
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

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Friday, August 31, 2012
Let it go

Last day of the last official week of preliminary learning.

Can't quite bring myself to start English so I'll quickly browse the internet. And I also can't bring myself to use the school laptop because it provides me internet anyway and there is no time limit to which Wikipedia can occupy me. So unless I revert to traditional pen and paper, I'm doomed anyway.

Mm got some well-needed coffee this morning. I've had like, 30 hours sleep this week. Seriously, I'm worried how traumatised me and Christine's bodies are after English and that almost all-nighter. NEVER happening again.

Eco first, pretty screwed for exams. Aw, last eco lesson before exams. I'm going to miss Carla's uselessness!
English was good. But now I have so much information on themes, I don't even know where to start WHY and my essay is still progressing nowhere. But Motherwell entertained us as usual. When Jess left for her German exam (which wasn't actually today), she farewelled her in every German word she knew, but Anna couldn't even understand anything LOL. Father Farter. And then describing women's vaginas as hell mouths in Elizabethan times. And telling us to insult people with 'You're the mouth of hell!' Tricked Tanya into believing she had a hole in her shirt.
Chem was just omg, cannot do these calculations. So I give up. Legitimately not going to study chem.
I'm very peeved that it's Week A and legal is my last lesson when it could've been eco in Week B. SO SCREWED LOOOOL. And Karnups pants are so tight, it's even worse than Hindmarsh.

Sigh, foretelling the regret of my jersey name decision.
Got home and literally napped till 7pm and I plan to start work now LOL.

Our order shipped out yesterday I'M SO EXCITED. But a small part of me is trying to dampen the anticipation, for fear that nothing will fit. So terrified. I will just cry and if my George P happens to come, I'm not fucking coming omg.

Work. Jokes, Youtubing Britney videos.

Oh hey, eta is Greek for H. That's pretty cool.

9:04 PM

Thursday, August 30, 2012

BUH barely done any work. I should stop saying this and just mention if I have done work, because it'll be a very repetitious intro for each post. Doesn't make sense. Anyway.

Maths first with Nayomi, casually failing 2u trig. Life is great. We don't even remember exact values LOOOL. No maths tomorrow. But it's the last lesson on Monday before exams. Last proper prelim lesson. Oh my god, this is so sad. LAST ECO LESSON TOMORROW SOB. I really love eco the more I think about it, how it's such a delicate balance of human interaction. Lol idk.

Chem was okay because Gamble gave us lots of calculations to work on which I shall do in class tomorrow. Not even going to study for chem, so I am praying it will not be majority theory based.

Unproductive free. Just finished English groupwork and opened legal and then put it away because it was too disgusting to look at. Totally not near finishing. OOH which reminds me that Ravie found a speech place on Tuesday and let me have her Monday one YAY so I can celebrate the end of exams right after ext on Wednesday. Of course, I should start the speech. Tanya and I found this book on Asian Art which was very amusing and pretty disturbing. Tried to make Anika's forehead move HEHE.

Omg English. My heart nearly stopped when I saw my mark, I still don't understand. I got home and tried to read it for the first time since I handed it in and I couldn't get past the first page. But I got an A, and that's all that matters. Amusing story of the checkout at Thomas Dux who thought Motherwell was contagious. And after going through most themes, I feel a lot more confident about the essay. In fact, I've written several dot points for each paragraph point which I'll need to synthesize after I shower.

IndulGENce is so gay. But Sunny took imajination first and I would've preferred imaGENation. It's kind of ugly though. Oh well. Ghen (Y)

Jokes about finishing legal. Do a paragraph of English tonight. UGH need to get ext in late weekend too cause Motherwell leaves for Italy next week I HATE HER WHYYYYYYY.


9:25 PM

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
To be or not to be

Blogging is more of a procrastination than routine now. Or I guess procrastinating is routine. I need to find a synonym for procrastination.

ERIC'S BIRTHDAY! Big congregation on the train. Slapping. Decoding Carla's emoji message LOL.

Omg eco was so much fun. We basically had this revision game, which brought back nostalgia of science and Ms Smyth /cry. Unfortunately, my team was Anika, Carla and Pat HAHA. And yeah, one representative at a time and I wanted to die because I didn't know half the questions. Ooh the quiz ppoint had a salsa song playing. Apparently, Hindmarsh learned how to salsa while he was in Central America. Anika drew Carla and Amaya and a baboon that she labelled Mr H. It was very amusing.

Maths is so useless, I should start jigging it. These Year 9's were doing the Irish jig for cultural dance. I wish we still did PE omg, so much fun. I really wish for last year again.

Motherwell brought that disgusting science book in English and omg, shivers are coming back. The goosebumps did not go away for so long OMG THE EYELASH MITES WHYYY OMG SO DISGUSTING. She's so cute though :) Still thoroughly fucked for Othello. And extension. Just English. And apparently, we get out independent investigations tomorrow. Ready for death.

There was an ext 2 summary I guess, at lunch. UGH I really want to do it, but I know I'll either give up, or just not be able to produce anything. Plus I highly doubt my time management will just improve because of the Year 12 mentality. Maybe I'll decide tomorrow. Totally failing ext this year.

Did nothing in our free but bitch. So much fun. Then I skipped yoga cause the lady was late and I cbf and got home earlier than usual still (Y) And there was fresh banana bread with choc chips out of the oven.

THANK GOD the order finally went through yesterday WHEEEE set for social! Assuming things fit. Probably continue to look for back ups anyway. And I hope it all arrives right at the end of exams so I have something to look forward to. And then TVD restarts as soon as exams end!

OMG PRETTY LITTLE LIARS WHAT IS IDK. That's it. My mouth was actually hanging open in disbelief for the last five minutes. Toby :(

Going to finish legal. Only five pages left to copy out from my book because I cannot be fucked to thoroughly research the textbook.

