
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
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December 2010
January 2011
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April 2011
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June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
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December 2014
January 2015

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

9:48 PM

I'd do anything


I really enjoyed work experience today, I was actually sad to leave! My bus was like, 20 minutes late though and I had no idea where I was going so more paranoia set in. Most of my door was spent thoroughly investigating the construction process of the new Royal North Shore Hospital which was actually really cool, seeing the complexity we don't really think of, and realising how incredible it is to actually build something like that. Of course, I was inhaling dust so yeah. And my supervisors were sooo nice OMG, too bad I'm only there one day :(

My ASOS dresses came today. Biggest disappointment of my life. They fit alright, but I don't like the look. But I have no time to continue looking so looks like I'm going to formal, unattractively.

Thanks to Doris, I now have an intense craving for cheesecake.

I can't figure you out.

6:55 PM

Monday, November 28, 2011
I like you hanging around


But work experience is alright, it's much more of a learning experience than other places people are going to I reckon. Oh god, I got off at the wrong stop though, getting all paranoid like Brandon.
Two new interns came in today like me, so we all made friends, even though they were about 10 years older than me, and we spent about an hour meeting EVERYBODY, I never smiled for so long.
I've concluded I will never go near accounting or finance, it was awful trying to understand their reports. And if I want an office job, I got to spend half my life on Excel, like I did today. Awful. But everyone was sooo nice, I'm quite happy to return.

Anyway, I cannot actually express how school-sick I am, it's incredible. I am also panicking big time about formal BECAUSE THE BLOODY DRESSES HAVE NO COME YET.

Okay bye.

7:24 PM

Sunday, November 27, 2011
words of wisdom

AH last night was so much fun, I could've gone all night.

So me and Sylvia got ready at Audrey's and we wasted about 10ml of eyeliner on Sylvia's eyes LOL. We were lost in the beginning when we got to the community centre, and only half the people were there, even though it was already 7pm.

Anyway, I was so hungry I went to all the tables and ate about 15 spring rolls. That's basically all we did while we waited for everyone to come. The place was just so pink and everybody was so pink. I wanted to dance so badly though, except nobody else was :(

The speeches took sooo long, these chicks had a ppoint for like, 8 minutes PLUS speeches and I was staaaarving. But dinner wasn't served after. They got us to dance instead, which was very fun. Me and Tanya (Y) The music was so loud, my ears were ringing everytime I went outside.

OMG it was finally dinner, and there was sooo much food. I felt embarrassed with the amount on my plate, until I saw Nayomi's LOL. It was impossible to dance after that meal, but then I discovered dessert which was just orgasmic, but I was ready to have a food baby because I was so engorged. Tumescent (Y) When we were dancing outside, a guy flashed his chest to us and another started dancing with us, it was hilarious LOLOL. Then Moves Like Jagger came on and Tanya eagerly ran in, and then butt-planted HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Anyway, my feet were deformed and I couldn't lie down because of my full stomach so I couldn't sleep.

I'm a bit nervous for work experience, and I think I'm just going to wear my uniform for the majority of the week.

That's all I had to say. Ciao.

2:19 PM

Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's so warm, I don't get Mother Nature. Not that I'm complaining, of course.

So yesterday was not really physical self-defence, as I had hoped, but this guy came in and lectured us for hours about sex offenders. And it was sooo awkward, which is weird, because this is me we're talking about. If it was a one-on-one conversation, I'd be okay with it I think, but I felt so awkward with everybody else. And I realised I have his book on my bookshelf LOL. I had a brief read last night, and it was pretty indecent too. He was so New-Zealand-bogan.

I want to quit Matrix again, because apparently, we just finished doing chemical equations in detail which is the only thing I enjoy, and I thought we would go more in depth with that in the next term, but apparently not. Anika's life is so unfortunate, it's like watching a soapy.

Anyway, I'm excited for Keshani's party. The food is going to be amazing, and I'm excited to get ready at Audrey's (Y) Except I still don't know what I'm wearing alksjpwieonrwobnekl. I'll go decide that now.

Day 30 - Whatever quote you like
"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But then, one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be happy, one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness."

The paradox of humankind.

3:29 PM

Thursday, November 24, 2011
I fall behind

I'm still surprised at how much fun I had today. I really need to stop complaining, but it probably wouldn't have been as fun as it was if I didn't have these terrible expectations.
SO TODAY WE WENT TO MANLY BEACH OHO. But it was pouring in the morning and my mum told me not to go, but yeah, wasn't going to waste 40 dollars.

