
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Thursday, December 31, 2009
NYE resolution

so. it's the end of 2009. end of a decade. beginning of a new year. school won't be the same. new subjects.

got to do my resolutions;
- no more procrastination. zhangwongwang.
- reduce computer/tv time. i like my eyes without glasses.
- study harder. especially maths and science. can't slack off anymore.
- exercise regularly. should try fit in yoga before bedtime.
- try to capture memories of each day. other than blog, maybe photos.
- start reading some more useful literature to excel my english.
- get more sleep. eyebags can finally go away.
- be careful with money spending.
- maybe start something new, like a sport.

i know these sound so cliche. and i never really stuck to them. but lately, i've been worrying about my future, and if i keep living like this, my opportunities later in life will be limited. so i really need to wake up, start trying and stop slacking. then i'll regret it later in life. and i still know how to have a life.

so what's your resolution?

7:53 PM

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

gosh i'm so tired. late night, got home around 12. aidan called. got a lecture from mum. sneaked a 5minute call to him. hopefully that wouldn't cost much. texted. coughed so much, my stomach got a workout. slept, but woke up at 3am. went back to sleep. had a dream; the only part i remember is making out with someone. forgot who. think it was a normo. eh.

my aunt and cousin are leaving for beijing today. gosh 3 weeks went fast. had miso soup for breakfast. showered. stared at my wardrobe. i want more clothes still. got my bank card. mum had to explain AGAIN the banking accounts and everything. so confusing. figured out a signature. went onto computer. talked to carla and eric. did an okay note on fb.

had uber early dinner. like lunch/dinner. had to put on snow white for my cousin again. her voice was freaking piercing my ears. stood outside in the sun. i really want a tan.

now i'm bored and so sleepy and full.

4:26 PM

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

woke up today. saw it was a nice day. had miso soup for breakfast. mmm yummy. showered. read this book. i swear the main character is gay. and i only read the first chapter. watched tv.

FRIENDS. lol it was the episode where ross was getting married to emily and then he accidently says ''i take thee rachel.'' so embarrassing i was cringing.

got totally turned off yesterday by jenny.

gosh i'm bored.

3:12 PM

Monday, December 28, 2009

ahh finally someone who knows what fawlty towers is! elaine we are so cool. i'm going to watch the entire thing again today.

gosh i've been waking up so late now. i'll wake up at like, 9am. and then i pass out again till 11am. what a waste of life.

i'm so bored. i listened to all the high school musical songs and varsity songs today. now i'm listening to all the jay chou songs.

1:08 PM

Sunday, December 27, 2009

woke up today. had a nice hot shower. ate french toast and banana bread for breakfast. took medicine. watched some tv.

Australia was on. decided to watch for the sake of hugh jackman's bucket scene. the one where he's topless and pouring water over his head and nicole kidman sees him and stares at his sexy abs. yum. i think i missed that scene. or i momentarily napped or something.

it was a really good movie. my eyes were popping. man drover is so hot! ie: hugh jackman. i cried too. it was on twice. that's what i love about foxtel. it repeats stuff.

watched some more suite life. baked cookies. ah there really is nothing much to do anymore. can't go to city tomorrow.

dinner. noodles. yum.

6:54 PM

Saturday, December 26, 2009

woke up at 11. thats pretty late for me. unlike people like carla that can sleep till 1. woke up and got sicker. coughed up so much phelgm. i thought i coughed up blood, but then i remembered i ate watermelon. texted jwei, carla and rice. JENNY HAS ALL THE LIZZIE MCGUIRE SEASONS!

might i mention, i had a great dream. okay it sounds weird, but i was like some sort of agent spy thing. and my agent partner was CHANNING TATUM! -dies- and like, i think someone tried to shoot me, so i shot them and i killed them. and i swear there was this evil kangaroo trying to attack us so we shot it. i think i was sad. then my mum had to wake me up. i swear i had this dream twice already, but like with different things. like, different MISSIONS. hehe.

anyway, showered. crashed out on the lounge with my family and laughed our asses off as we watched fawlty towers. shame on all of you. you have no idea what it is. made cookies. prepared dinner. had some lamb while watching merlin. gosh it's quite boring now i realise. but bradley james is yummy to look at.

AUSTRALIA IS ON TV! which means HUGH JACKMAN! my my he is so sexy.

did nothing today. the weather sucked. it reminds me how much i hate hate HATE winter.

9:57 PM

Friday, December 25, 2009

basically the only good thing about christmas. so i'm very happy. i got:

- YSL Parisienne
- black leather backpack
- purple jelly slim havaianas
- books
- printed shirts ^^ thank you mummy
- poster book of aaron johnson! percy jackson's unknown sexy twin
- $40 voucher for greater union/event cinemas
- lots of money

all in all, very happy, except i didn't get the dvd i wanted.