Going to have some bits of a paragraph done for Othello before I cave in and sleep. Eye bags are ridiculous.

Jersey names fuck.


9:54 PM

Tuesday, August 28, 2012
condom salad

Waiting for the yogurt to dry up on my face.

Legal first without Nayomi and we totally failed both practice exams omg OMG so I'm doing notes now. Screwed anyway, it's such a futile attempt. But maths and English are failing, I cannot even describe it.
Formal assembly. It was Year 12's last one which reminded me of how close we are to leaving school and I'm going to cry.
Maths, idk still doing inequalities revision LOL. Don't get much done in class. Marshall kept drawing attention to how gross and small his fingers were...
Eco was fun, without ANIKA BITCH. Hindmarsh said my verbal presentation of something was 'beautiful economics'. That's right. Still going to fail, but hopefully I can scrap an A or high B for eco and just fuck all else.

No more building strength! So I had a train adventure with Carla. Epping, then Eastwood and found Elaine, Tanya, Jess and Anna and we all went to get Praus nomnom. So delicious. Then Carla and I went to Strathfield to change to go to Parramatta and god, the line is so dodgy. Looking out at the suburbs, it's like, this is Sydney? Maybe I am a Castle Hill snob. Got to parra, did our shit and I got home before 4 whooo.

My sister wanted to watch Love Story so it was inevitable that I had to watch too. Sob, so sad. SO SAD. I ate like, 30 almonds. I'd soaked them for the night and they shed their skin and it was delicious. Till I got halfway and felt like vomiting.

Sigh, cannot fathom exams. IT'S STILL NOT SINKING IN. I am in this calm state of numb panic which will just explode this weekend, thus increasing my lack of productivity. Grateful I have some frees this week to do a bit extra.

English. What. Is. English.

Shower and work till midnight. Can't physically stay up longer than that anymore. How inconvenient.

9:47 PM

Monday, August 27, 2012

I cannot bring myself to do English.

So grateful for Motherwell's return. They marked independent investigations on Friday. Getting that back will be like getting my heart shredded because it was that bad. I can't even open my document and force myself to read it because I will start crying and hyperventilating and die. I am traumatised by her recount of the science book she's reading, how bugs live on our eyelashes to eat skin flakes and how our skin on a microscopic level, is all flaky and disgusting.

Got A for our legal report LOL it was shit, but whatever. There is so much content for legal. None of us could answer ANYTHING in the practice exam. So. Fucked.

Ditto for maths LOL Nayomi and I have accepted failure. She tried to draw a teapot to resemble Mufasa.

Chem was alright, discussing social. But we could have jigged if it hadn't been for MICHELLE and I got paranoid Gamble would get suss so we ditched Seowoo and went to class /sigh. Going to fail chem too.

I feel like crying. Tried to remember previous maths concepts. I was just wtf-ing the whole time okay, what even is division of lines omg. So I gave up there and remembered there are three things to do for English because I just give up on my short story editing.

How Aparna has managed to do both practice essays is beyond me.

Attempts till midnight and then whatever, going to sleep.

10:07 PM

Sunday, August 26, 2012
little things

Blogging because I think one more look at economics is going to make me sick. I have been staring at it for more than 24 hours and I'm still not done. But I will finish and sleep at 1am.

Realised it's my third time blogging today. Though the first was technically Saturday night. Obviously, I'm hopeless.

All that can be good for me in this time, is that the shit I order fits and matches. Otherwise, gonna pull a Plath and roast my head in the gas oven.

Shitting myself for English, but I'm only reassured by the fact that everybody is fucked like fuck for it. That speech is impossible, and as for ext, idek okay, need to fucking read Eucalyptus still which is about as interesting as my fucking ... nothing. Sat here for a while thinking of an effective noun and nothing came to mind.

Starving as fuck. Just want to swear. Shit shit amoeba dirtbag fuck.

I want yogurt. I dreamed of it last night. It was like an outdoor Yogurberry or something.

11:07 PM


Wasted an hour reading Pride and Prejudice. However, I have done another chapter of eco, so I deserved that break.

The letters on my keyboard are slowly fading away. Mainly just 'M' and 'N', which is inconvenient since I actually don't know where they are, just type them instinctively.

Also, I've noticed because I'm so paranoid about losing documents, and that I save after each sentence I type, I've been doing that a lot with blogging LOL. As in, I accidentally press Control S.

Such a nice day, except it's really cold. Winter is officially over soon. Social is so soon. Exams are even sooner. Fuck.

I need a new bookshelf.

How I envy my dog...

According the my horoscope, my mood is hungry.

3:10 PM


What an unlucky time to blog.

UGH cannot even fathom how useless I am.

Woke up to the blender and my mum sort of failed these cupcakes. the top bit over the patty pan became like cookies, and below it, it was soft and spongey LOL.

Involuntarily took a nap while reading, sigh. Reading makes me so sleepy now, it's depressing, thus why I only read before bed now. So I manage about ten pages.

I was doing eco pretty consistently till Jiani reminded me about the Nastygal order so I legit spent three hours deciding and measuring BLEH. Literally confirmed shit just now. But I've done two chapters of eco. Yet, ZERO ENGLISH. Actually so fucked for it, I'm just going to absolutely fail preliminary, without a doubt.

Diet = death. Attempted it. Five servings of salad was not even close to satisfying. Fat for social (Y)

K doing some more eco and sleeping. Last relaxing weekend. Going to die soon.

12:13 AM

Friday, August 24, 2012


10:15 PM

Nobody is always unhappy

Sigh, week passed so quickly. We really have only one more proper weak of preliminary studies and then Year 11 is over, in terms of learning. This is so sad, I already feel like crying.

BLEH mufti. It forced me to sleep at 11pm instead of 10pm, kudos to the usual SMS dilemma with Carla the night before each mufti day.

