
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
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September 2009
October 2009
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December 2009
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January 2015

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
bum bum bum bum

Ceebs eco. Ceebs English. But I will definitely start my feature article tonight. We don't even have English on Friday though, BUT I WILL BE PROMPT. Only exception was speech, but otherwise, I will hand everything in on time for Year 12.

Extension was so mind fuck lol. Watched the opening credits for Orlando, which is FIVE MINUTES MIND YOU, and wrote 3-4 pages of just, omg. We have about 4 lessons left till assessments, and I still don't know what a hypertext is...

Maths bleh. White is sooo confused or something idk, but she makes me confused cause she's just unsure of everything she says. I don't mind maths though, straightforward so far. Till we get back to trig. Trig is my nightmare. But I kind of miss doing transformation LOL. Marshall came in and sigh, officially pregnant. HE USED TO BE SO HANDSOME. Now he's just alright, if you focus only on the face when he looks up and rids himself of a double chin.

Funny when I walked into eco and thought it was empty till I saw Anika and like, jumped. She looked so insignificant with the world map backdrop. And she's never first in class. We finally got our shit for the assessment, so now we actually have to study.

CHRISTINE IS A GOD. No she's not, but her phone is. Buy one bacon deluxe GET SECOND FREEE but she didn't want it so me and Seowoo got it for ourselves. I got free fries and she got a frozen coke so it was a pretty awesome combined meal. Hungry Jack's is terrible, we're gonna be doing this every day.

Chem last, but it was an experiment so that was okay. Sigh, I miss Herschell :( I miss the big prac congregations. Now it's just four of us. CLASS IS SO LONELY. But they decided to have a food thing on Monday. And of course, Christine suggested Munchalicious Monday... /vomit

Bleh it was so hot. And then I died laughing again at Willy Bum Bum and showed Varsha and Kesh and died at them laughing, SO FUNNY.

Done no work except a measly attempt at eco.
There is hope.

10:34 PM

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sleepy. Haven't felt sleepy at this time for a while. What am I doing to my body :(

Today was a slow day. Only had a half day, technically. Missed two trains just to give Tanya her present that I now want for myself :( I must thank Leanne for introducing me to Murakami. BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TANYER. OMG Sexton that bitch caught me in the office with my sleeves rolled up and came over and freaking pulled them down for me HARSHLY and Motherwell walked by and laughed at me.

Legal first sob, and Nayomi, this bitch, is probably going to drop and I want to drop so bad. SO SO FUCKING SO BAD.
Double free /sigh. It's so pointless, I have 5 frees during second and third periods and I have two early leaves and THAT IS ALL. Did nothing of course. Renata got Tanya fb like and dislike stamps so we went about stamping people and Tanya got Jiani's forehead LOOOL. Couldn't completely wash them off my arms. I also finally started researching for ext 2.
Rushed out at lunch to check in at Hungry Jack's LOL privileges are bad.
Got my short story back in English and felt like crying. Shall now revert to my usual detached depressive writing. Got through a good deal of Crucible, sooo many notes. Anika was Proctor and was doing pretty well till this intense paragraph came and she was doing SO WELL till she accidentally repeated a line HAHAHAHA. It was bound to happen.

Should have gone to Tanya's birthday dinner.

Omg we were buying online lotto tickets for the $70m one but fuck, server crashed and we lost the numbers we painstakingly chose by random LOL. They could totally just rig the game somehow so there's no winner and they keep 70 million plus allllll the ticket prices that everybody bought with high hopes. Bastards.

Cycled for the first time since yearlies and died lol.

Just read this poem in the Showcase and I just enjoyed it so much, HOW CAN POETRY SEEM SO EFFORTLESS IT'S SO FUCKING HARD OMG.

God I need to start my feature article. What is a feature article TT

11:57 PM

Monday, October 29, 2012

Planning to sleep after I finish this post, just cause there's no homework due tomorrow. Though I still have plenty to do, just chucked full of ceebs. Especially English. Just, ugh. Stayed up till 1am finishing that bloody speech.

So today was the first day of week 4 and I am failing to understand where the frack these last three weeks just disappeared to. I mean, this is the last Term 4 we're ever going to have. Going to go to bed and cry.

Chem first is always bleh. Seriously, I counted. If I dropped legal/chem/eco, I would've gotten three early/late privileges for EACH SUBJECT. Just because I hate legal so much, I'm seriously considering 10 units again, because looks like I'll fail it either way so why waste more time on it?

Wrote approximately 4 pages of notes for The Crucible today. Hand is pretty tired, this'll take some readjusting again.

Legal sob sob sob sob sob sob sob drown.

Left for Westfield to celebrate Anorah's birthday with some Thai food and a huge piece of cake that no one ate cause we lost track of time and everyone had to run back for last period while Tanya and I had a free. Mr Re confronted us at the traffic lights lol awks. And Tanya made me miss my train cause she was printing Spanish and then I ended up taking the bus with 50 fucking Cherrybrook dicks.

