
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
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June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
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August 2014
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December 2014
January 2015

Sunday, January 31, 2010

urgh my teeth hurt like hell. they all feel wobbly. stupid rubber bands.

so i woke up, and slowly chewed my bread with my front teeth. watched tv. gosh i watch a lot of it. i really probably should stop. or then mum will cancel foxtel subscription and i'll cry. so i just bummed out at the tv all morning. had a talk with my mum and sister about some shit. i got so freaking frustrated i cried. god life totally sucks right now.

then we went to the mall to buy the last of my stationery. is it stationary or stationery? anyway, the stupid newsagent was closed, so i went to franklins and found a cheap binder. then i walked to towers and bought my stupid commerce book. i got 64 pages too many. went back to mall and then went to apartment. then we went home and made it for phineas and ferb! so i covered my book and copied stuff in while watching tv. then i had nOOdles (carla!) for dinner.

i can't wait for the men's tennis finals! FEDERER vs. MURRAY! i'm so excited! OMGSH IT'S STARTING!

7:27 PM

Saturday, January 30, 2010
school + rubber bands

wow so school started yesterday. so dead when i woke up. 7 hours of sleep felt like no sleep ==;

got to bus stop early, but carla took an earlier bus than the early bus so i didn't get my present. then audrey and christine came and we caught up. got onto the bus. fuck so many more st. bennies. I HATE THEM. the bus was gay. so we made it for the train. got my present from carla. YSL PERFUME! thank you carla, eric, ervin and aidan. and yes you were very ninja carla :) then carla tried showing me a very cute thing doing a very cute thing but her big head was in the way D:

I SAW JAKE! the sexy sexy st. leo's guy. he looks much better in the senior uniform. i followed him onto the train. OMGSH then we saw tanya! wow her hair looks strange with the dress. got to hornsby. met up with everyone else. gosh our school looks so crowded with all the year 7's. got a present from elaine. thank you, my dear :)

gay assembly. saw the new chick. was terrified we were going to get ms rowe D: but nah we got mr hatton for english instead.

history first. ms riches. she's such a neat freak. and the history textbook was so heavy. got our diaries and timetables. they were both gay.

maths next. very surprised christine's in my class. so we got to 205, seeing elaine betrayed us with her group D: so me carla tanya and christine sat together. but then we had to move to 303 so zww was reunited! talked a lot. did a revision. i forgot most of it.

science. FARK we got there late so we were stuck at the front. the teacher is gay. she treats us like kids.

GOSH at lunch, the cola was infested with year 7's.

commerce last. dont like anyone in my class except for the left side i normally sit on. YAY jwei and sandra :D gosh that was the worst class. the teacher's voice drowned on and on and on.

got on the train. bus. it was so crowded and noisy. my ipod volume was almost all the way up and i still couldn't hear properly. got off the bus and went shopping with carla. took a long time to figure out which exercise books we needed for each subject. then we went to the library, dropped off our stuff and went back to towers to eat. saw cameron on the way. so starving. both had chicken nuggets from maccas. talked a lot. walked back to the library and labelled our books. carls did tutor work. i copied some stuff into my science book. talked a lot. shared a caramel slice. talked. it was quite fun. then i went home.

so today, i woke up and ate my usual vegemite toast. then i had to go to the dentist to get my separators / rubber bands between my molars D: it hurt. and it feels weird when i eat and drink. watched tv. gosh my day has been boring.

4:20 PM

Monday, January 25, 2010
my birthday

ah so i woke up bright and early at 6:30am this morning. then i remembered it was my birthday today. urgh great. 14. getting older. oh goodie! presents :D so i checked my phone. got 2 birthday texts and a very excited text from jwei, telling me that andy won last nights match. then went back to sleep for another 2 hours. got up, watched sunrise, and breakfast. got a few more birthday texts. then i think showered, and got onto the computer. got some fb hb's :)

then left around noon to go shopping my mumm mum and sister. first tried to find season 2 gossip girl box set, but we really couldn't find it anywhere, so i just got the first one. i quite like it. don't really like the 3rd one.

then we just looked around for more dvd's and books. CARLA i was seriously considering getting the zac efron book :D but i didn't. then we went to Diamante, jewellery shop. that's where my mum gets all her diamonds ==; so i wanted a bracelet, and i picked out this pretty white gold chain. i hate pure gold and silver. it's ugly. then i got a tiny diamond pendant for my necklace, which was nice too :)

ordered a continental cake. i described it to eric :D it has a bottom layer of sponge, soaked in some liqour. then vanilla sponge. then custard. then vanilla sponge. then CHOCOLATE custard. then vanilla sponge. then icing. then cream. plus sliced almonds along the outside of the cake. hmm it was rather tasty. then we had to walk all the way to geffro's, which is the complete opposite side of where we were. got 2 shirts. had to walk all the way back to pick up the cake. and then back to the cinema parking to the car. fark it was tiring.

