
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
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December 2010
January 2011
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April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
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August 2011
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October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Thursday, May 31, 2012

UGH life is against me. Just, oh my god.

So I did not go to school today because putting weight on my poor foot made me want to die, so I spent the morning crawling on all fours till I felt brave enough to hobble around. Facetime'd with Christine all morning, I'm quite regretful we decided to discover that. I finally cleaned my desk! But god, my binders are bulging with old sheets now, I'm going to need a new one for the start of the second semester.

Carla and Eric came over and I had to hobble out to pick them up and I think my foot died there. So I don't know if I can go on Saturday which is so devastating because I fucken want Japanese BBQ and karaoke FUCK MY LIFE WHAT IS THIS OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

Ortho'd as well and now I have a plate on my bottom teeth and I sound like such an idiot. UGH. Life is just not going well.

Then when I made my brownies, the walnuts in the mix somehow settled their fucken bodies on every single line I cut, SO THEY'RE SO FUCKEN DEMENTED OMG I AM SO ANNOYED. Idk what to do. How the fuck do I hobble around school tomorrow, just, oh my god.

Buh just gonna go read all those Cosmo links Dorie gave me and have fun with my 'girls'.

11:04 PM

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sigh, school.

Well, I cbf to recount Christine but it's already imprinted in my memory. Anyway, woke up this morning with a headache, kudos to her.
English first and I got full marks for my appropriation lol, idk what's wrong with Motherwell this year. UGH and I still have to hand in a fucken fairytales essay omg so annoyed.
Got maths results. Just, let me die. I don't know what I'm doing with maths. WHY AM I EVEN TAKING IT.
Eco was boring. I don't like watching biased things. Gets me so worked up. Especially when I saw Bush oh my god.
LOL chem, idek.

Was going to go shopping after school but hung around with Eric instead and then Michelle and Christine. LOL it's so amusing watching girls take a second look at Eric.

Ugh, got on fb and Dorie spammed me with old songs and since my phone couldn't handle it, I ran down to get the computer and I missed the last step and fucked sprained my foot so I don't think I'll be going to school tomorrow lol. Life. If I can't walk on Saturday, I'm going to suicide.

WELL Dorie is gone and I'm going to post one last song before leaving. TOODLES.

So much fucken nostalgia, I love my wall now.

10:12 PM

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Boom badoom

I'll join the celebration, a little late albeit but exams are over! Not that much relief because I still fucked them all in the ass, even after hardcoring with Carla and Christine tonight. Lol jokes, video call with Carla was useless, SHE'S SO USELESS. And Christine insisted on doing English so I was on my own, since Anika also forgot her SECOND Skype password. Facepalm. Anyway I was so freaked for Eco that I slept on my notes and I swear to god I dreamed about studying eco.

So Eco was disgusting. Just, oh my god I had an hour for my long response and I used up that entire time only to write less than three pages of shit. And I was hoping to do better than I did for my assessment lol.

ENGLISH WAS SO BAD WHY WHY I WROTE LESS THAN DOAS IT WAS SO BADLY WRITTEN OH MY GOD. And I could just hear Jenny behind me scraping through pages at incredible speed while I constantly stopped writing to map out my non existent points. But then it FINISHED. And it was awesome cause two thirds of the grade do ext english and we all celebrated at the end fuck yeah.

Train'd to city with Anika, Christine, Grace, Herschel and Jess and omg a transit officer came and lectured me and Herschel for not having tickets, that bastard. Totally killed the mood. Baby's Hindu LOOOOOL trust Anika.

Got udon, so good. Pepper Lunch next time. Too much craving. Got a Chatime as well SO GOOD. Then I endured a horrible bus ride.

Post exam laziness. Can't do anything. Don't do anything. Don't know what to do. School tomorrow will probably set me back on track lol. Don't want to go omg why is it not the end of the week :( I HAVE TO GO TUTOR ON FRIDAY URGH I HATE CARLA.

Lol when I get on the computer, I shall encrypt everything I remember about Christine tonight. It was awful oh god.

So sleepy. Gonna sleep now.

11:49 PM

Monday, May 28, 2012

Cry. Cry. Cry.

I hate economics. I hate English. Me and Dorie spent two hours trying to search quotes, so dead oh my lord what to do.

The thought of udon is getting me through.

Lol, thank god for Carla and Christine.

9:05 PM

Talk to me Harry Winston

Terrible night last night, attempting to do maths. And I was starving and torturing Christine and myself with thoughts of food. Guh.

So maths was TERRIBLE. Like, the questions were not of extreme difficulty, and I could even do alright if I got maybe, idk, a fucken hour extra time. Thankfully though, heaps of people didn't finish completely so I guess I wasn't the only fail. And my goal is still getting over 50% LOL.

UGH I have not done jack shit since I got home, what is life. The thought of going to the city after English tomorrow for udon is the only thing getting me through. Spending so much money :(

Okay English now. Stupid Anika went to sleep.

1:56 PM

Sunday, May 27, 2012
There ain't no other way


So for the last three exams, I re-decided I'm least screwed for English because I at least know most of my points. Me and Anika discovered our lack of knowledge for eco and as for maths. Lol. LOL. This is going to be so embarrassing. I'm still just relying on the fact that we haven't done lots of the hard stuff that was in the past papers, cause apparently, lots of people couldn't answer half the questions. Relying on outside failure, as usual.

PARENTS CAME BACK! My make up is so beautiful omg, but my mum could only find MAC and NARS stuff and I was going to upload a photo but idk, I cbf to connect my phone.

Okay I shall attempt another maths paper and then just cry myself to sleep.

8:36 PM

Saturday, May 26, 2012
Do you have ketchup?


