
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
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Sunday, September 30, 2012
Small hours

Just came back from Towers and I finally got a dress for baulko, so I'll have to return Sunny's. It's very plain, but it's got some cut out design on the chest so I like it, but I have to wear an invisible bra /sigh. At least its not body con, I have given up on my body. Also got another maxi skirt whee. They're always so expensive otherwise. Summer is so delayed.

Yesterday was a good break from matrix. Read Sense and Sensibility all day and I finally finished today and now I see the basis of characters from which all the other characters of Austen's other books were created. In a way, it's a bit unoriginal/repetitive but whatever (Y) Also watched Sunset Blvd. Men were so attractive then. Masculine with their suits and shoulders. Sigh. Wish emoji would appear on blog.

Should probably get matrix homework out of the way, considering how easy I forget information of duh subjects but fuck these holidays, I'm not even getting adequate reading time. And I haven't looked at maths or Eco. Fuck legal. Only excited for English. Oh and learning whatever Romi choreographed over the holidays. Efficiency (Y)

Oh wait, excited for Wednesday and MEAT. Jesus, spending so much money and then there's Jess' yum cha birthday later omg bye money.

I had a dream about returning to school and Ms Motherwell.

Shut the fuck up.

5:05 PM

Friday, September 28, 2012
It'll all work out

Hello. I really cannot stand this blog format. I think it's why I avoid blogging now.

Seriously so sick of finding clothes to wear everyday. How I miss uniform :(
Went back to Mojee yesterday and it killed my stomach for the rest of the day because it was so spicy. For me anyway. Bought pear ice block and Jina spent four dollars on a green tea ice cream, that noob.

Lesson was fun. We made banana beer. Now we can make furry poisonous alcohol. Idek what we learned yesterday, such a blur, all the information just blends together. Louise is so cute :')

Pointlessly went to Eastwood and got Sunny's dress which is too short for me :( But I'll resort to it if I find nothing this weekend. So unprepared for baulko.

Had a curry feast plus dessert last night and positively murdered my stomach.

So hot, died when I woke up today because upstairs is boiling and my room always happens to be the hottest. The taste of summer was nice though :) But holy it was so windy. I was so excited about my hair because it was finally a nice neat but big bun but as soon I stepped out of the car, the wind literally attacked and idek what it became.

Really hate the Western line. This presumably deaf guy went around holding a sign saying he was des and asking for money. Felt bad rejecting him. Seriously, everytime the train finally stops at strathfield, it's like coming to home and civilisation.

So indecisive about lunch, we walked around to so many different places before settling on another Korean one. I was paranoid about seats so I ran in the heat to put my bag down and then cause the left was too slow, I ran down eight flights of stairs. Ready to die. Had average udon and made it just in time for class (Y)

Steven didn't sit next to us today. Which sucked cause the lesson involved calculations which Anika and I know nothing about. And we smelt the fermented banana beer and it smelled like feet that walked on a banana. Sob I tried to get noggi in my break and after the lesson but there was always a line. So went to Penno and met Carla. Wow hadn't seen her in a long time.

Zumba was torture. So hot before starting. Then my whole family just had instant noodles for dinner and ice cream while watching Scooby Doo and the Addams Family. I love that show.

Haven't read for a few days. Reminding me that there were $7 penguins at the post office in strathfield! But michelle and I had no time to look.


11:29 PM

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

FIRST POST IN A WEEK. Which is unusual for me, but since I've been avoiding the computer and each day requires a great deal to say, I don't think my fingers can handle that QWERTY pad anymore. So long long loooong post whee.

Friday: LAST DAY OF YEAR 11.
Maths and we watched a documentary on maths which was unnecessarily dramatic but pretty interesting. Passed food around. I'll miss that class :(
Legal and of course we watched Forensic Investigators and I hope we don't watch it again because it is ruining my life. Every man that I see is a potential threat (ABBA reference). Didn't get results back either, sigh.
Not sure what happened in the free. I think it was just Tanya, Anika and I walking around. Actually we were on the oval netball courts first and then these Year 7s came so we left and I think we just prowled around the school and Tanya took her shoes and socks off TT Sneaked into the cottage. It was pretty nice. Sigh, nostalgia and it wasn't even a week ago.
Eco last was good! Took so many disgusting photos HEHEHEHE and had brownies and chips and gummi bears and other sources of fat/sugar/carbs and casually conversed with Hindmarsh and it was a good way to end the 'year'.

Pretty sure nothing happened on Saturday. Or Friday night.

SUNDAY: Social
It finally arrived and I still haven't decided whether it was anticlimactic or not.

Got up super early feeling super nervous and embarked on a ridiculous spring cleaning session with the family all fucking morning omg BUT I was finally able to see my floor and table :')
Anika arrived around 1pm after getting very lost and Carla a little while later and then we had so many servings of pasta salad and finally decided to start getting ready. So stressful. Room was a mess all over again. But we looked pretty good :)

Drove to Eric's and fuck those litas were fucking deadly because they hurt so much omg. And they didn't even hurt when I was walking in my yard for hours far out. Put hollywood tape on my thighs to keep the dress down. Instead, they just waxed off tiny rectangles. Hurt so much.

