
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine. Machines never come with any extra parts, you know. They always come with the exact amount they need. So I figured, if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn't be an extra part. I had to be here for some reason. Maybe that's why a broken machine always makes me a little sad, because it isn't able to do what it was meant to do. Maybe it's the same with people. If you lose your purpose... it's like you're broken.

8:19 PM

I need to find you

Ugh, I don't know what I was thinking when I said I was looking forward to today, because today was ridiculously boring and I was wet almost the entire day because the weather was spiting us.

It took us a while to realise that probably half the school was in attendance today, which was good because there was barely enough space in the stands anyway. Time just went by really really slowly. Not many people dressed up. Just walked around the canteen and toilets. Cuffed people with me. EXAMINED the male teachers who swam lol. I am not disgusting. Y'all think the exact same things. Ugh, don't even know, it was just an exhausting day, I totally should've stayed at home.

The highlight of my day was watching the Academy Awards rerun.

Now I'm doing English. Life is so depressing.

7:26 PM

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I will never feel like I belong.

11:03 PM

You are so cool

So it's nearly 8pm, and I haven't done work (Y) This is so impossible. This morning, Mr Hatton was giving me all this advice about how stressful Year 11 and 12 would be and what I had to do and etc and I was getting so stressed out. So over school.

IT WAS ANIKA'S AND GEORGIA'S BIRTHDAY. I'm just a bit sad that our class couldn't sing Happy Birthday for them. Speaking of, need to go organise the lunch date.

Legal first which just involved a whole bunch of writing as usual, and we were watching a few videos of parliamentary sessions, and omg it pissed me off so much how bloody immature all these ministers are in our current government.
Maths makes me feel good :) I'm so happy when I understand something weiuqoiewuqoi.
Finally got out textbooks for eco! Hindmarsh was demonstrating the extent of our ownership of these textbooks by scribbling on his own and ripping pages out.
Holy shit, building strength was so boring, I really hope I can get myself out of the optional ones I signed up for.

LOLOL me and Carla are like, repelling any sort of good luck or NOT-BAD-LUCK. Legit, we caught the bus from Hornsby in hopes of getting a seat and getting there faster, but omg so many normos got on and it stank so much and then there was an empty M60 right behind us lkjlseaksjdoiejdoa. Okay, we're splitting up next time and seeing who the bad luck is attracted to.

I spent half an hour finding Jake on fb before I gave up. The two possible ones had their photos set to private, those smart bastards.

The weather literally rained on my excitement for swimming carnival. I just really hope it's not muddy.

Okay, time to start related texts.

7:36 PM

Monday, February 27, 2012
it's really weird

Didn't get time to post yesterday, because I was so bloody tired about Richard's outing. I should've been doing work omg. So much regret.

Anyway, got there pretty late with Carla and omg, we did so much unnecessary walking since our eyes failed us. Actually, we did so much unnecessary walking that entire day. Yeah, they were playing that stupid token game which I do despise, and Christine made me spit water all over my thighs, that bitch.

So Carla, Christine and I were too hungry so we went and got some yummy Japanese noodles which were a bit salty, but which I am craving like crazy rn. Then we joined the others in Pepper Lunch, causing a lot of racket.

I think we walked down to karaoke next, which was the highlight of the day LOL. The poor girl working at the counter was so irritated with us and our drinks. Yeah, there were too many songs, so about halfway through, we just skipped to the next song after finishing the first chorus.

OMG smart Nayomi left before dinner. So we walked back to Town Hall. Then to Westfield. Then back to Town Hall. Then to Central. Then Chinatown. Fark, starving the entire way and Jono took us to an unimpressive hotpot place, which me and Seo endlessly complained about. BLEH it wasn't that bad, but yeah, someone should've just ditched with me and gotten Pepper Lunch. Didn't even have time for out dessert, because our bus times were gay :(

Anyway, today marked only my third week of school. It's so unreal, I don't understand time!

English first, found out our related texts are due this Friday, along with our speech, neither of which I have started so I'm going to have a panic attack sometime. I think I'll end up working at swimming carnival. At least I'll bring it, but I won't do anything.
BLEH legal. Seriously, I have no pity for these people who die from drugs and stuff if they were inflicting it on themselves.
Functions and relations were confusing me sooo much in maths, and I'm scared of how long hw will take me, even if it's only 2 questions.
Chem is not worthy to mention.

Me and Carla bought our policemen stuff. Now I need to ask Christine for a pistol. And endure maths.