So I woke up and instead of working, I googled Nutella recipes and I made this 90-second Nutella lava cake omg it was so good and then tomorrow, I'm gonna make Nutella lava cookies and maybe crepes for the parents when they get back. I was so psyched about getting all my cosmetics but omg, my mum can't find the stores at the airport SO SAD. Oh well, she already got at least five lipsticks for me 8)

So I attempted some maths but god, could not do it so I just gave up and found HSM2 was playing on TV DSLCNWEOIFDNHOSD so I sang along for two hours. Then Anika called and we attempted some maths and eco together which was an absolute failure, idek what we're going to do. Then I started watching Ellen with Christine. For a few hours now I would estimate. I hate life. Have not done my essay.

X-Men is on. Might go watch since I won't be doing anything else lol.


9:55 PM

Friday, May 25, 2012
Day of Destiny

Pretty sure that was the Aquarius day we found in that massive zodiac book. And it was absolutely a day of fate oh my god. May 25 is now the annual date I see Jake. Unless the universe blesses me like it did today HEHEHE.

Anyway, it was obviously a good thing I did chem today and it wasn't hard, I just did pretty bad. Then me, Anika and Jess shared fifteen wicked wings and IT WAS SO GOOD /Sophia Grace accent. Then I just made the 633 and looked out the window and saw Jake step out of the car smiling like an angel of beauty oh my goodness.

I was rereading City of Bones today. Dreading the movie so much, I don't know what author in their right mind would sell film rights, especially now where you will never find a good adaptation of a book except maybe GTWT, which was four hours for a thousand page book lol. But worth every minute.

Ah so instead of studying, I've been Youtubing old romantic movie scenes and crying sjrbejsneondjejq An Affair to Remember I HAVE NOT WATCHED IT IN SO LONG. Sob, had so many of those movies recorded on Foxtel. So depressing.

Okay maybe I'll do some work for an hour or something. Oh Motherwell said she was marking our appropriations from AAAAGES ago and she said me and Anika did well LOL what is this, this feels like my worst year of English, but she's such an awesome teacher, pretty sure her students should be doing well.

It sucks that I still have three exams. I'm just glad there's more than half the grade doing English ext last.

10:07 PM



12:29 PM

Thursday, May 24, 2012
Feeling lost

Whoops, this post has been sitting here four two hours while I was watching Ellen. I swear, I should've run out of her videos by now. EHEHEHE gonna watch the Mario Lopez shower thing again Christine 8D

So today is officially the worst day of the worst week of what should be one of the worst years of my life. Fucking, idek slept in till 8am, I screamed when I saw the time and starting crying from frustration. So obviously, I missed the chemistry exam but I ended up finding an excuse by going to the doctor with my grandparents. Win (Y) Doing chemistry tomorrow, if I sleep in, I'm just going to stab myself. Spent the rest of the morning shitting my pants with Abi but in the end, legal was alright. Karnups just kept standing next to people, observing them and it was so nerve wracking.

TAKOYAKI NOMNOM. I swear, those guys judge me every time I buy eight. Ugh I got home and stupidly left my dog outside this morning so her bed was soaked and idk what she's going to sleep on tonight.

This plate hurts my mouth so much :(

Fuck, Mario is like porn oh my god.

It's also good to know that you don't care.

5:39 PM

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So fucked. So thoroughly fucked.

Well idk, I think I ended up napping all evening last night, so editing my essay never happened. I don't know what to do with life.

Today, Christine and Nayomi came to my place after their exams so I like, wasted precious time making the house presentable for them. They arrived around noon-ish and then we were hungry Sl we ate noodles and laughed for an hour. I actually understood moles! Christine's lemon meringue tarts were yummy, and then we laughed so hard looking at the 'unevolved bug' LOL and discovered now mean Nayomi is.

Ugh my ortho gave me a plate, not a retainer so now I talk like a noob. And it's visible. Orthodontics are such a pain.

Fuck life I cannot study legal and chem enough to feel prepared for tomorrow. There's so much to remember for legal, it's like a third of the stupid textbook life is gay.

Oh I saw the trailer for The Great Gatsby, seriously it's so not the book. Baz Luherman has a habit or ruining the classics. Fitzgerald never fucken implies that there's sex! Or materialistic shit omg cause it wasn't important! We should've studied the book, so much on the American Dream.

K going to give up studying at 1am.

11:05 PM

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Yeah, you know what? I take it all back. Good Fucking Night.

10:51 PM

We go together

Why? I do not understand why I am the biggest failure at maths TODAY WAS THE WORST MORNING OF MY LIFE OH MY GOD.

So I stayed up till 1am with Christine, ripping pages and a pen or two from my frustration due to my inability to do these past papers and then I fucking slept in and woke up only when Carla called omg and the bus I made was the one just after the normal one which is supposed to make the late train but FUCK THE TRAFFIC WAS ACTUALLY SO UNBELIEVABLE ME AND KESHANI GOT INTO THE HALL AS SOON AS THEY STARTED READING TIME omg. As for the test, it wasn't difficult, but I don't know why I couldn't do it easily. And I've lost about six definite marks already.

Finished Eco! Don't want to think about studying it just yet. Sob, I've been totally ignorant of my three exams next week omg why.

Got home and put Grease on ehehehe so much love for that movie. Then I went to nap from about 6pm till now and I'm debating if I should get up and fix my essay or something or just fuck all and go back to sleep.

Christine's coming over tomorrow :) Preparation for chem and legal. Sob two double ups is two too many.

8:38 PM

Monday, May 21, 2012
Why do we fear words?

I am so fucking angry and frustrated with maths but I am going to swallow it so I can happily recall yesterday. Or last night. I ADORE THE GRADE. Seriously, idk how it started but someone posted a hot picture of a guy and then someone else and naturally I had to join in so yeah, posted photos for almost three hours ignoring the task of studying English, and Facetiming with Christine the entire time. We were legit breathless the whole time TOO MUCH ORGASM ON THE WALL OMG. It was awesome. But I ended up sleeping at 2am kudos to English.