Rushed out of the house and train'd with Anika, Carla, Eric and Leanne and it was pretty fun except it was so hot and I was feeling so flustered. And some disgusting perverts that were probably 10 years old kept looking at us and going dayum. Disgusting.

Trekked from Town Hall to Cockle Bay and it was so painful and the downhill was so scary. Got a Starbucks and spent ages trying to fix the pain in my foot. Had four blisters and we hadn't even walked in LOOOL.

Everyone eventually arrived and looked amazing, except the guys were far too casual. Took lots of pictures and I had to be so wary of walking in the crowd because of my spikes. The venue was SO SMALL but I guess not that many people came anyway. And Good Time was playing first and I was so devastated.

Food was okay, but not nearly enough to satisfy. Started jamming and sweating and crying in my shoes and more photos and PHOTOBOOTH WAS SO FUN LOOOOL. Treasuring those slips of disgustingness. The colour group one we took was actually atrocious. Euro Guy was really hot.

Shoes eventually came off and I could dance better but the music was bad. Didn't know half the songs and it was all remixed into a mess idk. Danced in front of that beautiful fan. Anyway, a bunch of them left to go karaoke or something but enough stayed behind so it seemed to get more fun after that.

Fast forward. Went through awards and then we were basically kicked out half an hour before it was necessary. Tanya, bless her, gave me her vans which felt amazing, and I gained some arm muscle from carrying my shoes. Went to the Darling Harbour park and played on the condom swing and then had some Maccas yum. Trekked to Entertainment Centre to drop Christine off and then all the way up to Woollies where we crowded like a bunch of hooligans.

Train was fun, except I wish I slept. Finished a tub of ice cream and these white guys came up asking if we could Gangnam Style (which was fun earlier in the night). Then one of them whipped out his balls. It was disgusting, and so small, I swear they were not real. And then he mooned us.

Got to Eric's and claimed the bed. Just for memory, there was me, Anika, Carla, Jina, Leanne, Nayomi, Sylvia and Tanya. And Eric, Brandon, Philbert, Poon and Richard. Richard had to borrow my make up remover HAHA. Settled in and started playing Anika's super dirty truth or dare. I only remember I had to squeeze Sylvia's butt, and Richard humped the wall, Philbert licked Eric's belly button, everyone had to slap Tanya's ass, Carla lapdanced me, Poon and Richard kissed, Richard and Brandon mimicked a porno, and that was about it.

Idek but we stayed up till 3:30 till lights went out but holy, Sylvia started snoring and as a result, Carla, Brandon, Richard and I stayed awake till 5am. Well, Richard slept at 6am LOOL it was terrible. And then we had to wake up at 7am and omg, just, fuck. Fun though, snacked some more and did nothing and finally rushed out of the house around 8 for them to go Matrix.

Such a relief to get home and have a shower. Bus'd and train'd to Strathfield and met everyone at Saigon Bowl and omg, I missed Matrix so much and Louise! She is so cute when she smiles. Of course, first lesson was a total mind fuck and I was ready to pass out from exhaustion with Anika and Jina. Got some well-deserved Noggi after that.

This time, met everybody at a really nice Korean place, and I shared this plate of ramen, rice cake and fish cake with Christine and it was sooo nice. Met David too. Got a chatime lol I hate myself, spending so much money.

Second lesson was okay because after homework, my understanding just clicked. Mostly. So it was more enjoyable and yeah, three hours isn't horrible. Jina was drinking Pocari sweat and Louise was like D: and she's like POCARI IS AN ANIMAL, YOU'RE DRINKING ANIMAL SWEAT. But it was a joke and Anika fell for it of course. Then we told her about milk-us, which I've never heard of, and Calpis. So we bought her a Calpis in our break and she said something smart like, 'that's bull shit'. Like, cow-piss, and bull-shit...

Wednesday: TODAY
Omg this is so long.

Went to another Korean restaurant, after buying chatime and running for my train. The downer in front of me bought 10 chatimes... Anyway, by next Friday, I think we'll have gone to every single restaurant in Strathfield. Richard ate salad with chopsticks (Y)

Kind of mind fucked today, I can't remember things from the previous days. But I'm liking this course so I'll probably do it each holiday now. Considering Gamble is mentally incapable of adequately teaching this to us. But it's so exhausting. Came home and slept for three hours.

Hehe, social photos.

It's been a good week. Toodles.

8:56 PM

Friday, September 21, 2012

Last day of Year 11.

11:09 PM

You're all that I want

It really irritates me when I just miss out posting on the proper day. As in, past midnight.

Pretty good day. So depressing though. Missed my bus again because I remembered about my English texts last minute so I had to pack those. Only returned advanced though, extension has to come tomorrow. I feel so sad parting with them. Now there's a hole on my bottom shelf and I don't want to move everything guh.

