
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
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March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
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February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
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August 2013
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October 2013
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December 2013
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April 2014
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July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Monday, December 31, 2012

Last post of 2012. It's ridiculous, I can't believe how fast time goes. Like we were actually in Year 11 this year.

Anyway, did nothing today except basically finish the floors on my room and moping miserably with Sukanaya about our shitty NYE. But then she had to ditch me to go to dinner, so I shall wait for her at 2am LOL.

Had some takeaway for dinner cause nobody was bothered to do anything particularly special except buy expensive champagne. Watched Rocky Horror Picture and now we're just varying from Hairspray and Moulin Rouge. Ewan Mcgregor is so fine, I never realized he had such an adorable accent.

I love Sukanya. Can't wait for the gallery, and then movie jumping with Tanya. Hopefully can have a good week before dying at matrix.

Well, cheers to the fucking new year.

11:14 PM

Sunday, December 30, 2012
We are infinite

Exhausting day. The perk? Listening to Perks soundtrack all fucking day and reveling in I'm not sure what, but it doesn't matter. In fact, this soundtrack rivals Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, which is a perfect soundtrack. But this is better. Best part of the whole film, equal tie with Logan Lerman. I'm not even into the rock indie kind of shit, but it just makes me feel so fucking good. It'd be better if I had a nicer outside environment to wander around in and listen to this. With city lights and all. Tired. It's fucking the end of the year, I can't even believe 2012 has passed this fast. It's making me anxious, I need to come to terms with it.

Sing me to sleep. I'm tired and I want to go to bed.

11:05 PM


Busy day today. Spent three hours grocery shopping with le mum, I really don't know how we manage to spend so much each time.

Finally cleared my room out today to do the floor. Jesus, it took so many trips to transfer the books. We could make a fortune if I'd sold them all... Got a few timber things in my doorway and then watched James Bond through dinner.

Spent ages making red velvet cupcakes and I had to bake thrice cause there was so much mix. Took ages. But it tastes delicious so it was worth it, even though half of them are for some intolerable guests with intolerable children coming over tomorrow. Since our road trip did not work out, due to attendance issues, I have no way of getting out of it and must help my mum host tomorrow. Yay.

Stayed up having a very passionate conversation with Suk about atheism. Kudos to whoever started liking atheists memes, fucking hilarious. Had to resist liking them all,

Okay it's time for bed. Am supposed to be catching up on sleep debt, but no matter.

12:55 AM

Saturday, December 29, 2012

You're a brat, put simply. I can't say I hate you, but I'm pretty much on the verge of it.

Rewind a couple months again please. This is too different.

I remember I complained about you a lot. Now, I have the least to offer you, except thank you for unconsciously not being someone I'm getting irritated with. Need to see you soon.

Not sure what to think about you. Have things changed?

Can't you just decide? You can either treat me like you really care or just throw me off like you do half the time already.

It's alarming to think that you might hate me.

12:10 AM

Friday, December 28, 2012
rough edges

Been having such bad cramps all day. I'm not too regretful anymore of having the beach cancelled because it wasn't a particularly nice day, especially with all the wind in the arvo. Spent the day helping the parents put down our new floors. My back is sort of ruined. Hopefully I'll go back home in a week.

Progressed quite well with the puzzle, I'm very pleased. It'd be nice to finish by 2013 but at our rate of progress, fat chance.

Lethargic. I feel so overwrought. Can't stop thinking. What I wouldn't give to shut my brain down.

10:57 PM

Thursday, December 27, 2012
Can't stop, won't stop

Holidays are so boring, just can't stop feeling useless.

Talked to Anika yesterday and felt a little better when she told me she burned her hair LOOOL poor girl. But hey, now we have equally disgusting hair ends.

Went home and worked on the puzzle. I miss my bed, and my shower. But there is legitimately no way anyone can live in my room, we can't even close the door because everyone kindly shoved their belongings in there.

Watched some more P&P, never thought I'd like Colin Firth, but he is indeed Mr Darcy. I need to watch Bridget Jones again too, I liked Mark Darcy better.

Had a horrifying dream. It was our Year 12 formal and idk for some reason, we were seated outside and then all of a sudden, this group of normos whipped out guns and started shooting. And then the three girls at my table were Carla and Elaine and I, and some guy with the gun came behind us and was like WHO SHOULD I SHOOT? And he stopped behind me and I was just squeezing my eyes shut till I remembered, hey I could probably just wake up. So I did. It felt so real and scary.

Finished P&P, THEY KISSED IN THE END. Granted it was an awkward one where they just planted their lips together and stayed still for a while. Then I decided to put on Gone with the Wind while doing maths. I actually did three exercises today, very very slowly. I'll maybe do another while watching Bond.