The bus ride was so long, but we sang for most of it. Freakin' Christine, pulling her shirt down TT

My god, it was so cold, forcing ourselves out of the changing rooms in our swimsuits and towels and the rashies were so gross and sandy. Our group leader things were pretty cute :) We started off with running warm-up things like bullrush etc, and I swear the sand was chafing my feet, it hurt to run.
AHA we finally got into the water with the body boards. The waves were so scary but it was so much fun riding it OMG I went back in 5 times. I got dumped by a wave though. Dumped by a wave... (Y) Then we saw a blue bottle or something wash up onto the shore and I was so paranoid about getting back in. And I did almost step on another one in the water!
Holy, it was sooo cold, everyone's hands were turning white and I couldn't even stretch my fingers. We did some relay exercises where we had to wade/waddle into the water and me and Audrey faceplanted into the water. My mouth and nose swallowed so much water, it kept coming out LOL. OMG they made us do this ridiculously tiring relay running up the beach and down the water and up and back down again. It was awful.
In the end, they left us have a free swim for about 15 minutes, and we went far out and caught waves and IT WAS SO MUCH FUN AHAHAHAHAHAHA I WANTED TO STAY FOREVER.

Getting changed was so awkward, as was showering with Anika, Audrey and Christine (Y) I was starving my ass off, so me and Audrey got out a packet of crackers and two packets of chips and finished them within 20 minutes. I was literally inhaling them. One of our cute instructors asked me for a chip, and his name is Lachlan :)

Finally lunchtime, and a bunch of us got Ben & Jerry's and then we ate a breadstick and a pigeon swooped at Anna's chip LOL. Bleh, I was just so full I wanted to vomit. So I decided to sleep on the bus to prevent it from happening.

Went to Parra after school, and I lost my fucking bracelet at Strathfield. I was so depressed, I wanted to cry because I've have almost lost that thing so many fucking times. My luck has worn off. I'm only upset now, because I bought 3 dresses and shoes which brought temporary happiness. Except none of those dresses are pink, so I still don't have something for Keshani's party.

Anyway, I think I'll need an early night tonight, except my hair is still wet and there's probably still sand and other sea gunk in there.

Day 29 - The first quote you saw today
"You are merely not feeling equal to the tasks before you."

9:21 PM

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
too shy

It didn't stop raining. All day long. Sigh.

So today, we had motivational speakers, or just whatever, talking to us today, and thankfully, it was a lot more fun than I expected, since I managed to stay awake. They were called Rising Generations.

Okay, I forgot what we did. OMG there was a dance-off and I totes should've gone up and done my crazy African drumming dance. And there was lots of music and singing. Then we played this game of some mascot rally, where the chick would say something about a stolen mascot and accuse a team, and the team would say "NOT I, SIR" and she'd say "THEN WHO, SIR?" and the accused team would say "TEAM NUMBER -, SIR". So basically, it kept going and whoever like, said something wrong or too slow would move to the back and the rows would move up and whoever ended up at the front would win AND WE JUST MISSED OUT. Sigh. Then Sandra sprayed a bad word with shaving cream and we tried to play this game where you had to walk really fast by a bottle with a ping pong ball on top and try to flick it. I think about 5 out of 30 of us managed to do it.
In the end, we had to write a letter to ourselves which they'd send in about a year's time, and while we were writing, they played River Flows in You which majorly depressed me. That song is just so sad, and it reminded me of my gay Twilight days LOLOL. Nah, I still love Twilight.


Anyway, I lost my boardies and I couldn't find any cheap ones at K-mart. I do not want to go to the beach tomorrow, I'm going to get so sick. Oh god, and when I got home, there was this massive package blocking my fucking door, which was an exercise bike we ordered, and I was alone, so I beastly moved it out of the way, and into the house (Y) Mind you, it was incredibly heavy.

Do you feel it deteriorating?

Day 28 - Quote that you made up - jokes, nothing can be original anymore.
"When it comes down to it, nothing is really worth anything."

7:21 PM

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The weather improves next week. Seriously, fucking hell, this is so ridiculous WHY IS EVERYTHING AGAINST ME? If I touch the sea in this weather, I'm going to get pneumonia.

