
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Monday, May 31, 2010

HEYO -rico-

god there's nothing on tv today
well i'm going to watch secret life of an american teenager
jenny loves it because of the sex

so i'm trying to do history notes
i'm going to print out all my notes at school tomorrow
i'm using up so much blank ink and paper D:

shakespeare exam first. i actually didn't do too terrible
i just used like, no quotes :/

MOTHER dskjlrfhqdlwk aehqdfklwnh erf
did so bad for sonnet D<
didn't even finish my conclusion !

third study period, i was starving my freaking ass off
and stupid mr. hatton wouldn't let me eat a mandarin

softball was cancelled :D
so we just sat in 310, watching this retarded softball movie
think it was "rookie of the year"
so i was watching JONAS on my ipod
i haven't watched it in SO long and they stopped airing it on disney :(
because there's all these new retarded shows, like 3 or 4 of them
and now they're putting aside like, wizards and HM

took the 14. got on the bus
god i hate that fucking year 8

skyped with mum when i got to the apartment
she got a tan, which is so unfair because i want a tan so much
i wish i went to greece :/
oh and my dad dropped my camera in the sea ==

mm why do people cry during proposals and during weddings ?
like, saying it's because it's so HAPPY
sounds retarded and way too emotional
but who knows, maybe i'll be retarded and over-emotional

got to get back to history. should try ace this test, since the previous 4 are definitely not going to get A's for my report

and i still don't see what's so good about tumblr.


6:45 PM

Sunday, May 30, 2010
are you ready to get so random ?


such an unprogressive fucking day
woke up really late
did some chores and watched tv
till noon :/

wet sheets are so bloody heavy D:

tried doing english with christine
17 again was on again AGAIN

so i was just freaking out all day

hahaha three-way with christine and audrey
we were just quoting romeo and juliet

then i watched merlin
and masterchef
so freaking scary when matt threw whatshisnames plate
i was like :O

now i'm trying to memorise quotes
and i'm dead tired
ugh fuck english tomorrow
and sports

i don't think i've been this unprepared for an english exam
or any exam. so bloody screwed.

going to study in bed
or i'll probably go straight to sleep anyway

tawni is so cute :D
"GOTCHA ! hehehe rubber pencil"
wouldn't it be fun to be in a movie ?

see you laterers.

9:33 PM

Saturday, May 29, 2010

let's go fly a kite

9:23 PM


hello homos

mother fuck i'm such a procrastinator
only finished commerce notes today

but i found my sonnet essay
which isn't that much help

well i was cleaning the house all morning
it was tiring ==

i'm watching mary poppins :)
julie andrews is just sooo
like even now, she's 60
and still beautiful !

i love it when they're cleaning the nursery
and then when they enter bert's painting
and when they're laughing and having tea in the air
except i don't really like the end
how they go fly their kites
and don't even say bye to mary poppins :/

well i should keep going with my notes
but 17 again is on later

it's 38 days left
i guess i counted wrong last time
not terribly long

mm i want to watch sound of music now

going to be a busy day tomorrow

imma go

7:41 PM

Friday, May 28, 2010
there's something about the sunshine

hello women, men

so i didn't post yesterday.
i actually felt happy in the morning
which is really contradictory to the crying the night before

but i felt pretty accomplished somehow while walking to school

and the subjects were alright
maths first, just did revision

elective history
total bludge
tried to study with audrey and sandra
and looked up really funny jokes :D
" .. i'll hold your monkey for you"

pe. just went to 207 again
LOL it was so fun
i fucking love pe
and i love my table
went on the completelyGORGEOUS site
LOL at the tassle boobs !
and looked at videos of reditting

mr hatton went ON and ON and ON
about romeo ==

took 14
bus, went to apartment, ate
walked home, did my study, watched tv
painted my nails.