Maths first, slowly getting through maths. Aw, I'll miss Marshall :( I'LL MISS ALL MY CLASSES. It's so funny, imagining the looks of contempt and exasperation of the row behind me whenever -waves hair- asks something stupid. Which happens several times a lesson, sigh.
Legal was crap. Tish was in a Pikachu onesie and I was like to Nayomi 'someone should dress up as Pooh' as in pooh BEAR and she was like SOMEONE SHOULD DRESS UP AS POO?! Funny, spent a good few minutes laughing.
Anika and I got sponge cake for eco, along with doritos and salsa and then our usual English group soaked up some beautiful sun on the oval. Then this normo came over to these Year 10s and we were just being obnoxious and waving and yelling and 'inconspicuously' sneaking closer to them. Fun (Y)
Eco was good, the sub teaches pretty well. Probably better than Hindmarsh. Ugh finishing the cake was such a struggle. Think I'll do some eco notes now.

Finally finished Camille. I cried, it was so sad.

Youtube is going to ruin my life.

Starting notes now.

7:43 PM

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Rainbows and sunshine mixed in red wine

I am utterly failing with maths we just learned today. Life is good.

Nah but the weather totally made up for all because it was so warm and beautiful. And then the wind struck at lunch as soon as Christine and Jiani started singing LOL.

UGH totally forgot about signing up for English so Monday booked out and I'm stuck with doing it on fucking Wednesday when I could be celebrating the end of exams. Fuck all, so angry.
Math first. I spent the whole lesson on three questions lol Cambridge is such a bitch.
Eco was good. Ignored the sub all lesson. Anika snorted while laughing, as she does. Going to plan our study session and rely on Pat to teach us (Y)
SO SCREWED FOR ENGLISH. Motherwell was away again and it's our last lesson this week and we don't even know what to write in our essays I am shitting myself. So we got nothing done with Eldridge, I just played Temple Run. Anika tried to write poetry.

Got home in time for the storm to hit. I love listening to thunder, it's so peaceful when I'm trying to sleep LOL.

Omg forgot to say that before I left the house this morning, there was this huge box outside and it was filled with my Dickens and Freud! And then I came back home to six books in the mailbox which took a long time to wedge out and YAY now all my books are here, except I ordered another five yesterday. So irritated, I took so long deciding what to get and when I finally went to checkout, the price of a book increased because it decided to remove the sale price the minute I decided to buy it TT

Exams not sinking in, and I just want to sleep so I think I'll sleep now. Do my body a favour before exams ruin it.

Tanya thought a stimulus text was called a stimulation text.

9:39 PM

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Empty places

I cannot stop marvelling at how beautiful the weather was today omg. So I wore socks, which felt so naked. BUT IT WAS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL I can feel the humidity in the air and it's starting to feel like summer, and when it's summer, there's just this change in the atmosphere and everything just seems brighter and happier WHEEE so happy!

English first which sucked because we have only one more extension lesson next week and Motherwell was absent so we had Eldridge. Who was utterly useless because he did not like Mister Pip, thus had nothing to say about it. So half of us stupid people cannot even start the essay which needs to be handed in early next week AND DITTO WITH OTHELLO.

Maths in 208. Realised Herschell is not as smart as I'd hoped. Nayomi and I want to die, we're so lost in maths each lesson. What even is a parameter... I still don't know. Apparently, Marshall nearly fell off the raised platform but I was looking away :(

Eco was sort of okay. Hindmarsh made me read out a very skeptical critical article because apparently, I'm sarcastic enough for it. Nobody understood what I was reading though, myself included. His hair is so long, he's pretty enthusiastic with out suggestion to get dreadlocks LOL.

Chem last was crap. Either Christine and I really burned ourselves with HCl or it was some sort of mentality thing idk.

Yoga was good cause we got the big mats out so it didn't hurt so much with the wooden floors. THEN WE LEFT AND IT WAS SO HUMID AND WARM EHEHEHEHE I loved it. So I got an Easyway and then devil wings with Anika and Jess.

Almost finished English. Just can't set it out cause it's all so ugly. And I need to figure out how to intro my speech and UGH maybe do some legal. Should really be doing maths since it's the first exam. Or those English essays. Fuck life why.

Jokes, watching PLL first (Y)

8:39 PM

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The sushi guy must love me and Carla. Provide them at least $5 a week, guaranteed.
Legal is so exasperating. Nayomi and I exchange glances of contempt five times a lesson minimum.
English ext is going to be the death of me, these are actually the worst two texts HOW IS MISTER PIP A MYTH I DON'T UNDERSTAND AGAIN FAR OUT. I just don't know omg.
Got our trig tests in maths and Marshall experimented with his 'Like' and 'Dislike' stamps lol. Can't even think about maths, English is my top priority.
Double English, going over themes omg I NEED TO DO THAT GROUPWORK SOB OMG. Oh Motherwell was going over tone over Desdemona's scene and she just suddenly started yelling out the verse to demonstrate it and LOL it was hilarious because I saw everyone just lean back in shock simultaneously hehe.

EXAM TIMETABLES. Fuck. All. THREE DOUBLE UPS? I don't need three free days far out. If you have one exam a day, you have the whole afternoon and night to study singularly for the next subject. And English speech oh my god, what to do I don't know MY SHORT STORY IS BEING EDITED DOWN LIKE, THREE HUNDRED WORDS FUCK.

Might pull out of Matrix, whether I get Louise or not. Don't think I can handle the holiday course. I want to look forward to holidays.

I'm really annoyed that my books are being delivered so slowly. I'm still waiting on like, 15 and I ordered nearly two weeks ago WHAT IS THIS. Not that there's time to read. Bedtime reading last for ten minutes before my eyes refuse to stay open any longer.

Going to have a speech draft done tonight.