got home. put gossip girl on. mum started preparing ENTREE. if you call about 6 big plates full of finger food, a bowl of salad and a bowl of rockmelon entree ==; and there was pizza for mains and cake for dessert. my family watched federer vs. hewitt while eating, hoping for an exciting, long match. instead, we got federer kill hewitt so bad it wasn't even entertaining to watch.

went back to apartment. the computer wasn't working, so i got pissed. then tried to sleep.
twas a good day :)

now today. urgh australia day. seriously. it's so freaking stupid how it's such a big deal. no one freaking cares. get real ==;

ate breakfast. watched sunrise. then watched some other morning show. it went on till like 11. so around 10:30, finally dragged myself to the bathroom. washed. texted. computer. then i got hungry at 12 so i ate more toast.

now i'm refilling on water to keep myself hydrated. it really is warm today.

9:41 PM

Sunday, January 24, 2010


so today was fun. got up early. so freaking tired. watched sunrise while eating breakfast. showered. urgh the light in both the bathrooms stopped working! so i showered in the dark with a tiny night light. packed my bag, ready to go.

walked through the cold / rain to the mall bus stop to meet eric. thankfully, i got there before his bus, so he knew when to get off. otherwise, he'd end up somewhere in castlewood. walked up to the piazza and met carla at boost.

we walked around, talking. circled the towers. then went back to the food court and sat down. carla and eric arm-wrestled each other. he has a little bicep :) then we went to easyway. eric got passionfruit black tea. it was really sweet. went down to midori. me and carla has sushi. one of mine had wasabi. it was disgusting. then eric started explaining how to play poker. sorry i forgot. you'll have to remind us again once we play strip poker at dorie's :D then this lady sat at the table next to us with a hotdog in her hand. and she took the sausage out and was holding it to her son, and it was wobbling and it looked so dirty. then we walked past cookieman, and bought 3 double choc cookies. they tasted good.

then we went to the library. sat at our normal seat in the kids section. those two stupid children lay down on me. carla squished my boob. then i performed little CPR on eric, since the little kids might get wrong ideas. got bored, so we went back to towers for subway. i was going to share with carla, but then carla didn't want, so then i was going to share with eric, but we wanted different sauces, so then eric and carla shared a foot long and i had a six inch. as usual, i finished eating last. then we decided to bum at my place.

so we walked to my place, and tried to take 2 steps only in each cement box. then eric ran up and did one step in each. then some car with a dude passing by yelled out something. jump, yuck, chuck, whatever. and then when we were off the main road on a downhill slope, we kicked carla's bottle down and eric had to chase it. it didn't roll very well. kept rolling to the side. then as the bottle was rolling, a car started approaching, so eric had to run for his life to save the bottle. LOL he was hyperventilating after.

finally got to my house. eric was scared of my harmless dog. crashed on the couch and watched high school musical 2. then after 'work it out', we left it on and went to my room. crash on the bed. it was quite squishy, considering it was a single. then we just lay on each other and talked about things i can't remember. then we put blu-tack on r-patz photo on the poster calendar. now everytime i wake up, i see his blu-tack eyes with red dots in the middle :\

then we had to leave so eric could make the bus. slowly walked to the towers again. those two did the asian squat, and i kicked their asses. then eric went, so carla went back to the library and i went home. ate dinner. then mum made me go home and try what she and dad made. luckily, hsm3 was on at the time so i sat and ate and sang.

watched roddick vs. gonzalez. texted jenny, squealing about andy's cuteness. then i went to bed without finishing the match.

5:24 PM

Thursday, January 21, 2010

wednesday - normal hornsby group at dorie's place.

woke up in time for the bus, thankfully. people who took 631 last year. you just might remember the freaky bus driver who freaked about putting your bags in the aisle and everything. he was driving our bus. so we got off at hornsby station, because eric the hobo made us meet at the fountain. he brought 2012. so me carla eric and ervin walked to dorie's apartment. i forgot what we talked about. i think we laughed a lot. got to dorie's. put on 2012. it was so gay, because it was pirated and it skipped like half the movie. pigged out on chips and seaweed and ice tea. eric glued his eyes to his touch, that rude boy.

