
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
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September 2009
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January 2015

Sunday, July 31, 2011

HI GUYS OMG GUESS WHAT? My mum bought me this canvas with the Roman Holiday movie poster printed onto it and I LOVE IT SO MUCH OMG I LOVE THAT MOVIE SO FUCKING MUCH HOLY SHIT.

Yeah and I also watched Princess Diaries 1 and 2 and they make me die with happiness because they're so inspirational and feel-good and I should stop rambling.

Anyway, I got out of bed at 9:30 which is the earliest weekend since like, last term. I did some maths but now I ceebs to do English or anything which I'm quite dead for.

I'm drinking pumpkin soup and it's so delicious.

Tomorrow's August and holy shit I don't even understand how the year could've gone so fast and I'll be graduating and DYING. I should start practising optimism. It'd be much more beneficial. Oh but the weather's definitely improving because it should reach 24 degrees this week OHO. Except it's supposed to rain on Friday which is Jeans for Genes day which is mufti >>

I was feeling good but after this post, I feel very dissatisfied. I think it's because I begin to blog with a purpose but then that purpose slowly dwindles into nothing so I realise how much life I waste but then still don't bother to try do anything about it.

Day 10 - What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What's holding you back?
This applies to everything. You know, crazy stuff like bungee jumping and sky diving and then stuff like sex or scandalous things, but that's more legal limitations. I guess I'd say speaking out my thoughts. Very honestly. But then the world would hate me so no. Oh okay I got it. I really want to dance. Like, just let myself move freely to the rhythm, in public. But there's stuff like dignity and public criticism and humiliation. Haha, stupid answer.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.

3:49 PM

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Loneliness is underrated.

10:06 PM

A spoonful of sugar

Alright I'm in a super good mood BECAUSE I just finished reading Perks of Being a Wallflower and I turned the TV on just now and Mary Poppins and Sound of Music are BOTH on at the same time and I'm too torn because I love both movies so I'm just switching between the two channels and singing along.

I quite liked Perks of Being a Wallflower. It just seemed like rambling to me, but I think that's what was controversial about the book and it's unique perceptions. What am I on about, you guys aren't interested in this.

So yesterday, I think I was on Youtube for about 5 hours which is unlike me, because I usually have nothing to watch, but I was just rewatching kevjumba and loling. Then I slept at 1am for the first time in like, ages. Maybe a week.

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

Julie Andrews is so beautiful. OMG I LOVE THESE TWO MOVIES SO MUCH OMG. Dude, the merry-go-round scene is so effing awesome. I think that's what attracted me to going on one before LOL. Especially being all ladylike and riding side-saddle.

Anyway, I was planning to start work but I was too tired after reading and work would've put me to sleep. I think bloggers are slowly dying again so I'll be the only person daily spamming their dashboards.

I want some condensed milk.

Day 9 - Would you break the law to save a loved one?
I was thinking to some extent yes, but then I realised if my mum or someone was held at gunpoint, I'm gonna kill the bitch before she gets to my mum. But it's still to a certain extent, like your family, you should be willing to do anything. Others I'd be more hesitant. But killing someone to save someone is probably the most extreme situation, but I think most other things are acceptable. Everything is very circumstantial and I've been saying that a lot.

It's unsettling.

2:26 PM

Friday, July 29, 2011
I can listen to you all day


We went to the BEACH today oho. I was super pissed in the morning, and it somehow had something to do with Sandy, but meh it was super fun when we got there. OMG these bogans were like, fucking screaming insults at us so I started screaming back. They had two dogs though and I was kinda eh about approaching it because it probably would be like its owners LOL. I'm so discriminative. Is that a word? It's underlined red...

Anyway, apparently, Karnups walks a bit like Sandy HAHA. The next stop took like, 5 minutes by bus. If we walked, we probably would've taken half an hour.

By the way, it was BOILING. I was dying in my jeans and jumper.

I think me and Christine went spastic at the third stop. Literally. Racing and quoting the HP thing and I was so hot. LOL mayo cum and fucking hot dogs (Y) I'm quite disgusting. The water looked so refreshing and cool and I wanted to jump in so badly.

We did at stop 4 though :D After singing awesomely on the bus, especially Titanic LOL, I shovelled down my burger and finished our task sheets, me and Christine joined Tanya etc in the water and the swash got so strong, I was wet up to my knees. It was really cold but I think I went numb after a while. It was super fun though, but super gross when we had to try clean our feet/legs and my jeans were wet and still are now. But I'm in my jammies now (Y) It was quite a fun day. You're much happier and more surprised with lower expectations.

I think I've eaten about thirty straws in the last half hour and WHERE THE FUCK ARE ALL THE BLUE ONES?

This was like a long weekend. Missing four consecutive days of school. Then we got to start handing work in >>

Day 8 - If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
I was thinking along the lines of independence and not relying on others and I'd probably still say that now. There's no one you can ever totally depend on, not even your family. I'm not saying be a hermit and think of no one but yourself, because you need to think of yourself a lot of the time, and in the end, you should mainly be looking out for yourself. Wow, I'm really self-centered. I wish somebody taught me independence.

5:06 PM

Thursday, July 28, 2011
It's all been said and done

HEY GUYS! I forgot to say it was Vietnam Day.

Today was actually a really awesome day, though it initially started out pretty crap. I was so tired I felt like I was just limping along and I missed early bus and far out, those fucking St. Leo's are fucking hoes, I wish they'd jump off the bus. Went Woolies and LOL Jenny couldn't sit properly in roll call because of her rice sack HAHAHA.

Yeah congregated at the hall and we watched this boring ass movie about Vietnam veterans and then we did a fashion parade and holy fuck Ivana looked incredible, like a 60's movie star. These veterans also came and they were so depressing. I was looking forward to stories about the actual war but I don't think they could talk about it.

Our first activity was so fun! We made a poster campaigning against war and I thought of the awesome slogan 'War is Gore' and then we had this awesome red black poster with like, dragging handprints and it was fully sick MATE. And we were playing around with Audrey's camera and taking pictures of our class and I LOVE OUR CLASS SO FUCKING MUCH. Jenny was so cute as a scarecrow.

I think lunch and we went outside and head-banged LOL. I was afraid my earring would rip off from my ear though.