8:50 PM

Monday, August 20, 2012
I am not who I am

I really cannot be bothered to do work, and I will continue to ignore that exams are in two weeks till we get out timetables. Which should be tomorrow. And tomorrow, I will hopefully get two practice essays. The joy.

Chem first pretty much sucked, I am so screwed. And we got our assignments back which were pretty crap. This is going to be an even worse report than my half yearly.
Groupwork in English which is currently failing for me right now UGH and I totally forgot about fixing up my short story and speech. I have not even looked at the marking for my short story OMG THIS YEAR SUCKS.
Fell asleep in legal. I have outer-body experiences in legal.
MATHS LAST HAHA. Failed that trig test utterly, even though he let us copy some formulas from our books before doing the test. Even then, I failed. But it's okay, because when he was taunting us about failing and all, he tripped over a chair which was extremely amusing. Karma (Y)

All I've done is eat and read since I got home. This Othello shit is not happening. Maybe I'll do eco. Yes, I shall do eco.


9:11 PM


Shell-shocked. BOOM. Or as Nayomi would put it, BAM.

Anyway, yesterday was a piece of shit because all I did was highlight eco, and like, half a page of financial markets. And probably sat at the TV all day, though I have no idea what was on. Idk why I'm blogging either. Eco is not working out. Have not even started studying trig for that test tomorrow. Maybe I'll get myself sicker and skip school tomorrow.

I really hate translated texts, it's so easy to tell the meaning has been lost in translation. Like, they obviously did not speak simple colloquial English in 1700 Paris.

I'm so excited for Ellen. Actually, Ellen excited me so much because I decided to find all the really hot videos of men stripping on her show and doing other things horny females like. Omg, okay just going to go YouTube Magic Mike scenes, I cannot hold out any longer.
Jokes, there are no proper scenes and I fucking. Need. Pettyfer.

Ugh, throat is so dead, thank you to Christine, who has hindered me from work.

3:35 PM

Friday, August 17, 2012
You don't understand

Feeling like utter shit, but I'm obliged to recount today cause it was a good day. Got some cake and chips in the morning with Anika.

Eco first and everybody chimed and there was lots of food. People brought coconut something with strawberries on a skewer and milo with milk and Pat had to cut the mudcake in 24 slices LOL. Tasted good.

English and Motherwell was ranting about how religious beliefs even arose and almost said fuck :) She's so amusing.

Chem was terrible because we were burning things and I could barely breathe with the smoke on top of my blocked nose. Oh my god and it got so windy at lunch, don't even know how many times I saw what was under Herschell's skirt.

Legal last sucked, except for the bikie prostitutes LOL. Idek. Should've just jigged, except Nayomi decided to be a good student for a day.

Went to Eastwood with Tanya and Elaine and got us some yogurt. Praus is awesome. POMEGRANATE IS SO BEAUTIFUL.

Got home and finished Animal Farm. Now I shall sleep and prepare myself for the load of work waiting for me on the weekend.

You're a dick and a half.

10:09 PM

Thursday, August 16, 2012
I finally found you

This post has been here all night. Must've fallen asleep on it. Went to bed at 10 (Y) I think English traumatized my body.

Math first, and we got our assessment notifications and Nayomi and I just felt like crying. I think the only things I can do are locus and calculus. Trig test on Monday. Lol.

Chem was okay, just did some boring old pracs.

Spent the free printing out maths papers and chem papers and generally feeling very overwhelmed. Then Anika and I gave in and got takoyaki which wasn't as good as two weeks ago, but at least we didn't get caught.

English last with Sztajer. I gave Motherwell my extra copy of Woolf's letters. Finished Othello film. Pretty good, but I couldn't take it seriously. Othello's angry look LOL. And then when Desdemona is getting killed, I was like 0: but then her foot just popped out of nowhere at Othello's face, it was hilarious.

Went to Strathfield on a whim with Michelle to enrol in Matrix. I really hope I got into the first class, unless they're still fucking prioritizing which makes no sense. I got noggi and it was beautiful. Oh and then this really hot muscular guy sat across us on the train hehehe.

It was my grandma's birthday, and Pat's which we will celebrate in an hour in eco 8)
So much meat everywhere and it all tasted so good and then tiramisu for dessert and then I was so exhausted I went to sleep.

And Friday has just started. Feeling like shit but I can't skip English and chem and eco. Legal can die.

9:59 PM

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I love yogurt. My face loves it so much.

Mm slept relatively early again yesterday which was good. Makes the next day less painful.

THE SUSHI PLACE CLOSED DOWN. Temporarily to renovate but I'm so sad cause their sushi was so nice and cheap :'(

Eco was fun, Hindmarsh had a weird shirt of this Central American dish he hated... And I pretty much failed to understand everything we talked about. Going to do so badly for eco and Pat makes me feel so bad cause she's already doing notes! Whee so excited for Fun Food Friday and we also get to finish off the ice cream from last week!

Maths sucked, had some sub who was so flustered and had no idea what she was doing. Locus isn't terrible right now, I'll be failing quadratic functions even harder.

I love English. Finished Othello five minutes into lunch. Motherwell would read out stage directions in such a somber tone, it's very amusing. I hope we get to finish the movie, very curious to see how everybody dies. And I probably mentioned this but my oven brand is Iago. Coincidence? I think so.

FREE. But me and Tanya left for Westfield at lunch, getting all paranoid about being caught. Got the sponge cake from Woolies and then omg we bumped into Wilson! But she paid no particular notice to us. Heart attack. So like the pigs we are, Tanya and I finished a whole sponge cake and by the end, I was ready to vomit from the cream and jam overload. Then I spent the rest of the period cutting split ends which are disgusting.

Yoga was good today. I shall do some moves I remember before I sleep.

I bought the $20 ice cream maker that Seowoo got! Except it sounds more complicated than I thought. I have I refrigerate the mix for four hours before putting it in the machine. Cbf.