5:41 PM

ugh this is such a gay day.

woke up with a sore neck and shoulder, plus sore throat and screwed nose. ate toast. mmm i'm hungry again. watched tv. LOL watched lizzie macguire, which is like the first time in years. it's always on at like 3am but it was a christmas episode. it was lame.

showered. tried on the new shirts mum bought me. got a cold. ugh my muscles hurt. read eclipse because i was bored. listened to all the varsity songs without skipping. played some wii.


5:04 PM

Thursday, December 24, 2009

i'm angry. i need someone to rant to. preferably someone at our school who knows no one. but no one is that much of a loser.

i just need to rant. i'm not going to post for the world to see. i'm not going to post it between my friends. maybe i should make a private blog. then i can swear and say anything i want and not care or regret anything.

you know why i'm angry. and i bet and know lots of you bitch like shit about me. pfft. do i care? no. because i bitch too. and i know its slack i bitch, but i'm not alone there. you guys are just as bad as me and everyone else.

i need some fucking angry music. lyrics that are full of swearing and just hate and something which i can listen to when i want to hurt people so bad. gosh why am i always so freaking angry now.

4:55 PM

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
sex talk

i shall elaborate more on our epic sex talk.

okay so we were sitting in the food court, talking about the movie. then somehow, carla brought up chickens and eggs. so we started discussing that. did chickens have sex? no. dorie said that a chicken doesn't have sex and doesn't need to, to lay eggs. eggs that aren't fertilised by the rooster don't create chicks. if the rooster fertilises the eggs, it becomes a chick. how it fertilises, i dont know. orgasm over the eggs? anyway, from this, we moved on to other animal sex. dorie made impersonations of cow and whale orgasms.

then we moved onto human sex. or just our body. lol carla was like, what does an asshole look like. and i'm like, stand in front of a mirror, and pull your butt cheeks away from each other. dorie almost died. then we started on penises. how do boys pee. lol carla was like, how do you pee? do you like pull your pants down or something. and we said no, you unzip and pull the penis out. and she's like, what if you zip it up and your penis gets caught. and we were like why? and she's like, cause it sticks out. i died. rice explained that you put the penis back inside your pants.

found out how guys peed while shitting. you stick the penis into the bowl and piss. haha. then i was like, do you wipe your penis after you pee? gosh i wish we recorded this conversation. talked about where you put your penis. like in your pants. like if it's so uberly big, do you put it down with your leg or make it stick out straight. carla was like, how hard does a penis get when it's erect? rice poked an empty mt. franklin bottle as an example. then dorie was like, would you rather something or be eaten out? and carla was like, what's eaten out? LOL.

don't remember anything else. something carla said about wrapping a penis around your wrist. and dorie saying that punch an erect penis was like punching a soft table.

anyway, my mind has run out of dirtiness.

10:14 PM


oh my gosh today was so fun.

okay so met up with carla at bus stop and caught 633. caught train to hornsby, and met up with rice and dorie. jiani came later. bought tickets to avatar and a large popcorn combo. found out seats. jiani finally came.

eh the movie was alright. but so freaking long. i was dying at 1.5 hours. got up to 10 with rice. ate popcorn. had to pee. almost slept through the end. i was busting during the last half hour but i didn't go pee because it was the battle scene. it was so loud, i swear the seat was shaking. wasn't helping my bladder. finally finished. ran out and peed. went to food court. carla and jiani bought snack boxes.

had the most awesomely dirty conversation. i think the topic first started on chickens, and how they laid eggs and how they get fertilised. then the conversation went into birds, frogs, whales, cows and other animals mating. it was so funny. found out some interesting things about penises and boys toilets from rice. talked about sex. talked about so many more dirty things. found out how clueless carla was and how intellectually dirty dorie was. finally decided to go to blockbuster for dorie.

rented hp6 and went over to dorie's place to watch it. just me, carla and rice though. jiani went home. the walk to dorie's apartment was so freaking long. watched bit of hp6. me, carla and rice started mucking around on the exercise things and piano. carla failed at cardio twister. hp6 got really boring. checked out rice's songs. LOL saddle club! decided to walk to station. waited ages for the bus at penno. the bus came and it was so freaking cold. busted to pee.

finally got to towers. rushed home. peed. ate dinner. trying to eat this christmas cheesecake. the brandy taste is killing my throat.

we must go out and have a dirty conversation again!

