
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
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December 2010
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December 2014
January 2015

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Need to procrastinate, I can't write essays.

It felt like Friday today. I got to Hornsby early with Pat to buy Anika cake and macarons for eco first period and you know what? Son of a bitch was late. So HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY ANIKA. Cake was good though. Only the icing actually, I dislike chocolate sponge.
Ugh, idk what we did in English. Oh yes, I copied down the sample paragraph points, hoping it'll guide me whenever I decide to begin that Mod A essay. And then Motherwell showed us the amusing P&P skit hehe, and then she told us the ghost story. It was pretty freaky.
Did nothing in the free, except sneak a read at Tanya's major while she slept in oblivion. Mm then we went and shared takoyaki, which was delicious. I need to buy that sauce and just eat it on everything omg.
Started trig in maths, and forgot the measly information we got on radians one lesson last year. It was pretty straight forward, though we only just started.

It decided to rain when school ended. Literally, it was humid like crazy when I peed and five minutes later, it was so cold. Entertaining bus ride, discussing the cultural barriers of marriage.

Ugh, procrastinated for a fucking hour when I got home because of Christine. And up until now, besides zumba, I've written 400 words of legal. Probably like, a third way AND I PROMISED SUK I'D FINISH AT 11:30. At this rate, it's give up at 11:30 and then onto English. Fucking delightful.

Back on track.

10:23 PM

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I want to stop complaining about school. It's the only place I'll want to be in another nine months.

11:52 PM

harnessed consciousness

Ugh, and Wednesday is over. I'm dead.

So I sort of did not carry through with my determination to finish my related analysis, or finish anything for that matter. Just headed to bed and read for an hour (though I still have 400 pages remaining) and passed out.
English first omg, I just don't understand this unit. And worse, we're done with it tomorrow and starting Hamlet next week sldkjsoicnhoihjoj I HATE SHAKESPEARE MODULES. Think Othello just traumatised me, and I can't ever see myself get that mark again. Ever.
Maths was gross. Logs quiz was gross. Starting trig tomorrow which is gross. The thought of integrating that... I can't even get my fucking log integration straight.
Eco for the first time in nearly a week, which was awful. I'm dreading the extended response we're going to have to do. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Got home early and had a nice nap. Only for an hour, thank god, not my usual four hours.

Ugh so I have basic points down for belonging relateds and how they relate to Crucible. Now I gotta figure out the other Crucible paragraphs... fucking human spirit. As for ext, I CAN'T RELATE THIS. The connections are so obvious but just cannot articulate the thousands of words in my mind.

Just to stress myself out, I need to list the things needed to be done ASAFP.
Belonging essay (jokes, just dot points)
Module A essay
3u related texts
Read three books
Legal adoption response
Eco revision + Riley (+ future extended response)
Fucking 4u second draft

I need a new way of saying that I'd like to die.

10:58 PM

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
deus ex machina

This is a dreaded time, because the end of Tuesday means Wednesday is here and it means we're halfway through the week which is bad because there is a lot of work due at the end of the week that I don't think I can manage to complete.

Sigh, I slept in a bit today and then realised that since nobody was going to bother checking on me, and that chem was first period, I was like fuck it, back to sleep in time for recess. It was awesome, I finally had breakfast!
Got to school just in time for formal assembly, which was the first without Hatton :( You know, just to follow the tradition, I bet Sexton will consider leaving, AS SOON AS WE FINISH SCHOOL. Just a thought.
Ugh, wasted a whole English period, reading groupwork to ourselves. And turns out the fucking 4 pages I had on advice was basically useless since I made two links. Bright side: I've confirmed related for ext. But that's a pretty low priority on my current to-do list. Also, the book is 500 pages... and I still haven't read FLW.
Finish logs in maths, and I'm very unwilling to start trig or series (whatever that may be). And integrating trigs, oh lord. There's a topic test tomorrow, fml. Still can't get my differentiating/integrating shit straight with log.
Oh my god, spent ALL of lunch walking around school because Christine lost her phone and I lost my wallet. Such a horrible anxiety-filled forty minutes. But then when we gave up hope, some chick found my wallet in the library (which we visited twice) and yeah, it was a touching moment.
Stupid legal, when did we ever get fucking homework before? DO NOT HAVE TIME TO WRITE THIS BULLSHIT UP.

All I've done today is maths. And I'm really dreading eco for the next three days. It is actually the worst. Forgot what we were even learning.

Determined to finish ONE related analysis for ext, and then hopefully gather some points for belonging, because at this rate, I'll just be sending dot points to Motherwell. Doubtful that I can finish an essay in two days. And doubtful that I'm going to the dance.

Alright, time to work.

9:44 PM

Monday, February 25, 2013

Fucking humidity just pushed me over the limit today. It was actually unbearable.