Omg major panic attack this morning. I memorised my essay and wrote it from memory on the bus and train but then right before entering the hall, mind went absolutely fucking blank. And UGH it was so ridiculously hard WHY DO THEY DO THIS TO US? Crossin Boundaries was just, oh my god TWO POEMS?! WHYYYYYYY. And that plus the essay totaled the use of nine pages for me and Christine lol.

Got home before noon :) Skyped with mother who's eating really good Thai food in Bangkok. I hate her. And then I watched Footloose and started dancing around the room cause I was in such a party mood until I started maths and realized my I capability to finish one fucking paper.

Fuck life, gonna go and eat and rewatch Mario Lopez showing off his goodies.

6:36 PM

Sunday, May 20, 2012
We can go higher

Exams begin tomorrow. Not even stressed still, and I've barely 'studied' for English cause I seriously don't know how and I don't want to just keep rewriting everything far out.

Oh lord, me and Chrisine stayed up past 3am last night, orgasming over Mario Lopez on Ellen, bless his godliness, and then finding more Ellen videos to laugh at and then attempted maths together. That was obviously and absolute fail and then we ended up sending each other the uglies luvos we could manage HAHAHAHAHAHA.

God it took me and Christine six hours to do maths. It's probably cause we were having more on FaceTime, screenshotting ugly faces. Ugh and now I'm just trying to rewrite my main points for English but Masterchef is distracting me like crazy cause they're making sandwiches and their fresh bread looks so amazingly good oh goodness.

Okay gonna tank English.

8:03 PM

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I'm blogging too much. Not studying enough. Fantastic Four started when I started maths so it's obvious what I chose to do. Except Carla ditched our virtual commentary session to do work so now I feel bad. Ugh Jessica Alba is so hot.

After seeing dedications, I will do some happy obvious ones.

You're right. There will never be a problem with just us two. You're probably the person I can feel completely at ease with. If one of us were a male, well I can imagine it if we had a relationship. Maybe we'd be too comfortable with each other LOL. I'm so glad I have you. Whatever emotion I'm in, I'll just come to you. I won't let our friendship end. You'd better not either.

It's always been just us two most of the time, which has done wonders for our friendship. We should thank your parents really, for buying that cafe and then for being paranoid for the first year. I see you hours more than I see everyone else which always gives us the opportunity to grow closer. It's good to know we'll always be there for each other. I can see you in my life twenty years later, watching our kids and sipping high tea as you said in your plane letter. Out of everyone, you probably know me best from experience. Sorry for exposing you to that LOL.

I miss the beginning of our friendship with our daily spastic conversations, learning things about each other, especially your crazy life. The way we got to know each other was a bit odd, but I can't be more grateful for it. I also feel we can emphathise on different levels from what we've told each other, so it's good coming to you when I need someone. Despite my faith that we'll always come back friends, I'm sorry that I'm still acting like an insecure little bitch most of the time, no matter how much I try not to and I'm sorry for putting you through the worst of it. I'll try not to. Just remember that all I need is the occasional reassurance. Thank you for being there.

Yeah that's actually all I wanted to say.

7:49 PM

I don't wanna close my eyes

It's already afternoon and I haven't done any study, even though I was awake at 8am to send my parents off. My mum called me at the airport and she already found five of the things I wanted for like, $6 cheaper than it was on Sephora. Sigh, we're going to be broke when she's back.

UGH my room looks like a bomb cause I've been sorting out my worksheets. And I've sort of given up on maths cause there ain't no way I can do chapter reviews and exercises and past papers this weekend on top of fixing English and finalizing my other subjects. So I'm just going to focus on getting 90%+ for my English report.

OH this morning, I made the vermicelli instant noodles Christine gave me and it was tasty :) Now there's udon in the fridge waiting for me to devour it when I finish blogging.

I need Foxtel. I miss it so much cause When in Rome was on last night (Josh Duhamel!) and I remembered it was always on Foxtel. AND I NEED ROALD DAHL BOOKS! I saw it on this Scholastic book club catalogue my mum brought home from work, like the ones we got in primary and there was this massive collection of his children's books for only $60 kfbsdiebsbeisbejdnfknd. I haven't read Matilda in so long, that was my favourite book by him.

I will have a clean desk by 1 o'clock.

12:17 PM

Friday, May 18, 2012
slap slap slap slap slap

Today was the last day of school before exams. I'm still not having a meltdown. It'll all come at once on Sunday.

So today was a strike, bless that. I was hoping for a quiet bus ride, but I realised most people would probably have had the same mind set about transport as me.
Got our legal assessments back and I actually made an A, except Karnups said he was marking easy as a first time, sigh.
FREE! Finished and printed legal, whatever else I could scab off of Moodle and then I went to collect my English essay. Seriously, I was bracing myself for the worst and it was like seeing my Pi essay again. And Motherwell is most likely marking our Advanced essay so I guess I can just memorise mine. She has to be my mentor. You can ever only talk to her so casually. Every other teacher would take some sort of offence, I'd imagine.
Eco was a bit quiet without Anika, but Charry, Jamie and Annie made cupcakes! And us four in the back are gonna do Fun Food Friday two weeks from now after exams are done, and we're going to make a feast for the class, SO EXCITED.

Bus was fun, MARGARET FINALLY TOOK IT WITH US! I have missed Margaret. And god, I am haunted by our ugly photos HAHA.

Ugh I was watching Ellen's My Fair and Square Lady and in the season finale, she kisses Mario Lopez LKSHDCOWIREHFNODSKNFWKL AND IT WAS LIKE A REAL KISS AND YOU COULD SEE HER CONSIDERING BEING STRAIGHT AFTER IT OMG so jealous. He put on his accent and showed his muscles /drool.

Okay I'll officially finish market equilibrium tonight and then keep watching Pingu with Christine.

7:05 PM

The latest I could sleep in till was 8 o'clock. Depressing. BUH totally should be having maths right now. I cannot go into the exam with my current skills and knowledge so I'm going to hope Marshall has a free third like me, or I'll just force him to teach me at lunch. Exams so soon. Except I'm not stressing like I should be. And I've barely studied. Yay.