Nambus and the really quiet man just talked to me for the whole period and it was a bit awks trying to find an appropriate response. Did you know the jail they had for the Viet Cong was called the Playboy Club or some shit :L

Then we just read this huge ass book on Vietnam and my feet hurt so I changed into flats :L

OMG the last video we watched was super boring except for guys flashing their dicks and asses and LOL there was this soldier called AHEM and his face was zoomed in and the pixels looked like sand LOLOL see what I did there?

Anyway, that was my day and I need to collect the photos off of Audrey and then decide what to wear to the stupid beach tomorrow /sigh.

I don't like the start of my challenge. Either I'm not as introspective as I thought or I'm tired when I post or I have no need to question my thinking and the questions are retarded.

Day 7 - Are you more worried about doing things right or doing the right things?
This is a very circumstantial question so it's not a very good one. I guess both, but doing the right thing comes first so obviously that for me. I mean, what if you did the 'wrong' thing right? It just makes it more wrong, or something. But if you do the right thing initially, but you don't do it right, it doesn't make it wrong. I have no idea what I'm saying.

Love is the most selfish of all the passions.

5:03 PM

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

GUH gay day today. Sort of. I feel so morose, and it's such an ugly word that it makes me feel more morose and I could keep going.

English first and our speeches are finally done and sigh, we're going back to making choices. My two compositions are due next week, dear me. But I'm looking forward to analyzing the related texts because I chose Picture of Dorian Gray and Casablanca so (Y) I think Motherwell convinced everyone to take ext. English. If I get Foster next year /facepalm

Commerce and we almost finished the mock trial which is stupid and we still don't know the verdict. Me and Jess played chopsticks LOL.

Science and I think Smyth just discussed senior science and then we went back to mitosis/meiosis.

SAIL last and bless my sister, helping me do my dresses LOL what am I saying? Anyway, at least I don't need to jig the lesson anymore, like the last three of them.

Went Trade Secret after school and I swear to god I'm so sick of that place because I didn't find anything but I think I know what to wear tomorrow. It's actually very mufti-like; black jeans, white print shirt and my wedges, but then I'll be wearing eyeliner and red lipstick and hoops and attempt to tease my hair. It goes flat after like, 5 minutes.

SIGH I'm so confused with my subject selection, because I'm going to be miserable doing science and social science only, but I don't like any other subject except maybe modern history, but those exams involve SO MUCH WRITING.

Anyway, I got to get my student placement to the place tomorrow and then shower and then attempt some work. I probably won't though.

Day 6 - To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
Well, obviously I control every part of my life, but I guess the actions were influenced by other people/things majority of the time. I'm quite subject to conformity, I don't like being an outsider, so I just go with the flow really. But now, I think I'm thinking for myself more, or trying to be more independent. It'll hopefully be useful my life later.

7:21 PM

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Today was a good day! No idea why, my classes were boring as fuck. Anyway, caught early and I will not chicken out next time Ricky. That's a warning. I finally got a cream donut again, nomnom.

History first and we just signed up for games day leaders but FUCK me and Christine got effing Rachel Lee and her group far out >> If they try to tick me off, they won't be returning home.
English next and got Audrey and Tanya's speech left to go and sigh, still studying Book Thief.
Commerce LOL. Funny shit. We started our mock trial and the defence have stated that Jack and the giant had an affair and it was so WTF but better than lesson. Plus it goes on for another period so (Y)
Maths last and that probability test was so fail.

Stayed at Castle Mall a bit with Audrey and Eric and I found some really suitable shit for the 60s theme but it's so expensive and so not worth it and GAH I have nothing to wear, far out.

Now I'm looking at work experience and I think I accidently sent an enquiry to Macquarie as a student so :/ Meh, oh well. I think I'll have to resort to my dad's. LDSFJSLKDFJSKDL corporate firms are so scary.

Day 5 - If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
To be honest, I wouldn't, because I don't want to live into old age. It'd be pretty miserable. I guess you'd just try fast-forward things a bit, like having fun and then meeting someone. Then when you have kids, you'd have to spend more time with them. I don't know, it's all a matter of balancing and handling time and priorities better than before.

5:06 PM

Monday, July 25, 2011

I hate our generation.


10:04 PM

No no no

It was a crappy day today, besides the fact that it's Monday and I hate Mondays. Guh I must sleepy super early or I will pass out from tiredness.

Anyway, talking about Vietnam Day and shit and I have no idea what I'll be wearing and Guh I'm so ceebs. Jesus our grade sucks. I found Perks of Being a Wallflower at the library and I must borrow tomorrow so I can watch the movie with an understanding and it's Logan Lerman EHEHE he's so adorable, I want to kiss his beautiful face off.

Food tech first and I can't wait till I drop it, honestly. So boring. I was just orgasming over food and I was so hungry omguacamole. Sport second and it was pretty gay and I couldn't understand the Chinese dude with his Chinese accent. Science third and biology is really putting me to sleep, but I think j understand mitosis and meiosis (Y) Yuck maths last and trig hw takes me so long to complete and I don't know anything about probability so LOL tomorrow shall be interesting.

Oh dear, we also got the mock trial tomorrow and
I'm just gonna get pissed off with the proceedings so I won't participate.

Day 4 - Are you doing what you believe in or are you settling for what you're doing?
WTF like this doesn't even make sense. I don't believe in anything. I have to do what I'm doing and that's going to school and learning and growing up. Stupid question and I'm too angry to answer.


8:50 PM

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Screw, this will be obvious, so you're really stupid if you need to struggle to match them up.

I feel as if we're finally picking back up our relationship, and that makes me really happy. I'm sorry about all the drama before. It's taught me a lot.

I liked you more before. I don't know, you've been getting on my nerves lately, for irrational reasons on my part, of course, but I'm seeing you differently.

We've lost touch quite a bit, but you've taught me some reasonable things about friendship, and I'm putting faith into what you said and hoping that it still applies to us. Thank you for forgiving me.

Things are obviously tenser between us, but you had to see that coming.

I'm glad I got to know you. Sound familiar?

4:27 PM

My daddy thinks I'm fine

SIGH sleeping pattern already dead. Couldn't get out of bed till 10. I had marmalade on toast and it was quite yummy, it tastes like this weird citrus tea I have which is just honey and orange zest (?) and you mix in water. Except it's on toast. I love toast.

It's actually still pretty early in the day, I've just been reading the Three Musketeers and I have sooo many books to read OMG, what was I thinking, I got work to do as well.

I was thinking of doing dedications too, but they always seem too obvious to me, and I don't have enough energy to bother putting in effort to make them difficult.

