
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

So grateful for the excursion tomorrow cause I can just bludge 50 minutes of eco first period.

Mm legal first which was so boring and the presentations were so boring and monotonous, me and Herschell better do well ffs. Except that god forsaken report probably brought us down LOL. Bitched with Nayomi about ahem. Now somebody understands.

Year assembly and LOL I blanched when I saw 'you glow girl' on the jersey option thing SO DISGUSTING LOL. And Mr Lane is so cute but I don't particularly like his voice, but Anika and Nayomi think he looks weird and has a nice voice. Then Nayomi has the nerve to say that Mufasa is more attractive than Lane...

Maths was bs, revising parabolas lol. Sigh, really sad at the thought of not getting Marshall.

Eco was fun, but I still have no idea what financial markets are lol. And we started money soooo... idek positively screwed.

Building strength was stupid. Once again, enforcing shit we know but are too lazy to implement. And finish notes three weeks before exams? Hindmarsh doesn't plan to finish Eco till the week before exams so three weeks my fucking ass. Tanya thought I said something that sounded like 'lesbian pudding' HAHAHAHA. I googled it and it just showed me pudding with dirty packaging lol.

Died on the bus with Varsha orgasming about food, so I got home and made myself a mug brownie. Then napped. Then zumba. Then I opened Mister Pip, napped and listened to an English class hehe.

Sleep now.
If I can sleep.
I will not ruin myself in the holidays anymore.

11:40 PM

Monday, July 30, 2012
Then you're gone

Shitty day, can't believe it's only been three weeks. Or already been three weeks. Time is passing too fast, I can't keep up.

I just remembered last week, Carla said she slept in a prawn position instead of calling it the feotal position LOLOLOL.
Officially finished Eucalyptus in English and I also didn't too terrible in my Carter essay. But on my paper and Anika's, there was a green stain and Motherwell wrote 'sorry it's avocado'. Spent a good ten minutes cracking up over that. Apparently she faceplanted on Friday and had a concussion but she's still same old (Y) but the bitch is going to Italy in the last couple weeks of term SO DEPRESSED. Means we can't celebrate the end of Year 11 with her.
Presented in legal, and ours was the shortest at ten minutes lol. Nayomi says my v
oice is soothing... that sped.
Maths was shitty, can't remember piecemeal shit so screwed LOLOLOLOL.
Hip hop in the hall... hopefully everything works out like Lipsync did.
Chem last, unproductive, but fun. I should get a move on with that assignment.

Towers with Eric and Leanne, and I legit did four maths questions before giving up. Eric fails at drawing. But I guess I have no right to criticize. I can't even write nicely.

Got home and spent half an hour trying to find my Shrek 2 disk cause I wanted to sing Accidentally in Love but I could not find it so I put Wildchild on but then the opening ads showed Mamma Mia so I put that on instead and happily sang along. Sky is so hot oh god.

I would totally do an ABBA medley for Lipsync omg!

Finishing legal has allowed me one day of relaxation so I shall sleep early now.

10:20 PM

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Piece of shit night fucking shit amoeba dirt fuck bag fuck this that you him her fuck all.

11:23 PM

Archives of longing

Had this post sitting here since Friday so I might as well finish now.

Skipped school today, forgot what to write. Finish this tomorrow. Evidently did not post this last night. Lol this is chronologically confusing. I remember Friday night was intense, or Thursday, but I can't remember why..

OH. I caught up to date with Pretty Little Liars and Anika had totally freaked me out cause she said she had to sleep with the lights on after the last episode, so I had her on the phone with me and my sister next to me and it was not even scary /facepalm.

Today has been a semi-productive day. I finally finished most of legal. Of course, me and Herschell haven't even figured out the speech bit which may be a problem.

I had two ham and cheese croissants for breakfast today, plus a spoonful of nutella. So delicious. SO DELICIOUS OH MY LORD. And my mum is baking those Masterchef cola wings tonight I AM SO EXCITED FDLIHDKJODSKJFNKHSJAPOSIDJ AND THEN ENCHANTED IS ON YEEEEEEE not doing work tonight. I attempted eco, but I just wrote Financial Markets and went to Youtube.

Watched Ice Age with my family, I wish they'd stop making more of that film franchise. My mum made cola wings and they were pretty disappointing, all the caramelised onion was stuck on the top of the wings.

Then me and Carla virtually commentated during Enchanted I LOVE THAT MOVIE SO MUCH OH MY GOD. When Patrick Dempsey sings to Amy Adams, I just die inside.