Omg lol last night, me and Christine were reminiscing about old shows after the Wiggles and then we decided to watch Pingu LOOOOL it was so funny omg, and Mr Bean. Sigh, good times.

8:42 AM

Thursday, May 17, 2012

So instead of doing work, like I intended, I spent three hours compiling a NEW make up list for my mother when she goes to Thailand this weekend I'M SO EXCITED! But everything totals about $300 so I feel quite bad, since I am spending money like a machine. Kay, maybe no more takoyaki for now.

I'm so glad I can sleep in tomorrow. The past week has killed me, but looks like my body has re-adapted to sleeping late.

10:45 PM

whoop dee doo

I am actually so upset about the Wiggles retiring :( ELFWOEIHFNDSKONOWIEHROWHKJWB WHAT TO DO OMG. In China, my love for them was reignited when my cousin made me sing and dance with her /sob. Going to find my old DVDs some time soon. Greg's vocals are so perfect.

So today was Ryda, and it was boring as fuck. The fact that I stayed up till 2am finishing my bloody essay did not improve the situation. Oh, and our group teacher was Davidson. She is the biggest fucking cow, I hate her so much OH MY GOD. She just kept interrupting the presenters with her stupid remarks and telling us off lkidweoijdfsklzbcoewuihjfld hatred.

So it was altogether boring, but the demonstration of braking was fun! Me, Anika, Christine and Jess got into the first car and we had no idea he was going to suddenly break, so like Eric predicted, we screamed. And again on the way back. So much fun. But far out, Davidson was non-stop screaming at us to stay on the concrete path if we so much lifted one foot in the air. Eventually, she was like 'Everyone's ignoring me. That's not nice.' THAT'S RIGHT BITCH.

In our last presentation, we decided to count the number of times Davidson felt the need to chime in. Seventeen. So pathetic. The day was just boring.

BUT WE GOT TO SCHOOL EARLY AND GOT TAKOYAKI. It was so delicious. Not as good as last time, but omg. Every Thursday. I have to buy 180 takoyaki balls to get 8 free ones LOL.

Anyway, since I discovered the tragic news of the Wiggles' retirement, I've got about 15 tabs of their music open. I'm so sad. I want to cry. I still remember the dances from Wiggly Party! This is a very evident sign that we should be growing up.

I should start work now.

6:45 PM

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
It flows through me like rain

Ugh stayed up till 2am doing my fucking essay that I didn't even end up finishing cause I was so tired holy fuck. And I can't get access to the fucking computer and my laptop froze so I can't fucking do anything right now, I'm so angry.

Anika apparently recorded our ext lesson today which is apparently illegal but meh, it was an amusing lesson as always, even more so kudos to the overload of sexual undertones in Angela Carter. HAHA the knife is her weapon against the man's... weapon.
Maths next which was revision, and I realised how hopeless I am with basic 2unit stuff so I am positively screwed for everything except maybe eco LOOOOL such a joke on me. Sigh, I wish Marshall would hurry up and get fit again. I can't stop staring at his huge belly. It completely ruins his handsomeness.
Eco was marginally productive, as I understand market equilibrium so now I can finish the last few pages of notes. I don't even know how people pinpointed all these things, it's such an intricate study of human behaviour.
Maths 'workshop' during lunch which was not a waste of time since I forgot basics such as inequalities lol. But I remember them now! I'm so glad 3unit is not for another week dlcenhoifjodfssd.
I may understand chemistry some more as well, so idk, still screwed for all, but overall less screwed.

Library'd with Eric, and Edwin and Flo chimed. Most fail ever. Could not answer Flo's testing of my eco knowledge, and it was so intimidating being watched by Eric while I attempted maths, and eventually gave up. Moved over to Sean, Elaine and Brandon and got some Maccas. I ordered a chicken and cheese burger. They gave me beef and cheese.

UGH computer only just got revived. So tired though, I want to skip RYDA so badly, but I paid and it might be fun idkkkkkkkkkkk. Must finish my essay. Motherwell will probably disapprove of receiving my email at 2am in the morning. Sob, exams are so soon.

Okay essay. I hate life. So tired of crying.

8:38 PM

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Release your inhibitions

Last form of procrastination before I properly focus on my essay which me and Christine will stay up doing, no matter how long it takes. Sob, I foresee a long night.

Stayed up last night till like, 2am on the phone with Christine, playing Modern Girl and salivating over food and memories. I couldn't sleep for ages, kudos to that loooong nap I took.

We still haven't gotten our legal assessments dlskfhwoeindcsknhk and then we just watched some documentary all lesson. I still don't know why I am the only one who truly dislikes the subject, the content is just so boring but everyone else enjoys it!

I decided I'm going to stick with fixing my myth essay for ext because fairytales is just mind fuck, and I finished Company of Wolves which had a really weird ending, cause she stripped herself and then him and then... I don't know. I don't like writers like Angela Carter and Atwood. It's not like you should write just to prove something. Motherwell was telling us how she accidentally spat out her cough lollies twice on a girl's face and another one's bag HAHAHAHAHA.

LOL Marshall gave Jenny and Nancy such a freaky look in maths, so amusing. I really like maths and English. But I didn't even remember functions so I should probably study all the sheets I printed off at lunch.

HOLY SHIT the crossing boundaries task was so fucking hard, I swear my essay will go better than the short answers. It also reinforced my hatred for poetry cause it makes me feel like an ass when I don't understand.

LOLOL Aparna, what an amusing person. She was debating about why girls who gave blow jobs with banana-flavoured condoms didn't just eat a banana. Unfortunately, she failed to see that her point had no logic behind it. And conversations of the sort continued on the bus LOL.

Okay I need to finish my essay. I have a dentist appointment in two hours LXJNHCLERWHJDSILKH. Why :(


5:38 PM

Monday, May 14, 2012
The world is round

So tired. Not really sleepy actually, just mentally drained.

