
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

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Thursday, November 29, 2012
A maze

Sigh, the week has been retarded.

English first, though I have no idea what we did...probably just to work on our essays omg, coming to that.
Ugh, so out of practice with maths I swear, I've never not cared about it so much. Should probably revise, I am really really really screwed for it. All I've done is spend time on English and I still know I'm going to bomb out on that one.
Goodwin for eco and she let a bunch of us go to the library supposedly to do eco, but then Tanya and I just looked at Patchwork some more and omg, it's so fucking dynamic, and we have such good links to use but I have no idea what to do with them.
Chem was stupid, oh yeah, Christine skipped school to do English, so it was just me and Michelle, attempting to stay awake. I think she did a better job than me LOL.

Oh my god. English. It is actually taking over life, IT'S ALWAYS ASKING FOR SOMETHING TO BE DONE OMG. So I attempted the essay till 2am, dying with Grace till we gave up on only 700 words or something idek, but I skipped today (Y) Solid essay-ed from 10am and I was supposed to finish by lunchtime so Anika could give it in but that didn't happen so then I was supposed to finish it by 3pm so Motherwell could quickly print it (what English teacher doesn't own a printer?) but that wasn't happening either. So by 4pm, I just stopped and sent whatever I had, which was an adequate amount, but really, it's just Patchwork Girl fucking everything up.

Anyway, finally got off my ass and wasted some time at Towers, AND PICKED UP ALL NEW BOOKS YAY. But seriously, it felt bleh after spending the last 12 hours on English alone, only to have more English come at me. They gave me a random book by accident, but the blurb said something about the Victorian era so I guess it was a lucky mistake.

Finally finished getting eco information as well, but I'm not bothered to edit it, so it's time to move onto 4u, which has been neglected all week. Dr Green is going to kill me. Her stupid feminist literary theory is 400 pages long, and I need to return it tomorrow for morning class :(

Jess, I miss you, but words can't describe my jealousy AND HOW MUCH I LOATHE YOU NOW. Just want holidays to come. This is the last Term 4 we're ever going to have and I'd feel sentimental if it weren't for all this stress just piling and piling and I'll stop complaining.

As for the scheduled breakdown, it sort of happened last night. So the next one is Sunday. Just in time for maths (Y)

10:51 PM

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So. Fucking. OVER. English. Honestly, suffering 3u maths is sounding pretty good right now because I am really just out of creative and analytical brain juice. And why we have an ext assessment and not belonging is just beyond me because we are so prepared for The Crucible AND SO DEAD FOR EXT.

Legal first, only to find out that Karnups is leaving. That is the third teacher in one term. Our grade is setting a record, I don't even like him, I'm just sad about being abandoned. And also that he's a bit gay and he's going to get soooo much shit at some school up north, I feel so bad for him :(
Double free was fun. Went back to 212 with Ravie and Tanya and just laughed really hard about all these sexual scenes in Patchwork which were pretty gross because it was so shocking. What were we even reading... AND THEN apparently we all started at a different lexia and came together for a number of links and then Tanya's journey just trailed off to who even knows where, just cannot understand this unit. Ooh Shobhana and Priya visited, I haven't seen Priya since Year 9! Bitches both finished them assessments, this is unfair.
Mentor with Motherwell at lunch. She is my saviour, I swear. Basically helped me think of a clearer idea for 4u that I can hopefully work with just for the Viva and then decide if I'm going to stick with it or not. So much work to do, I haven't started and it's next Friday...
Sigh, the whole class promised Motherwell to hand in ext essays this week......
LOL and she particularly interrogated Tanya and when Tanya looked away, Motherwell was like 'she pulled a Shelmerdine' LOOOOOL.

Was supposed to pick up my books from the post office but I forgot and now there is nothing positive about my day. My sister knocked over a plant when she got home and I had to vacuum all the soil. Actually, my parents bought a really good watermelon, that is worth mentioning.