6:31 PM

Friday, February 24, 2012
Faster than a bullet

This year is so exhausting.

My thighs were beyond painful, it was so much sorer today. I'm so glad we get another week to recover, I don't think I could continue dancing on Wednesday. EXCITED FOR SWIMMING CARNIVAL. Except I barely have any of my costume together, lol. Slutty servicemen (Y)

Maths first, with lots and lots of revision that I still have not finished, sigh. Marshall goes so fast, I think we're ahead of the other classes, except Payne's. Hopefully, I won't need a tutor yet.
I love how I can sleep in legal without Karnups caring, so that's what I did. No notes today, thank god.
Finished my short story during free period, did some maths, started Magic Study. I don't even remember what happened in the first book, but I'm so tempted to skim through and find Valek somewhere lskfdakjshakj.
OMG AT LUNCH, THERE WAS A NEWBIES BARBECUE WHICH SMELT SO GOOD AND NAYOMI GOT ME A SAUSAGE SANDWICH, I LOVE HER SO MUCH. And Grace and Flo got like, three cakes each because they didn't get marked each time. Me and Tanya were acting so lesbian LOL. I'm pretty sure other schools look at us being all touchy with each other and assume we're lesbians because we rarely access males.
Eco last, which was pretty good. We revised circular flow of income, so it was nice to finally understand something.

I'm so tired all the bloody time, it's so unhealthy. And I realised I haven't started any of my exam notes, when one of my resolutions was to do a little every week lkjfslkjsla I can't even believe half a term just flew by.

Bleh, okay yoghurt mask, and then a sleep orgasm. As in, falling asleep will feel so good... yeah.

10:48 PM

Thursday, February 23, 2012
stravinsky's lunch in my pants

Mornings are so cold, I woke up dying in my boxers, so I mistakenly put on my jumper, even though I knew it was going to be disgustingly hot this arvo. Which it was.

My thighs are in so much pain, it is indescribable. It was hilarious watching people stumble down the stairs and groan while they sat.

Maths first, and absolute values were absolutely doing my head in, but I finally got it at the very end of the lesson. Except now, I don't think I remember it. Hooray.
Chemistry was so terrible, and my bag broke LOL, so Gamble gave me a bunch of safety pins to keep it together for the rest of the day. So sad, it was such a trusty bag, but I guess its time had finally come.
Sigh. I thought eco was going to be more fun :(
LOL WE LOVE MS MOTHERWELL. She got us to stand up, twirl three times and then scream that. Then she was more motivated to continue Life of Pi. She's so cute. OH and me and Ravie couldn't stop laughing because we were saying 'in my pants' at the end of every book title in the independent investigation list. I got told off though. I never get told off.

MICHELLE CAME TO HORNSBY OMG. And then she came to Penno where it was so bloody hot, I was baking in the sun and on the 632. Sigh, I miss her. I miss last year.

Anyway, me and Tanya are slowly, but surely, progressing with our short stories, counselling each other (Y) And we are going to finish by midnight!

I need to shower soon.

8:58 PM

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
older than the sea

7pm and I haven't started work. You can sing that beginning like Friday. BLEH such a waste of a day, I fell asleep while trying to read the Penelopiad, which was a bit slow, so I still need to get past the introductory chapters.

Got to the station super early this morning. My previous man and Jess' were there, and then Carla's current one showed up LOL. But she wasn't there. Such bad luck. I was so tired from 5 hours of sleep so I got a chai latte, which was much tastier than the one at Stra.

English was first, and I do love Motherwell, but god, she rambles so much and it's so hard to take notes. And I need to finish my short story lsakjdalhads.
I was feeling so happy in maths because Flo and I finally understood quadratic inequalites so we were asking for questions to do to continue that sense of accomplishment LOL.
We just got an economics assessment /sigh. Seriously, this topic is so difficult for me to remember and understand so I don't know how I'm going to write an essay. Also, I found the most disgusting split end. It was like, a cluster of 5 on one split. I'm getting shivers just thinking about it.
LOL LUNCH HAHA. It was the senior hip hop thing, and there was like, 60 people there. I didn't warm up, so in the first lunge, my thighs died. And I'm still feeling the pain. But I've been practising a bit at home, and I have most of it covered.
Finally balanced equations in chem, they were just the ones we did in Year 9. That class is such a waste of time.

