
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm going to cry. I've never been so unprepared, it's ridiculous.

11:03 PM

get the fuck over here


I'm in a rather good mood. Had the whole day to study for history, except I slept for about two periods, and then hardcored third period and lunch in the library. We remembered all those mother fucking history dates and LOL it was awesome (Y)

History was quite easy I think, I had 15 minutes to spare in the end. Yeah, I probably just jinxed myself but OH WELL.

Ran for fucking M60 that already left ASDFGHJKL I'm so unfit lol. Big congregation again and LOL we had a picnic on the bus. Twas yum. Then got an easyway and took bus with Christine.

Sigh, my sister is testing me for commerce and I'm oh so screwed oh dear lord. I'm not getting anything right.


Alright, guys. Go study.

5:18 PM

Monday, May 30, 2011

I want to die.

LOL dying with Brandon, Christine and Ricky. I seriously cbf to finish history right now, even though I have two regional things left to do. MUST FINISH BEFORE TWELVE OMG.

Sigh, have to wake up so early tomorrow.

10:54 PM

my hand is a dolphin


Yes, I have done so bad in exams so far, I could just die.

PE I was actually feeling confident with, but fark, for the exam, they just shoved 6 pages under us and expected us to recite the whole entire mother fucking booklet like OH MY GOD WHAT EVEN. Yes, my hand was spasming and I was whimpering during the exam LOOOL.

Second period was unproductive because we just couldn't stop laughing.

Third, the fucking room smelt like feet >>

FAR OUT poetry oh my god, MS FUCKING DAVIDSON IS A FUCKING STUPID COW and I did so fucking bad, like oh my god, I'm aiming for 50%. It was just chucked full of quotes with no explanations and no conclusion, I wanted to die.

I slept for like an hour when I got home and wasted another hour eating and showering and I'm only up to regional agreements and this is going to take me aaaaages. Sigh, in a call with Brandon and Christine. I'm totes gonna be productive (Y)

OMG BRANDON IS SINGING SHOW D:::::::::::::::::::::::::

ALRIGHTO time to work.

9:21 PM

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Yeah, me and Christine are just testing each other for PE (Y) It is quite entertaining.

LOOOOL this is just so fail, I could cry. I shall just faint into Sandy's arms LOL Carla.

Sigh, didn't eat much today. Actually, I'll like, binge at breakfast and starve the rest of the day. That's probably worse than binging, which is all Christine is doing HAHA. But I'm not losing any weight.

Guh, have to study by myself till Christine finishes showering. Me, her and Audrey had another spaz about novar0ku LOOOOOL.

Alright, I think I have PE nailed, sort of. Okay probably not really. Sigh, hopefully sleep by 12 (Y)

10:27 PM

i hate sundays

Last night was just, quiet. Well no, me and Christine started laughing about novar0ku again and Brandon and Ricky just quietly listened LOOOOL. Your nostrils are like 00 oo 00 oo HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, probably slept at 2.

Remotely productive day, since yesterday I did nothing and ended up having to cram like fucking crazy today. So yes, I finished writing PE and I've been doing history and I'm up to native land and title rights OHO.

Guh I woke up so late from Christine's text. Had mi goreng for brunch (Y)

SIGH skyping with Christine rn, thus I stopped getting stuff done but I have dinner soon so I'll have to get off.

Yus, I shall sign off now.

Day 4 - Your sibling
I think we've both matured, since we don't slap/pinch/kick each other anymore (Y)

6:16 PM

Saturday, May 28, 2011
show me the money

LOL Justin and Selena are grossing the fuck out of me. My dash is spammed with their beach sex (Y)

I'm so quotable HAHA.

OH MY GOD I love Tom Cruise and I love Jerry Macguire, he was so fucking sexy, I was so turned on. And I adore Princess Diaries and holy shit, I have wasted so much time today FAR OUT.

Far out, forget dedications. I evidently have nothing to say.

Day 3 - Your Parents
I've written this before. I will give my life to you, as you've done for me.

8:13 PM

i need an attitude adjustment

What an unproductive day. Slept so late last night, skyping. LOL me and Christine figured out a schedule for all our study today, but then we woke up late so it's totally fucked. OH and we were watching NOVAROKU or some shit, and I swear we never laughed so crazily.

I just watched America's Sweethearts and holy, I love that movie so much and John Cusack is just so adorable EHEHE. And now Jerry Macguire is on AND I LOVE THAT MOVIE TOOOOO!

Sigh, I've only studied PE and a bit of Eliot and I need to do history and sflkjdslfksjflkjdkl I'm just so overwhelmed and then Princess Diaries 2 is on later so I'm probably not going to get any work done.

Far out, I really don't like myself.

Excuse me while I go and further waste my depressing life.

4:12 PM

Friday, May 27, 2011

OH MY GOSH LOL I remembered the good parts of the day after seeing Christine's post so I must get it down.

Okay so we had a super spastic lunch time. Yes, our commerce drawings. You're so creative during those lessons Christine, LOLOL. Twas funny. And belly buttons and noses and pores (nail face). Then we died before maths when Christine realised she was singing Teenage Dream wrong. "I think you're pretty, without any make-up on" LOOOOL. And then I turned the paper over and started writing Tourikis but then I remembered Jiani wrote Ms. Teriyaki last year and I started laughing so hard and said teriyaki aloud for Christine to hear and then we were both laughing. Like, my table was shaking, but then maths got hard so I concentrated.

The bus was quite fun too. I don't remember what we laughed at though.

Alright, I'm so bored I may post again. I overpost on the weekends. NO MUST STUDY THIS WEEKEND.

5:52 PM

supernova is an explosion after the star's core contracts and collapses


Well the morning wasn't too bad, though we were all cramming and poor Richard had six girls to test :L

Then the science test actually came and FUCK I changed four answers that were right the first time dlfkjsdlfkjsdlkfjslkjsdlkfdsjflksjdflksjdflskdjlskfjd.
And then I studied maths till the exam which I fucked too, so let's not talk about it.

Nobody is online. I should probably get some study done tonight but it's Friday and I cbf.

Oh my god I've been stuffing myself with food. When I feel stressed, I just starve so now that two major exams are over, I am really feeling my hunger. Gonna gain a kilo tonight. SHE'S THE MAN IS ON OHO. Something to look forward to.

Day 2 - Your Crush
I've wrote this before, but things have changed a little. Probably for the worse. But yes, I like you. Quite a lot. And I'm sure that won't be reciprocated, but what can I do? Yeah, nothing.