Got more books too. Still waiting on my Dickens collection! And when I went to the mailbox, I swear it was slightly humid or just feeling like a cool summer night I WAS SO HAPPY so I skipped to and back home. So excited for summer. But I tried my uniform on tonight. Looks worse than it used to.

Sigh, time to catch up on maths hw. I could just drop asleep right now.

9:40 PM

Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Slipping through

I slept ten hours last night. It was beautiful. Sarah slept 12 LOL.

Legal is terrible. Why is it a subject. OH but we went on the Hells Angels site which was so amusing. Like, 30000 Australian views and then the second highest is 4000 Americans. We're pathetic.
Maths was good, I understood whatever we were doing. AHHHH MARSHALL'S STOMACH WHY I CANNOT STOP STARING. I swear it's so solid looking and yet it's starting to droop over his belt.
Eco was fun. But I didn't listen at all so I'll need Pat to tutor me, sigh. Told Hindmarsh about Anika's mistaking Marilyn Monroe for the queen. And Hindmarsh looking for his face in this huge picture of City2surf runners and it was like Where's Wally and Carla spat into my eye and I swear I was temporarily infected.

Voted for prefects, legit cbf so I just picked ten names. Forced Motherwell to request to keep the same English class next year. We'll just die without her. She was also quite chill about me jogging building strength, granted she always jigged herself before :)
Skipped building strength and went to Praus with Carla AND IT WAS SO DELICIOUS SCREW YOGURBERRY. Omg next time, we're going to get a bowl of yogurt and a bowl of topping 8)

Went to the library parabola and Eric came and I had nothing on me but Eco which faile miserably omg. But on the upside, I discovered what I need to study. Which is everything except the definition of financial markets. Then I got Thai with the family (Y)

More books arrived! I got a post office notice so I'm praying that it's my beautiful Dickens hardcovers. Getting my tissues, they are going to be so beautiful.

Was going to do maths while my hair dried, which is disgusting: me and Carla fainted while finding our split ends. My ends feel like hay. But this post took too long and it's dry so I shall sleep instead.

11:02 PM

Monday, August 13, 2012

Early night planned. I'm surprised I haven't dropped dead, considering I went to bed at 4am. Thank goodness I didn't try pull an all nighter with Christine, except lots of people did, like Sarah and Tanya and Suk LOL. Poor souls. I feel ashamed of my independent investigation, but oh well, nothing left to do about it.

Mm English ext first, funny when Motherwell continually swore cause she confused characters. I swear Mister Pip is actually so confusing, I prefer studying Eucalyptus, which is saying something.
Had irritating sub for legal, and I discreetly napped, pretending I was reading the sheets. Elaine's hair feels so gross omg ew.
Maths was fun, even though me and Flo struggled to get through four locus questions the entire lesson. Got my calculus test back and did pretty good for my standards. Then Marshall chimed on our conversation of dropping ext and he told me not to drop it cause I was doing well... very nearly asked what he was smoking because there's nothing to tell me that extension is going well.
Chem last was good, got to do the distillation experiment Smyth did for our biofuels thing last year. Wow, so long ago. Spent most of my lesson cutting my split ends and then I'd just found a really gross multi split one and was about to cut it till Gamble switched off the lights to burn the ethanol. So pissed off, I can't stand the thought of it remaining in my hair.

Was supposed to get sponge cake and watch MIGHTY MIKE LOL with Tanya but I cbf waiting for her bio test to finish. Instead, I suffered a horridious bus ride with these two fucking year 9 girls who have the shrillest most disgusting voice boxes okay little sluts.

I think I played Angry Birds all evening, and I'm really bad at it.

Sleep sounds good.

9:54 PM

Finished English.

3:38 AM

Sunday, August 12, 2012
Much in little

I feel like the living dead. Oxymoronic, isn't it? I probably used that word incorrectly but I'm so tired I want to die. Fucking English. Suck dick fuck lol. 1800 words and I refuse to sleep till it's 2000. Seriously, spent the whole fucken day on this and I get 500 words done in total. And then Christine bails and sleeps so it's just me and Tanya and I don't even know how many times I've dozed off momentarily.

Monday afternoon, gonna buy sponge cake and watch Magic Mike by myself if Tanya bails.

So hungry WHAT IS LIFE. I have passion fruit flavoured cookies. I really want some.

1:50 AM

Friday, August 10, 2012

Good day today. Went to woolies this morning and the bread sticks were one dollar again so I got one and french onion dip :) Oh but I totally forgot about handing chem is so I ran over and just got it in by the time roll call started.

Maths first and we started locus at last. Marshall brought profiteroles and REALLY DELICIOUS SPONGE CAKE OMG. But he served it on toilet paper HAHA. And Tanya was licking the remaining cream and jam off of my toilet serviette and she was like, your cream tastes good... LOL. Then I pointed out how the jam bit was quite parallel to my current situation. And it was all on toilet paper HAHAHAHAHAH funny. OMG but Marshall forced us out to the oval to explain focus whatever and it was so ridiculously cold so we ran back in and finished off the leftover profiteroles before he got to class. Last official lesson with Tanya :(

Legal was shit, I've had no idea what we've been learning in class since the semester started.

Most unproductive fucking fail free ever, I legit wrote a paragraph of my ext, then stared at it for the rest of the hour. Fuck all.

WHEE ECO WAS SO MUCH FUN. Aparna and Romi brought Neapolitan ice cream with mini cones and we just spent half the lesson scooping and handing those around and getting seconds, but it was a 4L tub so we'll finish it next lesson. Jess chimed, and so did Tanya and Michelle for a bit. Legit did nothing. Anika got in trouble as usual. Anika and Carla started a band.

It's so bad laughing while walking to the station. Nayomi like, fell or something idek how and I was linking arms with her. Omg and then on the bridge, the wind just went fucking bonkers and my hair was all over my face and I legit could not see and I couldn't stop laughing and my heart got a really good workout.

