
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
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September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
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August 2010
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December 2014
January 2015

Friday, June 29, 2012
Hold on to that feeling

I think life is pretty twisted in the fact that I am really sad it is holidays and the thought of not bring at school and not seeing friends or learning anything for two weeks is just so depressing. Idk what's wrong with me. Maybe cause another whole term has flew by and we're in Year 12 so soon fuck I think I'll just cry myself to sleep tonight. Fear of the imminent future /sob.

Anyway maths positively killed the start of the day. I am actually so screwed lololololol. Whatever, dropping three unit maths. I cannot wait. NAYOMI THAT SLUT DROPPED CHEM OMG FUCK SO UNFAIR SBDUNDIDNEKE. I hate her.
I actually stayed conscious for the entire duration of legal and then had a heart attack when I walked into the society class and saw someone with gross thick dry black hair. At a closer inspection, it was Mr Hindmarsh AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOLOLOL. He dressed as a pirate with all the make up and he even filled his brows with liner HAHA. And his pants did not particularly... accentuate his muscular legs.

Ravie made delicious red velvet cupcakes for our free period cause our English plus Dorie is awesome. I swear it's a tradition now to incessantly bitch, especially about /waves hair. And it's always so much fun. HAHA Anika snorted cause she was laughing so hard when she saw Hindmarsh when he came over to us on the oval.

House choir was actually pretty good, and Scott sung loud enough. I just saw everyone die when Melva intro'd us with her flute. It's so sad, omg, James Horner is amazing. Stephens won, and I was so shocked at Queenie's height cause she only came up to Anorah's shoulders and I thought she was kneeling or something.

Went to stra and saw Michelle! Had pho with Abi, Christine and Sukanya and just discusses sexual stuff at an incredibly high volume and I continuously choked on my noodles at Sukanya's witty remarks. THEN WE GOT NOGGI OMG CRAVING SATISFIED. Fucking biscotti one was so beautiful. And it was Abi's first noggi, that deprived child. But they made us pay for toppings cause we weren't in uniform. LOL AND WE SAW THE UNDEVELOPED GRUB HAHAHAHA.

Train'd back with Abi and Christine, and I come home to my mother watching Twilight LOL. She said she wanted to watch Snow White and the Huntsmen cause she likes looking at Kristen Stewart so she resorted to Twilight. Then she finally consented to watching Pride and Prejudice and I will never let her do that again. Everytime I was ready to die from the romance, she laughs. RUDE. Gosh.

Okay I'm really tired so I think I will sleep now. Work starts on Monday. I will tank work these holidays. Aw Brandon leaves tomorrow for mi goreng. Ooh I might make some for breakfast tomorrow.


9:22 PM

Thursday, June 28, 2012


So last night was spent shitting my arse about eco and discussing it with Anika at 1am which was a huge feat for her and it was terrible, I knew nothing.

Morning was bad too, especially since Carla is not of much economic use and we're always alone in the mornings LOL. Ooh but Thomas Dux finally restocked their macarons and I got two which were so yummy OMGGGGG. I'll force my mum to make them one day.
Ugh had a topic test in maths which we got to take home so I need to do that soon and that reminds me, Marshall is actually letting us have a party in class! Well, only passing around snacks but that still counts. He's such a douche. How is he married, idk.
AHHH chem was awful, I memorised my eco notes and recited them like, countless times to Herschell and Christine so they'd better not fail. ALSO WE HAVE SZTAJER FOR THE NEXT FOUR LESSONS NEXT TERM YEWWWWWWWWW. Our class won't fail :')

Lol had Mr Burke for eco who just kept creepily eying people during the assessment. I couldn't stop giggling when I looked up and he was staring quizzically at me HIS FACE IS SO FUNNY. Oh and my hand died, and seriously there was so much I needed to write, I could've gone on for six pages, but I only managed three. And Mr Burke thought my chicken and avocado sandwich was cheese and lettuce and Anika thought the sandwich bread was biscuit LOOL and he told us he grew out his beard because his wife discovered a pregnancy as soon as he was about to shave, so it's some weird luck thing. Ah, entertaining period.

Great Debte was pretty unimpressive, but still pretty funny. Ear Guy was here again! Arguments were beyond shit though, idek what everyone's points were. HAHA oh, Lawrence was so cute. And so was the white guy who flaunted his rather small shoulders. It was just fun laughing with friends.

Parra'd with Jess, Anika and Tanya and so hilarious when Tanya said hi to some primary friend and he was like, hey...who are you? Train was awful and so was shopping. Legit, me and Anika only bought something for the sake of buying and I convinced her to buy a nice green dress :) Omg scarred again by Jess' enormous boobs, sigh.

Haven't written a long post in a while. I feel so free :) At least unti holidays where I will hardcore work. OMG cannot wait for pho and Noggi tomorrow I CRAVE SO BAD HOLY GOD. So excited. Only two lessons tomorrow, plus free, plus house choir lol. And reports lol. Sigh, I'll just eat my feelings afterwards. So looking forward to holidays.

Okay maybe I'll do maths now and then yoga and sleep and I forgot to post this so I shall sign off now. Toodles.

8:29 PM

A general theory

Finally finished copying out eco notes into ten sparsely scribbled-on pages which is quite the achievement. I wonder if I remembered anything I just wrote. Can't even read any of it lol.

