
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Monday, April 30, 2012

Lots of things on my mind which I will get off, and then resume legal. Sigh.

And as soon as I finish all that, when I thought that life could not have gotten any worse, divinity decides to spit on my face.

I'm so tired.

9:57 PM

Doomed to failure

SIGH. It's the end of April, and apparently one year since Osama Bin Laden was murdered. I actually cannot comprehend time, I don't know how it could already have been one year, so much mind fuck.

Chem first, which I totally would've jigged if Nayomi were here today, but nooo she texted me at lunchtime saying she OVERSLEPT. I can't even sleep in that late if I tried. Except for one time when I slept past 4am. It was terrible, prac is so useless, and we're not even halfway through fucking metals and our half yearly consists of metals AND WATER OMG.
Ffs, watched American Beauty in English but had like, 5-10 minutes left when the bell went. Oh well. Ms Motherwell always laughs at totally different times to the rest of the class. Old people humour :L
I'm so worried for legal now, after Karnups went through everything. Can't believe it's first period tomorrow. Looks like I'll have to learn to bs tomorrow.
Maths was thankfully straightforward, and apparently, Marshall said I just managed to scrap enough marks to avoid doing the learning contract thing HAHA. I still don't think he's gay. Seriously, it's not like getting a piercing means he's gay. My dad isn't gay, fuck's sake's.

Got home so early 8) Not that I've made any progress with legal. It's alright, all-nighter tonight (Y) I pray that my printer is working.

Oh look. You're doing it again.

7:32 PM

Sunday, April 29, 2012
Point to ponder

Ms Smyth was in my dream last night HAHA. I think it's because I've been talking to Jess too much and feeling nostalgic together.

ANYWAY I have really painful cramps. Seriously, I had no idea about the flying hormone thing Abi was telling me about, total wow. But it explains a lot.

Legal is just, information overload. And anything to do with religious ethics just really really really pisses me off, why am I even arguing same-sex rights TT It's provoking a higher distaste for religion and humans. Oh and I just found out that Abbott's sister is a lesbian, but he still won't allow gay marriage. I can't even explain the extent that hypocrisy descends to. I hope Karnups allows ranting because that's what my essay will be.

Forgot to mention that Sukanya moved chem classes :( lkdfsjkldfjklsd her and Erica, those lucky bitches.

My dad attempted singing What Makes You Beautiful yesterday, except he thought the group was called Two Directions LOL.

Craving Pad Thai like crazy again. I've kind of lost faith in my daily horoscope place when I checked on my phone and the date said like, April two years ago, so I checked on the computer and it was the same so... :(

Oh my god, Legend of Zorro was on last night and Antonio Banderas and CZJ are so fucking sexy and when they kiss, oh my god. I've been watching them over and over on Youtube. He used to be so handsome and suave and he's just so old and a bit gross now.

Anika is making English notes, son of a bitch.

God, I make so many typos and errors in my posts. Back to legal.

1:41 PM

Saturday, April 28, 2012
Einstein vs. Tagore

Can't really decide if today was a productive day or not. English is done, but I am so scared for legal oh my goodness. Prepared to fail. Then I just played around with my NAKED palette, it's so beautiful, totally worth $50.

TV sucks so bad, so I've resorted to watching The Last Song cause our foxtel is still suspended :( Miley is so pretty. I love her style. I remember I hated her before :L

I've been making lots of lists. Like, happy lists. It makes me feel so good remembering and thinking about things.

Ugh craving KFC like crazy, even after that feast on Thursday.

I really have nothing to say anymore.

7:58 PM

Friday, April 27, 2012
Out of grasp

Omg I just took a really hot bath. Like fucken scalding cause I wasn't concentrating on the water temperature but what my bath bombs were doing 8) so when I put my hand in, I fucking screamed cause it was so hot. So I just sat on the edge, naked, waiting for the water to cool down. Then I think I soaked too long, sweated too much and basically dropped my blood pressure and I'm feeling very light headed now. It was so good though, needed to destress.