Watched Being John Malkovich last night for related, which was quite brilliant, despite the terrifying DVD cover that Tanya had nightmares about. At this rate, I'm hoping to combine it with Adaptation, they're literally so intertextual with each other, I can't stand it.

Chem first was stupid as usual, but I should brush up on my pH shit, those equations still haven't stuck in.
4u mentor, which I hate having on Mondays because Mondays always feel so frequent. Like, you never get enough of the end of the week. Anyway, Winch is pushing for the second draft to be started but omg she's not even listening to the changes I've been talking about just KLJNHSIODHCOWIRCFNHOEIHN.
Stupid groupwork in ext and I just missed out on presenting, fucking hell just wanted to finish but Motherwell went on a tangent for HALF AN HOUR OKAY JUST STOP WASTING LESSONS WE HAVE LIKE, FOUR UNTIL THE ASSESSMENT AND NO PRACTICE ESSAY MOTHER FUCK.
I can't, legal is so boring.

It was so. Fucking. Hot. Didn't matter how many times you showered, it just kept feeling like a layer of sweat covered your skin.

I hate the new speakers. Who the fuck needs them? Let's top the day off by finding out some fucking canto neighbours moved in with TWO FUCKING CHILDREN THAT YELL AT MY DOG WHO BARKS RIGHT BACK, I CAN'T HANDLE TWO GIRLS ON ONE SIDE AND ANOTHER TWO BOYS ON THE OTHER FOR NEIGHBOURS. And they just scream and yell in their horrible language and just run up and down the stairs and I just want them to die.

Really losing it.

10:46 PM

Sunday, February 24, 2013

It is so humid, it is ridiculous. My body has been sticky all weekend, and I'm sure it gets worse throughout the week.

Anyway, stayed up till 2am drooling over Warren Beatty, nom. And then I managed to wake up at 9am without feeling dead! Win, and then I finally laboured over LTA groupwork which is beyond shit, but that's okay because it's kind of a small part... not really, advice is the whole fucking point of LTA.

Sense and Sensibility was on! As well as Doctor Zhivago, but I've seen that thrice so I figured I'd go with S&S. Except I only got halfway before we had to leave for dinner.

Went to some Teppenyaki place in Carlingford that looked so unreliable and empty, but when we got started, the whole place filled up, so we assumed it was a decent place. And it was, food tasted very good compared to other places which are usually too bland or too salty. And our cook was super cool. Fuck, egg catching, there was just fried egg littering the floor. And good riddance we didn't catch anything, was so full by the end that I doubt we could've eaten all those sacrificed eggs. Ugh, stomach is kind of dying though, maybe the food was dodgy.

Work has been failing, but I finally confirmed my last belonging related which I will need to somehow speed-write this week, but cbf that and legal now. Gonna go watch my 3u related and hopefully have a very rough analysis prepared by the time I call it a night. Shit is happening too fast.

Peoplen never say goodbye. Bye, yes, but not the full term. So, goodbye :)

10:14 PM

Saturday, February 23, 2013
I'll have what she's having

Today has been (for the most part) a great day. Woke up to a very dismal rainy and windy morning but then I had a double breakfast of cereal and toast so that was good. I really do miss having breakfast.

So in my usual routine of checking the TV guide. It left me the lovely surprise of seeing three awesome movies on. Hannah Montana's Best of Both Worlds concert omg, but I couldn't even sing because parents were around and pissed off. So I could only virtually communicate my feels to Suk. Oh and then there was steamed buns and seaweed for lunch so that was a bonus.

Attempted and failed English and maths, groupwork kinda headed nowhere. Just have a bunch of quotes with no idea of how to relate to context and all.

In testing our new speakers, my parents played their ABBA DVDS omg, it was fucking brilliant. If you just close your eyes and ignore the horrible blue eye shadow and white suits, music is perfect. I want to form an ABBA medley group for lipsync, which would be suitable if we did Classicale or something.

2. WHEN HARRY MET SALLY. What is better than a film addressing gender and sex? It'd be such an ideal situation :(

Anyway, thinking I should try finish groupwork while watching Bonnie and Clyde because, you know, Warren Beaty :)

Raining tomorrow so go-karting plans may be ruined for my dad's belated birthday celebrations. Hopefully I can get some work done then, like legal fml. Was hoping for a productive day. But then I checked the TV guide so yeah...

I think my sunburn has faded! Thank god, face peeling would be awful.

Alright, gonna enjoy the rest of the night.

11:16 PM

Friday, February 22, 2013


Today was my only morning free, except I only slept in an hour, i.e. woke up at 8am loool. And it was strangely humid and cold from the wind, which is the recipe for a cold.
Ext was spent on one group's groupwork, ide it was so boring, so bored.
Legal and chem were shitty. Except in chem, I finally got snapchat LOL.