I hate Jess.
All that is reassuring is that she'll come back, looking not as attractive as when she left. Let there be some balance in the universe.

Realised how little concern I hold for maths. When we're actually so dead because we're just bad at maths, and the differentiation is actually ridiculously hard and WHY DOES KOLHAGEN KNOW MY NAME ALREADY.

Just delaying returning back to work as long as possible. I need to do fucking eco omg.

Scheduled breakdown: Thursday night.

10:18 PM

Monday, November 26, 2012

I really really hate myself.

Sigh, so majorly slept in today and missed the bus so mother was gonna drive me to towers but then the car kind of died as soon as the bus was about the pass so I quickly got on because it was the nice driver :) And then Carla and I gave Brandon our awesome presents (Y) I see he was quite pleased with his Sports Illustrated calendar.

Chem first was semi-productive. I thought I finished notes till I realised I forgot to do biopolymers MOTHER FUCK. Idk, just ate pringles all lesson.
English omg switched rooms about four times and finally remained in 207 and went through these textual dynamic sample paragraphs. Holy, so many dynamics omg. Seriously, all I want to do is fucking belonging, I AM SO OVER ENGLISH.
Legal was so stupid, Karnups was away and Stokes didn't even mark the roll. In fact, he didn't react to our class at all, so me, Gina and Rachel were just discussing shows and hot guys. Should've just gone to the library, he probably wouldn't have noticed if I'd just left.
Free last SO FUN HEHE. Was supposed to do Patchwork, but then Ravie and Tanya joined me in 212 and we just laughed about 50 shades and celebrity yearbook photos and whatnot. Shayna dropped by and gave me three chem books sigh, have to slowly take one home at a time.

It was really freaking hot today, and only when I started walking home did it begin to rain.

I was semi-conscientiously doing eco UNTIL Jina and Jiani (curse them) mentioned the Nastygal sale so omg, we've been group-convo-ing for the past like, two hours figuring out what to buy because Jina's sister is so kindly lending us her Paypal :) Got about ten super cheap items in there so I'm pretty happy, PLUS Solestruck order should come late this week or early next LDSKNHFPIFJDOSINHDCLONJD SO EXCITED SO READY FOR SUMMER.

So I've done nothing all night. Need to shower and then finish a bloody biopolymer and then do a bit more eco and sleep. Assessments, I'm going to be crying this weekend.

Totally deserve it.

10:24 PM

Anika is not just gay.

She's a lesbian.

12:25 AM

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cannot decide whether this has been a useful weekend or not. Most likely not. Saturday, I finally finished chem and then I spent a few hours on legal, only to find out in the end that I'd already finished the required notes a week ago and wasted all that fucking time.

Otherwise, today I finished Dalloway, and still suck as ever for 4u. Viva is in less than two weeks, WHAT AM I TO DO?

It was also really incredibly hot today. I woke up and would've gone back to sleep, except the heat was quite invasive in my room. And holy shit, after my shower, I wanted to die, I needed another shower.

Grandpa's birthday! OH AND BRANDON'S. Sent him a pretty awesome message (Y) But to celebrate Grandpa's, we decided to go Seven Hills RSL buffet which I was quite pumped for, hearing Christine rave about it. But it was pretty crap, because all that is worth eating is seafood and I don't like seafood. So I just stocked up on sushi and there was takoyaki! All the white (fat) people went for the deep fried shit. There was an ice cream machine :) Birthday cake was pretty gross, I hate chocolate sponge.

Omg, got home, attempting to find a hypertext. What did I just read.... I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA. It was just link after link after endless fucking link so I've resorted to just doing Patchwork Girl, since I have three frees over Monday and Tuesday, thank god.

WHEEEE SOLESTRUCK SALE. Shared the order with Jiani and I got two loafers for $65 each YAY. One good start/end to the week.