Anyway, today was lots of fun. As fun as Life and Resilience can get. Except I was so paranoid about SAIL the entire day because Sexton scares the life out of me. We first listened to some chicks act out all these teenage angsty whatever scenes. I think we already saw them in Year 8.

Second period was relaxation, which was basically yoga. OMG we had to stay quiet on our backs for 15 minutes and I was about to explode from laughter in the first five minutes. Then Christine shut up so I calmed down, but then we heard Tanya's stomach gurgle so I started again.

DUDE I'M GOING TO THE CIRCUS, IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Our class started off with the small bits of equipment, like spinning plates, juggling, those Asian yoyos and some weird wheel things and hula hoops. Sigh, I barely could do anything except for the two baton things and the flipping stick whatever. That was a pretty shit attempt as well. The guy had a monobrow LOL. Then we did STILTS WHICH WERE SO COOL, except I only got about 5 minutes on it. Holy, it was so scary initially, I was just grabbing Anika's shoulders.

Last period was drumming with an African guy that Christine thought was Aboriginal at first >> It was so cool! I felt relaxed listening to the beats. And then I forced Christine to go up and dance with me LOLOL which Sylvia filmed apparently. We all tried drumming and it really hurt my hands.

That's where my good day ends, except Audrey was at Penno (Y) And I realised I shouldn't eat when I'm annoyed, my stomach is like in turmoil right now.

There are so many quotes to pick from that describe me. I just looked in the neurotic topics.

Day 27 - Quote that describes you
"Mad is the man who is forever gritting his teeth against that granite block, complete and changeless, of the past."

5:42 PM

Monday, November 21, 2011
you're an idiot.

Sigh, this weather is so miserable it pisses me off. And I totally forgot that I have to wear a bikini on Thursday and I haven't been too conscientious with my exercise.

Anyway, I skipped school and stayed at home to work on SAIL. So hopefully, I won't get busted. If fucking Davies goes and chases me, I will go to Perth and hunt down her family.

I just realised Audrey and Michelle are at Ruse camp. Gay. Gay. Gay.

Bleh, okay that's all I had to say.

Day 26 - Quote you'd want on a T-shirt
"You see something you like?"

Jokes, but shirts with meaningful quotes look stupid.

7:46 PM

Sunday, November 20, 2011
don't miss me


Okay so I woke up and I was already sad before noon because the Friends series finale was on and it was sooo sad OMG why must things end :( And it was so bloody hot.

Then I was supposed to meet Eric on the train but the bloody trains from Waitara to Hornsby didn't work so the stupid boy, YES BOY, waited 15 minutes for an M60 and we ended up just missing the train to Strathfield. We did get to workshop just on time, but it was filled with Year 12 students and I couldn't do any of the stupid work, so yeah, we left pretty early.

I got a Noggi and the blueberries were the size of like, 10/20 cent coins. THE TRAINS WERE DELAYED AND CANCELLED AND DELAYED. I swear, I got to Epping an hour later than planned. We were playing slapping games and my hands, arms and fingers were bloated and red. I had Ms Mort fingers ffs.

So everything bad that happened today was because Eric -ahem- this morning, which was a sin, therefore, the divine beings punished him and us along with him.

Anyway, I will never miss tutor again.

Our video on FB is getting so much appreciation (Y) BECAUSE IT'S SO AWESOME. I'm still peeved that we didn't win.

Day 25 - Quote that reminds you of sadness
"We cannot change our memories, but we can change their meaning and the power they have over us."

6:54 PM

Saturday, November 19, 2011
stand by me

It is so ridiculously hot in my room, but it only lasts till Monday. Far out, I'm so annoyed with the shitty weather BECAUSE I WAS SO EXCITED FOR THE BEACH. Either way, I am definitely going to test out a rip.

Anyway, I realised there was so much more I forgot to mention last night, like Ricky's pizza and Raw Beef attempting conversation and Seo kissing my hand LOL. Audrey, you should've seen Hotdog attempt to dance at the end, IT WAS SO ADORABLE!

I was thinking about the previous week so much before sleeping I ended up dreaming about it. Like, our schools were all combined again, and that's all I can remember. I really need to have a jotting pad next to my bed.

Anyway, I still haven't bothered doing SAIL, even though my day tomorrow is occupied with fucking Matrix and it's due on bloody Monday, so just fuck me dead right now. I've been reading Vampire Academy all day.

I'm such a hypocrite, AND I HATE THE WORD HYPOCRITE. I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing LOL. I just searched for synonyms of 'hypocrite', and that one was interesting.