Got two more books in the mail! And I also got a replacement order for an order that was super delayed but it eventually came so I'm going to give those Woolf books to Jiani. They'll be going to a good home.

Just finished watching PLL, why are all those men so hot omg. I should rewatch some TVD, but it'll be out in literally exactly a month! Excited.

Okay cbf to do my story, I'll probably go read. I haven't read for leisure since holidays, this is unbearable.

7:49 PM


I fell asleep on my English, but then I woke up and remembered I needed to print my stupid bibliography out for chem so I am unfortunately awake now.

Maths first kind of screwed me over, homework took us so long during class. But Marshall is postponing the trig test and we're having a party in class tomorrow whoo (Y)
Chem was fun, playing with the molecular models. They forced a lot of strange noises out of me as I tried to piece them together and pull them apart. I'm so ashamed of my assignment, but English trumps all so I relatively give no shits.
Eco was fun, I swear the class hates our back row cause we're always laughing. I AM SO CLEVER. We were creating nicknames for each other. Cong, Pam and Gang. Then Anika had none so I ingenius-ly came up with A-knicker HEHEHEHEHEHEHE. It needs to go on her jersey. I'll like, write it in for her if she refuses. We also forced Hindy to tie his hair back which looked so funny cause his face seemed even larger and redder.

I LOVE ENGLISH SO MUCH. I am so excited for next year, and textual dynamics AND STUDYING ORLANDO. That is, if I get Motherwell, cause crime fiction is just stupid. Spent the first half of the lesson discussing DOAS cause she finally saw it yesterday and she was talking about wanting to grope Geoffrey Rush during a play LOOOOOOOL oh :') Mm, we're quite slow with Othello, but we always are with everything but end up with tons of notes that we can't read, but still. I'll just re-listen to my recordings and study.

Watched Wild Child when I got home idek why, but I am so sexually frustrated now because of Pettyfer and I am going by myself, if no one is willing to come with me, on Monday, after handing in English, to watch Magic Mike. Of course, that will most likely just fuel the sexual frustration.

So I got about 1100 words for English now, it's progressively getting worse, but whatever, needs to be done on Saturday so I can edit majorly and do my reflection on Sunday dljdsfihp0jlodknhw.

George P visited. Hurts so much :(


12:25 AM

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Currently awkwardly third-wheeling on my parents anniversary dinner at our dining table cause they were too lazy to go out. And I'm sitting here, attempting work. Literally right between them LOL.

Sigh, woke up at 7am which was a ridiculous sleep in, but I managed to run out of the house within fifteen minutes, and make the usual m60 at Towers. Fucking. Awesome (Y) Except I got no breakfast so I bought a bacon and egg.

English ext first and Motherwell was able to stay till the last ten minutes to leave to see DOAS. So funny omg, we were all so diligent in writing notes that we didn't notice Motherwell accidentally say that gentlemen eat fine CLOTHES till Ami laughed such a manic laugh, it was so shocking LOL. Got it all recorded, fuck yes. Then when Motherwell left, me and Anika listened to that part, waiting for the class' laughter to explode in our ears.

Maths was actually understandable. Omg Tanya that slut. Dropping 3u on Friday, JUST MISSING THAT TRIG TEST. Hate her. H-A-T-E.

Lara brought super sweet but delicious melting moments to compensate for her absence on a previous Friday. Sigh, just barely keeping up in eco. Those notes really need to get started.

Hehe, lunch was fun, fooling around with hip hop and jamming.

Chem was fun too! We were allowed to make bucky balls instead of learn molecular models (which we'll regret later) and Christine just sung horribly all lesson. Do not like HSM2 anymore. Then Gina started playing music so we were just singing and then Lane comes to see what the racket is and he was grinning HE IS SO CUTE. Christine's ball is disgusting, we drew Christine's, Michelle's and my faces on it, and now it is hung strategically on the ceiling where they'll always look down on us. Christine was like, do balls become erect like dicks?

Yoga was so relaxing, I think most of us fell asleep. It was actually not-cold-enough to wear no jumper so me and Jess got an ice coffee. Then we got devil wings lol.

My Woolf books were delivered! Good timing, I can skim them and maybe they'll help with ext. Then I bought some more books. I think I've spent $300 on books this winter. Which reminds me, Carla didn't realise June was a winter month this morning. BUT BOOKS ARE TOO BEAUTIFUL TO RESIST :'(

Oh and my mum bought me Casablanca, Gone with the Wind and Doctor Zhivago DVDs :') Filled up a small gap of the hole losing Foxtel created.

K all I've done is fix chem, and I'm officially leaving it. I shall open my ext document now. Sigh.

That was a long post. Been a long time since I had a lot to say.

7:52 PM

Tuesday, August 7, 2012
What to do, what to do

Major writer's block. Almost 600 words in. 2500 to go. And a whole hell of a plot to weave. Sigh. This really will determine who is cut out for English extension or not next year. Anyway, to move past the block and actually feel good writing something, I shall blog, of course.

Read Mister Pip on the bus, it's still stupid. But I guess that's inevitable when the character narrator is stupid. Seriously, fucking, PIP IS NOT REAL. Got some coffee mm, but I had to pay full price cause Jess slept in and I didn't get to use the 2 for 1 coupon, which expires on Monday.

Legal. Bleh. Tried to cut Nayomi's split ends /shiver. But there were so many, frankly I had no idea which ones to cut. Did not think that things would get worse than Sylvia's hair.

