I've got about 200 pages to go which is just unthinkable because it's a third of the book and so many bad things have happened IT'S NOT ENOUGH TO FINISH THINGS CONCLUSIVELY IN TWO HUNDRED PAGES.

Bright and early on Saturday morning and headed over to Christine's because her rents were in Queensland whoo. Except she forced me to go grocery shopping first, and that's only fun with your parents because you buy whatever you want. Yeah we were planning for the cooking to take 1-2 hours and then hardcore work, but see... TANYA ROCKED UP. But she missed out on making the pizza dough which was so ridiculously sticky omg, it was like we were wearing dough gloves after kneading. Pizza tasted fucking amazing, I was surprised because pizza sauce was never usually great but praise Jamie Oliver, it was just delicious. And we listened to 90s/00s music while stuffing our faces mm.

Anyway, since Tanya came, no work was done. We did try though, but then she started playing Bieber's acoustic and who would've thought he would be the one making Tanya orgasm. So disturbing. I'm pretty sure it was on repeat for a good few hours while we really did not do any work. Time was just flying by like crazy. OH MY GOD we took photos and used facebomb and holy shit, it was so disgustingly hilarious, thought we were going to suffocate.

Went for thai at West Ryde after debating about what to eat for an hour and it was pretty mediocre, and we were watching Happy Feet in the restaurant. God Tanya was such a fucking snapchat whore. I think she's spent half the weekend on that app. Arrived back for some more Happy Feet and lol such speds, attempted to dance like the penguins (which is fucking hard) and most likely disturbing the downstairs neighbours. And surrounding apartments.

Channel surfed till midnight really, waiting for Amy Adams to marry that handsome Irish man in Leap Year and yeah, uneventful. Christine has a toy shit that laughs manically when you hit it against something, so fucking scary. Then we had lots and lots of fun. It's no good sleeping past 3am twice in a row.

I love Christine's curtains, I could use it to make a ballgown. And it did a really good job at blocking out light wow, it was pretty dark at 9am and then when I threw the curtains open, bad idea. No headache though, thank god.

Tanya has the ugliest face I've ever seen.

Good morning, making French toast that was somehow slightly burned and uncooked at the same time because the frying pan was so small and it got so hot that the butter kept burning. But it's okay, spent the morning watching Britney Spears music videos and eating congee. And I've come to realise how dead I am for speech and ext. Legal is looking pretty good at this rate fml, why can't ext be on Friday :(

We really wanted to make red velvet cake but the shops weren't open and Christine was missing ingredients and then she was missing substitutes for those ingredients so we decided not to.

Headed home and then my head was hurting so took like, a two hour nap /sigh. And I have to finish this speech quickly so I can run home and print everything fml. Thank god we still have tomorrow.

I'm so depressed I had to skip Casablanca. I'll watch some clips tonight on Youtube, but not skipping Roger Rabbit because we watched Jessica Rabbit's solo today and Tanya probably had another orgasm. It's a pretty experimental text. So much intertextuality and fact vs fiction.

Okay work. Hope nobody is reading this, because it means you just wasted a lot of precious time, like I did writing it. But I probably had more fun with my task than you.

6:16 PM

Friday, March 29, 2013
your mistake

In my opinion, one of the worst things about studying is all the TV that we must forego. It's not even fair, so much is on over this weekend. Godfather and the sequel tomorrow, and then Shrek and 500 Days of Summer and then fucking Casablanca and Roger Rabbit and Cruel Intentions. This is so cruel.

Anyway, stayed up till 3am skyping with Tanya and musing over existential things and lol, we wanted to find the etymology of penis so we wiki'd it and uhm, apparently human penises are not covered in the general penis link. I mean, first images we saw were fucking pickled whale dicks, I was like what... and there's a beaver with a fucking spiked dick, it was a legitimate weapon. Anyway, unfortunately the connection died when Tanya was suffering about umbilical cords, because it's Tanya...

The couple in the block across from ours were having a huge showdown at like, 2am. It was so interesting, she was yelling so much I could barely make out what she was saying, except get the fuck out of my house.

Sigh, was all excited and planning to go to Christine's with Tanya and then spend the night but fucking last minute cancel cause yeah fml. But hopefully tomorrow, and she can cook for me.

I've been putting off studying all morning. So completely in denial about how little I know for legal, and how really dead I am for English. How do I change this paragraph to make it my voice idk Orlando just wasn't me at all, it was a regurgitation of Motherwell AND IT ALWAYS WILL BE. And considering Mod A wasn't disgusting, I've stopped caring about the speech. Just read a boring essay, who cares, there's no way to get top marks for it.

I'm annoyed that it never occurred to me to make tags/labels for posts. Particularly for days I really want to keep remembering and all that jazz.

1:27 PM

Thursday, March 28, 2013
fire away

It has been a good day. Presumably hot outside but somehow the apartment stayed cool so that's a relief. Thank god I had no exams today.

So I was sort of planning to fix up my Orlando paragraph and get a start on family notes but as always, make the bad decision to go on Youtube and they really need to delete the suggestions bar. I have literally spent my whole day on Youtube, which in hindsight, is not a bad thing if it weren't for the fact that there are still three exams to go.

The worst part started when all I wanted to watch was a scene from Swing Time, which in the suggestions bar, led to loads and loads of full movies from like, 30s-60s so naturally I had to flick through them all to see what was worth wasting time on.

