
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Day 2 - Your crush

well, what's a crush ? infatuation i guess. so mine 8) sadly, i don't even know your name, so i gave you a really hot name. it goes with your hot face and hot body and hot everything else >D i wish i noticed you more in year 7, where you actually sat next to me many times. such a shame. well i'm determined to find out who you are before you graduate from high school. till then, stay handsome.

7:43 PM


well you know, since i'm doing that 30 day thing, i might as well blog

he was so close
like i could've reached out and touched him
michelle was in six layers :P singlet, shirt, blouse, tunic, jumper, blazer
LOL the blazer was so short.
i think ima wear mine tomorrow.

on the train, tanya turned weirdly on her butt to face like, her back side, not backside, the BACK of her side. and then when she got up, there was this huge weird mark on the seat; there was the normal flatness of the chair, than this raised little bit, like a mountain, all around a valley sort of thing. it was so funny.

commerce first. had a guest speaker ==

food next. made a spinach and ricotta with pumpkin lasagna, which actually tasted nice when it was hot.

pe. euro handball.
hahaha our warm ups, tanya was failing at each one. and i swear she repels balls. everytime someone threw it at her, it like bounced away

maths last. i left to pee, and when i entered the room again, i swear it smelt like pumpkin

went to timezone after school with carla, tanya, christine and jiani. met michelle there and then eric came. they DDR'd while i played air hockey. first with eric, where i lost, and then with tanya, where i won :)
christine and tanya were going spastic in the jeep thing, like tanya's legs were flying everywhere. then we missed the 14 and 19 and then our bus and then our 3:30 train so we had to wait 17 more minutes.

saw justin at penno. took a school bus that went 631 route. gosh we got there only 10 minutes after our usual bus.

it's so cold D<

so i'm just liking all these photos of vanness and he's so cute
until he shaved his head

autumn's concerto has such nice quotes. i was reading the letter he sent her on the back of the photo before he went into operation and it was so fucking sweet.

i need to download the soundtrack and do day 2


6:52 PM

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Day 1 - Your Best Friend

this is tricky, since i don't have one. but to those people i consider, and hope they consider me, one of their best friends, i love you guys. yes, you all drive me crazy and all of us want to kill each other at times, but we're still great despite that. i will make the effort to make sure we'll always stay friends, no matter where we are, what we do or who we are.

9:16 PM

quick blog before i start the 30 day challenge which eric insists is so fun.

okay like, a few days ago or whatever, i had this awesome dream about jake 8) HE TALKED TO ME. us. like, me carla audrey and christine on the bus or we were sitting somewhere.
he was like
"what do you think of adoption ?"
and i was like o-o
and gave him a really long answer. then he just asked how i was
8) he had a hot voice

also, i've been seeing him at penno a lot
he yawned today and tanya and christine burst out laughing and he looked at them and i was like D<

we saw a really freaky sticker of some bleeding zombie dude and tanya laughed her ass off

i can't fucking wait till holidays and summer and summer holidays and CHRISTMAS.

yeah, i forgot what else i was going to say.

spirit week is kind of lame :/

9:10 PM

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

i hate it when things are temporary.

5:32 PM

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Is-say Mi-ya-kay


so haven't blogged all weekend, but i can sum it up pretty quickly

i'm a couch potato :)
i stayed home ALL weekend, watching himym, friends, disney, two and a half men and sex and the city and i'm dying for carrie's wardrobe D<
yeah that's about it

okay so today was such a boring day
saw jake in the morning
the back of his head is really strange - it looks like a sting ray o-o

elective history first

it was alright, mr hatton imitated 'dancing' or something
got our results
fuck you ms. foster

oh god, i really hate science now
like, with chemistry and bio, i guess it's alright because i'm remotely interested
but physics and electricity is UGH

history last
ms riches was in an unusually good mood :/

missed the train. caught 19, bus'd
dinner, home, webcam with eric
LOL nun :D

mm got a new heater, thank god, so i don't have to sleep on the sofa
last night was quite horrible, i couldn't move or i'd fall off

anywho, since i got home, i've been on tumblr and pining over stuff i plan on buying when i'm older


you know, i'd really like to pursue a career in fashion, because anything medical or scientific ...
well pfft you're supposed to be smart
and fashion, mm, don't know what jobs you can get within that branch

i am so sick of mainstream music right now ==
you know, i really like evanescence
y'all should try listen to them

yuck mufti on friday

i should be starting maths


7:57 PM

Friday, June 11, 2010
i want you


quick post

he was like, yawning by the vending machines
he'd be sooo nice to hug 8) and elaine was on our train
and i was shoving my hands up tanya's jumper arm - soo warm
i think i made the elastic looser :D