It was so indescribably cold today, I don't even know what fucking happened but oh my god, my teeth were chattering non-stop, and I had my blazer and scarf on and even a vest! Then Jess and Tanya show up at Penno with no jumpers. I can't comprehend this.

Christine slept in and skipped chem, that noob. I sort of learned today though, but I'm so scared for moles oh my god, so much confusion. I'm still not even sure what the exam is like because Gamble does not know how to articulate.

Groupwork in English, I hope it's good cause otherwise, I just got myself to rely on for the essay. One more advanced lesson which will revise the crossing boundaries reading task LKDJLFKSBNDOFIJWOEBIODUHJ cannot fathom the fact that English is in less than one week.

BUH didn't get our legal assessments back, it's been three weeks, how can Karnups still be marking TT Last year's half yearly was not too bad, hopefully I'll be okay if I just read my notes some more. And bs a lot.

Omg at lunch, me and Jiani got hot instant noodles cause it was so incredibly cold and then sat with Christine, fantasizing about food.

Tanya only just noticed Marshall's huge stomach when I pointed it out to her in maths. It's so sad, he was so fit and so much more handsome last term and then holidays happen and WOW, he just gained so much weight. Then his voice suddenly got sick and croaky but it didn't sound too bad cause his tone was softer and not so loud and sharp, idk HAHA. Tanya pointed that out.

Taylor's legs are so gross, SO HAIRY. Moulting HAHA CARLA. And we saw G who looked gross too. I hope I see Jake soon.

Went to the dentist to get a filling, it was terrible and then I got home at 7pm and I was so sleepy so I set an alarm for an hour nap but then Anika called halfway and then Carla called halfway so I ignored my alarm and kept sleeping and then Jaffly woke me up at 10pm. So now, instead of sleeping, I am doing English like I should've been for the past 5 hours. I don't even know why I get so tired so early now.

Well this was a good form of procrastination. I shall attempt to write topic sentences now.

11:57 PM

Sunday, May 13, 2012
If only,

Life is shit.

So obviously, I have not done anything. I'd like to finally post, I FINISHED SOMETHING! Like, chem and legal are the least of my problems now because English is in one. Fucking. Week. I hate Karen, my jaw dropped when I saw her timetable, that lucky bitch.

Anyway, while I was slaving over those cakes, I was laughing, remembering Year 8 food tech with Elaine because I was beating butter and sugar and we did sooo much of that in Year 8. Good memories. Our TAS class was awesome. Elaine, I think I still recall the foods you do/don't like LOL.

So we just came back from a Thai restaurant, and I felt like vomiting the entire time. I'm so scared I have a stomach virus my sister had a week back dlkfjshdlkjfhkdjh EXAMS! Life is depressing.

Fuck study, just going to quietly enjoy Clair de Lune.

Angry. Sad. Frustrated. On repeat.

8:42 PM


Oh god, so tired, just spent the morning making red velvet cake for my mum, and I think I put in too much red food colouring and mixed in with the cocoa, it lost its super redness and went a little brown :/ So much dedication since I'm such a kitchen failure, mother better eat all of it.

Anway did nothing last night. Have done nothing all fucking weekend, so fail. And Motherwell isn't even pushing us for an essay, it's like FAIL IF YOU WISH but otherwise hand one in dlkcjslkxnoewih but I need to finish chem today so I can return Eric's books but it's all very doubtful. I swear, before the English exam, I'll feel like vomiting, just like last year when I was so nerve-wrecked for LOTF.

I love Google-define.

12:52 PM

Saturday, May 12, 2012
Shining, shimmering, splendid

Omg I was watching Aladdin and heartily singing A Whole New World till they fucking switched the program to HORSE RACING ldskjcldnhlk.

Anyway, I have not touched any work. Because I just spent my day and last night reading City of Lost Souls and it is just so OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I CAN'T TAKE THIS AND VAMPIRE DIARIES THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR TWELVE HOURS OMGGGGG HOW DO I WAIT ANOTHER YEAR AND IT'S THE VERY LAST BOOK /CRYING.

But it was pretty shit, I was just 0: ing and D: and )':ing the whole time. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK. It's so sad, all my book series end around the time high school ends LIFE IS SO SAD. Everything is moving too fast. Too much change in store. I don't know how I'll take it.

So I'll probably start chem notes today or English would be better but I'm so cbf, just ugh. So worried about my subject selection now since Motherwell's reaction to my wanting to do 10 units. But I can't stick with my five subjects now, totally fail the HSC anyway.

Bleh, sneaked out to buy stuff for Mother's Day, and I have to wait till my rents are asleep so I can make the cupcakes and surprise them in the morning. Since I've never used this new oven, I may burn the house down.

Okay time to go through Cassandra Clare's site and have my questions answered!

4:40 PM

Friday, May 11, 2012
Oh my godfather

Last night was so useless. Just ended up stalking ugly photos on fb with Carla HAHAHA so much amusement though. So obviously, did not do jack shit last night. I actually went to bed at like, 10:30, all prepared to wake up at 5am this morning fuck my life SO TIRED. And it was sooo cold.

Anyway me, Carla, Pat and Anika got to Hornsby super early so we got to Warrawee super early and chilled (literally) in some random shelter. Then we decided to go into Knox which was like, more amazing than a college campus alright, omg. And this nice young man directed us to the Great Hall :) So face palm when we saw Hindmarsh in jeans and tennis shoes, like, yeah he's a non-conformist but he's such a self righteous dick about it.

Breakfast was hugely disappointing, like, mini croissants and Danishes and muffins, which wasn't too bad, but idk, I was actually expecting bacon or something. Their napkins were embellished with their school logo LOL so I took one as a souvenir. It was pretty awks cause we looked Sl underdressed and everyone was in blazers and looking proper.