THIS ONE IS FOR THE BOYS WITH THE BOOMIN' SYSTEM AND OMG THE SONG JUST CAME ON. OMG I HAVE AWESOME LUCK OHOHO. Yeah I can't multi task if I try to sing that song, otherwise I mix all the lyrics around. At least the rapping verses.

Nicki Minaj has the biggest ass I have ever seen. No joke, they needed a lot of Photoshop to edit her MVs.

Now I'm in a good mood and will resume reading :)

Oh and apparently Amy Winehouse died yesterday. and I love her song, Rehab. Just saying (Y)

Day 3 - When it's all said and done, will you have said more than you've done?
Alright this confused me for a long time, and it doesn't even make sense because the original idiom/proverb means like, when everything's considered and settled, so what the hell. But applying to my life, I say a lot more than I do. I'm not a woman of action.

3:42 PM

Saturday, July 23, 2011
I understand

Hey guys. Today was an alright day, except I didn't get up till arvo. Actually, I read Shadow Kiss all morning and OMG I found out Stephenie Meyer might be writing more Twilight books with different characters. WHAT THE FUCK. For her sake, I pray she won't.

Anyway, I binged on brunch. Mi goreng, toast and pumpkin pie w/ custard. Oh dear lord, that is a lot.

I actually did my maths homework :D It took me till now to finish but I've seen three movies today, in my defense. There's a Tom Hank's marathon right now and I also watched The Last Song which is a pretty crap movie, all the important stuff from the book was erased, but it was okay. LIAM HEMSWORTH IS JUST SO FUCKING ORGASM-WORTHY OMG.

Sigh I'm bored. I should probably read.

Day 2 - Which is worse, failing or never trying?
This is sort of difficult to answer, because personally, I'm a very cowardly person and I can't stand the idea of making a fool of myself so I just barely participate in anything now. Gonna take a lot of me to change that, but generally, obviously never trying is worse, because then you'll never know what you could do or succeed in and now I feel like a page out of a cliche book so yeah, you guys should know this answer yourself.

To be human means to feel inferior.

7:30 PM

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 1 - How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?
Interesting question. I reckon in the way I observe and think about things outside of myself, I'm quite mature or have a different insight to my friends, so I'd say generally old. Maybe 40 if I had to specify. Then in the way I react to things, honestly I should be about 5 years old. I'm ridiculous, but I'm thoughtful so if we average/whatever maths you need to do, I'd be about early 30's. People still have immature ways at that age.

8:03 PM

30-Day Introspective Challenge

This challenge is all about you: your values, your beliefs, your true essence. Answer the questions thoughtfully and truthfully in order to gain a greater understanding of who you really are.

1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
2. Which is worse, failing or never trying?
3. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
4. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
5. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
6. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
7. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
8. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
9. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
10. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?
11. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
12. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
13. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?
14. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?
15. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
16. Has your greatest fear ever come true?
17. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?
18. What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
19. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
20. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?
21. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
22. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?
23. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?
24. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
25. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
26. What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
27. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?
28. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
29. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
30. Have you learned more about yourself by answering these questions the past 30 days?

8:02 PM

Time to totally kick ass

LOOOOOL White Chicks is on and it's sooo funny HAHAHA. Yeah, good way to end a horrible week.

Anyway PE first and I miss practical, it was really fun. We played benchball and dodgeball and won all the guys (Y)

Geography next and OMFG MY COMPUTER FROZE FOUR FUCKING TIMES HOLY SHIT I was so pissed, and human rights is kind of boring because lots of it is common sense and it's basically way to idealistic because it's nothing more than a bunch of words that's never put into action.

Maths and we finally started trig, except we got a probability test on Tuesday which I'm dead for because I haven't done any of the homework for that chapter. YUM there were strawberry clouds and white chocolate Tim Tams and I'm super slow with trig.

Science last and it's so confusing, sigh, but I think I'm slowly understanding.

Rushed for the train and bus was quite fun. SIGH what an uneventful day.


Last challenge day and then I can start a new one :)

Day 30 - Look back on this last month and talk about it
Half was holidays and I guess it wasn't terrible, but not very memorable either. Except for some bits. Sigh I haven't talked to him in a month, but I guess it's not as bothering anymore. Haven't been very productive with my academics. Not much socializing either, at least not widely. Sigh, it actually wasn't very good, only a few things got me through. GUH alright this is the last day so I should try harder but I don't even remember what happened so let's say, it could've been better.

4:48 PM

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I hate this rain so much, and it's only the beginning of this weather.

Religion first and I seriously hate the teacher's hypocritical views to anything that's not Christianity. I mean, because it was probably the first religion, it's not like, the God of religion and it should leave whatever cults to do whatever the fuck they want. I mean, what do you think those groups think of Christians? Yeah I should stop because this is a very controversial topic and I'm also pissed at the fact that I put my head down TWO FUCKING SECONDS TO TEXT and she takes my phone >> Oh and I borrowed Gone With the Wind. I don't even have time to read, what was I thinking?

Food tech and our assignment is so asdfghjkl it's going to take ALL TERM OMG we have so much study that we should actually be starting now D:

Science and those effort grades on our reports were fixed LOL. I hate biology SFM, far out.

PE except I brought my uniform for nothing and we started a new topic on choosing wisely and far out, everyone was so immature about their groups and our topics. Maybe I was in a bad mood and ceebs, because I didn't even care that we got sexual choices. I'm so sleep deprived right now, which is stupid because I've been sleeping before 11-12.

Coles has some power surge so no one was allowed in and the traffic was incredibly bad in the carpark omguacamole.

I have maths to do but I seriously ceebs and I should just start my story or feature article or even notes!

Oh, how I wish for holidays.

Day 29 - If you could be doing the same things you do now, only in your own way, how would a normal day in your life go?
I don't even understand this question. Alright with school, I guess I'd handpick my teachers and learn what I want to learn about. I'd also allow us to go Westfield to eat (Y) OH I'd get a driver to drive me and my friends to school and back because I hate public transport. Sigh, I can't do anything about work because I'm not doing it in the first place. I'd get heaps of time to read! I have heaps of books which are heaps thick that I need to read OMG. Also, I'd have a gourmet dinner every night. LOL this is a stupid question with a stupid answer. Bye guys.

5:10 PM

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
the night is young

OMG it was so cold and wet today and I HATE THIS WEATHER SFM OMG.

