
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

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Friday, September 30, 2011
too real

I'm trapped and there's no escape.

Also, get the fuck out, you make me sick.

9:09 PM

As long as you say it


Sigh, I can't really start my other notes till I tidy my desk which looks like a cyclone blew through all my sheets and maths sounds too unbearable. So I watched TV all day.

LOL last night, me and my sister revived our maple accounts, except I had to make a new one and I'm such a noob.

Anyway, I also just watched TVD and I seriously am not enjoying the season. They're not holding back with anything so the violence is so much more bleh.

I was supposed to post this about 2 hours ago I think.

5:26 PM

Thursday, September 29, 2011
You're the reason

Sigh, so I didn't end up finishing history last night, but I will in the next two hours (Y)

Stayed up for Christine's birthday. Me and Brandon's epic Happy Birthday song LOL. Yeah he's the reason I stopped working, couldn't hear my own thoughts over his singing/musing/sucking noises.

I'm listening to nyan cat. Haven't heard it in so long, but it's not really aiding my concentration. Now the screen is flashing colours and I'm getting a seizure.

I feel like getting a formspring, but it's embarrassing not getting asked anything. And guh, what is with this weather?

OH HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTINE. Now you need wait 4 months before we can legally do it together and you won't be classified as a paedophile (Y)

12:06 PM

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I can't help thinking

I spent the whole day copying out history notes and I've only just started migrants. Why won't the year just end?

As usual, I forgot why I started a post when I don't have anything to say, so here's a picture from Magicale. I love it very much.

9:35 PM


It's raining. I suppose it's good it's not a nice day because I'd have to be cooped inside meaning there's no reason not to study and I'm determined to get history notes done today.

Last night was quite social, and LOL Richard was trolling Sylvia like crazy, it was hilarious.

I never thanked Christine for such an awesome party, so thank you VERY much. Except I was humiliated in your stupid video TT

God I'm craving a cheese toastie. But I had a satisfying breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs, except I was crying while eating because A Walk to Remember was on.

OH Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging is on on Sunday! I love that movie so much.

I'm hoping our 'study session' on Friday will work out. Then there's our karaoke outing and outing with Carla, Brandon and Eric. Then I need a haircut. OMG so little time.

Sigh these holidays are going to be so unproductive.

11:49 AM

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
God is talking

Time for a super duper detailed recount of yesterday :)

So I slept in yesterday morning, thank god Carla called me. She and Brandon bought all our shiz, including three fucking beast Nerf guns WHICH we owned everybody with, but that's later. I took them to Christine's. I think Pearl, Anika and Sylvia were already there, cooking. CHRISTINE'S VACUUM WAS SO CUTE!

So me, Angela, Sylvia and Brandon wasted almost 2 hours filling up 300 water balloons. Unfortunately, about 100 of them exploded in my face while I was filling them up. The rest tied them together. I think Anika was decorating and then Jiani, Michelle Eric and Audrey came along and weren't of much use. Holy shit, our fingers were cramped from those stupid balloons and then we decorated the place with streamers and balloons that kept popping. We played Devil Beside You in the meantime and MIKE HE WAS SO FUCKING HOT.

THERE WAS SO MUCH FOOD and I didn't have breakfast so naturally, I was starving. Scabbed gems and wedges and chips. We helped make skewers. There was just so much fucking food and we didn't get to eat because the party technically hadn't started yet. I think we played some cards to pass the time. And it turned out people missed the buses I assigned so they were like an hour late. Audrey, Anika and Jiani went to pick them up I think.

It was finally 3pm so we defined the part as officially 'started' so we started pigging out on food, even though half the people weren't there. Yeah I was like a black hole, just inhaling food. They FINALLY ended up coming half an hour later so we were finally able to commence our water fight at the park :D IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. Except it literally ended in a few minutes and the water balloons didn't explode on skin contact, it just bounced off and hurt a lot. Yeah we were basically drenched within a couple minutes. Five of us had awesome guns, just squirting everybody. Then people decided to use buckets to dump people. Audrey did that to me, and I reciprocated :)

Yeah, the guys and me, Michelle and Carla got naked ;) At an attempt to dry off, of course. Michelle slipped on the oval LOL. And there was this perverted old man walking his dogs and he kept staring at us and it was so scary. We must've stayed there about 2 hours.