5:01 PM

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Found this off Jess! I shall start RN. I just did two maths papers in an hour and 30 minutes so I'm very proud of meself (Y)

30-Day Letter Challenge
  • Day 1 — Your best friend
  • Day 2 — Your crush
  • Day 3 — Your parents
  • Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
  • Day 5 — Your dreams
  • Day 6 — A stranger
  • Day 7 — Your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
  • Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
  • Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
  • Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
  • Day 11 — A deceased person you wish you could talk to
  • Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
  • Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
  • Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
  • Day 15 — The person you miss the most
  • Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
  • Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
  • Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
  • Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
  • Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
  • Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
  • Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
  • Day 23 — The last person you kissed
  • Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
  • Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
  • Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
  • Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
  • Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
  • Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
  • Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

Day 1 - Your best friend
I really do hope you four know who you are. You mean so much to me and I feel as long as you're all in my life, I'll be happy. I promise never to lose touch and I hope you do the same. That's all I need to say.

10:25 PM

i gained some knowledge

Crazy day.

Early bus and it was so cold I wanted to die and we just freaked out on the bus. Then we had religion first and it was just so LOL I didn't bother listening. Cults. This is why I will never get sucked into anything. It's all too far out. Food tech and FUCK I HATE IT. Fucking teacher takes everything so fucking seriously. We made the most disgusting shit; polenta/semolina with tomato and onion and nobody ate it and it all went into the bin. Like, what the fuck was even the point.

SCIENCE OHO. I love it so much I shall dedicate a paragraph to it. Our usual pre-exam revision game and I was in a team w/ Tanya, Jenny and Angela this time and we won three times OHO. Yes but it was so stressful, everyone was so flustered and I probably sweated LOL. Sigh, we only have one more of that before yearlies. I LOVE MS SMYTH SO MUCH SLDJSLDKJALSKDJLKSJDKLD.

Yus, then last period was PE and we just did revision.

14 and bus and Brandon and Richard joined us and we went library. FUCK everybody there was like, alone so they spread out along the tables and chairs and gave us no space to sit. But we found one and the guys bought maccas (Y) Yus, and me and Carla hardcored science for like two hours, and then the lesbians and Matt came and the guys just tested us for the next hour and I have like, most things imprinted into my memory so YAY! I'm just a bit worried for the acceleration stuff. PLUS I have to do maths after this post. But twas fun. Now my throat is sore from talking.

Oh lord, exams start TOMOLLOW. What are we going to do >>

Good luck guys (Y)

8:09 PM

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Alright it wasn't a bad day altogether. Fucking tired in the morning and we had commerce first which was revision and it was pretty funny. Me and Christine are just LOL. Drew our guys LOLOL.
Mr Hindmarsh has a FUCKING MASSIVE PENIS HOLY MOLY. His poor wife.

Food tech second which was boring but we got a bit of chocolate and the teacher is better than Trott (Y)

SAIL was fun HAHA. Studied with Keshani and Anika and we realised just how fucked we were. And Carla made me a fabric 3D heart that looked like a fly.

English last and I just fucking died because I hate that sub.

48 and I'm just so awesome, making things awkward for the lesbians (Y)

I'm going to have a heart attack tomorrow. I almost did today, when I had to explain ions to Carla for TEN MINUTES.

Library tomorrow, which is most likely going to be fail study and I probably will actually start crying. Laughing can only do so much.


9:47 PM

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


11:07 PM

i take thee

WELL today was fun, was it not :)

Audrey forced me to take the stupid early bus to buy trackies and it turned out THERE WERE NONE LEFT. What a waste of time.

Had fucking sub for english and I dislike her so very much lkdjslkjldsks. Yes, I am very screwed for english. I'm going to die.

MATHS and I actually did pretty okay for the test, which was a nice surprise. Ms Tourikis is fucking loud, OMG. I swear the whole corridor can hear her and she was super pissed at our stupidy. NOT OUR FAULT. I'm screwed for maths too. I couldn't do one of the past papers >>

Commerce with another sub which wasn't too boring, thankfully. I can't believe I have to sit through legal again in senior.

History and we just watched a video and it was super boring as per usual and the room was warm and I miraculously stayed awake (Y)

MASSIVE congregation at penno. I think it'll be like that every Tuesday now. AND HEY SLUTS! IT'S NOT MY FAULT WE WERE LATE. Blame Richard, it was his suggestion last week which stuck. OR BE INDEPENDENT AND GO OFF YOURSELF GEEEEEESE.

Bought food and met Eddy and Boost and went to library and had to sit on the floor for like, half an hour. LOL then we saw some couple about to leave a study room so Brandon went over and knocked but they weren't leaving yet so he came back and the couple were trying to make out but we kept staring at them and I'm sorry, twas only funny if you were there. They eventually left though and then people kept entering and leaving and I GOT NO WORK DONE THERE SKLJFSLKDFJSLKFSJD. Spent fucking three hours HIGHLIGHTING science.

I just attempted commerce study. I might have the economic activity shit down. Probably not. Alright GO STUDY GUISE.


9:57 PM

Monday, May 23, 2011
i won't let you fall


Yes okay, so we had english first and I quite like Mr Elridge/Eldridge. Majorly fucked for Shakespeare though, OMG FUCK I have homework D::::::::::: EH ceebs.

Millenium is just >> the zumba lady left so we got the crazy bitch and she made us do boxing which was disgusting because the gloves smelt saljfskldfjslkjskl and then we just did more resistance training which kills. LOL I love Anika.

Science and it was just experiment which was fun because we bummed and quoted Princess Diaries HAHA. I do love Ms Smyth a great deal.

Maths last and OMG me and Christine just failed that test. It was so sad, I'm so humiliated and I don't want my results back tomorrow. HAHA laughing (Y)

I watched TV for like, an hour, eating lasagna and then finally got started on maths and basically did not much because I'm so hopeless. Like, I'm still doing it now.

Guh, everybody is doing the thirty day challenge but I don't like it, so I might find something else if I cbf.

Alright, boring post. I shall finish maths by 11. Actually, midnight sounds more practical. OKAY BYE.

10:15 PM

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sigh, the chapter reviews are so lsfjskldjslkdf so I cbf to do it rn.

Just painted my nails, which means it's kinda hard to type and write as well, but I love nudey pink :)

Today was a really nice day. It was so pleasant outside, it seemed like a cool summer day/evening. I was in quite a good mood as well, which is strange because I am so stressed out from the spastic call with Carla and OMG ELAINE, my hair is coming out loads more when I shower.

Sigh, no tumblr till exams are over. Actually, after today, I won't really have a legit reason to get on the computer since I have all my notes here, so maybe I'll try avoid it altogether. Unless I want to blog, which might be daily, but that's it. I shall NOT socialise. Be like Eric, that hermit during exams.

Mmm, mum made lasagna and brownies and I'm super hungry but I'm resisting eating anything because I am so stressed and not exercising and I do not need weight gain LOL.

Okay attempting maths with Christine (Y)

7:21 PM

i'm just a little bit caught in the middle

Sigh, I'm just so bored on the weekend, I over-blog.

Shit, I'm trying to do chapter reviews and I'm stuck on CONSUMER. I thought I was good at it >>

I LOVE THE SHOW. It got deleted off my ipod and I haven't heard it in aaaaaages so now I'm just listening to it on repeat, which is bringing my mood up. It's also a really nice day, but I hate to be cooped up inside, studying.

