
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Forget me

Alrighty I'm feeling quite accomplished today.

I'm really really bad at riddles. Like, me and Christine are beyond stupid LOL.
Commerce first which was super fun again, because we obviously didn't do work. I don't even remember what we talk about. I might actually miss that class next year.
Food tech which was boring because the class were voting on the dishes to cook and it was just arguing back and forth so I watched Devil Beside You and MIKE IS JUST SO OMGAAAAAD. LOL Audrey got a Tamagotchi named Eroc I think. It's the ugliest one, with huge lips.
SAIL, idagffffffff.
English last and we got through 4 more chapters of LOTF. Only 4 to go I think. I think I'll try do English notes over the weekend, assuming I can get geography done GAH.

We finally figured Genie out, after aaaages and it's finally coming together, but now we need to freaking work on Abracadabra FML. Then worry about costuming. I swear to god, if we did all that practice today for nothing, as in we don't make it through auditions, I'm gonna fucking punch those prefects' faces in. Anyway, ate Maccas and saw a guy that looked freakishly similar to Ricky.

I always say, right about now, it's time for me to work. Though I rarely do it. Like last night, I rage quit and sat brooding for a while before deciding to get myself together. I managed a page of PE (Y) Now it's time to finish the other page. Loljokes.

I swear as soon as I sit down to work or the computer, my mind shuts down and I'm about to fall asleep.

Day 11 - Pride
I'm quite a proud person. Most of the time, it's humorous egotism, but I generally am. I can't explain pride. Maybe that means I'm too proud to know or admit it. Jesus, what am I on about?

6:57 PM

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
never quite enough

Just came back from an Indian restaurant which was such a disappointment because the food was sooo salty I wanted to die. I'll just go to the food court next time LOL.

I do not understand my exhaustion.

English first and we've got all our notes for LOTF and now I got to reassemble them to my liking which is going to take me foreverrrrrrr. Just like Much Ado and Eliot OMGAAAAD.
Maths which was our trig/probability test which I did ATROCIOUSLY in, it's hideously shameful, I don't even want to think about it. GUH SO HUMILIATING.
I don't even remember what happened in commerce. I think we did skits. Hindmarsh' has such nice blue eyes.
History, I just watched Devil Beside You 8D

Bus was blissfully empty, which was quite foreign, but meh. Then I went to Dymocks and I saw Bloodlines was out and I was just about to buy it for $20 until I realised K-Mart most likely had it for heaps cheaper and I was right (Y) Paid $14 and it's pretty boring, but I feel obligated to myself to read any spin-offs or whatever of my favourite series. I also found a spin-off on the Cherub series, 'cept I never bothered to finish that.

Went to curry restaurant in Thornleigh for my dad's name day. Yes you read right LOL. Europeans. Anyway, it was a disappointed and I only just got home and I got sooo much to do and Lisha gave me FIVE PAGES ON DATE RAPE. Mofo.

Another late night ahead for me.

Day 10 - Anxiety/Nervousness
I'm probably more anxious than I realise, I just mentally cover it up with other emotions. I'd link my anxiety to insecurity. Nervousness on the other hand, only truly come around during speech time LOL.

I don't know what I want.

9:23 PM

Monday, August 29, 2011

I love Bruno Mars, his voice is beautiful. I'm watching the VMA's and he's doing his own rendition of some Amy Winehouse song. Far out, I hate how all of a sudden, her talent is being recognised now BECAUSE SHE DIED, JESUS HUMANS FUCKING SUCK. Hypocrite.

Anyway, today was Eric's birthday, which I'll dedicate a paragraph to later. Watched Devil Beside You on the bus and train EHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE /dies. I'm still singing Ai Mei and Li Xiang Qing Ren.

Mary Armstrong finals, so we got to miss English, except I brought my laptop, sigh. It was really boring, most of them, and this Year 8 chick was so fucking philosophical or some shit, like, all the younger grades were using language that I am sure, they could not understand and they just used Encarta or some shit. BUT LISHA WON WITH APARNA RUNNER UP AND HOLY SHIT SO PROUD OF OUR CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sport is seriously so boring :(
Science where we drew crazy diagrams of the nitrogen and carbon cycle, and Ms Smyth's drawings were so beast, she did them so fast.
Practiced in the hall for once. Genie is atrocious, I can't even...
Maths and I did good for my trig (Y) So I only got probability to worry about tonight GAH.

Gave Eric his present :) Then he came over to my place and thankfully, our presents fit. Happy Birthday, my lovely boy. I'm acknowledging your perception of your own gender, which will only ever happen once a year. You're one of my best friends, and it will remain that way, I assure you. Best wishes.

I think it's time I begun work. Oh god, it's almost 7. This post is taking ages.

Can I say how much I hate reality TV? The Hills, Kardashians, Jersey Shore, ANYTHING THAT MTV AIRS. It's so fucking disgusting, I wish they'd die. They don't deserve the tiniest piece of shit because that's how they want to live, and shame themselves to the entire world. Fuck them.

Day 9 - Betrayal/Trust
I don't understand how trust is really a feeling, but I think anyone can explain what it's like to have been betrayed, even the smallest thing, like not being able to keep your mouth shut. And then, obviously betrayal is linked to trust because you would've trusted that that person would not... betray you. What is this shit TT

6:17 PM

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Posting mainly for the purpose of doing my challenge and squealing about Mike He OMGAAAAAAAAAAD. Yeah I called Carla when she was in the midst of watching which prompted me to watch and I'm up to my 9th episode. Sigh, haven't done anything since 2, which was when I finished LOTF work after 3 hours /facepalm.


Anyway, I'm planning to have a late night tonight. Got plenty of stuff to keep me occupied.

Day 8 - Guilt
In my opinion, regret is the worst emotion out of all, but since it's not on the list, guilt comes pretty close after, because they're both similar in the way they're provoked and the mental effects of them. They're similar in their emotional intensity. I'm usually feeling guilty after I say something in a fit of passion. It usually appears a minute or two later, although that sounds more like regret. I can't really distinguish the two. This makes no sense.

If only.

8:57 PM

I went to bed at 9 yesterday LOL. I think staring at a computer is starting to affect me. Sigh, the times when it wasn't invented.

It's a really lovely day today. Shame I'm spending mine with the Lord of the Flies >> I finished the book last night, it was kind of anticlimactic.

Oh my gosh, I totally forgot to mention that yesterday, we saw Aidan's brother at USyd. At least we thought it was him.