Notorious first, and cannot even describe the perfection that is Ingrid Bergman, why were people so beautiful then :( Black and white does wonders, it'd be alright if I saw no other colour. Everyone manages to look good. And of course, Cary Grant, who's real name is apparently Archibald Leach omg lol.

Next was It Happened One Night because Clark Gable duh, and when he started taking his clothes off...

Cover Girl because Gene Kelly. He kind of looks like he had plastic surgery or his face was naturally that flawless, and my mouth was just open during his shadow dance scene, it was perfectly identical.

So after all that, it was about 8pm and then idk Christine facetimed and I watched her impromptu some very strange almond-meal-honey-sugar-orange muffins. Totally should've crashed at her place tonight. Would've been more productive than I've been all day.

I'll attempt some legal now while my hair dries, can possibly cover adoption. So screwed, been too relaxed.

11:24 PM

Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Alone at midnight


Ugh last night was just awful trying to cram eco while completely ignoring chem. And then god, took the fucking 632 with Jenny in the morning AND IT WAS SO LATE OUT OF ALL DAYS. Legit for there at 8:55 and ran to school but people only just filed in when we arrived so thank god. 

And Jesus Christ the test was so bad, guaranteed like ten marks gone already. Fucking Gamble set some question on notion of destructibility WHEN SHE DID NOT EVEN TEACH US. Oh my god it was just awful. 

Spent the next two hours shitting ourselves for eco, lord waste so much time on protection but then I flipped the test to see the long response and just sagged with relief, it was only on BOP and CAD :') and there was essentially no protection questions through the whole thing so altogether it was not bad. At least it was better than chem. 

Ooh went to David Jones after school and omg all these trays of cosmetic sales so I picked up some random Burt's Bees pack since my lip balm is down to the nub, and randomly went to some other tray and found A Room of One's Own journal alsjdhaldhslahalaj so happy!
This afternoon and evening has been spent completely rejoicing about the six day break, because I just really need a rest from work. Gonna get back into it tomorrow.

I was watching pug videos on YouTube for about an hour, and it was so wonderful to see them all behaving like Buttons. So much character. The only breed I'll ever own will be pugs, anything else would seem like a downgrade.

Anyway, time to catch up on PLL. Which is really a bad idea, this is too freaky for nighttime. There are always fucking masks everywhere. Oh god no, they're at a circus. Clowns. 

Okay off to enjoy my night of freedom.

11:38 PM

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
I've got a war in my mind

We survived English. Thank god, when I first read the question and saw literature, my spirits just deflated, thinking it was on reading and writing and how I'd have to bs two paragraphs, but after continuing to read the question, it was essentially our practice question. And I must've cut out a LOT of points because I actually had one minute leftover, after writing a conclusion... which has never happened in my fucking life, it probably means I did terribly.

Anyway, spent the next five hours in the library, starving and attempting to do some measly economic notes which were very measly indeed, but I have something shitty to work with so good enough. Still revising the workbook now, I'll probably revert to chem at 11pm. My worry for that is considerably growing, because I don't know pracs. But seeing it's all short answers, I can probably bs something but holy shit, so afraid for eco long response. I have no in depth knowledge of any particular chapter to write like, five pages that Dunn expects.

Finishing tomorrow will be one of the best feelings ever. Have a lax evening, which everyone finally deserves, but I'm hoping I can finish my speech by Thursday. Motherwell was pleased with my ext essay so I'm a little less stressed for that (aside from memorising), yet the ironic thing is I lost marks for my old Orlando paragraph LOL. Gotta rewrite that too. And possibly contemplate starting legal.

Alright GOODBYE.

10:33 PM

Monday, March 25, 2013
exams oh lord

Have not blogged all weekend. Why? Because I was actually working my fucking butt off for maths, oh my god. Did all the chapter reviews and topic reviews on Saturday after finally finishing my disgusting ext essay but whatever, that's done. Then more maths through Sunday while attempting to write out Mod A and balance eco /die.

Anyway, today was maths and just spent the morning with Carla, feeling sick. But it was not bad. Idk if it's cause the test was actually easier (cause past papers were pretty hard) or I was just a lot more prepared than ever before, which is still only a little bit prepared. Either way, did the test twice and found a lot of errors thank god, hopefully they weren't actually correct... And Jenny if you ever read this, just die. Wtf, I finished multiple choice and you were nearly done with Question 6. HOW DOES ONE DO THAT TEST THRICE IN TWO HOURS YOU MUTANT.

Anyway, completely bombed eco at the library with Flo, Suk and Sarah, god it was awful, I can't remember anything. And this random chime guy who is a professor of international business studies (he said it with a lot of pride) attempted to help me read a tariff graph which he explained in terms too complicated for my limited knowledge, so it was quite futile.

Napped before beginning the torture that was Mod A. After a bit of eco, I'm so scared for it, even worse than English. My main fear of English is not fitting all my shit in on time, otherwise I think I have relatively okay memory of what needs to be written. Besides the fact that it's illegible and I have no topic sentences or any thesis to my points really... And the fact that I can't move my index finger and am currently typing with my right thumb.

Whatever, it's only 40 minutes. Can do this. What depresses me though is that this week is relatively wonderful to next. Speech, ext and legal. Can't do any of them.


11:45 PM

Friday, March 22, 2013
everybody has those days

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL BEFORE EXAMS. I should be freaking out much more intensely then I actually am.