Got woken up by Herschell and our report is so long omg I cannot edit this. And we're so unprepared for our presentation, not that we technically have one yet, sigh.

Had mi goreng, and another spoon of nutella. Idek what's wrong with me. I swear I never cared much for chocolate before BUT IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL LET ME DIE.

I've been learning to play Dawn, and it's slowly progressing. My poor neighbours, putting up with my out-of-practice piano.

Time to work.

12:30 PM

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Careers expo is over, my mind is fucked.

Maths first was good with just Tanya and I got work done! Plus tomorrow is a work lesson so I shall sleep very soon. Oh and we had a lockdown. That procedure has so many holes in it, in the event where a proper lockdown is necessary.
Chem was so mindfucking all over again, far out. So worried about exams. And that assignment. Idek.
I love our eco class. Endless laughing.
Had the irritating sub for English but we watched Othello so that was okay and it was so awkwardly hilarious with all the sex and Iago's monologue. Desdemona has nice boobs.

Omg went to Thomas Dux to satisfy Anika's and my macarons cravings. That was bad grammar. And then we ate Singapore noodles and positively burst our stomachs. Sat up at Timezone with our commerce group spazzing and looking very suspicious.

Careers expo plenary shit was boring, and so was science omg okay, that bio guy came to the wrong school. Nobody here is going to be a RANGER. Law was such a thought provoking talk, and you can really see how well they speak next to everyone else, and they have such a passion for it which inspired a desire to do comm/art instead of comm/science just to study English as something I'll enjoy. Finance was shit. Now I have so many books to look through and so much to think about SIGH.

Shower and sleep. Before midnight (Y)

9:05 PM

Lost it somehow

Finished maths, such an accomplished feeling. Granted it took about three hours but still.

English first and we finished Eucalyptus, fuck yes! And apparently Mister Pip is really good so I'll eventually get to that. Definitely doing extension, excited for textual dynamics.
Maths was just, idk spent so long in the lesson doing ten stupid questions lol.
Eco was so fun LOL Hindy split us into groups so poor Jamie was forced with me, Anika and Aparna mucking around all lesson, but we eventually got a fact sheet handed in. Hatton came in and we had to stage photos of us 'being productive' for the year-11-going-onto-year-12 presentation at the end of the term. He's so cute.
Chem was so frustrating snxbskznsksvdjsbdja but I may finally be understanding. Just a little.

YOGA. I had higher expectations, but it'll be a good temporary stress buster. Waited for mother to come to school and unfortunately bumped into Marshall ten minutes before the set interview time so we awkwardly conversed for fifteen minutes. Then English was slightly amusing. Foster and Motherwell were like, if you don't like Mister Pip, something's wrong with you.

Masterchef was so gay, why did Andy win fuck that, wasted two hours.

Anyway time for bed. And the end of the week very soon.

Stick it up your fucking dickhole LOLOLOL. But seriously.

12:17 AM

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

So much for sleeping at midnight. Currently in a call with Brandon and Christine, it's been so long. So many laughs LOL and disgust omg, so disgusting. And unproductive, I hate myself.

Legal first was awful as per usual. While Karnups lost weight, Marshall gained.

ENGLISH EXT WAS SO GOOD OMG BUT MY PHONE DIDN'T RECORD I AM SO DEPRESSED. Okay so we're just going through Eucalptus shit and then we see this hugeass spider on the wall and Sandra screams and it's all very funny. And then we just do more work and then Anika notices the spider is gone and Motherwell's like 'shit' and we're searching the class but we can't find it so we ignore it. Casually doing work. Then Sarah like, yells or something and apparently the spider jumped off the light and landed beside Motherwell. I wish it landed on her, would've been so hilarious HAHA. Then she trapped it in a container and was like LET'S GO ON AN EXCURSION so we all skipped merrily to the garden and she let the spider loose and named it Alfie and it was so much fun in the rain. And then sometime later when we were quietly writing, Anika burped super loudly which was hilarious. And the thing where Motherwell pretended to be erotically interpreting Ellen's nudity LOL. And I love English.

Okay maths was shit, but me and Ravie facepalmed so hard when Marshall showed us the shit we didn't understand in homework last night, which we stayed up till 12 together, attempting and failing. Like I am right now.

English adv was good too, finished Act 1 at last. Motherwell was going on about how hot Othello is in the film we'll be watching LOL SO ADORABLE. And perverted. But I can't listen to it tonight, otherwise I won't sleep till 2. Like yesterday.