Sob, just saw a Foxtel ad. I miss it so much, I need Nick and Disney and all those music channels.

Forgot to mention fucking George P came, as soon as I have two beach outings planned in the next two days. I don't even understand. Because I zumba'd for the first time in a week yesterday, IT FINALLY COMES. So yeah, postponed all. I also remembered I had a mini meltdown yesterday, remembering that Matrix is in less than a fortnight and I have done no work and those two weeks will disappear because I will spend 3 hours a day travelling.

I wish I had the encryption link on this computer.

10:29 PM

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The weather was positively shit today, thundering and raining all day long, but it was a good day nonetheless. I finally finished Norwegian Wood last night. Such an unsatisfactory ending, and then I tried to start Hardboiled but I wasn't very into it, so ended up sleeping at 2am.

Woke up and rushed home so we could do our presents. Alex had so many... And I was very pleased with all of them :) To list them, I got:
Fossil leather bracelet
Moccasins hehe, they were so cheap!
Four DVDs, including the $40 BBC Pride and Prejudice!
Mug. My mum randomly gave a wrapped one to me and my sister and I got 'it's all about me', while she got 'caution: mood swing in 5 minutes' or something
Benefit travel set with primer, mascara and blush
Roald Dhal phiz wizzing collection!
Random inspiration board, with words I'll probably disregard
Happy Lab chocolates
Cacharel perfume

Think that's all. It was a very good haul. 

My poor dog was so miserable today, her eye was just completely swollen and she wasn't even that excited about getting her schmackos for Christmas. It was so cute though. 

Left to an Italian restaurant for lunch, and it was really tasty, even though I just had plain napolitaine meatball pasta. Mm then my mum made Japanese cheesecake, and I probably ate about half. Stomach is still full, I haven't eaten since then. 

I took a bath for the first time in a while, and then watched Home Alone and now I shall watch an episode of P&P. 

Merry Christmas.

10:45 PM

Monday, December 24, 2012
What do I stand for?

It is Christmas Eve! I love Christmas.

Today was superbly hot. Did some last minute shopping at Towers with mum and sister, and got a lot done actually. I ended up picking two presents for myself which sucks because I want to be surprised. Then we had Thai for lunch, and the pad thai had vermicelli noodles which was really delicious. Grocery shopping was a nightmare, so many people just trying to get past trolleys with their trolleys and so many fucking kids, idek WHY YOU GOTTA BRING THEM ALONG?

Spent an hour, finishing up the wrapping and now there are lots and lots of presents under the Christmas tree and I'm super excited to rip them up tomorrow morning. My poor dog got stung by a stink bug. Technically not stung I guess, but it like, blew it's 'stink' into her left eye and it was all swollen and closed up, poor thing.

Anyway, we were planning to eat a restaurant or takeaway, but everything was actually closed, so of course, we resorted to maccas. As you do. Still pretty good though. Then I worked on the puzzle with Edwina, and we were just struggling to remember all these old song lyrics. I can't even remember the Nick/Disney theme songs omg.

It's finally cooled down now, thank goodness, and I'm watching Love Actually to celebrate myself and it's 11:11.

11:11 PM

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Whee, long post.

Obviously did not die. Doomsday passed over uneventfully.

Anyway, went to Towers to get a couple of gifts but I finished so early and cbf'd to go home, so I called Carla up and we just wandered around Towers, and then headed back to my place. Watched Friends all day, eating carrots and cucumber and dip and sweet/salty popcorn we bought, even though we realised we should've bought things to make kebabs. Chill day. Legitimately so full though, but I continued to eat pizza for dinner (Y)

Omg, went to the heart doctor and had the chest ultrasound which was so fucking awkward, with the Asian doctor prodding my naked chest with the gel and stick you use for baby ultrasounds. At least my heart is healthy.

Headed over to Eastwood to meet up with Eric and Brandon and headed to Jiani's, who wasn't wearing pants. Only Tanya was there. We watched a bit of Sky High, which I can barely even remember, but the effects were pretty awful. Left for Macquarie to buy some drinks and snacks and visited Christine, who was very swamped with people last minute shopping. Tanya's jap gum was so weird, it was all slimy.

Chilled back at Jiani's and listened to music and attempted to clean up and all. Only Yannick came on time, everyone else arrived nearly two hours late. Tried to get warmed up with a few drinking games, but they really just failed and omg, everything was just so boring for hours because there was no food or drink until Daniel Lee was scheduled to come along. So we just danced to the same playlist that must've played nearly ten times.

Goon finally came at like, 10pm, which was pretty gross, but it did the job. Just hung out with Eesh and Yannick and Elaine, being taken care of by Jarred, bless him. Must've peed about ten times. Everything just passed really quickly, thinking back on it. Hehe, called Anika at like 2am, and the idiot was somehow wide awake. Wish she was there. Probably fell asleep around 3am.