Thank god for free first, got to sleep in and yeah, finished half the essay (the other half of which I am desperately trying to get almost done save a few hundred words).
Winged rubric groupwork in ext and apparently it was satisfactory so kudos to Elaine and I. And everyone else.
Studied some chem in legal. Sigh, still pretty dead for it, what are acidic oxides omg.
Made esters in chem which smelt like disgusting vinegar banana.
WHEE listened to Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus with Jina on the bus home cause Suk was singing Rockstar earlier. 

Ugh, been trying to finish this essay and I keep changing my points but then I decided fuck it, as long as each paragraph answers the question. If anything, need to finish this by noon tomorrow and then dedicate to maths and English. Can't even think about chem or eco. Legitimately screwed.

But zero fucks given anymore.

11:57 PM

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Interrupting my disrupted writing flow for ext anyway so fuck that, gonna post by midnight :)

Mufti today, idek why, but it made today feel like Friday and it was disappointing each time to realise that it wasn't. It also sucked because the forecast called for heat and the morning was ridiculously cold so yay.
Maths first again, feeling very lost with everything. Everything I thought I understood kind of just disappeared. Worried, legitimately have no time this weekend cause fuck, gotta edit English which wasn't terrible but still needs a lot of work and memorising.
Eco with Burke and he was wearing a Burgess shirt (Y) keep forgetting he teaches English. Anyway, got stuck on a question and got the whole class debating and even got Sexton to come up after half a lesson and answer it. God, frustration.
Legal was dumb, I read the same sheet for the entire lesson.
OH MY GOD Suk brought out her cheesecake. Fucking, fat omg just kept devouring it. Oh forgot to mention my period came. Out of all days. Fuck you.
Went to Hornsby library with Suk, Jiani and Herschell and accomplished very little, but nothing else expected.

Eastwood and Epping with Suk and I got some Praus but somehow it didn't taste good. Tasted way too sweet and artificial and consistency got worse. Anyway, I had a dentist appointment in Carlo and ugh, got fillings and my mouth was numb for a good hour or so, so I only had some soup for dinner (hence why I am starving now).

Home 7:30 and my mum showed me the most infuriating article on China's investments in Australia which I then showed the grade (sort of) and had a heated rant with a few of us. Yellow Peril? Fucking really? God, literally worked up for hours, I hate my mum. And at such a crucial time. Wasted so much potential work time :(

Anyway, essay is progressing super slowly. So hard to organise my thoughts, there's too much to say for FLW and I haven't even read it, so that's pretty ridiculous. I realised I have a free tomorrow so I can afford to stay up longer tonight and get this stupid paragraph done.

Don't know how I'm gonna balance maths, and this essay plus advanced over the weekend. Just don't know.


11:59 PM

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's about time that I begun work for today/tonight.

Today was just awful. Firstly, I don't understand what has been happening with the traffic but it is pretty fucking ridiculous how every vehicle is literally CRAWLING along Pennant Hills Rd. It's taking me 20-30 minutes to drive from Thompson's Corner to Penno station and that is probably a kilometre distance. So obviously I was late but then fuck maths, went to go sleep in the cottage during first period. Felt a bit worse after though but worth missing class.
Finally understood where my titration calculation errors were from.
We went through the past paper in eco. Really annoyed about fucking Camp Toukley, why not next week dammit? Don't want Lech tomorrow as a sub omg she's just going to be shh-ing us all lesson little bitch, I need to talk about eco to understand it.
Learned a new dance in hip hop. Well, like 20 seconds.
Progressing through Hamlet, but I'm annoyed that we just missed out on seeing Ophelia go mad. No more English till after exams, minus the ext lesson on Friday which we are SCREWED for because nobody has posted rubric groupwork up and I still haven't started so lol.

Home and napped for two hours, even though the intention was 30 minutes. Then I had to go home to pick out some stupid mufti fml why tomorrow? Friday is even hotter, I'd rather not wear school uniform then. FUCK dentist appointment tomorrow too, Waste a whole evening of work so I need to get half of ext done TONIGHT. Which is essentially just FLW paragraph since Orlando ones are already there. Have to do well, I am not relying on advanced at all. It's just beyond me.

Since I've napped today, I will try and stay up till 1am. It's somehow not possible anymore, but anything to progress with the essay.

Let's do this.

9:21 PM

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

It's almost Wednesday. Can't look forward to the week ending. Oh and I realised that now I can take a bath again without my piercing. Know what I'm doing Friday night (Y)

I don't understand. Do bus drivers hate us that much? The dickhead turned the aircon on. It was FREEZING in the morning and everyone was just sniffling their germs in. Disgusting. I've been feeling sick in the mornings, and only at school. Reckon my body has built up immunity and has several antibodies to choose from to combat my colds within a few hours. Before they get worse, that is. Still been feeling pretty awful.
Ext was dumb, went through creatives which is so low on my priority list, yet I need it done by holidays.
Year assembly and the guy who went to Finland look like this whole combination of Phillips, Karnups and Anthea LOL.
Double English sigh, but Hamlet is getting better. Probably just because we're listening to the recording, even though it portrays Hamlet as a complete lunatic, but it's better than reading aloud.
Apparently did some really good titration in chem whoo like it was such a faint pink colour and our averaged volumes were spot on so fuck yeah. Awks because the pipette was retarded and I just kept putting in different volumes but you know, whatever.
Finally understood what reversible and non-reversible transactions mean in eco. Such a satisfying moment. Otherwise was struggling to stay awake. I just look at Choong and feel better.

Tanya lost her hang-up-on-phone-call virginity today, after ten minutes of trying and threatening to show her my belly button.