Maths first and I can do locus and parametrics! Just nothing else. And Marshall wore a semi-transparent white shirt and I could see his nipples and I thought I saw a nipple ring. Party tomorrow. Oh sorry. It's not a party, IT'S JUST A GET-TOGETHER. I miss Phineas and Ferb, fuck life. Foxtel :'(

Went to chem and considered boycotting the period as a class but thankfully, 11am came and it was the Year 12 farewell. So sunny and hot, I actually have a sock tan now. Right before social. Fuck. It was okay till they sang to 'Heaven' which was so upsetting. And then walking out, Marthury was sobbing and it was just so sad to see so everyone started crying and she created, as Carla put it, a 'road block'. Ditto with Shayna and my roll call buddies.

Got economics results and we're pretty pleased. Only results I'm proud of, and first to get over 80%. Carla had a tub of Nutella mm. And we took a group photo because it was Ms Cheng's last lesson which is sad too WHY WAS TODAY SO SAD? And seriously, we're technically in Year 12 right now because the grade above just officially graduated a couple hours ago.

English last, trying to tune out from Eldridge discussing next year's module while I stole Sylvia's Pride and Prejudice and reread the usual bits. Mr Darcy, I'm coming. Can't wait till Motherwell is back next term.

Bought a bracelet lol. Still need earrings and more bracelets ugh and idk what to do with hair and this whole affair is just so unprepared because social is in TWO DAYS. My litas aren't even broken in, and the spikes pose a serious hazard.

Just finished bs'ing my sports log. The actual hours are pretty accurate, just the dates are all false (Y)

Time to sleep. Last day of Year 11. Maths and eco parties tomorrow!

12:17 AM

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
op op op op

Best night.

Slept in again LOL this is so bad omg, had to run for the bus each day this week. But I finally made the train (Y) Carrying all my clothes and stupid maths books. Accidentally brought my stepsister's 3unit Cambridge sigh.
English first, watching a pretty bad enactment of Austen's life. They were sorting through her possible faces and one looked like Michael Jackson!
Sat through maths with Nayomi, and thank heavens I'm dropping 3u. Did not understand jack with all that locus idek okay. Marshall is so fat :( What if next year, he continues to stop working out and I can't even hug him at clapout because his stomach sticks out so much? Party on Friday. Sorry, GATHERING. It's not a party, it's just a get-together!
Eco was awks cause Ms Cheng's supervisor was watching and yeah. Impolite bitches in class. And we knew nothing when she asked us questions LOL apologies.

Started bumming around and practising our hiphop and then it was so nerve-wracking performing in fourth period AND THE LEGGINGS ARE SO GROSS I CAN'T STAND IT. But yeah, my combat boots don't allow me to do the move in Avicii very well. It was so hot with the light in my face. Everyone was like, there was so many people you can't notice mistakes so AWESOME.

Went to yoga, omg couldn't stop laughing when Christine and I did that move where we lay on each other. And then how she couldn't bring her leg down straight above her head and kneed her nose HEHEHE.

So hungry, so I ate half of Nayomi's curry pot and then a bunch of us went to food court and had some fun taking disgusting luvos which I need to get off of Christine. And Joumana LOL. Oh Michelle, thank you for creating a new ugly pose. Eric's inhalation was getting a bit repetitive. Shopping around and I finally got a necklace for social. So not ready, idek.

Got back to the gym, practising and taking photos AND ORGANISING CHRISTMAS CONCERT. Excited for our latin/curry/something-with-hips performance we'll be planning. Our grade has to be epic. Going to plan lots of things. And sang and danced Gangnam Style half the night. Far out, wish Nayomi and I organised a performance for that, the Year 12s barely did.

Okay so nervous going up for the night performance. The strobe lights were fucking epileptic, it was so trippy. And the lights were just so hot, I was probably visibly red and sweating BUT IT WAS SO MUCH FUN and idec if it looked bad or not but we did it! And now I'm so depressed because I'm going to miss Wednesday practices so much /sob.

Sneaked into the hall and watched the rest of the show. LOOOOL Hindmarsh and canvas bags omg, he looks so gross. When he lifts his arms, his neck disappears and he looks like somebody who frequently sticks his fingers into electricity sockets. Year 12 hiphop, far out. So hot. Why don't we look like that omg. And Lavina when she did Shakira. Want to die. The Year 12 act made me so depressed. We'll be doing that in a year. And we'll be flooding the hall with our tears.

Took polaroids and lots and lots of photos afterwards and reminisced with Carla on the way home. Now I should probably go and shower. This post is super long.

Going to cry so hard tomorrow. More about the fact that it's so close to our graduation and that we will be the oldest now and that I will miss the presence of the grade above us. Lol, going to look so beautiful tomorrow.


10:33 PM

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mm last week of Year 11.