Stared at Richard on the bus and his Adam's apple looked like a nipple HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Then I napped till 6pm and felt so depressed when Mindy got eliminated because Julia's annoying Trott-like face is still there.

Okay, been failing maths for two hours. Life. Sucks.


11:53 PM

Monday, July 23, 2012
hustle hustle hustle

Fuck shit, just spent nearly two hours failing maths with Ravie till we found we were able to do the last question in the chapter all correctly fuck yes. Felt so good, till we realised Marshall is checking books tomorrow, fuck life. IDC I can sleep at midnight.

Lol, so dead this morning since me and Christine finished our cycles at 1am and I cut my sleep by 4 hours since the weekend.
Chem was a bad start to the day, but I'm finally understanding all this dilution concentration molarity idek so yeah, I may not fail. Except I still haven't started that assignment.

HAHA handed in my cycle and impromptu'd story names right before printing at recess. So bad. And then me and Anika began recording and we started reading Othello which was so entertaining because Anika is such an ... amusing reader 8) And Motherwell is so adorable, maybe I'll just fall asleep listening to the recording. I love English so much, I'm even excited for my mum to meet Motherwell, even though it'll be for five minutes and it'll probably just be me conversing with the teacher.

My circulation cut off in legal so I sat on the floor writing. And Nayomi moved next to me. Increased unproductivity. That's apparently not a word.
Hip hop was just eh, I don't like formation, it's way too complicated and messy. Staying in the first positions through the entire thing would be better.
Maths was, idk we only learned stuff that applied to half the hw, hence why me and Ravie left out half the chapter.

Stayed after school to do legal with Herschell and chiming with Amanda and Carla. GOT DELICIOUS PAD THAI IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. Saw Brandon at Hornsby library and got kicked out of the study room after these stupid Cherrybrook kids got their reserved rooms mixed up and made a poor man move three times. It was such a waste of time. We got an introduction LOL and I didn't do any tonight because of maths.

My mum made cola wings 8) Not quite like the ones on Masterchef but she says she'll do them on the weekend or something.

I did a yogurt hair mask, it was so gross but now my hair feels so much smoother and nicer.

Hopefully tonight will consist of five hours of sleep minimum. Sounds good.

11:50 PM

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Half the day is gone and I've just opened my short story. Well done.

Mm it's okay, I did yoga this morning, except it was the first time in a week so soreness is a guarantee tomorrow. I was eating leftover pizza for brunch and then on my last piece of wagyu, I somehow flipped the pizza and it dropped into my dogs mouth :'( I'd been eating around that piece, anticipating to enjoy it. Sad.

Made the horrible decision to turn my tv on. And there were Masterchef reruns so I spent a good three hours watching those before calling Christine and opening my documents. Of course, I watched a bit of Ellen before that. It cannot be helped.

UGH I have to fix legal as well, it's due in a week dlkcnhodifhcncbjef idek what to do still.

I think I was thinking last night that I'd watch Singing in the Rain today, of course, forgetting the fact that that was on my recorded Foxtel card. Life. Sucks.

This is a waste of time.

Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.

3:14 PM

Why do you fucking ignore me? How sad am I for wanting to say this to three different people?

I can't sleep.

1:08 AM

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Wow, cannot believe myself. Looks like I'll have to start all my work tomorrow. And after redoing my calendar and seeing all the filled boxes, I'm quite worried now.

Had a blissfully late morning today, probably because I slept super late, listening to the English lesson I recorded and quietly laughing. But good god, my voice is really disgusting.

Began my procrastination by reading Jane Eyre. And then watching Aristocrats. And The Prince and the Showgirl. And then Take the Lead. And now Transformers. Shia LaBeouf is so beautiful.

Sigh, I'll probably sleep after this. Most likely not. I want cola chicken wings.

10:51 PM

Friday, July 20, 2012
Generation Useless

TGIF. I am so over school. And I totally would have gone to sleep but then I saw Bridget Jones' Diary is on so obviously I have to watch. Mm got a chai this morning.

Eco first was good, Hindmarsh spent a good twenty minutes explaining bonds to us and now we got it! So accomplished. And then he made me and Pat act out a skit to explain it, in which I had no idea what to do so I probably didn't get it. Oh and he says he wants to die his hair black and grow it out LOL. Omg Steve Hooker looks so much like Hindmarsh.

