
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Friday, April 30, 2010

so today was such a gay day ==

bus ride was pretty fun in the morning because me audrey & christine played this game and we were so into it that when we put out laptops down on a bench at penno station, we forgot to take them with us onto the train == so michelle was like, at normo, 'where's your laptop christine ?' and we were liky mother fuck SHIT. so yeah so paranoid.

pe first. handed in assignment. finally played with condoms. me and christine licked them all :D
only strawberry or orange tasted good. banana tasted like nothing and kiwi tasted acidic D< LOL squirting banana thingos.

commerce was so gay. we wrote so much shit and me and christine had to do it in our books and everyone else was like, madly typing away. so annoyed. we drew on the textbooks :)

english. watched half of romeo + juliet. my my, she has such big boobs. and romeo had a rather long dick. it was so boring.

got out laptops at lunch :) some nice people gave them to the school. so we had to go to the library to see mr. ryff ? and while he was filing out papers, i was like, checking him out 8) well i was really just staring at his arms.

it was so cold D<

food tech last. with our deformed crepes. the stove thing was so hot == and we were uber late, because we had to tidy up. so we left the room at like, 3:10. and then audrey freaking ran for the 19, and the doors closed on me and carla, so audrey was on the 19 with MY laptop. but yeah whatever. and then we sat with ami and annie and me and carla discussed our little 'teacher crush' :) and checked out some cute guys.

bus was gay. OH but we found a sort of cute guy :) he looked like JB so we called him justin. just checked him out through the bus ride. then sort of followed him into towers but then he went somewhere, so i bought a pizza and we went to library.

OMG circled the library like 5 times == so we just sat in our kids corner place, put the computers on the long chair and watched confessions of a shopaholic while i ate and carla did maths. and then we watched half of wild child before i had to leave.

i'm so tired. time for bed.

nighty night.

10:54 PM

Thursday, April 29, 2010

i am so fucking tired
i should be finishing food tech
then sending it off to my teacher
but ms jaegar would be like
0-o wtf its 11pm !

so i finally finished my fucking pe assignment.
i hate condoms
i hate the pill
i hate the IUD

so tired. well my day was gay. did some stupid drama thing for elective history, got a ton of maths hw, r&j was boring as hell, got barred by eric as he walked straight past me, had a very dodgy bus ride, tried to find a new phone, finished a massive bag of chips in the car from towers to home - 5 min car ride and frantically finished 1/3 of my work due tomorrow.

fuck it. i'm shit tired. i'm going to bed.

just because they can't feel it too, doesn't mean that you have to forget.

10:43 PM

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
no name for it

eugh i have so much work :(
my freaking proposal is due on thursday,
the ACTUAL representation is due next thursday,
i have half a page of commerce shit to write,
and i have to research stuff for history !

ehehe there's this wine called LESBIAN wine :D
how interesting is that ?

anywho, i haven't started my work, in the hour i've been on the computer.

UGH i am so slack
i really hate myself

god i promise myself to hardcore work tomorrow.
i swear i will punish myself somehow if i don't do it.

okay, well my day was kinda gay / alright

elective history was okay. mm i'm quite interested to learn greek :)

omfg then we had that stupid anzac ceremony. christine kept making me laugh during the minute silence ! i had to fully focus on counting to 60.

history was so boring. ugh.

english, just read romeo + juliet. fuck i hate mr hatton D<

science was pretty good.

but then we had to run for the 14. sort of. so embarrassing. me and elaine had about 10 minutes of catching up time. DON'T FALL OFF THE EDGE ELAINE. said a little hello to eric. actually got a seat on the bus. michelle was stuck at the very back :P gosh i wonder what me and carla even talk about sometimes.

walked home. called eric. tut tut.

mm i had chicken parmijana or whatever. it was quite tasty. and then i watched more tv and i haven't done any work still.

peter johnson, perry johannson, pierre jorgenson (Y)

6:52 PM

Monday, April 26, 2010
it's just a feeling that no ones know yet


i'm actually in quite a good mood, because like my fb says, 'this bieber shit is rather amusing' :)
seriously, who would get there at 4am to see him ?
apparently 5000 girls.
it's so freaking ridiculous, i can't help but laugh.

anywho, so i talked with audrey on the phone, and she was like "oh my god, prince caspian is SO ugly, i'd rather choose robert pattinson."
and naturally i like, totally spazzed. ew seriously ==

and i watched percy earlier.
and tried to finish my pe,
but i got pissed at it so i left the computer.

i LOVE legally blonde !
elle is so cool 8)
'bend, and SNAP !"