It's rather amusing, just how fucked our grade is.

What's Mozart doing right now?


3:38 PM


LOL I'm just sitting here, doing maths and listening to Mozart. You know, apparently his music also helps to decompose waste, because the vibrations penetrate the shit LOOOOOL. Yes, that was rather amusing.

I can't do this english essay for fuck and I'm so disappointed I actually woke up today. We were supposed to die last night.

Alright, bye.

12:57 PM

Get the fuck out and off.

10:58 AM

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Oh my god, I think I'm like Claudio. No kidding. Like, I'm not even laughing. My emotions are way too intense and it's fucking with my head. Fuck, I don't need this, I DO NOT NEED THIS RIGHT NOW.

8:33 PM


Sigh, terribly boring night. I fell asleep and then my mum woke me up LOL. I HAD A WONDERFUL DREAM HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE. If we die at 4pm, at least I had a nice last dream (Y)

Sigh, didn't eat anything till noon and then I stuffed myself faster than Audrey with pide nomnom. Yes I am only starting work now.

GUH Michelle, I think Carla got me sick as well >>

Okay so I wrote dedications before but then I felt too predictable so maybe when I'm feeling more complex, I'll do them again.

Sigh, I'm in a bad mood. And I can't do work and I feel so down. WHY DO YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE THIS? I hate it.

Fuck okay, I'll go bury myself in work and CHRISTINE STOP EATING!

I hate feeling alone.

4:45 PM

Friday, May 20, 2011


Yeah anyway I fainted today. Slept at 12, and I woke up 40 minutes late and I missed early M60.

English first with Mr. Elridge and he just freaked me out because we went so in depth with shit and he said you need to write like that for HSC and he marks HSC >>

Maths second and we got lollipops and I fucking died because I was so tired and GUH we have some stupid Japan exchange thing that I don't give a flying fuck about but I evidently have to participate.


Geography and I was fucking bored and very screwed because we went over skills that we might be tested on for exams.

14, bus, then we went to buy KFC and then we went to library and we were with Matt and Nikko (Y) But I was fucking dying from boredom, like I am now because Christine and Ricky are sooo boring.

Sigh, what a sad possibly-last post. Ah well, BOI GUYS! Come visit me in hell (Y)

10:00 PM

Thursday, May 19, 2011
i'm a fool out of love

I feel quite embarrassed that I like to base a lot of things on my horoscopes, but sometimes it's just so freakishly accurate I CAN'T IGNORE. Especially today's. Let's hope it's correct (Y)

8:56 PM

my heart is going to pop

Sigh what a useless day, sort of. Didn't go to athletics carnival so I met Christine and Audrey at towers and then we bought drinks and went library. I felt so out of place, there were only a few adults there. I only highlighted like, 2 sets of notes before we had maccas for lunch. And there was Beyonce music countdown on the tv thing and we were just staring at her humungous boobs and ass. Like, wow. Then we had to leave at 2 so I went home with Christine and we attempted study but ended up eating for an hour. Mi goreng and cucumber w/ tuna mayo (Y) I have basically highlighted everything but history, which will kill my highlighter.

Sigh, it feels like Friday and now I have to do the stupid character study and alsdfjslkfjsldkfjdsl I TOTALLY CBF.

Alright, I have to, so BYE!

7:02 PM

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You know one thing I absolutely hate? Late or no replies.

5:45 PM

don't tear me down

OHOHO I feel so free :) Notes are basically finished and I'll just highlight all that shit tomorrow when I skip athletics. I'm in an amazingly good mood and I finally turned my tv on. I swear it's been a fortnight.

Guh I got to bus stop at freaking 7, so I took an M60 alone. It was creepy and I was scared the bus driver would rape me. And then I was loner at penno for half an hour till Richard came, and then Carla and Michelle came.

English first and we had another viewing task and I did sooo bad. FML.

Commerce next and it was so boring because we spent the whole lesson on paint but I love our conversations HAHA.

History. Okay, I honestly do try and listen and process and basically stay awake, but holy shit, it is too fucking boring. History exhausts me.

FUCK spent the whole of lunch printing out 3 copies of each subject notes and I must've used like, 300 pieces of paper. DOUBLE SIDED.

SAIL is boring as fuck. Wow, my day sucked. Took 49 and then I ran for the M60, but then I remembered me and Carla don't take it on Wednesdays. My legs will be worse and some dude was eating hot chips and I was sooo hungry. And I didn't see Jake slkjslfkjslkfds.

Okay, so today I am totally slacking off. Finally tumblr as well. Kbye

4:16 PM

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
let us go then, you and i

Pretty good day today (Y)

My. Body. Fucking. Hurts. Oh. My. God.

Science first, where we did metal displacement. We're so ahead in science. We're actually pretty ahead in everything this year.

English and we don't have Motherwell till exams are over WTF. Audrey came back and that lucky bitch got her braces off. But mine come off in a month OHO, assuming I don't break anything. Fucking hell, have to do character studies now! That means I haven't finished my Much Ado notes SLFJSLFDKJLSDFHKDSJHASKJH

Commerce last and oh my god, I was going to vomit, fucking hell. After looking up gang rape cases, me, Christine, Jess and Anika read the fucking most disgusting piece of shit ever like OH MY GOD FUCK YOU RICHARD OMG. I swear, I paled and if there was food in my stomach, it would've made an appearance.

Slave auction at lunch and wow, the school raised over $1000, I was so surprised.

Maths last and guh, I'm really dead for exam.

LOL on the way to the station, Christine literally walked into a pole HAHAHA. I LOL'd so much. Caught 14, and then we freaking ran for M60 but we missed it anyway. Pretty big congregation at penno, and on the bus too. It came so late though. Then me, Audrey, Brandon and Eric got drinks and I swear, me and Brandon stood in line for like, 20 minutes.

Actually found seats in the library and I finished maths hw and attempted more english notes but sigh. I walked home and showered and ate and now I'm still doing english. WAITING FOR AUDREY TO GET ON SKYPE, WHERE ARE YOU HUH?

LOL Carla texted me earlier because she didn't know what to do with a broken pimple LOLOL IT WAS SO FUNNY. You noob :)

Sigh, you know, either nobody talks to me, or everybody talks to me at once. It's very unfortunate, especially at a time like this, where I am willing to get distracted from study. LOL especially with Tanya HAHA. Our sad teenage tragedies.

Okay, I must finish poetry notes TONIGHT.

9:48 PM

Monday, May 16, 2011
Please don't stay in touch

Fucking hell these fucking notes are taking me forever and I'm in the worst fucking mood.

Don't you have any consideration for me?

9:43 PM

that's the price of beauty


Skype last night w/ Christine, Audrey, Brandon, Ricky and Richard. Twas fun and LOL the poor dude singing 'I Just Had Sex' and planking HAHA. Then they left one by one till it was just me and Brandon. I finally got Much Ado notes done OHOHO. So I got about 9 hours sleep all weekend.