My family is arguing about my aunt's conversion to Christianity. How is one suddenly convinced of such principles, we don't understand. Atheism, Hitchens (Y)

Eco is such a failing attempt. I can't take this, SO DOOMED. Where has this term gone...

I also need to bake for Brandon.

So tired of school.

9:36 PM

Friday, November 23, 2012
my my my

Friday. So tired of school, I cannot wait to sleep after this post and wake up three hours later than usual. Heaven. In that case, gonna finish this ASAP.

Eco is soooo boring I can't, fucking miss all that supply and demand stuff and labour market and idek what else we did but HSC course is bullshit. But Castro and Annie brought waffles with honey and jam (Y)
ENGLISH WITH MOTHERWELL /PRAYING. Finally finished Orlando omg, so many pages, probably nearly twenty filled with scribble. It was pretty embarrassing when Motherwell looked at my book and probably attempted to read my scrawl.
Chem is so frustrating IT'S SO FRUSTRATING I still can't properly do redox omg and then Anika reminded me of molar heat..........
Stupid ext 2 meeting at lunch. Drayton initially put my speech slot down for 3pm on fucking Friday. Hell to the no. Thankfully Erica swapped with me to 1:45 but far out, can't even enjoy legal as the last exam CURSE DR GREEN her teaching days are so inconvenient.
Moved our legal room for ABW sob, it's so unfair, so jealous. But hey, at least yesterday was cold so we're even for the beach excursion weather.

Hung around with Carla at towers, and it was very embarrassing, buying a rather inappropriate calendar LOOOL and the checkout lady was probably 50, but she was pretty cool with it, starting laughing with us :)

GOT HOME AND WATCHED VAMPIRE DIARIES DKJNPODSIJFSPDIFVNODSNH. It's so shit. It was shit last episode and catching up just tripled the shit IT IS JUST HORRIBLE. SO UPSET OMG CRYING FUCKING. So then I went and youtubed all the old sad scenes like Jenna dying, and then that led to watching several movie/show gag reels. They're never long enough :(

Not doing work tonight. Just want to get some sleep.

10:51 PM

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I have been watching Hannah Montana episodes while attempting chem and I refuse to finish chem because I don't even know what I'm writing...

Maths first, starting off the morning with a quiz TT which thankfully wasn't too bad, but not very confident for exams because I forgot all of differentiation. Sigh.
Chem was stupid, but I'd better get an A in the fucking assessment. Tutor and all I've been even attempting to study is fucking chem. And I still don't get it. COMPLAINTS ENDLESS COMPLAINTS.
Did nothing in my free, I really don't know how to research ext 2.
MOTHERWELL WAS AWAY AGAIN, MOTHER FUCK OMG. Missed three lessons, and omg if she's away tomorrow, we're just doomed. Because we need to start that stupid essay over the weekend.

Took the school bus lol, only day I take it, there's traffic so we still got there at nearly 4. My mum said she's already done heaps of Christmas shopping omg just want to scour the house because I hate surprises. Then we went to Supacentre and bought heaps of cheap DVDs and CDs and AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER WAS ONLY TEN DOLLARS WHEEEEE.

Yep, just before midnight. One more episode and bed. TGIF. In half a minute.

11:59 PM

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Going to sleep early tonight for the first time in a long time. Because I've given up on work, and I ain't gonna finish all my notes by Friday. LOL.

Eco first was so stupid, Hindmarsh is annoying, just made us sit there and read half a chapter ourselves.
Mentoring with Green, freaking out about Viva Voce omg how I do not know what to do or how I can manage to do it in two weeks OMG.

Napped again when I got home, and essentially did nothing till 9pm. And even then, I only did one maths exercise and NOW it is time for me to have an early night, read for maths first period /sigh.

11:24 PM

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
yeah yeah

Five minutes.

