
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bit hard to wrap my head around the fact that it's the last day of the year. Oh yes, I remembered it's technically called New Year's Eve. Bleh, we're having people over tonight and the kitchen is covered in food and I can't eat any of it :(

I was watching Inception yesterday, finally. I think I fell asleep for a bit, so I still am not sure what happened in the end. Then I watched Moulin Rouge and ah, I love it so much, and I was able to re-appreciate the youthfulness of Ewan McGregor 8)

Need to make my resolutions. Need to make my book and movie list. I need to FEEL that I'm starting fresh. I should find different people to be friends with. No really, I should avoid friends and embrace study (Y)

I swear, at this rate, I'm going to be forever sworn off real men and be a spinster and only rely on romance novels.

Happy New Year amigos :)

4:43 PM

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hi bitches.

So today, I left my house for the first time in a week, thank you, Carla. And we walked around Towers for 6 hours. One day, we are going to attempt to walk to Penno or Hornsby. Or maybe just to Norwest or something LOL. But legit, we walked like, kilometres today in total. And we decided to count the number of pairs of Vans we saw. GUH I hate how fucking white kids dress, and oh my god, we saw butts of girls with too-short short-shorts. It was revolting.

I thought I'd have more to say, but I never do anymore. Except it hit me that I'm going to be in classes with strangers again, so I felt really sad at not being with my class anymore.

Sigh, my nose is so blocked, but I keep blowing at the same time. Oh dear, I think it's allergies alskjsldkfjalkdj now I can empathize with Carla during spring. IT'S GOING TO BE SO LONELY ON THE BUS WITH JUST HER :(

I don't know why I started playing Tiny Tower, but it's really fun! So I'm going to keep playing.

8:19 PM

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I have been industriously avoiding the computer, because there's this annoying virus thing that opens tiny random tabs as soon as I click on the page of a newly loaded screen and it's too irritating.

So I'm constantly freaking out about what to do for camp, because I won't be at school when they hand out the final permission slip and payment and I doubt the school is open right now or Johnston will reply to anything I send her and I refuse to not attend camp.

4:39 PM

Monday, December 26, 2011
I knew it was you

Belated Merry Christmas. It was quite a fun day, and I'm pleased with my haul of presents. The weather was, thankfully, very pleasant. The closest we've had to summer in ages. And of course, there is about two weeks worth of leftover food piled in my poor fridge.

Anyway, that's all that happened yesterday. Today, I've watched Some Like it Hot, The Lion King 2 and Life as We Know It twice. I sadden myself. My throat hurts like fuck, omg.

There's always more to say in my mind.

The new year starts in 5 days and I don't feel finished with this year yet.

8:24 PM

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve. Funny how Christmas becomes more and more uneventful every passing year. And our tree is only just going up right now. And I've only just finished cleaning my room. We'll see how long it manages to stay this way.

I'm so unhealthy, I can't believe myself. My self-control has disappeared. I've been feasting on Reece's Peanut Butter Cups which are so fucking orgasmic. I need to stop eating and start moving.

I miss school. I miss friends. I miss learning. I miss having a purpose.

It's so hard to fall asleep.

12:31 PM

Friday, December 23, 2011
so small

I'm so depressed, I'm still cleaning my room. GUH and I got to sort out stationary and all this study organisation whatever for next year.

OH but I'm very proud, I finished all my Christmas shopping in one day. ONE DAY. Record (Y)

Okay, I think that is all I require to say.

9:49 PM

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bleh, my room is a mess from my failed attempt at sorting out my papers, three quarters of which I recycled. It was a sad process. Things were making me feel nostalgic. It's hard to believe so much has happened this year. Like Wuthering Heights, it feels so long ago, I couldn't believe we did it in Term 1. So I'm blogging, to delay the inevitable job of finishing cleaning.

I finished The Three Musketeers! I did a lot of reading in the Whitsundays. Except I was extremely disappointed with the ending. I hate it when books end, yet I anticipate them. Nothing ever works out. Now I've got to finish High Fidelity, Emma and Mansfield Park before the new year, for some sense of self-accomplishment. Then, as part of a PART of my resolutions, I will formulate a long list of books I must finish by the time 2012 ends. Unless, of course, I have the pleasure of welcoming the so-called Judgement Day.