Day 24 - Quote that makes you smile
"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

4:18 PM

Friday, November 18, 2011

AH today was so much fun, and even though I'm butt tired and disgusting, I'm going to post before I forget. Long-ass post coming your way.

So it was the last day of ABW, which actually turned out to be really sad for me, because I have grown fond of my group, despite Justin and Cameron's uselessness. Bleh, I spent so long fussing over what to wear, because I looked freakin' 40. It was really nice seeing all the guys in suits :)

It was so bloody boring in the beginning, because everyone was presenting their speeches and ours was going awesome because they used a Prezi presentation (food tech memories) BUT THEN THE COMPUTER RAN OUT OF BATTERY HALFWAY, which was bullshit, because we totally could've won that.

THEN it was time to set up our businesses and we ended up using all the leftover origami cranes from 302 to decorate, because we didn't have enough posters. OMG I was so excited when people from Normo came because I MISSED EVERYONE SO MUCH. It was really fun advertising our backpack, and the prototype actually worked which was awesome, and it was funny seeing people's reactions when they tried it on. We took so many photos, poor Michelle's camera must be loaded with our beautiful faces and fail photobombs.

I'm really annoyed that I forgot what happened before lunch, so I'll skip to lunch WHICH WAS LOTS AND LOTS OF FUN! Like, it was almost proper mingling between the schools. Took sooo many photos and more photobombs which were just awful, and then we had shitty pizza and it was just lots of fun. It made me yearn for a co-ed school. Amanda played the ukelele while we sang Hey Soul Sister (Y)

We all went back to the hall and watched our advertisements, and seriously, we were so excited for ours and we were SURE it was going to win, but effing Company 5 won LXKHFNWPOIENO so devastated. Until we were announced tying winners for the trade display/product where we got better gifts than the other winners. We got two free movie tickets each and everyone else who won only got a $10 JB-HI-FI gift voucher. And ABW ended, which was very sad. And we got our formal invites which were unimpressive.

Anyway, got to Jiani's after Carla bought shoes, and we were seriously so exhausted from earlier that we lay on the floor and such for about an hour. Only hunger motivated us and we had an extremely satisfying meal of one packet of mi goreng, and two small bowls of wontons. Between the five of us.

Fast forward, we got to Hornsby at 7pm and the hall was depressingly empty and unenthusiastic, and the DJ SUCKED. He played Big Bang ffs. It eventually got fun, and I was so hot omg. Literally. Then trust my luck to have all the good songs play when a shit mood comes on. Dancing in the Moonlight was on, and Aidan wasn't there. Meh, it was fun, especially with group dances. We failed spin-the-bottle. Us girls have already accustomed ourselves to each other's lips. It all ended too soon, I was quite sad to leave.

I still haven't showered, and this is an extremely long post and I have a blister and mosquito bites :(

Everyone is socialising on fb :)

I'm going to miss males.

Well it was an awesome week, I'm going to miss Company 4 a great deal.

10:49 PM

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oh my god. There's a photo of Euro Guy dripping wet. I'll die happily now.

7:01 PM

they think they know everything

NO! The weather is not looking promising for our beach excursion next Thursday, because the week is like, low 20s and this weekend is 30. This is bullshit.

Anyway, ABW is so tiring, but we're doing quite well, in terms of consistency. We've discovered we cannot work without the males around. My theory is that we have to show that females are the more productive species when they are around. OMG and for one of the decisions, the simulation shit screwed up and wiped out our clearance shit and our shares died. Or everyone else's overtook us.

Shopping is so hopeless, I want to cry. I NEVER FIND ANYTHING. But turns out my mum has a billion blazers and I'm deciding between three, so I just got to get my blouse and shoes. I also got to finish our brochure tonight. Bleh.

I miss classes. I miss my class. I miss my uniform! I'm so sick of mufti omguacamole.

There are so many nice Disney quotes, sooo, I shall make a list, so y'all can learn too (Y)

Day 23 - Your favourite Disney movie quote(s)
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Or forgetful." - Peter Pan
"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all." - Mulan
"The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it." - The Lion King
"Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance. Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts." - Aladdin

And my favourite:

"A dream is a wish your heart makes." - Cinderella

5:36 PM

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

According to my horoscope, I am clannish today, which means I'll tend to exclude others outside the group, which I'm guessing means ABW. Another word is tribal LOL. But far out, people kept walking into our room JINA.