D< they're making a city of bones movie !
it's going to suck ==
look at percy and twilight.
i hope they don't fuck vampire academy either :/

ima go. have a relatively earlier night.

now we're back to the beginning.

9:39 PM

no need to say goodbye

i'm still doing my pe assignment
but i'm kind of just following how michelle wrote hers :)

so i just had a piano lesson, which is kinda stupid since it's public holiday.

anywho, i feel like watching autumn's concerto.

ben barnes can sing :D

does anyone know when mr. hatton comes back ? i still haven't done my timeline or fixed my sonnet.

soooooooo, i should actually start hw now.
i swear, i am going to ace our pe exams if it's on contraceptives.
i know so freaking much about condoms

pick a star on the dark horizon, and follow the light.

12:21 PM

Sunday, April 25, 2010
miracles happen

omfg i am so disgusted and horrified.

EW poor aaron johnson D<
engaged to a fucking woman 24 years older than him, who ALREADY has 2 kids AND she's suffered to different types of cancer. AND she's freaking pregnant with his child.
that's going to be one screwed up baby :(

anywho my mouse is being gay. i have to click something twice for it to actually like, work.

mm i love this song :)
it's so pretty.

snow white has such a gay voice ==
it pierces my ears.

man, i love princess diaries 8)

6:45 PM

prince CASPIAN

this was too cute

3:10 PM

you are a mouse.


okay so last night was uneventful as usual.
watched tv, read books

oh but prince caspian was on. my my, he was so handsome 8)

had french toast for breakfast. read my books. then prince caspian was on again, so i figured i might as well watch. then i tried watching avatar, which was also on, but i had no idea what was going on and i was bored so i stopped watching.

now's the time where i go into full work-mode :/


2:40 PM

Saturday, April 24, 2010

the only place to escape is into my books.
then i can forget about my world,
and happily pretend to be in my own creation.

3:41 PM

i feel like total crap right now.

i just realised a few things.

it's reminded me how i felt during the first year of high school.
how much i fucking hated it.
resentment i felt to people.
how left out i felt.
how i probably could've avoided it all.

sometimes i regret staying, instead of moving schools.
sometimes i still want to leave.
sometimes i want to hide in a corner and never come out.

anger boils over me whenever i remember those miserable feelings.

now everything is going the complete opposite way of how i want.

how can everything good be just taken away from you, all in a short span on time ?
i wake up with nothing to look forward to,
go to sleep, wishing for darkness just to take over.
and then you open your eyes again and you're face-to-face with reality.

i really feel that life is sometimes just a joke.

3:25 PM

Host: We asked you to bring your girlfriend, why did you bring him ?
Vanness: ... Girlfriend ... -points to Kangta-
Host: Kangta, do you love him ?
Kangta: Yes, I love him. I love him very much.

ehehe it was so cute !

got to 4 minutes.