Year assembly and this Cheltenham High Resolves girl was so nervous she sounded she was about to cry lol. Seriously, if you're not cut out for public speaking, you probably shouldn't join such a group. Lane is cute :)

Extension was good, finally properly started analysing Mister Pip, something entertaining most likely happened... OH YES. Motherwell walks in and I haven't started recording and then she's randomly like, some truck hit my face and broke my jaw. I used to look like Marilyn Monroe before.
Idk, I think she mentioned it cause Jenny's face was so swollen from her wisdom teeth last lesson LOL. So entertaining. Like, she said she was at Penno and she poked her head around the road on the footpath and some bus/truck/vehicle just hit her face and she went flying but didn't break anything but her jaw. Not sure if it's true or not LOL.

Maths was like, waking up from a dream of English and entering fucking harsh reality of numbers that make no sense to me. Have not done so much work, he's going to kill me cause I still don't remember how to complete the square.

English again and omg, I love listening to our class read it cause Motherwell is Othello and Varsha is Iago and both are so amazing and just read in such lyrical uninterrupted prose together KDSJFHOWEIUHODIU so beautiful. Lol, Desdemona's hot moist hands. I love English.

This white kid sat behind Varsha and I on the bus talking to his friend and telling him to just have sex with some girl. Entertaining.

Bought ingredients for my slutty brownies and then spent an hour making them cause I get so paranoid about reading the recipe incorrectly. They're so beautiful and delicious, except I forgot to grease the pan/bowl so the cookie dough doesn't come off easily. If each slice has one oreo already... don't want to think about how much carb is being consumed, all in the form of sugar thus fat.

K progressing with the story. Why is it not as easy as blogging, fuck shit.

Monday will be the epitome of freedom.

And then we begin exam preparation. The joy.

11:13 PM

Monday, August 6, 2012
I don't even know why

My brain is so dried out oh my god. It's only 10pm, thank god. I still need to finish chem.

Waking up was such a nightmare. Even though I woke up only at 9am, SO SLEEP DEPRIVED. Not quite sure what I was trying to convey there.
Chem first was a blow to the day. Started energy, already fucked me over cause I don't remember bullshit from metals or chemical earth or whatever everything is associated with.
English and the German exchange joined our glass. Went over Act 3, Iago is such a genius /worship. I totally forgot he gets caught in the end, thought his plan just happily fell through for him. A bit concerned as to how I'm going to study with such atrocious looking notes.
Legal was awful, so much so I can't remember what happened. Everytime I look at or think about Nayomi's hair, my body just continually shudders. Like right now. Omg.
Maths calculus test was okay, I finished pretty quick, but that could mean I totally fucked it up. SO BEHIND ON HOMEWORK NOW. Have like, six exercises of quadratic function and the whole of 3U trig and Marshall, being the dick he is, scheduled a topic test on 3U trig on Friday. I don't have fucking time to study for maths FUCK. He looked good in his leather jacket, except his stomach was still sticking out.

Got home and actually helped my mum cook as a form of procrastination. Then my sister comes home and we spend literally four hours working on my extension story, and it is pretty much planned now, so I can start writing tomorrow and finish chem tonight. I'm so proud of it, but I'm so scared the actual execution of the idea will just crumble, like it always does. And no one will be able to understand it unless they know who Virginia Woolf is, which applies to nobody except the English faculty.

K, hopefully finished chem by midnight, I want to die. My mouth is so dry and my voice is so hoarse from discussion and argument.

10:00 PM

Sunday, August 5, 2012
so close

Jokes about preserving my high school shit. When I finish high school, I am fucking burning my maths books and imagining that they're screaming in agony and I'm gonna be thinking fuck you that's just a taste of your own fucking medicine.

As for chem, it is basically finished but since we have chem first, oh the joy, I'll need to ask Gamble a lot till I finish setting my information out properly.

Did a good amount of zumba till my parents came home with pizza. Why :'(

It was a really beautiful day, you could feel the tiniest touch of humidity in the air which has not existed for so long. AND THERE WERE FLIES. Which, in itself, is not exciting, nor good news, however it is a symbol that summer is approaching and I cannot even wait.

Kinda dawning on me how much we have to do for the rest of the term and that we really need to actually start right now.

I was supposed to have gotten an English draft done but no, inspiration is being a tedious little bitch and avoiding me.

Sleeping at 1.

11:23 PM

So fucking frustrated with chemistry, adding blogging to my growing list of forms of current procrastination. THIS IS THE STUPIDEST FUCKING ASSIGNMENT FUCK ALL FAR OUT SO FUCKING PISSED OFF



Australia is fucking pathetic. Olympics is stupid. You are not the fucking fastest runner in the world, you are the fastest at this set time on this day in these conditions FUCKING STUPIDEST COMPETITION JUST SO ANGRY LOL.

Haven't even started maths or English.

Need to find a replacement for 'fuck'.

4:55 PM

Saturday, August 4, 2012
nobody's perfect

Weekend is half over. And it certainly was an unproductive one. All day, and I've only finished task fucking one of chemistry and I still need to START English PLUS just remember there's a maths topic test tomorrow and I have probably forgotten first principle differentiation.

However, I did sleep at 11pm last night and woke at 9am and did my yoga. But it went down from there. Managed maybe another thirty pages of Mister Pip, ugh don't quite like it yet. Then Lilo and Stitch 2 was on and then I sat down for hours staring at photosynthesis. Lol ANIKA did not call, you whore.

Mm I had buffalo wings for lunch. So delicious, but so oily, I was dabbing it with my napkins like Margaret with that oil-loaded cheese naan.

Ditched chemistry and watched Ratatouille and Some Like it Hot, commentating with Ravie, cause we both gave up on chem. AH so funny, both those films. Tony Curtis is so beautiful, omg.

OH MY GOD. First photo I find of him in Some Like it Hot. Me and Ravie were gushing about how amazing his figure is in a suit and now I get to uncover what's under it hehehehehe. Da-YUM that arm.

Maybe I'll read about catalysts and whatnot in bed. Ceebs.