Woke up at 5am, but seriously thought it was 9 or something because the sky was already so light! Worst morning ever. Just chilled till 9am when we trekked it to Eastwood station and it was really hot. Stupidly got a tiny bit of yogurt from Yogurberry, mainly just hoping the fruit toppings would cure. Wrong. Felt like throwing up the entire bus ride. So good to get home, and napped for three hours.

Almost finished reading Norwegian Wood, and then I'll start Hardboiled so I can finally feel I'm doing something for English in terms of related texts. Which reminds me that Jarred said 15 Normos are doing 4u English. Respect, I didn't even think anybody was doing it there.

Need to go last minute shopping tomorrow, but the shops will be so crowded TT

Sister and I moved to grandparents' because Alex is tearing our carpets and redoing the timber floor. I can't even, I don't know what they've done to my room /sob. Too much change, I'd grown accustomed to the carpet.

Was planning to zumba but I'll restart being fit in the New Year. However, I just remembered the beach outing in five days.... and then there's Christmas food. Fuck. Nah, tomorrow. Going to (hopefully) finish Norwegian Wood tonight. Actually, gotta watch TVD first. Reminding me that I have 200 photos of Justin's same expression on my phone.

One resolution I've made for the New Year is to make a journal. Not even like a recounting one, just one where I have to write something each day. Literally anything. I mean, some of Woolf's entries were a couple sentences. Just need to be writing more.


9:54 PM

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Good day today. Penultimate day, assuming we all die tomorrow, which we won't but it doesn't hurt to hope.

Woke up early because it was already so damn hot upstairs. Cheerios for breakfast mm, haven't eaten those in so long. Read Norwegian Wood all morning, and I need to sincerely thank Leanne for introducing me to him. So good to finally leisurely read :')

Went to Towers with le mother and bought so much stuff, temporarily satisfied my need for clothes. The denim shirts were only $30 from $50 at Just Jeans :') So of course, I bought one of each shade of blue. They're so comfy, 100% cotton. Best bargain (Y) And various other items too, including two bikini tops! However, I pigged out on a whole packet of Red Rock Deli while watching Pride and Prejudice, so not particularly excited to wear them now.

Forgot to mention I saw Michelle on Tuesday arvo, so thank you for dropping me home :)

I'm so bored, I'm watching old Star Trek episodes.

Unepic last post, if it is a last post. We'll see. Happy Doomsday.

9:46 PM

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's finally the end of the year and all I feel is sad.

Last legal lesson first where we watched another forensic investigation episode, forgot how scary it was.
Maths was so frustrating, doing corrections. If I couldn't do them then, what makes people think I can do shit now?
Eco was hideously boring and confusing and frustrating cause we just did not understand anything about fucking BOGS.
LAST MENTOR LESSON, for that year, that is. Have Motherwell her Christmas presents but she kinda just ripped into the whole thing in front of us so yeah... But she loved them and apparently, they're both textually dynamic. Just laughed at her stories about her son and 'fogging'.

Omg napped from 5-10pm so I had to stay up to do Hindy's stupid tumblr with Gina, and I actually got all messages save one, so fuck that, and yeah, thought it looked pretty okay. Even though I slept at 1am as a result.

Since my hair couldn't be washed last night, set heaps of alarms to wake early, and ended up waking at the earliest 5:30 one TT morning was terrible, frantically trying to find my clothes for the performance.
Ran to Kmart to buy Hindy a frame, and then to Woollies to buy croissants and Nutella which I'd love to eat now. We presented the tumblr to him and he didn't even cry, which was really not a surprise actually, but it would've been a nice gesture from him to us. Just chilled with him, Anika an Gina and he told us how he met his wife LOL and how his brother initially wanted her and that she apparently chased him and he got married in green pants and shirt. All very interesting. He was a very awkward hugger. His blog is so gay.
Free in the cottage, watching the Morning Show with Elaine and Ravie and bitching and talking about James Bond and other interesting things.
Skipped English to rehearse and watch other performances and it was just really hot, so flustered. Lisha's red scarf made me look like Christmas with my white top and black pants. Gave Dr Green her present, so sad.

Lisha, Nayomi, Romi and I performed in fourth period I think. So damn nerve wracking. AND we weren't supposed to be on when we got on, we were supposed to be after, so we literally had to run onstage when they read out our intro and we realized last minute they made a mistake. Whole thing just passed so fast. I think it was good they put us on earlier, otherwise it would've given me more time to have a nervous breakdown. And I don't think there were particularly visible mistakes, and it was fun and we got great reception from our friends (right in the front) so yeah, good performance. Rest of concert was good too. It was our last one :( I hugged Hatton and his back was wet with sweat... And farewelled Hindy but couldn't find Green :(

Bummed in food court with Michelle, Eric, Anika, Christine and Sunny, and got free Hungry Jacks and prawn crackers. Ready for the beach LOL.