Anyway, I can't believe it's only Tuesday, it feels like the end of the week somehow. Today was rather frustrating, we're not that good at working together and our groups for marketing etc are non-existent. And we've been so focused on decisions and the advertisement we forgot about everything else TT

I kind of miss school. AND ALL MY FRIENDS. Fuck, ANIKA SAIL IS DUE MONDAY.

I'm panicking big time, oh my god. Need to get all our stuff done in 2 days and then I still need to figure out what to wear on Friday and then there's Keshani's party which I need to shop for and STILL FORMAL OH MY GOD WHYYYYYY. And SAIL and the dance.

This challenge sucks. There are no quotes that remind me of somebody.

7:02 PM

Monday, November 14, 2011


So it's finally ABW week, which is pretty awesome, despite the heat and mufti. It was so weird getting off and walking around Normo, and the bloody presentations in the beginning were so fucking boring like, oh my goodness. And turns out the groups did not change so that was awesome. BUT OH MY GOD, EVERYBODY WAS AT FUCKING NORMO EXCEPT ME, CHRISTINE, JINA AND AMANDA.

However, Hornsby has aircon and Normo doesn't, so we weren't suffering in the lessons.

I am in Company 4, with Dorie, Neda, Chekia, Castro, Ricky, Justin, Cameron, Aaresh, Alex and Mitchell and I like my group :) We dressed Cameron as Santa Claus and Sexton gave the most boring speech I ever heard. She was drying my brain out.

Anyway, yeah not much happened today, but I'm looking forward to the rest of the week. Friday as an exception of course. If it's hot, I might cry.

Yesterday, I went Parra with Audrey, Jina and Sylvia, since Carla bailed on me and Anika on the others. It was terrible, I hate shopping so much rn, omgad. But I did buy a couple of pieces.

Okay, this quote thing is stupid, because nothing fits on your ring unless your finger is the size of my wrist.

Day 21 - Quote you would want inscribed on your wedding ring.
My name on his, and his name on mine.

6:26 PM

Saturday, November 12, 2011
It don't work

I'm watching Happy Feet, and I love their song. Nicole Kidman sounds so feminine-version-of-seedy. The sequel is going to be shit, because Pink is replacing Brittany Murphy. Like, what even, their voices are totally different.

Anyway, I was planning to go shopping alone at Towers or Parramatta, but the idea of going alone on such a busy day was too unappealing, so I'll settle with going with Carla tomorrow.

I was trying out some hairstyles for formal, and they look fine, but not very suitable for formal. Sigh. So much hassle, and apparently, it's going to cost Audrey fucking heaps to style her hair, so I'm trying to avoid that option.

VAMPIRE DIARIES WAS SO FUCKING OH MY GOD, IT WAS SO EPIC I WANTED TO KILL MYSELF. I WANT TO NOW BECAUSE IT GOES ON A HIATUS TILL JANUARY, JUST LIKE PRETTY LITTLE LIARS GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH IT'S SO INTENSE. And stupid Anika let me retell the entire episode because she couldn't access a computer last night. Sob, just shove a dagger through my heart right now.

Then I watched Roman Holiday today, and I just adore it to bits.

Mumble just left his ... hometown? Yeah, so this part is boring so I'm going to take a nice hot bath, because I am a waste of space and water (Y)

Day 20 - Quote that you would write on your bedroom wall
"If you want to be happy, be." - Leo Tolstoy

8:47 PM

Friday, November 11, 2011

I am so fucking depressed.

Okay, so school was quite good, I skipped first period which was apparently super fun, but meh. I refuse to bring shoes to school.

So second period was GEO PARTY and there was just so much bloody nice food nomnom, I had a stomach ache after, and we played geo games LOL. And then it was 11/11/11, 11:11:11am and we all made a wish together and then fuck, we had to have a minute silence to commemorate deaths or something and me and Audrey could not stop bloody laughing. I can never do those silences, I wanted to explode.
Maths was bleh, talked all lesson. Christine drew very attractive images of me, Carla and Jiani in our formal dresses. I had claws ffs.