Returned to Christine's house and our shirts were still off and this creepy Indian guy was parking his car and me and Carla saw him stare at Christine, Jina and Anika so we threw our shirts on and ran past. SUCH PERVERTS OMG. All got changed together (Y) Pigged out on sushi and the remainder of food and mango jelly and pudding nomnom. Audrey played the video she made for Christine and it was so embarrassing! She included the part where I sang 'I Just Had Sex'. We attempted to watch Scary Movie but the resolution was shit so we played Mafia which was pretty fun. Abi was God (Y) I think Michelle left after this :(

BBQ/dinner after and there was so much food holy shit, and I got so full I wanted to die. Took so many photos, photobombs, dancing and singing. Then Brandon had to go catch his T62, so most of the remaining people walked/ran/skipped to the bus stop. We looked drunk, running across roads, chasing after cars, singing and dancing. It was lots of fun, I had so much energy so we ran back to her house but I died after like, 400m. It hurt running in thongs.

Time for cake when we returned, it was very yummy but I was so full. Plus it was huge, but it just disappeared in 10 minutes. Then a lot of people had to leave. Then we went to the park to light sparklers. I can use a lighter :) Murder in the Dark was basically really fail hide and seek in pairs, and the grounds were so wet, my Uggs didn't even protect my feet. Then LOTS of people left again. And there were 9.

Confession circle with the remaining people. We finished the mango pudding/jelly and pasta. I swear I gained so much weight. It got more interesting as more people left. Me and Carla left a bit past 11 and I went straight to sleep, I was so tired.

Wow, that was such a long post. But it was worth it, yesterday was tons of fun. Anyway, I was supposed to start work today but my net died so I cbf and watched An American in Paris, which is so boring. The photos of last night are atrocious LOL.

Got a study session/sleepover planned with our Q group :)
Alright I should attempt work soon.

12:59 PM

Sunday, September 25, 2011
sigh no more

LOL Much Ado About Nothing is on and I have nothing better to do but watch it.

You have no idea how scared I am.

3:14 PM

That's so moist

Abi's was so much fun. I'm glad we ended up going, because the weather before was so shit, we had no idea what was going to happen. So it was me, Anika and Sylvia at Audrey's place and iono what we did, just got ready together and ate ramen with KFC and watched Wipeout LOL. Yeah we left like, at 7:30 and got to Abi's at 8. Gave her present which was a Viva la Juicy set.

THERE WAS SO MUCH FOOD HOLEY MOLEY. Except I wasn't hungry so I mainly just ate carrot and celery. What a loser. People actually danced! It was lots of fun, twisting with Nayomi and grinding with Jiani.

The toasts everyone made to Abi were really sweet and the cake looked and tasted amazing. It was incredible that Abi's mum made it, it tasted so good. And the chocolate fountain was so yummy. Caught up with Amar (Y) Yeah there wasn't that much socialising, especially in the beginning, but we did eventually all dance with each other.

COME TO DADDY BRANDON. Yeah stacked on everyone, played some basketball. SPARKLERS! I think that's what they're called. And the jelly shots HAHA. I was like, tonguing my shot glass.

I'm trying really hard to remember what happened because last night was seriously fun. Just for the last hour, there was like, 4-9 of us just huddling up in Abi's garden, getting rained on. It was quite peaceful though, I could've slept. If Carla was not flirting her ass off in my face. I think I'll need to encrypt something for the more... enjoyable part of my night 8)

We left around 11:30 and Christine dropped me and Tanya at Audrey's and our sleepover commenced :) It took a while for our DNM to start, but it got really interesting, we continued till about 3:30 till people slept. All 6 of us squashed onto Audrey's tiny bed. Quite an accomplishment. I love our Q group. Moist.

Woke up around 9:30. I love sleepovers. Had bacon and egg muffins and leftover Thai for brunch and then we ate some more Poppycock? And those corn chip things and I refuse to eat for the rest of the day.

Yeah I was planning to start notes right about now but I ceebs. Holidays means bonding time with my TV.

1:17 PM

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The one day I don't post, I'm bombarded with spams on my dash.