Caught early bus except the stupid train was delayed asdfghjkl and then I printed out my speech shit and far out, my roll call was disgustingly warm and humid and Jenny got her braces off (Y)

Commerce first and it was so boring and Anika wasn't here cause she and Tanya did a first aid thing. I wonder when we're doing ours. Anyway, we should win this mock trial. We better. It's so stupid.

LOL I jigged food tech and SAIL because I got the same teacher, sigh. I spent 2nd period alone in the bathrooms gluing shit in and then Jess joined me in 3rd and we just rehearsed our speeches for an hour LOL. Yeah I basically memorised mine.

ENGLISH AND SPEECHES OMG. Effing Lisha went first and she referenced sooo much and talked at a good pace and basically didn't use her palm cards and she was doing the same as me and I was like /facepalm SIGH. I guess mine wasn't too bad, till I stumbled and I just made 3:09 OHO. Yeah, now I feel like this huge fat load of stress is off my chest. I feel so free!

NO Christine, I had a horrible time today. Bus was quite fun, and Jake's garage was open BUT I DIDN'T SEE HIM and I was so devo. Bought KFC and Carla was having pregnant-lady cravings for potatoes LOL. Took T62 and then I must've played Tiny Wings for like an hour while eating Hershey's because I was trying to beat my sister's high score. 96000 dlfjdklfjslfjlkd

Yum, I just had a poppyseed bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon 8) I think I will shower and I want to start one of the challenges but I ceebs so I'll just wait another 3 days.

Day 28 - Would you rather someone tell you the truth upfront but gently, or be lied to to spare your feelings?
I could never give a straight answer for this. It's all going to depend on the situation and I hope, for both our sakes, that the person who tells me the truth has enough sense to know what's appropriate or acceptable for me to know or if I'll be able to handle whatever. But that's only for more extreme issues, generally I'd like the truth.

5:51 PM

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
My Moment

GUYS I like Rebecca Black's new song!

9:45 PM


SIGH I think I need to change my speech AGAIN far out, and then do the plan and analysis but I'm sooo not in the mood, because The Incredibles is on AND THEY'RE SO COOL and I don't have enough willpower to turn my beautiful TV off.

ANYWAY first day of school and it was pretty fun, so devo when I realised it was time to go home. BOARDING SCHOOL WOULD BE SO AWESOME OMG! And then you like, go home for the weekend or just really temporary stay.

Missed roll call cause we were buying Hungry Jack's LOL sorry Jenny. English first and I gave a really crap impromptu and then we studied a bit of Nazi Germany. I still need to find out specifically what an effing gypsy is.

Maths next and OMG fucking probability and it's just so so so boring, but the teacher didn't ask about homework so (Y)

Commerce next and we're doing some mock trial for Jack and the Beanstalk, but me and Christine were just singing and quoting that Harry/Hagrid Youtube video which is so fucking hilarious LOOOOOL. Then we sang through lunch as well.

SIGH history is sooo boring, I'm going to fail this semester, for yearlies and SC :/

Train, bus and CHRISTINE I MADE THE T62! Both of us combined are bad luck. My sister's friend brought her a huge packet of Hershey's Kisses and nomnom, I ate like 6 in a row, and then I had sauerkraut and custard OMG so fat. Then I faked skipping LOL. Like, I just jumped to the rhythm of skipping while watching TV. 5 minutes of skipping is equivalent to 20 minutes of running (Y)

NOW I REALLY NEED TO FINISH ENGLISH AND OH MY FUCK WHAT AM I GONNA DO FOR SAIL? Maybe I'll jig, seriously, unless it's not last period, then I'm doomed. Maybe I'll have to jig food tech as well sigh.

Day 27 - Is there a friend you're worried about? Why do they have you concerned? Do you think they'll be okay?
Honestly, a friend's issue never stays on my mind for long so currently, no, though I know there are some who are going through things, but they're going to fine. Everyone will, once whatever has run its course.


6:34 PM

Monday, July 18, 2011


4:32 PM

Are you the One?

I slept early last night. Before 1 LOL. And I woke around 10 so it's a start. Tomorrow's school and I'm going to die. From sleep deprivation. Did you know you can die if you don't sleep for 10 days? I bet you guys are considering that now.

Sigh, I keep swaying on my opinion for my fucking speech and what I've got right now is apparently gonna go over the time limit so GUH. Then I realised I still had maths and my short story to do, PLUS the fucking journal thing and I'm screwed.

I'm going to eat an apple.

Day 26 - Talk about a moment where you were truly happy. What was happening? Who were you with?
You have no idea how difficult this is to answer, because either I don't remember any 'truly happy' moments or I haven't got any, because I never allow myself to be only content. I'm just going to say the times we went to Dorie's, with Carla, Eric, Ervin and Elaine. It was summer and we just bummed and laughed, but that evidently doesn't last.

11:49 AM

Sunday, July 17, 2011
Tomorrow is another day.

HELLO. I'm in a good mood because I'm not doing my speech and I'm cleaning my room and my wardrobe is so refreshed! Like, I was just trying all my old stuff with my new stuff and it looks so much better so I have renewed interest in my old clothes.

As for my speech, I got a page of shit down and barely actually voiced an actual opinion yet. I'll start later tonight. I think I'll manage to finish FOR REAL.

LOL Christine, EYE am blogging on a daily basis, it's depressing.'

Valentine's Day is such a crap film, but somehow, it's more enjoyable the second time. I like feel-good movies like that. But ew, I can't believe they're making a sequel, New Year's Eve, but Zac Efron's in it so it is very necessary for me to watch.

Sigh I should exercise. I'm so unhealthy. Eating 2 meals a day and sitting on my fat ass in between.

Day 25 - What do you think it means to be a good parent?
I'm basing this off my own mum, because I think she's done a good job, though I'm not necessarily evidence of it. You need to be open with your kids. About everything, appropriately of course, in order for them to reciprocate that. Firmness, not controlling or lacking thereof. It's hard to find a balance. I don't think you should force children in studying, like making them sit down and watching them, but regularly remind them. I think you need to let them explore extra-curricular activities and interests. Don't control their future. After a certain age, the role of parents becomes guidance, they'll recommend what's best from their own experiences, but children need to make their own choices, which should be influenced by parents. You need to trust them, trust that they know how to spend money, or can be responsible in public places and be polite to people. You need to enforce all this before the age of 10. Okay, and for less important things in the general spectrum, restriction of screens: TV, internet etc and MAKE THEM READ FOR FUCK'S SAKES. Nobody reads anymore and it's so important. I'm collecting all my books for my children.