So today, I was late for my bus again because right before I was about to leave the house, I got my Solestruck delivery and my lita spikes came! And then I had to bring Christine's to school so I missed most of roll call and our party was today. It's really daunting to think that we are now the oldest in roll call.

Legal first and seriously, this forensic shit is terrifying me so bad okay, I can't even walk anywhere alone or with a girl because we're probably going to get raped and/killed. Like this arvo, my sister and I were walking home when we saw this guy going in the same direction. So I completely stopped and let him walk about 50 metres ahead. Yeah.
Sigh, poor Eldridge wasting so much breathe on his in-depth knowledge of literature when nobody even knows who Karl Marx is. His memory is incredible though, wish I was like that.

MATHS HAHAHAHA. Got our extension results and fuck all, but I am so happy with it even though I technically failed but seriously, getting a double digit was like flying to the moon AND IT HAPPENED. So I'm pretty fucking happy. Seriously I think Nancy was about to start crying from happiness from JUST passing hehe. And apparently if I drop maths ext this term, it'll change my English line next term and my heart nearly dropped out so yeah, I'll drop it as soon as Term 4 begins.

English again in the library, attempting work with Sylvia, Jess and Tanya. Thought Sylvia said "I suck doodle". But it was I suck at doodle jump LOOOL. I love how Eldridge says 'telly-phone'. Except he's referring to a mobile.

My litas are like, a pair of death. The spikes are so spiky, I can't even put my feet next to each other for fear of poking the other shoe. So if somebody walks too close behind me... I'll probably bring some band-aids just in case. And they're so much heavier than the normal suede ones. Understandably. Feeling super unprepared for social.

My dog got her period. This seems like an omen for mine to appear on fucking Saturday or Friday night or something far out.

Lipsync tomorrow and it's not really occurring to me and I look horrible in our 'costumes' but whatever WHATEVER.

Why is it 27 degrees on Sunday...


10:18 PM

Monday, September 17, 2012

Biggest fucking piece of mood shit idek maybe my period is finally deciding to come right before social fuck all just fucking fuck fuck shit fuck amoeba.

Completely slept in and completely missed all the buses and trains so I signed in late and got a fucking awesome surprise to find Sztajer in chem. Why? Why, in the fucking last week, are we forced to do work WHEN SHE COULD HAVE COME BEFORE AND MAYBE HELPED ME PASSED THE FUCKING CHEMISTRY EXAM. Then we handed our mentor shit to Lane and Christine accidentally badmouthed Gamble in front of him.
English was death. Lol wish we got shit in reversed order, cause extension was good and then it literally just fucking plummeted lol. Really hate Shakespeare now, cannot deal with these specific shitty single-text questions so fuck Hamlet. At the end of the post, I'll count the number of times I write 'fuck'. Not in the mood to hear everyone suddenly just pipe up interest in literature for related texts... why even bother it's a bit late for that honestly.
Lol why was legal my highlight. Watching that forensic show again and it's seriously so creepy. Walking home, I was afraid to look at bushes for fear of seeing dead bodies or just fear of someone murdering me.
Maths. Ha. Only part I got full marks in was differentiation. And Marshall was proud of my mark. Unintentional mocking on his part. Just shows how low his standards are for me. Fucking awesome.

Went to macq with Christine after school which was a huge mistake because it was like a dead hole there with nothing to buy and my highlight was Noggi ffs.

Possibly found a dress for Baulko but now that Carla might not be able to come, idek if I can even go BUT I WANT THIS DRESS SO FUCKING BAD. But it's sheer at the back and my lita spikes might just ripe the fabric omg why so frustrated.

And what even, we had to pay $15 for these disgusting leggings that we don't even wear to all performances I don't have black trackies and I have no more fucking money and it's just so stupid.

'Fuck' count: 14. I'm so sleepy I probably counted incorrectly.

11:14 PM

Sunday, September 16, 2012
The moon runs away

An unusually long time has passed since I blogged for my standards. Long post.

Okay so Friday:
Missed eco and went to our prefect induction and our grade seems so much prettier :') Or maybe just cause I'm comparing it to the way we all looked in Year 7.
English next and we finished Sense and Sensibility and oh my god, Alan Rickman's voice gives me shivers LKHJPOWIENBDLASN. And in the end, the class was just squealing at Edward and Elinor EHEHEHE. I noticed so many parallels to Pride and Prejudice. Shayna dropped by to give us our hip hop leggings. They look so gross, the tribal pattern looks like hair HAHA.
Chem was a piece of shit. Did some fuel experiment which smelled and then it reminded me of biofuels with Smyth :(
We watched this murder documentary in legal which was so scary about this 60yo guy who murdered all these old women. So when I went down to pee, the whole quad was empty save for an old guy working and I was so paranoid.

Saturday = attempt at cleaning my room but LOL papers are still everywhere, it's ridiculous. Have done nothing this weekend except finish Hemingway. Now to start on Woolf or Steinbeck. Or maybe Austen. So much time on my hands. Always feeling existentially useless after exams.