BUT I am going to be very happy because earlier, I ordered fourteen books for just under $150 and I'm so excited cause they all come in a couple days max so now my book collection has extended to about 130 in my room and I'm going to be very occupied these holidays.

On top of the ever-growing mountain of work we're receiving.

YEP time to sleep now. Then shopping with commerce group + Tanya LOL. It's okay, I like Tanya's chime.

12:32 AM

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Def def def def def def def def def

God bless industrial action. Facetime'd with Christine last night for hours till we slept at 1am, so much for before midnight. Then I woke up at nearly 11am and I Facetime'd her to wake her up LOL. She should thank me for discovering it with us, though it's rarely helped us with our productivity.

Holy shit I found a sweet French toast recipe, like sweet without the addition of syrup and it was delicious oh my god, except there were only four slices of bread and I had to halve with my sister :( I just have this egg fetish or something. I plan on making an omelette for lunch or frying some, or I just probably attempt poaching or something.

Ugh okay, it's about to strike midday so I'll dig out my eco and start studying. Sigh.

11:54 AM

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Such a terrible day LOLOLOL. Slept before midnight last night which was legitimately the first time in weeks I swear. Gave up after writing out my notes three times and then I yoga'd which felt amazing and I'm kinda aching cause I haven't done it in so long.

Had annoying sub again, but her voice wasn't able to keep me awake, fuck, stupid legal. Stupid Varsha loving legal. I'm still so indecisive about whether I should drop it or not and the risk factors if I do.
Omggggg ext was so boring, Eucalyptus will be the death of me. IT'S SO BORING WHYYYYY.
Maths was shit too and Tanya left cause she was sick but at least I got my hw done so I didn't have to stay in for lunch.
Lunch was bad. My hand spasmed so much I was so afraid I wouldn't even get through the essay EHICH WAS SO BAD LOL WORST ESSAY EVER CAUSE WE COULD ONLY PREPARE HALF OF IT. Stupid bitch who read it got no sense of timing or tone fuck idk, only jus managed a conclusion of a sentence in the end. Even Motherwell was like, the fuck was that poem, what else did he Sl besides put his hand down her dress? Lol. And Motherwell is marking it. Lol. Preparing for failure. Fuck, reports this Friday. Why is school so bad?

Ugh I napped from 7pm till now and I still feel groggy so hopefully I can go back to bed. Did not stuy eco, of course. Why is eco examined last again fuck's sakes. Why couldn't eco have been today and English on Thursday so it's not just a selective few continually suffering.

Maybe I should do 48 hour no complaining. Or no talking basically.

9:42 PM

Monday, June 25, 2012

FUUUUUUUU so scared for English holy shit. Slept at 3am, video calling with Christine and we must've wasted an hour on YouTube going through old songs again, kudos to me. She only just figured out that Ketchup Song is not fucking English LOOOOL. And I was positively dead this morning AND IT WAS SO COLD.

Chem was actually slightly productive and informative. Christine that whore slept in. Fuck bitch I GOT THREE HOURS SLEEP AND YOU FEEL THE NEED TO SLEEP IN. Fuck you mate /Herschell's accent.
HAHA watched the taco stuffing competition and Mr Lane's mustache makes him look so perverted.
English was boring, and I have no idea how we're supposed to write two stories in 1000 words okay, that isn't even a fucking essay.
Legal was somewhat bearable, even with that really irritating social science sub and I finally discovered her name is Gilmore. Bumped into the Hindy and he awkwardly walked me to the toilets LOL. Aw, no more eco this term. Lol so screwed, have one day to study for it.
Hip hop was fun.
Maths was fun too, forgot how. HAHA our cryptic conversations about /waves hair. Oh and Marshall showed us that Edmodo site which is so stupid, but I'll sign up soon.

Okay so I got home, sang to my mum for like, two hours, made myself a grilled toast with nutella and banana, watched Masterchef and just finished rewriting my notes once. I'll keep it up till 11, except I need to yoga. Destress. Undress LOL CHRISTINE. I'll call her and Anika soon. Need some comfort that I'm not the only failure.

8:52 PM

Sunday, June 24, 2012
I don't feel safe

I hate myself, I really do. A weekend has passed and all I've done was open up a word document and typed 'Poetry' and the poem titles. Fuck fuck fuck fuck times a thousand. And I've kind of realised how soon English is and how I have only one more day to study for it omg and I still can't figure out a third point without all my bloody points being repeated in every single fucking paragraph and I don't understand how I'm going to be able to catch enough of the stupid stimulus WHY THE FUCK IS IT LISTENING, ARE THEY FUCKING STUPID OR SOMETHING FUCK MY LIFE. I'm just fucking school so hard right now. Literally.

10:31 PM

Saturday, June 23, 2012
It's about time someone scored around here

Useless useless useless day. It's okay, I spent the whole day reading Breaking Dawn fjsldbskmdkslaka I love Twilight omg I LOVE IT. Just remembering how sadly obsessed I used to be HAHA. It's okay, I just appreciate it's entertainment now. Fuck and I've been watching Masterchef reruns all evenin fuck WHY DO THEY DO THIS TO ME? My entire family is watching together and salivating omg.

