Sunday, July 1, 2012
So today was Michelle's birthday party, in which I came dressed in terrible shades of blue in order to mildly resemble a blue M&M LOL. It looked pretty gross, but oh well. Actually, me and Jess Gao wore almost the same outfit. Carla came over and apparently, Michelle only lives five minutes away from me (Y)
Chilled to music and took photos and just had fun with the seven-ish people who were already there. Her house was so nice! And the food scent was just wafting around us and I was so hungry. Mm, had to wait so long for everyone to finally arrive, gosh, such incompetence.
Idk, I think we got food WHICH WAS SOOOO GOOD ALL THAT SUSHI OMG and me and Dorie went and had three servings of her amazing cabonara and then when we were about to die from over-consumption, her dad brought out fried goodness; spring rolls, money bags, curry puffs. We were actually just waiting at the counter, watching him transfer it from the oven to a plate and he laughed at us. SO GOOD. And jelly shorts yum.
Put The Vow on which was such a disappointing movie. No passionate action whatsoever. Oh except the scene where Channing Tatum walks about with his beautiful bare ass on display.
TREASURE HUNT. Actually I can't remember if it was before or after the movie but it was fun. Team Yellow with Dorie, Jess, Neda and Alpa. Except we didn't win. Oh well.
Literally chilled outside, it was so cold, but the sun was too nice not to take advantage of.
CAKE. It was delicious. Omg but after it, I was hungry again and craving savoury food. Then we started Life As We Know It which I've seen so many times but I don't have Foxtel anymore :'( Or maybe we had cake halfway during that movie... lol idk, my memory is messed up.
Resumed the movie while people slowly left and then Carla's parents finally came and Michelle gave us a notebook as a party-bag substitute :)
Omg then I had a huge bowl of Thai which is not doing wonders for my stomach. And then I was hungry again after Masterchef, fuck life, and now I plan to call Christine and watch Date Night together.
I want to read Fifty Shades of Grey. Except my mother would be like ...
Oh well. Based on Twilight; I'd probably like it.
Such a waffly post. Because I can't remember details. THANK YOU MICHELLE, for holding an awesome party and providing delicious food and the chance to enjoy the beginning of holidays before work overtakes the rest of it :'(
9:40 PM