I predict these holidays to be very anti-social.

Oh my god, our Christmas tree isn't up yet! Blasphemy!

I can't believe you caused me to waste so much of my time with sadness and regret. Well fuck you. I'll stop clinging to before. You aren't worth any effort.

Sigh. Again, I pray for my life to be a dream and I can wake to my real life as a Countess in 19th century Brighton.

10:38 PM

Next to never


So it's kind of hit me that Christmas is in 3 days and I haven't shopped at all. So tomorrow is my last day to buy presents for everybody. Assuming I can find anything. So. Fucking. Over. Presents. And I hate how when I'm asked what I want, literally nothing comes to mind, which is bullshit, because there are heaps of things I want.

I was reading the most hilarious article this morning about the terrible cinema that was 2011. That man was my hero, I could not have agreed more with him. But now, I'm kind of wondering what movie would be worth using my two free tickets we won during ABW. Maybe I'll sell them (Y)

Bleh, I have a gay tan, and you can see the white bit where my halter rested on my shoulder and chest, it's so unattractive. And my sock tan still exists, just everything went a bit darker. And my EAR got sunburned.

FML I have no clothes adequately warm enough for China.

Mother fuck, I hate this resentment towards you. How can it ever be possible for me to ever consider you a friend?

12:55 PM

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I'm so glad to be home. And it seems I've missed a lot these past 5 days, and I really need to go and quickly recount everything before my memory fails me. This is going to be a long post.

AUDREY'S CHRISTMAS/SORTOF... PARTY. Met up with Anika, Brandon, Christine, Eric and Ricky and bus'd it to her place to help out. Jokes, we just ate and raped her dog and took photos and KARAOKE'D. We did much more than that, but I think I'm coming down with early signs of Alzheimer's. Hid candy canes along the street for people to hunt.

People started arriving, excepted they ALL missed the fucking assigned buses. Next time, I'm not bothering, THEY CAN GET LOST. Literally. LOL I was selfishly eating Pringle's which were placed between my legs and I made orgasmic sounds to repulse people everytime they dug in ;) It was so funny. Poor Anika provoked the first sound. Her bewilderment was priceless.

I think we karaoke'd, then we went out for the candy cane hunt and it was so funny watching everyone. I think Renata found the bunch of ten (Y) OMG then it was dinner and there was sooo much yummy food but I was already full, so I could hardly enjoy it. But I forced everything down anyway. I think we went out to play with sparklers and Murder in the Dark, which was pretty fail. I almost had a heart attack when we found Brandon though. He was just lying in someone's garden and I thought it was a corpse LOLOL.

Went back inside and presented Audrey with our video, which wouldn't play on her TV so we crowded around her laptop, and gave her our scrapbook. Then we danced. It smelt so bad downstairs, after we breathed in the fresh outdoor air.

Departed for Hamilton Island. Terrible flight, but it was worth it when I saw the islands and the colour of the water. Then that died when I was hit by the humidity and ugly landscape and taking a boat to our place which was in the fucking mountain. I probably spent the whole day complaining, because it was not some resort spa place next to the beach. The island we went on didn't even have a proper beach with nice sand. IT WAS FUCKING ROCKS. And it was stinger season so it wasn't even safe to get into the water.

We attempted to explore our area, and I went and tanned myself at this MAN-MADE lagoon. It was so boring.

Sigh, we had to take a two hour boat trip on rough waves to Reefworld. It's just this huge platform in the ocean where you can go snorkeling and there's a viewing glass chamber under and some waterslide and semi-submarine. Basically, we went snorkeling over this coral reef and it was so breathtaking. The fish were right next to me, but I didn't get to touch any. My head got burnt though. The trip back was terrible too, but I sat on the deck and the wind was so nice, except there was salt all over me.