SIGH waking up gets more and more torturous every fucking day. I need the summer holidays to pay up my sleep debt. I've turned into one of those people who don't eat breakfast anymore, because I get up with fifteen minutes till my bus comes lol (Y)

Idek, forgot all this min/max stuff in maths so we spent the whole lesson on this really long, really stupid and really hard question fuck, should probably start revising. And I've seriously forgotten differentiation now.
Eco was bleh, watched a TED talk and did not much else. Anika's relatively new pink highlighter broke. I've never seen anything like it, the highlighting felt pen bit just broke off.

In my futile attempt to read Mrs Dalloway, I fell asleep from 4-7pm instead. Now I have to finish it by second period god dammit why is Virginia Woolf so weird, I have no idea what's going on. Biked and did nothing all evening. Abandoned chem, even though I'm so close to done, and now eco is failing so I'm gonna go to bed and hopefully manage most of the book.

BEST WISHES FOR JESS, all my sympathy. Yet she'll probably do better than us for ext anyway TT

11:59 PM

Monday, November 19, 2012
Sip of something poison

Ugh, woke up believing it was Sunday. So disheartened with the realisation that it, in fact, was not.

English ext first and we're getting so close to finishing. SO MANY NOTES TODAY OMG bit more than three pages. Nehe Orlindo and Shelmerdine. It was funny how Motherwell was like, Orlando has challenged female submissiveness by dominating Shelmerdine because she's... on top LOOOOL. Last ext lesson with Jess :(
Omg watched this stupid doc in legal about a mock trial to test juries at the fucking jurers were so stupid and bogan and being all excited like OH I WATCH CRIME FUCK YEAH I CAN DO THIS. No you can't.
Need to start revising maths. Jesus, the current work takes up so much space, I can't stand how ugly it is.
Left at lunch to buy profiteroles for chem and I ate probably six on my own. Think I'm paying for it now.
Did a pretty fun experiment in chem, probably only fun because I only had to soak the salt bridge. And then we had profiteroles and donuts.

Been solidly working on chem notes and I'm finally up to redox yay. But I have barely devoted any time to eco lol, very screwed, it'll be like Indonesia all over again.

And I need to finish Mrs Dalloway by Wednesday. Or rather, start the book. Omg and maths challenge on Thursday, curse Kolhagen.

Found my 2010 Spirit Week stress ball because I'm so worried about my wrist from typing and writing.


9:53 PM

Bad weekend. Unproductive useless stupid weekend. And I was looking forward to an efficient one :(

Up was on last night :) Haven't seen it since it came out in 2009 before Food and Fashion night omg SOOO LONG AGO and Jina found the ginormous shoe HAHAHAHA.

I actually got two dot points of chem done, guess that was one goal accomplished. And today, I spent the WHOLE day on fucking related, and it's probably 200-300 words over limit. Now I am fucking done with 2u this year, got so much to do. Cannot believe I wasted the whole day.

In the midst of cleaning my room, but I have sooo many sheets and I need two more folders to fit them all so my room is a warzone. Probably can't even walk around it idk, left it at noon and haven't gone back since. Then it makes me wonder, what am I doing, keeping all these sheets? I won't ever look at them again but I can't bring myself to throw them away :(

Haven't exercised since Thursday cause of my back so I resorted to bike and now my legs are dead. Got to get into shape for Herschell's party whooo EXCITED. It's the day right after exams so that's an awesome end to our first set of assessments.

Sigh, didn't publish on time again. Probably because I've been on Perez Hilton. What to do with myself. Don't even want to think about tidying my room just so I have space to sleep.

Now it's officially Week 7.

12:20 AM

Saturday, November 17, 2012
pie in the sky

It feels like a long time since I've blogged. Except it's only been one day. I don't know what I'm going to do if my blog page suddenly crashes or gets deleted. I will die.

Sigh, morning class. It was okay but then Dr Green ran out of things to say so it was pretty awkwardly silent for a minute lol. GOT TO FINISH MY READING BY WEDNESDAY OMG. And we should actually have our plot down now since the draft needs to be finished over summer holidays. AND need to prep for the Viva Voce, fml.