Spontaneously decided to go to Eastwood to play pool w/ Tanya, Nayomi and Anika. No actually, we attempted to hit the cue ball, but failed, so we just watched Eric, Brandon, Seo and Hansel play. It was quite boring, so we were dancing in our seats. Bumped into Sunhee and Jono and we just watched them wrestle or something, idek. Such a waste of time, I should've been home doing my short story.

Still deciding if I should go city on Sunday, I'm going to have so much work :(

7:43 PM

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
i like it

There is just so much bad luck in my life, I can barely comprehend it. Except we actually made the train today, except that barely pleased Carla LOL. Got a coffee this morning mm.

Legal was first, and I'm quite glad for all the writing, because I think it's kind of helping me get used to it all over again. As in, my hand did not spasm so much as it did the first lesson. Legal excursion would be pretty fun.
BLEH started The Odyssey in English and omg, I love Motherwell. She made this hilarious innuendo about how Odysseus didn't return home because Calypso was so seductive that he literally got 'SUCKED IN' HAHAHAHAHA. She's so blonde.
Maths is getting more tricky, I don't know why I was looking forward to it before. Maybe because my other lessons suck. We had this quiz on the quadratic inequalities, and even though it was only 4 questions, I'm sure my mark is zero.
DOUBLE ENGLISH :( Started Life of Pi, and my book already died from ugliness, so I started the first chapter and onwards on the computer. I mean, the author's note was already a page worth of notes.

Me and Carla, legit, have the worst luck. We just missed out getting on the M60, and my mum totally could've taken us back to Towers if I'd called her, but we got on 632 with a rude bus driver who was screaming obscenities at a pervert taking pictures of us on the bus. She was chasing the car and swearing and it was so VULGAR.

Bumped into Audrey so we went to the library without getting any work done. I read her sexual poetry she has to study for school which was hilarious.

Anyway, I haven't done any work. Just getting excited about our class lunch YAY. Seriously, it's so sad without them.

OH I'm quite excited for this year's swimming carnival because I think the servicemen theme is really cool! Even though policemen for us is quite slutty, but it's easy (Y)

OMG third time I'm editing because I forgot to mention something important. Well, Christine got me the second half of my present which was a lantern BUT OMG HER CARD LOL. It was this really sexy muscley shark that I named Jake. I WANT MORE THINGS TO NAME JAKE CHRISTINE.

Kay, think I should get to work now. Need to start my narrative. FML.

7:02 PM

Monday, February 20, 2012
then it's a gift

BAH I swear, we're never ever going to make the stupid train, IT'S SO INFURIATING OMG. Bus rides in the morning suck so much dick. Oh but on the train, right before we pulled into Hornsby, this chick sitting across us starts laughing hilariously while on the phone, and oh my god, I couldn't stop laughing at her. Thank god her eyes were closed so I hope she didn't notice us.

Chemistry first, and I seriously cannot stand Gamble. I could teach the class more ffs. So me and Christine just did our own work. It's my bludge class now >>
Lol, remembered just how much Motherwell could talk about ideas and techniques, and we finally finished all that stimulus shit and FINALLY we can start Life of Pi.
Legal is crazy, all the amount that we have to write each lesson. Karnups is good though, out of chem, eco and legal, legal is probably the most bearable, which is ridiculous LOL.
I changed my mind about maths. Quadratic inequalities is quite difficult, and Marshall's fast theory is not adequate enough :( PLUS HE KEEPS WATCHING ME AND COMING OVER IF I HAVE PROBLEMS LFKJLSKJLASK I CAN'T WORK UNDER THE PRESSURE OF A TEACHER.

Anyway, it's my dad's birthday and we had really bad Italian food, which sucked because I was starving, and a really tasty marbled cheesecake and I really need to do my maths homework now :(

Life is tired.

9:35 PM

Sunday, February 19, 2012
Where do I begin

Bleh, have not touched my books today. Like, I touched Anika's economics book, but that's about it. Spent the day at Towers with mother, buying presents and I thought heaps of clothing stores would be on sale, but they weren't >>

I SAW THE MOST ATTRACTIVE MAN. But my mum's like, 'Ew. He's a full wog'. So I was just admiring him, until he sold us something for the wrong price and he was being such a dick to my mum so my perception of him kinda died.