OH MY GOD, YESTERDAY WAS SO INCREDIBLE. Okay, well it was another 2 hour boat ride on rough seas, but then we got to Whitehaven Beach which was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. The water, from the shore, went from a peridot green/yellow and gradient-ed to this deep blue which was just so amazing, I could've stayed looking at it forever. And the sand was purely white and IT WAS PARADISE. Unfortunately, we could only stay about an hour and return.

Now I'm finally home and I'm missing the hot humidity of the islands.

Alright, finally done with this post (Y)

6:24 PM

Thursday, December 15, 2011
I slowly go insane

Yum, I'm very excited for the next week. I haven't had interesting holidays in sooo long.

So today, I watched Enchanted. Again. And some Hebrew film where the protagonist looked like Ben French, or whoever that Normo is.

My god, you are really so up yourself aren't you? Stop flattering yourself, you assumptive idiot. Too bad 'assumptuous' isn't a word, it sounds so much better.

OH MY GOD, AND YOU. Fuck. You. You all sicken me, don't you have an ounce of dignity? Don't try to talk to me, I hate looking at you.

Alright I'm done.

5:11 PM

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Day after day

I miss school :(

So today was mother and Sylvia's birthday. Which reminds me, it's so soon till Christmas as well. BUH I hate Christmas shopping.

Went to Hornsby today and just hung around a bit. Idek what we did. It was nice seeing a couple of school friends I'm not usually with. Wow, there's nothing to talk about.

Went to a Thai restaurant. I swear, my stomach always hurts when I go to a restaurant, and not even because of the food. It always hurts as soon as I sit down and wait for the food, and when the food comes, I can't enjoy it because my stomach is in agony. I don't understand.

LOLOL my mum made her own cake HAHAHA. It was yummy though.

I'm excited for Friday and then I fly out to Hamilton the next day OHO. Except what remained of a remotely suitable beach body died after formal. Sigh. Speaking of, I also got to pack for it tomorrow.

My days are so uninteresting. I NEED SCHOOL.

10:24 PM

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Oceans apart

Today was so exhausting. Woke up one hour late and I miraculously left the house within 15 minutes without breakfast though, so me and Carla had Maccas (Y) I felt so intrusive, with the school crowding around Town Hall.

Speech Day remained as boring as it did the past three years. I think Dr Briggs was more monotonous than Mr Phillips, which seemed impossible. And apparently, Davies is retiring :D Not that it matters for me anymore. Such bad timing. The TAS department is cursed. Ms Smyth /sob.

Year 10 stayed behind and had our mini graduation where we got our SC results and report. I must've had extremely low expectations, because I was very pleased with my results. Somehow, I'm still not terribly sad about people leaving and school ending and changing totally from now on. It'll eventually catch up to me. We took some pretty fail grade photos and a non-existent class one, because Ms Smyth fucking left. And I'm never going to see her again. So depressed.

Trekked it down to Pepper Lunch and I actually ate TWO. I cannot believe myself, it's so shameful. I refuse to eat it for another year. I also had a green tea soft serve. I don't think I need to eat tomorrow. Then went to caps and the booth we went into made our eyes go fucking retarded, IT WAS DISGUSTING.

Bleh, I napped for two hours.

I feel purposeless again.

7:16 PM

Monday, December 12, 2011

Last day of school today, though it hardly felt like it. I mean, it's a Monday ffs. But I slept in till about 10pm because I stayed up till 1am so I got to miss food tech and sport.

Our last science lesson was very unepic, considering it was the last lesson with the class and Ms Smyth and it wasn't celebrated adequately. We watched Friends instead. Sigh. I think I'm all out of sadness, which doesn't make sense.
Maths was last and Tourikis made baklava which was delicious and we ate Doritos w/ salsa and watched half of Hercules, which I just continued at home and finished. It was, really, an unepic ending to my junior years. So now I'm really sad. And I'm also listening to Richard Marx, so I'm really really sad.