Finished the Fault in our Stars, it was so upsetting and so fantastic, going to start Paper Towns after Norwegian Wood yew.

Beach thing postponed, which gives me and Michelle more time to get back into shape and get new bikinis yay! Got a lot of Christmas shopping to do actually.

Anyway, exhausted. I just feel like I miss all my friends already, and these holidays will be what it's like to not really socialize with most of them anymore :(

Let the world end.

11:20 PM

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sigh, wanted to post before midnight.

Last Week B ever. LAST MENTOR LESSON EVER. Just discussed my viva and I'm kind of back to square one again (aka: STUCK) so idk what I'm gonna impress Winch with by the end of holidays. Also made Dr Green take an awkward luvo with me.
Maths sigh, found out we have maths first period on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in ONE WEEK. There goes my hopes for late arrivals. But there's no maths on either Fridays for 2U! Oh yeah, got results back LOL. Hopefully, my better results balance out that piece of shit.
Legal was stupid. Omg, confirmed we have Gilmore I HATE PAT. Want Black :(
Hehe free was fun, just lay on top of Tanya who lay on top of Sandra, and touched Sandra's legs.
Eco last without Hindy, and Black didn't really monitor us so I am unsure of what we did all lesson. SO MUCH CHOCOLATE. Kit Kat and Tim Tams and Freddo's, omg /vomit. Last Fun Food Friday :(

AMAZING DAY. Celebrated Ravie's birthday at the Temple of Looove, trekking it with Michelle. The place smelled like China with all the crazy incense burning. Anyway, entree was just curry puffs and satay skewers but they were really damn amazing. The peanut sauce...
There were sooo many dishes for the mains, it was so terrible because we got full so quickly and so much food went to waste that I want to eat now because I'm starving. It was just all delicious-ness, and then dessert was beautiful, coconut sago slchjdslcbsoijlhjvldksfjpihfasl. Took photos, must've reapplied lipstick about 10 times.

Trekked to Tiffany's to buy presents for mother and sister. I was sweating from jogging, must've looked very improper. Got a Noggi biscotti cone, mmmm, but it would've been tastier if we didn't have to swallow it so fast. Tongues ended up numb.

It was really hot. So fucking hot. Bus'd to Macquarie and got there so early, so I went back to Epping to wait for Choong and Christine to go to Chatswood. Did some grocery shopping with Herschell and then Stefan dropped us off at her house, which was sooo far, if we had to walk... /dead.

Jumped right into the pool with Michelle, despite our unfit bikini bodies. SO COLD. Pushed Christine in hehe, and just frolicked around cause nobody was there. Then Christine started the BBQ and we had chicken wings and satay skewers and peppery sausages and kangaroo skewers. Angell gave us a water balloon in the shape of a penis + balls.

Back in the pool and Seowoo came and we attempted and failed to tan in the measly patch of sun, because the weather just got shit as soon as we got into the pool. Just piggy-backed on Christine for half our pool session because it was so cold. Choong refused to enter the water because apparently, the chlorine will react with her hair LOL.

The sushi platter came as I was about to leave, thank god, stuffed 6 in to my mouth and ran out. Sigh, family dinner, which was okay. Restaurant was very mediocre, and sigh CHRISTINE. I've learned to stop being concerned now, since you obviously always seem fine.

Last speech day ever (because we're not counting on coming first in anything next year). It was a very boring, unspectacular ceremony, butt was feeling numb. It was upsetting all over again when they farewelled Hatton.

Left with Anika to browse Kinkuniya for nearly an HOUR, trying to find something for Motherwell. In the end, just settled for a seemingly textually dynamic text by Jonathan Swift. Saw this amazing Atwood hardback set but it was $420...

Got udon, so delicious mm, and then a green tea cone and then got to Towers. My sister was getting her make up done for formal, but we had to buy two products for them to do it in Myer, so I got another lipstick.


This blog is a bitch, even after changing it to tumblr. I hope Hindmarsh appreciates this gesture. In fact, he'd better cry. Wednesday is going to be a tragic day :(

Should probably sleep now. This was a loooong post.

12:19 AM

Thursday, December 13, 2012

11:19 PM

It isn't over

Today was a surprisingly good day, for surprisingly surprising reasons.