Vampire Diaries is a piece of fuck. Like it was bad already, but this episode just ruined everything that was worth watching. ELENA DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A HOME ANYMORE. I hate it and I hate that I have to keep watching anyway. I wonder how the actors feel, I'm pretty sure they don't like where the show is headed.

Anyway, because it's been a bad week, I decided to wind down with a nice bath. Fuck, I love bath bombs. Soaked in there for a good hour, except I was terrified my hair would catch fire on the candles like Anika's did.

I picked the best time to fight with my mum. There is now a massive book sale and I can't even fucking get anything omfg she never set up my own paypal I CAN'T DO THIS AND WATCH EVERYTHING SLOWLY SELL. Pain.

Work is never an option on Friday night, but I think I'll attempt a bit of that legal response and THEN reward myself with PLL. Or sleep. Should sleep.

I constantly wondered why people liked cats. How are they any comparison to dogs? And then I found the reason that makes me feel good about being anti-feline. People with insufficient personalities are fond of cats. These people adore being ignored. Fucking love it, go and be crazy cat ladies.

My parents finally decided to replace our years-and-years dead surround sound system, or whatever huge speakers and I can't stand it, THEY WATCH AND PLAY EVERYTHING SO FUCKING LOUD AND I'M TRYING TO WORK OKAY? Fucking assholes, and then I get scolded for failing school? Fucking cunts. I'm so sick of quietly tolerating when all I'd really like to do is smash those forsaken things down the stairs.


9:59 PM

Thursday, February 21, 2013
pineapple lane

I'd been planning on an earlier night (relatively) but I guess not.

Today felt like Monday after yesterday. Oh my god, awful bus ride listening to those two Year 11's awkwardly converse and far out, that boy did not know how to talk to girls. He just went on and on about himself and other girls and Anthea, Carla and I were just dying from shame for him. Or at least I was. They were very annoying too.
Math first period but then Kolhagen didn't arrive for like ten minutes, which was awesome, but then she came and I think she was pretty annoyed. Forgot how to integrate 3 LOL 3x. Of course. The topic test was so hard.
Last eco lesson with Gergis, thank god, she was so unbearable because she's such an awkward teacher. Probably doesn't know economics either. Oh and Anika was away too, bitch.
I don't understand how Karnups made crime so fucking boring that I actually love family law in comparison. We got lucky with Gilmore. Funny how much I could not stand her as a sub.
Considering that I'd eaten my lunch at recess, I had breakfast for lunch LOL love this cottage. Peanut butter toast and somehow, the crunchy nut tasted better spooning it out of a mug than a bowl.
Spent last period editing 4u and writing down a detailed narrative-by-narrative synopsis so I can rip it apart and essentially restructure everything.

Finished FLW groupwork! So fucking happy, even though it's hardly displaying any dynamism and it's seven pages (but bullet pointed), whatever. First to submit (Y)

I also realised I forgot to mention that I bought and finished reading Indigo Spell and my love for Adrian has just ... I hate Sydney, she does not deserve him. Wonderful man. Yeah I spent a whole day reading that and I have to wait for Ann Wen to buy it and read it so I can express my feels to her. End was stupid. These books are all poor examples of literature. WHICH REMINDS ME omg Vampire Academy is now a movie project. I don't get it, WHY? They're ruining everything :( Just like Mortal Instruments okay, why does Valentine have a fucking ratty I DON'T KNOW EITHER. In fact, they've cast it!

Loving all the swimming carnival albums going up, except half of them are just of Jess and her tits that are just making the rest of us look underdeveloped, which we are not. Jess, you are overdeveloped, just stop.

Alright, was going to attempt that legal response due Monday but cbf, goodnight!

11:59 PM

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fuck, I just realised I missed yesterday's midnight deadline. Pissed off now. But I hardly remember Tuesday, except that Gergis is even more boring than she was during Year 9 geography and that was it.

And now to today which was SWIMMING CARNIVAL and our last one ever. Not sure whether to feel sad or not, but at least we made the last one memorable. Jesus, spent so damn long on my costume, I might as well have forked out $60 and saved time WHEN I SHOULD'VE BEEN DOING MY MOUNTAIN OF WORK.

Bus'd to parra and we accidentally got off a stop early and all the juniors followed us oops. Nobody was there and we weren't even early. I think roll call was delayed an hour. Our Playhouse Disney banner was so beautiful :')

I was so proud of our grade (at least the 75% that attended) because costumes were actually so great, like Mr and Mrs Potato Head and The Incredibles AND SARAH'S JAFAR LOOOOL and gawd, Jess your boobs, I can't even. Though I'm sure you noticed I was never really looking at your eyes when we were talking... Oh and Suk's Tarzan abs were actually really hot, I need to find a man with those. We were really racist to Tanya and her black (paint) skin. Mr Lane didn't even dress up. Really disappointed.