I finished The Crucible today. Just felt like internally exploding because the characters are such fucking stupid omg just can't. But I can definitely reread it, so much easier than Death of a Salesman.

Now I'm just so lazy and I can't do this feature article or ext 1 or ext 2 or related texts WHY DO I DO SO MUCH ENGLISH? Also need to start that eco assessment and far out, Karnups still hasn't given us the legal one.

Bed time.

10:33 PM

Sunday, October 28, 2012

I realise that since I always post around midnight, the post appears to be for the day after the intended one. Thus, I shall start from Thursday.

Morning class /sigh. We watched two films which I thought were shit. I cannot stand fucking depressive art that no one can understand. Even her reflection was shit. All film is shit.

Maths first whyyyyy idek went over so much homework shit and this chapter is just so stupid, I'm so glad I dropped extension CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH /praying.

Chem just comes and go, women talking of Michelangelo. Sigh, I wish I could use Prufrock as my related.
Christine thought that condoms were made from nylon and stockings were made from latex LOOOL.

Most likely an unproductive free with Tanya. I'm sure we disturb the whole library cause Tanya's voice is very loud. Found the 2010 Showcase :)

English last and we finally started reading The Crucible. I can't tolerate this religious idealism, even if it's been mocked.

Went to Eastwood and got Praus with Nayomi, Tanya and Jono omnom, it was so hot so yogurt was beautiful. Then ERIC CAME WITH HIS P'S AND NEW CAR. Technically it's an ancient car, but comfortable nonetheless. And he can drive very smoothly (Y) Stayed at library with Tanya, watching willy bum bum and such and not getting much done. GETTING VERY PISSED OFF AT WITTGENSTEIN ACTUALLY, THAT GERMAN MOTHERFUCKER WITH TWO THEORIES THAT TOOK UP TWO HUNDRED WORDS.

Sigh, ready to die, running on four hours sleep for morning class. Got sorted to mentors and I got Dr Green, thank heavens. I still wish for Motherwell though :( Now I only have one morning class every fortnight whoo!

Eco first for FUN FOOD FRIDAY (awesome alliteration). Charry and Jamie brought sushi but I couldn't eat it cause there was ginger in there. Hindmarsh piled the wasabi on and his nostrils were flaring, it was so funny. Ugh, such a frustrating lesson though cause I didn't understand tariffs and quotas till Pat painstakingly spelled it out.

English where Motherwell wasn't even here which was infuriating because I could've saved hours of sleep since we handed nothing in. It was okay with Black as our sub cause she seemed to have studied the Crucible so yah. Putnam is a twat.
I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT ANIKA FELL OFF OF HER CHAIR. VERY IMPORTANT EVENT LOL. She drew pen on me and then when I was about to retaliate, she leaned back and the chair toppled back and she fell on her WILLY BUM BUM. It was so hilarious, I couldn't breathe.

Sigh for chem. At least Gamble wasted a long time showing us photos of babies and owls.

Legal last to end the week of course. THEN WE GOT REPORTS LOOOL. Honestly, I was expecting so much worse, BUT NO C's which makes me very happy. And my rank didn't die in advanced and went up for extension so I'm quite happy. And other subjects, whatever.

Got home, got into bed at 5pm and slept soundly throughout the night.

Woke up at 7am, feeling quite refreshed. I even smiled when I entered the kitchen and made myself a very healthful breakfast of three different health cereals my mum bought. Only cause they were on special.

Did NOTHING ALL DAY. NOTHING I SAY. Except read two showcase works and fall asleep on them. Then I got my love letters collection and read those again and so much time was wasted.

Bond was on though, Halle Berry is so fucking sexy omg Pierce Brosnan. Then I got about 200 words of my speech done and allowed myself to sleep.

Relatively productive day, but  I'm just past halfway through my stupid speech lol. And then I remember hw for advanced and all those Crucible questions whyyyyy. So I gave up and attempted analysing some texts for related and then I gave up cause there was nothing.

I still have no idea what to do for ext 2. So fucked, and I need to give a 300-500 word summary to Green by Friday OH MY GOD WHY.

Okay I will work now. I will sleep at midnight. Lol.

8:58 PM

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Today was what I supposedly deemed a good day because I only have eco and double English. It was a pretty shitty day though. Maybe because I got five hours sleep. How I'm still functioning, I have no idea. 

Eco first. Hindmarsh is so boring. RILEY IS A BITCH. I can't wait to get the new textbooks, Dixon is actually amazing in comparison. And I decided on Brazil for the assessment so hopefully I can get started on researching this weekend.

Bad free, panicking about finishing the belonging task and omg, didn't even finish on time. I didn't even conclude lol, just ran to English and then turns out Motherwell switched the advanced and ext lesson sigh. So we studied hypertexts today. The fuck, it's so hard, nobody understands. It's just like, hundreds of links to various passages and pictures with no order AND MAKES NO SENSE AT FUCKING ALL. 