Just made myself a nutella cup brownie but it didn't fit in a mug so it's a bowl brownie. So sickening though, I need to half the recipe next time.

Being Lara Bingle ranks it's worthiness with the Kardashian's IT WAS SO STUPID OH MY LORD.

Ugh so worried about English, but I'm just hoping there won't be as much synthesis in the real assessment so if I got my points, I hope it'll be fine.

So excited for the holidays, it's so close. And I want pho and Noggi. And shopping on Thursday with Anika! Eco will be done that day so we can really celebrate YEAAAAA.

Going to do my English notes /sigh. I should treasure these times. I can't imagine how much worse things'll get.

9:32 PM

Friday, June 22, 2012
Don't leave me high

I have so much gratitude for the end of the week, I swear it's been so torturous. I woke up this morning, wondering why my alarm was at 6am on a Saturday till I realized it was actually Friday. It was devastating. I've never actually fell unconscious during class until this year.

Mufti and me and Carla got to school so ridiculously early so she just taught me the rest of hip hop. Incorrectly, she later realized LOL.

Eco first was mildly productive, probably cause of Ms Black. Karishma and Belle brought Doritos with sour cream and sweet chilli sauce and it was so good, sour cream is amazing. Shall study Eco hard this weekend. It's much more effective to study as a group instead of just reading my notes. Also realized that that was our last eco lesson before assessment. So dead.

English was full of amusement as usual. Motherwell told us about her Chinese son-in-law and his white-washed-ness and how his sibling's halfie kid had no idea he was Chinese HAHA. ARGH DIDN'T GET MY ESSAY. I'll check my email, hopefully she sent the feedback.

Chem was bad, as usual, but it's better during pracs where we can just muck around and shit.

FUCK legal was so bad, I kept falling asleep omg I hate it do much and I hate how our assignment is group work, fml TT

Tutor was okay, probably cause I understood transformation. It was nice not being clueless for a change. And no tutor next Friday YAY. Can end this term happily.

Going to watch a movie and sleep. And then prepare to work this weekend. So much to do /sob.

7:29 PM

Forgive me.

I don't even know why I'm not tired yet, since I slept at 2am with Christine last night, without even finishing my stupid essay. So I skipped school today and got 900 words done and for some stupid reason, went to school for last period for English lol. It was worth it though. Another few pages of notes. And Motherwell is so adorable, just ldsbncoweufnhdkjbsdkj. I'd like to know what my mum thinks of her after interviews.

Entertaining bus ride. Sean's hand was bleeding like, omg and he was just wiping it all over his pants and the bus pole. Then I went Towers with mother and I bought some things. The shopping centre was literally deserted, and it was Thursday night. So unsettling.

Got home 6pm and finished that god forsaken essay at 8pm. And I've achieved nothing since except Zumba, which has guaranteed me a sore stomach for today, which is mufti. Sigh. And another next Friday. Why :(

Fuck, can't do the tutor hw. Don't know what to do tomorrow. Hopefully, Carla was able to do it and I'll just copy her.

Delaying going to bed because it's strewn with books and clothes and my hair is still damp. I need holidays. I need sleep. Fuck, I swear I'm just so cbf at the thought of going out. Planning on sleeping at 10pm each night.

Nom, I made myself an omelette again today, and I'm so hungry now. Going to watch some more movie bloopers and go to sleep. Toodles.

12:12 AM

Thursday, June 21, 2012
I am going mad

Progressing with my essay while Facetiming with Christine. Fuck, was supposed to sleep at 1am but I want to be able to finish tomorrow during my free so I might as well do most of it now. And probably skip chem as well. Actually, I would've just skipped school altogether except for English last except maths is first so TT

Googling fried chicken is fucking sex for my eyes, oh my lord.

I'm so awake. I can just imagine the regret tomorrow morning.

1:12 AM

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fun fun fun day today, despite how boring it was. Almost worth missing school.

Fuck bus was sooo late and me and Varsha's legs were numb from the cold.
Idek, I thought there'd be an itinerary of court cases we'd visit as a whole group but they just let us roam Downing Centre which would've been okay if we were able to find the interesting cases. I swear, me and Herschel went to every available hearing and it was all so fucken boring, like drug manufacturing or asylum something. And we missed the interesting assault ones so the witness testaments we made it in time for made no sense.

Finally got let out and lunch, trekked it to maccas and then sunbathed in Hyde Park with Herschel, Jiani and Nayomi. Fun fun fun. Plenty of bitching. BAM.

Returned late and then sat through a couple more boring hearings till we gave up and just sat and talked about sex and other awkward things. I hope they don't record the premises HAHA.

PEPPER LUNCH WAS SO GOOD. Next time, I'll eat udon and continue alternating. Train'd to Epping with Nayomi and Jiani, probably disturbing the entire carriage. So much fun.

Ugh now I need to do my essay. Lol Motherwell thinks I'm 'spaced out'. Cannot be bothered, fml.

Lonely bitches LOL.

5:57 PM

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
But you are beautiful

I hate myself.

So last night, I slept at midnight because that's how long it took to write a thesis. And I still don't even know which poems I'm doing. Fuck. Life. Now I'm reminiscing through Year 10 photos and feeling sad.