First two hours spent just taking photos and then idk, just drained out afterwards and we couldn't even sleep or lie down because our stands were just dirt. And the sun was so intense! When we were cheering and all, it was just burning us. Free swim was so good, though I regret not doing all three, but at least most of us jumped in for the last one. So nice and cool. Cheers were pretty fail.

Nothing else particularly significant, except for Harlem Shake which failed because we were being fried by the sun and fucking teachers kept walking by RIGHT IN FRONT OF US WHEN SALLY AND JO WERE DANCING ALONE. I just, can you not fucking see we're in the middle of something? Still excited to see it after editing. Oh and then I got a glimpse of Marshall's stomach during the teacher/student race which Melva won. She's our only representative LOL. OH and we got a mentor picture with Motherwell. She's adorable, she thought Christine's Tinkerbell costume was Wendy HAHAHA.

Ugh stupid asian female bus driver knocked off her side mirrors on a bus stand so we had to catch another bus to Towers and then fuck, soon as we're about to get off, it starts raining. Got pretty soaked on the way home, where I proceeded to nap till 7.

It's Alex' 50th birthday! So we went to some Indian restaurant that had slow service and my stomach is still protruding. Thank god I'm done with a bikini for a while.

Anyway, super tired but I'm going to attempt some groupwork for ext that is due Friday and it's such a mess, cbf.

Good day.

11:49 PM

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Rush post. It's already week 4.

Slept in till 7:15 which is very major for me because my slow morning routine meant I only made an 8am bus and got to school an hour later. But thankfully I missed like, no maths. Which was bad, I'm so confused with this whole chapter and where to apply what and all.
Omg, 4u mentor and Winch just keeps throwing new ideas at me stemmed from things I unconsciously put in like the fact that the green and purple dresses are actually homosexuality colours and my character was a lesbian and all AND I'M SO STUCK with so many ideas to mull over, I just don't know what to do anymore.
Nearly fell asleep in legal. And then I saw Gergis and she has completely straight hair.
English groupwork last which was fun, just discussing nonsense idek.

Bought some fabric after school and fuck, spent the whole night sewing shit which could've taken minutes on a sewing machine but idek how to use mine so fuck that, my hand should be bleeding.

As a result, I have not done adv or ext groupwork and its double English for the first two periods tomorrow. Feel like, shit omg, and for such selfish reasons. Gonna cram a little within half an hour, I need sleep. And I'm breaking out and idk if it's cause my period is finally going to visit or its that face mask...

Alright toodles.

Oh yeah, and it's apparently storming on Wednesday, while tomorrow is warm. Fucking. Hell.

12:00 AM

Sunday, February 17, 2013
We need time

Today was a disappointment. Seriously, why, I could/should have been at home diligently wasting away at English. Which I kind of was for a few hours, god it's so painful editing 4u and seeing typos and being like wtf even writing that at 4am is no excuse. And this is just grammatical and punctuation editing, I can't even bring myself to examine the inconsistencies in plot and grammar and minute detail ie proper writing :(

Left the house around 4 and bus'd with Abi, listening to these fail artsy looking kids and wondering what has become of the world. Met Suk at Circular Quay and we got some food and gelato and Dorie came with her blackmilk and omg kept admiring how cute Clem's pants were idek she just pulls off stuff so well. And then met Leanne lining up into MCA.

It was legit so disappointing I can't even, and I'm not even excited about Anish Kapoor so my highlight was like, stealing a pencil LOL. Definitely not my type of day. I need to find some sort of program or exhibition for writing, it's so unfair that there's things like galleries and festivals for art and film but nothing for literature. Except to read, which does get tedious at times.

Anyway, trekked it back to Town Hall with Leanne and Suk and Leanne showed us Angel Place which was so nice and peaceful. Bus ride was peaceful too, I had a view of the moon the entire time.

I should do some work. Neglecting English is really eating at my nerves but I can't bring myself to do any of it, though I realised that belonging essay is due next week and then it's the listening task... Can't deal.

Far out cbf swimming carnival gonna look shit next to Abi. Cbf everything.

10:18 PM

Saturday, February 16, 2013
psychologically taut

Wow it's been a while since I blogged, for my standards. Lots happened.