Anyway, me and Carla got another bread roll this morning and omg, what happened to our fellow train riders IT'S ALWAYS JUST US TWO!
Eco was unproductive as usual, didn't understand anything as usual. I might actually continue legal instead at this rate because this is so hopeless. But we always have a good time in Eco. Hatton finally came to tell Elaine off for her hair.
English next where me and Motherwell had an intense discussion on Fitzgerald. I seriously love her so much. She's so insightful to talk to. Started American Beauty. I just laughed at everybody's reactions LOL.
Chem was ldbkdhlaabakpdgjkwndksk.
Legal was supposed to be productive but we had a sub who let us muck around the entire lesson. I'm so screwed for the assessment.

Wanted to go macq to get Thai with Christine but I decided to go home instead :/
Got this logo quiz app and omg me and my sister spent two hours trying to work things out, it's so hard. Screwed my eyes over.


9:28 PM

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Can't sleep. I don't think I've ever been to bed this early for weeks. My mind is so restless. No, mother, I cannot just stop thinking. I wish I was really stupid. Like, whimsically stupid with no major cares to think about and I could pursue life naively but happily. I'm so tired. Everything is just falling apart. Where is everyone?

11:04 PM


So sleepy, my goodness. Stayed up till 1:30 doing my bloody essay, meaning I spent exactly 12 hours on it yesterday. Didn't even finish it properly, sleep was too precious. It's a miracle I woke up on time.

Omg me and got such a tasty bread roll. I owe her 60 cents if she still wants it HAHA. Now everytime I'm with her, I think of what Gina said about us Lol. Ship (Y)
Dozed off for seconds at a time in maths. This is so much better than permutations. I'm dreading the thought of revisiting it TT
Xbdkwmdoahskqodbkqd Gamble kept irritating me in chem cause she thought I wasn't working properly WHEN I WAS and delayed my packing up time cause she insisted of doing the last questions with me.
FINISHED MY ESSAY IN MY FREE /triumph. Granted it was shit and I'll be getting like, no higher than a B but it's off my mind and I can get some sleep tonight. Ffs was trying to get Kesh to take an ugly contact picture. It just did not wok dlsmdidksdbkasn she's so pretty.
I missed Motherwell so I was quite happy to return to English.

LOL cross country. Omg Christine showed me her baby photo on the bus which was so funny so I sent it to myself. Anyway, Anika stuck to her word and completed the race with me! Nayomi did it in her uniform! Anyway we made a few vlogs to record our shitty process HAHAHA looked so sexy, sweating and all. And we finished in 25 minutes!

Trekked up to Penno Rd and feasted on some well-deserved wicked wings, popcorn chicken and chips omg I love KFC. Except Christine is on chicken probation so she ruined our commerce tradition. Then One Thing came onto [V] Hits LOL.

Ugh I napped for an hour and read for an hour and basically put off work for hours. So I should get to that now. Week ends tomorrow. Exams are so soon :( Except Audrey's are tomorrow. So thankful ours is late in the term.

I miss foxtel :( I want to watch Phineas and Ferb!

6:24 PM

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
lonely rivers

Ugh, done only a paragraph of my essay, which is confusing me like fuck. Life of Pi was easier than this. I refuse to stay up into the night to do this, if I don't finish by dinner time, I'm just gonna do legal. But at least I have finished maths (Y)

Killer whales really freak me out. There was this article on some albino killer whale and then when I googled them, the pictures just freaked me out. Idk, it's from all those documentaries I see. They're so scary.

It's so cold today, I'm wearing my scarf. And I'm so not looking forward to cross country. If Anika doesn't walk with me like she said she would, I'm going to kill her. ANIKA YOU DITCHED ME HALFWAY LAST YEAR.

City of Lost Souls comes out in just under two weeks SO EXCITING!!!!!!! Just so excited for so many books this year.

3:02 PM

Pour oh pour the pirate sherry!

Too tired last night to have posted about my day which, all in all, was a pretty good one to start off the new term. I'm shocked I managed to wake up on time and get to the bus stop in like, seven minutes but holy, bus ride was so bad. Freaking nooby senior chick was annoying the Jesus out of me omg. But we actually made the train but I didn't get to see Euro Guy cause I think he's in Barcelona.