Legal is so terrible, idek. I feel like crying every lesson. The only good thing is that I can eat at the city after our presumably boring excursion tomorrow.
Maths was pretty confusing. I can't stop looking at Marshall's stomach. WHY IS IT SO BIG?
We realised how screwed we are for eco considering that even Pat doesn't know anything. WHYYYYY. I had all male teachers today.

Didn't go to building strength and got pad thai instead with Christine and Jina and it tasted so awesome oh lord.

Okay I just finished watching Shrek. Now I am going to zumba, finish eco stats and DO A FUCKING INTRODUCTION LOL.

6:29 PM

Monday, June 18, 2012
Don't go away

Relatively productive day, in comparison to the previous weeks.

English ext first was nightmarish trying to finish our chapter analysises for Eucalytpus. SO MANY SEXUAL INNUENDOES. In all our texts actually. And we'll be getting a practice essay soon for that, and I still need to do my fairytale one but I can't do any of those till I've finished my poetry one. Fuck.
Cannot even express my hatred for legal. The risk of doing 10 units is progressively becoming more appealing in the case that I'm allowed to drop legal. We also got our assessment. I hope Herschel's productive.
Maths was productive! First time I've dilligently done hw in innumerable weeks. Omg so annoyed at the beginning of the lesson. After Tanya took all that effort to get to class first :@
Chem was disgusting, thanks to the return of Gamble. I've never been so sad to not be taught by Sztajer.

Fun bus ride with Eric HAHA.

Ugh Christine woke me from my nap to help her with maths that I totally forgot. Like parabolas lol. But I finished maths work! And now I'm staring at my blank essay document, wanting to cry because I don't know jack shit. English is so hard :'(

Okay I will write an introduction. I refuse to sleep till that has happened. I hope this motivation remains.

Forgot to post this from hours ago so I may as well continue now. As for that introduction, it ain't happening. Fuck why is this so hard omg. Maybe I'll just write a thesis then. I spent an hour reading the end of Last Sacrifice and drooling on my book. Why can't men be like fictional characters :'(

Yep. Thesis and bed.

8:53 PM

Sunday, June 17, 2012
I need you.

I FINALLY FINISHED ECO. Like, six hours ago but it doesn't matter because it's imperative that I note down this achievement. And it just made 15 pages, fuck yes.

Besides that, I've done nothing and I just finishes Facetiming with Christine so idk if I should sleep or wait for her to finish showering.

Excited for Michelle's! I want to go as a green M&M but idk, it's hard to pull off but everyone will be red and blue. And I appreciate your waffle Michelle, seeing as it's the most I get to read LOL.

Buh, can't wake up at 6 tomorrow.

11:45 PM

Over and over again

Yesterday's obsessive post was my 900th post. Spanning about three and a half years since I started blog, it's pretty good, in terms of consistent blogging. Not really. Barely blogged in Year 9 which sucks cause I don't remember/can't distinguish 9 and 10. But I've said that a lot already.

I finally finished Chapter 10 of eco while watching Pirates of the Carribean and I was so shocked to see the alternate ending. It kind of ruined it. What were the odds that Elizabeth got pregnant the only time she had sex with Will? And she's living on an island by herself, how did the kid even get clothes? I don't know. Movies have so many holes in the story, it's infuriating.

Oh and Rush Hour 3 was on after and I was just casually laughing with the rest of my family. I swear that movie never ceases to be funny. I don't understand why Genevieve is pronounced John-vi-er.

I made myself an omelette this morning, with cut up hot dogs and cheese in a toasted bun. It was so good. And my parents bought a watermelon which wasn't bad, considering it's not in season.

BUH my pile of work has hardly diminished. But it will. It's Sunday, thus bad tv, so there's one distraction eliminated. However, I'm gazing longingly at my books so maybe I'll lock myself out of my room.

Assessments are so soon.


12:29 PM

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I don't even know how many times I've said this in the past fortnight. But I just cannot express my love for Pride and Prejudice. I've almost finished rereading it again and watching it for the fourth time this year. IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL, WHY AM I NOT ELIZABETH BENNET? If only I could dress as her for mufti.

I don't think I can adequately express myself at a time like this. I also had lasagna again, which was just so delicious, I needed to stop myself from getting another serving. And I will start work soon. Or I might watch Lolita. And hopefully discuss Anika's newfound admiration for literature :)

It's just you two now. From five, it's only the two of you. I can't convey the depth of my gratitude.

3:26 PM

Friday, June 15, 2012

Just finished The Golden Lily disbaubqksbeubss now there is no legitimate reason to not work AND THERE'S SO MUCH WORK TO DO I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START.

Did not notice Richard's bracelessness. I thought his jacket, which was nice, made him look extremely different.
Maths would've been better if Tanya did not stop singing Somebody to Love. And we made some innuendos with How Deep is Your Love ;) LOL 'transform vagina to cock' HAHAHAHA forgot to take a photo of that. And Marshall was going on about how he was 'festively plump' or something LOL. And he thought Tanya's casually irritating whistles were of a Nicki Minaj song. Actually class was pretty fun.

Legal was fucking disgusting, except I doubt I was conscious for half of it. Kept jerking in and out of consciousness.