I like Kolhagen, except I don't like looking at her neck, that weird scoop between her collarbones is so weird. Been doing okay for integration tests so far, but probably not for differentiation and geometry lol.
Eco was probably bad.

aka, Valentine's Day, but it's okay because I had Christine for my date :) Got up super early (way too early) and met up at Bee's Knee's which I just love now okay I love Suk for making us go there, it's so adorable. Exchanged our belated birthday gifts and picked up several spelling mistakes in both HAHA. Yum, got the green tea latte and their bacon/egg muffin was even better than maccas.
Eco was probably bad, my memory is pretty shit right now.
English was good except we went over the proposal scene and omg I was so excited but Motherwell just went right by it :(
Free, accomplishing little of 4u because I forgot the draft Phillips marked so I wasn't sure what to edit.
Finished maths homework with Elaine wooo seriously I wish I could just do maths, every other hw is horrible.

Worst night ever, thanks to eco. I fucking hate it, and then spent the whole night crying and I can't even, my eyes the next day weren't opening.

Legal first, can't handle this. My eyes were literally just fluttering.
Finally started LCP in chem. It was explained in a much simpler way than it was at Matrix.
FUN FOOD FRIDAY! Finally. But Dunn's insistent on healthy food meant that Anika's spring rolls/samosas had to be accompanied by carrots and celery.
Free last mucking around in the cottage with Ravie and Joumana, who was working on the playhouse banner for swimming carnival and it's looking really good! And then Karen drew in the Disney Playhouse words in like, ten minutes, it was ridiculous. I wish I could draw :(

Awesome evening with the Awesome Foursome HAHA, oh and jina chimed too. We hadn't hung out in so long so it was awesome catching up. But omg, we were in the connected study room at Castle and these Cherrybrooks thinking they're hard cunts just sprayed deo purposefully at the panel so the smell would waft into our room, sons of bitches. And then they tried to get us kicked out, pretending they reserved OUR room after leaving theirs. Carla went and asked the librarian and nobody made reservations, FUCKING CUNTS. Yeah, then they just kept making obscene gestures and all and then the librarian came and chased them off.
Otherwise, it was a great night. Leanne and Eric gave me a hardback with all of Oscar Wilde's works omg so beautiful :') And then we shared a bit too much personal information. Scarred for life.


Lazy day and that's a bad thing because tomorrow is the MCA thing so yeah, not getting much work done this weekend.

Watched Adaptation today, it was pretty dynamic but I'm struggling to find any correlation with Orlando or FLW, which reminds me that I gotta do groupwork too, sigh.

Alright, fuck, going to keep wasting the rest of the night. Lots of movies on.

8:35 PM

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I slept at 11:30 last night and finally woke up and actually had time for breakfast! It was amazing.

Anyway, I was planning to screw work after finishing maths to watch Carrie Diaries and PLL but I'm fucking capped till next week so jokes, gonna start eco notes. I really just can't bring myself to do English anymore (why is anymore underlined red...)
The idea of touching (retouching) 4u is just hideous, do not want to face all my errors.

Stupid prac in chem, shaking coke and then releasing the gas. But it was all futile because we spilt the coke in the end and therefore, the experiment was invalid. Or as Christine put it, unvalid. Lol.
Oh my god, got our assessment notification and felt like crying, fuck life who combines listening and speaking? Two worst things ever and it's in less than a month. Uh, where did time go... And Motherwell pointing out Austen's subtle wit, which I never really took notice of before, made things so much more hilarious. I don't understand how anybody can dislike Pride and Prejudice. Mentally disabled.
Did okay in the integration topic test, and we finally started log today omg, losing this virginity. Except I vaguely remember doing it once with Tourikis.
Sigh, discussed stupid cases in legal. Seriously, if all these parents refuse to save their children's lives due to cultural/ethnic reasoning, then just leave them be and let them face the consequence of killing their child dammit JUST LET PEOPLE COP WHAT THEY DESERVE.

Shopped after school with Herschell and Tanya in a futile attempt to find V-day gifts and swim carnival costumes. Instead, we just bought a $10 bandeau from City Beach, because what can you find for $10 there besides a phone sock? Got macarons too, mm mm.

Sigh, after maths, I just went through my diary, filling out random events and birthdays and on the way to Christine's birthday, I realised HOLD ON. HERS IS AFTER SCHOOL ENDS.
School ends on the 20th of September. That is so. Fucking. Soon.

Panic panic panic.

Oh, and you are cordially invited to suck a dick.

9:52 PM

Monday, February 11, 2013

Going to have an early night tonight. Can't wait, but gotta blog first, of course.

JESS WAS BACK! First view after three months - sitting at penno reading FLW. Lol. But she gave me three blocks of German chocolate that is kind of fucking delicious omg. Ate so much of it today, my stomach is already protruding.

Spent chem doing gas calculations which went pretty okay. So glad I'm more confident with chem now. Prelim was just unbearable.

Cottage committee meeting, trying not to puke at Gabby's flirting with Lane who is so attractive. Idc what you say Elaine. Anyway, they turned off the fridge over the weekend so everything in there is ruined; milk, ice cream, frozen food. FUCKING WHERE DID MY JELLY JOYS GO? So pissed off, we really need to explicitly label ownership.