movie finally finished. then we played truth or dare using questions from eric's touch. we only did dare because the truth's were boring. gosh i got like 2 turns. carla got half the turns. ervin got a lot. eric and dorie got adequate turns. it was so funny. lets see what i remember. well mine was boring. i had to rap about eric and moosh up my face against a window and the others took a picture. dorie had to run around crazily and scream for help and do the can-can with the guys. eric had to wrap his arms around ervin's waist for 3 turns, sing a rap about me, and i forgot! ervin, had to speak in a russian accent, make a speech on why he should be president, and had to drink something dorie made with anything from the kitchen. it smelt disgusting. i almost vomitted. carla had to get a monobrow drawn on her face, gel her fringe, kiss MY foot =='' and do a lot of other stuff. except i can't remember.

then we got bored and just crashed onto the sofa. dorie strummed her guitar and ervin played some gay piano. then we tried to figure out a name for our group. ervin really liked 'The Angels'. watched some random tv. gosh what else did we do. played piggy in the middle with dorie's poor Pig. then we went to dorie's room.

buried eric on the bed. then i only remember piling on eric, and then performing CPR on him. every time we pump his chest (that sounds so dirty), he'd do this creepy cackle. then everyone got on the bed and tried to get into a comfy position. eric along the bed next to the wall. carla diagonal at eric's head, her feet at dorie's head. me with my head on eric's stomach and my feet off the bed. and then poor ervin, squishing himself onto the bed's edge. haha. then we were just lying there. suddenly, we heard the door unlock and open. we froze. dorie said, 'that's my mum!' and then we jumped off the bed and arranged ourselves far away from each other. HAHAHA it was so funny.

then we had to leave. so me carla dorie and ervin walked back. ervin only accompanied us for 2 minutes before walking away home. so us 3 walked to the station, discussing issues. then the stupid barriers at the station were closed, so we had to buy 3 tickets. and just after we bought them, the guard opened the gate. gosh what a waste of $5.20. eric went to platform 1. me and carla got on the train. then got on the bus. then i had to walk home. it was nice and cool.

got home. watched tv. cleaned up my itunes. gosh i am tired right now. it was quite hot today.

9:37 PM

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

today was rather fun.

so oh god, i was so tired from the sleepover, i feel asleep rather fast. then i had a rather strange dream, that i now forgot. then i got woken up by my phone ringing, and it was carla telling me, ''why aren't you at the bus stop?'' then i checked my clock. it said 09:19. my bus is at 9:39. and i was like OH SHIT! so i jumped out of bed, and changed and washed my face and then ate 2 pieces of toast and soup and then brushed my teeth and drank my tea and packed my bag and then my mum took us to penno. :) urgh our train was delayed like 12 minutes, and on the carriage, some annoying little kid was like ''mum? i'm going to exercise.'' then he walks up the stairs to the top carriage, then back down. it was so annoying!

then we finally got off, and then looked for aidan. and then we see him, holding an empty bag of jelly beans. then he offers us the bag and TWO jellybeans fall out onto the ground. 1 white and 1 blue. apparently, he got bored waiting for us and ate the rest. that fat boy. but it was so funny. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

anyway, walked around, and carla tried to find her pacer at the newsagent. then we went to westfield. went to myer, and looked at lots of random things. then just talked a lot. me and carla shared a subway. then aidan stood up and said ''i'll be back in 15 minutes.'' and then he came back with bread from bread top. which we later realised, was ages away. then we walked to the mandarin centre, looking for hoyts to watch new moon. then some random fat chick called out aidan's name, and thus, he ran away. then he forgot how to get to the cinema so he made us walked ALL THE WAY around the centre. then we finally found it. then he realised the way was through the food court. i was ready to strangle. bought the tickets. saw the fat chick again. aidan bought the really gay new moon combo, where the popcorn thing is like a tissue box.

sat down in the theatre. it was really cold. lucky we missed most of the ads. but we saw an ad for a nicholas spark book. Dear John. CHANNING TATUM! he so dayum hot. and it looked so sad. so the movie started, and aidan talked really loud. i bet the people there hated us. the first 30 min was so boring, and jake hadn't stripped! so we were considering leaving. THEN we saw him topless. it was really a gay movie. and i was freezing. me and carla died over jake. then i think we quickly peed when there wasnt a scene with him naked. saw the fat chick in the toilet. her friend was like pushing her towards us. it was suss. they're gay. finished movie. then went to that little park thing outside. it was nice and warm. then i thought there were people from anzac thing buried there so we went away.