For like, 5 fucking years to fucking Hong Kong with her STUPID PARTNER. And surprisingly, I cried. I know. Gen cried. BUT IT WAS SOOO SAD. However, the only perk is that no one else can brag about having her next year :D
So there was so much food again, somehow and then the next hour involved taking countless pictures, chest hair and writing dedications on the board. Mine was awesome. I think I wrote:
"Ms Smyth, if one of us were male, we'd be perfect for each other."
I'm such a paedophile. Except she's older so... I don't know what that classifies me as. There was actually full attendance of our class, but Audrey forgot her camera FACEPALMTREE. Yeah, it was super sad, but it was the best lesson. She's the best teacher. I would continue with such cheese, but I'd sound like a fucking retard. Or Christine :)

Anyway, I'm kind of put off mochi since the guy at Noggi gave me sooo much, and there wasn't enough yogurt to balance it out.

Now I'm going to escape my hideous world into the even more hideous world of Wuthering Heights. Say what you want, I love the book.

Time to watch Vampire Diaries first!

Day 19 - Quote from a headstrong female
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt

I also liked this one by Eleanor Roosevelt.
"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."

9:52 PM

Thursday, November 10, 2011
never felt this way before

Sigh, it was such a slow day and heaps of people in our class were away today and if they're away tomorrow, I WILL PING PONG THEIR ASSES OFF. Because we have a science and geography party and Christine is bringing chicken wings 8)

Anyway, skipped religion today, and turns out I should've skipped food tech too, because we were, in fact, not cooking and it was so bloody boring.
Anika is the most fail human being in the world.
Note, the second person is Anika.
PE last which were just childhood sort of games, like duck-duck-goose, bullrush, stuck in the mud etc.

OH MY GOD, ABW groups changed, I'm so pissed off because I was content with what I knew of mine BSDFUIHSNLOKJLKXNSLDJNSLDBNSLKXNSLKEHNOWIEHFGBDLJVPERUIGF.

Yeah, I need to do chem hw. I still can't bloody log on to the site and see how I'm ranking so far. Probably at the bottom anyway. I'm going to binge on Moochi with mochi tomorrow OMG YUMMMMM.

I remember I used to be so afraid of swallowing any sort of fruit/vegetable seed, as my mum would tell me that the seed would spout into a plant inside of me. I only thought of that because I've had a cherry seed in my mouth for an hour. I really like making it clean. Lol.

Day 18 - An anonymous quote
"Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option."

7:44 PM

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
you psychopaths!

The heat is so oppressive, I want to die. I walked five minutes in the heat and I was beginning to sweat.

Anyway, Year 10 is technically over for me. No more exams, nothing counts anymore. Thus, I refuse to attend school tomorrow. The computing skills test was actually hard, I'm a little afraid I failed it. But we got to leave at like 10am, so me, Anika and Christine bus'd to Parramatta. It was such a long ride, but it was so much fun. The bus lurched and Christine bounced off her seat onto the floor. That was Anika's first bus experience (Y)

Lunch was so embarrassing. Me and Christine are refusing to waste money, so she brought rice and I brought a sandwich for lunch, but we looked like idiots eating home food in a food court.

Shopping was hopeless. Utterly hopeless and full of disappointment. I wish I was a dude. I tried the $300 dress at Seduce, but the pink one wasn't in my size, and I don't want to wear black. Speaking of, the pistachio coloured dress I really wanted, Amanda already got it TT Except I might get it anyway, and I could wear it to Normo formal.

Me and Audrey found out our ABW groups. Euro Guy is in her group, I'M SO SAD. But Ricky's in mine so that's okay. PLUS I stay at Hornsby, so I got Eric as well.

I can't eat in this heat. It's a good way to get in shape for summer.

Day 17 - Quote your favourite lyrics
"'Cause we're living in a world of fools, breaking us down, when they all should let us be."
How Deep is Your Love - The Bee Gees

4:38 PM

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
that's how you know

It's so humid, I could probably catch some humidity in a jar because there's just so much of it and I'm not making sense. Blame the heat.

So in my terms, school cert is over! Because I don't think it's possible to fail computing. Then tomorrow, I plan to go Parramatta with Christine, who is definitely coming, and find dresses. EXCEPT my mum is still encouraging internet shopping and I've found 2 dresses on the clearance section which she said I can just buy anyway, because it's like, $60. And I might buy the tulle/mesh/net champagne one. I can wear it to Keshani's as well if I find something else. Bleh, spending so much money.

Maths got really tricky for some reason and I just killed history and geography. Or it killed me. I was hoping to at least ace one of them, but they were both so ridiculously difficult, my answers were shit. AND IT WAS SO HOT.