Maths was a work lesson thank god, caught up on Thursday's shit. Ms White talks sooo loud, it's unbearable.
Legal was shit as usual. But it was amusing when Karnups was telling us about how some woman in a jury sexually assaulted a man in the same jury WHILE in court LOOOL.
Attempted ext 2 research in my free, but I can't read all these literary theories or whatever omg. And the books were so dusty because they probably haven't been opened in years.
Elaine and Annie brought KFC for eco, bless them :') But it was so oily so yeah, wasn't that great. Eco is our last lesson of the year.

Omg so many books came this arvo. My memory one and the John Green collection AND THE ROAD DAHL COLLECTION DLFJWOCIBXSOIJDOANHFORIJFOWI I have not read Matilda since primary.  I also finally finished Scarlet Letter, the little bitch, but hopefully it'll give me a good related analysis. Time to move on to my six unfinished books.

Went to bed relatively early. Like, 11ish.

Buttons barged into my room and woke me up by jumping at my face. It's become the norm, waking up with spit all over me.

Pancakes for breakfast! I probably had about seven normal sized ones and then a huge pan-sized one. So essentially ten normal sized ones.

Chem notes are such a bitch, these chemical equations take half a minute each to make on word with fucking subscript and all. But I will get up to dot point two. Then it's eco and English... Should do maths too, since it's the first assessment.

Until death, it is all life.

1:08 PM

Thursday, November 15, 2012
what a feeling

RUSHING POST IN FIVE MINUTES. I will have this done by midnight.

Wednesday was probably a bad day, I can't even remember omg everyday is just torturous.

Missed school today LOL. Because last night, Anika and I had planned schedules for work at night, and I sort of followed up on doing legal but then I gave up and bought some books. Then I decided to burn off dinner, because we ate sooo much, so I did zumba. Then after my shower, my back just died. Idek, it was so painful so yeah, ended up not going to school and staying in bed half the day. Back still hurts.

Watched Flashdance and probably spent a good few hours at the TV and on Youtube. But I've nearly finished Scarlet Letter, maybe 20 pages to go. So hopefully I can do related for it and hand it in on the weekend.

Attempted chem but it was too hard so now I'm trying to research ext 2. Bleh.

Oh saw the assessment timetables. So stupid. Free day is Wednesday which is a school day god dammit.

Yep, time is about up. Goodnight. Morning class :(

11:59 PM

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I always miss the midnight deadline, so whereas this post appears to be for Wednesday, it is actually Tuesday.

Sick from sleep deprivation, and I swear I've been sleeping the same amount of time but last weekend in particular must've been exhausting somehow. Neck has been hurting all day because I slept funny last night.

Legal was first /sobbing fucking so many people have frees during legal IT'S FUCKING UNFAIR.
Unproductive double free. Started new book but then in the last half hour of period 3, Elaine and I just napped on those comfy red chairs in the annex. It was amazing.
Finished very shitty groupwork in English. Worst I've ever done, never been so cbf with it but I really hate John Proctor right now because he is completely unrelatable. He will never belong.

Got home and napped till dinner time. SIGH and then I finished maths and did a teeeeeny bit of eco (a paragraph) and now I will go to bed and possibly read if I don't go out cold when I hit the pillow.

Debating whether I should spend $15 on a small but BEAUTIFUL notebook, just because I have so many random things I'd like to jot down and reread again and it's not very classy just making a note on your iPhone. But it's so expensive and so small :(

Went through Year 12 formal photos today, a bit unimpressed with dresses. I have a vague outline of what I want, and now I have to find a tailor and figure out a budget. But I should probably do some work first.


12:15 AM

Monday, November 12, 2012
Look into my box

SIGH getting off the computer earlier than usual. Have such a ridiculous amount of reading to do this week. And that's not even including ext 2 reading omg and I need to have done something by Friday for Green BUT THERE ARE THREE RELATED TEXTS DUE ON FRIDAY FUCK ME SIDEWAYS.