Got into the Great Hall which was so big and nice and new omg, echoes. Warmed up with a game of Bang. When the guy asked Anika's name, he thought she said Nicole, then Anicole, so funny. Then torture started and we listened to two horrid presentations and barely had anything to do with the budget ffs. I was just busting the whole time. Then we had a break where we had to make a slogan for the budget and Anika came up with Family: budget is my buddy. Idek. Last presentation was slightly better and the guy was cute too. It was just a pretty boring event.

Oh and this guy from my primary tutor was there and he goes to Knox apparently, what a waste of tutor, but ong I thought he looked so attractive but I forgot his name so I went up to him and started a pretty awkward conversation, but at least we remembered each other's presence in class lol. Anyway it was so sad returning to the shittiness of Hornsby. It was nice feeling short around guys for a change cause they were all so big and tall.

English was so hilarious, Motherwell realized she was writing on the whiteboard with a permanent marker and screamed SHIT and has a heart attack trying to rub it off while the rest of the class laughed. I adore her.
Chem was awful. We have apparently been learning significant figures incorrectly. Gamble that little bitch, I don't give two fucks if you topped maths in your year LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE OMG.
Could barely stay awake in legal, technically my Eco class had an extra two hours of school or whatever.

Got home and gave in and started reading City of Lost Souls which is omg so shit, Idek what is goin in jfbdjdjwbsjwj but then I stopped and watched Vanpire Diaries which deserves a whole paragraph.


Then had an equally intense conversation with Anika about finding a new tv show and shit like that. And she kept calling me Jess! Then she called Rebekah Rachel, lol. And then we were doing the 'no YOU hang up' couple thing except neither of us hung up for like, 2 minutes. So much stomach workout from laughter.

Now I'm super sleepy so I'll just go to sleep now. Fuck study. Goodnight.

9:45 PM

Thursday, May 10, 2012
Bite me.

Oh my goodness, it got so unbelievably hot today, I don't even understand what is going on with the world cause tomorrow is going to be just as hot and me and Carla really wanted to wear our blazers to fit in with the Knox/other private school kids :( BUH have to wake up so early tomorrow. Eco sucks.

LOL biggest shock at Penno when Gluestick (?) exited the carriage. My eyes just popped.

Marshall wore a rainbow tie today HAHA. But I still refute the assumptions of his homosexuality. He's so not-gay. That earring ain't doing him any favours. Anyway, it was super unproductive because people kept coming into our class for the new textbook, which is our fifth textbook this year. I should leave the screen and do some maths.

Chem is awful. I wish I went to Matrix still. So much regret. But thankfully, it's only metals we're tested on. I will kill whoever lied about being tested on water, that noob.

FREE! Was planning to get takoyaki with Tanya but Mr Hatton came to find her so I forced Sandra to come with me. Had to buy for Elaine and Carla too so we walked back into school holding 18 takoyaki balls and then the fucking bell rings for an evacuation procedure dflkwodbnskcjwpoe seriously. Had to carefully stuff the takoyaki in my bag. It was sooo good.

English is making me shit my pants, I'm so scared for it now. Don't even know what to do oh my goodness, don't know if I should make notes and practice essays or just notes or just practice essays. NO TIME TO DO EVERYTHING DLKCNJSXIJELFKDHNSKLDFJ.e

Alright. Me, Anika and Christine will finish notes by Wednesday ABSOLUTE LATEST. Seriously doomed.

You obviously do not understand how obviously you prioritise people. Obviously.

7:41 PM

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

So many encryptions. Thus, too many feelings. So angry, frustrated, insecure, meaningless, fucking idek. Nothing is even the same anymore, AND IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE MY FUCKING FAULT?

8:04 PM

It's too late

Fml, just spend an hour on Ellen. WHY OH MY GOD.

Anyway, today was so nice and warm, and it should be that way for the rest of the week which is awesome. But oh my goodness, the bus today. I swear, I was just remembering the scene in Midnight Sun where Edward is plotting to kill everyone in the classroom to kill Bella and he calculated he could dispatch twenty kids in a second or something. So I was imaging breaking the necks of all the fucking Year 7s, but then I saw I was in the direct view of a security camera.

Eco was alright, understood the market equilibrium shit, so I should be able to finish eco notes when we finish the chapter next lesson. I hope Knox serves good breakfast, paid seven bucks alone for that.

I always get so tired in maths :( And trig revision is easy but guh, don't want to explore the 3unit. Hopefully tutor with Carla will help before the exams so I must start ASAP.

English is always fun with Motherwell, except we have like, no lessons to go finish everything, and we miss and Advanced lesson cause of RYDA next Thursday dslfkjsdlknrwoie. So I should start my practice essay now. LOL Anika's spelling was so atrocious. "silluete" and "nurchuring" HAHAHA. And Motherwell sneezed so loudly in the supposedly moving scene when Angela asks Lester how he is. It was like an explosion. Two, actually.

Hip Hop was less than 10 minutes so I left school and went to ortho. His gloves smelt really nice LOL.

Omg, all the Youtube videos I'm watching open with the 30-second ad of the sea calling salkjkdsjfs.

Supposed to be doing legal now. Or English. I think I'm going to end up spending more time doing notes than studying. And apparently, my parents are going to Thailand so I am going to make them raid Duty Free with the make up Christine wasn't able to get me, plus extra 8) Ugh, but they leave right before exams start, exactly like 2010.

Lol, my old primary friend who dropped out of school posted this video on fb where he's talking about his failed relationship. It's just so amusing seeing them so screwed up, and I imagine what I could've been like if I went to that school, which I would've, but pray for Hornsby.

Okay, opening my notes now.

5:02 PM

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I was so close to finding out Jake's name, which is a seriously huge deal since I've been curious for so many years. Almost four years. Idek, but I shall find out this Friday when Kevin shows me his yearbook SO EXCITED! But I'm also afraid he has a weird name which will ruin my perfect image of him. Mixed feelings.

Yes, it is a big deal actually. I miss seeing Jake.