Wow, I have so much more to say which I ceebs. Who thought I'd be passionate about children. Bleh.

3:23 PM

Sigh, I'm sick of the computer. My eyes are being ruined. I can't wait till the first week of school is over.

Let's see, today I watched Gone With the Wind (again), Roman Holiday, Valentine's Day and Killers and now I'm watching HIMYM.


12:19 AM

Saturday, July 16, 2011
gay innocent heartless

SIGH I slept super late last night. Probably like, 2am, since someone fell asleep on me, and then after Gone With the Wind, I just watched both Charlie's Angels movies. AND STARTED MY SPEECH. Only the summarising the policy though, I still don't have an opinion and I swear, I'm just gonna internally rage if all I hear about other people's carbon tax views is 'Julia Gillard is an ugly hoe' and 'Labor is screwing us over' or 'Tony Abbott has a hideous body'. God, I hate my generation. No interest in social affairs or anything that matters. I'd love to see how we'll be the ones to destroy humanity, but I do hope I'm not alive for it. 2012 (Y)

Anyway, I had sooo much for breakfast today. Toast and a huge heap of bread and butter pudding and I was tempted to puke it out because it was so rich, gah. Then I had a bowl of dry Nutri-Grain. No dinner for me tonight. Huh, then I was attempting to read but my mum refused to stop talking to me, so I managed about a page.

OMG me and Christine were supposed to go to Audrey's to do HSM Singstar and our speech LDKJFSLKDFJSLK but Christine had to work, sigh. Well, I swear to God, my speech will be completed tonight or very early tomorrow morning. I cannot work on Sundays, and I have over a thousand pages of books to read.

I think Carla should be back from the snow. Alright, challenge and speech time. BYE.

Day 24 - Are you more social or independent? Why do you think that is?
Oh god, me and Tanya spent ages studying introversion and extroversion and deciding where we fit, but I don't think anyone can just be one the entire time. Probably more leaning towards one and I think I'm more of an introvert. Like 60%. I like to be social and be with friends but then suddenly, I just can't stand human presence. Also, 'independent', I'm thinking of that as more isolated, because I'm a very dependent person, but I generally prefer to be alone and ignore the outside world. I guess I'm pretty subject to some forms of peer pressure, that is unconsciously put on me, but yeah, I don't feel good enough about myself. My confidence levels are very poor, so when I'm alone, I don't need to worry about pleasing anybody but myself. This could just mean I'm selfish.

Love is the most selfish of passions.

3:14 PM

Friday, July 15, 2011


LOL sif, we're over.

10:13 PM

I have never been more grateful for commerce to aid me for this speech.

8:03 PM

There's nothing left to say

Sigh I need a break from my speech, but I think this research is actually beneficial, and I have the rest of the day to decide specifically what to talk about. Anyway, I went to bed SUPER early last night. 11pm (Y) But of course I couldn't sleep till at least midnight, and I ignored my 7:30 alarm and woke just before noon instead but tis okay, it's an improvement.

Huh, I thought I had some things to say but this is a depressingly uneventful post. WELL I can't believe school is back in 4 days and 6am mornings are going to KILL me. I swear, I must've been internally complaining about how slow the first week of holidays were, but then panic settled in and of course, time doesn't seem to work well with my schedule.

Day 23 - Explain your life plan for the next month, then the next year, then three years, then five years.
Month: I'd like to get back into routine, with sleeping and studying, and I'll have to finish SAIL, fuck, ANIKA. Maybe exercise in the last month of winter because apparently, it's good to burn in the cold, somehow. Mind fuck.
Year: Decide a career path for my life so I can start it off in my senior years. Sigh, we're just really going to need a focused mindset in order to get through high school.
3 years: Hum, I'll be 18 so I can drink! Sigh, but I'll probably have a super sad college life so I can go to bars by myself. I should've finish a semester of my first year and if I like the course I choose, I'll continue or if I don't, it'd be a good time to change.
5 years: Must get a Bachelor degree. A boyfriend might be nice, after all that time too. OMG and this is about the time you start looking for your own place. Sigh, adulthood is complicated. Even more so than adolescence.

2:45 PM

Thursday, July 14, 2011
It All Ended.

Awesome day today at Hornsby w/Anika, Tanya, Christine and her brother. Tanya was late, as usual so we Timezone'd while waiting and LOL I totally failed at shooting hoops. Two balls ended up hitting some bar and rebounding back at my head, but they hit Christine instead HAHA. Yeah then we got into the cinema at 10am.

Sigh, I'm not a die-hard fan so I definitely have a more objective opinion of the film and it wasn't very impressive, mainly because it was divided into two parts I reckon. Yeah it was just super boring in the beginning and there was hardly much acting, just heaps of fighting scenes and rubble epickly flying everywhere. OMG it was a bit sad though when everyone started dying, ESPECIALLY SNAPE. You could hear everyone sniffling in the theatre. Oh yes, Dorie sat behind us. Anyway, two hours passed and I was like, wow. IT ALL ENDS in twenty minutes. Yeah it was a bit emotional, though disappointing in the end and we sat through the entire credits, which was like TEN MINUTES LONG MIND YOU, so we can say we watched every minute of Harry Potter (Y)

LOL then we decided to be rebel and movie jumped and went to see Transformers except it was 3D so Margaret (Cai) poked out the lenses of her spare pair of glasses but then Tanya was super smart and decided to get us the glasses from the recycled bins. That movie sucked balls, I started dozing, it was mainly just special effects, so I wouldn't have paid to see it. But two crap movies for the price of one was a pree good deal.

Lunch and Anika left and then the rest of us took M60 back and now I must do my mother fucking speech. I hope the teachers suffer listening to the pieces of crap we had to write for their sake.

Day 22 - How do you think people see you? Be a little negative and a little positive.
I wouldn't want to know this answer from my friends, because I don't think very highly of myself, despite my egotism. I think people will have very mixed feelings towards me, as our relationship progresses. I have two extremes which everyone I know and knows me will experience, unfortunately for them. I'm extremely hot-tempered, it's always going to be a matter of timing with me. You don't even have to say anything offensive or annoying but if I'm not in my best mood, I'll just suddenly hate you. Otherwise, I think I'd be an entertaining person to know. I'm not all mean, maybe 80% mean. I think I'm funny! Yeah, I'm more certain of my negative aspects so we'll leave it there.

Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals.

5:53 PM

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hey, FRIEND. God just stop rubbing that shit in my face alright?

8:46 PM

I love the sound of violins.

Fantastic. It's only afternoon and I'm already pissed off. I hate hypocrites. So. Fucking. Much. Which again is hypocritical of me but I do rather despise myself.

Actually slept before 1am last night and then my alarm went off at 8, but then I ignored it and slept till 12:30. Then I has a huge ass lunch of chicken and rice and cake OMG I'm so full, and I was watching Zoey 101 :)

Sigh, must do work today and FINISH work today. Except the day is almost gone.

Day 21 - Look back. Why did you choose this challenge? Do you think it says anything about you?
Well I found a tumblr that was dedicated to challenges and this was the first one I saw, but then I liked the idea of trying to make myself think about my answers. I don't think I'm really deep, but thoughtful, yes. While you're thinking, you might find out some things about yourself. I like thinking and analysing. God I have no idea what I'm talking about, it's not a thoughtful answer though.

2:08 PM

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Oscar Wilde.

This man is my hero.

8:28 PM

I'm an extremist.

I had an AWESOME day today, or maybe I was just psyched because it was my first outing all holidays LOL. My sad life. Carla, Brandon and Eric, as per usual (Y) Saw Ricky in the morning, completely lost :L

Sigh, missed our train and Brandon made us go Strathfield. We actually didn't do caps today, got too many photos of them three.
I think we bummed in Market City first and we went Galaxy World and them two started racing and it was so humiliating for me and Carla, cause like the dude next to them was racing so smoothly and Brandon and Eric were effing jizzing in their seats and crashing everywhere. LOL then we did the basketball shooting hoops thing and I'm actually pree good.
Then we went Pepper Lunch and then Darling Harbour. OMG the rest of them managed to convince me to go karaoke so we did and it was really fun, except Christine, you should've totes come just for that. Yeah, shouldn't have sung Firework in the beginning. My throat is still eh but it was very fun though, we can go again :)
God we spend so much money on food, went to some sweet shop and had nice desserts, like sago etc, and then bought buns, but the custard was like dough-y. OMG the farking bus ride, far out. We stood in the emergency exit and it was sooo tiring cause we stood for an hour and then people started getting off after the freeway and Brandon and Eric had to get off with them and then jump back on the bus HAHA. Bummed at the library for a bit and I just got back, and I obviously have nothing better to do but blog.

God evidently likes to limit me having a good time, since tomorrow is practically ruined, fucking hell. I guess it'd be an opportunity to do work. Sigh I hate being creative, stupid short story. I'd rather attempt an essay.

There are only two tragedies in life. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.

Day 20 - Again, pick a song that projects the mood of your day or week.
LOL iono, I've been very temperamental this week and I just ruined the end of the day myself. However, earlier was fun, sooo, Livin' la Vida Loca LOLOL. It was fun singing that too :) Yeah, iono, bad answer. Not very deep.

7:32 PM

Monday, July 11, 2011
All I Need

Slept at 3:30 and got woken up at 10:30. My eyes were like glued together but then I had noodles for brunch so that was nice. Then I went to get my passport photo done and holy guacamole I look disgusting. Had to pin back my fringe and make sure my hair was behind my shoulders and then just stare neutrally at the camera. Passports are humiliating.

Then god, I went shopping with my mum and I tried on so many different shoes and they just don't effing fit FAR OUT. But I bought a shirt. Need to figure out what to wear tomorrow. First outing all holidays LOL.

OH Anika, Christine's coming to finish TVD on Wednesday so call me if you can come. I'm assuming you'll read this because you have nothing better to do in the holidays :)

Alright I think I'm set for my speech, just have to put together some articles I don't plan to use and then think of something remotely original or un-cliche for my short story, sigh. OMG they're closing Angus & Robertson at Towers and I HAVE NO PLACE TO BUY MY BOOKS OMG.

Also Audrey, the first chapter of Son of Neptune is out! Except it kinda sucks but go read it anyway on Rick Riordan's site. Okay these two days of challenges are super boring and short so I'll do them together. Then I shall exercise.

Day 18 - Talk about your extended family. Why do you think they are the way they are?
I love my stepdad. My stepsiblings on the other hand. I don't understand why they're not like their father.

Day 19 - If you could be anywhere in the world, but you had to be there for a certain cause, where would you be and why?
This is a stupid question; the cause thing is so vague. I don't want to be anywhere near sick people or where a disaster has happened, so I would maybe go to a huge benefit in Hollywood, which it's basically a formal event where the host/hostess forks out millions preparing their home or wherever the thing is being held at which somehow acts as a charity for a cause. Frankly, it'd be more effective to directly just donate the money on catering and flowers. It'd already be enough.

6:38 PM

Sunday, July 10, 2011
Mack dudes up

I'm so depressed right now, because I just realised how much time I wasted. Like, it was the perfect opportunity to do my speech but no. I was playing piano all day, no joke. But it's quite nice getting out ancient pieces and playing them so much better now than when you first learnt them. Yeah, I need lots of methods of self-satisfaction to keep me going.

Guh I ate two toasted spaghetti sandwiches for brunch and I haven't exercised in a few days. The wind is just crazy.

Vampire Diaries was on TV last night so I watched till about 3 and died. I'm doomed for school. My life is crap. I would've met Tanya at city but I only just woke up when she got there so :/

My stomach has been making really weird noises. Like a few nights ago, it rumbled and I thought I got a text LOL, because I don't feel the weird gurgling noises, if that makes sense. Speaking of sleeping, I had a nice dream last night. I was hooking up with this cute asian guy but he was super big 8)

FUCK school starts in a week. I've never had a more miserable holiday.

Day 17 - Who was the last person you kissed? (If you are still with them now, pick the person before them). What would you say if they saw you now?
Already done with Christine so, Carla. You bum, we still haven't gone out with just us two. I miss the time when you first got your cafe and we lived at the library together LOL. We'll just ditch Eric and Brandon if they're boring on Tuesday. See you soon!

5:44 PM

You stupid hoe. You honestly say the fucking stupidest things which I know is going to trouble you later in life, and that's a very satisfying thought.

5:33 PM

Saturday, July 9, 2011
One for All

Sigh my holidays suck. I haven't gone out with friends at all. It's truly depressing and tomorrows Q outing just died and Anika isn't able to come over with Christine.