Prac in chem first, omg we finally started redox nooooo I can't do any of it except draw a stupid galvanic cell. Munchalicious Monday commenced and Gina brought scones and whipped cream. Whipped cream tastes so good on its own.
Groupwork in English bleh, but we got Act 4 which is relatively easier.
SO MUCH TO DO FOR LEGAL I CAN'T STRESS IT. Halfway through a term and we have probably 40 pages used of our books already.
Spent my free last period in the library being unproductive with Tanya and getting humiliated by her incredibly loud voicing of inappropriate conversation.

Finally finished White Fang and I loved it, but it can't even be used as a related, so fuck that lol. And now, I have about four texts to read to see which ones would be suitable and I plan on getting through half of one tonight. NO SLEEP.

10:46 PM

Sunday, November 11, 2012
Under the sea in an octopus' garden

Eco without Hindy first period and omg awesome Fun Food Friday. Custard and fruit salad and my mum packed me blueberries which was perfectly suitable. And me and Anika did nothing. All fucking lesson.
Finished The Crucible at last. And then we finished analysis omg fifteen pages WHYYY and now we got group work. AND borrowed extension texts.
OMG forgot to mention. Motherwell was telling us how she grew up with missionary type parents and her strict religious boarding schools and she sung the song about all the different sections in the bible. Then she told us the story of how important the bible was in boarding school, that you couldn't put anything on it, not even paper. So she had to go and vomit on it LOOOL by accident of course. Hilarious.
Sigh chem. Had a dilemma buying books online cause I accidentally bought more than one.
Went out at lunch with Anika and jina and Oliver Brown sucks.
Legal. Lol.

OMG there was a mosquito on the train, it was terrifying. Essentially did nothing all night. Then I dreamed my dog died and remember sobbing and then I woke up when she barged into my room in the morning. As in reality morning, not in the dream.

Woke up and actually did maths for an hour LOL and then spent two deciding what to wear for the day. Fucking messed up trackwork omg I hate trains.

Met Tanya at Penno and had a loud interesting sexual conversation. Omg and then we were talking about lesbians and sex and she said really and I mean REALLY loudly, YOU CAN JUST USE A STRAP ON and I kid you not, whole carriage went silent. Omg, we bet they thought we were lesbians.

Trekked to udon nomnom it was good. And then we had shitty Yogurberry that wasn't even self serve  and gave me a stomach ache. Then omg Motherwell lied IT IS NOT FIVE MINUTES FROM CENTRAL TO BELVOIR DAMMIT. Horrible trek with a stomach ache and sore feet, curse litas. But we got there just in time to collect tickets and we saw Brenna Harding from Puberty Blues! Only Tanya was really excited. Anyway, us three were the youngest in the audience.

The downstairs theatre was sooo small omg sat in the front row which was literally on the stage. We had to step over the boys on the floor who were sleeping by starting the show. That's how close it was.

IT WAS BRILLIANT. And the boys were so beautiful, Leon's skin was so perfect djdbsukddhisldukskshdjdhsjsh and the woman from DOAS was Medea and her performance was quite chilling. Otherwise it was so enjoyable to watch them act as children. I got hit by a Nerf bullet though LOL. And the end was quite confronting when Medea kills the kids and is just wailing till the lights dim. It was fantastic, I loved the intimacy, makes the play so much more effective.

Tanya worked up the nerve to go to Brenna and we got a photo! And then we tried to get a photo with Beautiful Boy but he left so we got one with Jasper instead who is so adorable.

Sigh good to be home. Bride Wars was on. That movie still hypes me up about weddings.

Sleep soon. Definitely going back to the theatre, the 2013 season sounds so good VERY EXCITED!

12:01 AM


Sigh, was hoping on finishing at least one related text tonight but probably not even that. Omg, you'd think a John Proctor would be easy to find because the world is so fucking full of them BUT THERE ARE NONE. Everything I have is crossing boundaries lskjdlshflsjsa unfair.