study session on the bus
then on the train
and then in roll call

then we had our pe exam
didn't do TOO bad
except for my long response

2nd period was study in the jap room

3rd period was study in the pe room
had the gay science teacher
didn't people say he went to jail or some shit
me and christine hardcore studied
and i finally memorised those retarded definitions for coordination and control

4th was science exam
-swearing rampage-
like, it was ALL on chemistry
that i hardly knew, mind you
and i memorised that retarded coordination stuff for nothing

well, got on the train early
me and christine were busting our pants off
but the toilet in 3rd carriage was 'engaged'
so everyone one 1st was just ranting and complaining

got on bus
CHRISTINE i touched manslut :)
me and carla and christine discussed shitloads of work
got off at apartment. ate

i'm watching STARSTRUCK at home now :D

he's about to sing to her now !

imma go


6:12 PM

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
nothing to say


well it was quite a depressing day today.
said bye this morning
and didn't see anyone to cheer my mood up

science first
electricity is gaaaay

food tech next
i got a lollipop :D

had a room change to 215
it was awesome :D
we were discussing the human centipede
LOL morse code ! -moves tongue-
and tanya's interpretation of the cover

omfg it was so scary
like everyone was being really really noisy
and then suddenly, riches comes in and like
no slams is an understatement
but she SLAMS the door
and starts screaming at us about being animals
and then we later saw the tiny glass thing on the door
like, shattered
i was like O:
so scary, i swear no one spoke for half the lesson

took 48. called mum :/
got sad all over again
thank you eric and pack and carla
it was fucking pouring
my shoes were soaked
can't believe i wore my old shoes today ==

went to grandparents
ate dinner. then waited for the bloody rain to calm down
then walked home
tried to study
but nooo i'm watching tv instead

sterling knight sounds bad live :/
so tired.

well i guess it's 39 days left.
i'll wait.

You will be betrayed by one who calls you a friend, the Oracle whispered in my mind. You will fail to save what matters most in the end.
Shut up, I told it.

8:50 PM

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
and all things harry winston


well i'm currently in a bad mood because PE notes are pissing me off
and my shoulder hurts everytime i sneeze or cough or something

pretty bad day. bus was okay though. christine almost sat on gordon :P
and i bought some stuff from dotti
half the store was like, $10 :D


it was sooo good 8)
but chuck and blair D<
man nate is just so -yum-
and chuck was so sweet
but the end D<
so depressing

anywho, i'm just about done with PE
next priority, english
except now i'm a bit nervous about my essay :/

so parents are leaving tomorrow
have to say goodbye tomorrow morning :(
prepare for crying

going to watch re-run of gossip girl
i love foxtel :)


10:34 PM

Monday, May 24, 2010
the way you move ain't fair you know

hello no-life-ers who bother to read my blog

well today was a bad day

bus was okay though
i told audrey everything about spirit bound :D
but then my throat got dry and sore
from that talking i bet

totally made my day.

science first. DEBATE
my speech was pretty good :P
next to christine's
i laughed throughout her entire speech
and audrey's was very ... moving
and we won of course
i love winning debates.
it's the only thing i want to win
well, like, unlike sports and stuff
that's coming later

commerce next.
wrote typed fuckloads

maths third.
the practice test was hard D<
i was like, wtf-ing through the first page

then we had to walk to waitara oval
for retarded softball
and we were versing A team
and they owned us so badly
and i bruised my thumb
and when i batted, the fucking pitcher
pitched so hard when i swung the bat, it fully vibrated
and my hand went numb
i was cursing the entire time
but me and annwen went on about vampire academy :)

i can't believe eric laughed at the saddest part in autumn's concerto ==

bus was gay
fuck i hate those stupid year 8s
i want to like
pummel them so bad

piano, then me mum and sister went to this mexican place and ate .. guesidilla or some shit. it was pretty good. mum had a naked burito :D

and then i spent an hour on my stupid practice essay
finally done
now i got to do notes.