LOL last night was fun with Tanya. Actually it was extremely depressing because we were going on about how social lives don't exist in our school and how this generation sucks and we should've lived in the 80s or anytime after the 60s and before the 21st century. Before the intrusion of technology in our lives. I swear it'll be the death of human life, an ironic outcome to the purpose of it's invention don't you think?

Anyway I woke up at effing noon again. Sigh I don't know how I'll manage to get back into routine. And I haven't done any work. I've been reading The Three Musketeers LOL. It's good though so whatever, I'm effectively wasting my time. And I think I have a third of my English making choices thing covered, I decided to use Percy Jackson as a related text LOL. It's definitely about decision making so it should do and fuck it if it doesn't.

Oh wow, holidays are half over. I think home schooling would be a very suitable alternative for me right now.

Day 16 - What are you passionate about?
Nothing to be specific. You give me a topic and I can start an intense argument because I have firm opinions and I like to be right by winning arguments. I guess politics definitely, because I'd love to have my say to those no-good use voices of our nation. I'm passionate about books definitely, in a different way, because it doesn't work me up. I don't know, this is a vague question. Alright I have passionate opinions and a passion to voice them out and make people listen and understand.

5:36 PM

Me and Tanya were destined for the 80s.

1:37 AM

Friday, July 8, 2011
The Little Snail

I'm so exhausted. Slept relatively early I suppose and woke pretty late and helped my mum make a cake for my sister's birthday.

Then we left for the city before lunch and I think we basically covered the entire area, from Pyrmont to Darling Harbour to Pitt St and guh, my feet are tired. Kinda bought nothing though, just a pair of boot things, and the Docs looked disgusting on me. OMG I ate so much takoyaki, so dinner was effing torture. It was this little French place and wow, our waiter was adorable, with his French accent and all 8) It was quite nice, I had some duck liver patte and my sister had snails. I tired it, and honestly it was disgusting. Then I had veal and this amazing profiterole, omguacamole.

Just finished the cake and we bought macaroons as well and strawberries and I'm about to fucking explode and I refuse to sleep until all this shit has been digested.

City again Sunday :) Guys, please don't be late, because it's Sunday and it's nice getting things done early on Sunday. And CARLA FARK don't work on Tuesday.

Day 15 - What do you believe in, and not just God?
I don't believe in God, or frankly, I don't care for that matter, because I'm not an atheist either. I don't believe in afterlife or ghosts. I think there are spirits though. I suppose you could say I believe in morals, not necessarily Christian ones. Just things that are common sense to human beings. I don't believe in sex after marriage, because that only applied to the times where divorces were illegal. I think there's more things I don't believe in than things I believe in.

Happy Birthday Edwina!

10:15 PM

I can't keep living with insecurity.

12:08 AM

Thursday, July 7, 2011

God, it's so cold, my fingers are stiff and I'm struggling to type. Fun night last night with Christine and Brandon. Haven't had a group call in a while.

I'm attempting to be really healthy. Decided to eat an apple each morning for part of my breakfast and two slices of toast and English breakfast tea and then the rest of the day, drink water or herbal tea. I've been keeping it up for a few days (Y) And yeah, resumed my exercise as well. Except it's so cold there's hardly any sweat on me.

I was watching the Hollywood film version of Peter Pan and it was very different to Disney version, because it's actually a sort of tragic story and therefore, not totally suitable for kids unless altered. Yeah, so I dug up my copy of the novel this morning and I'm halfway through and I really like it, and it makes me want to speak pompously. Like, "My, I do think...etc" LOL iono, sometimes I think I was destined for another century.

Then I went to the library by myself because enriching my mind with ancient literature is a better way to learn than writing a fucking speech on fucking carbon tax. God you know, the sentences in those books are like, paragraphs long. By the time I finish a sentence, I usually forget what the beginning told me. Oh saw Eric and Audrey, and apparently, Audrey does not know how to read a newspaper.

Going city tomorrow for my sister's birthday and hopefully I buy lots of clothes and shoes and have a nice meal. Sigh, have to put in like, hundreds with my parents to get her an iPhone.

I was reading this little dictionary of fashion or whatever my mum bought today, and it was making me depressed because the author, who must be a very elegant middle-aged lady, must be oblivious to the drastically changing styles of the 21st century. I mean, did she honestly expect these slutty teenagers to wear furs and pleats and know the meaning of elegance? I think not.

Day 14 - When you are stressed, what can you use as an outlet? Why do you think it helps you?
LOL this might be a long answer, as I have several different outlets. Normally, I'll just go vent it out on a poor human being. It's like, I pour out my irrationality or whatever and then when I'm done, it's like, wow what a pointless feeling, and it wears off for a while. Or I'll bash things up.
Now I'm trying to take a less violent approach by reading or playing piano. Mostly reading, because it immerses you in another dimension and you can forget about whatever situation for a little while.

6:26 PM

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fuck. My report. Oh dear lord.

2:47 PM

cut loose

I love Bring it On. Only the first one though, the others suck but OMG I LOVE IT SO MUCH OHO.

Sigh my poor baby is so sick.

God I don't remember what I did for the rest of yesterday, but I've been sleeping remotely early. Say, 1am. It's definitely an improvement and now I'm trying to force myself out of bed by 8.

OH yes, I watched She's the Man last night and somehow, it's not as funny :/ I must be maturing LOL.

When I write with heaps of Enters, it means my life is dead. I'm just waffling on and on.

FAR OUT all my outings are like, effing dying. The Q one is just dkljsklfj and then the Bella Vista (?) group is dead and me and Carla haven't even got one and ditto with Brandon and Eric. But I think Anika and Christine are coming over to watch TVD together YAY, and maybe I might get the remainder of the geo group to sleepover, maybe. If you guys are allowed with no parental supervision, but it's an apartment = security.

Alright Pretty Little Liars STILL has not released a new episode and I ceebs to finish Skins right now and Anika that bum started the OC without me. JENNY can you bring it on a USB and give it to me Term 3?

Oh last night, I was looking up mando slang/swear words and they're all sooo fucking lame. Like, there's a Wikipedia page for it and it's hardly offensive at all.

I just heard the postman. Maybe my report is here D:

I think I'll watch Footloose.

Day 13 - Where do you see your best friend in 10 years?
Alright, I'm just going to pick one person anonymously. I honestly have no idea what kind of career path would be suitable for you, so I don't know, hopefully you found something you enjoy and major in it. I'm a little worried you might try be rebellious and end up doing a whole lot of regrettable things, because you'll be technically a free adult? We might not be friends by then, you're pretty independent and I'm extremely dependent. Maybe you'll get sick of me.