Decided to go Baulko semis, except it's still the crappy Normo cruise sigh. BUT I'll have shoes at least. Just need to find another dress guh. I really want to find a play/jumpsuit. But I haven't even finished coordinating the social outfit which is in a week and I'm unfit as hell and we're having Thai tonight /sob.

We got a new outdoor bench and my dog has already claimed it as hers. It's adorable.

Sigh, maybe I'll exercise again tonight. Seriously, idk how to keep my dress from not riding up. Maybe I'll try Hollywood tape like Carla suggested, but what if it rips off my legs?! And I decided I won't epilate till Friday. It'll be cold this week anyway so stockings sound good. But it may rain on the night sigh.

Oh yeah, got into Louise's class. Should be fun with Anika and Jina.

5:36 PM

Friday, September 14, 2012

First day of school since a while. Or at least it feels like a while ago. Again, I will marvel at how our perception of time has completely fucked over.

So instead of sleeping early like I should've, I slept at 11:30pm instead and could not wake up till 7am okay fuck, eyes were crying from sleepiness in maths. Sob, Marshall continually gets fatter. There is now a full circumference of shirt hanging out from under his vest because it's too tight.
Got chem results heh. Was counting on Michelle to make me feel better but even that didn't happen. Apparently, over Monday and Tuesday, we're going to get maths 2u, and all. Of. English. Everything = death.
Amusing conversation in our free. Hope we didn't disturb the library with our disturbing talk.
English last with Eldridge where we watched Sense and Sensibility, preparing us for Austen. Any person that does not like or even appreciate Pride and Prejudice, I will smack their face.

Frolicked in the rain and nearly literally died with Tanya. It was so cold wow, I really pray it doesn't rain on social night as it did normo formal. It's in a week, and I'm unfit, yay. Except I did zumba for the first time in a week today so that felt good. Got to construct my sport log this weekend AND CLEAN MY ROOM OMG. I'd really like to be able to see my desk and floor again. Before and After photos (Y)

It's Leanne's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY KINDRED SPIRIT :) Should be a fun night.

TGIF. Really need to sleep this weekend. My eyebags are going to take over my face.

12:07 AM

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh


Getting examinations out of the way, I was freaking out so hard last night about English fuck, only finished my notes at 10pm and then I studied till midnight where I passed out. So bad. Like, the space between my eyes was pounding fuck. Even worse trying to wake up. Panicking so bad /crying. The actual question was okay, it was really broad so I just poured the biggest amount of bullshit in there and for the first time, wrote five pages. FIVE. Wanted to just cry with relief at the end.

Literally on a high when we left the hall and then me, Anika, Christine and Jess took a train to Circular Quay. There were no patrol officers when we bought the tickets TT We were waiting so long for Ravie to join us and this guy distributing The Big Issue was just casually singing like, buy yourself a copy of the big issue.

Ravie came and we trekked it to Pancakes and their cute waiter was there, except I didn't find him very attractive. Shared pizza and crepes and pancakes nomnom. Then we went to get macarons and as soon as Anika paid and picked up her box, she spilt all four LOOOL but they gave her a free replacement. Grudgingly of course.

Shuttled to Town Hall and spent ages in Kinokuniya. Anika thought we were going to a Japanese restaurant. And she thought Serbia was in the middle east. Got her to buy my beloved Oscar Wilde recommendations. And if she doesn't like them, we won't be friends anymore. REMINDS ME I CAN READ OH MY GOD FUCK. YES.

Walked down to Darling Harbour and went to the park AND HAD SO MUCH FUN. Got onto the condom swing and then me and Christine sat on the flying fox. Holy shit this guy was pushing his kid so hard it looked like he was going to kill him. Climbed the ropes and flashed to everything in sight. OOH then there was the weight rotating circle thing and it was so funny because Anika and Christine bodily fell off of it HEHEHE. Then we were crazily swinging and taking photos and lol Anika looks SO BAD HAHAHA. Oh and then Jess was pouring water into Anika's mouth but it was too much so she spat it on my face. As you do. Good fifteen minute laughing fit.

Got some Starbucks instead of churros. Trekked it back to Town Hall and got my Happy Hour Pepper Lunch. Except it was sooo peppery, like you could smell the pepper and my throat was burning for a whole after.

Train'd to Hornsby. Then bummed around on the outdoor stage and we tried to link arms back-to-back and stand up. Think I injured my thigh muscles from that. Guh the presentations were boring. Oh and we saw Sexton's economic revision booklet and lol couldn't do the first question. Joumana gave me one of her coco pops slices. Probation begins now. As does sleeping omg SO HAPPY.

It was such a good day today. But the exam today felt like so long ago lol. Ah, long post. Okay we have another week till relax and wow social is so soon AND I WANT MY NEW LITAS TO COME. Plus gotta get more books (Y) Preparing myself for related texts.