English was just, shocking LOL. Very pleased though, I somehow got full marks. Ditto with Chridtine and a couple other 10Q people so YEE. Oh me and Anika recorded the lesson which was very entertaining, going over the historical context of Othello and various other topics that Motherwell trailed off to.

Chem was actually productive, I understand all the molarity concentration shit but we got our assessment and it's do stupid I swear TT

Legal was good, me and Herschell should do well with legal, and we had a sub who just didn't care what we did all lesson.

My mum got macarons as a reward for my essay, even though they tasted pretty bad but oh well. Watched tv all evening, and continuing now. So sleepy. But cannot resist Hugh Grant and Colin Firth. My dog is sleeping on my stomach.

Lots of work to do this weekend.

9:33 PM

Thursday, July 19, 2012
whimsical dyspeptic

I'm so sick right now, thank god it's the end of the week, sans tutor. Just going to sleep my life out this weekend. I swear, even six hours sleep is oversleeping, I was so dead. OH but I satisfied a tiny little percentage of my macaron craving. Pretty sure the flavours all taste the same but SO GOOD.

Maths was just /brainexplosion. Wrote five pages of theory okay, and now I have only two pages left in my book and I don't want to start a new one cause it won't be used by the end of Year 11. Gave up halfway through the homework as well, tomorrow is maths-free day (Y)
First chem without Nayomi. AND LAST WITH SZTAJER OMG GAMBLE IS BACK TOMORROW WHAT IS THIS? Going to fail so hard :'( And I have so many doubts about returning to Matrix, though it's highly doubtful I'd get a place anyway.
Free in the library with Ravie and Dorie and Jess. LOL when Ravie told us how this guy pulled down his pants in Year 4. Woe'd about female issues. The usual.
English was good, we were reading short stories and criticising so that's fun (Y) English is always fun, I love it. I just wish I was good at it. Ditto with maths.

Such an amusing bus ride with Carla, looking through my photo album LOL. Christine, thank you for providing endless recurring entertainment. I should publicise my entire Facetime album YEE.

It is so sad that Alice got eliminated from Masterchef WHYYYYY JULIA IS SO ANNOYING I KEEP SEEING TROTT FUCK. However, when the season ends, I may actually end up doing some exercise. Why did I start watching /facepalm.

K, time to sleep off this cold. And prepare for receiving my poetry essay tomorrow.

9:57 PM

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Baby down

Yearning for holidays so much, and not even for being able to sleep and laze around but I want to be fucking alone, far out. So sick of being around other beings. Holidays call for an overtake of introversion.

Did not fail eco, and I just got above the benchmark I set, but seriously, the question was so easy. So I guess you either had to do pretty well or pretty shit. Financial markets are so confusing, I swear, I will never understand what a share or bond or security even is. But me, Anika and Pat are going to ace it, just like the Year 12s before (Y)

I managed to do maths homework, so something right must have happened in maths today. I'll be super sad to lose Marshall next term :( Maybe I'll force him to do weekly lunch sessions with me.

English was just, panic attack. Independent investigation is due in 26 days. Twenty. Six. Fucking. Fuck. I haven't even read those texts okay omg. And then Motherwell was shitting me with all her requirements for the speech and it's only two teachers sitting there and then she helped me with my cycle and now I have to start all over again ENGLISH IS TAKING OVER LIFE.

Formation picked up in hip hop but it's so weird and not very nice when we do the last dance. Half of us are dancing to the curtains... Then our free group met up on the oval. I really like Georgia's 'My Torch Will Glow On' suggestion for our jerseys. And I swear, I cannot wear light blue, and it must mean something when I'd rather wear mustard.

FROYO! Again lol. With Anika and Jess and it was sooo good, I was so amazed. Not as good as Noggi, but thousands of times better than Yogurberry. The logo looked like a chicken shop though, and who calls a yogurt shop Praus? I peer-pressured Jess into getting another yogurt with me so we spent less than $5 on a maxi and mini cup 8)

Craving macarons so badly, me and Carla were just dying while watching Masterchef AND SO MUCH CAKE AND SO MANY MACARONS.

I'll finish English now.

10:32 PM

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

9:23 PM

not ready

Today was positively unbearable and it wasn't even a full day. My sleep totalled three hours because it wasn't possible to sleep before 3am apparently, but I'm sure that won't be a problem now. How were holidays only yesterday :'(

Tanya spat on my face so many times this morning LOL.
Legal was a fantastic way to start off the dreaded term TT idek what me and Herschell are going to do for the assignment.
Marshall's belly got even bigger over the holidays, it's really gross. And it took me and Flo so long to understand gradient function okay, we've barely even started calculus and I won't do well. I should finish revising trig as well...
Eco was fun though, and there was Belle's French exchange student and Mr Hindmarsh was being a creep and Google-Earth-ing her house. As in, street view LOL. And there was a French city called Condom hehe. I swear, Anika is the biggest noob. She misheard Carla talking about a new smaller school blouse and was like, 'did it shrink from the blow dryer?'