back to westfield. no i think we went to chatswood chase. all of us ate a popcorn chicken snack box. of course aidan finished first, stuffing each chip whole into his mouth. 'a white thing'. then carla. then me. then we had staring contests. then we walked around the place. i can't remember much. oh oh i think we went to k-mart. looked through clothes. found another zac efron book. flipped through it while aidan stared and did god knows what else to a cute baby. tried to lift up his shirt. haha we sound so perverted. then we went to angus & robertson and sat on those hard seats talking for a while. then we arm wrestled. me and carla failed majorly with aidan. even with 2 hands!

then we left the chase. walked back to westfield. went to priceline. aidan bought me and carla a mt. franklin. then we just bummed a little. walked back to station. saw an empty elevator so went down. then up. then a woman and a kid walked in so we had to go down and stay down. went through station barrier thing. then caught train. it was crowded and gay. aidan and carla sat on the steps while i stood. then i went to aidan ''truth or truth'' and he said ''truth'' and then i said ''have you ever masturbated?'' and he gave me an embarrassed look and i was like ''OH MY GOD YOU'VE MASTURBATED!'' urgh AIDAN! COULDN'T YOU LIE OR SOMETHING!

then too many people kept getting on and off via the stairs, so we got up and squished next to a poor guy. secretly got 3 photos of aidan. then he got off at penno with us, and we sat where the normos usually sit. reminisced and talked about him coming to towers. you will one day. then our bus sadly came. each gave him a big hug and kiss. then got onto the bus. waved goodbye. the bus ride was quiet. stared at the drink bottle he bought. it can be a memory. then stayed with carla at library for a little. talked about issues. walked to mcdonalds. talked about issues ate nuggets. talked about issues. walked back to library. talked more about issues. then i got picked up and went home. called audrey, at yogurt. called christine.

it was a very good day. lots of fond and sad memories. ah i love you two very much.

8:53 PM

Monday, January 18, 2010

ohmygosh had such a blast!

okay so on sunday, met carla at the gay library around 12. took my shit down to her car, and waited for elaine. we had to walk ALL the way to target to pick her up, then walk ALL the way back to the library carpark to put her shit down. then back to towers. so we walked around and talked a lot. elaine bought easyway while me and carla bought sushi. took forever to find seats. sat there, texting dorie and eric. talking a lot. watching elaine cleavage a lot. then we decided to get up and i think we just walked around for like 3 hours. and then there was still 2 hours before we could finally get to carla's place. so then we went to coles, and bought lots and lots of food. 3 packets of red rock deli, 1 packert of shapes, 2 blocks of cadbury and 2 packets of pods. yum. then we went back to the library.

sat at our sad little place on the carpet next to the kids castle section. sadly, this girl in a dress was lying on her stomach, ass fascing us and constantly, majorly flashing. i was freaking perving on a 9 year old girl! listened to music, talked a lot more, then me and carla shared something caleld a mortal sin. this uber chocolate-y thing. which reminds me. carla and elaine; you forgot to give me money. anyway, waited an hour longer. then finally got on the way to carla's. got out of her car, and saw her cute pomeranian barking at us. got in, and learnt carla's rules about where we can wear shoes and where we can't.

got the mattresses out, settled ourselves and then went to see her dog. he was spastic. jumped all over our legs. then carla said we had to wash wherever her dog touched us before we went onto the mattress. haha. what did we watch first? oh fawlty. only watched like 1 episode though. then we watched like 20 minutes of kung-fu panda. then i think we had pasta bake and caesar salad for dinner. then i'm sure we watched clueless next. gosh i wish i was cher. anyway, then we watch a cinderella story, and swooning over chad michael murray. SO HOT! texted sam with carla and elaine. then i think we just decided to watch friends till like 3am. there was the episode where monica and chandler were planning their wedding. then us 3 stayed up till like 5:30am, discussing how we want our weddings to be planned, and then our formal, and then our future marriage etc. it was so fun. then we tried to sleep. those 2 gaybo's slept earlier than me.

woke up this morning at 9:30. so freaking tired, and my neck was dead. elaine finally woke up. then carla eventually woke up. they were both dead so i pulled up the blinds, letting the light in. then we turned on friends. i went outside to pet the dog before i showered. then i showered. went and watched more friends. ate breakfast. breakfast = 1 slice of vegemite toast. elaine does her toast so weird. she spreads butter on one side, and vegemite on the other. then snacked on sweet chilli chips. and cadbury old gold. then tidied the rumpus. put the matresses back. taught carla how to vacuum. then we put on friends again and texted a lot.

then at 3, my mum picked me and elaine up. we had a hard time getting out, because carla couldn't work her door. took her to penno. then we went home. i was so dizzy and nauseous and tired.

well that was still epickly fun!