yuck new school shoes tomorrow :(


9:05 PM

Sunday, May 23, 2010
i feel like saying lesbians

mm i'm just thinking about primary.
i really regret not keeping in touch.
boy i do miss him.

and JIN ! gosh gosh haven't thought about him in a while
and david :/
been a long time since we went to the swings
well maybe i'll find him one day

life probably would be slightly easier in a non-selective school
or probably not

anywho, mum and dad leaving on wednesday
have to say goodbye in the morning :(
i swear, i have never been away from my mum for longer than a few weeks
when i went to china without her

well i'll miss her a lot

F is for friends who do stuff together,
U is for u and me
N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea !

8:13 PM

an hour of sex burns 360 calories


gosh i'm so tired ==

well spent a while on the phone with elaine
i'm so funny eric
and played bubbleshooter
that game pisses me off so much

and i actually slept quite quickly last night

so today, had bacon and egg muffin for breakfast :D
and then i watched tv

then me and mum went to towers
bought new school shoes :/
MOTHER jklnd irjfqwl;ief;wrf
they're so disgustingly ugly D<
i love my old ones
too bad they're sorta ruined

then i came home, and watched 10 things i hate about you
i love heath ledger
i was like 8)

and finished most of my science notes

did i mention i finished my sonnet yesterday ?
well, i did :)

had dumplings for dinner and lunch :D
and watched lots of gossip girl
nate was like 8)

so now i'm waiting for 17 again

my neck is so stiff ==

david beckham is hot.

7:22 PM

Saturday, May 22, 2010
love fades, mine has.


so i'm doing my sonnet which was kind of supposed to be due right after holidays, but i never did it and mr hatton was away till 2 weeks ago and it was kind of due yesterday but oh well.
but i'm like, halfway done :D

anywho, i was reading spirit bound all night
like some of it was totally retarded and i love adrian but i still love dimitri more and i'm not really looking forward till the last book though. the not-sex scene was pretty hot ;)

and before that, there was library with carla.
i think that's the last friday i'll go to library
because my parents are leaving for 6 bloody weeks on wednesday
and i'm not walking home in the dark by myself.

and before was school.

like, it was smyth's way of revision i guess
so there was 21 people in the class
and she divided us into 3s. 7 groups
and in each group was a sun, moon and star
i was a sun :) with ann-wen and georgia on my team
and we arranged the room in a circle around 3 tables in the centre
which was covered in bits of paper and pens
and at our desks, we could use computers and books and shit
so the teacher gave each team a small question paper
with the same question ofc
and then we had like a minute to research or whatever to find our answer
then she'd call out 'sun, moon or star'
and whoever it was in each group had to run out to the centre table, grab a bit of paper and pen and write their answer and hand it in to the teacher first
and you couldn't shout to your team for help, you had to leave your paper, run back, get the answer then run back again and write it
and whoever one got lollies.
we only won once :/
which was sad, but it was so fun
and everyone's face was fully red, from running and screaming and stressing
plus the heater in the room :)

suckers, high resolve people >D

oh my god, we saw G yesterday CARLA
it was horrible
it took all of my will power to keep a straight face
-dies laughing-
i'm sorry carla.

now i feel slightly sick

why can't essays and sonnets be as easy to write as blog posts ==

10:50 AM

Thursday, May 20, 2010
the place of dreams

howdy partners :)

i feel like a homo
and i just read michelle's blog
about ali baba's kebab thing with the "-something- with homos"
LOL we saw that like, aaaaaaaages ago. i swear, like, in the holidays

anyway, today was so boring and i'm so tired
didn't do our stupid debate in science
and can't do it tomorrow because high resolve is on and i'm NOT doing it by myself

lucky eric went on a stupid excursion
while i endured really really gay subjects
mother ^T@$%YT@# i really don't like maths anymore
not that i LIKED it in the first place
but i was alright

and i am so slack about my bloody exams
haven't even finished science notes !
and i'm trying to finish my sonnet now
but i've been texting and msning so that's getting nowhere

-punches myself-

get back to work.

oh i didn't see jake today.