4u mentor and I was absolutely just dreading Phillips' response but he thought it was good, despite several things that need to be fixed up so at least I'm on the right track. And I like talking to Winch too, though I'm really afraid to interrupt her because she got this very resigned look on her face when I did. But then she doesn't really stop talking so I have to pounce on the opportunities to interject my opinions.

Ext groupwork which just failed, mucked around with Anika and Jess instead. Should really get around to reading FLW. OH LOOOOL Anika gave me my present which was a bra. That actually fit, except I should praise Christine because she had faith in me and recommended a size up from Anika's original decision.

My eyes were fluttering to stay awake in legal. Unfortunately we're just about done with marriage now and moving onto separation TT It seriously sucks, had chem first and legal last today and it's the same tomorrow omg fucking Michelle and her morning frees. Die.

Nayomi caught the bus! And we met her brother who looks very much like her. She said I resembled Brad Pitt... how could anyone insult a beautiful man like that? I certainly don't feel aroused by my reflection.

Sort of got my basis for groupwork down, I'll edit when I get everything else. Then I did some eco questions, which doesn't even matter because exchange rate is relatively easy, but Jesus Christ, fucking CAD and BOP, I can't do it.

Alright, going to sleep now. I'm excited, it's so early :')

11:05 PM

Sunday, February 10, 2013
hands and hearts and voices

Okay, so according to my horoscope, my keywords for today were experimenter and iconoclast.

Textually dynamic? I think so.

Which doesn't explain why I can't do any 3u.

Sigh, died watching Dirty Dancing. Patrick Swayze can sing and dance (this acting role is questionable) which is so attractive, god. I mean, Baby is just clutching on his bicep while they dance. Reignited sexual frustration.

I finished chem notes! They're 18 pages long, even after I cut down on a looot. So now I'll attempt to get some shitty groupwork done so we can bs some dynamics in class tomorrow.


11:36 PM


Happy Chinese New Year, where all we do is feast and scab money. Except I barely got anything this year, my parents cbf TT

It's been a very hot weekend, excepting the cool change that is here now.

Did zero work yesterday except read, which was awesome, and help cook i.e. fetch ingredients for my mum. Food was good, so much leftover though so we're finishing all of that today.

Watched PLL and TVD and both equally suck. So I'm relying on Carrie Diaries for shallow amusement LOL but it's very little like SATC.

Sigh, I attempted English groupwork today but I still don't understand the dynamics of FLW so uhm, yeah, just collecting useless quotes. Seriously, the pornographic scene nobody seems to realise is pornographic is actually very pornographic... idk who Motherwell was teaching earlier, but come on, ejaculation has got to give it away. Or perhaps the fact that his member was erect and her legs parted.

Ended up resorting to chem notes and I hope I'm nearly done with titration and possibly finish esterification i.e. finish acidic environment notes! But finishing this means forcing myself to pay some overdue attention to the overly neglected eco/legal.

This stupid show my mum is watching is repeatedly playing Yankee Doodle. I don't get it, it's a Chinese show...

Alright back to work. Dreading school. Dreading 4u tomorrow. Guh gotta read more for that too.

4:05 PM

Friday, February 8, 2013


Free first! But barely slept in anyway and then it was already so hot so I got myself some ice cream and jelly joy :)
Ext group work which sucks cause I kinda haven't read the text...
Legal was okay. I am just overjoyed that I don't hate it anymore.
Finally got our passes at lunch and then 4u meeting except we don't get our drafts from Phillips till next mentor lesson, which is Monday for me so that's okay.
Chem last, endless conversation.

Sigh napped till dinner. God today was boring.

Should sleep early. Cbf. Enjoying this break.

11:49 PM

Thursday, February 7, 2013
being tired

Last night was actually just exhaustion. Usually I'm tired by 10-11 but not needing sleep. Except yesterday pretty much made me pass out. It was great. Should always sleep by midnight.

Omg, late train for the first time in ages and saw all our friends! Except it ended up being Carla and I again when we got some sushi, yum. I don't know what we would do without Westfield.
Maths first again sigh and it was an okay lesson actually cause I got my hw done and felt smart with Christine and Elaine asking me hw questions :) Really determined to not fail maths this year.

Far out, made a nice cup of tea for eco and then Dunn is like, no. Finish it. You don't see me bring my tea to class. Fuck you, even that tea didn't keep me awake from your lesson. I actually hate eco so much now, probably because Dunn makes me feel like a complete idiot whereas Hindmarsh didn't care. But yes, getting 4u feedback from Phillips tomorrow omg, then I might see if I'd consider dropping. Really afraid for it.