I have no quote from a TV show. They're not worthy enough to be quoted from.

5:47 PM

Monday, November 7, 2011
scert skirt

So humid today omguacamole I hate humidity. The bus ride was AWFUL, standing at the back with Christine, asking the Year 9's for their yearly notes because we were so unprepared for our stupid SC. Fluffy brushed by me though 8) The traffic was pretty bad too, because we missed the normal train for the first time in forever.

So the English exam was first, and honestly, it was so much better than I was expecting, because the past papers were just incredibly hard, or I'm just really hopeless. And I liked my long response, so I'm going to be really depressed if I got shit for it.

Barely studied for science, so I was feeling very panicky for the exam. Carla dropped her metal ruler which made such a loud clang that everyone fell silent. It was really funny. Anyway, the exam was quite difficult, but 10Q was so much more prepared I reckon. I fainted when I saw a question on nuclear. And in the end, I changed 5 or more multiple choice questions after double checking. Meh, if I fail, I fail.

Bleh, took an M60 from Hornsby which got us to Towers so late and FUCK that mother fucking curry chick who fucking eavesdrops on EVERYTHING was sitting next to Carla and she legit just stares at us. I want to shoot her face off STUPID BITCH. ONE DAY YOU WILL GET WHAT'S COMING TO YOU.

Anyway, I ceebs to study for tomorrow, so I'm looking for dresses online. I can't wait till tomorrow is over.

Day 15 - Quote from a movie
"Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." - Forrest Gump

5:48 PM

Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's so hot and I'm bathing in watermelon and salad. I can't wait for holidays.

Anyway, I've been getting so sleepy so early, been sleeping around 11pm. I attempted to sleep with wet hair in two French braids, as a means of testing potential formal hairstyles, but one hairband fell out and undid one braid so I woke up with normal straight hair on my side and frizzy curls on the other. Sigh. Then me and Christine attempted to talk about studying but we moved onto more formal shit which I wish was not even happening lsjdklsdjflksnd who thought preparing would be this difficult TT

Anyway, I've done one science SC today, and I'm doing pretty badly. So I've given up for maths, science and English and I shall focus on geography and history after lunch.

I'm so scared that I'll be completely separated from my friends in ABW. And then what if Bert is in my group? I might die of humiliation. We BOTH might die of humiliation.

Oh my god, okay. Seriously, go away. You're not one to talk so STFU okay?

Day 14 - Quote from favourite author
"There are many things that we would throw away if we were not afraid that others might pick them up." - Oscar Wilde

12:55 PM

Saturday, November 5, 2011
unchained melody

I was feeling depressed last night so I went and YouTube all the old romantic songs I could remember and one song led to another and I was quite blissful at the end of the night. Except nobody would ever dance/sing those songs to me so :( I fucking love Frank Sinatra right now. Tanya, we must discuss!

I woke up with the intention of studying but I spent about half the day finishing the Count of Monte Cristo, which was very disappointing. Then I attempted Brighton Rock but yeah, couldn't concentrate because I was panicking about how badly I failed a science SC earlier. Like, bleh, I couldn't answer any of the one-word answer things. And I can't find last years notes sooo.


Ricky got a suit (Y) So now I got to get another bloody dress and then ANOTHER one for Keshani's, oh my god. I keep saying bloody. It's so gross, because it's such a bogan term.

I can't wait till the week is over, because then I can focus on the looooong list of books I have to read. Me and Michelle are awesome, reading classics. I have about 15 books on my agenda which I hope to finish within the next few months. That's probably all I'll do when I'm in China anyway, since it'd be winter and I'd have no desire to exit the warmth of the house. Screw, it's an apartment, because you can't fit a stupid house in China. I don't think I could live in an apartment forever, thus I couldn't live in a metropolis.

I want to watch Dirty Dancing again. My mum and I were singing Time of My Life LOL.

Day 13 - Quote from a book
"Selfishness must always be forgiven, you know, because there is no hope for a cure." - Mansfield Park

9:39 PM

Friday, November 4, 2011

I'm never sure how to begin a post now. Any form of greeting sounds stupid.

Well today was quite a dull day. I always forget what happened as soon as I sit to talk about it. Well on the bus, Fluffy was just so bloody cute I wanted to shoot myself 8) And apparently, Sarah might take a hot 18 year old guy as her formal date (Y) So Tanya should take her hot 21 year old guy who, may I add, is white.