Well, started off with maths, prepared for our hideous results, but for some reason, we didn't get them back. In retrospect, thank god for that. Would've gotten a result every period. Idk, Simpson's rule was such a bitch, kept dividing by 2 instead of 6.
HATTON'S FAREWELL ASSEMBLY. It was so upsetting, I wasn't expecting to cry like I did. Incapacitated my ability to sing the song, which sounded quite awful on Michelle's video, but that's okay. He was so sweet, just started crying all over again when he was choking up. Depressed.
Chem back, and I was pretty happy with my mark, even if it was a B, because I was expecting like, 60%. Then we just worked on the jigsaw puzzle, and apparently that was my last chem lesson WHOOO.
Eco third without Anika (bitch) and biggest shock for me and Pat with our essays LOL teachers are always drunkenly marking, evidently. But nevertheless, pleased with my mark.
English was quite a shock too, 8 people in our class got full marks! Yeah, ended the day pretty well, I was expecting to bomb out on English after doing adequately for chem and eco. Letters to Alice is so goddamn boring to analyse, even Motherwell was struggling to stay awake. She gave us candy canes :)

Worked on the puzzle, and probably connected about 15 pieces. I've done nothing all day except maths. Maths is all that I'm bothered to do. Cannot bring myself to do English.

Thought I'd have more to say, but I guess not.

Been reading The Fault in the Stars. It's good. Also ordered more books last night. They should come just before the new year.

Hindy's blog is such a pain, so much ceebs.

Last mentor lesson with Dr Green tomorrow morning, which is a distressing thought. Gonna see if she's willing to see me next Wednesday though. Jokes, checked my email. No mentor sessions next week :'( This is so depressing.


I feel I must've matured just a teeny weeny teensy tiny bit from my aversion to change, because if I had not, I'm sure I would've been psychotic about now. Don't want to deal with all this.

Someone Like You has been in my head all day, just filling me with melancholy.

Obviously I'm out of things to say, so I shall bid you all goodnight.

10:59 PM

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Just a little bit

Blog was down yesterday.

Legal first, but since all the social science went to Blue Mountain excursion (memories), we got Mr Lane, who is really very attractive, idec if he's such a troll, which he actually is. We did nothing all lesson :)

Double free was so boring, I can't even remember if I attempted work... yes, I typed up the belonging practice question and stopped there because it can't be done. AND THEN ME, Ami, Sandra and Tanya started playing Purble Place LOOOL it was so much fun and we were doing so well with the clothing game until Sandra had to leave. And the possum and her baby were staring up at us, so cute. It was an intense period.

English was fun, I think. Idk, Motherwell accidentally said 'shitty Wickham' instead of shifty LOL and I remember thinking what to write down yesterday but of course, it's all left my mind, until I press publish and I'll probably go and edit it again to add the amusing events.

English ext first and very irritated about not getting results back, because everyone was sort or prepared to face it today. We finally got the holiday task list. I can't even begin to, omg JESS YOU POOR THING, Motherwell has this whole file of sheets for you when you're back. Can't comprehend how much there is to do. Anyway, mentor tomorrow (Y)

Also expecting maths back too, but nope. Stupid. White just droned all lesson, I'm not sure I understood anything. We'll see when I get back to homework. Maths makes me feel more on track, unlike English.

Hindmarsh was marking papers in eco, and he said that no one who did Brazil or Ireland had gotten below 15/20 so YES GUARANTEED B! And I thought eco was the subject I'd truly failed, but maybe (hopefully) not.

A bit freaked out for our performance at Christmas concert. Idek what happened with formation and all, and I should find the costume too... on top of everything else that needs to be bought ASAP.

Chem was fun, just sat at the jigsaw puzzle and played association segue whatever with really bad words. So uncreative.

I recommend everyone to see the doctor. Lots of things happen after two years. And that was the first time I'd seen one without a parent, it was quite daunting. She started feeling around my non-existent chest :(

I don't think I should be this bored, considering the increasing amount of work that needs to be done in the holidays, and then finding out that matrix is from 7-18 so that gives me three weeks from when school ends till then to get most of my shit together, because then I'm gonna be wasting my whole two weeks fucking travelling. Considering not going...

Shower, and fuck maths. I'm going to read for the leisure for the first time in months. After buying some books.

See you in hell.

9:57 PM

Monday, December 10, 2012

Just when we thought we could catch a break from exams. No.

The weather was appalling, it was ridiculous. It was mildly fine, slightly windy, till 3 when the rain just let loose omg. Earlier, I depilated for the first time in over two months I think, it was so painful. And then I watched Beauty and the Beast. Library scene :')

Bus'd to penno that Tanya actually made and SHE WAS WEARING A MIDRIFF. So shocked when I saw her BELLY BUTTON. Anyway, train ride with usual sex conversations and such and dropped by the 'Friendly Grocer' at Milson's and got some expired candy. IT WAS SO WINDY. Can't describe how crazy it was, and I'd just washed my hair that morning :(

So there was me, Tanya, Michelle, Alpa, Lisha, Eric and Leanne and Herschell was supposed to come but cbf, bitch. FIRST RIDE WAS RANGER WHOO. God so much fun, I haven't been to a theme park since year 8 excursion. Screamed myself hoarse already. Probably went Wild Mouse next which was so terrifying. You just cannot get accustomed to those turns, or stop feeling like you're going to be thrown into the ocean. Tango Train was fun! Just attempted to dance and pump our arms without falling out of the cart. Went to Coney Island on the big slide, which used to be much scarier.