1:15 PM

Friday, April 23, 2010
beef jerky


mm today was a good day. so in the morning, we actually made the train with like 6 minutes to spare and i saw jake ! ehehee he is so incredibly cute 8)

history first. finished the susso video. decided our magazine topics or whatever. 'flapper' is an interesting word, i reckon :)

maths. omfg got our 'working mathematically' test back. i did pretty bad == worst result i've got this year. i love tanya's drawings for my quiz scores when i get 5/5 :D

science. worked with microscopes. fuck our thing was so creepy. the cells looked like heaps of freaky little voodoo skulls D<

commerce omfg == me and christine rushed to copy jess' answers for some shit and in the end, the teacher was going to do it for us anyway. my book is so gayed up.

finally made a train for the first time this week. some dorks held the train door open == if hornsby's get our train passes taken, SAFETGNQWO#NRCFONW#$%^TC@
met eric & brandon. ehehe they had cross country :) actually got a seat on the bus.

then me, carla & michelle went to library. and they wanted to watch percy jackson, but michelle had to leave after the first 5 minutes. so me and carla watched and paused and rewinded (at the cute parts) and ate a brownie. SUCK MICHELLE >D
omfg the eat-lotus-flower-then-giggle part was so cute ! and we also shared this half cold / half warm chocolate muffin which gave me a stomach ache. and then my chest started hurting and i'm like 'wtf am i getting HEARTBURN ? i'm 14 !' and carla was like, 'no you can get heartburn after eating something too sweet' and i'm like shit == it really hurt.

then we played PURBLE PLACE on our laptops, because we're incredibly cool. and we looked through my logan lerman photos. OH we also saw taylor at the library :D and some cherrybrook-ers were staring at us and our computers ==

so then i left, and ate dinner. but i still had heartburn. that makes me feel old. and then i read some percy jackson. and mum bought BEEF JERKY :D
in this hannah montana episode, jackson and oliver combine jackson's cheese sauce recipe and oliver's mum's beef jerky recipe and create CHEESE JERKY ! it looked so yummy ==

mm i quite like jack johnson.

i have quite a bit of hw to do over this long weekend.
sooo ...


9:28 PM

Thursday, April 22, 2010
let's never leave !


today was an okay day. bus was pretty funny :D me and carla and audrey discussed percy jackson & autumn's concerto while christine texted kenny or pat or margaret or whatever. carla kept falling everywhere. you have no idea how easily 3 laptops can slide off your lap. so we actually made the train, but i didn't see jake. mm but i caught a glimpse of him yesterday 8)

maths first. i'm quite proud of myself; haven't been slacking off in maths :)

history was boring.

omfg missed science for some religious seminar. it was so boring == thank god we don't have re in year 9.

lunch was fun >D

english. YES mr hatton is away for like, 2 weeks for whatever so i didn't have to hand in my sonnet / timeline / questions, because i kind of didn't do them :) so we just read through romeo + juliet.

missed the stupid 14 == again. us 4 were that last people to get on the bus, thank god. i felt so clumsy. so me and christine were discussing dramas. and then aparna fell on me, causing me to fall == not to mention i was holding on to 3 laptops.

went to the library. saw pearl ! but i had to leave 5 minutes later. and then mummy cooked spicy noodles 8) and then i did maths which took a while. then i watched percy jackson again. omfg he's so cute !

i'm a bit hungry.

8:27 PM

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


well school started yesterday. let's test my memory eh ?

okay i was freaking out because we had our history odyseus act thing first period. we didn't do too too bad. but i forgot everything i had to say and christine didn't stop laughing ==

second period, YES i missed english >D so me and anika ran together because audrey was too competitive. for us. and it was okay because we didn't get too bad. i got 19th, she got 20th. and we missed english too which is good because we had to hand in our sonnet and i didn't even start it.

third period was supposed to be science, but we got our laptops. they were heavy. mfft i suppose they're average but still, they're really dodgy. and they take forever to turn on and off. MINE KEEPS FREEZING OMFG ! did i mention it was heavy ?

history last. got tests results. did alright.

ran for 14. i think i missed it. fuck my cr was killing me == so train.

bus. omfg we were lining up for 632 at the very end of the line, and then carla's like 'OMG I SEE JAKE!' so i'm like tripping over myself to see him. and he's sitting on the stairs with his legs out and his face mushed up in his hands and i died. so then the 632 finished boarding, only audrey got on, and the 633 conveniently came. and jake got on. and christine like, let him get on the bus first and he smiled we like, fainted. and while me and carla were walking behind him down the aisle (sounds like he's getting married), i saw on his bag DOM ! and my mouth went O: DOMINIC ! that's such a bad name for him ==

ate pizza at towers with christine, and got a new blouse and some stockings. then i got home and started transferring some photos and music onto my usb, into my laptop from my cooler computer. then i slept pretty early.