I always think I have something worthwhile to say, but I usually don't.

11:33 AM

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Slow things down

I had a very good day today, and I need to stop beginning my posts with what sort of day I had.

Yeah so I went USyd Open Day today and I had to wake up at 7 to catch a bus to Christine's. Slept at 1, I was a zombie (Y) And I had two egg and bacon sandwiches for breakfast OMNOM, it kept me filled for a long time.

Anyway, got on T62 and I was about to sit down until I saw Eric on the bus and I was so surprised I think I nearly tripped. I was quite mind blown. He was on his way to Audrey's obviously :L Now I think I can walk to Audrey and Christine's houses. Christine's dog loves me :) Gosh, we left really late though, like 10, and missed the train from Eastwood so we had to catch an express. LOL there was a Zoo magazine just laying on the floor and the cover had this chick with ginormous boobs and this guy was just staring at it. Shameless.

We were such noobs, had no idea where to go at Central, but we found the shuttle bus. Since I was standing on the bus, I couldn't see like, buildings and shit because I was too high up and I saw this beautiful green lawns and I was like 0: we have a Central Park! And then I realised it was USyd and then I made up my mind that I was going to do whatever it took to go there because the campus was just so amazing, it blew my mind. It was like a modernised castle.

Got lost in the beginning as well, and while we were exploring, we came across free chicken rolls, which were disgusting. OH the first thing we did was extract the DNA out of strawberries which was really cool. The DNA was like this gooey glop Ms Smyth was talking about. I think we just got some booklets and then we went to four lectures; chemistry, commerce, advanced science and law. Law was so boring, I actually dozed off, but business/commerce sounds really good. Then we went back and collected more books for ourselves and friends and my bag was so heavy.

Met up with Tanya and Renata, and would've also met up with Sylvia and Anika except they left early. Took the bus back to Central and we had to wait half an hour for Pepper Lunch Happy Hour. However, it turns out Happy Hour started at 2pm, not 4. Anyway, we got Chatime and then Pepper Lunch and went to Chinatown. There was this really awesome dude who would look at your side profile and quickly cut it out REALLY INTRICATELY (i.e. hair etc) on sticker paper and give it to you and IT WAS SO AWESOME and me and Christine wanted to get ours down but we were afraid our side profiles were ugly and the guy also holds it up for the audience to compare, so we decided not to :/ Oh my god and there was this example one he had on display that looked like a bald Keshani. I died.

Went to Mizuya and got a green tea soft serve and then it was time to go home. And now it is time to get on with work. Next Saturday is UNSW Open Day. Kinda ceebs to go, because I have so much work to worry about, I can't afford to waste another Saturday.

Day 7 - Competitiveness
Things can get really ugly with competitive people. I don't see the need for it, unless it's actually some hugely important issue that could change your life or whatever. Or you want revenge on someone and feel the need to show off and be better. I don't know, I'm rarely competitive, or if I am, it's with friends, so it's never very serious.

7:10 PM

Friday, August 26, 2011
Inglebert Hunpertink

So today was very ... emotional.

Got to the bus stop and station super duper early and we were all in wedges LOL. Yeah very glad I brought rabens. Anyway, english first which reminds me of all the work I got to do over the weekend. I'm not even going to be home tomorrow FML. Oh we also found our subject lines and I'm quite excited to not be in any of my classes with my group, but I need to work independently now. It probably won't work out. Maths first and we did our trig topic test which was not too bad, just got to study probability for Tuesday omgad >> There were lots of yummy lollies, but I think we spent the lesson discussing our subjects. History, we got our Vietnam tests and we all did pretty well. Most of us :L History LESSONS are actually alright because we muck around, when we're not asleep. Just like with all out classes I suppose. Geography last and we did a practice SC test which was really easy, except it was only the multiple choice part.

Sylvia and Tanya came with us to Audrey's house, and Anika and Jina couldn't make it, retards. Anyway, Tanya and Sylvia are bad luck, the buses were so late and I was so hungry I was about to eat someone. FINALLY got to Audrey's house and we stuffed ourselves with leftover sushi ingredients piled onto cruskits nomnom. Except we ate too fast and I had a massive tummy cramp but that's okay. I think we danced until our pizzas came and far out, Chrisine kept burping and me and Sylvia got horrible stach aches because we couldn't stop laughing.
LOL karaoked after and my voice is hoarse rn, I have to drink tea. So Tanya and Sylvia left so us three had a DNM which was emotional and then I had to go home TT

Now I feel like passing out and this post is taking me so long because my sister's mofo iPhone sucks BALLS.

Day 6 - Jealousy
Jealousy is nothing more than a fear of abandonment. It lives upon doubts, feeds upon suspicion. There is no greater glory than love, nor any greater punishment than jealousy. It is the most dreadfully involuntary of all sins, the only vice that give no pleasure. Jealousy is a keen observer, but looks for all the wrong signs. The jealous know nothing, suspect much and fear everything.

As you can see, I collect quotes and made a paragraph including them (Y)

10:00 PM

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I can feel it slowly deteriorating.

7:50 PM

Games day

AWESOME DAY. Plus the weather was excellent.

So it was Year 8 games day and me and Christine missed roll call to buy food nomnom, and then we caught the bus with SYLVIA to Penno Park. Can I mention that our group was pretty beast? That's probably why it was a good day, I mean, if they kept losing, I'd be like TT

Netball was first, which we smashed them easily in and it was progressively getting warmer. Then volleyball and we totally won that too and it was soooo sunny with no shade omgad, I hope my face isn't burnt D: LUNCH and me and Christine and Anika were like animals, shoveling down chips and sushi and cruskits and corn and tuna and citrus Schweppes. Soccer last and we saw Mason's girlfriend who was not very attractive I must say. Christine cut her knee and we FUCKING SMASHED NORTH SYDNEY. The last game was more intense though, but then Bianca scored just in time (Y) Yeah they're fucking tank.

Trekked up to Penno station and we got to Towers just before 3, except then I had to wait for Carla for an hour >> LOL we left our bag at DSW and I was eyeing this chick with the same bag who came out of the same store, cause I was afraid she stole our bag. Stayed till 6 and I didn't buy any food! Except now I'm scarfing down lasagna which is so delicious.

Maths test tomorrow. And mufti. And Audrey's house. And SydU open day on Saturday.
Guh lots to do for the remainder of the night.
Also my hair is falling out at an alarming rate.