English concluded I am most definitely going to get Band 4 or below for the SC, because I failed horribly at the poem analysis today. Speaking of, it's possibly likely that we might get a poem analysis because there hasn't been one for years.
It was lolly Friday in maths and I ate a revolting peppermint chewy lolly some shit iono, which flavour did not escape from my poor taste buds. That sentence needs to be corrected.
Got history results back. I have only one A for these exams. My life is depressing. And it is quite likely our SC long response will be on changing technology, the 60s or something about land rights. Sigh.
Me and Michelle went on some classic rampage at the library. Not that there was anything to rampage on, since there were hardly any good books, but we borrowed Vanity Fair and Brighton Rock. I need to finish Monte Cristo this weekend, AND study.
We're planning a geography party YAY. That was the highlight.

Christine and Audrey had pepper lunch at the city, those bitches, so Tanya and Sylvia stayed with me, and the Moochi I got with mochi was sooo nice. Sylvia's demonstration of sperm shooting out (Y) OMG this curry guy was sitting with his back to Sylvia, and his pants were riding so low we could see half his "ass-crack".

Moving away from all this separation shit, I am not minding tutor as much, just that I'm tempted to sleep in the lesson, and we have a new codename. Snowman.

Sigh, this weekend is going to be spent cramming, because the only one I am remotely prepared for, as in I don't need to study, is maths. This is ridiculous.

I was watching Dirty Dancing again yesterday, solely to remember the verse of Time of My Life. And to look at Patrick Swayze all sweaty and naked and getting it on. Yeah.

VAMPIRE DIARIES. OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS AWESOME. This show makes me and Anika freakin' mood swing, because I don't believe in PMS.

Day 12 - A quote about fashion/style
"Fashion fades, only style remains the same." - Coco Chanel

9:46 PM

Thursday, November 3, 2011

But hey, it gets warm next week. Just in time for mufti.

5:42 PM

not ready

Fucking shit computer. Fucking shit day. This year is bullshit. Why won't it just end already?

Day 11 - Quote from a band member
"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are." - Kurt Cobain

5:35 PM

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

School is so pointless right now, I should just stay home, since I'm not going to do spectacularly for school cert anyway. But thankfully, I only went to school for 3 hours today oho. I love strikes.

Commerce was first, and it was sort of our last proper lesson, but turns out we still have lessons in Week 9. And I'm definitely attending. And we got another homework task. What is this TT Me and Christine are going to Greece. I swear Mr Hindmarsh has got to stop flirting with his students.
Science was chemistry revision, which I enjoyed :) I don't understand the appeal of balancing equations. Something's wrong with me.

My mum and Michelle's let us jig SAIL so we bus'd. Yeah, that's my interesting day. I'm wondering where all my things to talk about disappear to. Like Tanya said, I usually think of something I want to say on my blog, but then when I get to it, it leaves my mind.

I'm skipping a quote by a solo artist, because there's none quite frankly. I shall give you one by Oscar Wilde.

Society often forgives the criminal, it never forgives the dreamer.

5:52 PM

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Let it be

I'm lazing around today, because I am looking forward to the prospect of sleeping in tomorrow. Bliss.

We got our multiple choice results back for history which was shockingly bad. I fucking died at Christine's, until I saw mine. It was so depressing. I owe Ricky $2.
ENGLISH JUST FUCKING FUCK ME DEAD FOR FUCK'S SAKE'S. I wanted to cry. I think I got a headache later in the period. I wanted to slit my wrists. Or jump out the window. My life is meaningless.
The day just continued getting worse, with commerce as well. Though I positively did better in this subject. And tomorrow is our last commerce lesson which saddens me, and this is our last proper week of school with lessons and shiz. I'm so sad. My life is so sad.
Maths was possibly the only highlight, as I did okay for Westpac. How depressing. I don't know what to do with my life.

Far out, we attempted to catch M60, but the bus stopped further down so instead of lining at the front, we were at the back again and we didn't get on. It's infuriating.

I am progressing with the Count of Monte Cristo :) Except I fell asleep on it today. I have so many unfinished books. And I have so much to worry about! School Cert., and then formals and Keshani's party and people's birthdays and then Christmas and BLEH. So much money gone.

Okay, bye.

Day 9 - A quote by an actress
"A girl doesn't need anyone who doesn't need her. If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." - Marilyn Monroe

8:54 PM