Mm so hungry, shared a pathetic fish and chip meal with Leanne, while the seagulls eyed us hungrily. Wasn't the best idea to gorge ourselves. But as survived consecutive Wild Mouse trips (?) without throwing up. Also coupled with Tanya on the Ferris wheel. Apparently, you get kicked off for antisocial behaviour LOL.

Lots of rides closed, we missed the last Ranger ride so everyone left but me and Michelle, who had to listen to the tutor presentations idek but it was such a relief to get home. We put our Christmas tree up! And the holiday ends there.

Ugh chem was okay cause there was a jigsaw puzzle to play with all lesson and all recess LOL.
English was stupid, just kept jumping from page to page, idek I should read Letters to Alice.
Watched something for all of legal but just played tiny tower.

Lunch was so depressing. Besides freaking out for my viva mark, Dr Green is leaving. Not even worth my good mark. AND NOW WE GET WINCH. So fucking upset, and I know more bad news will come and I just can't take it if Motherwell leaves. And now she takes Drayton's ext class so now they're gonna be annoying gushy about her and JESS you understand how I feel about this. WHY AREN'T YOU HERE TO MOURN WITH ME?!

Lol bought a 1500 piece puzzle today, and work on it for three hours with my mum to make the border, which was about 150 pieces mind you. Eyes are dead. Done no work. But I finished posting.

Time for bed.

11:43 PM

Saturday, December 8, 2012
It was the nearest thing to Heaven

Would have celebratory-posted about last night except I had other matters to attend to, like sleeping.

UGH Friday was pretty shit, I stayed up till 2am again to cram legal after giving up on English. The exam as just stupid. However in saying that, I'm still going to get about 60% I estimate. And then Hindmarsh came and told me he was marking Brazil essays....

AND MY VIVA FUCK. Bitches lying, it was not good. They just sat there, expectantly waiting for long answers that I could not give because I really had nothing to say, and fucking Winch replaced Drayton and ugh it was just shit but whatever, it was over, despite the fact that I felt like vomiting the entire time.

PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER. Idk, the book didn't appeal to me but I really enjoyed the film, probably cause the book was an epistolary and didn't seem very eventful but there was Logan Lerman :)))) AND Emma Watson, and Ezra Miller, and I really like that name (waiting for PLL). Yeah then I bought a $5 feed from maccas but it was only AFTER I got into the theatre did I realise I got no cheeseburger.

Movie jumped (with Anorah and Christine) to what we hoped was Breaking Dawn and it was! Holy, it was just so awful, idek what Anika was thinking, but we stopped after Irina came up because the other two had to go and I was more than happy to leave. And then ran into Doris at the bus stop! Where she provided some very useful information on female issues.

Got home and went to sleep in my uniform. Good 13 hours (Y) Yoga for the first time in ages, but I stopped being healthy when I finished a box of pad thai for lunch.

Watched A Place in the Sun fuck, Eliabeth Taylor blew me over with her beauty, she just looked so amazing omg, and Montgomery Clift 8)

BUT THEN I WATCHED AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER. And finished just then. My heart cries at the end all the time, it's just so beautiful :') I may watch it again tomorrow, before leaving for Luna Park whooo, excited. In the meantime, I shall watch Vampire Diaries, because it's hideously awful apparently, and then the Pride and Prejudice mini-series!

Curse Elaine, I started Tiny Tower again as well. Really should start essay and composition, seeing they're due this week. But then again, we should also enjoy this week before getting all our results back. I hope everyone is supposed to fail these first assessments.

It's my aunty's birthday in China, so we're celebrating here without here LOL, but at least we get cheesecake.

4:48 PM

Friday, December 7, 2012
Nothing ever happened

Stuck on English, so what else to do but blog?