I would probably do some Zumba but I'm so tired, sleeping sounds really good.

Happy happy happy.

8:21 PM

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

SIGH. Bored.

It sucks, extension keeps being last UNFAIR. And I'm so chill now because the worst was honestly over. And it was bad. Slept around 2am after writing out eco ONCE. This is bullshit.

And the exam was so bullshit LOL PANICKING SO FUCKING HARD OMG. And for good reason. It was hard. Fucking. Hard. My heart just shrivelled when I saw the long response okay why did I not review labour markets FUUUUUUUU. Longest two hours, really could have fallen asleep.

Lol panic about extension with Anika. Legitimately going delirious I swear, on the floor laughing. When she thought the budget was monetary instead of fiscal, I thought we were both gonna die. Jina and Sylvia joined us for a crash course and then we faced the exam.

Nehe. Thought multiple choice was okay and then I got to the proper questions. So many perms and combs what the actual fuck omg. Just so terrible. And then I saw everyone's multiple choice answer patterns were different dlkchlaskbxjnalsj. It's worth 35 marks. Lose one and you drop 2% at least. And I've already lost like, 20 so (Y)

Went a bit more delirious at home with Christine. So excited for tomorrow. Eating. EATING. Going to run out of the hall screaming with joy.

It's always a good time.

6:39 PM


Omg dying. DYING.

So I stayed up until 3am last night with Christine, doing god knows what. Probably my speech and cycle. And a little bit of ext English lol biggest fail, I'm most worried for that. Motherwell will be ashamed.

Woke up so dead this morning, I slept and drooled on the bus and had to get some coffee. BLEH speech. So scary I was about to vomit from nerves and then I saw the close proximity in which I had to stand in front of the teachers. Seriously, Foster and Marriot were so emotionless and just eyeing me. It wasn't that terrible though. Till I timed Alison and stared wistfully at the window that I wanted to throw myself out from.

Probably would have gone to school library to do maths but hung out with Eric instead at the medical centre LOL. But he got the x-ray times wrong so we slowly walked back and forth to Westfield with his limp ankle.

Got a free Hungry Jack's burger (Y) Then we trekked to Eastwood and got ourselves some Yogurberry and then I got home and did not do anything.

LOL attempted more maths ext, it was hideous so I gave up. Started eco which is almost as bad and just died from a 'tutoring' session from Chris with Carla and Christine LOOOOOL. 60% is my only requirement. As for maths, 40% sounds pretty decent.

K, working till 1am. Hopes died when I realised I don't even have my labour market notes on me LOOOOOOL. Dead.

Legit give no fucks anymore JUST LET WEDNESDAY COME AND GO AND LET ME EAT MY LIFE OUT. Before I attempt dieting again. And blow some steam on Friday for Leanne's birthday.

Hehe, finish when Normos start exams. Can sit back and relax.

12:04 AM

Sunday, September 9, 2012
Down to get down tonight

Just got off the phone with Anika after attempting two economics questions and giving up. Fuck it's 11pm already WHY.

I actually cannot do maths. Getting Anika to tutor me after my speech tomorrow. Semi-confident for that. It just fits within the time limit, so hopefully I can maintain my current speed without it being impeded by nerves. Sob, then have my self esteem crushed by timing and listening to Alison's after me.

Wore my litas out for the first time to go to dinner for stepbrother's birthday at a really shitty Greek restaurant. OMG CHATIME IS OPENING IN TOWERS!!! Almost fainted when I saw the sign.

Sigh, can't bring myself to face Eucalytpus and Miste Pip. My stacks of notes are just sitting there, waiting to be analysed. And I'm totally going to fail eco actually because I do not remember fucking jack.

Cannot decide if I'm going to cry more over English or maths extension because those subjects guarantee Cs for me lol.

K gonna perfect this speech and try pass advanced.

10:53 PM

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Post right before midnight.

Speech is nearly done and so disgusting, how can I bring myself to read it out?

Forgot anything I had to say, which was probably uninteresting.

Might as well post, finish speech and sleep.

11:59 PM


ONE THOUSANDTH POST. Because I am in a good mood. Wow, blogging since Year 8, kudos to Elaine.

Yesterday was pretty awful. Slept at 2am on Thursday night, or I guess Friday morning, in a last desperate attempt to study chem. Lol. Shitting myself that morning with Michelle SOBS It's okay, we might tie equal last in ranks.

It was bad. There was a whole page on aluminium and words could not describe how gut-wrenching it was to remember that there were similar questions in the 2010 paper I looked at the previous night AND HOW I FLIPPED THE PAGE AND IGNORED IT. And multiple choice was so atrocious. Died on the first question while everyone else flipped out their calculators.

Studied with Herschell for legal LOL. It was actually not as hideous as I thought, except I misread a question and lost three marks. And I had half an hour to spare, even after checking. Probably did shit. Don't even care. JIANI GAVE ME MY TAUPE SUEDE LITAS. So I did nothing last night but walk around in them.