So yesterday was our last day as juniors which still hasn't really dawned on me, all our new responsibilities and whatnot. And it was sort of sad, except I wasn't really bothered to make any memories.

The High Resolves people weren't in classes which was gay since it was our last proper day together. Finished Dead Poet's Society in English. I didn't like it very much. It's one of those movies that like, temporarily provide a burst of inspiration to do something. In this movie, it was appreciate poetry. As if that'll happen in this century.
Recess was replaced by the farewell assembly for Mr Phillips which was very sad because he started crying. We took a photo with him :)
Jigged maths with Anika and we watched Vampire Diaries oho.
History was a bludge. Moldy put a video on there was no supervision so yeah. The entire day was a bludge.
Geography was alright because we actually learned some skills and we got to leave early to clap out Mr and Mrs Phillips. That was so sad. And our junior years ended.

Caught 14 for the first time in forever. I don't know, yesterday was very uneventful. My life is uneventful.

I watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding last night. It's sooo funny omgad LOL.

Anyway, I'm not reading for Audrey's or Abi's. Sigh not in the mood to do anything. But I think I'll shower now.

2:17 PM

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I should have died from sleep and food deprivation by now. Last night was my fourth night in a row staying up past 2am and I am FINISHED with work. I'm going to sleep my ass off in the holidays. Yeah so last night, me and Christine stayed up till about 3am and I was so close to rage-quitting. Then I ended up sleeping in till 6:50 so I had to miss breakfast and run for the bus and then I tried running for the early train but the doors closed on me so I had a shit start to the day,

Science first and we had to present our stupid biofuel shit and it was so annoying trying to control our class. Our poor teachers.
Clap out was second period so we got to miss most of geography. It was so sad, seriously I am going to be disabled from sadness in two years time. It's really scary, thinking how fast time has gone and how fast it is going to go.
PE last and we got through more presentations. LOL Jenny's photo-shopped pictures.
Lunch felt so strange not dancing. It's gonna take a while to get used to.
Food tech last. Today was seriously just a major bludge.

Bought Abi's present after school. OH my grandparents returned from China today :) And I also found out I come back from China two days before Year 11 camp so should be all good.

I think I'm going to go to bed now. I want to die from exhaustion.

5:51 PM

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

OH MY GOD I'm so exhausted. I can't even describe this. Today was MAGICALE/LIPSYNC. It finally came. I can't even remember how long we rehearsed for tonight. Maybe since late last term or early this term. Wow, nostalgia.

Guh saw Richard's pisshead today LOL. My bag was sooo heavy with all our clothes and shit, it was like Food/Fashion again.
English first and we watched Dead Poet's Society. Claudio guy is just so adorable. Yeah, I will never enjoy poetry. I have attempted to read my books of 'great poetry' several times and I don't ever understand them.

LIPSYNC STARTS NOW. As in the process towards about two and a half hours ago. We got changed etc in second period and just rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed. And then throughout period 3, we watched some seriously boring acts and then rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed. They had to cut off all the songs at 2min to fit everyone in which was super gay. Holy shit, period 4 was so fucking nerve wracking I wanted to die. Like, I stumbled in the first 10 seconds FML but apparently no one saw. They had to cut our thing off at the beginning of Genie which sucked because Genie is such an epic ending and I wanted to show all our friends. Thank you all for cheering :D

After school, we had to wait till 3pm to find out the final schedule thing and then we went and binged at the food court. I ate so much, I was worried I'd vomit during the performance. Saw raw beef LOL.


Went back to school and I spent fucking ages on my stupid make up which got so uncomfortable. The liner was so thick it felt like my eyes weren't open properly. Everyone kept losing their hats, I was so paranoid I was going to have a panic attack. So yeah, watched the outdoor show which was boring. Only paid attention to Margaret's one.

The show finally started and we were allowed to watch the first half before we had to get up for the second half. It got really boring because heaps of people were just singing which is only entertaining for the person who was singing. Year 8 Pinocchio sucked (Y)

I swear we were all about to have heart attacks during the second half WE WERE SO FUCKING NERVOUS HOLY SHIT.