Anyway, I did eco past paper. Kind of feel like I understand things better. Now it's just memory. Then at a desperate attempt to remember maths, I wrote down all the formulas and stuck them up on my wall. I hope it helps. There will officially be no study technique that works for me if this doesn't.

Ew, watched Vampire Diaries cause I was so cbf with English. It's so infuriating. Except for Klaus' ten-second-sex scene, god he is so attractive, that whole cast is beautiful. Even though half of them are dead.

Alright, starting to progress a bit with FLW paragraph. Hopefully get that done tomorrow and then slowly power through the related texts that I barely know. Really sucks that I've forgotten so much of Orlando too. Oh lord, and rubric groupwork. Elaine and I are dead.

Sleep by midnight.

11:45 PM

Monday, March 18, 2013
Lettuce to Fat Alice

I finished Module A at 12:30 last night. Last paragraph in an hour. Best feeling in the world. And then I managed to bs a page of 4u while sleeping before 2am.

It was so cold today! Still is, but ugh, everyone was just sniffling in maths and every single class, it was terrible. Maths was pretty bad too. Because there aren't enough types of differentiation/integration to remember.
Realised just how far off track my major is going compared to my Viva and all, but that's okay, I like where it's going now. There's a lot of room for change. Except that Winch expects an almost complete second draft after assessments i.e. gotta write about 6000 words on top of study. It's not happening.
Gross legal, last lesson with Gilmore cause fucking Camp Toukley is Thursday and Friday, trust our luck. Also lose Dunn, but only for one lesson so that's okay.
English last was dull. Hamlet is a complete fool on the recording we're listening to.

Had hot pot for dinner. Felt like I was getting hypertension because the stock/soup whatever was so salty.

I attempted eco notes but it's just impossible to make the slabs of information study-able. So I'm just gonna read the textbook at this rate. Attempted maths revision which is slow but I don't want to feel discouraged jumping into the past paper with no remembrance of anything. And now I'm going to do ext topic sentences and sleep by 12. Need it so bad.

Forgot to mention the very amusing conversation I had with Michelle where we spent a good hour interpreting ways to die from emoji images. FAT ALICE.


11:29 PM

Sunday, March 17, 2013
showers for flowers

I was planning to blog when I finished my Mod A essay, which I will finish, but I figured it probably won't be done by midnight and I want a Sunday post.

Sundays make me sad. It just feels like a punishment after Saturday, which is a day filled with hopes of balancing productivity and relaxation, which if you don't achieve, you pay for it the next day (Y)

So I've been sitting at this essay from 11am. It's officially going to be 12 hours, and I must say, with all due respect to my inefficiency with essays, I'm proud to be on my last paragraph right now. This usually takes a week, and thank goodness it won't because this week must be devoted to ext. Which will take a week. Sigh, Motherwell is going to be furious at my handing in so late.

Got my lipsticks today, and one for Michelle yay! Plum is beautiful. Can't decide if it's a gross word or not. It kind of rolls off the tongue nicely.

I realise the next few years is going to be a tough time for families. Us girls still in the teenager stage while our mums enter menopause...lord the conflicts that will exist.

It felt like Autumn today (yes it is Autumn), but it was dry and crisp and cold which means winter is on its way and we can't wear boxers at home anymore. It's also depressing to think that the next time we're in summer uniform is during HSC.

Alright. Ready for this last week. I count these exams as our last official school ones, because trials sound too horrifying to comprehend and I don't count the split up individual assessments next term.So this is sort of celebratory in a strange way. Still need to cherish this. I love school and every time I think about leaving, my emotions just shuts down so I don't start bawling everyday. It's so terrifying, I just can't understand how the unknown is appealing. I want the structure and security of school and teachers and set curriculum.

I do need to change, thanks family for telling me so everyday.

I miss my dog.

11:03 PM

No regrets

Took my belly piercing out! For good. Like an hour ago, but it's worth noting. Had Christine watching for moral support (lol) on Facetime while I unscrewed the little bitch for a good five minutes. Feel so free without it :)

Hope it doesn't get infected. Now I'll have a somewhat interesting 'When I was 17...' story.

Cbf work, shall sleep now. GOODNIGHT.

12:33 AM

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Changing my work environment has obviously done little next to nothing to improve my work ethic or productivity/efficiency (unsure of the difference, even though it's basic economics). Well, actually I was doing okay this morning. Got half the speech done, and it teetered right past the halfway mark and belonging to self is pretty important... so I don't know think this will fit in very well.

Ugh, attempted Mod A after with little success. Got 200 words. Yay. Whatever, bright side is my 90% decisiveness in dropping legal just cause omg, it's unbearable and exams in a week and haven't even looked at the more important subjects, let alone legal.

Haven't done anything. Ate wontons and a pork roll. Watched Wizard of Oz, I love it so much. Toto is the most well-trained dog in the world, I swear.

Failing eco, how hard is it to fucking copy notes idk fucking hell just can't do anything and weekend is half over omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg.


9:20 PM

Friday, March 15, 2013
the sun has gone

Bad day. No more tgif. Who the fuck cares. Exams around the corner. Screwed.