Anyway, I just watched HP7, now I'm watching Doctor Zhivago and waiting for Love Story, and I'm hoping I might stumble upon something relevant to crossing boundaries in one of the movies. Or maybe I should just copy down Anika's eco stuff. Either way, I'll be sleeping late (Y)

9:31 PM

Saturday, February 18, 2012
I don't wanna miss a thing

Semi-productive day today, although I did somehow spend two hours on maths and 3 on legal and now, one on chemistry. I should probably start my compositions, but with Motherwell's list of what NOT to write, I legit have nothing interesting to write about.

OOH today, I flipped to some MAX channel with a countdown of the greatest love songs, and it just ended a song so I predicted that the next some would be Aerosmith AND I WAS RIGHT, so I happily sang along. God I love that song so much, except Steven Tyler's face was so disgusting, it kind of ruined the romance of the music video.

Love Story is on tomorrow, and I feel inspired to watch West Side Story again tonight after the band played it during SRC Induction.

Gone With the Wind was on again LOL. That would probably explain my time-inefficiency.

Man vs. Wild is kind of a stupid show, as in, they're filming all this supposedly dangerous stuff, which I believe is kind of planned like stunts, and the poor crew have to lug all this stuff around while on mountains and ice etc, and nobody has even died...

Day 15 - Two things that you hope to see happen in the next three months
It will be May in three months. So I'd like a good report. Maybe minimum of 2 B's.

7:41 PM

Friday, February 17, 2012
take a look

It's finally the end of the week. It's a bit surreal to think that I have only went through one week of school. It felt like it's been ages. And it's safe to say that today was a pretty unlucky day.

Carla and I were hungry in the morning and we were so excited about my $5 Subway brekkie sub, but we went and apparently, it wasn't valid there or something, so that was a disappointment.

Economics was sooo boring, and I can never remember all these terms and blah. I remember Hindmarsh making an innuendo about pens and Mr Karnups LOL.
PHOTOS SKLJDAKLDHL it got really warm but windy at the same time and since I don't have a 'fringe', my hair was being impossible. Then for the individual ones, when the photographer told me to say 'Hi', I was like wtf, and then opened my mouth to smile but she took the photo too fast TT Then we had to endure about 20 minutes of English.
The Year 12s were parading around at lunch time in their muck-up costumes which were really impressive, for the most part. The angels and the joker scared the Jesus out of me.
Wow, did so much writing for legal, about four pages, I barely got time to pee.

OMG our bus was about 20 minutes late but it was totally full so it didn't even stop at Penno, so then we had to wait another 20 minutes and then two M60's and a 632 came and we got on the most crowded and the latest M60 TT Seriously, it was such an awful day.

So much work scheduled for this weekend. I have this part of my corkboard full of sticky notes with each task, so it'll be very liberating, taking each note off as soon as I've done the task. Let's hope this will work (Y)

I suppose the upside of quitting Matrix is getting home and watching TVD, BUT IT'S ANOTHER MONTH BREAK OMGGGGGGGGG. And Anika isn't home so I've got to keep my feelings to myself until she's watched.

Day 14 - Most recent words of wisdom you heard that stuck with you
I'm struggling too much to remember, so probably just the liberating effects with individuality and growth that comes with crossing boundaries LOL.

8:10 PM

Thursday, February 16, 2012
The Day of Destiny

Bleh, it's so humid all the time, but I'm forced to wear more in the mornings. I hate early decision-making.

LOL this morning, Jess, Carla and I had a competition where you weren't allowed to say 'like' in a hesitating manner, and the one who lost had to shout the other two. Jess and Carla were tying until Jess lost right before we entered school, which was when the competition ended. It was as difficult as our swearing one. I miss commerce :(

SRC Induction was sooo boring, I think I would've preferred maths, though we did get about ten minutes of that in the end.
BAH I HATE GAMBLE SO MUCH, SHE'S MAKING ME HATE THE ONE SUBJECT I ENJOY OMG. Shouldn't have quit Matrix, I'm really going to need it now.
During our free, Kesh and Ravie found this birthday zodiac sort of book and it was so cool, and some things were really freakishly accurate. But when you think about it, it's not that cool because each date was a generalisation of about 9 million other people (Libra fact). But I love zodiac stuff, I should just buy it.
Was gonna try out for senior dance, but it was a contemporary routine so I backed out.
Last was English, and we're so behind, we haven't even started Life of Pi and Drayton has practically finished lsdkjslkdhaskj. It's okay, I have faith in Ms Motherwell.

Lol, bus sucked, Margaret and I will never take 632 ever again. And I haven't done any work yet, because I fell asleep when I got home and woke an hour ago.