Dance at lunch. It's so fast, I don't think I can get through a minute and still be able to keep going. I miss hip hop :(

English again last and we FINALLY borrowed our texts. Now the empty space reserved for school texts on my shelf is filled again :) Motherwell sneezed twice, so terrifying. We went through the belonging paper which was soooooooooooooooooooo hard. Idek. I wanted to start The Crucible.

Started reading the play at home and fell asleep about 40 pages in, which was still quite an achievement. Had a family KFC feast and my stomach is still protruding and it's fucking 33 degrees tomorrow why I can't reveal my stomach tomorrow.


12:00 AM

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

SIGH. Should stop promising myself to sleep early, it's not going to happen. Ever.
Last night was the best, omg. Curse Jina LOOOL omg I was literally crying at that WTF video when the guy was banging the pole with a pole attached to his crotch holy shit, and blob and ploft and do your balls hang low. Sigh, it was not a productive night.

Shitty way to start the day with legal. It's so boring, I can't take it. Rachel resorted to reading The Crucible.
Endured listening to White's all-over-the-place theory. Homework was taking me so long after school and then I realised there wasn't even maths tomorrow.
Eco was hilarious because I showed Anika the willy bum bum and WTF videos and holy, just crying in class all over again.

Did nothing at home but managed not to nap. And then I started English at 8pm lol and still doing now and IT IS SO HARD OMG would've started crying if we got something like this for HSC. Legit, getting 6 marks like half yearly. Which reminds me that we get our reports this week...

Watched more FAIL videos with Zack LOL so easily amused. Wasted half an hour on three videos. Explaining why I am still awake.

Last night, I pissed myself in the bathroom, imagining that slenderman was going to creep up on me.

11:47 PM

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sigh, going to sleep before midnight tonight. IT WILL HAPPEN. I've only slept two days before midnight. It's already the third week of Year 12. And today was so bloody cold. Anika and I went against conformity and wore our uniforms (Y)

English ext to start the week and we finished watching Orlando. Biggest mindfuck lol. Her transformation was awkward. Idk, excited to start analysing and understanding the story. SO MUCH INTERTEXTUALITY it was killing me. I only identified two things.

Legal second sob, but Motherwell was a sub and it took a lot of energy to not fall asleep on the sheets omg. Matrix ATAR calculator says I need to do best in legal to get my 97 TT

Maths was hideous omg, Kolhagen kind of sucks so I'm gonna ask Marshall about all we've done so far. Theory is so messed up dammit. I MISS MARSHALL OMG.

Chem last, sigh. Got Gamble back. But we missed five minutes of class, eating instant noodles that we bought as soon as the bell rang. Sigh, Lane always seems to catch me doing weird stuff. Like eating noodles instead of attending class.

I got home and was diligently doing maths for an hour till I dropped asleep for about half an hour. Sigh, been skyping with a bunch of us, listening to them get butt-raped by Slenderman LOOOL and then laughing with Christine and Zack about FAIL videos. Very productive night indeed. OMG cannot do extension, this booklet is the biggest bitch AND BIGGEST MIND FUCK FUCK FUCK ALLLL. And then I have the belonging paper due on Wednesday which I haven't started and speech OMG.

Year 12 is bum-arse.

Jokes, crying on Youtube with Jina and Christine, at willy bum bum and the menstruation animation.

11:42 PM


The weekend passes so quickly. I only did maths on Saturday before giving the fuck up on all work because it's just unable to be done until last minute, as per usual. Watched Bond instead last night, because it was Pierce Brosnan mmm 8) And then some random French film till about 3am, which explains why I woke up at nearly midday today.

Wasted a good couple of hours reading Vampire Academy and then Wuthering Heights. Sob, reminiscent for Year 10. Otherwise, I have spent all day on English, and only got properly started on a short story idea at 8pm. And I will finish within the next ten minutes. And then do legal. Omg. So tired.

And fuck mufti, rocking up in school uniform with Anika. Unless she changes her mind, in which case, I will slap the Jesus out of her, as she already knows.

12:01 AM

Saturday, October 20, 2012

1. Can't believe that even you can make me feel insecure. But then again, I guess everything has its expiry date.
2. I'm constantly afraid that one day, out of everybody, it'll be me. And when it is, I don't know how I will be able to handle that.
3. I hate the way you make me feel about you, and then I feel bad about it all over again, all the time. You make me wonder how I can be such an awful friend.
4. I don't know what to think of you.
5. You really are pathetic. What even happened? Shut up, don't pull everyone down with you.
6. You disgust me.

6:21 PM

Friday, October 19, 2012

Also, first time I'm sleeping before midnight since the term started.

Patting myself on the back.

11:54 PM

mais rien

Already broke my word of posting every single day of Year

Sob, morning class. But now I have Zack as my suffering buddy to accompany me. It was an alright lesson though because Dr Greene is interesting and I'd be seriously considering doing a critical analysis but it's so much more work in terms of research and I don't have anything interesting enough that's worth analyzing.