No building strength yeee, so me, Anika and Christine went to Stra and had disappointing Korean food. The fried chicken batter was not even cooked properly, should've just gotten pho. Then we got Noggi which was so beautiful, but I lost my card!

Excited for yoga! And we have hip hop earlier in the day, meaning my exercise for Wednesdays are set (Y) Wow, totally forgot about my sports log. Everything will have to be made up lol.

Okay I slept till 6:30 and my short story got cut down to 700 words. Given up, I'll watch Masterchef first. And drink gallons of tea. And sleep before midnight.

We get our eco essay tomorrow. We should get our poetry essay tomorrow. We'll probably get the chem assignment as well, which is apparently on energy when we're not even half way through water. It will not be my day.

Three more days before we can sleep in.

7:40 PM

Monday, July 16, 2012

Just finished watching Masterchef, sigh, Wade is gone :(

I cannot express my disgust for Australia okay, Lara Bingle and The Shire? I need to leave for America. This is worse than Jersey Shore. Hell, Geordie Shore is more watchable.

Anyway, could not sleep till 3am yesterday, and woke up at 11am today. Idek what I'm going to do tomorrow okay, school is just too nightmarish to comprehend. And we get eco tomorrow and then our poetry essays on Wednesday and I need to finish my short story cycle TONIGHT. 500 words to go. Plus my feet will probably die in my new shoes.

Spent my afternoon watching videos of tennis players aioewidosid Rafa is so adorable. Good way to procrastinate.

Okay story. I haven't even considered titles.

7:08 PM

Sunday, July 15, 2012

I keep blogging in the middle of the day and end up having to recount the rest of it the next.

FINISHED MY ESSAY YESTERDAY YES! Granted it is ridiculously bad but there's something to hand in, since my short story is not looking great. And I still have to do legal with Herschell. And I've barely revised maths. And tutor work lol.

Screw all that, watching JennaMarbles.

I watched Captain America last night, and needless to say, it sucked. But god, idec cause of Chris Evans, that fine specimen. Each pec was almost the size of my face. Like Anika :) Oh and I also watched Sabrina. Sob for Foxtel, I had so many recorded movies :'(

Sigh, school is so soon, IT'S TOO SOON. Conversation with Jess last night reminded me again of future woes. However, the weather should be pretty good this week so I might only need a vest! And I'm excited to see friends yeee.

Okay Youtube will be the death of me. I'll work now.

2:58 PM

Saturday, July 14, 2012

School is in three days, oh the joy.

So yesterday, after Anika the whore woke me up at 7am, I got up and did yoga but she fell back to sleep so I went back to sleep and then we finally got up at 11. Hopeless. UGH I actually did my essay almost all day but it did end up becoming 900 words! Overlooking how crap it is, but getting it done is going to feel so good. Then I need to finish my short story cycle. And then do legal with Herschell, who's already finished English that bitch.

Got new school shoes today. It'll be a painful few weeks before I wear them in. Also got a new bikini for only $35! I am so ready for summer, and yesterday's weather was so beautifully mild.

Spazzed with Jiani through Pride and Prejudice and now Anika officially worships me. Even if she won't admit it. Cannot believe she worked till 2am, while I watched Sex and the City TT

This essay will be done tonight, guaranteed. Then cycle tomorrow. Then prepare for the torture of school.

You're trash.

5:33 PM

Friday, July 13, 2012

I have not been awake this early in nearly two weeks. And it's Black Friday.

7:21 AM

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Useless useless useless.

Okay me and Christine, from midnight, legitimately orgasmed about food for two hours because we were so hungry holy fuck. And then we started sending each other food pictures till 2am and then neither of us could sleep till 3am. Just could not stop thinking about food.

Woke up and had some very delicious ramen with a soft boiled egg 8) I finally got a steady short story plot! But yeah developing is taking a very long time.

Okay I have remained unproductive. But tomorrow, me and Anika will finish our essay together. I hope Motherwell doesn't distinguish how similar our essays will be.

Sleeping early tonight. Anika better wake me up.