Day 13 - Last thing you've missed or reminisced about
Easy, MY CLASS! Being with 'strangers' ain't that bad, but I miss the familiarity and warmth we had with proper, stable classes. More specifically, I miss science with Smyth, and English with Hatton. Okay, I really miss being a junior. Things were so much easier and better.

9:09 PM

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
mine mine mine

Bleh, okay putting off my English homework. School is so crazy, I can't believe today was only my third day, it's ridiculous how time has stopped making sense for me.

Economics first which is weirdly hard for me, I DON'T UNDERSTAND, I MISS COMMERCE. The textbook we had to read from was so bs because the author obviously doesn't know how to arrange his diction and sentence structure well so nobody could read fluently.

I really like Marshall for maths, he's quick but concise. It was torturous writing down all of Tourikis' theory. WE MISS MATHS TOMORROW thanks to SRC Induction, so I can have a break from it and do mah bloody English.

Attempted group work for English, which was really hard but after studying some more, I really like the poem we're doing. Got together for our free period to do it too, but we did nothing and ended up laughing about Nemo, and I forgot what else.

Christine finally came back to Castle Hill for the first time in months, that whore. Met up with Zack for a bit, and then I went to inspect my new house which is terrible, I can't believe I have to live there ffs.

I kept singing Material Girl in my head all day, and then in the car, it came on on the radio. I like coincidences of the sort.

WHY IS ENGLISH SO HARD FOR ME? I haven't even finished my reflection either ksldjslkdfjalk. Kay, shall finish it now.

Day 12 - Three new music artists you became interested in
Wow, haven't listened to new music in ages. Well, some of One Direction's songs are okay, just the fast-paced ones. And I've renewed my love for Boys Like Girls and Owl City.

7:42 PM

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Let me love you

Lolwut, it's only been a day since I haven't blogged. It feels like a week. I'm so sad.

Anyway, yesterday was my first day of school which was sooo stressful and heavy and I struggled like crazy with maths BUT I HAVE MS MOTHERWELL OHOHOH CELEBRATION. Except I should start my reflection due this Friday. Overall, my teachers are pretty cool.

LOL during economics, me and Anika were hitting each other and then that bitch hit me right on the chest. As in, where my heart pumps oxygen through my body and then when I tried to do the same, I couldn't. Her nunga nungas were in the way. OH and she snorted while we were laughing. Anika, your life is a comedy.

Signed out during lunch, not knowing we weren't supposed to, but oh well. Attempted to study at Hornsby library, and I think I finished maths (Y) I like Mr Marshall. Met Audrey and a bunch of Ruse people at Epping and now my bag stinks of Lush.

Bleh, I have so much work to do.

OH Ms Smyth returned our plane letters! As in, she replied to them and they were so sweet, I teared up. Jess full-on cried, of course. I'm going to hang it up on my wall and read it whenever I'm feeling down. I miss her :(

It's Valentine's Day. So many couples everywhere.

Day 11 - Most recent event that made you smile
Uhm, this arvo could technically count as an event. It was nice being surrounded by lots of friends.

5:24 PM

Sunday, February 12, 2012

So I'm still unsure as to how to prepare for school, though I do know three of my lessons for tomorrow, so that's a start. Kind of happy to be in my uniform again :) Going to stress myself bald about English though.

Anyway, I spent about half an hour attempting to paint my nails because I'm so out of practice. Then I was watching Mansfield Park when a sex scene came up in the movie, which was shocking, considering it was 1800's and Austen LOL. Now I'm watching Lilo and Stitch, but I should be packing my bag. I haven't even sorted out my pencil case TT

Day 10 - Last trip you went on and major highlight
I guess camp, and basically just being able to see everyone again and participating in activities together. Or China, which was eating so much nice food, though I probably gained numerous kilos in the process. Oh well.

7:21 PM

Saturday, February 11, 2012
Jindabyne 2012

Just going to slowly have a heart attack from the thought of attending school. It's seriously cruel how I really want to go back to camp now. As for camp however, it was pretty unepic for our last one, but I shall still recount it, in as much detail as my tired self can remember.

Day 1:
Woke up paranoid about packing my morning stuff e.g. pajamas and toiletries, and then got to school super early with Carla. Legit, there were about five other people there. Then people flooded in and it was so good seeing everybody again. Thankfully, we were on the emptier bus and me and Renata were watching TVD till her iPod froze, so then the driver put on Dodgeball, which was really shit but really hilarious. Stopped at Maccas, looked at the cows and horses and sheep in the pastures and finally arrived.