Today wasn't too cold, cept the morning was like 3 degrees and our bus was late but we still made our train (Y)

Food tech first and we got to cook even though it was theory OHO. Cherry and ricotta strudels omnom. Teacher's quite nice but effing hell she keeps telling us to shut up. I had a heart attack, fucking Eric >>

Millenium next and oh my god I wanted to die. WE'RE TOO UNFIT THEY SHOULDN'T PUSH US SO HARD. Now my legs are like jelly and Carla was too weak to do 15 sit-ups so we had to stay in a half sit-up position while she finished asadkljsk. I hate sweating.

Science next which was just a revision lesson and me and Audrey slept. I'm still exhausted. We slept at lunch too and the sun was sooo nice.

Guh maths. Very dull and I'm so unprepared for maths because I'm so bad at quadratics and parabolas. Tanya kept harrassing me omguacamole.

FUCKING TRAIN FUCKING OMG WHYYYYYYYYYYY. Most humiliating ljdaklsjdalkjdlskd. I swear this has happened like fucking 5 times in 3 weeks! Caught 632 and stared in horror at Taylor's FURRY legs and I went and bought socks and walked home.

Now I must start on my poetry notes, sigh. BYE.

4:47 PM

Sunday, May 15, 2011
into hey, nonny nonny

Okay I actually have been studying since midday, no joke. I feel so accomplished. Except I wasted three hours doing PE notes that Audrey's already done and since we're swapping, I'm doing Much Ado. Sigh, it's taking me so long but I'm determined to finish TONIGHT. Maybe tomorrow morning but I want this done so badly.

Went for another walk/jog as well.

Guh my day was so boring. I wish I started notes yesterday. Oh, but my mum bought me new pajamas and a scarf which isn't super warm but it'll do for now. I'll buy a woollier one on my own. PLUS SOCKS. Someone come with me tomorrow :)

"Friendship is constant in all other things, save in the matters and office of love."
I do quite like that quote by Claudio and he was absolutely right.

Alrighteo, back to work.

6:54 PM

Life will lighten up soon

Fuck I cbf to study. Got so many notes from Brandon and Ricky yesterday, it's doing my head in trying to read all that shat. HAHA funny night/morning. Skype with Christine, Brandon and Ricky and then we added Richard and then Brandon left so we started singing LOL. Holy, Richard sounded exactly like Ricky, who fell asleep on us. I think we finished at 4 and then my mum forced me up at 9 to eat bacon and egg sandwiches, which I couldn't resist.

My mum bought me another Inimitable YAYAY. I'm going to get a good liquid liner soon as well (Y)

Sigh I'm so tired, I can't study right now. Except I sort of helped Christine go through science yesterday so we're just gonna share all our notes. Guh and then I'm going to Towers just for socks slkjslfkdjslkdjalkajljd what a waste of time. Maybe I won't. Yeah I'm not.

God I can't wait for all of it to be over.

12:37 PM

Saturday, May 14, 2011
let me count the ways

FML I hate my life. As Ricky has pointed out, I'm a living paradox. Refer to the attitude of my previous post.

Anyway, yeah blog has been down but that's kay since I was at the airport last night. Okay so starting from Friday morning.

I swear there was a huge ass congregation at penno that morning, huddling together for warmth. Fuck some Year 7 bitch banged her fucking guitar on my knee. PE first which was just revision lesson, since Lang wasn't here, thank heavens. Just ... went through my sad life. Had geography next and it was fucking boring with some Euro sub so I just went to sleep, meaning I was absolutely dead in maths and I was super moody so I apologize if I pissed anybody off. OMG I totally swear I saw a shooting star at lunch. Yes, in broad daylight. It was like a moving white speck with a small white trail behind it. Unless my eyes were tricking me. Either way, I made a wish, and if it comes true, I'll believe in supernatural forces. LOL sif that'll happen. Science last and I printed out all this revision shit and holy moly there's like, 10 pages.

Took bus by myself and then got home and then drove for over an hour to the fucking airport. I hate airports. They make me feel so lonely. Had Hungry Jack's and it was an amazingly heavenly burger because it had bacon. Then another hour drive home and then OMG.


I hate knowing I have no one to rely on.

Anyway, I did nothing today. Nothing. Except I did go running/jogging/walking but that was a bad idea since I hadn't eaten for 6 hours. Shopping tomorrow and I absotively posilutely WILL DO STUDY. I think I'll try to finish PE or do science revision sheets. Sigh, I can feel the stress starting.

Fucking hell, why is this happening to me? I hate it. Nobody even understands.

6:34 PM

Thursday, May 12, 2011
hehe haha hoho ho

HI HEY HELLO! I'm in an amazingly good mood for some weird reason, but life seems to be working out for me pretty well. Well, not particularly in academics, but I'm having good relationships with everyone rn so (Y)

Holy shat, slept at 3 cause I was skyping with Christine and Tanya and finishing our reflections and we had food breaks and guh. I was a zombie this morning and stupid Christine missed the bus because she slept in. It was so fucking cold my body was convulsing with shivers.

Handed in reps. YOU ARE VERY WELCOME, CARLA. Had religion first. It was so warm and cosy in the library, I was in danger of sleeping. It was quite entertaining though. AND THE LAMA BUDDHA LOOKED LIKE AIDAN OMG. Spanish :)

Food tech second with the new teacher, who's bearable, I suppose. Worked with Tanya since Carla bailed on me and discussed, y'know ;) The enchiladas we made were actually really yummy but really spicy.

Science next. Experiments, more equations. I like science (Y) I LIKE BEING SMART FOR A CHANGE. Pop.

PE last. Guh I do not like Lang. Three more stress busters representations and LOL laughing yoga HAHAHA. Well, we got out of class late so we missed the 14 and missed the M60, so we took 632. LOL me and Christine's conversation on nipples. But Eric heard us from like, 3 seats away so we probably entertained the whole bus HAHA.

Yeah had maccas for early dinner, and then we went to meet Pearl at library. Drank all her easyway and did science. Fun time.

Sigh, it's too cold to strip down and get into the shower. Then it's too cold to come out of the shower to get back into clothes. What even ...

Anyway, I feel like so much weight has been lifted off my shoulders since we handed in representation, though I guarantee a shit mark, but MEH I don't care. I am going to relax tonight and then weekend, we can start studying, sigh. Guh grandparents flying to China tomorrow on Black Friday. For the second time askjdlasdjklsjkasldksj

I shall go tumblr now. Haven't been on this week. And then prepare myself tomorrow for TVD season finale OMG. I'm so excited.

8:55 PM

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Today was a waste of time. I could've gone to school and then SEE JAKE AT TOWERS DKLSJDLFKJDLKJSLDKFJSLKFJSLKDJFDKSLJLSKJDFLK. It's been like, 2 months, I'm so depressed.