Actual performance was pretty good. I give it 8/10 because there were mistakes and I don't believe they went unnoticed. I think everybody's just lying. We got lots of cheers, I was actually surprised. And I heard Eric and Brandon screaming all our names LOL. Yeah after the performance, we went to watch the rest of the show which was boring EXCEPT for the Year 11 hip-hop. They were so fucking hot I'd go lesbian. If I was a dude, my erection would've ripped my pants. Jokes.

The Year 12 act made me sad. I'm going to be an absolute wreck in Year 12. I think I'll dehydrate myself.

Oh my god I'm going to miss lunchtime practising so much. They've become my other group! Plus that dancing was my only exercise LOL. It seemed really anticlimactic though, putting in all that effort to have it over in 3 minutes. Just like with cooking for Food/Fashion. But it was heaps of fun, we're gonna keep doing it alright! Except Audrey, suck my balls.

I was so exhausted I slept on the way home. And my mum laughed at me when I told her I didn't smile because I was supposed to be sexy :( Anyway, reality has hit and we're all going to be up doing our mofo history obituary.

Tonight was magical :)

10:55 PM

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Did you guys know that Charles Perkins' daughter directed the hideously terrible film we studied in Year 7/8, 'One Night the Moon'?

9:47 PM

time after time

Sigh. I don't understand why I can't complete any work. I don't understand why I keep saying I don't understand, or why I don't understand.

So last night, I finished my essay at 2am and I slept in till 9am (Y) But I decided to go to school late because Lipsync was tomorrow and practice was necessary but NO, fuck you Carla and Christine, you guys didn't have the same courtesy.

Far out it was so hot when I ran to the bus stop and the bus was so cold. I missed history (Y)
I have English homework, fml. And I'm really worried about the making choices aspect of our exams because we don't know what text type we'll be forced to write.
Commerce was a major bludge. We watched the other class' assignment videos which weren't that great, and watched our class' again which were pree cool broskies. OMG SANDRA WAS SO FUCKING ADORABLE IN HER VIDEO I WANTED TO KISS HER. Me, Jess and Anika attempted speaking in third-person LOL.
Maths revision which I absolutely failed in, foreshadowing my doom.

The bus was fucking hot >> Where is the fucking logic in having the aircon on in the pleasant morning and off in the boiling arvo? FUCKING HELL.

I had my own dress rehearsal. I must've wasted like, 6ml of eyeliner which turned out good, but tomorrow it's probably going to just mess up. I think I'll curl my hair, because my BEG chick has it curled. Which means I have to bring my straightener omgad. My bag will be like it was yesterday.

You know what saddens me? My infrequent use of my home phone. I love slamming the phone, I did that so much before when I was angry at my mum. But either way, I don't have those phones with the cradle thing. You have to press to hang up. Times have changed.

Awesome. I'm sleepy now.

8:13 PM

Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm so exhausted oh my god but today was lots of fun because it was Food and Fashion Night!

Oh but last night, I was about to suicide because I stayed up till 2am doing my essay but didn't end up finishing because I cried and rage-quit so yeah, that's gonna happen again tonight. Fuck me dead.

We got to wear mufti because we got to cook all day (Y) Made Vicky's fritattas first nomnom, except we didn't get to eat any because we only just made enough, sigh. I fucking burned my elbow on the inside oven door, so I had to run it under the tap for 15 minutes, and then I spent the next hour with my elbow inside a bowl of cold water. I missed out on making Christine's money bags :( So I just sat there, playing with Audrey's touch and eating Amanda's leftover brownies. We actually didn't stop cooking for the entire day, and we didn't properly eat either. Just scabbed whatever we could from what we were cooking. The next three hours were spent making Abi and Neda's mofo tartlets and holy shit, the pumpkins took me and Christine so long to dice and the sweet potato wasn't mashed and it took for-fucking-ever to pipe out. But the caramelised onions were so yummy. I think I was just starving, so I actually voluntarily ate onion by itself. My back was broken.

Me, Audrey, Carla and Christine met Eric and Brandon at Eric's place, and me and Christine had to wash our hair in his sink. It hurt my back so much omgad. Yeah, I swear we spent a whole hour doing just make up. And I tried Christine's epilator. Holy fuck I was so scared when I turned the thing on, it was so violent! And it did hurt.