Sigh, nearly done with this forsaken speech. Just can't put quotes in UGH.

BUT I got an email about the extended Solestruck sale and gave in to the blue spike litas because they are only seventy fucking dollars /dies meaning I saved a hundred. Shared the order with Christine and I hope they come before social so I can decide which ones to wear SO EXCITED.

My sister henna'd her hair and it's so smooth and I'm considering doing black henna just so my hair can feel silky again. It's like hay, idk what's wrong with Herschell and Nayomi BUT IT'S HAY. Which reminds me how amusing it was that people automatically thought of me when we saw the Iago essay question.

Still haven't done maths, English or eco HAHA. Maybe I'll do some maths after the speech. And eco. Fuck English, really don't care anymore.

2:59 PM

Friday, September 7, 2012

Lol 999th post. One thousandth one is going to be me literally sobbing like I just did. Cannot believe how fucking shit I am.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Maths was disgusting. English was disgusting. Hoping for straight Cs because at this rate, even that is fucking unlikely and I think I'm just going to find a way to suffocate myself because exams won't be done. I'm considering leaving my entire chem paper blank and just sleeping for an hour and a half.

The fuck I wanted to scream when I saw the essay question. OUT OF EVERY FUCKING GOD FORSAKEN TOPIC YOU COULD PICK FROM YOU PICKED FUCKING IAGO WORDS CANNOT OH MY GOD. I am literally going to get a 10 for it because it's not even finished and there are not techniques and no thesis and I want to die.

How the fuck am I going to write and memorise a speech this weekend? And finish that fucking essay and start maths ext when I can't even do 2u and lol eco, let's not.

If my balcony was taller than 3m, I'd contemplate jumping.

Just let me die please. Refusing to handle another four days of this fucking bullshit. Not going to uni. Going to hate myself when I read this again. Fuck off. Fuck everything.

12:09 AM

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Don't make me cry

Third consecutive post lol procrastinating so fucking hard. But it was a semi good day.

Stupidly decided to go to school with the hopes that today would be as productive as yesterday, but no. Cannot do English. And I ran into Motherwell in the morning and she got me so nervous about extension OMGGGGGGGG yep probably giving in a practice essay or dot points to Drayton.

Library with Christine and Sukanya and legit did nothing and went outside to eat instead.

Left school with Christine, Flo and Nayomi to get some pad thai and soft serves and macarons and basically wasted an hour and a half. LOL we ran into Marshall leaving school as we were entering and his stomach was sooo big. Least we warned him that we'd fail.

Someone said Burley was setting the 2u paper i.e. it'll be hard.

Went to library with Nayomi and then I nearly fainted when Brandon came along with Euro Guy EHEHEHEHEHEHEHE OMG. But he wasn't saying much. Eric and Leanne came. I did one maths paper. One. So distracting omg and then Euro Guy left :( But it's okay, talked to him a little bit. So attractive, oh my goodness, maybe he should be my new lucky charm, day before exams. Where is Jake /sob.

Yeah, just continual laughing while failing maths, it was terrible. Brandon bought seven bread buns.

My sister got her Litas except they were my size LOL. Yeah, disappointed with the fit but I guess that's the best it's going to get for me. At least they don't feel like heels when you walk. But didn't live up to its comfort expectations either. Going to try sell them off and I'm excited for my taupe ones on Friday. Dresses tomorrow (Y)

I think I tore a chest muscle weeks ago in yoga or zumba. Hurts so fucking much.

K, limit at midnight before I just sleep. Totally give zero fucks.

9:52 PM

On the bright side, I would die happily because the weather is beyond amazing.

9:51 PM

Life. Is. Nothing.

Seriously, tomorrow feels like a death penalty. First exams which happen to be two of the most important ones and I am going to fucking fail like a boss.

And then I can't even think about how bad every other subject is going to be.

English extension essay is still not done and never will be done at this rate so I may just go suicide. Speech won't happen either. Fainting as soon as I walk into 211.

To think that I'm actually better off for maths than English right now is so sick.

E for extensions. E for economics. C for chem.

Hello, 75 ATAR.

9:43 PM

Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Just last the year

Dying. I will be dead next week.

So exams officially started but I still feel like, nothing. I can sense the pressure and panic just bubbling and sinking below the surface and then tomorrow night, it will just explode and I might die. Or vomit. Hopefully vomit.

Slept in till like, 7:30. Such bliss. Then I got to school at 9:30 and everyone was like WHY ARE YOU HERE and fucking shut up cannot work for fuck at home ENDLESS DISTRACTIONS LIKE FOOD AND FOOD. Intended repetition.

Quietly studied with Nayomi and Christine while I did legal and then we lost productivity and laughed and I finally finished legal at like, just before noon.

Got my Othello essay lol MOTHERWELL NEEDS TO STOP DRINKING OR SOMETHING LOL ME AND ANIKA HAHA. Proud, but uncomprehending and disbelieving.