Okay so I made a really gay recontextulization of Much Ado and made modernised costumes. Just got to colour and do reflection and put folio together. Sigh. I'm still in my pajamas and I feel gross but I cbf to change now.

What the fuck, do you want no privacy? Oh I'm sorry. I meant dignity. Just look at yourself for fuck's sakes.

I've just been listening to two songs on repeat all day and they're seriously bringing me down. I miss you so much. So so so much, I can't believe myself. Then I got even sadder when I realised all our chatlogs were deleted when my computer crashed. There must've been like, over 10, I had to start new ones all the time.

Sigh, time to finish. I can't believe it's already dark. I fucking hate winter. Words fail to describe that hate. I'd delete the season altogether.

100 Facts about Me (Pt. 10)
91. I only wear pink shades of nail polish. Occasionally black.
92. I'm glad people can't read my mind, more for their sake than for mine.
93. Caffeine has no effect on me.
94. If there's no pressure, I won't work. If there's a lot of pressure, I can't work.
95. I will never understand how anything strapless can provide means of comfort.
96. I love a guy who dresses well. Unless he dresses better than me.
97. I want sushi right now. RIGHT NOW.
98. If I could be an animal, I'd be a dolphin or a leopard. Or my dog.
99. Hearing my full name called out sounds so foreign now.
100. I am finished with this list, and frankly, I was running out of things to say about me.

4:58 PM

skinny love

Sigh representation is so hard. Skipping school wasn't as beneficial as I hoped.
I cannot believe our exams are in two weeks, holy shit I am freaking out. Okay I'm going to get my english done before 3. Then it's time to start studying. I am so so so scared I CAN'T DO BAD FROM NOW ON.

11:49 AM

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


But it was a good day so we'll start with that and then I'll get back to english.

English first and Ms Motherwell finally came back but omguacamole we had so much to do and we have so much to study and I swear, fucking half of us have done our representations wrong so we have to start over and IT'S DUE ON FUCKING THURSDAY LIKE WHAT THE FUCK I AM SO DEAD HOLY MOLY. But it was pretty fun because she was like, obsessing over this Into the Blue movie poster with Jessica Alba in a swimsuit (Y)

Maths next and sigh, parabolas are doing my head in. LOL me and Carla accidently did the homework backwards, but oh well.

Commerce and LOL it was so funny. We had to do skits for what society'd be like if there was no law and I raped Christine behind a table and threw ties and scarves and jumpers in the air. And LOL Jenny was just so hilarious. Mr Hindmarsh will probably never look at me the same again.

History last and it was pretty fun and LOL Tanya changed Joseph Stalin into Josephine Stalin. She/he was really pretty! I'm serious.

After school was gooood. Took 14 but we missed the M60. Me, Audrey, Carla, Christine, Michelle, Eric and the guys, Brandon and Richard. OHO see what I did there? Yeah so we went around Towers and got drinks and shit and then Richard went tutor and the rest of us went to library and met Pearl. LOL we crowded around this like, 1x1m table. All six of us. Finished maths. Then Audrey left and then Eric left soon later. Ted hovered around. Richard was supposed to come after tutor but he's afraid of the dark :L Yeah then me and Brandon left 15 minutes before his bus because he was so paranoid and we were like ten minutes early, so we stood there, freezing and discussing my sad sad life. FUCK YOU ERIC, LIKE, FUCK YOU WHORE.

Yus, then I got home, showered and now I'm here, attempting Beatrice's costumes. I actually scribbled up two in ten minutes, but I'm not sure what their purposes are so I'm still pretty fucked (Y)

Facts later, but I doubt anybody cares so, I'll just go die now.

9:12 PM

Monday, May 9, 2011

Fucking hell, what the fuck is wrong with you and your priorities? You're such an asshole. You make people feel like fucking shit. I hope you realize after everything, you'll probably have no one because you didn't think about anyone else. Have a nice pathetic life.

400th post plus a rant. Not a very colourfully-languaged one, but I wasn't feeling creative. Or as rude.


6:28 PM


HAHA guys are you ready? One shit ass long post coming your way. OHO Christine, Brandon and Ricky (Y)
This won't be in caps in order to stick to what it should be like.

slept in half an hour, stood up and it was like a WHOOSH.
got dressed, went to pee, had toast, did my usual bathroom routine and left for early bus. sat next to audrey, behind christine and carla.
LOLOL eric's haircut. it was cute though.

found out shakespeare would be viewing fml. watched the opening sequence. took notes. watched it again. took more notes. OH I GOT A TEXT just joking. ate a takoyaki. ZOMG SPAZZED WITH ANIKA OMG OMG OMG TVD SEASON FINALE OMGGGG.

only ate a bar for recess. OMGUACAMOLE it was fucking cold.

walked to millenium with anika. spazzed some more. gonna watch another show together (Y) got to millenium. did warm ups, watched some strong dudes do weights. their muscles rippled 8)
ugh it was so boring. body combat or boxexercise. i swear i would've flooded the place. OOH just got a text from eric. anyway, sweated heaps and walked back with michelle.

science next. feels good being smarter than my friends for once. did more chemistry. ZOMG found out our timetable. it kinda sucks. could be worse though.

lunch, had christine's mi goreng and audrey's sandwich. pins and needles.
carla just texted me.

maths was just TT but i think i can do parabolas. LOLOL carla's low riding HAHA.

yeah then we ran for 14. saw brandon and richard. omguacamole ran for m60 when we got off at penno. fucking discomfort. sat with richard. tried to sleep. i was actually really flushed from running still. went coles with audrey and carla. OH got ANOTHER text from carla. walked home in the cold. got home, peed, got changed and now i'm here. carla texted :)

Sigh that was very tedious and thankfully not terribly long. Again, emphasizing my boring day. Fuck I'm so cold omguacamole. I must finish maths hw and shit, finish my representation. And start studying asdfghjkl

100 Facts about Me (Pt. 9)
81. I like milk.
82. I get sick so easily.
83. I'm extremely picky with everything.
84. I actually cry very easily and quite often.
85. I like chemistry :)
86. I dislike dyed hair, especially orange/blond/e or anything that's changed your appearance drastically.
87. I hate men in skinny jeans.
88. Sometimes, I feel the urge to injure myself out of curiosity e.g. touching a hot stove, making a small cut with a knife.
89. HAHA I would totally date a guy that likes HSM.
90. I don't like apartments. Good for temporary stay during college years, not for a family.

4:30 PM

Sunday, May 8, 2011
This is how bored I am.

[ZERO] Your ex texted you and wanted you back, would you take them back?

There'd be a reason you broke up so getting back together is a stupid decision.

[ONE] Has anyone told you “Forever and ever” then left?
Never, thankfully.

[TWO] Your relationship status?
Single. It's quite a sad life.

[THREE] Where did you meet your crush(s)?

Uhm, at a station :L

[FOUR] Have you ever lost a close friend?

So many, let's not even count.

[FIVE] Do you smoke weed regularly?