4:56 PM

Saturday, January 16, 2010

fuck so tired. didn't sleep till after 12. COULDN'T sleep till after 12. woke up at 6. passed out and woke at 8. got up, ate fried rice while watching sunrise. changed. watched some more tv. i THINK i went on the computer. i can't remember. oh wait. yes i did. talked to some people. then did yoga. gosh that was so terrible. i normally do easier course yoga, and the ones my grandma has are intermediate. and the stretches made me feel i was going to pull or break something.

then watched some tv. JONAS was on. boring episode though. carla kept going on about how cute they were. now she wants the songs. hehe.

went home. had leftovers for lunch. crashed out in front of the tv. tried to take a nap. never really slept. went online and downloaded songs. URGH why doesn't varsity and v-factory have freaking albums! it's so annoying.

parents are watching this stupid korean movie, and lucky for me, the only part EYE saw, was when they were torturing a girl. gosh the world before 19th century was totally psycho.

i should leave the computer. i'm shit tired.

8:43 PM

Friday, January 15, 2010

simply posting this so i can remember what will be happening. gosh my head is so crowded.

17th/18th: zww sleepover at carla's pad. watch movies and pig out all night and day.
19th: chatswood with carla and the little boy.
20th: hornsby group to the city for my birthday. or dorie's pad if she can't go.
25th: birthday. family.
30th: dentist.

pack: caps/city for my birthday, when pearl gets back from the gold coast. and maybe just another outing.
zww: caps/city for my birthday.

urgh it's not that much. so why does my head seem so messed up?

9:20 PM

so carla came over to my house around 5, because we were just both so freakishly bored, me at home and her at library. got to my place. crashed on the couch. first debated whether to watch phineas&ferb or sabrina. p&f was a boring episode, so we went to sabrina. pigged out on a block of cadbury rocky road and rice crackers. then we watched gossip girl. then she made us watch the game plan, except we muted it so we could watch the wicked clips her cousin gave her. the singing was awful. talked to people. then ate dinner. then carla left. 3 hours passed quickly.

went to grandpa's after taking carla to the library. went for a walk. got home. took the quickest shower ever. shampoo / conditioner / face / body. 10 minutes! called audrey. mass msn-ed.

my brain is muddled.

8:31 PM

i suddenly remembered, on tuesday, when we were at hornsby, or at dorie's, carla randomly came to me and gave me a hug. i was really weirded out. i mean, how often does carla do that?!

anyway, i took forever to sleep last night. did yoga at 9 first, and then showered. sat around waiting for my hair to dry NATURALLY. i refuse to blow-dry unless in rushing emergencies or whatever. then tried to sleep. got a text, which i was actually expecting, from carla at 11, saying 'OMG GEN IT WAS SO EPIC OMG'. it meaning WICKED! then we talked about how epic it was, especially the 'defying gravity' bit. 'toss toss giggle!' anyway, while texting, i decided to listen to my wicked songs. then finally fell asleep.

woke up before 9, and yet i still have eyebags. watched gossip girl. ate vegemite toast. watched some more tv. texted. then left to apartment. gosh i'm hungry.

YAY can't wait for sunday & monday!

12:35 PM

Thursday, January 14, 2010

i felt the urge to point out just how awesome these Louboutin heels look.
wow. aren't they just so awesomely sexy?

6:23 PM

woke up today from a good sleep. first one in a long time. then remembered the house was empty. got up, and debated whether or not to do yoga. too hungry so didn't. turned the tv on and watched some shit shows while eating vegemite toast. then an apple. then a packed of tiny teddys. i was hungry.

got annoyed at my dog. showered, changed. then started on the stupid maths my mum gave me to do. i think i actually understand the linear shit! hopefully, i'll be in the same maths class as carla and elaine, since i'm too stupid to keep up with my group.

walked to grandparents for lunch. took ages. me and my sister are so slow. was starving. ate while watching tennis. played on touch. listened to ipod.

gosh i did nothing today. hmm i don't like the weather. i want the heat.