We had to get back to school at 5, but our shoes delayed us. The centrepiece people were making was really awesome, out of all these vegetables, but we had to present our foods in such a retarded way. Spelt as the letter 'T' or something. Catering was awks. Then we finally got to watch the show and it was pretty good. I hate Little Gen/Gen Doppelganger. She fucking haunts me! I became a lesbian for 4 minutes, watching Nayomi dance.

Sigh, now I'm just so bloody exhausted but I got to do this essay. With Jina and Tanya :) Nah, I'll definitely rage quit.

9:45 PM

Sunday, September 18, 2011
You talk like a noodle

I am truly the most hopeless being on the planet, besides Christine. I think it's been nearly two hours since I turned on the computer and I haven't even started my English essay and I want to suicide. I'm not meant for this life.

Anyway, it's hot. I love it. I hope it's not hot tomorrow though, because it's school. Except we get to cook all day OMG there's going to be so many leftovers and they're going to end up in my stomach bitch. Yeah I'm hungry.

I'm going to have a fucking all-nighter tonight.

1:20 PM

Saturday, September 17, 2011

So I'm in just about the worst mother fucking mood ever.

See, me and Carla went to Parra Westfield, and we spent the whole fucking day there and I just fucking got home after hours of non-stop fucking walking and trying on clothes and I ended up buying my two last resorts and no shoes. Fuck me dead, I'm so angry.

Then there's the impending amount of work I got to do that I want to fucking burn.

5:20 PM

Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm listening to Introvert Extrovert. It's terrible. I'm feeling really uncomfortable. I've been saying that a lot. Everything is making me uncomfortable.

Lonely bus ride without Audrey and Michelle. This is what it's going to be like next year. You two should suck my balls.
PE was super fun which is weird because we played volleyball and I despise volleyball. I have this freaking ruptured blood vessel. But yeah, it was extremely fun, except Audrey and Sylvia weren't here for it.
I wanted to die in geography.
And maths. Except we had lots of lollies and we have sooo much to study for maths. Heck, we have so much to study for these fucking exams.
Science, and I spent the entire second half of the lesson cutting Sylvia's split ends. I only managed to get through half her head. And Jina broke two flasks.

Had sort of a dress rehearsal after school. It was super warm, really humid actually, but quite nice. Yeah, dancing is frustrating me like fuck.

Went to Towers with Carla and we actually found some really nice dresses at K-Mart and I think I'll kill myself with a cheap pair of shoes from that place.

OH MY LORD VAMPIRE DIARIES. It wasn't that spaz-worthy. In fact, I was disappointed, but I think I lost my adaptation to all the violence so this episode was a bit of a shock. But it's just going to get more gruesome, I can't wait. I'M SO EXCITED. Except from next term, me and Anika aren't getting home till fucking 8pm because of fucking Matrix. I'm starting to reconsider doing science tutor. Classes next year at school will be boring as fuck.

What the actual fuck is wrong with Lady Gaga? I hate her.

Anyway, I ceebs to do some work rn even though I haven't started English which is due on Monday and I'm shopping all day with Carla tomorrow and we have guests over on Sunday. I'm going to have a breakdown.

I need an epilator.

9:09 PM

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I wish I was sick again. I just want to fucking sleep. In fact, I just finished maths, so I may have a quick look over English or history, do yoga and sleep. I might fall asleep during yoga, it's so peaceful.

We saw Jess' neighbour at Penno today, and he looks like a bird or a lizard. Very unattractive. I need an epilator!
Commerce first and Christine and I were literally having panic attacks about presenting our video, yet we could not swear, or 'properly express ourselves' but Anika wasn't there so we postponed our competition. Turned out the video wasn't terrible and Hindmarsh seemed impressed so yes. I am finished with commerce. If I have to make a fucking video for economics...
I played Tetris for the duration of food tech. Then next Monday, I get to make fritattas, money bags and pumpkin/sweet potato tarts for Food/Fashion 8D. Oh yes, and food tech assignment is due next Thursday, thank goodness.
Anika wasn't here to bludge with me in SAIL, that bitch. Our projects are due really soon.
Auditioned at lunch. I think we made it in, since they asked for our music. Meh, my motivation for it changes very often.
I'm really stuck for LOTF. I pray that our exam will be character based, I can't do these fucking themes. LOL AUDREY'S FINGER HAIR.