omfg this morning was a total nightmare. my bus comes at 7:25. i left the house at 7:13. but my fucking car battery went flat and i had to fucking run to the bus stop ! omfg and when i got there, i like, couldn't breathe. turns out i was early == had to wait like 8 minutes. so fucking pissed omfg. my legs were fucking dead, not to mention how much they hurt from x country.

and then i hit my head on the place where you put your bags on the bus ==
but i saw jake at penno 8) miam miam.

commerce first. got our results. eh did alright in that too.

food tech. researched our cuisines. my internet kept disconnecting. such a waste of time. those laptops suck.

pe. omfg davenport gave me a freaking detention for not bringing a hat two times. fucking stupid ugh. so we did touch footy skills. the game we did at the end ws pretty fun :D ehehe CHARGE ! but ew it was so gross changing into stockings later. it felt like i wore them back-to-front. then me and like, 6 others had to pump up balls for half of lunch == then we had to get the masterkey for anorah's locker, put our shoes away and return the masterkey. didn't get to eat.

maths was bad. so tired. me and carla were like, silent for the whole lesson. and i forgot lots of the surds stuff.

fuck me and christine thought we had heaps of time this arvo so we went to the bathroom, and then we had to run for the train, and the door fucking closed on my face, while she got on. so annoyed. so i sat by myself at my usual when-we-caught-3:39-train seat and waited for eric. except my train came when his came so he could only give me his usb with percy jackson on it :D

walked home. so hot == piano. then i started work. but halfway, i decided to watch just like, the beginning of percy jackson, but of course, i ended up watching half of it. then the computer froze halfway == i was using the dodgy laptops. but thank you, eric :D you're awesome.

but the movie kind of sucks, but since percy is so damn cute, i'm cool 8)

and now i basically finished my sonnet, but i need it to rhyme. i'll do it tomorrow. i must finish percy jackson !

happy birthday, my baby buttons :)
she's 3 .


10:25 PM

Monday, April 19, 2010


good news; i have my history props set and only the sonnet is due tomorrow.
bad news; i haven't started my sonnet. and i can't think of anything and i'm so fucking tired and i need to sleep.

ohmagad ==

i'm dead. so totally absolutely completele dead.

9:41 PM

ohhhh no.

i am so so absolutely totally dead.


elective history: i have my act tomorrow, which reminds me, i got on the computer to print the script out, but wow. i'm on fb and blog == i am so slack.

history: ugh cross country, but that'll only take up half the lesson. so who knows what riches will have planned for us.

science: eh never get hw so that's okay.

english: I HATE MR HATTON SO MUCH D< stupid sonnet and english timeline and i still have questions to do ! haven't even thought about my shakespeare representation. wait, WE HAVEN'T EVEN READ THE STUPID PLAY !

let's also add; half my freaking winter is missing ! i can't find my stockings, and i lost my tie, and i should've gotten new school shoes. but this week will kind of be warm for stockings but i don't really like the socks either.

at least it's sport uniform tomorrow.

now i must learn my lines. ugh tomorrow is going to be a nightmare.


2:48 PM

Sunday, April 18, 2010

ehehe isn't this cute ?