9:52 PM

I'm so hungry, I think my body is going to have eaten itself by morning.

2:03 AM

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

8:48 PM


I'm so proud of myself, finally finished Dickinson's letters and now I'm deciding which book to read next. Granted I wasted the morning. But I managed to get out of bed at 10 (Y)

I think that was all I had to say. I'll go do my essay now.

4:21 PM

Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Reciprocal torture

Feels good to blog from a computer. I've been using my phone so much my thumb was aching last night and I resorted to my left index finger. Except now that I'm on the computer, most trains of thought have disappeared.

I GOT SIX BOOKS IN THE POST TODAY! So excited when I saw the two parcels outside my house but I'm most excited now for the last five, which has Plath, Woolf and Lewis. Not that I have time to read much. Oh I read The Pearl today though, and then I died when I saw how thick Steinbeck's collection of letters was. My book/movie list is dead.

So is my work. I haven't even touched work. At least in past holidays, I would sit at some document all day doing nothing but I don't even appear to bother with that anymore. Acceptance of failure, perhaps?

My foot is screwed again. I somehow twisted in during Zumba. Perfect.

I have so many ideas for my short stories and none of them have the capability to be built upon.

They can because they think they can.

9:36 PM

Monday, July 9, 2012
Sons of bitches

So sleepy now. Woke up to several dead people at 12 and six hours sleep was not enough. Totally worth it though. They even finished the Wimbledon ceremony by 3:30. But fuck it could've finished at 3 were it not for the rain that suspended the match for FORTY MINUTES.

Met Eric and Leanne at the library and saw Manthila and got no work done at all. Totally gave up on chemistry as soon as I opened my notes and it was impossible to brainstorm English in that environment so idk. I DON'T KNOW. Mucked around till Carla got off work and then we ate at Towers and me and Leanne orgasmed around Dymocks. Those beautiful Fitzgerald editions :') Spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in a study room and I took like, so many videos from Leanne's hard drive and now I have so much stuff to watch WITH SO LITTLE TIME AND SO MANY BOOKS TO READ AND SO MUCH FUCKING WORK AND OUR SHORT STORY CYCLE IS DUE NEXT WEDNESDAY FUCK ME DEAD.

And sideways.

Okay I will do something. Legal and English. After cake. Thank god I don't care for Spiderman, I can avoid my tv.

7:49 PM


And I can sleep now.

3:15 AM

It's nearly been three and a half hours. I am so fucking dead, but texting Jess and calling Zack is all that's keeping me awake. Federer must win. I am not suffering for nothing.

3:01 AM

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lol last night was pretty awesome ignoring the fact that no work was done. Princess Diaries was on followed by Dirty Dancing 8) so much love omg, but my mum does not find Swayze attractive, I don't understand. So excited for Wimbledon tonight! Federer must reclaim his number one rank, even though that means Nadal dropping to 3.

Today will not involve being productive as its my sister's birthday and I made her a fatty breakfast of mug and brownie and pastry. Watched Little Mermaid and now we're watching Barbie Rapunzel. I really want to watch Princess and the Pauper.

I have not done a proper rant in ages since encryption. And I have a fucking lot to say.

You. Are. Disgusting. Can you not even seen yourself? All that guilt was a waste, you lowly son of a bitch.

2:13 PM

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Did not get to post about a good day yesterday so I shall do that now instead of do my work. Legitimately have not touched shit since Tuesday.

Okay city yesterday with Carla and Eric, minus Brandon which we sadly pointed out every so often :( So because he wasn't here, we didn't get to go caps either which sucked because I haven't been in sooo long. BLEH IT WAS RAINING.

Went Paddy's first, and attempted to browse around in an orderly fashion along the aisles but we got a bit lost with our route HAHA. And there was nothing. Market City, idk what we did there... Just trying to avoid the rain I suppose. EEL PEPPER LUNCH. But it went to $15 but I got it for the usual $13.50 when I showed my hideous ID. It was sooo good.

We literally walked up and down Chinatown for about two hours waiting for the stupid markets to open. Had Sweeties dessert and the glutinous rice w/ vanilla sauce was amazing oh my god. We stayed there for nearly an hour, talking about eyebrows and lips and such. Takoyaki wasn't opening till 3 so we salivated over COW and then got some Emperor puffs which we forgot to take a picture of!

Takoyaki finally opened and we walked over to a sunny spot to eat, only to get harassed by a stupid Chinese woman trying to make me sign a petition to stop China's totalitarian government shit omg I was so close to just screaming at her, little bitch.