BUT THE BUS WAS FUN ! like, the dude was a maniac driver. brakes so hard. so carla fell on my and i almost sat on a poor normo. then audrey and christine BOTH fell on me and i almost fell into two people. but we finally got a seat. and we saw christine swerve around the pole she was holding when the bus lurched and sat on this year 10 chick. OMFG i laughed so freaking hard. then we just laughed about our funny bus memories :D

shit loads to do.


6:56 PM


yesterday that is

omfg so hot

so me and carla went to foot locker after school so she could buy those fat shoes and then i went to borders and bought spirit bound. the register guy was quite amusing. he was like, musing everything he said.

and then we got on the 3:-- train and i saw jake and like fainted.
and then at penno, he got on our bus 8)
he had part of his shirt hanging out of his blazer which was really annoying
i wanted to tuck it in for him 8D

but he sat next to eugenia on the bus :/
so cute.
he yawned :D

anyway, now i have english, and i'm dead for my sonnet.

so i guess i shall leave now.


1:47 PM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
ba da da da da da da da da da daaa

mother fuck i'm so bored in commerce.

so i haven't seen jake in aaaaages :(
BUT i might see him today
i have to go shoe shopping with carla today ==

christine's doing ANOTHER 11 people i love thing
since i'm so mother fuckering bored
i shall probably do one later

christine you're a bitch >D

9:28 AM

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
audrey is awesome


yeah she's really gay.

anyway, hey'all.
i'm so bored in elective history
and i'm paranoid ms. riches will come in and tell me off

so i think i shall go


9:35 AM

Saturday, May 15, 2010

so i was supposed to actually start hw and study, but because i'm a fucking slacker, i obviously didn't. i don't even care right now. ugh i feel so moody and shit. possibly because my period is supposed to be due about now, but i guess it's decided to disappear for another 4 months.

so much for friends, huh. just come along when you need something. we're supposed to be friends. you don't act that way. you don't treat me as a friend. you don't even make an effort. i don't want to talk to you anymore. i don't even know what to talk about with you anymore.

i feel so fucking annoyed
and that i have no one to talk to

i miss primary and everyone like crazy
but i hardly bother to keep in touch anymore

i think i'm pretty pathetic.

2:22 PM

Friday, May 14, 2010

ALOHA, my happy westcoast friends
do you FEEL ALIVE ?


anywho, today was a pretty good day.
bus was so quiet without those bloody year 8s
they were SO fucking annoying
too bad camp is over

pe first period.
davenport was away. had phillips. then mr phillips.
LOL i love pe so much :D
sylvia had to read our report on genital herpes
because me & christine couldn't stop laughing
and ew, we saw this picture of genital herpes
and christine was like
"that looks like mr. campbell's skin"

i hate wikipedia.

commerce. had farquard
me and christine just sat in the back on youtube
i was watching autumn's concerto :)
that sex scene didn't load D<

english. well, hatton is back :/
quite entertaining really :)

food tech last.
it was overly-cheesy
we finished quite fast

so i easily made the 14

caught up with eric
LOL when he screamed at brandon
hey brandon. haven't talked to you in a while :)

i saw taylor in mufti :) except he looked a tad short.
bus. bought cookies. played with phones.
went to library. sat on those two sofa seats next to the music thing
stressed about our exams :/
then i transferred movies to my computer
and then we watched a bit fo hotel for dogs
and then the tooth fairy
and we saw this guy i know from CHHS
nikko :)
didn't give him a name like me and carla traditionally do
but nikko is such a cute name !
and he's cute too.

left carla. went to get fish & chips with mum
i'm adapting to touch texting :)
but i'm afraid i'll forget to text properly on my old phone
if i ever use it again D:

so i'm really bored.
facebook is soooooo boring.