Even if I could get some, no.

[SIX] Think back to the beginning of 2011, are you still dating the same person?

[SEVEN] Would your parents be mad if you were in a relationship?
Pfft no. Unless they think I wanna marry him.

[EIGHT] When was the last time you really laughed?
Last night or way way early this morning LOL.

[NINE] Something’s wrong, first guy you turn too?
Eric. Though that technically wouldn't count as a guy :L

[TEN] First girl you’d go too?
Depending on the topic, Audrey, Carla or Christine.

[ELEVEN] Is there anyone who doesn’t like you because of something you did?
LOL probably, but all I do is be a hugeass bitch.

[TWELVE] Angry at anyone?
I'll tell you if I'm ever not. It's always temporary though.

[THIRTEEN] What’s stopping you from going for the person you like?
He likes someone else?

[FOURTEEN] When was the last time you cried really hard?
I was watching a movie I think. Don't remember.

[FIFTEEN] Is there anyone you would do anything for?

They missed [SIXTEEN]

[SEVENTEEN] Who was the last person you talked to for more than 10 mins on the phone?
Christine HAHA

[EIGHTEEN] What is your favorite song?
Currently, Price Tag by Jessie J/B.o.B

[NINETEEN] Do you like Red Bull?
No I dislike energy drinks.

[TWENTY] How many people can you tell just about everything to?
Maybe two.

[TWENTY-ONE] Have you ever wished on a shooting star?

[TWENTY-TWO] Does the last person you held hands with mean something to you?
LOL I love Sylvia.

[TWENTY-FOUR] Describe yourself in one word?

[TWENTY-FIVE] Do you have anything that belongs to your ex?
What ex HAHA

[TWENTY SIX] Can you honestly say you’ve had a sleepover with the opposite gender?
No but it'd be super fun and I really want to!

[TWENTY-SEVEN] Do you rebound?

[TWENTY-EIGHT] Ever cheated on someone?

[TWENTY-NINE] What would you do if you found out the person you like was in a relationship?
Be incredibly sad and then put on an act for everyone else.

[THIRTY] Do you act differently around the person you like?
I should. He'd probably fear me.

[THIRTY-ONE] Honestly, what guy’s number do you have memorized?
I only remember my mum's mobile LOL.

[THIRTY-TWO] Is it hard to make you laugh?
Not really :L

[THIRTY-THREE] Who was the last person to make you mad?
Probably a member of my family.

[THIRTY-FOUR] Do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again?

[THIRTY-FIVE] Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms?
That'd be nice. I slept on someone's shoulder?

[THIRTY-SIX] Has anyone ever called you “scrumptious” before?
I'm not a dessert.

[THIRTY-SEVEN] Would you like to put a night on repeat, and live it forever?
Jiani's -party would be okay or Audrey's sleepover (Y)

[THIRTY-EIGHT] Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out?

[THIRTY-NINE] Is your best friend a slut?
Two of them are lesbians. They're in a relationship :D

[FORTY] Is hard drugs a turn off?

[FORTY-ONE] Are you happy with life right now?
It'll do.

[FORTY-THREE] Are you still in love with your ex??

[FORTY-FOUR] Have you ever been the “other person” in a relationship?

[FORTY-FIVE] Have you ever had your heart broken?
Looking back, I don't think so.

[FORTY-SIX] Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

[FORTY-SEVEN] Is there anybody you’re really disappointed in?

[FORTY-EIGHT] Where is your best friend?
Scattered around Sydney

[FORTY-NINE] Something you're happy about?
All my relationships with people. That'll probably change tomorrow.

[FIFTY] How is your heart lately?

7:03 PM

cha-chang ba-blang

Oh my god I am fucking full like holy shat I must've gained 5 kilos and I can't move. We had like, 4 different types of skewers and beef steak and bread and noodles and salad and mash. My mum is crazy. We're going to be eating leftovers for days, sigh.

LOLOL OMGUACAMOLE LOOOOOOL I LOVE BRANDON! I forgot to mention he looked up 69 on tumblr yesterday and LOL it was so funny. What the fuck, OMG what the fuck what the fuck HOLY WHAT THE FUCK OMGGGGG.

Okay so I stopped getting work done because I was cooking for hours. Made a cake and like, 60 skewers which actually doesn't seem like much so I don't understand how it took so long.

HAHA I just watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. You know, I didn't even understand the movie title was like, a weather forecast. I thought it was just random shit. Just like Biggest Loser LOL. I'm loling too much.

It's so so cold. I think that's why I got cramps. Fuck me sideways, the only time my periods come, they're painful LSKDJLASKDJLKADJALK.


Fuck I haven't done my review fuck fuck FUCK WHAT AM I GOING TO DO. LOL not gonna do it.

What the fuck bro, you have no idea how much that just made me laugh and scoff and do anything but take you seriously. What, like, WHAT EVEN, I can't even say anything, so we'll leave it there.

I NEED TO FIND SOMETHING TO DO ON MY BLOG. Maybe I'll try just make up a challenge or something.


I'm sorry this is a really spastic post, but I am done now.

6:33 PM

everybody look to the left

HULLO. Kay it's Mother's Day and I forgot to buy condensed milk so I couldn't make Grace's yummy lemon chocolate cheesecake yesterday so I'll have to make it today, but me and my sister bought some other shiz so it's good. Did you know there's condensed and evaporated milk? Both got water evaporated from them but sugar was added to make condensed milk sweet and delicious. Thought I'd share.

Sigh, skype till like, not even 3 and we all fell asleep. Oh my god, flesh light LOL and I think we exhausted ourselves singing HSM and laughing at her LOLOL. Tomorrow, Christine, Ricky and Brandon (Y)

"checking email atm brb.
BACK ooft"


Okay so I'm half there for representation but fuck, detailing the costumes are just so hard and I still need to colour them in zomg. But I like the styles, so maybe I'm not that screwed for SAIL either. Oh yus, we also find out our food tech teacher tomorrow I think, and if she's a whore, I'm going to have her for SAIL as well, so I'll just kill myself really.


LOL me and Richard were talking about how oysters reproduce since they can change genders. My theory was that they change into female and leak out an egg and then change into a male and leak out a sperm, or two oysters do that. OR they're both genders and somehow get pregnant and give birth to some baby oyster in the shell and the mum/dad dies and the baby takes over that shell while the dead things evaporate. I'm ingenious (Y)

I was looking through my cap photos this morning and just laughing at Brandon.

100 Facts about Me (Pt. 8)
71. I'm so ugly when I laugh HAHA.
72. I have really unsteady hands.
73. I still like nursery rhymes, especially 'Sing a Song of Six Pence'.
74. There's a butternut pumpkin sitting on my kitchen table and I keep thinking of Taylor's nose LOLOL.
75. I'm super uncreative when it comes to URLs. Exhibit A - my blog.
76. I want a scar. Something always visible but not on my face.
77. I hate colouring things in.
78. The best way to up my mood in the mornings is seeing a blue sky or having bacon for breakfast.
79. I love sleepovers.
80. I hate sunscreen.