9:06 PM

we're embarrassing dorks


okay so today, went to towers with carla, eric & brandon. so originally, i'd get brandon from the bus stop at 9:42 but NOOOOO his dad decided to drop him off there at 9 ! and i'd only just showered so i walked to towers without breakfast and accompanied him for an hour before eric came. so we played Ispy to pass time :)

and eric finally came at 10 and we went to the cinema and sat on comfy seats, waiting for carla to come. so she came and we argued about what movie to watch, so we indefinitely left the subject.

and then we just walked around, looking for bags, because my poor trusty bag is totally dead. then we had kfc. eric and brandon thought the piazza said plaza and pizza. 'did they spell plaza wrong'? 'no eric, it's PIZZA !' that cracked me up. and so as usual, i finished the slowest.

then we went to that nice grassy patch i'd been meaning to go to for a long time, but no one ever went == and we just sat on the grass, after attempting to climb trees. too many bugs D<

so we observed clouds and made shapes out of them, threw rocks into the little .. pool thing. and then eric and brandon started wrestling. so then me and carla wrestled, then carla and eric, then me and eric, then more guy on guy. they were groping each others thighs. then we played spin the bottle. it was pretty boring, so we just sat on the grass for like 2 hours.

then we decided to go to the library, and sit in our usual kids corner. carla got a caramel milkshake. we squeezed into the castle. so bored at the library. so we went to maccas, but it was too crowded and we didn't feel like getting fatter, so we walked back to towers. sat in the food court. saw some chick that caught eric's eye, so he kept running. and we kept screaming 'ERIC CHEN' across the food court.

then we got some popcorn. creamy creamy caramel & MACHO NACHO >D then we went to rebel. it was kind of boring. then we went to the bus stop. gave carla 'the last song'. such a good book. totally recommend it. good if you also feel the need to cry for a long time.

carla left. helped brandon figure out which bus to take. then i finally went home. so tired omfg. flopped in front of my lovely tv. HSM 3 was on again ==i have seen it like 6 times from the beginning of the year on tv.

anywho, it was a pretty good day. tomorrow, is filled with finishing work ==

8:01 PM

Saturday, April 17, 2010

i'm in a bad mood. i have heaps of hw, there's two much information on condoms, i have to finish everything today, i STILL have two more eps of autumn's concerto, piano is coming and i've barely practiced and i have to tidy my desk.

mm what movie shall we watch tomorrow? gosh i haven't been to the cinemas in aeooooons.
i can't believe they're still showing twilight and avatar but not percy jackson ! the movie would suck though. but logan lerman is so cute 8) and how cool would those water effects be and stuff ?

i am BORED.

11:15 AM

Friday, April 16, 2010


okay so today was totally unproductive.

breakfast. showered. and went straight to the computer.
now see, i was intending to start work ...
but i downloaded music till like, 3pm ==
and then i started saving pictures 8)
and i just finished now.

so a very unproductive waste of a day :/

hopefully, sunday's plan to go towers with carla, eric & brandon will go ahead. i have been very anti-social these holidays.

UGH i still need to watch autumn's concerto!
but i should get off.

i'm terrified at the thought of glasses / contacts.


6:00 PM

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

i just have to point out how incredibly cute he is ^^

ehehe he's a chace crawford / zac efron in the making 8)

6:44 PM

i start to wonder.

my p's are driving me up the wall. at this rate, i'll never get used to them ==

anywho, i have been slacking off like crazy ! i still have;

english questions
pe assignment
learn elec. history lines

so dead D<

so all i've been doing this week was read. and read. and more reading.
and ofc tv, but the tv's been pretty gay lately.

ugh fuck YOU'RE SO FUCKING ANNOYING OMFG! stop it. stop trying to fit in. stop trying so hard. just stop.

on a brighter note, JONAS is on :D

6:20 PM

Monday, April 12, 2010
percy jackson and the battle of genwang & carlawong 8)

okay this was a really epic un-epic texting battle i had with carla :D

this is how it started;