Day 5 - Loneliness
God, so many terrible, yet common emotions. Loneliness would be leading up to things like anger and depression. Unless you're an introvert, being lonely or feeling alone would be one of the most horrible experiences. I become easily attached to people, so scratch me being an introvert, I can't stand being alone unless something is bothering me. I feel anxious and bored and then I'll tend to think and then thinking becomes overthinking and before I know it, my brain has exploded. Then you know, there's the existentialism theory about the paradox of human yearning to have a meaning in life that still conflicts the nothingness of the universe, known as the human condition (Y)

6:53 PM

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Awesome day today. Thankfully, the warmth progressed throughout the day to point where my jumper came off ;)

English first and holy shit, we have so much on LOTF but it's only the first mofo chapter omgad. And I have to complete our chapter summary by Monday, while preparing for maths tests on Friday and Tuesday and then do our PE summary as well OH MY GOD FUCK ME DEAD.
Commerce, and I think we're getting somewhere. Ramadanyallahabibimohammedalibaba LOL.
Science was quite fun. We split up into groups for our energy future syllabus and made this pree cool poster and gave Ms Smyth a badge saying 'Property of 10Q'. We're like possessive parents.
SAIL, I'm not progressing obviously, but our conversations are always interesting.

After school, I got one of the new McFlurry's Michelle told me about, and it was disgusting oh my god DO NOT GET THEM. Then we went to Coles and Madam Hoo and we must've spent like, 20 minutes in Bi-Lo deciding what food to bring for Games Day tomorrow and we didn't end up buying anything LOL. Christine walked home with me, it was really warm and I couldn't stop laughing.

Sigh, I do think I should do some work. And apparently, food tech will be due before the Food Fashion night which is very very soon.

Day 4 - Happiness
Happiness is very short-lived.

4:43 PM

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I seriously just love this photo so much and I'm still reliving how awesome Vietnam Day was and getting annoyed at Tanya's immune system that prevented her from coming.

I should get back to work.

8:54 PM

split your soul

I don't understand why it's so cold. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WEEK OF INTENSE HUMIDITY? I need summer. I yearn for summer. Summer is like my missing half. I'm INCOMPLETE.

Anyway, of course I ceebs to do work, but my horoscope says I'm too distracted to focus on anything and I should just do research. Shut up, I'm not strange. Nomnom I got a pork roll today, and it's seriously so filling, I wasn't hungry at all. Unlike Audrey and Christine who are doing the 40 hour famine LOL.

History first which is just so unbearable omgad. I have no words to describe it's unbearable-ness.
English, we did the desert survival thing and our group was so fail, got all the completely wrong ranks LOL. CHRISTINE WANTS TO STICK SALT TABLETS UP HER ASS HAHAHA.
Far out my computer just fainted in commerce, but I think we're progressing with the assignment, except I feel bad since I'm not artistically-savvy so my only job is to find sound effects.
Somehow, I never remember our conversations in maths, despite their interesting-ness.

Bus was fun LOL. The man that replaced Sandy and the guy that replaced the man that replaced Sandy looked like Bruno Mars HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. And Mason's head looked like a mushroom. And Margaret had strawberries that Christine couldn't eat.

Raisin toast is so tasty. I'm hungry now. Sigh, slept so early last night, went to bed at 10. But tonight, I will actually finish research for something. Maybe history but OMG I need to do food tech FML.

Oh also, I was just on SMH and saw this article about how Australia wasn't banning Human Centipede 2, and it was saying how it didn't ban this SERBIAN torture porn film, The Life and Death of a Porno Gang. Yeah, just saying.

Day 3 - Sadness
Indicated by crying. I think being sad is worse than being angry. When I'm sad, I feel helpless, especially to myself which is horrible, because if you are helpless to yourself, who else could ... help you? I have no idea where my articulation has gone. Ricky's contagious. But then sadness is good, because when you're in that state of lethargy and depression, it gives you time to reflect or whatever, so it's like a healthy response to whatever situation that caused the emotion. And then as everyone says, without sadness, we wouldn't know happiness.

4:49 PM

Monday, August 22, 2011

Hello children. It's almost 8pm and I haven't started working oho. Well I finished maths but that's not even important, except apparently, we have a test on Friday and next Tuesday (Y)

FAR OUT M60 was super duper late this morning so we caught a crappy 633 which decided to break down just before Pennant Hills Road and we missed our train and it was so gay because Jake wasn't even here, which just goes to prove that without him, my life is full of bad luck. On the other hand, Fluffy was so adorable I wanted to just kiss his face off.

Food tech first and it was so hectic and fail, stupid baking paper. The assistant didn't think to buy any so me and Carla had to use USED ones, then found this new roll which made the tuiles stick to it omgad. And there were so many dishes and we completely missed recess, but that was okay because I ate so much food people made nomnom.
Sport and I scored a goal in futsal (Y) But far out, for table tennis, the guy made me help demonstrate and I couldn't even serve properly and it was very humiliating.
Science, we finished our debates which were beyond bad, meaning we finally finished our genetics topic. So we're moving on to energy future >>
Maths last, which was not very productive I must say.

Sigh, what an awks bus ride with -ahem-. But then I laughed so hard at someone's pronunciation of nougat as 'nooga' and I spat on Christine from laughing and then my tears dropped onto her trackies LOL.

Me and my mum walked to Coles. It was funny, I was singing to her the entire time. And I just remembered what a bad night last night was. Thank you.

Now I think it's time I started work.

Day 2 - Anger
The emotion I feel most often. There's not even a particular reason for why I get angry so then I get more angry at myself and then I feel depressed that I'm such a horrible being. It's a scary emotion. I think it's the cause behind most criminal activities, beside boredom and plain crazy.

7:45 PM

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Nobody understands.

10:16 PM


Sigh, I've been working for about 3 hours with Audrey and Christine and progressed with nothing. I love my life.

OH MY GOD I have been eating so much I want to puke.

Okay so I think I'm only posting for the purpose of starting my new challenge, so I shall do that now and then try progress. WHY IS THIS SO HARD FOR ME?

Day 1 - Love
I hate talking about this, because talking about love is talking about cliches and things that make me want to crawl under the table and hide because it's so revoltingly typical. Well, this is too vague. Love sucks. Love sucks unless it's reciprocated, and for the majority of humans, it usually isn't. Even then, when you're tied together in ridiculous infatuation, there are still those horrible emotions lurking about, which are fundamentally jealousy and mistrust. I don't think there's ever such thing as a healthy relationship.