Photo was too big :(

10:50 PM

Friday, August 3, 2012

End of the week. It shall be a torturous weekend. So tired. And GUH it was mufti and my jeans were just falling off all day. OMG and me and Carla and Jess bought all this food in the morning, and then I realised my mum packed me heaps TT

Eco first was good. Hindmarsh walked in with a platter of brownies and a bowl with an electric mixer... and then he went to get plates of scones and cream and jam. Elaine was just casually whipping cream for him LOL. Scones were too buttery for me but still good, and he baked them himself (Y) But ANIKA was not here, doing physics till 5am that noob. Missed out on a good lesson. LOL I had to scribble all around her textbook. But they're actually important notes, so she'd better appreciate it.

Went through a lot of Othello, but we're still pretty slow I think. Nearly Act 3. I'm so worried about it, I swear we have no particular notes on themes or anything like that, IDK. I haven't used the word 'themes' in an essay for so long.

Finally finished water in chem, hopefully getting a move on with energy. I should be starting notes. Fuck.

Legal last was unbearable, nearly slept at the end of the lesson. The law is fucking. Stupid. People. Are. Stupid.

Eastwood with Christine, Nayomi, Jiani and Seowoo and we had to queue for Yogurberry. Good stuff though. Then we saw Shobhana ODBHCFWOUDFHOW MISS HER SO MUCH. Miss science with her. Miss Year 10. Fuck shit.

My mum and I ordered twelve books together AND I GOT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL COLLECTION OF DICKENS OH MY GOD. I swear, I will cry when they come because it's just too much beauty.

New plan. Marry a rich man. Buy a cottage. Create my library.

Finished watching A Cinderella Story just then. Why is Chad Michael Murray so beautiful, why is real life not like this THEREFORE WHY DO THEY TORMENT US WITH FALSE EXPECTATIONS AND CONSTANT DISAPPOINTMENT?

K going to do as much of part 1 chem as I can before my eyes glue shut.

9:35 PM

Thursday, August 2, 2012
A little brighter

Got onto the computer for the sake of doing chem or eco notes, but apparently, neither are happening. Next week is going to be disgusting.

I had to resist buying the freshly made macarons at Thomas Dux this morning sdlnsdkljsoubhfoweud but I'll probably go tomorrow lol.
Maths first which was ONE AND A HALF HOURS. Idek, something about the Westpac comp or whatever, but it was terrible. Couldn't even remember completing the square. Looking forward to exams. Thank god, no maths tomorrow. But so much homework, Marshall is a dick.
Chem was so confusing, I can't understand their English okay, I never know how to solve the problems. But I think we're finally done with water and hopefully we'll start energy next week.
Free LOL. Gathered all my maths shit together and ended up boring a book and reading instead.

THEN; me and Anika went to get takoyaki which was so fucking deliciously beautiful, and I stupidly decided to eat in the market area instead of return to school so by the time we finished eating, lunch had just started, and on the way back, we were getting all paranoid about a teacher walking out and then. Armitage. Walks. Out. LOL so me and Anika rush back to Westfield for a bit, acting so suspicious HAHA. But we got back in time for second bell. So traumatic. But totally worth it, that was amazing takoyaki.

English with Eldridge last, which was disappointing because I wanted to hear Motherwell and the class' discussion on DOAS play. I should make use of all those inappropriate terms in Othello, so interesting.

So now, I have literally done nothing except read since I got home. And my Woolf books were all lost in the mail but it's okay cause they'll be replacing the order soon (Y) And for Christmas and my birthday, my mum promised to get me hundreds of dollars worth of books, since there's nothing else I'm desperately wanting. Accumulating my library fuck yes.

I will attempt to define photosynthesis and sleep.

10:19 PM

Wednesday, August 1, 2012
You don't say...

Good day. Mostly.

I ended up sleeping at 1am cause I was youtubing Disney videos and apparently there was an expo where all the old princess sang live and Belle and Ariel's voices matured so much but Lea Salonga remained amazing.

Eco first, Hindmarsh hates me. BUT I understand money markets, sort of. Should start those notes now huh.

DEATH OF A SALESMAN! Bus'd with Anika, Sylvia and Christine and we played fail games like Concentration and Anika is so stupid okay, BEN STILLER WAS NOT A YEAR 11 NORMO LOLOLOLOL.
Far out they let all the bloody white schools get into the theatre first and then we just stampeded in LOL. Got an awesome seat, second row.
Idk I really liked the play in the end, but those fucking pieces of white trash were laughing and being so unbelievably disrespectful and people were fucking giggling behind me and there were lots of issues with the production too, like casting/acting, context, setting, costuming but honestly, Willy and Biff's performance in the end blew me away, I was so captivated till Biff awkwardly hugged Willy and PEOPLE FUCKING LAUGHED. And Tanya pointed out the white bastard laughing in the front and perving on The Woman. So angry. And we didn't even get to stay for Q&A time where we could've redeemed our school and show we actually studied and appreciated the performance.

Discussed so much of it on the ride home with Tanya and Dorie till my throat dried up. Penno with Tanya and Jess plus devil wings, and then me and Tanya went to Eastwood, happily bitching along the way. Oh me and Tanya went down to platform 3 at Hornsby but then we see Eric and Leanne's faces poking out of the train on platform 4 and we realized wrong platform so we ran over. It's like food tech when we finished late and had to take the 3:30 train but kept forgetting it was on a different platform till a minute before the train. Good times.

Got Yogurberry which was better than Chatswood I think, and then we got a small Praus one LOL. And the guy gave me an 80 cent discount for being a student and I told Tanya and she literally screamed. It was so funny, neither of us knew not why that noise came out LOOOL.

Shopping with mother, reciting the play to her. She said she'll take me to the Belvoir when they perform Shakespeare. Mm got some Thai takeout and my mum got Krispy Kreme. Fat.

Watched PLL okay idek fuck why they do this.

Maths and chem.

9:24 PM