PE first
i miss jina :/
got our results back, all did pretty well
then watched this film on depression which lasted the whole lesson
so we didn't laugh too much

commerce next
got results back again
not too satisfactory
just waiting for english now

listened to martin luther king like twice ==
it was torture

food tech last
made coconut macaroons
LOL tanya like, put her tray of coconut too high in the oven
so it caught fire
and it started burning the controls on the oven
and then ms jaegar and the lady tried to cover it with a fire blanket but it didn't work
so they got out the fire extinguisher and we were really excited because we thought it'd be this massive epic cloud of white WHOOSH
but no, it just made a really loud sound and a puff like flour
and then our room stunk so much, everyone ran out for fresh air
it was quite cool :D

took 14, everyone was eating the macaroons
bus LOL sylvia man !
dude, his shirt must've been like, so short
because everytime he moved, his jumper would ride up
and i'd see his underwear
which may i mention, were white, with fluro coloured polka dots
i thought they were girl swimmers !
and then carla was sitting on the bus steps, and sylvia man was standing in front of her, not holding onto anything, his butt towards carla
i would've loved it if he sat on her :D

ate at towers, walked home
went straight to my lovely tv

my room heater isn't warming up very quickly :/

but i shall go so

9:34 PM

god what is it with you ? do you have to seem so uninterested or miserable ? then even just at least pretend to want to talk to me. why should anyone bother with you anymore ? you can't even make me feel welcome. what did you ever think of me as ? so i was really just wasting my fucking time. you don't even understand anyone's feelings but your own.

7:31 PM

Thursday, June 10, 2010
no strings attached


okay so i'm really sick of a lot of mainstream music ==
like, i'll go to one music channel, and it's playing all the current hits
and then when i go to another one, all those same hits are played on that channel too

so today, was really cold

maths first. got our results. i'm quite pleased with them
my expectations are lowwwwwwwww

elective history next. pfft

sport next
played european handball
it was really stupid

english last, had palgan
it was so boring, it couldn't have gotten any more boring
unless mr hatton took the class
which he will like, tomorrow

caught 19, used the toilet on 2nd carriage
LOL it was like an airplane toilet
when i was about to sit, the train moved
and then the flush, like, popped when i pressed it
so i screamed i think

got on bus, apartment, dinnerrrrrr
and i've been downloading and downloading
and watching tv ofc

i need a new tumblr layout ==

7:47 PM

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


mm so i think today was quite alright
well saw JAKE in the morning and dayuuum did he look good 8) and then i saw behind him on the train

it was really cold. i hate cold

first period, had that science university comp
fuck it was so fucking hard D<
i guess like, the last 4 pages
and i felt really sick

food tech next

double bleh
oh my god, and gabby, going on about getting a car if she got over 95% for her stupid maths half-yearly. that's SO stupid, what's wrong with her

lunch was fun :D
horror / thriller stuff is fun with your friends

history last
got our results though
didn't do toooo bad, but i had better expectations

well i took the 48 alone like a sad person
usual penno with eric and carla
jake didn't take the bus
me and carla quoted a lot of friends :D
guess we ran out of JONAS a while ago

walked around, helped margaret pick out a belly ring
bought a banana rhapsody ice cream
looked at phones ... apartment
dinner, then home
mother fuck it was so cold on the way back D<
like, the wind was stinging my face
and when i got into the house, it was only like 15 degrees
but it was so warm compared to outside

well, tumbled, watched my usual routine of tv
and i just finished my maths homework thank god

i shall go now


9:14 PM

Monday, June 7, 2010


so after i got home, turned the tv on
huge surprise yeah :)

and then i started watching the MTV movie awards
except i missed the red-carpet event ==
so they had this kiss cam thing and they showed zac and vanessa first :D it was so cute
and god i can't believe twilight won like, all the events. like, the best male actor - robert D<
over taylor and channing and zac and daniel radcliffe
and i was like fjkshlendrklfhueklsrufjs rnhfklawsd when he won

anyway i'm watching friends now
and its the one where ross says rachel
at his wedding 8)

ima go. i hope i can go to school tomorrow
i think i have my elective history greek thing tomorrow


9:09 PM

boom boom


so i got to sleep in today :) meaning i woke up at around 9
which is enough, because it's 3 hours more sleep than usual

ate breakfast, watched tv, the usual.