I'm really happy I don't fall asleep in legal now. Just as well that I'm hating/failing eco, why not pick up on legal? Family is good. Crime was stupid.

MENTORING. I love Motherwell, we were just talking (complaining) about English and education and all but then this huge spider was just casually crawling up her chest so I whacked her with my eco textbook loool. But then she told me how she finally convinced Drayton to change the prelim ext1 course which fucking sucks because they got rid of Eucalyptus. I just don't understand the luck of our grade. She is just lovely. I love her. I LOVE HER.

Free last and got takoyaki at the expense of Seowoo being late to class which I feel really bad about, because she was late and I gained weight so where was the win in the situation? TANYA WAS BACK lol so instead of studying in the assigned 4u period, we just chatted like we usually did. Worst timing ever. I hate her.

Fucking worst afternoon ever. I ran for an early train to make an early bus WHICH NEVER FUCKING CAME so I ended up taking the normal stupid bus and the driver was such a harsh braker or whatever and then he missed my stop and it was hot so I had to walk an extra 100m uphill. But then my birthday book order arrived so that sort of made up for it.

Went to the new asian market in Castle Mall which was just 10% off storewide so stocked up on snacks and all omg, and bought Jelly Joys and weird tube ice block things for cottage YAY so excited, and then Seowoo etc went shopping today and I'm so excited to see what they got tomorrow morning (which happens to be a free).

I keep biting the insides of my cheek and now both sides are really sore.

Work progress = zero. Read a teeny bit of FLW and nearly dozed off, so now I'm gonna watch Carrie Diaries because it's too close to the weekend to do work. I feel ashamed to watch it, but stupid TVD fb linked the downloads so yep, going to drown in the pleasures of materialism that was the 80s.


10:13 PM

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Omg, I love woollies, I swear everything suddenly went on sale, just in time for us to stock up on cottage things. Ten tea bags were one dollar, so I bought lots of tea and then there was 65c chai powder so gonna go back and buy more of that tomorrow nomnom, our kitchen is awesome. It's just full of tea and cup noodles.

Math first was tedious spending most of the lesson going through hw which I am determined to keep up with. Can't fail maths anymore. Not if I want to drop legal, or even eco just because I am so behind in understanding and I'd probably do better in legal anyway.
Our chem class is tiny. Eight of us. Depressing.
Eco was a nightmare, spent the ENTIRE lesson on these past HSC questions which just all seemed ridiculously hard and un-answerable and what's worse is that everybody else basically understands so I'm sitting there, not even remembering what the fucking cash rate was. Yep considering dropping eco even more. Need more positive feedback for 4u though, except idek if that's possible after Phillips is done with everything.
P&P is so boring to analyse. Sooo boring. Mentor tomorrow. Think I might have a breakdown and fall into Motherwell's matchstick arms.

Got home and did maths and work stopped there. Then I went on to make the most failed macarons in the history of dessert. It's too shameful to think about.

I think English has literally drained me. Finishing 4u and 2u essay was the biggest load off that I'm too lazy right now to do everything else. Except maths. And it's super easy right now so it barely counts. And I don't think it matters how many times I read it, I can't understand BOP and all its associations. Or anything prelim. Or just fucking anything.

Tired. Work till 11:30 and then sleep. Not going to be productive anyway.

11:03 PM

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Slow day, full day today.

Extension first was pretty bad because I didn't understand anything, considering I hadn't read FLW so idek, it was hard to keep up.
Oh my gawd our grade is so incompetent, house meeting was disastrous and yeah playhouse Disney theme is a lot harder than it sounds.
Double English sigh and finally finished Letters to Alice and started P&P yay. Except there is zero technique, aside fell the ironic tone of the whole novel.
Chem omg kinda sad with just me and Christine. More prac, kinda forgot the basic indicator stuff.
MI GORENG AT LUNCH cause we found a communal bowl with no ownership over it so yeah :) Cottage is pretty cool. But supposed to be dieting so...
Eco last was just trying to stay awake. Idk what it is about Dunn that makes me sleepy.

Napped till dinner and literally played Tiny Tower for nearly an hour, just sending people up and down the elevator. Finished maths but cbf English cause Troy was on and yeah, what can you do when there is Brad Pitt, Eric Bana and Orlando Bloom strutting in their naked glory?

Alright sleeping soon. I'll read some FLW.

11:59 PM

Monday, February 4, 2013
You've delighted us long enough

Planning on sleeping early for the first time in weeks but not before I say that I have finally finished my belonging essay and I know I say this all the time, but I legitimately think this is my worst essay ever. Like, Othello ain't got nothin' on this, know what I'm saying? No, I'm fucking tired and I can't bring myself to edit so I'll just hand over my humiliation to Motherwell for double English tomorrow yay.