Bleh, Speech Day tomorrow. Going to freeze in the stupid room. No, I'll fall unconscious first. THIS IS GOING TO BE SO BORING FFS. But caps and Pepper Lunch after (Y)

Need to rage. Why are we all so fucking unreliable and fucking lazy and FUCK EVERYONE JUST PISSES ME OFF. Oh god, and I hate how people can just talk through class without caring whether or not they're disturbing everyone else and I hate people ignorant of school and learning. I hate fucking ceebs and just people who are just dead weights because they don't give a fucking shit about anything except themselves and leisure. DON'T FUCKING COME TO SCHOOL. DON'T HAVE FRIENDS. EVERYONE IS UNBEARABLE, WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY BOOKS?


6:52 PM

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I guess you really only realise what you have when you're about to lose it, and that's when you realise what you took for granted.

I don't even know you anymore, or care to. It's not like you care what happens to me anymore. At least the feeling seems mutual.

I'm not sure how much longer we'll be able to last. It depends how much we both value each other, and how much we're both willing to sacrifice.

Why you, out of everybody? Is my life really so unfair?

I'm not sure if we can ever be okay, or if I'll ever be okay with you. It's made me realise how little you care.

I'm trying to understand how we're slowly just falling apart. If it's you or me. If you want to be like them, then I guess I'll see you later.

You're sort of the only person that can relate to me, or who makes me feel that having a conversation is worth it. I really think you're a good person, but I don't think anybody else really realises.

I thought our relationship would always manage to be repaired, but I guess change makes that impossible now.


9:09 PM


LOL last night was awesome on Club penguin with Jiani and Jess Liu HAHAHAHA we all restarted our penguins on the same day! It was definitely fated. But then I ditched them to read Clockwork Prince OMSLKHJWOEIHNWLKS which I will get to laterrr. Well, I slept at about 2am, attempting to read halfway through because I had to go shopping today.

Met up with Carla and we had lots of presents to buy. Legit, I'm fucking done with presents next year. FUCKING. DONE. Towers was so crowded with all these Christmas shoppers. With my own family, as in, in about 20 years, we'll do Christmas a month before the actual date. Or a month after so prices are regular. Businesses are such dirty players.

Anyway, I came home and I finished Clockwork Prince about an hour ago and my heart was breaking, I CANNOT WAIT ANOTHER YEAR FOR FUCK'S SAKES. It's so tragic, but so predictable. Cassandra Clare is SUCH a shitty writer. Will is just so adorable though, I want to jump into the pages and rip his shirt off.
So many books are actually coming out again next year, I've got to make a list. There's Heroes of Olympus, Hush Hush, CoLS, Bloodlines and Clockwork Princess and I cannot bear this waiting. Why can't I just marry my books?


Bleh, I don't want to wear sports uniform on our last day of school. I can't believe it's our last day, and it doesn't really make sense for it to be before Speech Day.


7:10 PM

Saturday, December 10, 2011
emotionally deprived

I feel a lack of purpose with formal over, I'M ACTUALLY SAD, despite my low expectations and lack of enthusiasm initally. And the school year is nearly over too and Monday is just going to be full of tears for me.

I should tidy my room. It's disgusting, I can't believe I live in there. I've been reading Emma and I've gotten to 100 pages which I'm proud of (Y)

I don't like any of the formal photos enough to make it my profile picture TT Sad sad life. And I'm also peeved I didn't take enough photos at Hornsby and none at Normo. I hate pondering.


OOH my mum got me things from Tiffany's, which Eric thought was a clothing shop /facepalm. She got me this pendant which I don't particularly like but there are two other things that I don't get till Christmas. Christmas is REALLY soon.

I wonder who still uses tumblr.

3:43 PM

Friday, December 9, 2011

Ah, haven't been able to post about the past two days which were amazing. Sort of. My expectations were reversed.

So Wednesday, pree's at Jiani's. Carla came over in the morning and we panicked about forgetting things and then we lugged our enormous bags full of shit over to Jiani's. Except we were earlier than her and nobody was home so we were sitting in her driveway. Then her bro came back, which was mega-awks and AN ANT BIT MY BUTT!

Bleh, we didn't start getting ready till like, 3pm which was an AWFUL idea because in the end, we were rushing like crazy. So much stress, I cannot even. Tanya looked like a clown/Hagrid LOL because of her too-big suit and crimped hair. Pearl, Tanya and I left first and lots of people were already there AND EVERYONE LOOKED SOOO PRETTY. And Aidan looked very handsome. Everyone was just taking photos for half an hour and then we sat down to some tasty dinner that I didn't finish because I was too hungry. That hardly makes sense, but my stomach hurt from hunger and eating fueled the pain.