then i had to leave for the doctors around 12
i felt so odd, because i doubt i passed for a college student
and i think my cold got worse while i was walking because it was windy ==

had to buy 3 more freaking puffers. UGH i hate using them.

had dumplings for lunch. and there's nothing to do.

ugh missing such gay subjects; science commerce MATHS and sport thank god
and next monday is the queen's birthday so it's public holiday :D
i think i have the elective history 'exam' for that greek thing tomorow

ugh 4 more weeks.
till i finally can be driven around !

all these tumblr layouts are ugly :/

mm school finished like now. guess i'll be heading home soon.


2:47 PM

Sunday, June 6, 2010
uptown girl


so i haven't blogged since i got on the computer, because i've been downloading songs and trying to work out tumblr.
i hate thinking up urls :/

anywho, i'm sick :(
yeah, yeah, huge shocker isn't it.
so i have to go to the doctor tomorrow instead of school
which is alright, because i don't have to do softball.

so i've been watching tv for like, 8 hours a day
and rereading my books, which reminds me, i have hw

i'm watching merlin now
arthur is like, soooooo 8)
people were so sick before the 20th century
like those disgusting forms of torture
can you imagine being fucking BURNED at the stake ? that's so disgusting and the town would WATCH it. how could you be so cruel and heartless and un-feelingless, watching someone slowly turn into charcoal ?

one thing i really can't stand: animals in pain.
you know, i always cry in hotel for dogs. like in any animal movies really. i can't stand seeing those poor animals in the pound. and i hate how in movies, if they have a dog, they sort of abandon their pet, like don't pay any attention in situations

skyped with mum today. i wish for summer so much.

LOL had an incredibly horny conversation with jenny yesterday
jenny, i will be sure to find the dirtiest pair of handcuffs for your wedding gift :)

you know, if all the new mobile phones are like these current ones ...
i will NEVER get a new phone

i shall go find more images on tumblr
i really want to live in new york :(

see y'all

6:58 PM

Thursday, June 3, 2010
for one more chance, for one last dance


so yeah exams are over, everybody's saying that
and i am so happy
today wasn't too bad

okay well we were freaking out about everything on the bus
and i didn't see jake or anyone
roll call party, except me and jenny didn't eat anything

MATHS first. ugh i hate doing tests in the hall ==
it was hard. i got lots wrong already

history next. riches was away thank god
watched stupid video
i hate japanese stuff
it's so uninteresting

science. got our results ==
bad bad bad. but what did i expect anyway

gosh i was so tired throughout the day. it's like all the stress of exams kept me producing adrenaline and now the exams are over, my energy is gone. i slept through most of science.

LOL lunch was so fun.

english last. tanya did not shut up singing. i was going to kill her. YES started public speaking. i am so fucking sick of shakespeare.

took 14. i can't believe ELAINE did better than me D<
sorry elaine :)
but that's good for you

LOL bus omfg MANSLUT
hahaha when he swerved around the pole when the bus lurched and was like 'waaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeoooooooo'
me and christine freaking died laughing
and his ugly headphones dangling forward looked like tiny boobs with hooks :D
i think carla touched his butt ?

anyway i got english hw to do
but i got on the computer straight away and started downloading
i love yiruma :)
like LOVE him
his music makes me feel so sentimental and like ... deep

and now i'm tired so i'm going to sync my ipod and go sleep

you're a hopeless case. you'll be nothing. i can't believe a person could be so fucking slack. wish you well. you deserve it all.

nighty nights

9:32 PM

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

i just love marykate & ashley
gosh i think they're beautiful and they're true style icons

8:29 PM

vera wang


so today was just full bludge
with an exam to top it off

well study period 1 in 215
so boring

took like, the WHOLE of recess to print my bloody notes
because the retarded printed had a paper jam

211 for study period 2 with palgan
quite fun
don't think i studied

study period 3 in 403
it was so fun :D
me and christine couldn't stop laughing
and then me dorie raveena christine and audrey talked about horror stuff
and some disney stuff
massive pumpkin pie 8)

missed 14, so took 19
didn't get on the stupid bus
fucking bus driver
got to castle hill at like, 4:20
ate, walked home, called mum

so now, instead of doing history
i'm looking at bridal gowns and rings 8)
yeah i'm kind of gay

i love red carpet dresses
i only watch the red carpet event
and skip the awards


i shall see you laterers

7:38 PM