Spent free with Tanya in the fitness room dancing and then we just sat and had a good old bitching session which Anika later joined, which as infinitely entertaining. LOL TANYA IS SO MEAN.

Eco last was more restless than usual, probably due to Elaine, since Jess just sat there with her riddles. Michelle and Annie brought donuts and scones! And I ate two of each :) UGH but eco was and will continue to be so ridiculously unproductive. Hindmarsh was telling us about his wife's birth ordeal.

Bus ride was horrible, a whole fucking class of gross private school girls force their way on and Zack and Ryan's voices were ringing in my ears.
Carla came over and I put on Pride and Prejudice while attempting maths. MR DARCY, TAKE ME PLEASE. We paid for cbf-ing with maths by wasting the whole tutor hour doing TWO QUESTIONS. And because she thinks we have trouble with 3D trig, we got another bunch of work on it, which was probably my fault, idk. It's okay, I had delicious lasagna when I got home.

So in love with Adrian right now, even though he's Jina's and I remain faithful to Dimitri. So I need to go read Vampire Academy again.

Okay so jokes I did not do shit tonight. But I will finish my poetry essay and eco notes by Wednesday. It will happen.

9:57 PM

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Avoiding the computer is hardly a method of protecting my eyes, since my phone does worse damage, but oh well.

Omg walked around woolies and shit in the morning cause me and Carla were craving yogurt and fruit and macarons dksndjekdhaiqjdbdishsisnxbakeinfoehczna but we didn't end up getting anything. Why the fuck are macarons so expensive :(

Maths first was the biggest waste of time. Marshall gave us this sheet of triangles with all these different trig identity shit on each side and we had to match them all up to form a diamond in the end. So instead of progressing with the other classes and doing differentiation, we spent the hour doing that. So stressful.
During assembly, these widows, I presume, came to our school to talk about a widow club lol. It's not like we're going to be widows any time soon. It was probably for the teachers.
Chem was so mindfucking, but actually the most productive lesson of the year and praise the lord that Gamble remains blissfully absent so we won't have to totally fail the subject.
Eco third which was absolutely unproductive and I spent half the lesson googling food because I was so hungry. And laughing with Anika and Carla while Pat studiously studied away /sigh. Had some cake cause it was Gina's birthday and Michelle is bringing scones for Fun Food Friday tomorrow YAY. Herschel got me takoyaki 8)
English last was bad, we tried going over the essay structure for the poetry practice and assessment and so far, I still doubt anybody knows what to do. At least we were entertained through the process. So much love for Motherwell. I realize I only have a term left with her, definitely. Oh well, I'll probably force her to tutor me during lunch in Year 12 if I don't get her.

BOUGHT THE GOLDEN LILY and yummy Korean ice cream and then I wasted hours reading and watching tv till I decided to start tutor work that is taking me forever omg. This shit is Year 12 Cambridge ffs.

Oh my god are you fucking stupid? Like legitimately plain brainless? DO YOU THINK I AM THAT STUPID? AND YOU. You're a hypocritical little fuck, that's what. Can't you just leave?

11:02 PM

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Damn straight

I suppose this is a method of avoiding my work, as reading, eating and sleeping has been since I got home. Hopeless.

Skyped with Christine last night and boosted my self esteem by helping her with easy trig she failed at HAHA. And I did like, a page of eco till I gave up and went to bed.

Intensively analysed Eucalyptus and there is such an incredible amount of detail and hidden things and omg, I actually feel admiration for the author who met his wife's sister and then ended up marrying her. That's slightly incestuous, on a very minor scale. Me and Jenny were just dying after attempting to analyze the first five pages LOL.
Maths was soooo confusing omg have to drop extension immediately, I cannot do this. Fuck and I have so much hw to do and tutor hw so I can't go Stra with Anika on Friday.
Eco was generally unproductive, as is the norm. This assessment is going to be even worse than the first one. And Anika is the most indecisive bitch, and because of that, I could not go and eat pho today.
Hip hop was tremendously tiring. But it's coming together (Y)
Omg the most productive chem lesson with Sztajer LOL. It was fun, and waiting for the more viscous liquids to run down the board allowed us free time to sit around. HAHA Herschel and Christine were removing their nail polish with the acetone and Nayomi wanted to eat the recycled honey. And thank the heavens we have Sztajer tomorrow so we might actually learn some more and I won't dread the period so much.

Pretty Little Liars is soooo omg idk. Not eventful enough CAUSE I NEED VAMPIRE DIARIES CRY CRY CRY.

Okay work.

7:32 PM

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
I cannot live without my life

Oh and I forgot to say that I spent my whole afternoon reading Eclipse. So much love for it. Going to revisit the entire series again in the holidays 8)

11:06 PM

Can you deny?

Fuck, week 8.

Legal is truly a waste of life, cannot believe that I have to endure it for HSC. Cannot understand how people enjoy it when they sleep in class. Fuck.
Sob, English ext was so bad, and I'm going to fail even worse because Eucalyptus is the dumbest piece of fucking crap I have ever read oh my god. And I missed a couple pages when I started writing my notes so now I'm pissed off. Just imagining my rank.
Maths was such mind fuck, and I cbf to do work because there is SO MUCH. And I hate Tanya.
Sob, got our poetry assessment notification in English and it is exactly two weeks from today and it is a fucking listening stimulus and I'm just mentally preparing to fail because I ain't going to get anything from listening to a recording twice, fuck. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FOOK. Oh but Motherwell told us how her husband fainted when the doctors gave her an epidural during giving birth HAHAHA oh, how she entertains me.