WE FINALLY DANCED OHO. I think I managed about three hours in those torture devices called SHOES before I took them off and managed to dance with all my body. I got Mr Hatton to dance and he was sooo adorable OMG SO CUTE. Then Mr and Mrs Phillips danced together and they were so cute AHAHAHA. They didn't play that many great songs though. Had a really awkward but nice slow dance with Aidan, except his hand was sliding to my butt LOL. According to observations. Last song sucked though; So What, WHAT EVEN?

Carla, Tanya and I went back to Jiani's and we soaked our dying feet in the tub for a while, singing. Then we made lots of noodles and sneaked out and then I finally fell asleep at 4am. It was suicide, we set up an alarm for 9:30.

Thursday pree's continued at Jiani's and we unwisely got ready around the same time, or at least with the same amount of time because we had to leave early to make sure we didn't miss the cruise. I had to bring my shit with me though, but Ricky took it, gentleman he is. It was a bit awkward at Epping, with a girl-guy ratio of 1:5 until Seowoo and Michelle and Nayomi showed up (Y) BLEH I hated feeling all these eyes on us.

Traffic was shit so we got there late, and things started late and the boat wasn't that impressive and it was ROCKING HOLY SHIT. I mentally felt sick, so I began feeling physically sick. There wasn't even a space to dance. Entree was okay but the mains were sooo disgusting, I cannot even comprehend the dryness of the chicken and the rawness of the beef. The deck chairs were all wet as well, which was inconvenient because my shoes were killing me. BUT I didn't take them off all night. Learning tolerance (Y) Dessert was quite nice but I ate it in intervals because people started dancing! But the music was shit too. Same DJ for both formals. And I would've enjoyed leaning over the railing but there was some fuel gas blowing in my face and it smelt bad. OMG and on the island we kept passing, there was this creepy white figure IT LOOKED LIKE JESUS OR SOMETHING OMG.

We ended up dancing in some weird platform between stairs because we're such party animals. More helium sucking. Meh, it was disappointing, Hornsby was so much more fun, I wish it was Normo, then Hornsby. Would've ended more epic-ly. I don't know how it was so tiring, but I slept on the coach and immediately when I got home.

Fucking woke up today at 1pm IN THE AFTERNOON. So it was too late to see Audrey and her dog and I was rushing to Matrix. The test was easy though, but that's because the whole class was just helping each other out, as well as the teacher LOL.

Anyway, I'm quite tired, but my sister and mother just came home and she brought Clockwork Prince so now I HAVE to stay up and read.

I'm sad formal's over. I'm sadder that there's only one more day of school. I almost started crying when I realised that on the train.

This was a long post. Took me ages.

8:46 PM

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Time can do so much

Formal panic setting in. I plan on an early night tonight, need to rest my body up. Jokes, it's almost 10pm. And my shoes are really going to kill me lksjldkashfkjad.

So today was supposed to be our last bus ride as us five and stupid Christine wasn't there in the morning or afternoon YOU BITCH. Sigh, it's just going to be back to me and Carla from next year onwards. So yes, fuck you too, Audrey and Michelle.

We watched this ridiculous documentary on violence in America in English. It's quite unfair though, because they're only focusing on the small-town lifeless bogans. Though it's probably worse in the city. These things make me angry.
Maths, I don't even know. I think I need to forget about science at this rate.
LOL in commerce, we were watching Spanglish and there was this sex scene where she was riding him and then stupid Hindmarsh decided to fast forward so it was like, appearing so intense LOLOLOL and then he paused on their orgasm faces by accident LOOOOOL FUCKING DIED AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Speaking of, I'm going to go Wiki the synopsis since we didn't finish.
History was fun, we were watching Black Adder which would've been funnier if I wasn't so tired.