Today was mufti and a bunch of us came in our jerseys  (Y)

I had to stay awake in legal cause I paired up with Ivana for groupwork and she's really conscientious... made me feel the need to step up my game. Not that I had much to offer her really.
Oh my god, titration was so frustrating, my fucking aliquotes were just never accurate cause the equipment is all faulty! Ended up being about ten minutes late to eco which Dunn had a mini fit over (bitch) and it was a boring lesson. Charry and Jamie brought jelly that melted cause Dunn only lets us eat at the end...WHY? And the jelly babies they put in the jelly were disintegrating, it was disgusting omg.
Free last! Cottage was entirely empty except for Ravie and Tanya and it was fun. Bitching and eating and giving little fucks about the work time we were wasting.

Someone stuck maccas cheeseburger pickles on the bus windows. The middle, which I assume was water, had all evaporated hehe.

Stupid afternoon. Moved out of home and I'm staying with grandparents, probably till holidays. Need a new work environment cause I'm obviously fucking pathetic at home.

Haven't watched PLL or TVD and fucking instagram is just full of spoilers omg Spencer whyyyyy. Guess they're not worth watching since it's all so shit.


11:49 PM

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Entering the quiet stages of pre-panic. It's just slowly building up and oh my god, going to be sobbing and completely mad in a week. I CANNOT DO ANYTHING. Not even fucking kidding/exaggerating.

Bright side: slept in, bus was majorly late and since I already missed half of eco and Dunn would kill me coming in so late, I decided to just bum in the cottage to enjoy some nutella toast and tea, and then sign in at recess.
English was bearable because Motherwell put on the BBC Hamlet so we could follow the audio instead of listen to people reading which is just excruciating for everyone.
Free! Felt nice having a double day. Contemplating what it'd be like if I dropped legal... /heaven. Did nothing in the library with Tanya but print past papers and google names and winter melon. Hate life. Dead for 4u. Among everything else.
Got jersey at lunch. I was terrified that it wouldn't fit over my head but it was just stiff. Need to stretch this baby out. Anyway, had leftover thai for lunch which was good and omg Lane came into the cottage and when he walked past, there was this dust mark right in the middle of his ass in the shape of a large infinity sign. So fucking hilarious, and I tried to tell him right before he left but he didn't hear. Poor guy, probably got humiliated on the walk back to 403.
Maths last, differentiating trig ew, which I probably have forgotten already. It is Pi Day! And I'm depressed about leaving Marshall cause he made key lime pie for his class sob. It's okay, Kolhagen said we'd do something on 22/7 hehe.

I have no idea what I do to waste time. Somehow, two hours from arriving home till dinner just flies by without any explanation and then oh look, it's past 10. I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE THINGS BETTER. Fucking thought this would be a prepared year. Jokes. So many jokes, thanks universe. Not prepared for anything except chem LOL and possibly maths LOOOOL SO DEAD FOR ENGLISH FUCKING HELL. Want to just drop legal now and not even think about it. Gonna fail it anyway. I'll go see Drayton tomorrow.

I refuse to not have a paragraph of speech done. This is pathetic.

10:17 PM

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
body rock

Incredibly pissed off at my inefficiency. Seriously, every piece of writing I have to do has only an intro. There is nothing left to put off omg.

UGH bus was pretty late, totally missed roll call (and the fact that Friday is mufti day fml).
English first and I had the ghost soliloquy LOL. I hate how you read anything aloud and it just doesn't seem to make sense. Like for eco, I read and then I have no idea what I just read out.
Maths was gross. Dreading differentiating/integrating trig tomorrow oh lord. Couldn't do hw either. Whatever.
Got eco essays back and got another to write by Friday. And since all I got was an intro, I essentially have to write it tomorrow. Holy fuck, it's the end of the week and I haven't done Mod A. Oh god fuck fuck fuck.
Pissed off about my jersey, cause the office lady said I paid the deposit in school fees so I only paid $58 and apparently my mum hasn't even seen my school fees so FUCKING JOKES lined up for nothing. FUCKING pissed off. Busted my negative emotions with sweat and hip hop, and then stayed during fourth period teaching 5 counts to Tanya HAHA.

I was listening to Bieber's acoustic album just to hear his breathe intakes, cause they're really hot.

Need to fucking shower. Annoyed at everything. Blog this year has been/is going to be full of wonderfully positive things and I'm going to happily complain my life out. After I shower.

I will get two points of my first speech paragraph done. It's a reasonable goal.

11:20 PM

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Muck up!

Generally good yet anticlimactic day. Felt like a fool rushing out to the bus stop and scrambling onto the bus with my stupid pacman but it's all good. Stayed on the bus because the trains fucked up and WOW the number of people on platform 2 at penno was ridiculous.

Chem first and was surprised to see Mr Burke's quizzical stare. He's so weird, he defines weird. I think he's crazy.
Recess was just a mad rush at the cottage with everyone trying to piece costumes together last minute. So stressful, and quite late to English which is so boring. It's always the worst, starting a new unit.

LAST PHOTOS EVERRRRRRR. Quite sad. Thankfully though, it was mild out and the sun wasn't burning and there was little wind so everything stayed in place. I am pleased that I have stayed in the middle of the second row from the top all throughout high school :')
And yeah, individual photos were awful as per usual. No surprises. Anyway, muck up was kinda boring. Too many boxes and big costumes and the steps were definitely not wide enough so think half our ghosts were covered. LOOOL Mr Lane in the junior dress. Didn't get a picture though.

Legal first ruined everything. I was just starving the whole time and then I finally gave in and slept after seeing Gina sleep right under the teacher's nose.

To recap the work I've done, I read the mother fucking 15 page essay on FLW, slept and now I will attempt to summarise it. Jesus, idek, it sort of made sense but mostly didn't. The whole thing was just narrative playfulness.