Legal first just shitted on my day because I am freaking out for that assessment next week oh my god and I forgot how much writing hurt :(
I am so glad we've moved on from permutations and combinations, though we'll have to revisit them for exams I'm sure. I can worry about that later. Except the linear revision now is so tedious.
Eco was pretty fun as usual, though I didn't understand a thing. Anika that noob couldn't read LOL inDUStry and enterprise HAHA. Hindmarsh's eye looked freaky, and his 'long story' about it was pretty convincing.
Sat around at the food court with Gina and Michelle and Carla and got a red bean ice cream, yum. Omg then me and Carla took forever to trek to Eric's cause we went some weird way where we circled the entire Westfield perimeter TT Had fun as usual, and the guys attempted to teach us tkd HAHA. Eric drove us back to Westfield 0: I was just casually shitting my pants.

OMG me, Carla and Brandon had amazing Thai, probably cause we were craving like crazy. And we ended up paying $70 LOL. The pad Thai was amazing omg I want to go back.

Eric came back from tutor and drove us to Normo. It was sooo cold. Anyway, the musical was good. Like, the songs were performed amazingly, but I doubt anybody understood the story. Alex was so cute :) AND GEORGIA OMG I WAS JUST FALLING IN LOVE WITH HER. It was pretty worth it. Lawrence the rice farmer :) Bleh it was soooo cold waiting outside. Brandon was pretty grateful for that ;)

Anyway, now I am doing maths in order to avoid English dkxbsibgiebskwd why :(

11:51 AM

Monday, April 23, 2012
fire away

Pray for old blog format.

My mood soured when I woke up to Christine's text at 4am and the rain. So miserable, and it's not helping my productivity either. More disappointment when I trekked to the discount book store my mum recommended, which was so shit and so expensive, I mean, I can get nice new books for the same price of those ratty old things. But then I finally got my highlighters from Eric and a gross contact picture of him HAHAHA.

Calling capsicums 'bell peppers' sound so much more appealing than capsicums.


So stressed with this bloody essay.

Thank god for tea.

3:16 PM

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My skirt looks like a fucking umbrella.

5:16 PM


School's so soon. Need to pick up my skirt soon as well. And get past my first paragraph. I need to blog as a more legit means of procrastination lol.

I made a list of 18 things to do by the time I turn 18. I'd like to do that every year after. Maybe until I turn 40 or something :L

I've grown accustomed to the new house. It's really quiet. The neighbourhood is so quiet, I swear nobody is alive and my house probably makes the most noise. My dog looks so adorable going up and down stairs HAHA. It's like a whole day's worth of exercise for her.

I just came back from the mall, and I got a $30 pair of heels, reduced from $80 aslkdjskjbcoweiujflj. I love DSW. I was also supposed to go to the discount book store, but it wasn't open :(

Still haven't progressed with my essay.

5:15 PM

Saturday, April 21, 2012
From here to eternity

Blog is so ugly omg I hate it so much D:

 Anyway, Christine came back today! Except the bitch woke me up at 6am. I don't know how I'm going to wake up for school. But yes, it was awesome talking to her again, and seeing the things she got me AHHH MY BEAUTIFUL NAKED AND NARS. Also kind of tidied the room and put all my draws and whatnot back into the room. But I've done no work. Just procrastinated for most of the day with Jess, and I should probably attempt to start after I shower. 

Foxtel has such good movies on Saturdays :( I hope we get it reinstalled soon. Ugh need to pick up my skirt tomorrow and wash it. Hopefully there's at least one pair of stockings without holes. I haven't sorted through them in a year. I'm actually pretty excited to get back to school. I miss everyone a lot. BUH so worried for exams. I hope they don't deliver the reports again, because I need to see if my rankings are satisfactory enough to show my mum LOL. Yes, very concerned. I mean for maths ext., I'm definitely bottom five.

 Found all our old school photos. The transition of everyone is pretty incredible. I mostly noticed you, Elaine LOLOL :) You look so pretty in this year's. Nayomi said you looked like Ms Eakins which is a bit weird, even for Nayomi. But the rest of us need to get new ones in Year 12.

 I should start some work now. After I found out how much Jess has done.

8:48 PM

Friday, April 20, 2012
Voulez vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?