7:11 PM


KDJFKLSDFJIEWOSDJ CITY OF LOST SOULS BUT MY SISTER IS READING IT OMG so I gave her a deadline of 9pm on Friday before I steal it off her and kill her to wipe away evidence. Omg, can't wait, but I have to study :(

Bus'd with Aparna and we got to school super late. Like, 8:45 late.
Legal killed the day, as usual. The new topic is even worse than the first one. There's not even a point trying to discuss ethics and the law because one usually ends up ruling the other out, idek, who invented the law why is there a law no one follows it anyway.
Maths was just, UGH need to go finish the question that is going to take up two pages of working out. I love how Ravie and Varsha are always talking about books/movies/shows that I like so I can always chime. GOT OUR TIMETABLES! Mine is not that bad, I have two free days but then there's chem/legal and eco/ext on the same day bleh. But yeah, otherwise, it ain't that bad. And most of the exams are in the morning so I can get home super early (Y)
Eco was useless, as per usual. Hindmarsh's eyes are soooo blue and pretty, and luckily, that gene was passed onto his daughter. I swear, eco notes are taking me forever, I don't even understand why because everything is just set there for us to shorten. And my notes are so much shorter compared to Anika or Christine's.
I hate building strength. Biggest waste of life.

Anyway, have not done anything except type out 5 dot points, and then Carla gave me a Youtube link which inevitably led to Ellen which inevitably led to an hour of watching Ellen. Sigh. Going to work for 20 minutes and then watch the Federal Budget so I'm prepared to argue with the Knox kids on Friday. Have to wake up at 5am again.

7:01 PM

Monday, May 7, 2012

Athletics carnival today. Five hours of life wasted. Two hours spent on public transport this morning dksndjekdhaiqjdbdishsisnxbakeinfoehczna seriously, me and Carla were like, half an hour late to roll call cause our bus was late to Parra so we got to Stra late and missed the train and then we got off at Homebush instead of Olympic Park so we had to train back to Lidcombe and then to Olympic Park and trek to the athletic stadium for 10 minutes. Awful.

It wasn't as boring as before. Just spent the time with Nayomi and Christine and Anika chimed occasionally, but then we'd get into trouble. Anika is full of bad luck HAHA. I don't even know why I brought a book with me, or why people brought work with them. The only thing we participated in was the 400m walk while trying to dance. It was actually a pretty fun day, and the sun was out a bit, not like previous years where it would always rain. Dr Briggs did the relay HAHA so he made the teachers lose, but applause for actually doing it, since I assume he's like, late 50s. And Hindmarsh was like, wow, like the wind.

Went to city with Christine afterwards to satisfy our cravings. Pepper lunch was so good omg, but we were still hungry so we has udon. I am so full, I won't need to go out to eat for a long time. In the udon place, they were playing this really gay Japanese song which kept making me laugh and unable to swallow my food.

Anyway, I have maths and study to do :( Still not totally sinking in that exams are in less than two weeks and I could not be more unprepared.

Tired of being the last choice.

6:17 PM

Sunday, May 6, 2012
super moon

Crying because I'm planning to start work now. First time I've touched my work. Oh but I finished maths like, crazy early yesterday morning, I don't even know why I was awake. My parents turned to SBS this morning and saw PopAsia and they were just, their judgement HAHA. Yeah it was really gay, especially the few Taiwanese stars.

I had udon for lunch! But I still really want to go city tomorrow to eat udon or Pepper Lunch, just so much craving so Christine better come with me like originally planned.

I found the lyrics to the coffee song and I can sing the first stanza! Shall be teaching Anika that tomorrow (Y) Actually I should call her, see if she's done eco and chem notes like she said she would.

Hungry. The early darkness makes the day feel so much later than it already is. I mean, it's only 6pm right now? I don't understand.

Have to leave home so early tomorrow for athletics :(


The moon is so bright tonight.

5:45 PM

Saturday, May 5, 2012
Clang clang clang went the trolley

Such a useless day omg. Woken up by my mother telling me to get dressed cause the Foxtel guy was going to come and install Foxtel and I was so excited so I took my dog out while he did that. Then I come back and apparently we can't have it cause there are these trees that block the satellite signal at the back of the house but then we're not allowed to put the satellite dish at the front of the house omg SO ANGRY AND SAD AND DISAPPOINTED. I can't keep watching this tv.

Watched Meet Me in St. Louis. Judy Garland was so beautiful, I don't even understand how she gave birth to Minelli. And my mum brought my home delicious curry.

Omg spazzed with Raveena throughout Percy Jackson, just criticising everything about the film except for Logan Lerman. Then we watched Graham Norton cause Zac Efron and Matt Le Blanc were on it and it was so funny. And then the ad for ReadyAnytime erection medication came on when she was watching with her grandma HAHA.

Anyway, it's not even 10 but since there ain't anything else on tv, I'll go to sleep now.

9:51 PM

Friday, May 4, 2012

That coffee song will never leave me omg it's so catchy but the video is pretty morbid. I don't even know why Hindmarsh showed us that.

Audrey that noob didn't wake up on time to come to school with me. So she ditched us for her boyfriend :@
Maths first was pretty bad, but I must've understood cause I can do the homework! Classes were so empty cause of the bio excursion which was nice, I like small classes. I still remember in Year 9 when all the VA and PDM people had an excursion and there were like, 15 people in class and we played benchball in gym and owned the other team so hard Davenport went to help them but we still won 8)
Legal was bad as usual. We might be getting our assessment results next week, which I am anticipating but dreading. It might end up worse then Eco.
Spent my free sunbathing on the oval with Anika, Dorie, Jess and Sylvia and then Michelle and Shobhana joined us. I don't need to complain about being unproductive like Jess cause I wasn't planning to be productive at all.
Eco was so much fun! Jess and Shobhana joined our back row and it was almost like commerce again minus Carla and Christine, and Hindmarsh brought his baby along! I also noticed his wife is shorter than him. Eugh, kept my word and took notes for Pat, but I am so worried about Eco because there's so much you need to understand and I need to analyze the annual budget for the Knox breakfast on Friday.