Headed to Chatswood after deciding not to get cow :( Got Yogurberry which is seriously disappointment, and Carla did not tell me they charged you according to weight. I thought it was according to the cup size so I filled it up and paid like, $8. Never going again. Noggi is my love. LOL the gummy bears in Eric's yogurt half solidified, it was impossible to eat.

Carla came home with me to do her interview which was so awkward LOL. And we still had dinner, even after our feast and I'm pretty sure she ate some more when she got home.

TITANIC OMGGG I was commentating with Carla and Christine and just dying and then I met my soul mate LOL. It was a really depressing four hours, but my MAC did not even run so (Y) Ended up sleeping at 2 and waking up at 12 today lol.

I'm so glad Federer beat Djokovic, you magnificent man. Now you must regain your true place and beat the fuck out of Murray.

Okay now I shall work. I SHALL DO MY WORK FUCK. Ugh and it's my sister's birthday tomorrow so I can't do anything :(

I miss school.

2:41 PM

Thursday, July 5, 2012
I'm close to the edge

So dead after sleeping at 2am and waking at 7am. I don't even think I've slept before midnight these holidays. Masochism.

Got to Christine's just as it began to rain and then had noodles while watching TVD season 2 finale. Gosh, how I miss the old plots. I can't wait for season 4 BUT IT'S GOING TO SUCK SO MUCH. I am so show-deprived. PLL starts as the term begins and TVD starts when we start Year 12 lol. What is this.

This was probably when we started chem which was the most frustrating two hours of my life I swear to god, I hate it so much and now we know just how fucking crap Gamble is because it has been nearly a month and a half since we started water and we have gotten through ONE out of EIGHT chapters in class. I promise myself that as I walk out of school on our clap out day, I am going to go and call her the worst name imaginable. Or spit. Idk. But I hate her.

Went down to the gym and met Eric and there were like, four people there and they didn't leave for ages and it smelled disgusting especially since a guy came out of the sauna /shudder. Attempted to teach the dances to Christine.

I was so sad when Amina left Masterchef. And I cannot stand looking at the food SO HUNGRY ALL THE TIME.

Okay city tomorrow. Screw work. Failure seems inevitable.

9:20 PM

Wednesday, July 4, 2012
You're an amoeba

I swear I have so many issues I don't even understand.

Okay so today's schedule was all set until my mum offered me her free day to go city and it was awesome since my sister also had plans. So we went city and shopped around Market City and I bought another book and Typo had huge sales so I got a bunch of $1 junk and it was pretty disappointing. And my mum was telling me to get Docs but then I go to the shop and they stopped stocking them aweidheod. Shoes just hate me.

Trekked it to udon and saw Sarah eating with her sister and my mum was surprised that it tasted pretty good. Seaweed is so heavenly oh my god. Then we went to QVB and my mum mindlessly bought Ferragamo's for $500. Idek, probably won't be able to eat this month. Would've gone down to The Rocks to get some sweets but it started raining so I just settled for Cupcakes macarons. I've been craving so much but I'll try make them with my mum next week :)

My Completed Children's Stories by Plath came and thankfully they're not cryptic like the rest of her work. And there's more books I need to pick up soon.



Single-cell life form. Dirtbag. Single-cell life form.

10:40 PM

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I have such strange unspeakable dreams.

Ugh woke up at 10, which was a little earlier than yesterday morning. Except I probably stayed in bed for a good hour before getting up. AND I'm so proud because I actually sort of stuck to my schedule of revising about six maths chapters and I'll probably do a few more before I start my fairytale essay lol.

Why, I swear it's just our school that is bombarding its students with holiday work. IT'S SO UNFAIR :'( And tomorrow's schedule is ruined because my mum is finally not working and willing to take me out for the day.

My lower lip is swollen and idk how it happened and I look so gross LOL.

Okay I'll probably go FaceTime Christine or something. Can't wait for Thursday. Not for chem but for Noggi at macq afterwards 8) Nah I think I'll watch a movie actually.

4:45 PM

I am a welter of an ultracrepidarian suffering from tarantism that may become my hamartia.

1:01 AM

Monday, July 2, 2012
I must be dreaming

Bleh, terrible day. Woke up at nearly 11 because Christine failed to wake up at 9 and call me. Nom I made myself a mug brownie with nutella lava GOD IT'S SO GOOD. I ignore the amount of calories in that little mug.