3:30 PM

15-Day Feeling Challenge


Write about whatever you want about these feelings.

Day 1: Love

Day 2: Anger

Day 3: Sadness

Day 4: Happiness

Day 5: Loneliness

Day 6: Jealousy

Day 7: Competitiveness

Day 8: Guilt

Day 9: Betrayal/Trust

Day 10: Anxiety/Nervousness

Day 11: Pride

Day 12: Hatred

Day 13: Hope

Day 14: Longing

Day 15: Self-confidence/self-hatred

1:51 PM

Saturday, August 20, 2011
As time goes by

Okay this is my third post; a representation of my sad, unsocial life. And in fact, I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina, Finding Nemo and I'm watching Harry Potter now and I want to watch Singing in the Rain after but there's some 50 greatest scenes of whatever of HP and it ends at midnight and I should sleep then.

Obviously I got none of the work done oho. I hate myself.

This post has no purpose.

10:20 PM

Dream maker

OMG I have this desperate need to go watch the films of Hollywood's Golden Age OMG. Because I've spent my afternoon Youtubing the songs instead of working AND I NEED TO WATCH THEM RIGHT AWAY. I think I will do that all night tonight.

2:28 PM


I don't understand why I never take the opportunity to sleep early on Friday nights, since I slept at 1am again, and then I had this strange dream where me and Anika went to Sydney or Macquarie University and found dead bodies for medical experiments which was really D: Then I went to Italy. That was about it.

Sigh, had a huge brunch which consisted of a homemade cream cheese gozleme, a toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a slice of brownie, a cup of tea and a cup of coffee. Last night, I realised it was 40 hour famine and I was just planning to spontaneously do it, but I highly doubt I have that much self control.

Oh look, it's started storming again.

Anyway, for today's plan, I will finish geography because it's the easiest thing, and I should make a move with food tech, read LOTF. Oh and maths. I should redo probability and trig for our upcoming test. SO MUCH TO DO. So little time.

I found the first 4 chapters of Bloodlines last night, and it was pretty gay. But I have to read it anyway. Now it's the last day of my challenge and I am going to end it with an un-epic answer.

Day 30 - Have you learned more about yourself by answering these questions the past 30 days?
No. I have a feeling I picked this challenge because I knew I could answer the questions, or I had some idea of my thoughts on them. But judging the way I answered them, it didn't really show a great understanding. Perhaps I was just ceebs. Perhaps. That's an interesting word.

12:21 PM

Friday, August 19, 2011

Emotional turmoil.

10:55 PM


Such a tiring day today. I stayed up till 1am doing English because I'm an incapable loser and I slept in almost an hour this morning. I was pretty much a zombie, and I don't think my coffee helped immensely.

PE first which woke me up and we played benchball and dodgeball which was really fun. Ganging up on Joumana. Gang banging (Y) jokes.
I can't wait to drop geography next year, omgad.
Ew had Drybra for maths, I was so D: when I walked into class. But thankfully she didn't really bother us but OMG she's such a bitch, seriously. She's so nasty.
Had Sztajer for science and listened to pretty shit debates. I think everybody just winged it LOL.

Stayed with Ricky at Epping after school. I hate that place, it's so dodge. BUT EEEEEEE EURO GUY. Anyway, the traffic was crazy. Out of all days...

Oh but my mum made brownies and we had chocolate-covered strawberries and now I'm about to go eat instant noodles. That's my second one this week so I won't allow myself to consume that for another fortnight.

Sigh, I wonder where my energy has been hiding these days. It's probably taking a holiday. And I'm done with this boring introspective challenge which wasn't very introspective at all. I think I got a few more saved. But blog is getting abandoned again so I feel sad if I'm the only one blogging.

OH and Carla, I just went to a random archive on your blog and you were continuously going on about G and it was so LOL.

Day 29 - What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
Honestly, I'd walk around naked in summer and bundled like a fatass in winter. I'd never wash my hair or try make myself look presentable. I'd say whatever was on my mind the exact moment and be much more open about myself. I actually can't think of more. They were probably my priorities, which is a bit sad.

6:38 PM

Thursday, August 18, 2011
It's hard to believe

Sigh I can't believe I'm not doing work. In fact, when I got home, I danced a bit and then watched two episodes of Friends and HIMYM and made myself some instant noodles w/ toast and I just finished reading a bit of City of Glass. OH I must go check Cassandra Clare's blog for more updates 8) I want to kiss Jace so badly. Or replay some romantic scenario between him and Clary with my future man. SIGH.

Anyway, RE first and I'm so sick of cults, and I can never get comfortable in the library!
Food tech; made really fail tuiles and just scabbed food off everyone. It was sooo yummy, but only two people had savoury things so I wasn't hungry till after school and Abi's tartlet was so orgasmically good NOMNOM.
Science and we're going to lose our debate so badly. But our science debates are just informal arguments so it's all good (Y)
PE last and I despise soccer. AND SHIN PADS. They're so disgusting and we also end up doing sport when it's hot. We literally had two practical lessons last term asdfghjkl.

Anyway, I think it's about time I start work. Ann-Wen is my saviour, I LOVE HER. Also got to shower as well and OMGAD MATHS == I think I'll make some coffee. Prepare for my all-nighter.

Day 28 - If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
That is a very good question, and the answer isn't because we don't want to learn. I guess we just don't want to be wrong about something, because making a mistake brings up insecurities about ourselves. I don't think there's anymore to it.

5:51 PM

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
losing the feeling of feeling unique

I would like nothing better than to sleep for the rest of my life.

Pretty Little Liars is so intense. Alright now I got no excuse to slack off with work. I am craving coconut milk/juice and watermelon.

Commerce first and I think we're slowly progressing with our racist assignment. However, it always turns out that these awesome ideas in the beginning don't work out too well so I shouldn't get my hopes up.
Food tech trial. Vicky's frittatas were so deliciously orgasmic. Or is it orgasmically delicious? OMG and Seowoo's cream puff things nomnom.
Wow, I can't believe how fun SAIL was. Since half the class was away for the German/E. History excursion and we got a sub, nobody could sew so the sub let us talk all lesson. Anika, I recommend you do not take VA ever again, your Pringle man LOL. And our childhood drawings of sunsets and horizons. I realised I missed the opportunity to sleep that lesson.
And I regret not sleeping in SAIL because English and reading LOTF killed me. The book is sooo boring, but it's really easy to read so I want to finish over the weekend.