Maths first why. Elaine moved next to me lol. We were not meant for this. Kolhagen's theory was considerably better than White's. Got our tests back and I got 70%! Pretty satisfied, all circumstances considered.
Sigh then it was house meeting which was stupid, voting for captains, BUT WE'LL FINALLY ESCAPE THE TORMENT OF SCOTT. Can't wait for Rainbow House.

Last chem lesson with Sztajer. So upsetting. We finally did polymers and I'm so confused, curse matrix. Even with accelerated, I don't understand how passing is possible with Gamble.

Eco omg, Anika wasn't even here and it was horrible. Riley needs to fucking die, who, in their right mind, would publish his piece of crap? No one understands our temporary textbook dammit THIS IS THE FOUNDATION FOR HSC.

Mentoring! Little awks cause no one was talking and I didn't want to talk too much. I'll hunt Motherwell down some other time to talk about 4u. She bought us huge delicious cupcakes :)

English, where Jess and I presented the worst group work ever, because our text had no fucking techniques and we were stopped on every technique-less point to impromptu one. Humiliating.

Fuck bus, it came at nearly 4:30 and I got home at nearly 5.
Then I slept at 6pm, with the intention of waking up to do work later but I ignored my alarm and hung up on Anika and slept.

And we move to Friday when I woke up at 5:30 from my beautiful 11-hour sleep :') So I was feeling partially rejuvenated for morning class till Foster started talking and I wanted to cry.

Maths first AGAIN WHY. But it was a work lesson. Not that we could do much, god I'm so slow at maths. Oh yeah, had Sztajer again and apparently she does maths tutoring for $90/hr. I may take her up on that.

Legal in the computer room, researching crime in the Hills which obviously did not occur frequently. Now we got to hand a response in on Monday. Because I don't have enough work this weekend.

Free with Ravie, attempting to finish maths and failing miserably. Forgot differentiation ha. It was all I could do in the stupid yearly.

Fun Food Friday in eco! How dare society and Jap steal our tradition. Elaine and Annie  made chocolate crackles and caramel popcorn mm but so much caramel in my teeth. Generally boring lesson. Got our first official assessment notification for Year 12.
The joy. Minus ext 2.

LOL omg just messed with my Facebomb app on the bus with Carla, disturbing everybody with our hysterics. Since arriving home, all I have done is read and I'm halfway through Lolita. Good to finally progress with a book.

AlsoYoga'd for the first time in months so that felt good, though I'll be sore tomorrow. Lots of work to do. Gotta make a schedule. GOODNIGHT.

11:46 PM

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
The road is long

Summer paid an overdue visit, not sure I wholly appreciated it though. So unaccustomed to the heat omg.

Bus was sooo late, and so disgustingly humid, I couldn't even fall asleep properly. And then the train was delayed so a whole bunch of us missed roll call.

Legal is unbearable. End of story.
Whoo, two consecutive frees. Spent all of second period working on English groupwork omg, ended up going on to three pages. Then for third, Tanya didn't want to visit our old maths class so we just lurked on the balcony/verandah, eating lobster crackers. Jiani thought the packaging looked like strawberry crackers LOL. Yeah, idk, stood staring at 305 but nobody noticed us. Then I interrogated Drayton about 4u, and I swear my face does not always look as stressed out as everyone says it does.
Feasted on Herschell's birthday meal from Christine and Jina, pad thai 8)
We didn't even get up to our groupwork in English, far out. Wasted that period when Tanya and I realised we should've gone to Yogurberry or something because it was so bloody hot.

Empty M60, bless that. Then I napped for 3 hours when I got home, which was awesome because it was the perfect temperature in my room. X-Factor was on and my parents tried to Gangnam Style omg, so funny. Apparently, even my grandma knows it because they made it an exercise to learn during zumba at the gym. What is happening...

So out of whack with maths, since we've barely had hw and I probably wouldn't do it anyway. Sort of miss having maths everyday.

My mum thought it'd be impossible for me to sleep after the nap. Severely mistaken, I'm ready to pass out whenever I finish this god forsaken challenge, fuck me.


12:09 AM

Monday, October 15, 2012
Maybe tomorrow, indeed

Quick post before I sleep by midnight. Or post by midnight at least.

Wow, could not even remember if it was a Monday or not, I'm so out of it.
Chem first was just, omg. Spent the whole lesson going over six questions. And then we made models of hydrocarbons and just laughed a lot actually. Sob, what to do when Sztajer leaves. Even I feel too dog to go and complain about Gamble.

English was funny. Anika totally misinterpreted a stimulus text, thinking the characters were Aboriginal when they had blue eyes. Idk, probably middle-east Turkish or something idk. Noob. Oh our mentor group decided on Thursday lunches for sessions so we have English fourth period in both Week A and B YAY excited. We're going to bake mmm.