Me and Margaret got to Towers super early and shopped around and I got my invisible bra (Y) Now I'm just freaking out about what to bring and if I accidently forget something and how terrible my dress for Normo looks and the unpredictability of my hair AND I'M FUCKING SICK FOR FUCK'S SAKES.

Yeah okay I should go. I'm very excited to see everyone looking pretty tomorrow!

9:49 PM

Monday, December 5, 2011
I'm walking too far ahead

Ah, finally returned to school, though it wasn't as impressive as I was hoping, though I don't really know what I was expecting. I was happy to be in uniform though (Y)

First period was English and we borrowed 6 books for Advanced English. So I'll be getting 3 more for Ext 1. I've almost finished MARCOVALDO. That's supposed to be said in a really bad Italian accent. It's so amusing. The hour also involved attempts at arranging formal seating, but yeah that never really worked out.
So over formal JUST END.
We watched Big Bang Theory in science which is just not funny, seriously. And I hate how in shows, they have the cued laugh for the audience, and there were just too many in this show so I was like :/
We actually have fucking homework for maths, which I'm not doing, of course. I've concluded I won't be able to keep up with extension maths.


I was trying to wear in my shoes for formal and my feet were aching oh my god. I'm doubting I'll last even an hour now. And it's gross if I wear band-aids and then I take my shoes off. Sigh.

Oho, going to Audrey's on Friday to see her dog (Y) Then we need to study for Matrix. I'm going to fail that test so hard.

I don't understand this current obsession of mine with Time After Time.

9:07 PM

Sunday, December 4, 2011

2:13 PM

bye baby

Sigh, my mum and sister left for Melbourne today and it's very lonely at home. Not sure what to eat either, since neither my dad, nor I, can cook to survive.

So I went last minute formal shopping yesterday, which was so stressful, but I finally bought shoes laskdjkdghlkds. Except they're high and they're going to ruin me. Also figured out clutch and jewellery and hair and I'm just praying nothing goes wrong on the two days. It's pretty shit weather, but at least I won't be sweating. Bleh, going to intensive exercise for the next couple days.

My room is like a fucking war-zone, there are clothes and shoes and bags and dust everywhere, I don't know what to doooo.

I really want a tattoo. With something meaningful and permanent, like my mum's birthday or mine or my name or something like that.

I love one hit wonders.

2:01 PM

Friday, December 2, 2011

I discovered I never understood pain until I finally epilated today. Depilated, iono. That was the most painful 20 minutes of my life. Guys, if you're ever feeling depressed, go and buy an epilator.

Anyway, sadly, work experience ended terribly, because the new site I went to was sooo boring I wanted to die. I sat there, filing invoices all day. Now I have back/neck problems. And I got so lost too, because it was Burwood and I don't know shit about the area.

It was good to see people again at tutor, and now I have nothing else to say except that I should probably sleep.


10:29 PM

Thursday, December 1, 2011

I'm having a terrible night.


10:05 PM

Mad Guy

Ah I really enjoy work experience, minus travel and smart casual wear, I'm actually sad to leave because I've made friends with lots of employees.

Anyway, for the past couple days, I've been working with human resources with Sam and we spent bloody three hours updating employee information which we forgot to save yesterday and had to redo it today asdfghjkl. Then I had to do accounting but Joyce and I just chatted for two hours talking about high school and college and she was telling me all this scandal at her really shit high school. Apparently all the teachers slept with students and each other :L

OH MY GOD I had the biggest shock when Dr Turner walked into my office. But I was very happy to see a familiar face. I didn't think they'd actually come and visit people.

I really love the kitchen facilities, free tea and coffee and snacks. Nice difference from school, which I still miss incredibly. I don't think I've ever been so happy to be back in uniform.

What really depresses me, is that when I go shopping for good quality shoes, nothing ever fits me, but I go some place cheap and shit like Rubi and I find shoes that fit. So I got two pairs of heels and the sales assistant was an ex-Hornsby an we were chatting and she gave me. 50% discount on one pair! So one pair was $20 on sale and I got a $40 pair for half price so I only spent $40 instead of $60 8)

Bleh I still gotta do tutor HW which I totally forgot about.

Sigh, everything is happening too fast.

8:39 PM