percy pizza 8)

8:25 PM

Thursday, May 13, 2010
i must be in california


so i haven't blogged all week
unlike elaine
blogging everyday, every hour
you're quite a freak elaine :)

so monday, all our sports team lost against asquith. so freaking sad AHAHAHA
tuesday, had both english naplans.
wednesday, DIDN'T SEE JAKE D:>
OH but we did see taylor. he was in really short sport shorts. the sight was horrifying D: SUCH HAIRY LEGS !

and today, we had maths, history, maths and more maths. total torture. not to mention the freaking cold. and maths was HARD.

my gosh i have nothing to talk about.

well i'm stuck on my sister's old phone, which is the LG viewty EVERYONE has. i'm quite fond of my pink ericsson :(

well i think i'd like a remotely early night tonight.
soooo ...


9:37 PM

Saturday, May 8, 2010
we're spinning 'round just like a rollercoaster ride

bleh i'm getting sick.
but i guess for those who know me, that's not totally unusual.

so i was attempting research at history. i am so scared of ms. riches D< LOL like christine said, we get an adrenaline rush like we're about to die each time ms. riches looks at us. and then it returns to normal, because you're alive, or something like that :)

so me and michelle were discussing justin and jake and then we started talking about brownies and cookies and frosting and betty crocker recipes :) yummm.

then i had tuna bake for dinner and read and got my old piano books out and played through all the songs. it sounded pretty terrible :P

and i feel like total shit omfg ==

for once, i didn't look back.

9:36 PM

check it out

so i didn't post yesterday. i was catching up on my tv :) oh, how i love my television.

so yesterday was really boring. i think we had a gay sub for maths. gay house meeting, gay history. OH WAIT, our internet stuffed up in history, so mr ryff came 8) and i was just checking him out for half the lesson. gay science. gay commerce.

made 14. but then eric didn't get on because BRANDON didn't let him. fuck first carriage is so fucking loud omg. kinda missed our bus because it was so damn crowded.

so we waited for the next one. and then i saw JAKE ! and omg i was like, dying. so hot. but our bus came, and we could've waited for jake's 633, but yeah. but justin was on the 632 :) michelle was full checking him out. and she took a bad picture of him when we got off the bus.

yeah, jake is much much much better looking.

so today, like really early this morning, my grandparents came back from china :D
but they went to their apartment first, and left all the gifts at my house before i woke up. so i woke up, showered, and went through the suitcase. got some cute thermos, except they're a bit big to take to school, got paul frank pajamas, because mine are too small now, and a coach bag :)

and when we went to the apartment, we got lots of dvds :) AUTUMN'S CONCERTO ! except mu cheng looked really, slut-like on the dvd.

then i had to get my braces tightened. and then we went for yum cha which was so incredibly boring to eat. then we went home and now i feel kind of sick, and i had some cheese and crackers :)

i'm supposed to be doing my hw. that's 3 exercises of maths, my history article and i have sciene and some pe. oh mother fuck ==

fine! fine! good! good! fine!

4:37 PM

Thursday, May 6, 2010

so freaking busy with the stupid english representation, i didn't get to post how awesome yesterday was :( so i shall do it now :D

i can't remember first. eh whatever.
food tech. made pretty good pies 8)
pe. played benchball. won 3-0. of course :D
maths last. gay.

AFTERNOON ! well, i kind of made carla come with me to first carriage on the 2:49, which was a very regrettable decision. so fucking loud D< it was such a relief to get off. said hello to eric, and he stayed at the bus stop for a little while.