OH MY GOD NOOO blog automatically updated me with this disgusting new format oh my god /crying.

Anyway, I got an iPhone today LOL. Still kind of stunned. I don't even know why. Oh, cause every other phone is beyond shit. And everything is just so big nowadays, how will it even fit into my pockets and such? And I have bad luck because I got a pretty crappy phone. Idek, it was so messed up.

GUH still have not started English, since ideas failed last night. And haven't started legal. OMG ANIKA VAMPIRE DIARIES. Loading now, I'm so excited! I kind of miss Anika. And school.

Tomorrow is my dog's birthday. Five seems so old, she is like almost 50ish in dog years.


10:45 PM

Thursday, April 19, 2012
It has made all the difference

AH I'm so scared for English omg, have not started any of my things, and apparently, Jess says the essay is due on Tuesday. Sigh. Sigh no more, ladies. God, Year 10 feels like so long ago. I can't stress how kdjfhskjd time has become. Holidays are nearly gone, for instance.

I miss foxtel. You really cannot return to average Freeview whatever after cable. It's like winning a million and then spending it up.

UGH nothing to blog about. I want to go out so much, but I have so much to do :(

FUCK okay gonna attempt English.

7:30 PM

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
I think I love you better now

OH MY GOD MY INTERNET IS BACK, BRB PRAYING. It's only been three days but it's been too long, and it's been a crazy three days omg, I hate moving. My kitchen looks like it just exploded all this crockery and I don't even have a proper bed but that's okay. Guh, my dog kept me up till 3 last night. I think she may actually be suffering from depression right now.

Cleaning out the old home was the most depressing day. This year is so bullshit. God and these stairs are killing my legs. Well, lugging up boxes and crates up two flights of stairs is killing my legs.

I have eaten 1.5 pizzas over today and yesterday. Won't be able to fit into my uniform. And I still need to shorten it ffs.

Haven't watched TV in so long :(

I thought I'd have more to say, but I actually do not. Except that I hate skype updates. Oh, and you. Bitch please, how pathetic. P. A. T. H. E. T. I. C.

Potassium. Gonna watch some Ellen that I've missed out on.

11:46 PM

Sunday, April 15, 2012
They live for that shit

I'm so depressed at how un-homely my house looks. Oh my god, my last day here /heart breaking.

LOL me and Michelle were so lonely without Christine on Skype last night, so we were just conversing to fill the emptiness. YOU HEAR THAT CHRISTINE? GET YO FAT ASS ON SKYPE.

I'm watching Sixteen Candles and Molly Ringwald looks so much like Clem here. LOL "She's gotten her boobies. And they are SO PERKY! -grabs-"

Omg I don't think I'm going to have any time to do my English tasks and I can't even go out anyway :( I guess the only exciting thing about moving is revamping my room. I don't understand why all Americans in movies seem to have fucking hugeass rooms.

Kay gonna have my last shower and then crack some eggs.

1:41 PM

Saturday, April 14, 2012

My love for books is too great for me to comprehend.

8:09 PM

Beware the irrational, however seductive

So sleepy, going back to school shall be a nightmare, as I say so during each holiday. I think it's cause I was reading Life of Pi, for some reason. All I did was notice numerous techniques and quotes I could've used.

Spent my day watching My Best Friend's Wedding and Pretty Woman, Richard Gere that sexy beast. Omg my parents went to Merrickville or something and bought literally $100 worth of bread omg, since tomorrow is Orthodox Easter for my dad so I shall enjoy some good meat and bread and Greek sweets YUM so excited.

I really wanted to watch La Traviata until I discovered the opera ends tomorrow omg and it's based on Camille LSKJDKJAHKSJA.

So much happiness when I discover something, and then encounter it a little later and realise that it helps me understand.

6:40 PM

Friday, April 13, 2012

Jess, I think that's the longest blog post I've ever read.

AWESOME DAY OMG. So much love for Titanic EHEHEHEHEHE.