3:56 PM

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
dorie's pad

went to dorie's yesterday, wednesday.

met up with carla, elaine, dorie, ervin and eric at 10:30 at the fountain. teased elaine about her dress. haha. so dorie and elaine went off to get a haircut, while me, carla, ervin and eric bummed at westfield. LOL was it 'harder, faster, shorter'?

so we sat on the bridge thing connecting the two sides of hornsby. sat on those chairs that look like humps ERIC. ervin tried to sleep while carla and eric fought about some piece of bark. then went to the teahouse. forced the guys to drink the available tea. one tasted like totally diluted pee. carla's pee.

then we went to david jones. or myer. i think david jones. went to the electric thing area. looked through dvd's and music. then watched beyonce's concert. LOL ervin was like mesmorised by her. then we were teasing eric about having an erection over beyonce. then he was like really loudly, 'I'M NOT HAVING AN ERECTION!' as soon as a salesperson walked past us. haha eric practically ran out of that area. then we walked to the cosmetic area. smelled lots of perfumes. then left the store.

dorie and elaine finally finished their haircut. met them at the magic asian grocery. bought lots of seaweed, and drinks. then went to woolies and bought some more food and milk and insect repellent. had to walk to blockbuster. looked through many many movies. chose mean girls and princess diaries 1. trudged all the way back to dorie's. it was so hot. finally got in and died on the couch. watched mean girls first. it's so funny. quoted the movie. smelt Green Pig's ass. pigged out on all the food we bought in the first hour. thats 3 packets of seaweed (approx. 30+ in each), a packet of red rock deli, a bag of lollies, and a bottle of aloe vera.

watched princess diaries next. ate instant noodles. hmm, then we started a pillow fight. eric knocked my teeth. IT HURT! then we went to dorie's room, and me, carla and elaine pinned down eric and sat on him. i got domo-kun to make out with him. dorie started taking pictures of us. unfortunately, didn't get to pin ervin down. then elaine had to leave.

didn't do too much. i started coughing. then we listened to music, fooled around on dorie's bed some more, talked about underwear. LOL me and carla took forever to understand. then fooled around on the bed some more. then ervin had to leave. so me, dorie, carla and eric tried to sleep. then we spooned. it was funny. then dorie freaked when eric grabbed her wallet because her ID was in there. so carla and eric pinned her down while i found the wallet. LOL the ID was cute. then we had to leave. me and carla ran and ran and just missed the train. so bought an ice cream while we waited. train, bus, home.

it was a good day.

8:05 PM

Sunday, January 10, 2010

woke up today with the sun filling the room and me boiling under my quilt. showered. watched tv while eating breakfast. if you call an apple and a packet of shapes breakfast. texted eric, carla and jwei all the way till lunch. watched moulin rouge during that time. ewan mcgregor = yummo.

lunch. had crackers + dip, mangoes, lots of little finger food. watched more tv. decided to stop texting. my fingers were starting to feel funny. re-did my nails. looked through a box of old photos when i was small. funny, i don't remember anything earlier than 4 years old. is that normal?

watching more tv. gosh today is very boring. at least it wasn't too hot.


5:02 PM

Saturday, January 9, 2010

couldn't sleep properly again last night. woke up at 10, sort of running late for a dentist appointment. quickly showered. had vegemite toast. drove to carlingford. it was freaking boiling in the car.

teeth checked up. then we talked about braces. i have to get teeth removed. ugh. the anesthetic needle will hurt more than pulling the actual teeth out. gosh it took forever to get the bill thing paid. texted eric and elaine to entertain myself. had to go yum cha. man that place gets more boring each time i go.

finally got home. downloaded more songs. gosh planned zww-city-caps-sleepover thing. took an hour. then we realised we had to plan transport to the city and back! OHMAGOD! had lasagna for dinner. just did a yogurt face mask. watched will and grace. now i'm bored.


5:59 PM

Friday, January 8, 2010

''Every star you see in the sky, is 霍達 saying, 'I love you'. The wind that blows softly by your ear, is 霍達 saying, 'I miss you'. The warm sunshine that shines on your skin, is because I opened my arms to embrace you. If it rains, it means that, 霍達 without 嘉蒂 by his side feels really lonely.'' -霍達

ahh doesn't mike make you just want to melt?

9:16 PM

i am bored. 33 eric.

so got up this morning around 9. i've finally been able to sleep normally now. had vegemite toast for breakfast. as i was especially hungry, i ate 4 pieces. watched tv. showered, changed.

australia was on so i watched it again. as usual, i seem to always miss the first 30 min of the movie. so that means i missed hugh jackman's bucket scene, where he's shirtless and pouring water over himself -drool- i still think it's a good movie.

walked to the towers with my sister. bought new shampoo, recharge cards for my grandparents, 2 nail polishes. PINKS! walked to grandparents. had lunch and watched tennis for like 3 hours. listened to all my ipod song beginnings to find a new ringtone. no such luck.

i don't feel that tired anymore. that's good.