Normos got on my 632 this morning. Hell to the fucking NO. If they dare disrupt the peace of that bus omg I am going to report them because I am so fucking sick of juniors. Because mornings are not miserable enough.
Maths first sigh. At least I've mostly kept up to date with hw. It's the only thing that I can do. Besides English, I disregard every other subject.
Chem was soooo frustrating omg. Molar heat of combustion. That was the worst in matrix, with people like Steven and Jason finishing the question before I've read it and omg RELIVED IT AGAIN TODAY I HATE FUCKING MCAT.
Ext 2 free, which was relatively productive, until Katie, Ravie and I started talking about revolting fan fiction. Omg, Hermione and the sorting hate. Forever ruined. And Drayton actually came in to check on some people.
MENTOR. Anika brought macarons, bless her. And it was Motherwell's first macaron! Deprived woman. Just went around the circle, talking about ourselves. An ant bit me :( JGASM.
Almost finished Crucible. Why do people insist on pausing SO OVERTLY AT COMMAS DAMMIT, IT'S NOT HOW YOU TALK IN REAL LIFE.

Really done nothing when I got home except contemplate how English is taking over life again. So many books to read, it's ridiculous.

Oh I remember yesterday or Tuesday, Tanya and I were talking about our major works and I was like, you gonna write about sodomy again? And she literally yells THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH SODOMY just when Lane walks by. Nehehehe.

Weather sucks.

I really do nothing at home. This related text is shit.


10:45 PM

Wednesday, November 7, 2012
I won't fall that way

So unproductive. Hate myself.

Monday: it was hot
Ext first with a crazy amount of note taking and just omg, we're so pressed for time AND THERE IS SO MUCH TO COVER DAMMIT hadn't even gotten through 10 minutes of the film before we had 3-4 pages of notes.
Two police or whatever came in for legal, which was slightly more bearable than Karnups but it was still so difficult to keep my eyes open.
Maths is gross. But it's probably the only subject I'll pass. Suicide if I don't manage an A. It's just fucking algebra for Christ's sake.
Chem which was supposed to be fun but Gina forgot to bring food for Munchalicious Monday, little bitch. So the lesson sucked as per usual.

Tuesday: it was even hotter
Legal first sob. I am waiting in anticipation for next year's time table to change so I finally get some fucking late arrivals thus SLEEP IN OMG.
Maths. K gonna count the number of times something drops because of White LOL. Then we were laughing about how her polynomial or whatever looked like boobs/nipples.
Eco AND WE GOT OUR BEAUTIFUL TEXTBOOKS though I do think the colour scheme of the Prelim one was nice but oh well. Can't wait to ruin it. Just spent the period getting fucked in the head with graphs. Why.
Left early and missed seeing a girl with really really really big breasts that were falling out of her shirt, according to Carla.

Omg, I poison every Apple product I touch. Successfully backed-up and synced my phone after finding the right iTunes and then my phone crashes while installing new software and I can't unfreeze it with a broken lock button.

Cannot even describe how disgustingly sticky the day was omg I still feel sticky. Need to shower.
Today was also the second day of high school where I didn't have a phone.
Eco first. Breaking news of Jina and Daniel. Boring lesson. Oh wait, realised how badly we'd fail multiple choice LOOOL. Then I was thinking that omg, Jina actually did eco for like, a fortnight.
Free/mentor with Green and we're slowly progressing, so these sessions are actually very good. Just need to read about fifty books.
English adv in the jap room LOL Palgan just paraded in through the material over door saying KONNICHIWA and realised we weren't the jap class hehehehe. I thought silently reading Act 3 was frustrating. Even worse come to life.
Double english in 305. Old times, quote Marshall. Really, why must he wear red? Doesn't he know that dark colours are slimming? Anyway, missed a page of notes to try on stupid jerseys and I had to get 18 which is huge for my sleeves, just so I can wear a jumper under it TT

Got my new phone from a really nice service guy who has a very androgynous face. And all the restoration was successful WIN.