Went Hornsby first to get Carla's uniform, which was really attractive, and got some food and I finally found the highlighters I wanted! Except we left both things at Eric's /face palm. Bleh it was so hot walking to Eric's omg. Found Brandon, whose head just popped above the fence LOL. Hadn't been to Eric's place in sooo long. We were out of practice with bed rape. Had some pies and played table tennis. Well, me and Carla just stared at Brandon's perky ass. I am forever scarred by Brandon's sex noises, so disgusting.

Ran for the movie. Such a waste cause I didn't ask for child's ticket so we were charged $17.50 each laskdhaksfsksks and then when we went up to get our tickets checked, NOBODY WAS EVEN FUCKEN THERE. Ahh so glad it was the first time I'd seen it in half a year. Otherwise it wouldn't have been very good. Me and Carla cried for a good quarter of the film omg, even Brandotests red up! It was just Eric the emotionless bitch. But that's okay, we know when his emotions kick in :)

I'm still in such a Titanic mood. Leonardio Dicaprio was so beautiful oh my god, POTASSIUM gonna go listen to My Heart Will Go On now.

I'm sorry. I'm a bad friend.

9:26 PM

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I had Yum Cha today for the first time in years, I swear it's been that long. And it wasn't particularly impressive either. But I was just watching all the non-Asians eat. This white lady was trying to pick something up with her chopsticks but it kept sliding down as soon as it reached her mouth so she asked for a fork :D Idk it was funny.

Tomorrow is Black Friday. I'm going to be super paranoid tomorrow. But I'm finally seeing Titanic!!!!!

While cleaning my room, I pulled out my primary uniform and wow, it still fit! Granted the hemline did go up about twenty centimeters. Could've been a shirt.

After I clear out my bed, I'm going to prepare myself for another night of Devil Beside You 8)

10:24 PM

Your like makes me the happiest

Stayed up till 2am watching Devil Beside You. Omg. Mike He. OMG. I could not even express my feelings with squeals IT WAS ALL PENT UP INSIDE AND I WAS GOING TO DIE OMGGGGGG. Why are there no men like Mike He in my life :(

This is all Jina's fault.

On the bright side, I see some progress with my book and movie list! Must finish Camille and The Beautiful and Damned by the end of holidays.

12:09 PM

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

God, that hurts alright? Little son of a bitch. Trust, my fucking ass.

9:31 PM

Holidays mean me being a big fat waste of space. Spent my morning and afternoon watching Sex and the City.

Omg okay, I'm going to go watch Devil Beside You LKJSLKSHKJSDHF JINA.

It's so cold. But Friday's sunny! Except I'm gonna be cooped inside the cinema watching Titanic YES! I'm so excited, so excited.

8:28 PM

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Eric, blog.

ANYWAY today was probably the most unproductive day of the holidays, because I failed my intention of being productive. Went to library to 'study' with Eric. Should've just stayed home really, because I got nothing done. And it got worse when Carla and Brandon came along. Fuck, all because they kicked us out of the study room sldkjsslkjd.

Left the library cause we weren't doing anything except disturbing the poor people in the parabola LOL. Awk because we saw Fake Filo Man, and he looked super awkward. So much to laugh about, kudos to Carla SHHHHHHHH.

Max Brenner's! Got this tasty crunchy pizza and a chocolate fondue. We were just being disgusting, trying to eat the melted chocolate with our skewers. Scissoring skewers ;) Then I met up with my family for Thai. This is the third day in a row that I've had Thai. Or fourth. My pad thai craving is permanently satisfied for the month.

It's so cold, I can't comprehend this. I think I'll be wearing my blazer as soon as we return to school. Oh, need to shorten my skirt.

Dude, we just got served.

9:40 PM

Monday, April 9, 2012
Follow every rainbow

Don't know why I'm blogging again. Finished LOTR trilogy which just made me wtf. The Sound of Music is on! Julie Andrews is such perfection.

I saw Audrey's deds. I'll do some. Maybe some happy ones, because My Favourite Things is being sung so I'm quite happy.

1. You mean so much to me, more than I mean you to, which is why you cause me the most grief. It's my fault, I'm sorry.

2. I actually cannot describe how much I need you. I'm not good at showing it, but I really do, and out of everybody, you're probably my closest friend.