CW: i want perfect teeth ):
GW: yours are already naturally straight. totally perfect teeth look pretty terrible. i hope mine don't turn out like that :(
CW: haha well if you've got braces they probably will :P
GW: ugh its hard to believe i've only had them a month. it feels so long.
CW: wow only ? yeah it's felt like longer :/
GW: because i remember getting them on 13 february, chinese new year's eve. we'd gone out for dinner and i couldn't eat anything ==
CW: dude it's april == 2 months.
GW: oh. right. okay :D two down, about 16 to go.
CW: suckity suck :D
GW: -pokes tongue- well that means my teeth will be perfect, which is what you want -smug-
CW: well you don't want it do you 8)
GW: well i'm currently capable of eating 8) (note: she just had fillings so her mouth is numb)
CW: pfft well i'm cooler :D
GW: apssht no way. i'll have perfect teeth and STILL eat. that's cool 8)
CW: i eat and you don't like perfect teeth either ehehe.
GW: i'm simply just cooler :D
CW: nah. i'm coolest :D

and this is where it got weird;

GW: i'm godly 8)
please don't say you're titanly ==
CW: ehehe i'm titanly :)
GW: i'm MOTHER of titanly :)
CW: i'm grandmother of titanly :D
GW: i am TITAN of titanly
CW: i am grandmother to titanly of titanly :D
GW: i am titan to titanly to titanly 8)
CW: i am titan to titan to titanly to titanly :)
GW: i am the creator of titans of titans of titans of titans of gods!
CW: i am universal leader titan of titan of titan of gods of heroes.
GW: i am leader of the universal leader of titans of titans of gods of heroes of MONSTERS.
CW: well i wouldn't want to be leader of monsters :)
GW: but it makes me more powerful AND cooler, on top of everything else i rule :)
GW: ehehe that was an awesome competition, especially since EYE won 8) okay ttyl.

obviously i won 8)
and obviously we are awesome texting buddies :D

omfg i can't believe i flicked back and forth through my inbox and sent messages == unfortunately, my phone doesn't have that threaded thing like elaine :/

and now i'm tired.



9:25 PM

peter johnson (Y)

hello hello.

so last night i was desperately trying to finish percy jackson & the last olympian but i had 200 pages to go so i called it a night ==

and then i woke up and realised my george p's finally decided to pay me a visit after 5 months. oh, how i hate being normal now.

so during breakfast, i jumped on to the computer and started reading again.
and i read till lunch.
and then my family ditched me to go out because i was still glued to the screen. such a good book 8)

and then me and carla swooned about percy's cuteness and then ranted on how gay the movie was. fuck i read the wiki synopsis and it was so stupid i was like D<
and then i tried to find a movie site to watch it on but all of them had this same survey thing i had to do to be able to watch it. but i got scared it might be something viral so i tried youtube. but all the movie parts were like, disallowed or something.
so i'll have to make do with the dvd.
when i get it.

so now i'm pretty bored with nothing new to read,
nothing on tv,
no dvd's to watch.

OH i still need to watch autumn's concerto.
but this computer is slow.
and i'm not bothered to go to the other one.

i'ma eat a banana.


3:16 PM

Sunday, April 11, 2010
forever & a day


well i think i had a pretty satisfying breakfast today :D
a croissant and some cereal.

and then i shuffled through all my ipod songs,
which reminds me, i've been neglecting my ipod all holidays :/
have a lot of downloading to do.

and then i played mariokart with my sister.
and then i got back on the computer to read percy jackson.
up to the last book !
percy is so cute ><

mm not going to anorah's tomorrow.

this is such a gay wizards episode D:

anywho, i shall try go halfway through the last percy jackson book.


6:22 PM

Saturday, April 10, 2010


mm so i woke up and then me and carla had our usual discussion about our dreams 8)
and then for breakfast, i had a bacon & egg sandwich; miam miam.
and then i read more percy jackson as there was no good tv.

went to dentist :/ bought a lot of bread.

gosh i feel really lazy.

princess diaries was on :D
so was picnic at hanging rock == omfg that book was so awful. fuck, year 8s didn't have to go through it.


this is such an uneventful post.

anywho i shall get back to percy jackson :)


7:04 PM

Friday, April 9, 2010

ugh it's cold.
i'm really annoyed.

i wish the three jonas somehow became tiny miniature people about 10cm and came to me and i had to look after them 8) how awesome would that've been?


i think i'm going to call it quits for today.

nighty night.