12:05 PM

Saturday, May 7, 2011
we'll discover ourselves whilst clothed

HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3 IS ON! Sigh, I miss Zanessa. Zac is just so adorable when he's laughing when he stole Jimmy 'the Rocketman's clothes LOL.

Yus okay I'm going to go back and sing my heart out. BOI.

7:14 PM

we've come so far somehow

Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JINA! Have a lovely 15th. I have a surprise tonight ;)

OHO I'm getting my braces off on the 18 of June (Y)

Yeah so I've been trying to get some work done today. I finished maths, discovering that I can do parabolas with a bit of time. OH and I started my Overcoming Adversity assignment for PE and I have most of the necessary information I think. Now I'm working on costume design and I've finished one dress! But fuck, if Motherwell doesn't let me do Hero, I'm going to SDLFKJDLKFSKFJSDLKFJS her.

Anyway, I kinda feel like going back to school, even though it's only a day away LOL. Tooo-MORROW! Tomorrow! I love ya, tomorrow. You're only a day away. The year has gone super fast. We'll be graduating in no time, but I'm actually sort of looking forward to college. Assuming I get in and hopefully my friends will be attending the same one (Y)

Sigh I'm so bored of the internet. I seriously have nothing to do and we haven't put a heater in my living room yet so I don't want to watch TV so basically all I can do is read and do work, which is really what I should only be doing. I have to bake a cake for my mum soon. It's so cold, I don't want to get my hands dirty or wet.


On the bright side, Tyler was incredibly hot, what with his nakedness and all. I'm dreading the season finale and ANIKA HASN'T CALLED ME!

Okay I want to finish my basic design for the second dress and then attempt the Much Ado review.

100 Facts about Me (Pt. 7)
61. I'd love to design clothes or homes if I could draw.
62. I'm very dependent on people.
63. I love eating lamb YUM.
64. Cleaning my ears feel sooo comfortable :)
65. I refuse to lose arguments, so you'll find me in an incredibly bad mood when I do.
66. If I wake up from a good dream, I can usually lull back to it if I'm not fully awake.
67. I hate reading a powerpoint word for word and I absolutely hate other people doing that.
68. I hate bogans.
69. OHO. I imagine the 69 position is extremely awkward, like how can you do it comfortably?
70. My maturity changes according to whatever situation I'm in.

6:17 PM

Friday, May 6, 2011
i love it when you say my name

I am so ashamed of myself. WHAT HAS BECOME OF ME? Anyway, cold morning and finally saw Christine! Yeah so we took the late train and it was so cold at penno and Richard was too awkward to talk to. And my hand really hurts rn. Sigh. We had really shit subjects today.

English first and finished Much Ado about Nothing and holy shat, sex scenes are super awkward to watch if you're not by yourself. They were like, pushing and grunting. I'm fucked for my representation by the way.

Maths was second and I don't get parabolas, like what the fuck.

History third and LOL it was fun 'cause it was a revision lesson but our awesome table just spazzed about eating/sucking/tickling/licking dicks and shit.

Geography last and I was so bored I wanted to die.

Finally saw Eric for the first time in ages and LOL his essay on why clothes were important was incredibly hilariously BAD. And I just complained about my sad sad life. It was super empty at penno except the bus was crowded. So now I'm waiting for TVD to load. I'M SO EXCITED ZOMG but if like, somebody dies I am going to have a fucking fit and like, scream to Anika and punch my computer.

askdjalskdjalksdj TALK TO ME :(

Prepare for a spastic post in approximately 50 minutes. BYE.

100 Facts about Me (Pt. 6)
51. You'll usually experience in me in a super good mood or a really down mood. I'm not very temperate.
52. I love toasted sandwiches.
53. I'm insecure.
54. I like chanting two-syllable words to the printer while it prints.
55. I hate onions.
56. I wonder how people are able to put up with me.
57. I do not take people for granted, and I hate it when people do that to me.
58. I love summer.
59. I'm super impatient.
60. I'm really bad at sticking to routine.

4:33 PM

Thursday, May 5, 2011
there's no second chance

Shit it was so windy today, thus super freezing. Me and Audrey had cream donuts.

Science first and it was fun because we were doing okay practical. I think I slightly burned myself with an acid or base. ZOMG then it was geo test next but freaking out was unnecessary since it was really only rewriting the report, which is absolutely pointless, like what the fark. But it doesn't matter because I am SO SO SO glad that the assignment is over. PE next where two groups presented their stress busters and we had cookies and a Japanese tea ceremony :) Mr Burke had somebody's dog at school and everybody came up and molested it. Like, what the hell have you never seen a dog before? Then we cooked last which is our last lesson with Ms Trott oho. The chicken was highly disgusting.

Sigh, I miss Aidan. He was at Hornsby yesterday, that hoe. Didn't think to tell me.

100 Facts about Me (Pt. 5)
41. I'm 100% carnivore. Vegetarianism would kill me.
42. I think I'm a good liar (Y)
43. My hair is never right. Ever.
44. My favourite fruit is watermelon.
45. My etiquette is only ladylike and polite in public.
47. I'm either very firm or indecisive.
48. I love the Jonas Brothers.
49. I like female French names and I hate Asian sounding ones.
50. I'm probably jealous over something at least everyday.

I'm not sure if I repeat them or not :/

4:35 PM

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
shoo be doo be doo ba

So many people are starting blog again, which makes me happy. It's like Year 8 all over again.

I love nyan cat LOL. So I'm trying to study for geography which is major fail but I think I've nailed most of the definitions we need.

We finally got heaters back into our rooms, thank god, because it's so mother fucking cold in the morning I take 20 minutes to decide to get changed.

Sigh I adore Phineas and Ferb.

Okay I might tumblr but I'm truly bored of it, but that's such a waste of time if I just left my followers die.

9:02 PM

black cats and voodoo dolls

Ugh I'm so sad.

Okay so we handed in our geography thing and fuck, I have to study for the test ZOMG. Then it'll all be over. Then we watched Much Ado about Nothing and it was really stupid so I slept. Commerce next. Watched stuff on the Cronulla riots which pissed me off like crazy. What the fuck you bogans, racial discrimination and culture clash are the same fucking thing! Yeah it was history next and I was honestly trying to tune in but it was so boring so I just played bubbleshooter LOL. SAIL last. Half my class is gone, which is a shame because I liked them. Yeah then caught the train and 633 and bought KFC with Carla. Now I'm home and I cbf to do work.

Anyway, talked with Christine last night and she's on a plane and arriving in like, 5 hours! Sigh I miss her so much and her connection kept dying everytime she moved.