Stayed after school a bit w/ Sylvia, Sarah, Lisha and Aparna. I think we're set for PE tomorrow (Y) Then me and Sylvia went to find everyone else and we had a look at some stores for dresses and costumes but we didn't find anything, far out. And my mum said there's nothing at Towers either so I'm doooomed. Except she said she might take me to the city on the weekend.

Okay I think I'll go do some yoga before I pass out.

8:51 PM

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I don't understand this constant weariness. I'm too young for this.

Sigh, I slept in today so I didn't get to eat breakfast, so I forked out 4 bucks for a stupid pork roll which I never want to eat again.

English was absolutely hopeless because Motherwell was doing HSC and I was sitting alone with Audrey. Recipe for un-productiveness.
WE GOT OUR EXAM TIMETABLES. Far out, English, history and geography are on the first mofo day AND WE HAVE A FOOD TECH EXAM WHAT IS THIS?
I haven't finished maths homework for the entire chapter of deductive geometry and I found out for our yearly, we're going to be tested on chapters 1-11. That is a fuck-load of shit.
We commenced our swearing competition in commerce again :) Anika: 5 Jess: 3 Christine: 3 Me: 3
History last and I couldn't stop staring at Eakins' boobs and I found a pair of sunglasses that I took (Y)

Rehearsed some more after school. Auditions are tomorrow lol. Then assuming we get in, Lipsync is fucking next Wednesday. Then there's Abi's party next Saturday, thus two outfits required. Then there's the ridiculous amount of work I got due over this and next week not to mention we got to find time to practice as well as begin studying for exams.

Fuck this, I never want to wake up again.

Failure motivates me.

8:42 PM

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hiyum. I can't wait for the warm weather to begin tomorrow and Carla was right, apparently it'll reach 27 degrees on Sunday (Y)

Mid Autumn Festival. I don't think anybody even knows what they're celebrating. And the moon cake I ate was too sweet.

Penno was so empty today. I'm so glad we finally get exam leave. Except with my luck, my exams will all be in the morning or I'll somehow manage to have more than one a day.

English first, Ms Motherwell is so ditzy :) Like blonde-dumb. She waffles a lot but she's really cute. We've had awesome English teachers. That means our luck is going to completely reverse next year. Oh my jesus if I get Foster... Anyway, we got our LOTF essay which is fucking due next Monday OMG.
I realised food tech people just had their last sport lesson. Which also made me realise that since we're presenting PE stuff on Thursday and Friday, we have no more prac lessons anymore. Oh my goodness we have 1.5 weeks till we're officially not juniors anymore OMG THIS IS REALLY SAD :(
Science, we tested our experiment. I might get lung cancer. Sigh, this is seriously not a fun activity for our last science unit.
Maths last. Formal is creating such a panic.

I've barely started work since now. I actually have no idea what I was doing. I think I was trying to remember ballet exercises.

Tonight, I must finish our commerce summary, PE script and maths HW and possibly try make a plan of my English essay because that must be done. Need to buy a dress for Abi's party this weekend OMG SO MUCH TO DO.

8:31 PM

Sunday, September 11, 2011
And then...

Today was the most unproductive piece of shit of a day. I blame Christine's presence.

I swear I ate so much for lunch. Cup noodles, pastries, meat, Breadtop. Huh, it doesn't sound like much.

Watched TVD and oh my god I am so pumped for season 3 on Friday OMGGGGGGGGGGGG. Fucking orgasming over Jeremy oh my jesus.

Anyway, I just finished watching Dude, Where's My Car, which unfortunately is only funny the first time.

I don't know why but I must post this pointless shit. I like reading recounts of anything.

9:33 PM

Saturday, September 10, 2011
oh burn

The wind is moving the clouds across the sky at an incredible rate. Clouds seriously look like fairy floss, especially when a chunk is ripped away from the main section.

I hate this weather. I hate early spring. I want summer.

I was watching Easy A yesterday, and despite it's anticlimactic ending, I really liked it.

Apparently, scientists discovered a planet three times the size of earth that is entirely made of diamond.

Sigh, so much work due these next couple weeks, and then it's time to study our brains out. Then there's Lipsync to worry about, assuming we get through the auditions. I kind of wish the year would just end.