10:21 PM

living doll


OKAY so the holidays have not been progressive.

but i had an awesome dream 8)
okay so i was at a JONAS concert with defs carla & elaine (because we are jonas-heads) and some other people from our grade. and we had stands, because there were no seats weirdly, like right in front of jonas. like literally i could've reached out and touched them. and then i think my dream changed a bit and i was with nick 8) and we were talking? and then i was with kevin and we talked properly and walked around. but we never saw joe :( other than his performance obviously.
so then i woke up and then turned the tv on and it was a jonas marathon today :D how fated is that?

okay had ham and cheese croissants for breakfast and really sour granny smith apples. and just watched more tv and washed the dog and piano.

then left for the mall around noon with mum. got another cardigan thing. and then i got some leather ankle boots 8) and a book.

i missed the new wizards episode today :(

i think reading percy jackson online is going to murder my eyes.

yum yum pizza for dinner :D

7:06 PM

Thursday, April 8, 2010


so today has been very sad and lazy.
woke up from a weird dream :/
and turned the tv on as usual.

fried rice for break-fast.
carla finally watched moulin rouge :D

then i read the percy jackson books my sister downloaded off the internet or whatever.
even though my eyes will probably be ruined :/
up to book 3.


mm i want to go shopping. i need clothes and i want shoes!
and another perfume 8)

JENNY you better be able to come over for hilary duff marathon w/ carla & me!

4:06 PM

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
bright eyes

ugh i think i'm getting a cold from yesterday :/

so today i need to do my pe assignment and probably start a bit of my retarded sonnet. i hate mr hatton ==

need to download more music and videos. i've been ignoring my ipod lately.

i'm still in my jammies :) tv is on as usual. its a phineas and ferb marathon today.

do you ever feel that you're alone on your own in this world, and that nobody seems to notice or care? do you ever just wish that people would try to see things from your point? don't you think it's incredibly frustrating when you're selfless to make someone happy but they never return that? don't you just want to forget all your worries and thoughts and find a place where you can escape all that?

i'm feeling sentimental. it's freaking morning.

10:41 AM

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

today at eric's place was AWESOME. but dorie & ervin couldn't come because dorie was at DOE and ervin was just being gay.

okay so me and carla got to the bus stop like 20 min early for the bus because i read the times wrong :/ and then on the bus, she realised i did the times wrong again, because i wrote that the 9:30 bus gets to penno at 11:05 D<
so we were like an hour early. so we wasted freaking $1.80 (on top of the bus' $1.60) to get to hornsby. thank god the gates were closed.

bummed around looking for shoes / clothes / bags / dicksmith stuff at westfield. then due to our incredible boredom, we started walking reeeaaallly slowly to eric's. went to waitara station and picked brandon up on the way. MUSTARD SHIRT >D

got to eric's and found out elaine got there are like 10:30 ! then amanda came a few minutes later. oh i can't even remember what we did first. OH we just bummed in eric's room with his girly pink wall.

then we went downstairs and me and elaine versed on mariokart. i won :D then we played wii sport and carla was so bad. and then we ate fish fingers w/ tomato sauce. and then we put pies in the oven, because we're greedy like that.

and then it was my awesome idea to go play table tennis in his garage. so we just took turns, with 4 of us playing and 2 sitting out, waiting for someone to screw up and etc :) it was really fun and brandon's fail twist was pretty bad. then elaine was like ''mm i smell the pies.'' and then we're like SHIT they're burning and ran in but they were okay. i can't remember if we started watching coraline during or after the pies. well then we decorated them with tomato sauce :) and brandon's pie was totally red, creds to me. and then we started talking about periods.