Lamented with Carla for a good hour on the man drought HAHA. And about the fact that one chocolate chip cookie contains 52 calories and I had ten. Then my mum brought home Maccas. Just let me die. My waist is basically non-existent /sob. And I never found my Zumba FLJVNSCHWOBFKSJD.

Okay going to continue failing eco.

9:53 PM

Monday, June 11, 2012

Long weekend sucks. If I recall, I actually went out for the last three long weekends, kudos to Richard but omg did NOTHING this weekend. Legitimately nothing except read 40 pages of a book and write half a page more of eco, which brings me to two pages. I don't even know what to do with myself.

Oh god, just remember I get English ext back tomorrow wheeeee /bang myself against the window Nayomi-style.
My mum may actually become a tyrannical stereotypical Asian parent after seeing my report.

Epilated my legs for the first time since holidays. The pain, oh, the pain.

Watched American Beauty with my mum. Idk, it's actually a difficult film to enjoy if you don't understand the hidden meanings, which people don't on the first viewing and rarely will they research it, so it seems like a waste of time putting so much effort into the production when all viewers really want is some sort of cheap entertainment. But for me, it was good to watch after understanding the film's intention.

It's Week 8 now and we're nearing our last term of Year 11 and assessments are in a couple weeks and yearlies are in a term and then we leave in one and a half years.


11:01 PM

Petals on a wet black bough

Finally dragged my ass down to the garage to haul up my entire bookshelf and now it's just so beautiful and cultural LOL idk but omg I love my books. Going to make my mini library for my future culturally-deprived children. Sob, still thinking about the library in Beauty and the Beast. I also found my music box my dad gave me which plays Beauty and the Beast, it's so beautiful. I'd try to collect antique shit like that if there were any place within a 20 mile radius I could do that, fuck Australia.

I hope I find my Zumba among all this junk. It's time I exercised.

And I've lost all hope for economics. Whatever.

4:26 PM

Sunday, June 10, 2012
Where are you now?

Tiring day. My legs feel paralyzed, them poor things.

Woke up to another bacon and egg, and then went to Seven Hills wih Audrey to get to Rhodes with Eric, to surprise Christine. Oh but me and Audrey had a huge helping of curry before that and it wasn't even afternoon, fml. Talked, exercised, sat in the sauna which was all dark and scary when scary stories came out. Then some guy showed his intention of making us leave by turning the temperature to 30 degrees, the little bastard.

Went to Ikea with my mum and sister and holy shit, so boring, I cannot walk at that snail pace which just cramps up my legs. Had meatballs which looked like little pieces of shit, but it was pretty good. The rain was so hard on the way home I swear we were going to slide off the road and die.

Because my mum refused to watch a movie with me, we talked about culture and movies and music and books, which was all really culture basically, and she says I'm a lot more intelligent than she'd imagined :) Now I owe to myself to finish stupid Beautiful and Damned so I can get a move on with my book list. Then I'm going to watch American Beauty with my mum and explain everything to her.

Oh yeah, did not even touch Eco today. I ain't getting two chapters done by Tuesday. Sigh.

9:37 PM

Saturday, June 9, 2012
Feeling out of sight

Useless day, as in the norm now. Got up early to a bacon and egg sandwich and then I went to my first tutor lesson with the tutor who's nice, and now I can go with Carla. Then I got home, made myself a bacon, egg AND hot dog sandwich. So tasty, and then I wasted two hours watching HIMYM.

I actually really enjoy the poetry unit this year, despite the focus on feminism and the fact that it's poetry. Probably because intensive English has made me able to understand some poems, so I was reading my poetry book again and there was actually some enjoyment in reading. But I'm sad we don't get to study Sonnet 43 'cause I read it years ago and loved it and now Motherwell cbf to go through it :( Yes I forgot to mention how Motherwell told us how she fainted in her heavy gown on her wedding day LOOOOOL. That woman.

Eco was so hopeless so I decided to watch My Fair Lady which was a very tedious two and a half hours of my life. Then my mum showed me this Bollywood movie I'm still watching which is sooo stupid but quite entertaining. I love the music and dance.

Thank god for the long weekend.

10:26 PM

Friday, June 8, 2012
Ever just the same

Fuck yes it's the start of a long weekend, even though there's tutor tomorrow and we apparently get English ext back on Tuesday yay. So tired but since it wasn't a bad day, going to finish this.

Spent Eco on the new MacBooks which I could barely operate with frozen fingers. HAHA poor Anika, she had such a bad morning. Awks cause I called her phone and her mum picked up cause it got run over and just got repaired HAHA. Hind marsh started playing nursery rhymes in Spanish that he forces his poor baby to listen to. So nostalgic for childhood.
English was good, I actually like the poems this year, even though I don't particularly favor feminist writing. But all this English is drilling into me and I can pick up some stuff on my own (Y) Very rarely though.
Chem was fucken omg stupid experiment had me inhaling so much coolant Idek and Gamble needs to die. SHE NEEDS TO DIE.
Got legal back. Woe'd with Nayomi because we are such failures sigh.