BUS ! omfg when we were waiting for the doors to open, carla like gasped and squealed "JAKE !" and i turned and saw him walked towards us and he was wearing a blazer and i started gasping for air. HE WAS SO HOT ! OMG AND THEN WE SAW ZAC ! he was wearing a black beanie 8) and he was about to get on our bus, but then he didn't :/

and then we stood in our usual 'no standing' area, and i had my back against the emergency door, and jake was right across me in the aisle. omfg i was fainting. but we kept falling. like, me and carla fell against jenny's left boob, and christine fell too, and margaret fully fell, and then when margaret fell, jake like, looked down and SMILE and -dies- he has SUCH a nice smile, and he was really nice eyes / lashes. but he left a bit soon :/ and when he got off, and the emergency doors were about to close, carla sort of waved and said "bye, jake" to no-one in particular, and christine was like "O-O did you just say bye to yannick ?" because he walked past us that very moment, and we all cracked up :)

AND WE SAW JUSTIN TOO ! and when we got off the bus, we followed him into towers again, and i stood in line at KFC for about 15 minutes, waiting to get a stupid krusher. then me, carla, christine & margaret sat at a table and laughed our fucking asses off. and we checked out justin and his girlfriend. christine says "she looks more manly than him" and that was funny :)

then i walked with christine to her bus stop. then i walked home. and i started and eventually finished english.

today was alright as well.

maths first. tourikis was at the ex-counsellor's funeral so we got marshall. and carla was at band so me and tanya sat together looking at logan lerman and examining mr marshall. it was really quite boring. i have lots of hw :/

history. riches was at the funeral too, thank god. we got hindmarsh >D his hair got worse. it was like year 8 geo all over again :D but i was freaking out about my reflection.

science. the menstrual cycle was so freaking complicated.

lunch. finished my reflection. such a relief.

english. went to drama room and watched shakespeare performances. OMGSH i love georgia's song so much ! me and carla were imagining 'Georgia Burley' on our ipods. the song was really beautiful. people teared up. i want her to record it so i can have a copy. and i loved jwei & nancy's too. especially when nancy screamed.

made the 14 at last. got a seat on the bus. went with mum to the apartment. grandparents coming back on saturday >D went to towers. ate some food. then i got a jacket :D and went home.

my mum's making pumpkin soup for tomorrow :)

i have to hate you.

9:09 PM

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
i pray, to be only yours.

i am so dead !

hello by the way :)

ugh i freaking hate tuesdays. worst freaking subjects ever.

can't stand elective history. just did more latin shit.

english next. finished romeo + juliet. finally. mm i LOVE ms. phillips, next to mr. hatton. he is such a gay teacher ==

science was awesome :D just did work on the computers. and we had to look up some testes / testosterone thing, and audrey clicked something, and she was just staring at the computer and siad "WHAT is that ?" and then i had a look and O-O'd. omfg so freaking scarred. it was like, 3 pictures of balls == like penis balls. OMFG so disgusting. and then we showed christine and she screamed and looked away. and i couldn't stop laughing. and audrey was like "omfg the second one looked like a checkered pattern ! it was so dry" and christine was like "someone forgot to use lotion" and i almost fell off my chair. so funny.

saw mr ryff at lunch 8) because i was at the library, doing work.

ugh history last. just did a bunch of work on the laptop.

missed 14, as usual. the 19 came late, thus making us miss the bus ==
so we waited like 20 minutes for the next bus. at least we got seats. AND SAW JUSTIN >D
then we tried to think up a name for the cute year 7 normo. white of course :)

then we got off the bus and followed justin to the library, but then i decided to walk home so i left. then carla called and told me justin was hugging a girl in a relationship type of way :/ what a shame.

ugh I REALLY NEED TO FINISH ENGLISH. but my sister helped me draw a tutu :)
so i'm getting there !

in that case ..

