Wednesday, September 26, 2012
FIRST POST IN A WEEK. Which is unusual for me, but since I've been avoiding the computer and each day requires a great deal to say, I don't think my fingers can handle that QWERTY pad anymore. So long long loooong post whee.
Friday: LAST DAY OF YEAR 11.
Maths and we watched a documentary on maths which was unnecessarily dramatic but pretty interesting. Passed food around. I'll miss that class :(
Legal and of course we watched Forensic Investigators and I hope we don't watch it again because it is ruining my life. Every man that I see is a potential threat (ABBA reference). Didn't get results back either, sigh.
Not sure what happened in the free. I think it was just Tanya, Anika and I walking around. Actually we were on the oval netball courts first and then these Year 7s came so we left and I think we just prowled around the school and Tanya took her shoes and socks off TT Sneaked into the cottage. It was pretty nice. Sigh, nostalgia and it wasn't even a week ago.
Eco last was good! Took so many disgusting photos HEHEHEHE and had brownies and chips and gummi bears and other sources of fat/sugar/carbs and casually conversed with Hindmarsh and it was a good way to end the 'year'.
Pretty sure nothing happened on
Saturday. Or Friday night.
SUNDAY: Social
It finally arrived and I still haven't decided whether it was anticlimactic or not.
Got up super early feeling super nervous and embarked on a ridiculous spring cleaning session with the family all fucking morning omg BUT I was finally able to see my floor and table :')
Anika arrived around 1pm after getting very lost and Carla a little while later and then we had so many servings of pasta salad and finally decided to start getting ready. So stressful. Room was a mess all over again. But we looked pretty good :)
Drove to Eric's and fuck those litas were fucking deadly because they hurt so much omg. And they didn't even hurt when I was walking in my yard for hours far out. Put hollywood tape on my thighs to keep the dress down. Instead, they just waxed off tiny rectangles. Hurt so much.
Rushed out of the house and train'd with Anika, Carla, Eric and Leanne and it was pretty fun except it was so hot and I was feeling so flustered. And some disgusting perverts that were probably 10 years old kept looking at us and going dayum. Disgusting.
Trekked from Town Hall to Cockle Bay and it was so painful and the downhill was so scary. Got a Starbucks and spent ages trying to fix the pain in my foot. Had four blisters and we hadn't even walked in LOOOL.
Everyone eventually arrived and looked amazing, except the guys were far too casual. Took lots of pictures and I had to be so wary of walking in the crowd because of my spikes. The venue was SO SMALL but I guess not that many people came anyway. And Good Time was playing first and I was so devastated.
Food was okay, but not nearly enough to satisfy. Started jamming and sweating and crying in my shoes and more photos and PHOTOBOOTH WAS SO FUN LOOOOL. Treasuring those slips of disgustingness. The colour group one we took was actually atrocious. Euro Guy was really hot.
Shoes eventually came off and I could dance better but the music was bad. Didn't know half the songs and it was all remixed into a mess idk. Danced in front of that beautiful fan. Anyway, a bunch of them left to go karaoke or something but enough stayed behind so it seemed to get more fun after that.
Fast forward. Went through awards and then we were basically kicked out half an hour before it was necessary. Tanya, bless her, gave me her vans which felt amazing, and I gained some arm muscle from carrying my shoes. Went to the Darling Harbour park and played on the condom swing and then had some Maccas yum. Trekked to Entertainment Centre to drop Christine off and then all the way up to Woollies where we crowded like a bunch of hooligans.
Train was fun, except I wish I slept. Finished a tub of ice cream and these white guys came up asking if we could Gangnam Style (which was fun earlier in the night). Then one of them whipped out his balls. It was disgusting, and so small, I swear they were not real. And then he mooned us.
Got to Eric's and claimed the bed. Just for memory, there was me, Anika, Carla, Jina, Leanne, Nayomi, Sylvia and Tanya. And Eric, Brandon, Philbert, Poon and Richard. Richard had to borrow my make up remover HAHA. Settled in and started playing Anika's super dirty truth or dare. I only remember I had to squeeze Sylvia's butt, and Richard humped the wall, Philbert licked Eric's belly button, everyone had to slap Tanya's ass, Carla lapdanced me, Poon and Richard kissed, Richard and Brandon mimicked a porno, and that was about it.
Idek but we stayed up till 3:30 till lights went out but holy, Sylvia started snoring and as a result, Carla, Brandon, Richard and I stayed awake till 5am. Well, Richard slept at 6am LOOL it was terrible. And then we had to wake up at 7am and omg, just, fuck. Fun though, snacked some more and did nothing and finally rushed out of the house around 8 for them to go Matrix.
Such a relief to get home and have a shower. Bus'd and train'd to Strathfield and met everyone at Saigon Bowl and omg, I missed Matrix so much and Louise! She is so cute when she smiles. Of course, first lesson was a total mind fuck and I was ready to pass out from exhaustion with Anika and Jina. Got some well-deserved Noggi after that.
This time, met everybody at a really nice Korean place, and I shared this plate of ramen, rice cake and fish cake with Christine and it was sooo nice. Met David too. Got a chatime lol I hate myself, spending so much money.
Second lesson was okay because after homework, my understanding just clicked. Mostly. So it was more enjoyable and yeah, three hours isn't horrible. Jina was drinking Pocari sweat and Louise was like D: and she's like POCARI IS AN ANIMAL, YOU'RE DRINKING ANIMAL SWEAT. But it was a joke and Anika fell for it of course. Then we told her about milk-us, which I've never heard of, and Calpis. So we bought her a Calpis in our break and she said something smart like, 'that's bull shit'. Like, cow-piss, and bull-shit...
Wednesday: TODAY
Omg this is so long.
Went to another Korean restaurant, after buying chatime and running for my train. The downer in front of me bought 10 chatimes... Anyway, by next Friday, I think we'll have gone to every single restaurant in Strathfield. Richard ate salad with chopsticks (Y)
Kind of mind fucked today, I can't remember things from the previous days. But I'm liking this course so I'll probably do it each holiday now. Considering Gamble is mentally incapable of adequately teaching this to us. But it's so exhausting. Came home and slept for three hours.
Hehe, social photos.
It's been a good week. Toodles.
8:56 PM