5:07 PM

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
dorie's place

oh my gosh today was a total BLAST!

okay so today, woke up at 6:30. how gay. so i slept for like another two hours and woke at around 8. showered, changed, ate, la la la. then around 9:15, met up with carla at towers and walked to the bus stop. yes she wore a new shirt i've never seen before. good job.

took bus to hornsby. gosh we haven't done that in ages. got there around 10:30. went to woolies and this asian place. bought hair ties and then these seaweed things. was going to buy this garlic bread thing for eric but it didn't look that good. walked around and met dorie, eric and ervin at the fountain. walked to blockbuster, and spent ages finding a movie. couldn't find 'the legend of sex and chopsticks ' though. finally chose ' suddenly 30 '.

walked back to dorie's. the guys bought some lollies on the way. crashed out on the lounge and watched the movie. it was kind of gay. exercised. SOME people wouldn't shut up with the piano. finished the movie and then went to dorie's room. did stuff on her computer. played with a dart. listened to ervin play with domo-kun and go ' ROOOOAAAAAARRRRR! '. gosh that was funny. watched carla and eric throw dorie's green pig at each other. then he started smelling the pigs ass with a pleasured look on his face and was like ' this smells like baby powder! '.

lunch. had a packet of spicy instant noodles. it was so funny. carla hardly ate any because it was too spicy for her. then i fed carla but purposely spilt the noodles on her face. LOL and ervin was sweating from the spiciness. he was like ' my throat is burning. there's people partying in my mouth ' or ' there's a party in my mouth '. then he added, ' they're mexican '. that was so funny.

went back to dorie's room. then we tried to give the guys a makeover. made them finish our leftover noodles or we'd paint their faces. kept trying to escape. finally, eric let us, but only if we did ervin first. so dorie gave him liquid liner and wrote on his face ' fuck face '. then me, carla and dorie raided eric's face. carla did one eye with liquid liner. i did the other with purple crayon liner. then we added black eye shadow on both eyes, made a beard + sideburns and a monobrow. added stubble. tried to do nosehairs but that didn't work out. haha he spent like over 10 minutes washing it off. then he looked sick because there were still smudges and it looked like bruises.

cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed, washed dishes. then we watched some random shit tv. then back to dorie's computer. i was scared eric was angry. he looked so stoned! then i started the topic of snail sex. gosh what a turn-off. apparently, snails are asexual and mate with themselves. then dorie had to look up snail sex on youtube. it was so disgusting.

went back and watch mcdull. CHICKEN ON FIRE! that was funny. eric, ervin and carla started piggy-in-the-middle with dorie's poor green pig, who's ass has been violated with our noses. it was funny. then ervin had to leave. then we started a pillow fight! haha. 3 against 1 for eric. then we went to dorie's bro's room and did this game where an attacker stood outside his bedroom door, with a defender inside. and the attacker had to come in and try get past the defender and touch the bed. the other 2 stood around the bed. eric went first with me defending him. touched the bed. then we buried him under pillows. then dorie went against eric. touched the bed. then carla went against eric. we buried her. then i went against carla. i took longest to get to the bed. probably because eric was defending the bed only that time. buried dorie.

then me and carla had to leave. such a shame. but we started arguing about which train to take. then decided to take the one we'd originally catch. but we just missed it. bought an ice cream each. reminisced about the old times at the station. finally the train came. then waited like 20 min for the bus. bus came. took only 15 minutes to get to towers. and it was 632. guess there was no traffic.

OH MY GOSH! okay on the way home, when we turned onto edward bennet st, there was heaps of guys. like 30 or more. and they were all running/jogging. and lots of them were SHIRTLESS! and these two guys at the front were so hot, plus tank. and sweaty.

now i'm here, taking forever to write this long long post. but it was an awesome day.


8:21 PM

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
social calendar

so i haven't had anything on for the past two weeks or so. so now i need to update.

dorie's place: TOMORROW! yay. with carla, eric and ervin, where we can let out our true dirtiness together. sounds fun, eh?

zhangwongwang: writing that is becoming a nuisance. zww! city, caps and then sleepover at either my place or carla's, where we'll watch movies all night. elaine, you better be able to go, after your phone issue.

pack: was sick last time so missed out. pearl is grounded now. wow that's gay. but we'll figure something out. sleepover, or city. or ice skating again. that was fun. wait, i got sick from ice skating. maybe not.

BIRTHDAY: first, on the 25th, i'll just have the traditional thing with my family. dinner at nice restaurant. good cake. candles. photos. and then i'll go out with friends on other days. where can we go with the people i want to go with? way too many people. pack, zww, other people. gosh.

and after all that, it's back to school.
holidays went fast, huh.