Bus'd with Zack and train'd with Chrus and then woollies with Christine lol why did I come early and we just got some snacks and a microwave meal for cottage. Running back to school, we were legit sweating, it was disgusting.
Bleh new topic in maths idek exponential log erection something about Christine's horny joke, it was stupid, but I like Kolhagen, thanking god that we have only her. And thankfully Elaine didn't have the two books I gave her so :) TREASURE THEM OKAY? THOSE TWO ARE MY BABIES.
Free second but 4u mentor and I was just dreading feedback but Winch was quite pleased with my progress, save for some things I should add/delete but this was only theme feedback. When we get the copy that Phillips' marked... /dead
Legal in the library, plagiarising some document to pass off as answers.
English last and we finally finished Letters to Alice, that forsaken piece of shit. NOW PRIDE AND PREJUDICE WHEEE. Ooh and got the Hamlet excursion notice and the performance is pretty late... oh well, super excited!

SO YES I FINISHED MY ESSAY. Gotta finish 1500 tomorrow + reflection and maths sigh, and maybe now that I have a mini-break from English, cram in some neglected eco/legal/chem.

Speaking of, Michelle dropped chem and we are never going to speak again. DID YOU GET THAT MICHELLE?

Okay nearly midnight and I need to post and sleep ASAFP. GOODNIGHT.

11:58 PM

Sunday, February 3, 2013
This is the Whole

Happy Birthday Elaine :) I'm glad you liked my face ten hours ago. More to come tomorrow first period in maths whoops.

Cbf work. Oh and my keyboard is working again, and no one can make a conclusion to its unusual lapse last night.

Bleh been working on belonging all day and I'm halfway through ONE of the essays and totally stuck again because I've been studiously avoiding Proctor until now, where I have to talk about belonging to self. Yay.

So bored. I know if I read anything, I'm going to fall asleep so I'll save that for midnight. And then tomorrow, grocery shopping (loosely termed) with Christine to see what we can fill our cottage kitchen shelf with.

Got so angry today at my mum. I can't even, bitches can't empathise, I want to fail school to make you feel ashamed. Reassert your belief that I'm a fucking failure.

So nervous for mentor tomorrow. Bad feeling that they've already marked mine and Christine's because we're the first to see them. If not, awks cause I don't know what there'll be to talk about then.

I want at least another paragraph or even half of it done by midnight. Gotta fix my sleeping patterns. I mean, I've been eating less unhealthily and moving more so it's got to be sleep that's still messing up my regular hormonal patterns.


10:48 PM

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Worst fucking day ever.

Slept at midnight. Woke at midday. Did no work and watch shows which were just ridiculously crap and then avoided work some more and then watched Pitch Perfect which was a perfectly mediocre way to waste my time and now my computer keyboard has died and I have done no work and I can't rely on my fucking craptop because it won't even open my stupid related text okay IT'S NOT FUCKING PORN and I'm not finishing an essay in one day or a creative or two relate texts so yes, just going to go and fume my way to sleep.

Fuck fuck fuck mother fuck.

11:57 PM

Friday, February 1, 2013
The sad old world is listening


Well, after I finally finished at 6, I decided to sleep for half an hour which was a terrible idea because I was awake before and then felt like dying after such an inadequate nap. Could've watched the sunrise :( seriously it got so depressing when I heard birds chirp during editing. NEVER. FUCKING. AGAIN. And I was starving all night and gagging in the morning.

Head felt like it was breaking open all day. Omg and then stress of printing. Far out a copy was 28 pages and the normal stapler wouldn't staple it all the way through. Bleh and then roll call felt like a period on its own when we played roll call bingo...

Legal first with Gilmore wasn't bad, but I think family law is way better than crime at any rate.
Chem was okay too cause we did the indicator experiment and Christine's all nighter state was like her subdued drunken state looool so funny. Idek how we're alive.
Eco is so hard wtf can't make all these connections that we learned in prelim. Spent almost half a lesson on matching freaking terms and definitions.
Free last in cottage omg it was so cold and windy and then I left early which was just as well because the rain really hit as soon as school ended. And it was still pouring when I had to walk home TT

Apparently I slept for a few hours, don't remember intending to...

Julie Andrews is so fucking beautiful.

Still lots of English for the weekend, like belonging essay.

Idk tired need sleep now goodnight

11:49 PM


5:54 AM


Lol beat Christine to the 8000 word check point but legit, need approximately another 1000 ish to end this thing. Which I want to do by 4.

Fucking tired and starving, my stomach is like hollow and I feel like throwing up. And then there's my dog, refusing to sleep and just sitting there watching me suffer. Bitch.

Nostalgia to independent. Why is it always me and Christine? Hopeless people. THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.

3:20 AM