3. Given up on you long ago. Just feel the need to mention it.

4. Our friendship is very up-and-down. More that my opinion of you is. You'll really anger me, but then we connect and I just feel I need you so much. You're always around. I'm glad you are. I'm much more grateful for you than you imagine.

5. I feel our friendship has been an achievement. I know I haven't been a good friend recently, but it doesn't mean anything. I can rely on you to be there for me, every single time.

6. I do miss you. It's a little different now. I don't know, it's shown me how much we both value our friendship.

7. I miss our old friendship, the old you, but it's my fault that I ended it.

8:24 PM


Oh my god I love Christine so much BOUGHT MY MOST OF MY STUFF YEAAAH! So excited when she comes back :D They sounded like they were all having so much fun, but freaking Sandra, idek what she's doing there, LET ME SWITCH BODIES OMG.

Anyway, legal is hard, nothing's interesting enough to write 1000 words on. And I just had the most intense, irritating debate. Fucking ethics, they don't even exist, humans should just forget about them because they have no capacity to consider them when it comes down to it.

12:20 PM

Sunday, April 8, 2012
there's been a mistake

It's stopped storming. I seriously love thunder, such an epic action of nature. Anyway, I finally finished my Oscar Wilde book, so I'm slowly progressing with my list! And I got on the cheap book site and omfg so cheap, I'm going to buy like, 20 books SO EXCITED.

American Beauty is on foxtel. I find that coincidences like that occur quite a lot if I think about it. like mentioning or seeing something we're currently studying. Watched LOTR instead and now I'm watching the fourth Pirates. God, Penelope Cruz is so fucken sexy. Same with Aragorn omg, and Legolas.

Tomorrow's outing failed, so hopefully Wednesday will work, I'm so excited to see Titanic.

Oh my god, just give me one night with Johnny Depp.

8:52 PM

Saturday, April 7, 2012
completely intriguing

My room is such a mess. I can't believe I have so many sheets from last term. I can't even see my bed.

That's pretty much all I have to say, lol. Except that I'm seeing Titanic on Monday and I'm so excited! I keep singing 'My Heart Will Go On'.

I should finish tidying my room if I want to sleep tonight.

8:37 PM

Friday, April 6, 2012

So much fun today, awesome way to start these holidays, because I guarantee they'll get pretty shit.

So I woke up and texted Christine, who must have been on the plane for about 9 hours now. I already miss her, because I was going to text her about something. Then I realised she was gone :(

ANYWAY, me, Carla and Eric were craving takoyaki so bad, even though I had some yesterday, so me and Eric spontaneously decided to go Chinatown, since Carla was already there ;) We were going to watch Titanic, but yeah, so expensive on George St. ANOTHER TIME, I really need to watch again. Went to Market City first, and then we finally got takoyaki which was sooo good omg. We went down to Maccas to sit, and I asked the guy if the table was free, and he said 'Oh my BOYFRIEND is sitting here, but you guys can sit across us'. We left before being able to see the boyfriend :(

Walked around Paddy's, so disappointing. Those wet balls felt really nice HAHA. Shared a Pepper Lunch. God I just have so many cravings, what is this. Shopped at Market City, and everything was so cheap but I cbf looking through all the racks. Got a chai latte, cause I was craving again omg.

Carla and Andrew finished their movie, so we met up and went to Darling Harbour Pancakes after Andrew left. I was actually hoping to finish the entire thing, but yeah no. OMG LOL so awkward, so funny. Carla that naive noob. I felt so sick after. Chilled a bit near the water, surrounded by so many couples LOL. We probably looked like a lesbian threesome.

Trekked back to Town Hall, where I shared another Pepper Lunch with Carla, and then sat on the really dodgy steps of Town Hall. We ended up standing, because there were just cockroaches crawling everywhere. I've missed hanging out with them. The only thing missing was Brandon. Next time, for Titanic (Y)

Ugh, my legs and feet always get so tired after walking around the city.

Not dawning on me that I'm moving so soon. The house is not even remotely packed, fuck's sake's.

Bleh, I'd normally be skyping with Christine right now :(

9:24 PM

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Term 1 is over. I keep failing to comprehend things fully. Like, even just thinking that this is the last time we wear summer uniform as Year 11 students is a bit, wow. I think it's just issues with change.