Milton Lodge was like a gigantic house, which was pretty nice, except our room was next to Ms Riches ffs. Cabin'd with Anorah, Christine, Herschel, Sylvia, Anika and Grace. Basically had free time till dinner and then we played random games that evening, like making the biggest congo/conga line and human tic-tac-toe.

Day 2:
Canoeing in the morning! The sun was really strong, Guy said lots of people got sunstroke before, so we had to lather on heaps of sunscreen. Partnered with Christine, which was just like kayaking in Year 9 LOLOL. It was terrible, we can never go straight. I soaked Christine because she wouldn't stop singing. The water was so nice, we waded in for a bit at the end.

Drugs Crossroads in the arvo but we were so exhausted from earlier on, most of us slept during the movie and discussion. Food was all pretty good, but I swear it did something to our stomachs. Showers were awesome, but our bathroom kept flooding.

I think that night was trivia, which was pretty bad. Jiani kept stuffing bread into my mouth, trying to make an Australia shaped piece. WATCHED THE PROPOSAL, while eating mi goreng.

Day 3:
Holy shit, worst walk ever, hiking up Mt. Kosciuszko, I still can't bloody spell it, so thank you Auto Correct. Trekked it up with Jiani, we ran when we saw we were only 20 metres away. Then these three hot guys also got to the peak and one took his shirt off, despite the cold, and I had a perfect view :) Trekked it back down with Sandra, bleeding together LOL. Cable car'd with Sandra, Reena and Anika, awkwardly waving to passers-by. My ears were popping like crazy fml.

Jindy Markets that evening, which was so much more fun than I expected. Ran a sumo wrestling store HAHA and stuffed myself with pancakes and ice cream. WATCHED LEGALLY BLONDE.

Day 4:
High ropes was so incredibly fun, but absolutely terrifying. We stayed over an hour extra so everyone could have a go and then try the 10 metre ropes which was indescribably petrifying. I probably would've started crying if Anorah didn't tell me what to do on those god forsaken logs.

Cookout failed, because it started storming like crazy, so we had a barbecue in this shelter. We were like animals. Sausage, steak and damper 8) Then we had dinner still. Then it was disco night! They made us do organised dances first, like the Nutbush and Macarena but then party songs came on and oh my god, sweated so much, so gross. Went back to our lodge and ate Shin Cup which was so spicy, Christine cried and her eyeliner ran HAHA.

Me and Anika had a bet that she couldn't pack in 10 minutes before Riches called lights out and she was bragging that she was about to win, but then Riches walked into the room LOLOLOL so now she owes me a dollar.

Day 5:
Said goodbye to Milton Lodge and had Crossroads relationships, which was pretty boring, and we were all falling asleep. Last meal of lunch, and then got onto the bus. It was literally silent for two hours, except for Dorie's munching, because we were all sleeping, but then the driver needed to pee so we were delayed about 20km behind the other coaches. Had some dinner at Maccas and then it started pouring on the highway and me and Christine were getting paranoid about having an accident and dying.

Anyway, that's all I can remember. Now I am waiting for bloody TVD to load and then I need to call Anika and have our weekly spasm. THIS IS TOO INTENSE. But Anika probably won't answer the phone and I'll have to die by myself.

This post is too long, so I'll go now.

12:13 PM

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Shit shit shit shit shitty day. I'm so nervous for camp, packing is just aslkjfkdhlskjlajlkjdfksjhk. Me and Carla were freaking out so much, and the heat wasn't helping. In fact, I'm still not done. Nor have I showered.

2012 sucks so much.

Day 6 - Something that you learned about yourself recently
I don't have a very strong resolve. To do things, mainly. Put simply, I'm really lazy, and it seems that won't change for a long time until something really really really pushes me.

9:05 PM

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Back in Sydney and I'm pining for China because Christine just bombarded me with all this shit from school and I swear I'm going to have a meltdown when I return and face my workload and maths extension and finding tutors AND I WANT TO GO BACK TO CHINA.

I'm quite excited to see the senior normo uniform. Christine said Euro Guy looked pretty hot >) BLEH but I don't think I can even fit into my uniform because I ate so much food and stayed stationery for basically the entire trip.

Alrighty, gotta go rush-pack for camp and begin my exercise regime.

7:27 PM