HSC legal is even worse than prelim. I was happier learning about the stupid structures of court but oh my goodness, I cannot take crime. It is so boring. I feel bad for Karnups, why is he so dull :(

Learned a bit of choreo in my free with Romi and then sat around with Neda, waiting for school to end. Thankfully got on an M60 that was air conditioned because it got so warm later in the day. Tomorrow is going to be very uncomfortably hot.

I managed some English. As much as I could with Christine and Zack in my ears. But I need sleep, so I'll do it tomorrow. Seriously, I have frees in periods 2 and 3. I don't understand my luck.

God damn it, biggest headache.


11:57 PM

Everybody hurts

Delaying the inevitable onslaught of work to do as soon as I publish this. And I delayed this post after liking photos of Christine on fb for an hour. Good job, Genevieve.

So yesterday was a super good day. Jess' yum cha! Except I couldn't wake up until I had to leave in an hour so I rushed showered and impromptu'd an outfit. But then Carla and I missed the bus anyway. Anika and Jess were at Penno and Tanya just made the train :) But then we had to run up the stairs at Epping, IN MY LITAS and yeah, we waited five minutes for the train instead TT

Walked through Central with Nayomi, ignoring the MILF comments from behind us LOL. At least I look 20, Nayomi looked 40 nehehe. Trekked it to Chinatown and we lined up for some Emperor Puffs which were delicious. And then we walked to Market City and Nayomi almost got run over by the tram things. I bought two books for $12 wheee love those sales.

Reject Table: Anika, Carla, Elaine, Jina, Michelle, Sylvia, Tanya and I. It was pretty awesome though. Ordered soooo much food and I was ready to explode by the end of it. Dessert was beautiful. Mango pancakes and some delicious sago coconut watermelon idk but I'm coming for more soon. Fuck. And then our table spent $240 sigh. We were aiming for under $200. Wearing jeans was a bad idea.

Took lots of photos but forgot a group photo! Then a few of us got 1L Meet Fresh milk teas! Worst idea ever. Halfway during the bus trip, all that liquid just like, invaded my bladder and it was the worst 25 minutes from then. I couldn't even run to the bathroom in Towers, kudos to my shoes. Then I did no work for the rest of the night and admired Hugh Jackman in X-men.

I actually attempted work today. Spent three hours finishing economics questions which was such a pain because Hindmarsh was too lazy to go over the theory and I couldn't understand it on my own. Therefore, as revenge, Anika and I are going to draw on his beloved world map. Opened chem and gave up instantaneously. School teaches it so differently to Matrix, I'm basically re-learning again.

My sister put TVD reruns omg, wasted three hours there. Everything is just so messed up now that it was nice to revisit the old relatively un-complicated plots in the first two seasons. When Alaric and Jenna and John were alive :(

Guh okay wasted enough time. I shall attempt some English now.

12:17 AM

Saturday, October 13, 2012
Accept loss forever

First week of Year 12 is already over. It started off so slowly, but it ended amazingly quick. This is what Year 12 is going to be like. Finished before we know it. Oh my god.

Anyway, woke up at 5:30 again, curse English. But it was a really good lesson with Greene and internet resources and all, so whether or not I continue ext 2, it'll help with every other subject in terms of research (Y)

Eco first was a nightmare, Hindmarsh was even lazier than we were and now we have homework. And Anika slept in. Bitch. Oh and it was Year 5 open day and Hindmarsh was like, they're checking me out.
Found Motherwell and apparently she had no idea who she was mentoring and neither did Drayton so I'm really curious on how the allocation worked out. Either way, bless Mr Lane.

English group work which I need to do over the weekend, on top of work from every other subject. Our stimulus is so stupid, it so overtly reflects belonging that there's nothing left to say except just read the fucking text yourself. No further analysis required. And then at the end, we had a mentor group hug 8) Motherwell, Anika, Jess, Sarah and I WHEEEEE it's going to be so much fun, I can't wait to get our meetings organised.

Chemistry proved the work at matrix to be sort of pointless in that I don't remember much, nor understand much and we're taught so differently here. Just rote learning whereas at matrix, we went into much more detail with the theory before jumping straight into things. And we're just going all over the place, idk. Sob when Gamble comes back. Sztajer is our only hope.

Struggling to stay awake in legal. I feel so bad for Karnups. He tripped in the hallway today walking on his own. Immediately imagined the sort of bullying he must've endured.

OMG VAMPIRE DIARIES. Don't even know how long it's been since the last season finished but season 4 sucks dick. Don't understand anything and nothing points to a good ending where everyone is satisfied but omg Stefan STEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAN is back 8)

Sigh, probably would've done work but then I started watching Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging and then Tanya called and I've been facebook stalking for hours so I should sleep now and be awake for Jess' lunch tomorrow.

Good morning.

12:40 AM

Thursday, October 11, 2012

In a state of incomprehensible joy.

Sigh, slept at nearly 1am, kudos Tanya. And woke up at 5:30. Horrific. And the bus was just bleh, but saw some poor normos with morning class as well. I can empathise with Brandon now. Ended up being the first one to arrive at school. GLORIA JEANS WAS NOT OPEN. There were nearly 20 people doing ext 2, pretty surprising. Still on the fence about doing it, because they want ideas in the next fortnight. I have absolutely nothing.