Lol I attempt to clean my room, which failed because there are still clothes strewn on my bed and floor and now it'll have to be moved to my newly tidied desk. I threw out so many papers again, it's really sad remembering. I swear, DOAS and American Beauty felt so long ago. And I have one binder dedicated to both English adv and ext and I swear, it can't fit anymore already.

I read a few plays of Oscar Wilde's dlkihsdkljbfkjsd how do I continue to admire him more, HE IS SO AMAZING. I can't wait till my copy of his 'Wit and Wisdom' come, I'll probably read that first. 2000 quotes, fuck yeah.

OMG Anika, Christine and Herschell called about reports and I was shitting myself cause I was at the apartment and I had to wait to get picked up to go home dsilcjlsdk. Then I got my report and died inside. Thank heavens my mum didn't make any particular snaps at me. Now we may never speak of it again or any such thing because I refuse to do that badly in yearlies. It will not happen. Me and Christine have a game plan; schedules LOL. I will attempt to stick to this week's one. Starting with waking early.

Maybe I should sleep now. But I stupidly listened to Low and now I'm so pumped and needing to dance, fuck I love this song so much. I hate Youtube :(

Okay no, going to sleep now.

11:58 PM

Sunday, July 1, 2012


So today was Michelle's birthday party, in which I came dressed in terrible shades of blue in order to mildly resemble a blue M&M LOL. It looked pretty gross, but oh well. Actually, me and Jess Gao wore almost the same outfit. Carla came over and apparently, Michelle only lives five minutes away from me (Y)

Chilled to music and took photos and just had fun with the seven-ish people who were already there. Her house was so nice! And the food scent was just wafting around us and I was so hungry. Mm, had to wait so long for everyone to finally arrive, gosh, such incompetence.

Idk, I think we got food WHICH WAS SOOOO GOOD ALL THAT SUSHI OMG and me and Dorie went and had three servings of her amazing cabonara and then when we were about to die from over-consumption, her dad brought out fried goodness; spring rolls, money bags, curry puffs. We were actually just waiting at the counter, watching him transfer it from the oven to a plate and he laughed at us. SO GOOD. And jelly shorts yum.

Put The Vow on which was such a disappointing movie. No passionate action whatsoever. Oh except the scene where Channing Tatum walks about with his beautiful bare ass on display.

TREASURE HUNT. Actually I can't remember if it was before or after the movie but it was fun. Team Yellow with Dorie, Jess, Neda and Alpa. Except we didn't win. Oh well.

Literally chilled outside, it was so cold, but the sun was too nice not to take advantage of.

CAKE. It was delicious. Omg but after it, I was hungry again and craving savoury food. Then we started Life As We Know It which I've seen so many times but I don't have Foxtel anymore :'( Or maybe we had cake halfway during that movie... lol idk, my memory is messed up.

Resumed the movie while people slowly left and then Carla's parents finally came and Michelle gave us a notebook as a party-bag substitute :)

Omg then I had a huge bowl of Thai which is not doing wonders for my stomach. And then I was hungry again after Masterchef, fuck life, and now I plan to call Christine and watch Date Night together.

I want to read Fifty Shades of Grey. Except my mother would be like ...
Oh well. Based on Twilight; I'd probably like it.

Such a waffly post. Because I can't remember details. THANK YOU MICHELLE, for holding an awesome party and providing delicious food and the chance to enjoy the beginning of holidays before work overtakes the rest of it :'(


9:40 PM

When you wish upon a star...

Huh, I have no idea what I've accomplished today. Last night, I slept at 10-ish and got a good twelve hours of sleep. Yoga'd and then gained back what I'd lost during that exercise with four slices of French toast LOL. It was worth it though.

I bought a book of Oscar Wilde's plays, but now I'm questioning when I'll even read it lol. I can't stay awake through books anymore. Unless I'm reading crappy but much more eventful YA fiction. Speaking of, I have not read Percy Jackson in so long, wow.

OH I found my DVD of Pinocchio so I watched it. All these memories just came back. Apparently it came out in like, 1940. Forgot how old most Disney movies are.

Anika called and we had a very amusing conversation, and reminisced about Year 9 and 10 till her phone died. Then Christine Facetimed me and holy fuck I nearly dropped the phone. But I got many screenshots of her beautifully made up facial hair. And that beauty spot/mole LOL.

Ugh it's already past midnight. Michelle's party is today (Y) so glad you made it in the day Michelle, cause if it were a night party, I'd just fall asleep. Idek why I'm so tired.

Fuck have so much to say but I can't encrypt on my phone.

12:01 AM