I'm so lazy, I'm just not doing anything. I can't do any English. How one is stuck on all three essays is beyond me.

10:43 PM

Monday, March 11, 2013
innocence is gone

The last five days have been legitimately useless. Probably do work from one subject a day, and still pretty poorly at that. Just tired, and it's a very bad time to feel lazy. Exams in 14 days oh my god.

Did a bit of practice titration prac in chem. It's going to be such a bitch to get accurate results in a proper experiment.
4u and the printers were conveniently down but Winch printed for me. Apparently I'm on the right track, whatever that is. I need to stop unconsciously writing hidden things and actually start recognising them and consciously working with them. Except I'm sure things would be ineffective if I properly worked with them. And I think I found an adjective to describe my writing style. Deadpan, in a hopefully good way. Idk, something about gently prodding and poking etc LTA reference (dead for essay).
Sigh, just died in ext with Elaine. Motherwell made us go over each rubric dot point in detail and I obviously know nothing if I don't know what a dynamic relationship is... Can't even, we have two more ext lessons and two pieces of groupwork. Fuck.
Stupid legal.

Got my string taped onto my ghost thing and it's a bit low, but everyone else is short so oh well. Did some legal (lol) and maths and now I shall go and read my related. JUST SO SCARED FOR EVERYTHING ENGLISH. Oh my god oh my god oh my god.

x 10000000000000000000

10:57 PM

Sunday, March 10, 2013
so bored

B - BIRTHDAY: 25 January 1996
C - CRUSHING ON: males, last I checked
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: unfortunately Christine. Too many bathroom memories
F - FAVORITE SONG: as of now, Helena Beat
H - HOMETOWN: Castle Hill
K - KILLED SOMEONE: mentally
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Jindabyne looool
M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: as long as it brings the boys to the yard (chocolate)
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: sister + 3 step-siblings
O - ONE WISH: personal library
S - SONG YOU LAST SANG: something from the oldies radio station we discovered
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: black, so I want to have sex
V - VEGETABLE: the word on its own has no meaning. potato.
W - WORST HABIT: synonym for procrastination, or even just blogging
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: several for lungs and ankles
Z - ZODIAC SIGNS: Aquarius

Spell your name without vowels: Gnvv
What color do you wear most?: black
Least favorite colors?: blue
What are you listening to?: a car engine just started
What is your favorite class in school?: uhmmmmmm okay English
When do you start back at school/college?: college in a year, wow
Are you outgoing?: more so with strangers
Favorite pair of shoes?: thong(s)
Can you dance?: yes
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: yes! finally accomplished this!
Can you whistle?: yes
Cross your eyes?: yes but it makes me dizzy
Walk with your toes curled?: not gonna try

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: no
Do you believe in miracles?: in a limited sense
Do you believe in magic?: if only
Love at first sight?: if only
Do you believe in Santa?: if only
Do you know how to swim?: yes
Do you like roller coasters?: yes. now it'd be nice for NSW to actually get a fucking rollercoaster
Have you ever been on a plane?: yes
Have you ever asked someone out?: no
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: no
Have you ever been to the ocean?: yes
What is the temperature outside?: very pleasant and slightly humid
What radio station do you listen to?: 106.5
What was the last thing you bought?: sunglasses and breakfast for lunch
What was the last thing on TV you watched?: Easy A
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: me lol snapchat

Ever really cried your heart out?: yes
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: yes
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: yes
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: yes
Do you cry when you get an injury?: possibly in a case of intense bleeding
Do songs make you cry?: no
Are you a happy person?: happier than before
What is your current hair color?: black. it will always be black
What shirt are you wearing?: grey
Rings?: no
Necklaces?: yes
Bracelets?: no
Favorite eye color?: hazel
Short or long hair?: currently hating long hair, but can't ever like short i don't think
Height?: 167

Been to jail: no
Mooned someone: no
Laughed so hard you cried: yes
Cried in school: yes
Wanted to be a model: no
Done something stupid you laughed at?: yes
Been on drugs: no
Gone skinny dipping?: no 

Pepsi or Coke: coke
Single or Group Dates: group dates
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: blueberries
Meat or Veggies: meat
TV or Movie: movie
Guitar or Drums: guitar
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Chinese or Mexican: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Cheerios
Name one random thing about yourself: there are 246 books in my room

6:33 PM

Zero writing inspiration.

It's a nice day, but I'm annoyed that this week is going to be warm and humid, especially with photos on Tuesday and photos are third period, which is essentially the prelude to the hottest time of the day... Plus it's been windy so it'll be great to have hair flying everywhere.

Didn't do any more work last night, just watched Easy A.

Sigh, piercing is bruised and occasionally bleeding. Really hope the school skirt won't irritate it or anything.

There is a recipe for red velvet PANCAKES. Fuck, need so bad. Maybe next weekend but omg, just really want some cream cheese frosting. I also realised I can just make a rainbow cake with the same recipe, but different colours. And rainbow pancakes!

When I opened the door to let my dog inside, a lizard scrambled in. So terrified of the floor right now.

Ooh, excited for Joumana's! And I wish Suminoya was open on Saturday's because we would totally go after the picnic. But since not, hopefully it'll happen on Sunday.

Back to work.

4:07 PM

Saturday, March 9, 2013
belly belly belly

Good day today. Granted I wasted a lot of potential work time, but it's okay.