Wednesday could have been a free day, but no, because there was school to attend. And oh joy, eco was first, and we were actually learning stuff that's important. Omg it was also orientation day and the stupid band was playing such retarded songs. WHY STAYING ALIVE? THE BUS DRIVER PLAYS IT. And Hindmarsh was speaking super loudly over the noise, yet Anika asked if he was stoned or on some sort of drugs that morning LOOOOL rude.
Unproductive free, and then English English English. Not looking forward to this module. OH but it was funny when we were discussing Austen's romantic tragedy, and Motherwell was like, it's so ironic and sad that for her to produce the literature we have, she had to remain single and never ever have sex. Except maybe she went 'UNDER THE SHRUBBERY' LOOOL that can be interpreted in so many ways.
We looked at some sample textual dynamic creatives and they were pretty good, considering the writers were our age. Awks when it was only me and Tanya who thought a story ended on an orgasm, but we didn't want to say it. Except apparently we were right. DEAR GOD.

That was the most stressful night. Tried to do as much 4u as possible, and then omg, had to cram chem and eco and in the end, I just stayed up till 1am doing English and wrote out some eco till 2am. And I totally paid for it. Missed my bus in the morning, which was a bad omen. Except I got to sleep in an hour. It still felt horrible, five hours sleep.
Just spent the whole two periods feeling like throwing up and then chem was not horrible. In fact, it was pretty easy, I just guarantee lots of marks lost, especially the long response LOL I should do them first next time. Motherwell sneezed during the assessment. It was quite mild for her really, no one jumped in response.
And then I don't want to get started on eco. It was disgusting, the question was so specific, pretty sure I didn't even answer it. Whatever, WORST IS OVER DAMMIT. And then Jina brought the rest of the nastygal stuff and I got free takoyaki and home (Y) Thursday was so fucking stressful.

As of now, have been unproductive. Generally not too worried about legal, though I wonder what two questions could take up 45 minutes, because I don't know what I could make with 3 pages of notes... But after today, there are zero fucks left to give. Except for the Viva, but everyone says that was totally okay. Not that I'm convinced, but it eases my mind a little to know that while Drayton interrogates my ass of, Dr Green will smile lovely-ly at me. She's such a lovely person.

I want the leunig calender in SMH.

Friday night plans: bed.

12:43 AM

Wednesday, December 5, 2012
sexual dynamics

Horri-fucking-ble day. When you pronounce it, it sounds like horror fuckable.

English was the most stressful thing I'd ever experienced. Well, the lead up to it was. Honestly, hand was in so much pain, but thankfully Karnups didn't care about what we did in legal so a bunch of us were just writing out our essays while he played a video, but it was so distracting I COULDN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING. And then I crammed at recess and rewrote the points and exercised/killed my hand just in time for the exam.

Marshall supervised us, I was disgusted by his stomach. Anyway, the question was super broad, just something on experimentation, which is essentially just in every sentence of the essay so I copied my practice essay. Thankfully, the information did sink in somehow. And it was the first time in a long time that I properly finished my conclusion on time. Whatever, the worst is finally over.

Squeezed a stress ball all through eco to recover, it was so boring. Hindy said that he bought his blog url for $18....

Got home, expecting to find the Solestruck delivery at the door but it wasn't so I was disappointed but then I saw a box under my stairs, but disregarded it UNTIL I checked the tracking status which said delivered so I checked again AND THE SHOES HAD COME WHEEEEEE. Omg the Matiko would fit like a dream if my fucking right foot was not slightly smaller, so I need heel grips. But then the green JCs are just tight, so they're in the freezer right now, hopefully expanding with the ice. THEN I get news from Jina that the nastygal stuff has arrived YEEEEEEEEEEEE this just made the day so much better. So excited to get them tomorrow!

But then work started and omg, why is tomorrow school TT
Eco is a bitch, given up now and I shall do as much 4u as I can, but I think I'm coming down with a cold. So tired, and the end of the week is so close and nothing sounds more inviting than the thought of Friday and sleep. PLUS city with Anika after my stupid Viva, since Christine will have already left. And then it's time to eat, yes.

12:36 AM

Monday, December 3, 2012
haphazard hopscotch

Taking a break after five straight hours of English. My right hand can't take this anymore, it's trembling. So I don't know why I'm typing, it's probably worsening it. But I need to do something else. Maybe eco. But I've recorded myself reading my essay LOL stumbled heaps cause I found all these typos in my essay. Shame. Sort of memorised three paragraphs, but this last one is just impossible. 

OMG and last night was horrible, stayed up till 1am finishing fucking Patchwork. Felt like dying this morning, felt like throwing up on the bus but I didn't eat an adequate breakfast. 
English stressing me out first period. Motherwell let us eavesdrop on a call to some broadband company or whatever, but it wasn't particularly funny. I need to get her number ASAP. 
Legal was stupid.
Maths was horrible. Fucking easy past papers FOOLING US ALL OMG. It was so hard, and then it was just downright ridiculous when comparing it to 2010 and 2011. FUCKING EVERYONE HATES US. And  I guaranteed five marks lost on the last page AND I almost forgot to hand in half a question cause it was lying with my scrap paper /phew. 
I officially finished my essay at lunch, because my points were stupid and Sylvia, bless her, helped me out. But then as soon as I printed it, I accidentally deleted the file, intending to delete something else and I can't retrieve from recycle bin cause it was on my USB omg, thank god I printed it first.
Chem was stupid. Legitimately remembered nothing when looking at my notes.