Did no work except read eco and I didn't understand anything. ANYTHING.

So I will sleep.

11:55 PM

Sunday, November 4, 2012

500 words of feature article down. Another 500 to go. And I've really run out of things to say, and what I have already isn't even relatable to belonging.

It was so cold. Spring is really annoying. Anyway, had morning class with Dr Green and we sort of got my idea started but she didn't let me talk :( And the idea is too close to my independent, but there's nothing else I really want to do.
Bleh, maths. Can't do the homework, just don't understand.
I hate Nayomi, this little bitch. Dropped legal and UGH I HATE HER. And Tish is probably going to drop too. Fuck all. Going to see Hatton tomorrow and see what I should do. Even if it means personal humiliation by revealing my report marks.
Free for extension 2 supposedly, but all I did was reading an essay. One essay.
Formal meeting at lunch. Maybe it's too early to feel excited. Considering HSC is probably going to ruin our bodies and then oh look, formal is right after it finishes.
NOM NOM Fun Food Friday whee we brought pizza and spring rolls and samosas (kudos Anika's mum). But we got totally ripped off. Oh and it was really funny when Hindmarsh was complaining about how shit the society food day was cause he didn't get any wafers and that wafers were pretty pathetic and then he asked Annie if he was right and she was like 'oh, I brought the wafers' LOOL.

WHOO Death of a Salesman. We spontaneously bought tickets on Thursday night. Except it wasn't at Belvoir, it was at Theatre Royal and it was significantly bigger than Belvoir so it was hard to hear since we were at the back. It was good, but a lot different to the one we saw. Changed two actors, made it American context and REQUIEM BUT FUCK LINDA FAT BITCH RUINED ALL.

OMG FINALE IS OUT. Such a stupid name, so I forced my mum to take me to Towers so I could buy it, thus resulting in my whole day spent reading. Sob, it was so stupid SO SO RANDOM and there weren't even Patch/Nora moments to make up for the fact that it was essentially shit. THERE ISN'T EVEN A SEX SCENE. Dissatisfied customer.

Then Marley and Me was on and I felt like crying so I watched it. And cradled my dog while Marley died :'(

So much work that needs to be done today.
I also need to watch Vampire Diaries.
And read.
And read my related texts.
And start assessments.

My mum is cutely obsessed with gardening. I guess the old age myth is true. That'll probably be me in thirty years. But my dog is jealous of the plants and the attention they receive so she goes to eat them.

5:14 PM

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Should probably point out it's November. 

Where the fuck has this year gone?

11:20 PM


I am sooo bored. Cannot be fucked to do anything but maths and I finished that work in class dammit. So I will aim for an early night, ready for my meeting with Dr Green tomorrow /sigh.

Maths first with some weird British girl sub who was just annoyingly telling us to shut up in her totty accent or whatever, it was gross. OMG Tanya and Suk were probably playing with the pregnancy tests Richard etc got for her birthday and then the sub took it LOOOL don't think she realised what they were first. Then everyone was like .... WHAT IS THAT? Hilarious.
Fucking loooongest general assembly ever. Marshall is fat. FAT. I need to make that statement everyday.
Our ethanol in chem smelled just like the matrix one. Feet. Except the matrix one smelled like banana feet.
English last. I cannot stand listening to the play, some readers are just so.....

Thankfully today was not as hot as I was expecting, since the sun was hidden by the clouds. Yesterday felt hotter.

I feel so shit about ext 2, my journal is retarded, nothing in there and I've barely researched because I don't know what to fucking research omg endless dilemmas.

Getting legal assessment tomorrow. Great. Because eco is progressing really fucking well. I should stop swearing.

I'M GOING TO WORK. But I'll do the article for Monday, bless Motherwell for being too swamped in marking to care.

11:13 PM