Woke up super early today to get to city at 9ish, and met Choong, Leanne and Michael/Mickey and trekked it off to off ya tree to get my belly pierced. Complete waste of time getting there early because they weren't going to prep the piercing stuff till about an hour later, so we just chilled in Hungry Jack's.

Okay legit like, shaking with nerves I was so scared. Kinda haven't gotten a piercing since Year 1 so... but the guy was really nice, just casually converse and then suddenly omg, stab. Fuck, basically three stabs AND IT HURT. Kinda regret not getting the gem, because the small standard silver balls were pretty small. I thought the part that was in the belly button would be bigger but apparently not. Gonna change it after a few months. Oh yes and Elaine and Leanne did their ears, not sure (don't care) what cause there's so many anyway, no one notices if one goes or one appears.

Chatswood with Elaine and then met up with Sandra who accompanied me to buy some paint and then we met up with Jenny and Elaine at some cafe to take advantage of the breakfast special. All four of us ordered the bacon and egg breakfast. Breakfast can be eaten at any time of the day.

Christine came to Chatswood and we both headed to Killara to meet Tish. Set up our workshop on some park bench and those two went to get all the cardboard and I just sat there, painting Tish's cherry. God, next three hours were exhausting. Just tracing and cutting and painting and god, it was just tiring, and there was no space. And the paint was shit so we had to keep waiting for layers to dry and paint over and then all the wind blew them over and dirt was stuck on them. Gonna have to repaint a few. But got all of the ghosts and cherry done but LOOL forgot pacman oops. It's okay, do it on Monday. And thank god it's very washable paint, my pants have all this paint on them. Then I had to take two trains and a bus, looking like a complete fool carrying that cardboard.

Finally talking to mother again, and I showed her my piercing lol. Thank god, didn't blow up, just wondered why on earth I'd want one. Idek why either, didn't used to like them but they're okay now. It was hurting though.

Might do some 4u... it's not a good time to do any other sort of work. Exams are just coming closer and faster.

10:13 PM

Thursday, March 7, 2013
have a break

Spent the most of my day thinking it was Friday. It wasn't, obviously.

I eventually did finish the stupid eco essay, even though I realised it didn't really answer the question and Dunn will eat me. I don't know, we just don't get enough practice in writing for any other subject besides English and it's really going to let me down.

Maths first again sigh. I'm depressed that I feel more confident for this subject than anything else besides chem. Need to begin revision. We have no homework sources, it's inconvenient.
Eco was probably gross. As was legal. Gilmore showed us a 4corners segment on some indigenous domestic violence and she kept stopping the video and saying if we were uncomfortable, we could leave. Idek why, nothing happened... Ugh then stupid evacuation drill before lunch and it was just boiling on the oval and we had to sit on the fucking tarmac or whatever.
LUNCH HEHE mentor was so much fun. When Motherwell told us how she stood on the table to get some class attention from a shit school and nearly decapitated herself with the fan. And several other stories. I told her that she should get snapchat and we could snapchat with each other. She made me promise never to send nudes LOOOL.
Unproductive 4th period attempting 4u. Then Tanya and I got some artificially delicious easyway.

Ricky and Chrus are bald. Sad.

Legitimately done nothing since I was home except Youtube and eating Kit Kats omg, so delicious, I need to stop. Slowly making my way through a whole bar. Obviously in a chocolate phase again.

Sigh, wished I joined Christine to get a belly as well, but too many second thoughts. Might reconsider and go with Leanne this weekend after painting our PACMAN stuff at Tish's.

Okay so I don't feel completely guilty, I will attempt to fix my horrible legal essay. YES morning free tomorrow omg, sleeping in. So. Excited. Also, good tv tomorrow night. Easy A and SATC2 YAY.

Early night, cbf work. Might go read related. BYE.

11:09 PM

Wednesday, March 6, 2013
gotta get away

Would you look at that. It's 11 and my eco essay is supposed to be done but because I'm so fucking incapable at the subject, IT FUCKING ISN'T.

So pissed off.

Shitty day. All my full days are the beginning of the week. Because it isn't enough of an awful time.

I remember thinking there was a bright side, but there really wasn't.
Maybe hip hop. Got a bit of exercise there. Silently laughed at the juniors. Motherwell was absent and Eldridge droned about nothing all lesson. It was only nice when Sandra thought he said Martin Luther pinned 99 faeces on Wittenberg University and he laughed a very rich melodious laugh.

I bought melon bubbles for my planned spa nights on Friday nights now. It's more a matter of waiting for Friday to come. Of course that would mean another week gone/wasted and exams approaching closer and closer. If we thought those Term 4 assessments were bad, wow. Just wait.

Mentor tomorrow, except it's a group one. Would prefer some one on one at this rate. Gonna ask her for one ASAP.

Sleeping at 12. Can't take this sleep deprivation anymore.

11:06 PM

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I forgot to mention my woes over the weekend for the changes made to Sydney Morning Herald's website omg, it's so ugly and so unaccessible MY HOROSCOPE ISN'T EVEN ON THE PAGE ANYMORE. I have to go to Lifestyle and THEN find it. So inconvenient. Why :(

Ugh slept relatively early (lol midnight) but then I woke at 5am from a nightmare so I refused to go back to sleep, just in case I lulled back to finish the nightmare. Somehow, still was running late for an early bus but just made it (Y) Jesus, so many people went early to sign up for speeches. Carla and I got there around 8 and probably thirty people had names filled already. Got the first session after recess on Tuesday :) Hopefully they'll feel remotely refreshed (and immediately disappointed) when it's my turn.