9:47 PM

woke up dead on my feet today. took some medicine and yoga-d with my grandma. she's so flexible, it's not natural. texted carla and eric. i think last month, i sent 1000 texts to those two.

carla was going to come over and bum in front of the tv, but late last night, i suddenly remembered we were meant to go see a dentist, plus yum cha at carlingford. shame. we were going to kill our eyes watching her dvd's and mine. ELAINE! I BROUGHT FAWLTY TOWERS! you have to come over and watch! but yeah. another time.

went to carlingford. had yum cha. it's so boring now. went and got an x-ray. hopefully i'll get braces over and done with soon. waited ages for my grandpa's appointment to finish. texted. finally went home. had an ice block. played with my dog. went back to apartment.

ate uber early dinner while watching hopman cup. john isner is so cute! but not as good looking as andy jenny. texted carla. went online. talked to people. discussed outings. on the phone with carla now.


6:05 PM

Monday, January 4, 2010

gosh my life is gay. couldn't sleep till about 1. and this morning, instead of waking up at midday, i woke up at 6:30. so tired. couldn't sleep. got up at 7. had noodles. spilt them all over my legs. then my dog started licking the soup off the floor. showered. got changed. was so tired i was about to fall over, so i went back to sleep for another few hours.

got up at 12. cleaned the kitchen. vacuummed. ate this yummy focacia mum made with ham, cheese, tomato and avocado. cleaned my wardrobe and room. gosh i have like, over 10 pairs of shoes for dancing. ballet, jazz and character. ended up with like 10 bags full of clothes to donate. found some cool jewellery from mum. watch sonny with a chance. DAYUM she didn't kiss chad. i'm so cut. new episode of suite life as well.

had thai for dinner. finished cleaning. texted carla, talking about movies for tomorrow. packed to go to grandparents. found some random magazine to read. did this boring fb note.

yeah i'm freaking tired.

10:13 PM

Sunday, January 3, 2010

couldn't sleep last night. i haven't been able to sleep ever since holidays. i'll crawl into bed and lie awake for an hour. tried to wake to an alarm this morning for 8am. woke up. turned the alarm off. went back to sleep. woke up at 11am from a good dream. went back to sleep and finished some of the dream. woke up at 12 and finally decided to get out of bed.

showered and started watching my drama again. episode 8, 10, 11 and 12. texted carla and eric the whole time. hardly paid much attention to the drama. gosh i'm tired. had dinner. went for a walk. discussed some things with my mum. finally got home. back to computer.

hopefully got something fun planned with carla, dorie, eric and ervin.

9:23 PM

Saturday, January 2, 2010

woke up the earliest so far these holidays. 10am! texted carla and eric for a while. listened to my ipod. finally decided to get out of bed. showered. ate 3 rice cakes for breakfast. decided to do my nails again. then it started raining so we had to rescue the clothes on the line. went back to nails. i love pink nail polish. i should buy some more. i'm so glad for holidays. it's like, the only time where i can grow them longer, because there's no piano lesson.

watched tv. cleaned around a bit. got guests coming later. ate lunch. more tv. more cleaning.

now i'm bored. there's nothing to do.

oh wait! PHINEAS AND FERB IS ON! back-to-back!

3:56 PM

Friday, January 1, 2010

last night was good. well before the fireworks, tried to find good tv. nothing. no one let me watch the frinds marathon or whatever was on disney. so we were flicking through so many music channels which had to play the WORST music that night. fuck you. finally fireworks happened. not too impressive. the stupid thing on the harbour bridge just gets worsse and worse and even worse.

the champagne was disgusting. the ones we have are usually sweet and this one was sour and killed my throat. couldn't even drink half a glass. sent happy new year texts. got them back. talked a bit on msn. slept at around 2.

woke up today at 11. as usual now. showered. read some fashion blogs on the net. went outside and skipped, because i finally found my skipping rope! texted. tried to help eric find something to fix his modem. as if i'd have any idea what to do anyway.

just saw a high school musical ad! man zac efron is just -drool- .

had a yummy smoked salmon and cream cheese bagle for lunch. napped a bit. downloaded some music and videos. watched more fashion vlogs. decided to paint my face. it was fun. then i washed it all off. quite a waste of powder really. watched tv. played outside with the dog with my family. fun. been a while since we did that.

please please please PLEASE recommend me music!

8:10 PM


HAPPY NEW YEAR! gosh 2009 was so great. i must say it's one of the best years of my life. and it can't have been better without you guys!

to the crewforcepack, zhangwongwang, my very few normo friends; rice, aidan and sid. my family. teachers. you've helped make 2009 memorable and definitely one of the best years of my life.

2010, i hope you're as good to us as last year.

12:15 AM