Everyone had exams from 12 onwards so I studied fucking Eucalyptus on my own and then waited for Christine to do maths after school.

FAILED SO HARD HAHA. From 3-6pm, we did A maths paper. As in ONE. Granted, we ate and laughed at failing and spent ages arguing about questions but taking that away, the marks we got probably would have totalled 60% lol. I saw a girl that looked like Eric and Leanne combined and then this guy next to us laughed like Eric.

Zumba'd and died, cause I hadn't done it in a few days. Got into a maths zone and then Jiani tells me the order came YAYYYYY so excited omg. Getting it this Friday after the worst is over and I can have a semi-good weekend. Plus more books are at the post office so I can pick them up too!

Ugh, dying with Carla as people slowly sign off skype. Attempting English and I just can't do it.

2am is my limit.

11:54 PM

Monday, September 3, 2012

I cannot believe I am still failing extension, why is this so impossible? And I'm so tired, I think I'll just give up and sleep in half an hour.

Fuck okay, free days are bullshit, I have four exams over Thursday and Friday and I still need to finish this essay and speech PLUS study for those four. Fucking winging chem and legal. Cannot spare time for that so I might as well pass English and maths and fail the rest horribly. The thought of reaching Wednesday next week is keeping me going. Stress still hasn't settled in lol.

LAST DAY OF PRELIM LEARNING. Started it terribly with a 1.5 hour bus ride where we totally missed both late trains and roll call.
Chem first was bad, trying to go through Christine's energy notes and understanding nothing except how to draw hydrocarbons LOL yep, guaranteed two marks. Fucking awesome.
English was fun, last lesson with Motherwell omg WHY IS SHE GOING TO ITALY FAR OUT I swear she had long leave last year as well when we had Gregory as a sub. Bleh. She said 'tentacle' instead of the 'pentacle of her virginity' hehehehe funny.
I've realised the only thing I'll pass in legal is probably motorcycle gangs, considering we did them a week ago. That's it.
Finished a past paper in maths. So. Screwed. Like, on the way to the station, me, Anika and Carla were just delirious with panic.

Done nothing since I got home. Fucking. Nothing.

And there is no fucking quotes worthy to put in my speech OMG IT IS IN LESS THAN A WEEK I AM GOING TO CRY.

Fuck all, sleeping.

9:56 PM

Sunday, September 2, 2012
Choose your last words

Sob. Tried extension. Tried speech. Now that they've totally drained out my ability to write, I'm going to keep it up via blogging duh.

Such a fucking useless day. Got an email from Motherwell telling me that I forgot to attach my fucking Othello essay. Lol, so out of it.

And extension progress was zero yesterday because I had such bad stomach cramps that I slept at 11pm. And then woke up and have literally written three hundred words in the span of eight hours. What is life. Fuck okay, I can write a WHOLE FUCKING ESSAY on just patriarchy on Eucalyptus. Art of Storytelling is a fucking BITCH. Weren't fucking kidding when they said our unit gets really really fucking hard.

I think I gave up on English at around 2pm and then I finally brought myself to attempt maths papers. Personal humiliation to the max, I am so screwed what omg why fuck.

Hot pot and I ate sooo much and the food still hasn't settled down to exercise so fuck that, I'll just shower after posting and hopefully get at least ONE FUCKING PARAGRAPH OF ENGLISH DONE FUCK.

I hate my dog. If only my life revolved around food and sleep.

Oh my god, I totally forgot to mention how jealousy was the 'green-eyed monster' in my essay NOOO getting a 10. Minimum 10. Double digit. Usual aim.

Only bright aspect of life is the order coming this week. If it doesn't, I will chuck a fit and official-ise that something out there is spiting me.

9:32 PM

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dying but it needs to be said that my Othello essay is finished at last and sent off to poor Motherwell who has to suffer reading my disgusting language.

It feels like something is stabbing my middle section.

GUH can't bring myself to do extension and the speech fails everytime I open the document sooo...

Bed time. Fuck all.

10:59 PM


Winter is officially over, thank heavens for that.

11:43 AM


Sigh, half a paragraph of Othello calls for a break. I'm just praying that the very informal question allows informal language because mine sounds like a primary kid wrote it up.

I've decided that very limited sorts of music aid me in things. Like, cycling, it is literally full volume full of mainstream clubbing pieces of shit and I'll be dying on the bike and then suddenly, after a few songs, it's like WHOO I did half an hour /permission to die. And then for studying, I can only have Pumped Up Kicks on repeat for the whole day. Idk, that song makes me happy. Which contradicts its subject content. Or content subject.

Othello will be finished today. Or whatever progress it's in by tonight, I'm fucking sending it in and then extension. Oh lord, English will be the death of me. Sob, how is exams in like, four fucking days? HOW DO I DO CHEM AND LEGAL WHEN I HAVE NOT LOOKED AT EITHER? And why is maths first and I still haven't done anything.


Going to vomit.

11:38 AM