Ext first and spent the whole lesson finishing groupwork at last. Don't know what to do next. Oh wait jokes, got more groupwork. Essay analysing. Fucking essay is like, 15 pages. Oh god, also got the practice question, but it's relatively simple and almost the same as the Orlando assessment so I can plagiarise a paragraph LOL.
House choir and it sounds pretty good so far. Oh my god, Anika's indian accent HAHAHAHA.
Double English and I cannot stand listening to the readers oh my god, just fucking speed along and pronounce shit wrong instead of fumbling for ten seconds on a word. I legit can't keep up with the meaning when the sentences aren't read in a remotely proper manner. But Motherwell said she'll be Hamlet and Varsha Claudius so thank heavens.
Chem completely just shitted on my mood. Hate it. All my sleep deprivation for the year added up today and I guess it was like a conscious crash? Headache all day.
Eco was shitty too. Ignored Dunn so I'm screwed for whatever the multiplier effect is.

Rude when Jono said me and Richard looked alike. We. Don't.

Got home and tried to nap but my dog just kept jumping at my bed and chewing my things omg. Ended up just 'resting' till dinner where I failed my maths and have not done anything since except open eco and cycle while watching TVD. Sob, Jeremy and Jenna and Alaric :'(

Okay my mask has solidified so I shall shower and hopefully get into eco. Do not want to rush it tomorrow, considering there are about 5-6 English compositions to do. And other subjects.


9:50 PM

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday blues.

Oh my god, lost my bus pass this morning. Like it fell out of my pocket and I just felt so naked and exposed.
Maths first period and got an exercise done with Elaine wheee and then Christine came late with a free bacon and egg muffin for me :') OMGGGG GOT EXAM TIMETABLES. For the first time, they're not horrible. Only double up of chem and eco and then like, 7 free days. But legal is just a total joykill.
4u second and Winch approved my shitty attempt at second draft. Seriously felt like I wrote nothing and if it's already 1000... totally limits me later on.
Legal third and did legit awful in that essay. Gilmore wants to talk to me. Lol. But I already told her that I hate legal and bludge through it. Except now I have 3 days dedicated to studying it.
Oh my god, English. Listening was bad. It was ridiculously long and so damn explicit about belonging. And yeah, got some adequate quotes but failed the response so hard. Didn't even finish. Idk. Fuck it. 6/10.

OMG FOUND MY PASS BUSS. I walked to the road I cross in the mornings and it was just sitting in the middle of road, possibly trampled by several cars and buses. So I was pretty much in a good mood for most of the day.

Spent most of the evening sorting out muck up day costumes and we finalised pacman! Which is generally boring and typical but it's easy and cute and recognisable so I'm pretty excited. Apparently my orange ghost is called Clyde LOL, only know Blinky.

Went over listening with Tish and Christine and joined up all our fragmented quotes to form almost proper sentences LOL. Now I will neglect it for a fortnight. Except gotta get up early to sign up tomorrow. Determined for a good time. There'll only be legal to worry about.


Been listening to the playlist I made for Christine. So many memories :')

Sleep before midnight. Not getting work done anyway.

10:57 PM

Sunday, March 3, 2013

9:13 PM

lidless eyes

Too lazy to recount my days. But now it's Sunday, which always calls for lazy work ethics so I guess I'll fill in two measly days.

Friday: Horrible day. Honestly, where is English and maths when I want it?
Legal first doing god knows what. Stayed up till 1am the night before failing what was essentially a related analysis for belonging. Everyone is doing Murakami for related... TT
Went through conjugate pairs in chem which was okay because we got that shit. Seriously so annoyed about the half yearly, can't really test whether matrix has been of any use, thus can't have the possibility of quitting the holiday course if it proves useless.
Fun Food Friday in eco, and they brought tea and cake, but the tea was sooo milky, ugh felt very sick. Oh yeah, and Anika was absent.
Unproductive free with Ami and Ravie, where we discovered the Grandma's tips app omg it's awesome. And in the end, I sent a really shit dot pointed idek to Motherwell. Feeling quite ashamed, but better than nothing.

Also, the weather really asserted that summer is indeed over, which makes me cry because I remembered how it felt to feel cold and FUCK I HATE IT. Pulled out my trackpants and sweaters when all I want is to be as naked as possible :( Also got really sick Friday night too, thanks rain.

Wasted my whole fucking day attempting to rewrite 1000 words of 4u. And I was pen-and-paper-ing it so I'm pretty sure that even though it's about 4-5 pages, it's probably on 700 words or something. Not to mention 700 of crap. Winch is going to kill me.

Watched Orlando again for the sake of it, and my sister joined. Pretty sure she was bored to death, which was upsetting because this movie is just amazing to me. I remember Shori chiming into one of our ext classes last term and she was like, guys, textual dynamics changed my life. And back then, pfft but NOW? It has. It's completely changed my view and interpretation of everything, not just art, which is why it should be a more popular elective, but since most teachers are shit, it makes sense that it's not.

Legally Blonde 2 was on. It makes me happy. Although legal has made me further realise the impracticality of her changing a legislation within a month's time. Whatever.

Unsure of how to prep for tomorrow's listening task. I should go over my relateds again. And Crucible of course omg. Trying not to contemplate about writing the speech yet. So I will start Module A.


4:29 PM

Friday, March 1, 2013

First day of autumn.

11:47 PM