Went home and watched Beauty and the Beast and omg I was noticing so many techniques bd symbolism shit that I probably made up but still. I wonder how I'd feel if I thought I was in love with an animal. It'd be unlikely that the animal would turn into a handsome rich man. SOMEONE BUY ME A LIBRARY OMG.

Was intending to study maths in prep for tomorrow but fuck that. I read The Yellow Wallpaper and it actually freaked me out so bad. Someone should actually make a film out of that, though I wkd not be able to sit through it.


11:01 PM

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day started off bad. Like, missed my bus and had to run to the bus stop with a dead foot from hip hop bad. Needless to say, it has to end bad as well. When will this term end...

Maths just fucked me over and I can't even fit my double angle trig shit into my columns okay omg. And because I see the tutor on Saturday, I should quickly revise perms and combs so I don't suffer utter humiliation. Sigh.
CHEM WAS SO BAD. I actually cannot understand how Gamble got a fucking teaching degree omg I may kill her. And my class is going to fail water.
Got Takoyaki with Anika in our free and sat on the oval staring at Jina's Takoyaki. Why is that in caps TT
English was fun, especially when Motherwell needs to explain sexual things HAHA. She's so cute. But UGH why are we doing feminist poetry. The first two are okay cause they were during the times where feminism didn't exist and I could just read Barrett's romance sonnets that I love and then you got fucken Sylvia Plath who was seriously disturbed like, omg idk. The Bell Jar just depressed me.

Towers with Carla and Eric and they forced me to wait two hours before eating. Tried to play the staring game but there were no Asians! Me and Carla texted random people on Eric's contact list and I texted Adrian Siu and LOL he tried to FaceTime me. So I got Eric to be my boyfriend and he was somehow scared off HAHAHAHA. Even though Eric was like, leave my girlfriendS alone ie: Carla and I. What a noob. Got a huge fish burger, was so good. Then I just made a 632 so that saved me fifteen minutes of walking.

I kinda just want to sleep now but I'll probably do some maths first. Toodles.

9:16 PM

Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Perfectly, completely, incandescently happy

Whee have not done any work except one trig question that is probably incorrect anyway. I really lack faith in myself. But with good reason, considering my shitastic exam results.

Oh my god the bus was making these beepy noise for a whole fucking I wanted to die. And in the arvo, the windscreen wipers whatever squeaked each time they moved JFBEKDWNSJNSJJDND.
Absolutely no memory of what happened in Eco ... except that Anika and Carla drew ugly pictures of us. HAHA and Mr Karnups was so instantly recognizable when Carla drew his hair and then when she drew his butt, Anika was like, 'Are those his balls?'
............................................ Oh Anika.
Ugh I tune out so much in maths now. I swear my mind just totally glazes over. And Christine got her English marks back during her ext and I was just shitting myself in anticipation.
So English comes and I get back my essay which was good and then Motherwell gives me my short answers and she's like, this is crap LOL. So depressing. No A's in this report. And I can just imagine my rank, oh my.

I got home and watched PRIDE AND PREJUDICE OMGGGGGGGG MR DARCY DIENSJNSLSFJNSKSNWNS CANNOT BREATHE. It is such a fantastic adaptation, like you listen to what they say and it basically scripts the important scenes word for word. I think I'll watch it again on the weekend.

Omg Pretty Little Liars was so stupid, why why why. I really need Vampire Diaries. Me and Anika cannot wait till September fuck us dead. But PLL has lots of hot scenes with hot guys too so 8)

Okay maths. I refuse to fail yearlies. I'll only accept a C for extension maths. Everything else must be straight B's.

10:01 PM

Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Are you laughing at me?

Bad bad cold day bleh. I was so cbf to do work last night so I ended up watching Friends and Tangled, explaining why I could barely open my eyes this morning. And I was also Youtubing Pride and Prejudice scenes omg I love that book and movie so much I think I'm gonna watch it tonight. Dario Marinelli is a genius, the soundtrack is so amazing. Where's my Mr Darcy :(

Legal was soooo godamn boring, I can't believe I have to continue it for HSC. And we still haven't gotten our exams back.
I was actually being productive in maths despite the distraction of Tanya. Omg Flo's apple on her seat was such a shock HAHAHA. I must drop extension. Can't do this to myself.
I am so depressed for Eco. All my marks died in multiple choice far out what was that. I totally blame them putting Eco and English on the same day.

Me, Anika and Jess should just sit in shame. We went to Maccas and I got a loose change burger an Anika had one during Eco and then we went to Penno and got chicken wings and chips and I'm punishing myself with no dinner. I must avoid them tomorrow during our free.

Guh slept till 6pm so I'm thinking I should start my fairytale essay because it will take me two days minimum. I told Motherwell about the Gatsby movie and was so shocked that she's anticipating it and I was betting on her disgust of Hollywood.

Okay work work work.

7:49 PM

Monday, June 4, 2012

Can you die from regret?

10:00 PM

I have been changed

So fucking tired, I don't even understand where this exhaustion comes from. Except I did stay up till 1am last night finishing Pretty Little Liars and now I am so excited for the season premiere this week, but holy fuck tits it was so scary I could not even pee for fear of that clown face peering at me through the window or some shit idk.