2:33 PM

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Digit Ratio

LOL I found this article on SMH about penises LOL. It says that research concludes the myth of men's fingers as a guide to penis size. It was quite amusing.

Anyway, came back from Rouse Hill shopping centre which is a fucking hole and most of the stores were outside so the crazy wind ruined my hair. Only bought a jumper but I'm going city with my family this Friday and I think I'm gonna get Docs, so I have a suitable pair of shoes to wear, and maybe I'll grow to like them.

Sigh, no new episodes of anything, I'm so bored.

OH at Rouse Hill, they were promoting the new gym, y'know, 'More Richard than Gym'. Yeah they gave out free water and stuff and I found it funny. Oh and I found out the Richard guy is the founder of Virgin mobile/airline/etc.

I think I'll end up blogging again. I'm bored as fuck.

2:32 PM

caffeine overdose

HOI. Sigh I'm tired today and it's super windy and I'm supposed to go shopping with mah mum for my sister's birthday guh. I hate presents. OMG phone with Christine for five hours last night but the bitch fell asleep on me and I couldn't sleep for ages.

My poor dog is sick :( Her face is like swollen and she's so ugly, sigh.

I HAVE NO CLOTHES. I am sick to death of my wardrobe. I think skype is working again though so (Y)

I actually had a purpose to blog but MEH I shall leave now.

Day 12 - If you could trade places with anyone for one week, who would it be and why?
If Vanessa was still dating Zac, then definitely her, and it'd be nice to feel beautiful for a while and live a luxurious lifestyle, so now I'd probably pick Selena Gomez so I can make out with Justin :) OR I'll be a dude LOL, and masturbate and fiddle around with my dick.

10:38 AM

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sigh I'm so beat, watched men's finals last night, but I fell asleep at 2 and woke up at 3:50 but broadcasting was over and I had no idea who won so I'm rewatching the end. Except I know Djokovic won and he's fucking number 1 and I despise him even more now. He totally killed the Federer-Nadal reign, so now I don't like tennis anymore. What the fark, he ate the court grass TT

Far out, my skype was dying like fucking crazy.

Sigh I really want a sleepover at my empty apartment, but nobody can sleepover without parental supervision.

Anyway, had mi goreng for breakfast and Legally Blonde 2 was only and omguacamole I adore that movie so much. IT'S SO INSPIRATIONAL. I was also reading The Last Song again and it just made me cry. I like how the story isn't as cliche as his other novels, which are mainly focused on romance, except A Walk to Remember was good.

My holidays are disappointing.

Day 11 - Do you feel protective over someone?
Protective and possessive are different things. I guess protectiveness is more reserved for my sister, not so much friends.

4:15 PM

Sunday, July 3, 2011
You're a fucking dildo.

No one's blogging again. Fuck it, I want memories of useless days. It'll be better described in my challenge.

Day 10 - Did you have a good day or a bad day? Where do you think that defining line was?
Today was actually a really good day. I woke up and then after reading old favourites, I spent the rest of the day with my mum. In the kitchen LOL. I think we just have a really good relationship when I'm not being a bitch and not many people have that so I'm grateful each time we're together and I realise it.

Then for the rest of the day, I watched Skins and ANIKA you should definitely start it. Makes me laugh my ass off. Now it's time to wait for Wimbledon final. I get really sad everytime a grand slam tournament ends. LOL this quote made me laugh, hardyharhar.

One man's rubbish can be another's treasure.

10:19 PM

Saturday, July 2, 2011
Love or Art

It was a beautiful day today. Except I woke up at noon LOL. Stayed up till 3:30 watching tennis before I realised the match wouldn't finish broadcasting so yeah, waste of time. OMG Nadal is just so HNG I was literally hyperventilating EHEHEHEHEHE.

God I didn't do anything today. I was rereading City of Bones, and wow it must've been a long time since I've read it because I was laughing at everything Jace was saying.

Guh I was thinking about the outings I wanted to have but I'm just so ceebs so I'll be a hermit. In fact, that was my horoscope for today. Basically I was going to be a hermit today and watch tv and read etc, which is what I did, but it's pretty sad.

I think I'll finish Skins season 1 today. It's not that great but it'll be entertainment for a while. Ooh yes, I painted my nails too :)

OMG I was LOLing so much at Ellen DeGeneres today and then Bieber came on and it reignited my love for him because he was sooo cute 8)

Marley and Me is on. I'll probably just watch the end for the sake of crying. God what's wrong with me LOL.

Audrey did some dedications, maybe I'll do some later.

Day 9 - Where do you see yourself in ten years?
I'll be 25. I want to have gone to a good college, assuming I did well in my HSC and then have gotten my Bachelor degree and be working on a Major somewhere in science or economics. Yeah I overplan. Hopefully a part time job or some work experience thing, I'd like to have my own car too. A partner would be nice. But this is all very optimistic and I don't have the best luck. I'll let you know in 10 years.

The only horrible thing in the world is ennui. That is the one sin for which there is no forgiveness.

6:58 PM

Friday, July 1, 2011
famous ass

Fuck. Nadal. Fucking sex bomb. OMG I WANT HIM INSIDE ME.

Yes, me and Jenny have just been orgasming and I'm so exhausted.

10:25 PM


Day 8 - Write about the first moment that comes to your head when you read the words 'childhood memory'.
Definitely primary school, predominantly the earlier years since that was more childhood-like I suppose. I was swearing in Year 6. Probably Year 3 specifically, which was my favourite year when I was more naive and things were happier. This isn't very innocent but LOL I remember my friend telling me how she walked in on her parents hooking up and I was so D: Poor girl.

Adolescence is a developmental disturbance.

8:23 PM


Yeah, just saying.

Back to Skins.

1:56 PM

count and crunch

Hum, I'm rather bored at home. It's ironic how I sleep earlier if I'm not going to school, like last night. OMG then I got woken up by Aidan who was planning to come to Hornsby but far out I'm not even there. My decisions have very bad timing.

I think I'll start a show today. I'm sooo bored, maybe I should've gone to school but fark I had nothing to wear at all. Winter stuff looks nice, but I'd rather strut naked in summer.

Why am I blogging, HEY ANIKA, if you read this during school.

Alright I'll do challenge later. BYE.

12:02 PM