5:52 PM

Monday, May 3, 2010


progressed NOTHING with english.
and i'm really freaking out.
yet, all i can think about ..

is SHOES !

dying for some new shoes.

in other words, next week :)

8:59 PM

i laugh.


well, for the past half an hour, i have been researching my shakespeare.
found a lot on ballet tutus ==
i'm so screwed.
it's really not funny.
but my day was pretty good :)

bus was good. me & audrey and carla & christine teamed up and we played scatter-gory (?) the entire time, all the way into roll call :)
LOL it was like, the letter 's' and i'm like (for animal) "seal" and then christine's like "SOUP !" and we were like O-O -crack up-
okay that's only one of those only-funny-if-you-were-there

mm i quite like food theory lessons. you don't do anything :D just type a whole bunch of stuff.

fuck elective history is such a joke. gosh i hate it D<

had english in the library. found out mysoju and sugoi wasn't blocked ! so we watched a bit of drama, while watching baz luherman's r+j. LOL omfg, when the movie started, christine was like "-gasp- OH MY GOD IT'S LEONARDO DAVINCI !" and i was like ... what did you say ? and then she was like oh shit and started laughing and then i started laughing. once again, it's only funny if you were there. it was an okay english lessons. ugh i'll die when mr hatton comes back.

ugh i can't believe we picked freaking softball. so we had to walk ALL the way to waitara oval. did some really intense (for me and christine) exercises and then we were put on the shit team :)
then we had to full power walk back to hornsby. ofc we missed the train ==
bus was okay. sat on the stair with half my butt on it, because carla decided to sit / spoon behind me. then we got a seat across christine and started talking about r+j. and carla was like "something something claire danes" and christine was like "who's mayonnaise ?" and me and carla died >D another only funny if you're there moment. POSEIDON !
and i was still laughing about it when we got off the bus about mayonnaise and the davinci part, and i was like "but leonardo davinci is so ugly !" and christine was like "NO HE'S NOT ! HE WAS SO CUTE" and i was like O-O and then realised she got the names wrong again and i died. like, i really couldn't breathe.

christine is so retarded. my life would be so dull without her >D

anywho, piano. got home and finally watched tv for the first time in like a week.
and now i'm exhausted from thinking.

27 degrees tomorrow D:
stockings are gay.

i love love love sonny with a chance :D

8:04 PM

Sunday, May 2, 2010
i wish i was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair


i am basically really screwed up you know.
my english is due thursday and i've barely started properly ..
my history is due friday. and i haven't started either.

mfft whatever.

year 9 sucks.
i miss year 8.
i miss pearl & aidan.
i miss my classes last year.
my, our tech class was so cool 8)
like, elaine tanya christine jina anorah sandra sylvia jenny and me :)
and i quite liked our maths class :)
but now elaine ditched us


i tried drawing a dress for my juliet-costume design.
it looks like shit.
i can't draw for shit.
what was i thinking ?

mfft i don't have any new pictures of logan.

he's so adorable :)

9:22 PM

Saturday, May 1, 2010

ugh stupid JB craze.
i'm really into him right now.
not to mention we saw a justin-look-alike yesterday 8)

anyway, so something's wrong with my portal :/
i think it got hacked into when i lost it.
like, i tried to log into my portal.
and the password didn't freaking work.
and then i was going to do my secret question
which, when i tried, was ''What is my most favourite thing in the world?"
and i was like O-o because i definitely know my secret question
and it was not that

anyway, made aidan orgasm over my yummy cookies
YES i finally made them :)
finally decided to get my hands dirty.

so i started watching cloudy with a chance of meatballs
but i decided to find videos of JB live

i love varsity
especially jayk 8)
and david.
and TC is so cute too.

ima go.

8:55 PM


howdy :)
well today has been so unproductive i should hit myself.

had piano today :/

then i tried to finish food
made the mistake of asking jwei for help
because we had an awesomely dirty conversation
i love jenny.

UGH still haven't finished !
i have quite a lot of work to do.

commerce questions, maths, english representation D: history article ..
i swear there was more
but that'll do.

LOL so many of my previous blog titles start with 'so'
so bored / depressed / hungry / hot / fucked / pissed

i want cheese and crackers !

3:17 PM