Got home and started English. Have written out the essay three times so far and I shall start again at 11pm and see how far I progress at midnight. Hopefully it'll be done and I'd have memorised most of it. Omg, so fucking worried SO SCARED. Idk if it's a good thing that Motherwell is marking. Maybe she'll see my Patchwork points and put a big fat cross over the whole essay.

Okay memorise and write. Hand is aching. 

10:49 PM

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Too stressed right now. I need to feel good about progressive writing through blogging, because I can endlessly spew out words with no one to judge, or at least no one that matters.

Omg, slept at 2am yesterday WHAT WAS I THINKING? But I wasn't even tired, so I'll probably crash at a crucial time, say during exams. I've spent most of the day doing maths, and I'm not particularly confident, but I just don't care anymore, because I could probably scrap a B and that's good enough, but everything else....

Watched The Hours, it was very good. I hope it's not hard to cite a film. I liked the book better. And I hope the teachers have no issue with my major essentially copying the structure of the book. So afraid for the Viva. I'm still so thankful Erica switched times with me. Because if I'd done my Viva at 3pm.... I would be THE last person to be doing exams. In that case, poor Erica.

This term is a wake up call. Shayna was warning me about consistency throughout the year. Since it's too late to fix that this term, I will from holidays. It can be like properly starting anew with the new year. This term has just been very messy.

I'm also excited to start writing in the holidays, and not think about another presentation to show that I've research (which I haven't, nor never will after Friday).

Solestruck order is coming this week! SO EXCITED. And it's like dejavu, when my litas came to Jiani during Year 11 yearlies and she brought them to me, and now it's assessments again and I'm giving them to her. Idk. And then next week, please let nastygal stuff be here. I need good news after exams.

Imagine an ordinary mind on an ordinary day.

8:18 PM

Saturday, December 1, 2012

First day of summer, and boy did it assert that. So fucking hot, woke up disgusting. AND there was a huge daddy long legs on my wall. It got even hotter after the shower, making the shower rather useless. SIGH omg then I had a fucking dentist appointment that ran from 11:30 and ended at 2 omg, WASTED ALL THAT TIME. Then my lipbalm melted in the car, so now it looks gross.

Really did nothing at home. OH but confirmed that a bunch of us are going to Michelle's Luna Park tutor thing YAY SO EXCITED. And it's the Sunday right after exams and we get the whole place to everyone invited (which hopefully isn't a lot of people) AND JUST HAVE FUN. So ready for exams to be over.

Had maccas for dinner. That may have been the highlight of my day. Then came a failed attempt at eco (Y) And English. So now moving onto maths but then Anika told me to watch TVD and it's shit. IT IS SO SHIT. I HATE IT SO MUCH. Stefan....

Weekend is half over and I've barely done anything. Hardcore maths tomorrow. And English. AND ECO.

Posting before midnight.

11:59 PM


It's the end of the week, and I'd be relieved if it weren't for assessments in two days AND I AM SO DEAD FOR MATHS LOOOOL. Idk, and I woke up and it was sooo stuffy in my room and it was not even 6am because I had damned morning class and I slept at 1am omg, just dead. But not before sending Carla a very very long birthday message, happy birthday :))))

Mentor was okay, but it's my last one till Viva nooooooooo I still have not started.
Maths was just humiliating, could not do anything. But then I finished the differentiation stuff at home and it was a little better, just gotta hardcore cram on Sunday. I should do the papers... OMG.
Tried so hard not to sleep in legal, but my eyes just keep flickering and my vision flickers along with my eyes.
Free: cue breakdown. Anika had told me earlier that Motherwell wanted to see me about my essay so naturally I was freaking about how utterly shit it was and ugh, she only started marking that period and I was so stressed and tired that I finally cried. But then I felt better when I found more companions to Woolf. I just cannot understand feminist literary theory.
IT WAS SO HOT. So lots of us just remained in the library. Sarah found an amazing eco site! Now I have no excuse to fail.
Eco first with Foster and she just let us do whatever. And then it happened. MY EXT 2 IDEA FINALLY CAME TO ME, IT WAS SUCH AN EXCITING MOMENT I'M SO HAPPY. Time to start the Viva!

Home was unbearably hot. Then I wasted an hour watching a One Direction concert my mum bought my sister for $10...

Sigh, it's already 1am. Again. Give up on maths. So unprepared for exams. I hate everybody, except for Baulko, all fucking finished already.


12:54 AM