Selfishness must always be forgiven because there is no hope for a cure.
Yeah I got that from Mansfield Park, which is truly so boring at the moment, but I'll eventually finish.

10:50 AM

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hello. So I'm obviously sick and bored at home, though I have plenty of work to keep me occupied. I shall get to that after this. This is like another long weekend for me. As usual, I forgot my purpose to blog. Or I have nothing to say.

I have this book/literature 30 day challenge in my draft which seems fun, but nobody appreciates books nowadays so no one would have any idea what I was on about.

Actually, I wish I was at school. This feels lonely.

10:35 AM

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Oho so today was lots of fun, though I'm officially sick now and my workload hasn't decreased.

Met up with Christine on the bus and it was noon already. Then met up with Audrey and Eric and finally Tanya, Brandon and Richard at central. Oh yes we went Pepper Lunch first and Richard burned Eric's hair LOL. Karaoke was fucking awesome except I've actually lost my voice rn. We danced to Genie and Abracadabra :) Far out the thing wasn't updated though and there was still no HSM. Audrey and Eric left so the rest of us went to Galaxy World. Me and Brandon tied winning at shooting hoops (Y) LOL and I failed some shooting and racing game and a DDR game. Oh my god the chick at Chatime took so mofo long to make each drink and it made me pee twice. I swear I peed about 20 times today.

There was a paedo looking Asian man on the train and bus :/

Now my joints and throat are aching and I hope I can skip school tomorrow because I feel like dying. So I shall sleep now.

8:31 PM

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
sick of life

Guh, wasn't sick enough to skip school today and I was so sleepy on the bus because I stayed up till midnight doing science notes. I saw Bert this morning. New code name :L

English and I had Ms Rowe the first time. Thankfully it was all individual work so she barely talked.
Commerce next and we hardcored science (Y) Loljokes that was fail.
AS WAS THE SCIENCE TEST. And our biofuel presentation is going to suck shit too.
Idgaf about SAIL.

My mum took us to Max Brenner's and I had a waffle, which I now feel like purging out of my system.

Sigh, my throat has been hurting and my ears blocking the entire mofo day. Oh and I just had a cup of chai latte and it was disgusting. Like a liquid version of those really bland Egyptian sweet potato cookies-turned-pancakes.

I plan on not working tonight. Tomorrow I must do my individual assignments but there's still so many group ones to complete >>

Day 15 - Self-confidence/Self-hatred
I'm not sure if it means to write about both or pick one so I shall do both. Unfortunately, self-confidence can hardly coexist with humanity's criticism and expectations, thus, the result is often self-hatred.

6:19 PM

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Feel my interest in blogging dying, because nobody else is doing it.

GUH Christine, you got me sick. Not sick enough though, because I can't skip school tomorrow. How I wish tomorrow was Thursday.

Took early transport today to try on our senior summer uniforms and I look so mature :) I'll go back and see if I can buy another skirt. My mum says I need 2 skirts, 3 shirts. Since I dislike secondhand stuff, that'll total over $200 :/

History first, which was sort of awks because everyone was talking about Eakins' appearance on Can of Worms and her boob-job talk. I watched that today. It was awkward LOL.
English next which I dozed off in. Thankfully we've finished LOTF 3 weeks ahead of schedule. Motherwell won't be here for 3 lessons though FML. We might get Mr Elridge/Eldridge.
Commerce, me and Christine laughed for 10 minutes at something about shit. I don't even understand. I LOVE COMMERCE DISCUSSIONS. I think we were talking about formal, and my sad arranged date.
Maths last and we had an intense debate about the circumstances of dating/dumping a guy that smokes or some shiet like that.

Brandon shouted me and Christine a soft serve and fries :) Richard and Brandon are so cute HAHA.

Sigh, I can't fucking do science, fuck me fucking dead I'M SO SICK AND TIRED.

8:56 PM

Monday, September 5, 2011

11:14 PM

you're an idiot

Sigh, I'm looking at all this genetics evolution shit we have on moodle and there is sooo much and my topic test is on Wednesday.

Today was a pleasant day, but it's only going to last until tomorrow. Then it's back to cold and rain. Naive people amuse me.