Sob, maths first and we had a geometry test which was pretty bad. Kolhagen won't believe I came from 3u. So embarrassing. Really miss the 3u class.

Chem second and we did the bromine water prac and holy shit, idek what we inhaled but it was really fucking toxic. So horrible bleh.
OMG went to Lane about my mentor because apparently someone saw me on the list of people without a mentor but then he said that I got picked today by Motherwell :') But now I feel bad for Sandra because we were woe-ing together yesterday and now she has Davidson. Anyway, that called for a joyous free that I did nothing in. This lady came to take photos of us pretending to be studious. Then Jiani, Tanya and I just had a good chat in the teacher reading room. Sob, and 4u maths people stop having frees with us.
I still think Lane is attractive.

English last. Amusement as usual, talking about fashion conformity in Italy LOL. Belonging is pretty annoying, and there are no other ways to say it like there were synonyms for crossing boundaries and all. This reflection is a bitch to write.

Stayed after school a bit with Tanya and Suk, and got some Takoyaki mm. But then at normo, these Loreto girls across the platform laughed at us while we were eating LOOOOL. Probably because we were staring while eating. Rather unattractively as well.

Got home and zumba'd and then I put my yogurt mask on and then I fell asleep with the yogurt mask on. It was so hard when I woke up, could not move my facial muscles.

Alison, bless her, got the email for mentors and omg, confirmed Motherwell officially /sob SO HAPPY. It's so awesome, just Anika, Jess, Sarah and I WHEEEEEEEEEE cannot wait to start the sessions ASAP. Going to tackle her with a hug tomorrow. If I get my reflection done. Refuse to sleep later than midnight. Morning class again tomorrow. Fuck all.

End of the week tomorrow. At last.

10:20 PM


Should be sleeping, since I have to wake at 5:30am tomorrow lol. Whatever. Tanya will suffer with me tomorrow (Y)

Economics first, seriously so boring sob. Only saviour is that map. I do not understand why Hindmarsh picks people to read and why he picks the WORST readers to read far out. This is why we fail eco. Oh but I actually did homework. So proud of myself. And found my maths textbook.

Free! No maths, which half sucks because I miss my class, but it's so much more peaceful without my English class. Except I spent the whole hour doing a stupid glossary for eco which is shit but whatever. And I found a collection of short stories I might consider for related texts.

English, so good to have Motherwell back. Spent the whole lesson going over modules though, and omg have one thing due every week, just like with crossing boundaries. Except much harder. And FOUR RELATED TEXTS OMG.

Double English wheee. Today only consists of eco and English (Y) I love this module so much, textual dynamics is so philosophical and interesting, except I still don't actually understand what it entails yet. And there's another two related texts for Orlando. That's six for the whole term of English.

Napped once again. Need to start avoiding my bed.

Pretty proud of myself. Did eco homework, attempted my boundaries reflection, and did some maths homework.

Conversing with Tanya for nearly three hours. How do I wake up tomorrow...

12:16 AM

Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Memory is the seamstress

Have done no work today lol am hopeless fuck.

Legal is truly the biggest killer to start a day. Hate the subject so much, getting maths ext back and dropping this is sounding good. As long as Nayomi doesn't drop, we can just complain every lesson. Motherwell is back :) omg but she asked me about my English exams lol so shameful I didn't tell her so she said she'd go check herself.

Moved to the 2u maths class which I was quite sad about. At least I still have Ravie to turn back to (Y) PLUS I don't have maths everyday! Still only get 6 frees though from both ext subjects. Lesson was bs, struggling through geometry lol even that class is too good for me.

Hindmarsh, or his wife rather, put up the huge world map wallpaper thing. So distracting. When he bores me, we'll just turn and find funny names on the map like Ougadoogau in Africa or something LOL. Boring lesson, had no idea what happened and I miss Carla's presence. Now it's just Pat being studious and Anika and I bombing out. Think Hindmarsh gained some weight too.

No more building strength! And omg bumped into Motherwell again and fuck, she really did go check my marks. Such shame LOOOOL. And she's definitely not taking 4u which is so discouraging for me, because at this rate, I'll be stuck with Foster or Winch over Drayton. Reminding me that apparently, I have to get to school at 7:30 for the next four Thursdays for ext 2, meaning Abi and I must catch a bus at 6:30. The joy...

Have done nothing at home but read a bit more of Orlando. Yay English tomorrow. I think double actually TT And there are two new people in my class sigh.

Since I left my maths book at school, I'll have to study more English. Probably eco, because it made zero sense today.


10:12 PM

Monday, October 8, 2012

Cue: first day of Year 12.

And I didn't even take a picture.