Maths was first which was just mind-fucking, but we're done with fucking permutations and combinations or whatever shit idek. Lol, and then Marshall, for some reason, found the Friday video on Youtube and started playing it and the class was just thinking, wtf. I swear, he was the only one enjoying it LOL and it's not even Friday!

OMG so much regret, I was in the library at recess. Should've jigged chem and stayed there because I walk into class and my mouth drops and my heart stops when I see Drybra writing on the board. It was so boring, but Sukanya kept things entertaining. She's so amazing at impromptu LOL.

OMG TASTY THURSDAY ECO. Elaine and Annie, bless them, brought jelly with custard and fruit and then Pat had oreos so we sprinkled them over which was so tasty. Then Hindmarsh made the class waste paper and make those useless booklets to prove the theory which was so boring. But then we threw all the bits of paper all over his desk, and his face was so funny when he walked in and saw. But he looked a bit piteous on his knees cleaning up. Me and Anika wrote stuff on Carla's chatterbox about Mufasa's pubes LOLOL.

English was legit the best way to end the term, I LOVE MOTHERWELL. After we finished Death of a Salesman, she was like, here's my hypothetical ending to what happens after these events and we just spent 15 minutes lmfao-ing. Happy joined a religious cult in the mountains and died from STIs. Biff has 15 children. The Woman marries a transvestite, then becomes a transvestite herself and they have a successful business of pet-raising. Bernard is gay and becomes President of the United States LOL can't remember the rest, but we wrote everything down on Ravie's computer.

Got takoyaki after school with Tanya, Jess and Anika, which I've been craving for sooo much, and it didn't disappoint. Then we went to Lowes and Ice and went home. Kept forgetting it was holidays and we wouldn't see each other tomorrow.

Moving in 11 days. Not ready to say goodbye to home.

8:14 PM

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

LOL good day today, good day. It was so ridiculously cold on the bus though, my fingers went numb but when me and Carla got off the bus, the humidity just smacked me in the face omg. And it stayed like that. Otherwise, good day.

English ext first, where we either did not write a great deal, or I don't get finger pains anymore YEAH. But we got two tasks for fairytales PLUS the myth essay to write over the holidays /sigh.
We've finally moved on from permutations in maths, thank god. I could not take failing homework anymore. Except I thought I was getting combinations, but I can't do this work fuck's sake's CANNOT DO MATHS. OMG we got the rest of our school photos back and TANYA AND MARGARET AHAHAHA OH MY GOD LOOOL FUNNIEST SHIT EVER. Margaret looked like she was about to fall off of the railing.
Got eco results back, which were pretty shit, Hindy was so harsh :(
Lol, I'm so surprised but pleased with my chem results. FFS should've done me and Christine's usual bet, I actually would've won this time.

Kay so after school was supposed to be Christine and Nayomi's farewell afternoon tea LOL but the stupid Thai place in West Ryde was closed till 5pm so we split up. Went to Rhodes with Christine, Nayomi and Tanya and had amazing butter chicken omg. But me and Christine were still hungry so we went and got ice-cream /regret. So full, I'm still so full, but it was fun.

I give up on maths. I can't do like, 40 questions. My CoLS chapter parts will not load I AM DYING.

I realised I didn't even see Euro Guy play tennis next to our school today :(

8:05 PM

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I. Fucking. Hate. Permuations.

Omg, I have to drop legal, even if it means suffering both extensions for HSC. It's too unbearable, Karnups' voice drills into my head. But it's okay, as long as I have Motherwell and Marshall to save me. OH Motherwell brought in these chocolate eggs for us, the nice Cadbury ones, and then threw them at us, SHE'S SO ADORABLE LSKJLKSHFSL I love her so much. I miss Ms Smyth :(

After school was just... lol. I was right, of course.
I ate half a tub of green tea ice cream.

Then I spent an hour on fucking permutations, and I'm pretty sure half my answers are wrong and the correct ones were done without my knowledge of how I did them. I need to accept that I'm going to fail maths.

Ugh, I need to write Christine's plane letter now. I'm craving Thai so bad, the thought of tomorrow is making me salivate.

You'll never understand.