Food tech. I seriously, despise that lesson. I want to drop it so bad GUH I can't wait.
Missed out on sport to listen to surf lifesaving something, and it was generally quite interesting. I shall immerse myself in a rip when we go to the beach. I'm so excited, it sounds really fun and we'll be with our sport group (Y)
Science, of course we get the crappy topic. Not the best way to end our junior science.
Maths was GUH I can't fucking do congruent shit, fuck me. Gave up on homework as well.

The number of things due in the nearing future has not yet dawned on me, so I'm not doing anything very productive except science notes, which I shall finish tonight. Probably not.

I enjoy others' regret.

Day 14 - Longing
Longing and hope won't get anybody anywhere.

8:25 PM

Sunday, September 4, 2011
four, tres, two, UNO

LOL JESS I love Fergalicious. I shall sing with you tomorrow.

Last night was eventful. Not really, I was playing solitaire the whole time. I'm doomed. And I slept so late, when I should be catching up on sleep.

I finished Bloodlines this morning, and I actually really like it, though I miss Rose's perspective very much. I'll go back and read Vampire Academy when I find the time.

Now it's time to do geography and maths and science, all due tomorrow. If food tech was due tomorrow... /suicides.

10:04 AM

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I'm just watching 17 Again, again and gah Zac is so amazingly good looking. So much more boyish back then. Obviously I'm not working, but the movie has put me into a good mood (Y)

Oh, it is my 600th post.

8:47 PM


If only today's challenge was anger.

Sigh, fell asleep on my book last night, and I woke at 5am with the lights on and my book on my face. Or my face was on my book.

Multicultural fair today. I ate a lot. Spent ten bucks on two rounds of the round-up ride. Yeah that's all I'd want to remember.

Now I think I should complete my mounting load of work to keep myself calm.

7:03 PM

Friday, September 2, 2011
Do or die

Today was depressing.

I'd like to leave it at that but I have this compulsive disorder to accurately recount my day. Sort of. Anyway.

PE first and we continued our game of cricket rounders or whatever. Our team tanked it :)
Geography, Ms Dunn ditched us again far out, we have the really tedious social science sub till the end of the term. SHE'S SO ANNOYING and my mofo piece of laptop shit was lagging sooo incredibly badly.
As usual, I cannot recall our maths conversations. Something about the formal and my arranged date. ERIC, DIG A HOLE AND CRAWL INTO IT. You're so mean to me, DO YOU NOT KNOW ME AT ALL?
Lunch was the saddest shit ever. Michelle and Audrey told our groups that they're transferring to Ruse. Finally we can speak of it. Yeah so while we were being emotional, some fucking senior starts playing her piano and it's all this depressing shit which totally suited the current atmosphere of the hall but OMGAD SHE WAS SO STUPID IT WAS LIKE BEING IN A MOVIE.
Continued through science, so Ms Smyth let us slack off. I swear, Christine should've died from dehydration.

Day 13 - Hope
How ironic I must talk about the emotion that's eating me now. Hope goes two ways. You get what you want, or it ruins you.

4:44 PM

Thursday, September 1, 2011


It's the first day of spring. That means it's one season closer to summer. I can taste the glorious-ness in the air. Lol I'm a retard.

Religion first. I'm tired of listening about war. I've also come to realise my selfishness, which I frequently enjoy indulging in.
Food tech next which was a bludge because we attempted making flowers out of sweet potato, carrots, radish and zucchini. Which caused us to begin singing Genie LOL. This food/fashion night is going to die. At least our cooking part. Davies may have a breakdown.
Science was fun, except we got our group assignment thing, which actually may be fun until we really get into it. I just remembered Ann Wen was allergic to coconut and pineapple, which is a shame because I was just eating some pineapple and it was yummy.
PE last and it was super fun because we played rounder cricket or some shit like that. Yeah but I I discovered my hand-eye coordination is crap with tiny balls.

Me and Christine gave in to our Easyway cravings. Sigh, I was actually not spending money for a little while. Maybe a week.

Day 12 - Hatred
Everyone, myself included, uses the word 'hate' so often it's lost its meaning. Lots of words have lost meaning over time, it hardly seems genuine when someone appears to mean it.

What the fuck is wrong with my articulation?

8:13 PM