Took M60 home from Hornsby and I was trying to sleep and slumping in every position on my chair. I must've looked like a hobo. OH my mum bought an apple slinky and it's so cool! I remember we had them in primary and it cost 50c for an apple and to 'slinky' it.

Anyway, I think I will shower soon. Then start my English essay omgad. I'm doing so incredibly bad for English this year, it's hideously shameful.

Day 27 - When is it time to stop calculating risks and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?
I can't believe I'm saying this, but the only remotely sensible situation to apply this to is love. BLEH I need to cleanse myself of this cheesiness. I mean, with relationships, it goes one way or the other; happens or doesn't happen. And I guess it's a decision that would only affect you in a very personal way, not some business decision or something that would indirectly affect YOU physically, but affect things like finance which would then affect you. I don't think I'm making sense. I'm catching Ricky's case of in-articulation.

6:30 PM

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Wouldn't it be nice...

I'm so exhausted, I swear I just want to go to bed, but I have plenty of work to keep me occupied. Stayed up till 12 last night, attempting history study with Christine. Omgad then had to leave the house so early to make the early train.

English first and I walked in and saw Ms Sztajer and fainted. She's still wearing the white parka that Audrey also has LOL. Sigh, I think we just studied history or something, probably more Lord of the Flies shit.
LOL maths, the pedo teacher was explaining how to work out the area of triangles to the board. And I basically did nothing all lesson, however I realised I should've slept like Christine, because I passed out in commerce. I'm sure Hindmarsh hates me, always telling me to wake up. FAR OUT got another video assignment which officially means I have work for every subject and OMG THIS IS OUR THIRD MOFO VIDEO IN THESE PAST TWO YEARS AND I HATE THEM SO MUCH.
History test was actually fun, because it wasn't as hard as expected and we didn't move our tables, or rather couldn't, so I just copied off Christine. We all finished with half an hour to spare and yeah, we were silently being amusing.

Bus was so empty. Then me and Eric shared another pide. Oh god, I ate noodles when I got home and they were so spicy, my mouth was on fire and I'm so full I have to go burn this off somehow. I'm also gonna make my coconut macaroons again, and then I have to cook it tomorrow, sigh. Then I got to reduce my ever-increasing pile of work.

On second thoughts, I may fall asleep before I have time to do any of that.

Day 26 - What's the difference between being alive and truly living?
Another ridiculously cliche question. Well the first thing that popped to mind is that you're living when you're not bored, because, I quote Oscar Wilde, that is the only sin for which there is no forgiveness. Then I guess it's making the most of whatever situation you're in to 'live', but it's not right to say someone is not living and simply existing because they're not making the out of their time. Scientifically, the only people who can exist but not 'live' are the vegetables, who are the completely mentally and physically paralyzed people. But then how do you define 'living'?

6:26 PM

Monday, August 15, 2011

Yes, I'm feeling very satisfied right now. I'M SO HAPPY!

So we had English first which was quite a bore because we were studying Lord of the Flies themes. Lolwut I initially wrote Grave of the Fireflies. That was a horrible unit of study.
Sport is fun. Sort of. Table tennis reminds me of me and Christine's awesome ping pong skills from Year 9 LOLOL.
GUH we have a debate for science, meaning that I now officially have work for every subject, fml. And we're supposed to be against genetic engineering which is such a hypocritical position because we wouldn't eat natural foods because it doesn't taste as good obviously, and our only arguments are shit about ethics WHICH IS JUST LIKE CATTLE BAN WHICH PISSED THE MOFO OUT OF ME.
Maths LOL our disturbing dreams, Carla's in particular. Leftover meat (Y) YOU MUSTN'T FORGET THAT. Oh and we got our probability tests back which were hideously bad, except I somehow did the best. I can't answer them correctly tonight, I have no idea what I did wrong.

Quite a shock after school and OMG TAYLOR IS BALD OMGAD IT'S SO UNATTRACTIVE. IT EMPHASISES THE BEAN-LIKENESS OF HIS HEAD. Oh but I saw my Russian guy on the train and the bus ride completed my day 8)

Day 25 - Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
Definitely. Sif I want to be super old and wrinkly and useless. Might as well make life a bit more interesting. Besides, assuming humans advance further, our life expectancy will probably increase, though I don't see the benefit of that. However, if it does reverse, I don't know how much it could drop. Just means I die at 60-70, which is fine by me.

5:43 PM

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sigh, I guess the only thing I can do properly is blog, which doesn't make sense, but it's something I progress in...

Anyway, I hate cramps. And how is it possible that us females have already finished making eggs before we were born? HOW CAN WE BLEED EVERY MONTH AND THEN STILL HAVE ENOUGH TO GET PREGNANT 30 YEARS LATER? WHERE THE FARK ARE MY EGGS?

LOL Tanya, I apologise if you get your period after hearing about it :)

Anyway, I spent all morning on maths and I'm pretty sure I got most of the stuff wrong. How I'm going to keep up with extension maths is beyond wonders. Now I think it'd be wise to commence my making choices essay, because it's hard as fuck and I can't keep failing English.

I haven't watched TV in weeks.

Day 24 - If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
LOL sif I'm going to waste my time with my friends. I'm staying home with my family and we can eat a last home-cooked meal and watch movies together and look through old albums and I'll fall asleep with my dog.

3:31 PM

Saturday, August 13, 2011


But yeah, I have like 12 tabs of excerpts and extras and outtakes from TMI and TID and I'm going to keep reading them over and over and over and over and over.

But I should start my work.

8:22 PM


OMG I was just reading Michelle's blog, and totally forgot to recount the day we saw G omgad WUT HOW COULD I DO THAT!

Well it was Thursday 11th and I just got out of the penno toilet and then fainted because as I was walking out, he was getting into the guys toilet. So then we called Carla and it was so lol and his hair isn't that greasy anymore.

Also forgot to mention, George P decided to pay a very delayed visit today.

4:17 PM

Good morning

I was just reading Tanya's blog and I love Singing in the Rain! In fact, I may plan to watch it tonight, after Casablanca (Y) Y'all don't want to hear me rave about how crappy our generation is so I'll skip that.

I should start doing work on Friday nights. There's so much time that I waste, except last night, I was reading Poison Study and it's a very mediocre book, but I'm planning to buy the rest soon. Accumulate my bookshelf :) I love my books. Also, I should sleep earlier on Fridays, but I usually end up sleeping at about 1 and then waking up around 12. Sigh.