9:44 PM

Monday, April 2, 2012

I do not like daylight saving, though it did save me some suffering this morning. But it was so light in my room I was like HOLY SHIT I SLEPT IN, but yeah. Bus was just, oh my god, I was just fantasizing possible ways to kill those bloody Year 7's. Idek, were they raised by animals or something omg.

Chem was just prac, so we basically wasted a lesson. As. Usual. We didn't even get our assessment results :(
OMG we were about to get to the good part in Death of a Salesman but then the bell rang lksjalksjfjak. Except I just finished the rest of the play by myself this arvo. LOL binoculars. Ugh, that reminds me of the way Sylvia get saying it at Audrey's. BY-noculars.
Watched this long case in legal which was pretty interesting actually. At least there was no writing.
I understand permutations! Semi-understand, we'll see how I go with hw soon.

Omg, went to Lowes with Anika and Christine to get the winter uniform and the sizes are so messed up and they looked sooo ugly LOL. AND SO EXPENSIVE! The skirt was $70 and the shirt was $50. Far out, we're going to cut off half the skirt anyway.

Fuck, why is Gossip Girl on, maths is going to take me forever now. The series is such a mind fuck, I can't keep up anymore.

8:01 PM

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Long long post planned and since this is on the iPad, it is going to take me forever.

KAY so I got to Audrey's pretty late, Idek what I was doing but I came looking really stupid in this ugly hair twisty thing so it could be curled cause she said it was only Crack coming early and then I arrive and then fucken Tom arrives so I was like D: But it's okay, my hair is still wavy. So it was just him and Sylvia and we spent so long blue-tacking everything omg. Michelle came and then we realized people would start arriving within half an hour so I was frantically trying to do my butterfly eyes but it failed so terribly omggggggg and trust all the guys to come on time.

Finally came down and it was so awks. Segregation to the max. Basically just spent that first hour trying to remember each other's names. Everyone eventually came in, but at first, they were all freaking Ruse people so me and Christine were just being awkward but then Anika and Brandon etc finally came and I could not express my gratitude. I MISSED SHOBHANA SO MUCH OMG.

It was not dark enough it start dancing and stuff so I cannot remember what we did except awkwardly mingle, but I really liked them after more time. Food was omg, cause I didn't have lunch but I got so full so quickly. So much regret right there cause I ended up starving for the rest of the night.

Then we started dancing and singing and having fun and we played sparklers which were really cool ones cause they lit up green and red, so it would've been more appropriate for Audrey's Christmas party. But holy, they let out so much smokey shit omg, you could see the haze floating down the street and her bitchy neighbors just came out and death-glared us so we went back I and played Murder in the Dark where I paired up with Jaffly LOL and Ravie thought his name was Traffic Light. It was gross cause we were hiding under his sleeping bag and I couldn't breathe.

Cake! It was amazing. Then Idk, I think people started Musical Chairs LOLOL which actually turned out to be fun, especially when Anika fell off the chairs twice, that noob. Lol that kiss. Then people started karaoking and OMG I just remembered it was during a dance phase that a few of us went outside and then we started dancing through the windows which had curtains over so we assumed no one could see but then Anika stared shaking her butt at the window and then some guy pulled aside the curtain at the same time LOL SO FUNNY HAHAHAHA.

People eventually left, till it was a few of us, opening Audrey's presents. Our sleepover started at like, 1am where we were already dead, but it eventually got interesting till Audrey and Tanya fell asleep. Omg the rest of us couldn't sleep cause Tanya kept snoring. It was so terrible waking up in the morning cause I was so hungry, but then Audrey's mum got us maccas while we played with MingKi. Jina had to go and the rest of us decided to buy some cookie mix and bake but holy shit, the walk to the shopping centre was so long and it was so hot and sunny so we bought some really nice frozen yogurt and then trekked it back. Anika left, and me and Tanya made the cookies which expanded so much. Had cookies and ramen for lunch, then Tanya had to go. Then I went home.

I'm so tired, so fucken tired, I think I'm going to take a nap now, but there's this nagging feeling that I've got work due but I don't know what it is. Oh well. Awesome day. Night (Y)

1:27 PM