Fuck waking up was such a nightmare, probably because I slept at 2am LOL. Brandon posted that disgusting face bomb thing on my fb and Christine and I had a good fit of hysterics. It was disgusting. Then omg juniors got on my peaceful-no-more 632 cry but then Aparna got on so our noises overpowered them :)

I was so psyched for English first and Motherwell's Italian adventures but we had a sub. Biggest disappointment. And we got this crazy thick booklet on textual dynamics. Have to read another twenty pages for Wednesday sigh. It's good though, I'm excited.

Legal sucked. Got results. Failed hard. And it was the one subject I was counting on. Suck dick Karnups, far out.

MATHS OMG MARSHALL NOOOOOOOO HE IS SO FAT I CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE IT. Just burst out laughing with Nayomi when we saw him. He looks pregnant LOL Ravie was like.... Gen have you seen Junior? Djsisvzjsksn so hilarious I was thinking the exact same thing. Anyway, boring lesson. Nayomi thought an 11-sided polygon was called a unigon, and I didn't stop laughing for ten minutes. It's a undecagon, close enough (Y) Think that was my last lesson in that class, gonna drop tomorrow whee.

Chem last was okay cause we had Sztajer and Michelle migrated to our row. Since the beginning of the year till now, about 7 people have dropped from our class. I wonder why TT well hopefully Sztajer teaches enough and well for the next fortnight before Gamble returns.

Got home and zumba'd. Determined to get fit. But then right after, I fell asleep for not two hours so I've been groggy the whole night. Sleeping by midnight (Y) Also attempting Orlando, even though I'm already in the middle of two other books but yeah, head start is necessary. Aiming to finish a quarter tonight.


11:04 PM

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mildly hyperventilating. It's all good.

Omg don't know why I don't blog anymore GOING TO REGRET IT SO MUCH. And I promise myself, as a not-technically-new-year resolution that I will blog every day about every little insignificant detail of Year 12 because I know I will cry at the end if I have nothing to read back on.

Anyway, let's go to Friday which was the last day of Matrix! Which saddened me considerably. It was also our topic test LOOOL which was actually really fucking hard, but Louise, bless her, basically told us half the answers and in the end, when Anika and I totally gave up on the last radiation decay question, she just recited out the answers to us so we could leave (Y) Hopefully I shall see her again next holidays!

Got $10 worth of Yogurberry (it finally opened!) for $5 whoo but it literally killed my stomach that night. Or froze it.

OMG BOUGHT MARK OF ATHENA RKBDKEBDJS SJEVDKSVDKSNOSNDKSK and then I spent all of Friday night and the whole of Saturday finishing it.
Curse Rick Riordan.

Stayed up till 3 on the phone with Christine and on YouTube. Idk why I do this to myself.

Bought my books today. So expensive TT could have saved three dollars if it were bought during the New Year sale. Went down to my garage and I love how I always discover some book of my parents. Like last time, found like seven little classics and then today, I found Poe and Yeats which also reminds me that I bought Dostoevsky and Tolstoy for only $6 each 8)

Sigh trying to clean my wardrobe and room, since my clothes are scattered around the room.

PANICKING HARD FOR TOMORROW. It really was not hitting me till everyone else started freaking out. But omg, there's a year left and I need to make a countdown holy fuck crying. Nah, Facetiming with Christine, I'll cry when I go to bed.

HOLY FORGOT TO MENTION. SAW JAKE. OR A GUY THAT LOOKS JUST LIKE HIM BUT SKINNIER. Parked next to him and I nearly fainted when I saw, and his legs got skinnier if that was even possible. Features looked a little bit different, so I'll just call him Jake no.2. He has a brother, who's not as attractive as him. Omg my good luck charm.

Anyway, my only upside for tomorrow is extension English first YAY. Hopefully start the term off with Orlando.

I shall sleep by 1am.

11:31 PM

Thursday, October 4, 2012
Nice rack

GOOD DAY TODAY. I like Wednesdays.

My eyes were actually hideous when I woke up, black rings and all. Anyway Christine, this idiot, left the bag that contained half my life at her place so I had to get to stra early, get to Rhodes, RUN to her place, get that god forsaken bag, and RUN back to the station in a few minutes. On my period. But it succeeded (Y) Couldn't find Anika and Jina at stra though so I start in class, eating by myself.

Guh frustrating lesson since I missed half of yesterday's lesson and it was the introduction on a new concept which they continued today and I have no clue what I listened to. Fucking hate redox, never understood it. Got some Yogohouse in the break and it tastes like shit. The constancy was sort of flour-y. It was actually super hot outside.

Started nuclear which is pretty simple so far, thank god. Omg I said something and Aashish thought I was Anika and then he's like, oh sorry JENNIFER. Lol yes, take Louise's advice and dig yourself deeper mate /shoveling motions. So offensive.

Anika got a card for Christine which was like a cartoon of birth and saying this is the day where someone saw you naked and laughed hehe. Except she couldn't sign it cause Jina, David and I had to catch the train so we scribed what she told us to write LOL. And then I drew a penis on the baby. Apparently it went unnoticed till Jina pointed it out LOOOL. Artist right there.