For two hours, I continued The Three Musketeers but only managed about 100 pages and I've got 300 to go but I have to return it on Tuesday which is when our Vietnam test is omgad I have so much shit to do FML.

Oh I found those Rio mints Eric has and the grapefruit one is so yummy, I'm probably halfway. There's 56 mints in one container (Y)

Anyway, I've just started my geography assignment, and I think I'll write down my list of work. This may trigger a panic attack.

Vietnam War test
History obituary assignment
Food tech trial/assignment
Working Mathematically test
Geography Aid links assignment
Book Thief essay + Lord of the Flies
PE sexual health factsheet/presentation
Commerce video SOON

Fuck me sideways.

Day 23 - Do you feel like you've lived this day a hundred times before?
Sure. It's like a Saturday routine. Wake late and eat brunch, read, afternoon tea, read some more and then attempt homework when it's already getting dark. Plus watching TV because there's usually stuff that's watchable on Saturday nights.

3:36 PM

Friday, August 12, 2011
It's nothing but dreams

What the hell, I sign into skype and find this ugly-ass skype home ldkfjwipewnpdin IT'S SO UGLY OMG I CAN'T STAND IT FML.

It's so, so, so, so, oh so cold. My arms go numb and I'm so exhausted all the bloody time. I was literally a zombie on the bus and English was unbearable because Lord of the Flies is so uneventful and the library was so warm and I almost passed out. LOL Christine and her cheek marks.
Maths and Tourikis finally came back! Now I can semi-enjoy maths lessons.
History, just, omgad, I cannot wait to drop it and never ever EVER look back at it. It was okay though because half the class was doing the French test so we were spread out and I tried to sleep, but my head numbed my arm.
Geography involved heaps of writing, which I was so unaccustomed to so my writing became a scrawl. Sigh, I don't mind not having my laptop though.

Penno was LOL, talking about toilet experiences and shit like that, and the place kinda did smell like shit too and my mother took us all back and then I had Maccas and about an hour ago, I had a bowl of curry. My only exercise is our dancing, which I'm so reluctant to do because we've been doing it sooo much and it's not progressing and I'm sooo sick of it bah.

I'm not really comprehending poison study, and I'm getting annoyed because I don't the time or setting of the plot, but Valek and Yelena sound Russian to me.

Alrightey, I think I'm gonna go write up a schedule of all my assignments and shit and try to get a start on everything. It's already end of week 4 and everything is mainly due week 7 and oHO I'm dead.

Day 22 - Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?
Whether or not I enjoyed my work, it'd be unlikely that I'd still do it, or I'd do it for a little while, then lose any motivation because it's WORK and just not bother. So I'd prefer less work. Of anything.

Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all.

8:13 PM

Thursday, August 11, 2011
I need you

Hi. I say 'today was a good day' or 'today was shit' all the time, so today, I'll say that it was a neutral day. Lolwut.

Science first and I was so pissed that we didn't do the photo because 1 or 2 people weren't in the class the whole time so Audrey also brought her camera for nothing and I was so pissed omgad. It was an interesting lesson though, and you know, I'd hate to have twins. Fraternal ones are okay, especially if it's a brother and sister but if I had identical ones, I'd shove one back in me.
Guh geography is sooo boring, I tune out to Dunn's voice and sigh, we got another assignment. It's not that hard, but I'll just ceebs to start it. WHICH REMINDS ME, I literally need to write up a schedule of what to do for the next term. Of course, I never had a knack for sticking to them, but oh well.
PE was awesome and it's really good working in a group outside my usual because we actually get things done. And our sketch for sexual health should be awesome broskies (Y) But that just reminds me how much more work I got to do. PLUS someone said we were getting a commerce assignment and if it's another video ... /dies.
Food tech was a disaster.

Anyway, Christine came over with the intention of practising Abracadabra but I only did about half an hour and tired out, so then we youtubed and she started her related text but omgad I don't know what to write. I swear to god, I'm never listening to any of our Lipsync songs ever again after it's over. They're permantly ingrained into my mind.

Shally used melons for her cooking and I really want summer so I can binge on watermelon and then sweat it all out and eat more and sweat some more. It's like the binge/purge cycle (Y)

Day 21 - If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
Technically I don't have one right now, obviously, but I'd slowly deposit bit by bit into my savings account and hopefully it would've accumulated into a lot by the time it's time to find a career. I guess I won't have to work as hard or much. Either way, I wouldn't quit, why refuse some more money?

6:24 PM

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sigh I'm getting there for geography. Probably a third/quarter of the page to go. I'll just continue waffling. Bah, it's cold all over again. My hands are literally ice, I probably wouldn't feel a flame for a second I put my hand on it.

Put my subject selection thing in this morning, except thankfully, it's not the final decision or anything. Meaning I could still change. English first and our Book Thief essay is going to take me ages to do omgad. Which reminds me, I still need to do my related texts, sigh. Commerce was hilarious. Anika snorted from laughing and then Hindmarsh heard her call me a bitch so she had to sit at the front of the class (Y) OMG and when she stretched her arms out and back HAHAHAHAHA. Science which was boring shit cause we still don't have our laptops so we went 212. I swear to god, if people aren't there tomorrow for our photo, I'm going to hunt them down. SAIL last which was quite funny. I might actually miss the lessons later, since I like the class.

Me, Carla and Christine were just staring at some dude who produced this massive tub of noodles out of this bag. Poor guy, we were acting like homeless people.

I hope I sleep early tonight. I'm sooo tired all the effing time. FML and I'm cooking tomorrow asdfghjkl. Why is my mother singing nursery rhymes >>

Day 20 - Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?
This automatically makes me think of WW2, which was pure evil. Actually, I think it's easier to recognize if something is evil. Knowing if something is good, on the other hand, that's never the case. There are only few truly good people in the world who do good, selfless deeds.

8:11 PM

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I just want to say how much I craved cereal and how good it just tasted, and now I'll have some oranges. I think I was showering and remembered I needed to post something but now I forgot what. Maybe it was the cereal thing LOL. Yeah this is a waste of a post.

Okay I've got some things to say to people that I want to remember and thankfully, they're not all rants but yeah. My own benefit.

6:57 PM


I've been in such bad moods, which probably seems like the usual, but I feel more cranky and in the mood to work other people up. I'm in the mood for rambling.

It's so cold again. I hate winter. I especially hate winter nights. Also, I swear caffeine has the opposed effect it should have, on me. I got so sleepy in roll call after I finished drinking. Maybe it's a mentality thing. I'm convinced it makes me sleepier, thus I get sleepy. Except at the same time, I will myself to wake up. Of course the latter doesn't occur.