then elaine and amanda watched coraline while we just did nothing. but we watched the end which was really scary. oh me and carla borrowed eric's socks and i took a warm jacket :) it was so cold! and then after that, we went to eric's room and stacked on the bed, with elaine taking up a WHOLE SIDE, eric in the middle, brandon on the edge and me carla & amanda on top :) i kept elbowing everyone's crotch :P brandon almost peed his pants. so when we went to pee, i opened the bathroom door a crack and gave eric's dolphin a peak ;)

and we stayed like that, moving around each other for like 2 hours. it was pretty fun. but then we got tired and attempted to sleep, but that was kind of hard with carla on everyone and amanda's freezing feet / legs. then like at 5, elaine had to leave.

so we all went downstairs and it was dark already and we turned on the tv. the shows were so lame and the news was boring and i was still cold. so we just stared at the screen eating chocolate eggs and jellybeans. then we went upstairs, closed the blinds and turned off all the lights and squished onto the bed again. not too comfortable squished between brandon and eric with carla on top AGAIN. but we just talked and i tried to start wedding talk but no one listened to me == then we talked about virginity / sex and stuff like that. and those two stupid guys made me and carla miss our first train by threatening to hold onto us if we left == so we stayed an extra 10 minutes. amanda got picked up. then we all walked to waitara station. them two left and me and carla went to hornsby.

OH on the hornsby train, there was this set of numbers me and carla took FOREVER trying to figure out! and we thought about it on the bus too but couldn't get it == then i went to coles with mum and the frozen section froze my ass off.

had a late dinner. 8pm :/ and i just came back from a walk.

lazy day tomorrow. got to watch more drama. and start my hw ==

thanks for a great day. x

8:19 PM

Monday, April 5, 2010
something else

today was incredibly slow.

woke up to an empty house. sister went to easter show today. i dont see much point in it really :/
had vegemite toast for breakfast :) yummo.

watched tv. went out and skipped around my dog :D

gosh it was such a boring day i can't even remember what i did.

well i figured out my transport shiz for tomorrow. can't wait :D

and i watched 3 more episodes of autumn's concerto.

so eric's tomorrow.
pack outings.
zww outing.
carla jwei & me hilary duff marathon :D

on top of that, i just found out my load of hw :/
english questions
pe assignment
remember lines for history act.


9:36 PM

Sunday, April 4, 2010


so all weekend, i've been watching hannah montana because it's hannah montana all weekend on disney channel and i'm really bored.

last night, i was watching the other boleyn girl. anal rape :/ like i said carla, it'd feel like constipation!

i have abandoned my ipod == so not bothered to download anything, though i have a whole list of things to download. and i still need to keep watching autumn's concerto. and tuesday is eric's place. and i have zww coming sometime to mine. and then my group as well. on top of that, i even have some work ==

urgh i'm getting sick. shit i hate winter. i hate being cold so much.

my dog looks so sad. i'm going to go play with her.

6:10 PM

Saturday, April 3, 2010
quirky circus


so yesterday, much to carla's happiness, i started watching autumn's concerto. it's good. and vanness is pretty hot 8) especially in the sex scene where he whips his shirt off and my eyes popped out. he'd be dayum good in bed ;)

and holidays have been boring.
made it to 69 with eric again. okay that came out very wrong. 69 = 69 ''i'm bored's''
now that that's cleared up.

i dropped my phone in a sink of water today :( and i left it for a few hours and turned it back on and it was making sizzling noises so i'm using my sister's old phone
ie: the one carla and anika and ravie and lots of others have.

fb and blog is so boring == only elaine is blogging. like every hour.
you're a blogging freak elaine :)
and we should have another zww thing in the holidays.

just remembered i have a freaking sonnet to write.


don't you reckon 'quirky circus' is a really cute name for a label?

8:05 PM

Friday, April 2, 2010
indescribable feeling


thursday was last day of term 1 and easter show.
train to strathfield was fucking gay.
my showbag was incredibly heavy.
it was boiling hot.
i wanted a corn dog.

well it was a really boring day. and i got the slightest bit of sunburn and i was so tired at the end. train ride back was okay. just the 8 of us at epping and 3 of us at penno. bought some clothes at towers :) coles was massively packed.

so today, i just spent the morning reading magazines and eating french toast.

i wonder what people are doing today ...

12:41 PM