100 Facts about Me (Pt. 4)
31. I get obsessed with things too easily and quickly.
32. I'm not as shallow as I seem. Not genuinely.
33. Most of the time, there's no reason for my anger.
34. I don't like a particular genre of music.
35. I have no particular talent. I'm hopeless.
36. I love vampires and supernatural fiction.
37. I am the world's most hopeless study-er.
38. My expectations are super low so I'm not disappointed majority of the time.
39. I cannot wait to be able to bite into an apple again.

Day Five: Dear Future Me
OHO HELLO GENEVIEVE ____! Of course I'll be married to an amazing guy and be pregnant or have got a kid/s and we're living in a nice city and I am wearing a 3 carat diamond ring and Louboutins. Don't forget to read this blog every once in a while, and reminisce and probably cry about how great adolescence was. Hope you're doing well!

Love, Genevieve Wang

4:37 PM

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
un deux trois quatre

Fuck my life. Okay so the day started alright. Crowded bus with Carla, early train with Jess, library with lots of loud people. Sigh my thighs are screaming with each step.

Science first and OHO I'm so pro at chemistry, I feel so proud. Audrey wasn't here in the morning for ortho so it was just me and Shobhana. Then we had Farquard for english zomg. Died listening to theme essay things but thank god, we practically have our Much Ado about Nothing notes YAY! Then we had commerce and watched The Castle and finished it and started some legal shiz, sigh. Mr Hindmarsh's hair was unusually flat LOL. Then our geography group - Christine got together at lunch and basically got nothing accomplished 'cause that's just, y'know, us. Maths holy moly CARLA YOU HOE freaking hiccuping all through that period. Oh LOL before we got to maths, me and Audrey had just finished peeing and then there was like a fucking stampede of girls because apparently the toilets would stop operating in ten minutes or some shit LOL.

Ran for 14 and it was so not worth it SAKDJASLDKJALSKDJLS FUCK MY LIFE! Me and Audrey each bought a $5 chicken schnitzel burger and it was so heavenly I would marry it. Got some geography done and then walked home, very depressed.

LOL skyped with Brandon for a couple hours and got super freaked out about some Bloody Mary story so I started singing I Just Had Sex. LOL I'm so good at it!

Anyway, had pizza for dinner, showered and read and now we're finishing geography, sigh. My life is truly absolutely devastatingly tragic.

100 Facts about Me (Pt. 3)
21. I'm neurotic.
22. I hate my body and face and wish I could change everything about me.
23. I've been engaged twice - once in kindergarten and once in Year 1.
24. Reading is my passion.
25. I'm too self-conscious to luvo with friends. They make me feel ugly.
26. The feeling I seem to feel the most is regret.
27. This is way too depressing. Alright I LOVE CHEESE.
28. I overthink Ask anyone.
29. I love roses. I will melt if anyone gave them to me.
30. I'd like my name a lot better if it wasn't mine.

Day Four: Dear Parents
I love you. I'll never ever be able to repay you. Enough said.

Love, Genevieve

10:14 PM

Monday, May 2, 2011

I despise myself for the thoughts I have towards some people. It makes me wonder if there's any human inside of me.

9:27 PM

you're only a day away

Such a bludge day today. LOL Michelle found out RAP was due Wednesday and me, Audrey and Jenny were just laughing at her spasms. It was super cold.

Food tech first where we just zoned out. Then second period, we had effing gym holy moly. We did intense zumba and my legs are super sore because we didn't even warm up aslkjalkdsjakjslk

Then we got to miss out on science and maths because we got to watch Annie OHOHO. Sometimes, I just get amazing luck. However, my fucking bus ride. Oh my god I would be the happiest existing being in the world if those fucking Year 7-9 normos would just fucking die. I hate them so much I was praying an invisible knife would slice them.

Anyway, I have maths HW sigh. I despise linear. Yum raisin toast is really yummy and Phineas and Ferb is on.

100 Facts about Me (Pt. 2)
11. I truly have the worst time management in the world.
12. I could totally live on bread and toast.
13. One thing I have to do before I'm older is wear a Victorian era gown.
14. I think I get too attached to people too fast.
15. I expect too much out of people.
16. I'm a terrible cook. Desserts is my only good point.
17. I'm drooling from the delicious-ness of this beautiful slice of raisin toast.
18. I'm very unsavvy with technology and computers.
19. I'm not terribly stupid. Just not very smart.

Day Three: Dear ex-boyfriend
LOL you don't exist! I'll go with ex-crush. Sigh you were adorable, especially when you laughed and oh my god you got really hot in high school. That stomach 8) Anyway, I will always cherish Year 4 and 5, when we kind of flirted around each other. Good times. I miss you.

Love Gen.

4:40 PM

Sunday, May 1, 2011
have some really nice sex

I felt really guilty about being lazy and immobile so I downloaded this ab workout thing on my mum's iPhone LOL. So I was doing these exercises while watching Beauty and the Beast.

HOW can you have Sonny with a Chance WITHOUT SONNY! Like WHATTHEFUCKBRO.

Oh yeah, I just realised it's May. Sigh, how did the year pass so quickly already.

Anyway, I felt like I haven't spoken to Eric in ages because he's so busy studying. I don't think I'm going to have any day without exams, cause my subjects seem really scattered into the wider branches, like social studies and TAS etc. Sigh, my tragic life.

Guh, my blog is super boring with super short posts because nothing interesting ever happens in my life. So I'll probably do the 100 facts thing everybody is doing but make 10 each post. People would also be more likely to read 10 at a time then have to scroll down effing one hundred. Yus, I'm smart.

100 Facts about Me (Pt. 1)
1. I'm a female.
2. I love slutty dancing.
3. I've never actually really liked anybody.
4. My computer is a constant victim of my abuse, it should be broken.
5. I'm a huge bitch. I can't name one friend I haven't bitched about.
6. My trust is scattered with different people on different topics.
8. Death terrifies me.
9. My motivation to do anything never lasts longer than a week.
10. I wish I was as pretty as Eric LOLOL! He's such a pretty baby.

9:03 PM

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes

Okay I'm not getting much useful stuff done rn so I feel like blogging.

I miss Miley's Hannah image, not that I don't mind her now and OMG I ACTUALLY WANT TO SEE HER IN CONCERT.

Anyway, FUCK I broke a bracket AGAIN ASKLJAKLSJDALSK so the process is delayed another two months and I'm so super angry aksjalkjslaksjdalkdjlakdas.


Okay I actually have nothing to post so I shall do it laterrrrrr.

1:13 PM

Hig, High So- High Soci- High Society


Anyway, I spent the whole of yesterday watching High Society and the Philadelphia Story and then High Society. I am such a waste of space.

Royal Wedding was a waste of three hours of my life. Now I cbf to post because i have to GBF to work. BYE!

Day Two: Dear Crush,
I sooo do not need this complication in my life right now. I AM A DIGNIFIED LADY. NO MAN TAKES OVER ME. Sigh, I'm not sure about my feelings. It's still too early to decide but hopefully I can keep them at bay. Have a good life.
Love Gen

12:38 PM