History first which is so boring. I still can't manage to fall asleep in that class though. Actually I can't fall asleep anywhere except in an area designated for sleep. Like my bed. Or a friend's house.
English was quite fun, because we went to the library and discussed like, possible party themes, which are really retarded, but the reason for the fun. Christine can't come (Y) Which reminds me, I got to finish English tonight.
I got so annoyed in commerce because those stupid computers in the corridor took 20 minutes to load but I had to go back to class by then. Also, Hindmarsh was pissing me off with his opinion on materialism. Seriously, how ostentatious does he think we are or will be?
Maths and I finished my work in class for a start. I can't wait till Tourikis returns.

Ate lots of food after school. Tanya bought a gozleme and me and Eric shared a pide and a pizza and Margaret bought the oiliest cheese naan in existence. She got 10+ napkins and absorbed all the oil LOL. Now I'm in the mood for cereal.

You know, being unique wouldn't be that great. Nobody wants to be the odd one out. Which would actually explain the lack of unique beings. What a fail attempt at logic.

Day 19 - At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
Passionate and alive doesn't necessarily mean you were happy simultaneously, but I'm trying to remember the last time I had a laughing fit. Either I'm not thinking enough (which is a first) or there haven't been any. I don't remember having a good hearty laugh for a long time. OH okay yes, I was on skype with Christine and I was watching the Lord of the Rings voiceover thing on Tanya's blog and it somehow became so funny I laughed to tears. I think I was delirious prior to that so it probably wasn't even funny.

5:30 PM

Monday, August 8, 2011

Today was a good day, I think. Oh, but the bus was horrifying, I hate Normos.

Food tech first and I helped Carla make tuiles which were yummy but we had to burn our fingers to get them into a nice shape. Just spent the lesson eating other people's food (Y) Stayed into recess though, I swear our table and the back one always take the longest to wash up.

PCYC and I like futsal, since it's like the exercise with small bursts of cardio and shit. Also, I'm really bad at ping pong. I'm a disgrace to the Asian name.
Science and we got a quiz and LOL we had to draw the female reproductive system. F to the A to the I to the L. We also had another replicate of our baby rabbit. It's like, diseased, it's disgusting.
Lunch and lol the Year 8's are doing a kpop medley as well, to Lucifer and Pinocchio. And our dance is so fail right now. Everything is fail. My life is fail.
FUCKING MATHS DKLJSLDFKJ. Finished homework though so (Y) and Tanya's rainbow cake was really yummy.

Guh I got so tired after school today. And all I've been doing is looking up courses and degrees and I've decided to do a combined degree of science and either law or commerce. The cut-off was like 95 though, and I seriously doubt my ability to get 90+

Alrighty, I think I should try do history because I have no idea what to do for this Book Thief analysis.

LOL I wrote down a script of the Harry/Hagrid thing last night because, of course, I ceebs to do anything.

Day 18 - What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
I'm going to assume I was a child before 10, because 10-12 is technically pre-teen years. Is it depressing that nothing is specifically coming to mind? Okay let's go with these few weeks in Year 3. It was a Friday where we had an excursion to the Castle Hill Show, which is obviously lame now, and that same night, we went to Lollipop's Playland for my 8th birthday. Then the Friday a week after was my friend's party at the same place and then the Friday after that was another friend's party at the same place again LOL. It was fucking awesome, and it was Year 3. No worries back then.

6:58 PM

Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's only 4, yet it feels so late. I hate how the weekend passes so quick. I haven't done anything all day, except read and eat Thai food. Dried figs are really yummy. Oh yeah. Bitch, thanks for ruining my day.

Oh well I did read Gone With the Wind, but since it's 1000 pages long and due last Thursday, I just skimmed and read about half of it.

SIGH I have to do maths homework because Drybrough is a fucking whore. Also have to finish geography and I seriously don't like this topic. OMG I got to do the Book Thief analysis too, crap. I ought to reduce my swearing. I've started feeling really eh when I swear. I probably can't stop anyway. Swearing is practically meaningless now, and they'll need to invent new curse words.

LOL y'all suck.

Day 17 - Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?
That was Grade 5. I think I was super pissed in the beginning of the year because I came to school a week late because I was in China and I was kind of out of what the class did and I think I did something wrong and the teacher screamed at me. That was the first time a teacher did that and I was fuming. Of course, it's trivial now, but I'd still get really annoyed if a teacher told me off, so it's not that different to a current situation.

4:11 PM

Saturday, August 6, 2011
I love you baby

Sigh I'm not being very productive right now so I'll just blog.

LOL I actually have nothing to say. I started my geography essay and that's about it. It's got one line of the introduction. I should probably do my related texts now as well.

I'm distracted way too easily. I'm just watching 10 Things I Hate About You and either I enjoy it so much it passes super quickly or the movie's just really short. I also just realised the recorded HSM3 on my TV got deleted somehow and now I'm sad. OMG also, Vanessa chopped all her beautiful hair off and what's worse is she still looks so amazing with cropped hair.

Okay I'll just publish the post now.

Day 16 - Has your greatest fear ever come true?
No one, nor I, have died yet.

2:38 PM

Friday, August 5, 2011
We could have any dream

IT'S FRIDAY. I got loads of work to do this weekend, plus dance and holy guacamole, my thighs are dying. Need to warm up next time. Sigh, slept at 1am last night cause I was finishing my stupid making choices compositions, which are so hideously crap, I never want to see them ever again.

Guh took early bus today and it was Jeans for Genes day and the bus got to Penno sooo early, so we just took it straight to Hornsby. Bought lollies and then we went to rehearse in the gym and OMG, the pain got worse after that.

PE first and we did netball again and yuck, sweated heaps and had to change back into mufti. We have to do beep test this year dflksjdfklsjd.
Geography next and holy shit MY THIGHS. Oh dear, I have an essay for human rights due next week. I HAVE SO MUCH WORK TO DO, WHAT AM I DOING?
Maths and I despise Drybrough so fucking much I want to chuck her out the window THAT STUPID BITCH.
Science last and we learned about peas and we gave birth to beautiful baby boy rabbit with Sandra and Sarah. LOLJOKES it's so ugly, it's going to give me nightmares.

Got KFC after school and took M60 but holy shit, it took us an hour just to get to Normanhurst, so we got it took about 1.5 hours to get back to Towers.