English ext first and good thing we had to finish Bloody Chamber because I could not sit through fucken Eucalyptus last night omg, who fucken writes a book dictating all the fucken types of eucalyptus THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? Why do I even do English TT

Did not even get legal back, which really pissed me off, it can't take that long! And my eyes refused I stay open, I think I fell unconscious for a bit.

Maths was just bad. Got extension back. But I got above what Marshall said was a remotely okay mark, or at least one that would not require concern so, yeah whatever. It was a fun lesson with Tanya and Nayomi, and omg we were talking about food vs sex CAUSE WE WERE CRAVIN WAGYU AND SHABU SHABU SO FUCKING MUCH and then I was like to Nayomi, you think a dick is ugly yeah? And she was just giving me that guilty look, like she did when I say all her men are disgusting, and I think me and Tanya laughed for about ten minutes. For the record, hesitation came from surprise. Even Nayomi cannot believe the male organ to be attractive.

It is just so depressing that chem is my best subject so far, and it's only a B. Idek. Just, fuck life.

Kay so I don't plan on doing hw. Haven't done any since exams, though I should get a move on with my essay, fuck. Whatever. Given up on school. Just going to YouTube my life out or something, life is so useless and tired. I'm sick of feeling like utter shit.

Think I'll go and read my quotes.

8:07 PM

Sunday, June 3, 2012
You just make me wanna play

So much fucken work to do and I wasn't able to do any of it yesterday fiendjenkwmknkend but it was a fun day so no regrets.

Carla that noob had to come over at like, 9:30 which was when I rolled out of bed and since we weren't going out till 3 we were soooo bored oh my god. Put Hercules on cause there wasn't anything to do and laughed at Zeus' pectorals HAHAHAHAHAHA EACH WAS BIGGER THAN HIS HEAD. Facetimed with Chrisine for the whole day really, and then we put Legally Blonde 2 on but then we decided to start getting ready.

Fast forward, got on our bus and met Eric and Penno and Christine and Nayums on the train which was fun and some chick on the train looked like Daniel Radcliffe LOL. Dhsksnwlsmksms so hungry. Found Richard, Brandon and Andrew and killed time watching them play pool cause dinner wasn't for another fucken hour. NAYOMI'S SEIZURE FACE OMG HAHAHAHA SO GROSS. So many ugly photos I need to get off of Christine's phone.

Tanya came and we began the trek to Suminoya which was all the way in Wynard and it was raining and all gross and cold but we finally got there but then we had to wait for Justin.

I swear we ordered about ten plates of meat which was not that much next to the guys who must've had double. BEEF AND SHABU SHABU WAS SO FUCKING GOOD OH MY GOODNESS nd we ordered fucken bowls of seasoned seaweed and it was just all sooooo tasty holy shit. But we kind of died half an hour in and the pork tasted shit and I was inhaling so much smoke and I swear my face and makeup was just melting off and my belt was straining. Skipped to dessert and the green tea ice cream with red bean was so nice and we had like, three slushies each and idk, just wanted to die in the end. $56 and I'm never coming back.

Mizuya was booked out or something so we went to Secret Room and thank god only some of us went up cause the guys were checkin out bags and I had a tiny bottle so Jiani took us to this dodgy place and then we settled in for karaoke. Stupid Christine, intoxicated on two swallows. Mostly just Andrew and Richard rapping away and yeah, it wasn't spectacular. Should've just gone to K1.

Went to Maccas and some smoking alleyway and it was all very fun. Idk I think I'm a little sick from the cold rain and then me and Carla just passed out on the bus, and I dropped dead when I got home, so sleepy. It was an awesome night.

Ugh since I've woken, I've been watching Masterchef and I have so much work /sob. Kay going to eat pad Thai and get to that.

So many photos but I'm so cbf to get on the computer ffs.

1:41 PM

Friday, June 1, 2012
Every day words seem to turn into love songs

Sort of good day today. My foot is alive so (Y) First day of June and winter. Fucken half the year is nearly gone.

Actually maths kind of ruined the day cause I was so goddamn tired, and I cannot stop staring at Marshall's belly WHY IS IT SO BIG OMG he was so fit before :(
Didn't get our legal results back like I was hoping. Next week is going to be pretty depressing getting all our subjects back and whatnot.
Watched an episode of Pretty Little Liars during my free, it's so wtf I cannot figure out who A is, it is driving me nuts. Congregated on the oval. Anika needs my help 'cutting her cheese' LOOOOL. Our English class is fucking awesome.
FUN FOOD FRIDAY. We left early during lunch to set up a rather pathetic looking table of brownies, cookies, chicken wings and veggies and dip but it was impressive compared to Fridays before and everyone just pigged out for half the lesson. So much fun. Then idk we did like ten minutes of work till Hindy just let us muck around. He showed us his video of Amaya and her first steps and she's sooo cute but then Anika is like 'oh my god, CAN I HAVE YOUR BABY?' So funny, Anika is such an awkward person.

Went to Trade Secret with my mum and bought six dresses that I probably won't even wear but oh well.

UGH watched two more episodes of PLL but it was too intense, thus I shall sleep now.


11:40 PM