Went to Flemington with Anika and Christine and met up with Audrey and had bad pho. Christine gave me too-expectations so I was very disappointed. Then we got a chatime which just about Rhine my stomach. Trained with Michelle, Jina and Richard to Penno and got dropped off.

Now I need to watch Vampire Diaries! Can't believe it's almost season finale.

I promised Anika I'd pay her a dollar for each subject she can finish making notes for this weekend. So I should probably attempt the same.

Asshole, can't believe you're still doing it.

7:42 PM

Thursday, May 3, 2012

10:53 PM

visual shit

I'm going to be sore all over tomorrow lol. Sigh.

Anyway, today was a good day, yes. Jiani's awful singing woke me up on the train, and the entire carriage I presume. And the train toilet door tried to crush me when I tried to get out of it.

Maths first with Nayomi, since Tanya wasn't here and Flo came late. Oh my god, that fucking perpendicular distance proof wasted three pages of my bloody book! And the advanced class was just given the formula omg, I don't even understand how he got the formula anyway, so pointless. And I ceebs to do the homework tonight. Lol, shocking news Nayomi.

FINALLY DID MOLES IN CHEMISTRY. But I didn't really listen cause I was playing Modern Girl HAHA. It's alright, I know I'm going to fail the subject anyway.

Eco was really slow and tiring. Hindmarsh showed us pictures of his trip in Bali. I swear, I don't think his wife is pretty. And I try to imagine how he acted when they first met, since he can be such a douche.

English started off with getting two practice essays omg I should start them now dflkjdsoijelkdskdsljalskjdlskhfkjrd. And apparently, I didn't see Motherwell give us the finger! And I'm so dead for English omggggg AND WE AIN'T EVEN DOING FUCKING MYTHS I'M SO ANNOYED, WHY DID WE EVEN DO A PRACTICE ESSAY FOR THAT? An essay I did really shit for as well. Sigh.

Ms Johnston is leaving us in Term 4 to have a child. What is wrong with our grade, really. And it's the beginning of Year 12! Things are moving so fast.

Got ice cream with Carla after school, after standing there, staring at the flavours for ten minutes. And I haven't done work either.

My sister has a stomach virus, and I'm so scared I'll get infected easily as well. I haven't vomited in so long.

Flemington tomorrow! Me and Christine are going to ruin ourselves.

Gonna go dance some more and sleep (Y)

8:16 PM

The sun has been in my fucking face for the duration of this entire bus ride.

7:58 AM

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
She had some troubles with herself

So tired oh my goodness and it's not even 8pm WHY SO DARK OMG I HATE WINTER. Or the path to winter. Except it actually got pretty warm in the afternoon. I don't understand.

English is always fun, despite the topic contents. Seriously, all these appropriations seem to require sexual content. Like, idk I still feel its pretty stupid that the Board of Studies suddenly reckons we're only mature enough in senior years to study the more explicit texts.
Marshall has been getting so pissed off at us in maths. I swear, he has gained so much weight noticeably over the holidays.
Eco was fun, and I actually understood something about markets! Plus Hindmarsh seemed to be in a really good mood cause he smiled heaps and laughed a bit and as Carla put it, we could just see his teeth some more. So we told him that and I was like, you usually got a bitchface going and then when Anika was like, Gen has a total bitchface, he made this really loud outburst of a laugh. It was just so strange hearing that from him. But he looks handsome when he smiles! So he should do it more often.
New hip hop routine at lunch. Lol when Shayna did that floor part. As long as its not me (Y)
There's always so much regret when I go to chem cause there's always a good reason to jig for the past three lessons. And this lesson, we had the really quiet sub. Idek it was so boring, so me and Christine just played Top Girl.

CURSE JINA, I've got top, modern and social girl when I should be studying or something.

Oh yeah, I saw Justin today, and he was in the Arden uniform. It looked pretty bad Michelle.

Gonna copy out legal notes now. Yay.

7:07 PM

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

And I can't stop listening to La Vie En Rose by the blind girl on The Voice because omg, I loved Edith Piaf's version so much and this one did it justice, it was so beautiful.

10:56 PM

So much nostalgia for our old bus group, I want to cry :(
We used to wait for four others! Now it's just one person for me and Carla.
Life was so much better before this year.

10:35 PM

How do you call your OIL

Ah, good day good day. Well, after staying up till 2am to study legal and the paranoia setting in. Got another bread roll, oh my god, so delicious I LOVE BREAD. Yeah, legal, idk. It was really good to bs. Even better than eco. So I actually managed three pages of incorrect and possibly made-up statistics and quotes and parliamentary ministers LOL.

God I love Ms Motherwell. Telling us in ext how a bird shitted on her shoulder on the Arc de Triomphe HAHA. Absolutely decided that I'm sticking through ext with her. And Marshall. So I got to decide whether or not I drop legal or eco, because legal is just boring, but it's remembering but I legit do not understand eco omg.
Maths was fun! Reminiscing about old Disney shows because that channel is just, hideous now, god. Also showed Flo and Tanya the dirty riddle HAHA and they were actually pretty good at figuring some out for me.
Finished the last few minutes of American Beauty. Film techniques are such a nightmare to analyse. I still remember that horrifying viewing mark I once got... LOL CHRISTINE.

Speaking of Christine, we got Thai after school, which was such a huge regret cause they rush-cooked it so it wasn't that great and I was only ever craving, not terrifically hungry so yeah, threw away like, a handful of noodles :( I could barely swallow my food cause me and Christine were just so overwhelmed and continuously laughing and eyeing everyone with drinks. Omg the train was delayed like, 20 minutes. And Jina introduced me and Carla to Top Girl HAHA. My boyfriend is Spencer the bartender (Y)

Anyway, I feel so much more relaxed after that assessment was over, so I'll do some maths hw and enjoy my last night of freedom before I begin exam study tomorrow. Which I absolutely will.

Actually I'm going to go and watch Meet Me in St. Louis :)

7:09 PM