Got to Town Hall and trekked it down with my ten-kilo bag and then claimed my spot at Hurricane. It was so good seeing friends again, I'm excited for school for that reason. There were exactly twenty of us :) Nehehe Richard and Eric looked so hungover, I almost pitied them.

Christine and I shared a rack of pork ribs with salad LOL. Salad was pointless. The rack was beautiful omg. But surprisingly filling, since we each had about six ribs and there was less meat than a steak, I'm estimating, but we ate so many chips so we died. Everyone was using their knife and fork! Only Audrey, Seowoo, Christine and I were being uncivilized/normal with our hands Oh my god took like, fifteen minutes to figure out deposits and the bill and bleh.

Went to Extreme Gelato N2 and holy, it's so cool! Everytime they poured the liquid nitrogen, it would like, seep over the counter and you could touch it. Got white rabbit candy ice cream, pretty good. Except it melted really quickly, but it was really creamy (Y)

Trekked it to Town Hall with Audrey and Zack after a Hungry Jack's run and got on our bus. Awkward couple being rather intimate with each other sitting across us on the sideways seats. The photos on Zack's camera are atrocity. Brandon took photos of shoes and feet.

Can't be bothered to do my chem hw, think I shall sleep now. Such a good day. I love my friends.

12:25 AM

Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Baulko semi

On the train back from Baulko semi and I feel like dying. As is the norm.

And that sentence was all I posted last night. So now to continue.

Horrible mistake to sleep at 3am after skyping with Michelle and Christine. Fuck, matrix hw took such a ridiculously long time, and the rest was spent panicking and preparing for Baulko. It seems that George P also decided to visit Leanne on Monday. Got to parra super early to buy Christine a cake that we forgot to eat later omg crying. So I also got to stra super early with a really fucking heavy bag and wearing my stupid trench. We finally had a relatively normal lunch of Oporto (Y)

Sigh, gonna miss Matrix. How can you degrade from Louise to Gamble? It can't be tolerated. All taunted Steven about the bulldogs losing hehe. I like our class too. Except for maybe Basil LOL but he hates Anika so that's pretty funny.

Left during the break and went to Christine's and Tanya was already there and got to work on our faces. Eric and Brandon came and were essentially being useless. So paranoid about leaving things behind, my clutch was so full and bulky.

Found Carla at the station and trained it to Town Hall and then /sob trekked it down to fucking Cockle Bay which killed my feet. And I thought I was doing okay in those litas but nup, that downhill equals death. Ditto with the trek to Aquarium Wharf.

So awks when we got there and even more so when even more Baulkos swarmed in. Oh my goodness, the security was so tight that they were patting everyone down. JOKES that is the biggest understatement. They searched our bags and it was very embarrassing to show my pad stash. Then he literally grabbed my ass and boobs. Disgusting. And if Richard kept his cigs in his pants, they'd have found it LOL.

Food was satisfactory. Much better than Hornsby. Explored the ship since music was shit. Idk probably eventually started dancing and overall, music and dance was heaps better here. The boat rocked so much that it covered up the fact that I was tripping from tiredness and continuously stepping to keep my balance (Y) And it was carpeted so it was less impacting on the feet.

Idk it ended on a shitty song and they didn't even play Low which is essentially the ultimate party song. Took my shoes off and I felt like dying. Took so long to hobble over to Maccas and again to Town Hall and fuck, the train terminated at Strathfield so Carla and I had to take the bus to Epping and then my parents had to pick us up at 12:30 and we got home at 1am lol. Horrible, my remover was at Christine's so I looked like a raccoon.

New post for today :)

10:42 PM

Monday, October 1, 2012

Today, within an hour of each other, George P decided to visit Christine and I. This bastard.

4:08 PM

I'll come back to you

Only blogging to join Jess and Michelle BUT MICHELLE I DON'T LIKE MOONCAKES EITHER. Pretty sure it's cause my mother is a crappy Asian and doesn't find tasty ones. But last night, they were okay (Y)

I feel so gross cause I woke up half an hour ago. Which is the latest it's been these holidays, Jesus, life's crap. Sob and to avoid spending more time reading, I'm going to grab my matrix books and go down and do my work while drinking tea. THEN I'll attempt looking at chapter 1 of eco because I cannot bring myself to do maths. No. Do not want to see all that I've forgotten.

Last night I was just watching The Notebook and feeling all depressed. Only the old Noah and Allie make me cry though, nothing from their younger scenes does. And I think I fell asleep a bit on the floor with my dog after that cause my eyes were all swollen. Slept at 3 (Y)

Richard suggested beach on Friday after matrix tests but lol my body.... Highly unsuitable to be out in a bikini. I swear last time I went to the beach was the Year 10 excursion which was so much fun and probably only a year ago.

Baulko social tomorrow... Don't even know what to do about hair and jewellery. And then I have to skip half of matrix omg why. I swear, same for Wednesday because the booking is so early fuck all.


11:42 AM