Anyway it's a Friday night and I got nothing to do and there's no good TV. OH yes I will go watch Pretty Little Liars.

Can I just say, I want to be a lesbian, just so I can bang that seriously sexy chick from BEG.

Day 15 - Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
The way you answer this question says a lot about you. I'd rather never be able to make new memories because I have an issue with holding onto the past and I would kill myself if I couldn't remember anything. This basically shows that I have an uncanny DISABILITY to adapt to change of any sort. And that I'm narrow-minded.

6:24 PM

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sigh, can't believe I'm wasting precious work time blogging and I wish my sister was dead. Fucking ruined my good mood for the day which I now feel un-obliged to recount.

Well, we finally took the late train for the first time in ages and then we did Westpac which was fucking hard I just gave up halfway and guessed everything and then it was food tech which is fucking boring and I can't wait to drop it and then we had science which was pretty interesting learning about our different mutations and then lunch I learned Abracadabra and then we had PE last and played netball but it was so fucking hot and I dislike netball.

Then after school, I taught Carla and Christine and Tanya Abracadabra and Brandon came along and the fitness room smelt like a sewer and then we went food court and I shoveled down curry and a samosa and Eric and Audrey came and we went back to a secluded area in school and practised the dance some more.

Then it was subject selection which was so boring I played on my mum's iPhone and I'm pissed because my subject plan is ruined and now I got to finish this fucking article and kill my sister.

Day 14 - Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?
Depends how you see things. Losing touch doesn't mean completely lose communication, and they'll still be around so I think a friend moving away is worse.

10:05 PM

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

HAHA I'm in a good mood, still because of this weather and I finally waxed and having smooth legs feels so nice and I think I'm gonna wear white socks tomorrow, ew. I have black ones but it looks strange on me. Or I'll still wear stockings but not put them on after PE. Which is last period. Okay I'll just bring socks in case it gets hot.

Anyway, IT WAS A GOOD DAY. I'm seriously feeling very content.

Starting last night, I finally conversed with Aidan, which was very nice, except he slept so early. However, I did not progress with my compositions and I must finish that tonight and I am oh so screwed cause I still got to exercise and shower and probably do maths as well GUH.

Commerce first and Hindmarsh is seriously so annoying. But we were just bitching in class and that's always fun because we're great bitchers. Bitch-ers...bitches.
Food tech and SHIT OMG MY RECIPE HOLY SHIT. Lol I'm really dead. Fucking subject selection. Now I ceebs to go.
I'm progressing in SAIL (Y) I don't dread the class so much anymore, and I like Ms Davies because she generally leaves me alone cause I'm not sewing.
English last and we gave in our laptops and I seriously hate Office 2010 because it's so fugly. Sigh, did groupwork on Book Thief and I hate groupwork. Except apparently 50% of assignment things in college are group based work LKFJSKLFJKL.

I found out the name of my cute RUSSIAN boy! Then me and Christine got a samosa after school and it was so orgasmically good, but now I feel bad for eating it so I'm not eating dinner, which is pasta :(

May I also add, that sexy French guy at our school was NOT SEXY and in fact, pretty unattractive. His voice however, oh that was very sexily suave. Speaking of hot French guys, CARLA I saw MY hot French guy except he hugged like, 3 chicks.

Anyway, I should finish one composition, go out, then come back and finish the other but SHIT my recipe!

Day 13 - Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?
Are you joking? I wouldn't be able to stand myself.

5:23 PM

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Heart Heart

This weather makes me feel nostalgic.

Sigh I just found out skipping is an anaerobic exercise which doesn't burn as effectively but increases muscle mass so I was like D: So I might try running. I usually just jog in front of the TV if I'm bothered. OMG I'm turning into Michelle.

Anyway, took early bus but it was so super effing early and the train delayed so fml. Ricky finally got his slap.

English comprehension first and it wasn't as hard as previous years so I finished with some time left except I ceebs to check it anyway.
Commerce and we've finally moved on from legal studies and it was so boring I'm reconsidering it now as one of my preliminary courses, bleh. Oh but I do like commerce lessons because of our discussions, and today we were just going through our pet peeves. But then Anika got moved to the front of the class, that noob.
History last and we started migrants topic and sigh, our Vietnam test is two weeks from today asdfghjkl.

I didn't see my cute Euro guy on the train, so Eric couldn't identify him. LOL bus, Audrey and Christine want to do some k-pop medley for festivale/lipsync.

I was gonna wax today but turns out I only have two strips left >> I swear I bought more, but looks like I'll have to get it tomorrow.

Day 12 - Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton.
I don't want to be simple. Doesn't matter how happy life will be for me. I'd rather be some estranged person who is smart/wise and will realise troubling things. What's wrong with me?

5:45 PM

Monday, August 1, 2011
On top of the world


Anywho, it was evidently a good day, somehow. Pinch and a punch.

Missed English first period and watched the Mary Armstrong finals and I was so thankful for the variety in speech topics. Lisha and Aparna won OHO our class is fucking awesome (Y) Sigh me and Anika are suffering TVD withdrawal. We're supposed to discuss each new Friday episode on Monday on the way to sport.

It was starting to get warmer and futsal and our team lost LOL. I'm really fail at table tennis, I play like across the room. LOL Year 8/9 with Christine was fucking hilarious. I think we fell from laughter. Walking back to school, it was boiling OMG. But that means winter is ending!

Science and biology frustrates me to the max. Also, Mr Re put me off physics, so if I don't do it, I might do a history and drop it.

FUCK MATHS we have effing Dryborough again /facepalm. She kept coming over to check on Tanya, thus coming to us and it was so annoying. Sigh, we have her for two weeks.

OMG I SAW A SUPER CUTE GUY ON THE TRAIN. He looked Euro :) Bus was fun, me and Carla added six names to our codename text draft and reminisced about G HAHA. Then we got Easyway and I walked home and it was nice because the weather was really mild.

I skipped :) MICHELLE 5 minutes of skipping is equivalent to 20 minutes running. Yeah and then it was nice showering without being freezing as soon as you momentarily stepped away from the water. I can't stop obsessing over the weather.

Anyway, I think I'll start notes on Vietnam because there's loads and we have a topic test on it soon.

Day 11 - Are you holding onto something you need to let go?
I'm always doing that. It keeps me going most of the time. I don't think there's anything I need to let go, but it's not that good holding on either. Usually it's relationships. Year 7 was miserable because I refused to lose my old friends, but look how that's turned out. I'm still doing that now, but I'll just let things run its course.

6:06 PM