8:23 PM

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

woke up today. mum tried to explain the back account she was going to start for me today. didn't understand anything. what the hell a fire alarm just went off in my kitchen. anyway, went to towers. got my bank done. found this cool shirt at paper & scissors. rushed to macq.

met up with the pack minus anorah. ate some japanese food. it was disgusting. went down to the ice rink. gosh the skate shoes were gay. and the rink was so slippery. took a while to get used to it. did limbo. lol fell on my ass. but i did better then audrey. haha it was fun. took like no photos. skated around. tried to make christine fall. laughed my ass off at some little boys skating. so tired when the session ended.

got a frozen raspberry. died on the comfy chairs in the food court. then i had to meet my mum at borders. went home. watched tv. texted. carla was going to come over, but then couldn't.

anyway, tomorrow should be fun. avatar. ugh you know, my group haven't finished avatar which started at 4:30. gosh its so long. i'll freaking die.

6:36 PM

Monday, December 21, 2009
family city outing

today was pretty fun.

woke up at 8. so freaking tired. had a freaky dream. showered, ate breakfast.

left for city around 10. picked up aunty and cousin. drove to darling harbour. first went on the ferris wheel. i never knew it was there. it's been ages since i went. played on the stepping stones. had some lunch. OH MY GOD! i saw the freaking cutest waiter! blond curly, like shaping his face. blue eyes. tall. biceps. big shoulders, slimming down to a smaller waist. so sexy. i was drooling. and his voice! ahh.

okay then went to the wildlife park thing. looked around. took some photos. walked so many ramps. then went to aqaurium. the shark things are so cool where there's those two tunnels under the sharks. then i went on this boat thing above the sharks. that was boring. took more photos. walked even more ramps.

ate gelato. it was disgusting. the chocolate flavour was bitter and it melted so fast. yuck. sat in the sand. texted. played some more on the stepping stones. drove home. gosh i was tired.

slept a bit. played some piano. went on computer. ate a huge dinner. watched snow white. sleeping beauty is way better. plus, prince phillip is hotter. downloaded more music. i'm so tired.

macq tomorrow. ugh kind of don't want to go now. i feel like sleeping for the rest of my life.

by the way, i need to think of a hot name for that sexy waiter. any suggestions?

9:42 PM

Sunday, December 20, 2009
holiday planning

i already know what things i want to do in the holidays. no not going to macq/hornsby/towers and watching a movie and wasting money on food. i want to go OUT.

1. manly! okay i definitely want to go to the beach with a group of friends in january. possibly for my birthday? anyway, there's this manly beach bus. $15 per person. takes you to manly at 9. get there around 10. bum around, and the bus will pick you up at 3. that sounds pretty good. i really want to do that.

2. my birthday. outing with the pack. i cant invite all the people i want. caps and city, nice resturant.. i might have another outing with some other friends.

3. sleepover. ugh so many people can't come for sleepovers! seriously. only audrey can in my group. carla can't. elaine can but its too far. guys can't sleepover. how gay is that.

4. NYE. if not doing anything with the family, i'd love to go see the fireworks with some friends. or just bum around the city with my friends; sneak a drink, and later go home with my family.

5. just plain bumming around with as many friends possible. but please, think about the people who live in the hills, stop being gay and freaking come to towers. we shouldn't have to come so far just to please you, if you won't do the freaking same.

i am really angry. and i don't even know why.

7:18 PM

my day

woke up this morning, dreading the fact i'd have to go shopping.

ate noodles for breakfast. so hungry. watched tv. showered. dang like every sunday, runs out of things to wear. texted carla, complaining to each other about our clothes each sunday. ended up wearing the same thing as the previous few weeks.

met up at k-mart. bought crayola stuff for my cousin, bag for my aunt, dvd for mum and shirt for grandpa. ugh it was boring. spent so much money. didnt even buy food!

went home. wrapped the presents. watched some tv and went online. facebook and blog is so boring now. nothing to watch on youtube. thefix is so uninteresting now. no music to download.


2:44 PM

Saturday, December 19, 2009

i am currently deciding what perfume i want. goshy i want a lot.
- YSL Parisienne
- Miss Dior Cherie. i'll get it from my grandma
- Bvlgari Omnia Amythyste
- J'adore. mum's is running out
- YSL Elle

i really really like men's perfume. i love Drakkar :)

my thumb hurts from texting :(

note to self: must download more songs.

6:48 PM


okay i have a lot to do this week,

today; i must figure out what my family wants, figure out the price, figure out how much money i'll have leftover, and redo my wishlist. wanna know it? okay :D
- those witchery flats $140
- gossip girl dvd
- new backpack. preferably leather
- lots of loose baggy clothes for summer
- new havaianas
- suite life on deck/sonny with a chance dvd
- YSL Parisienne scent
- white gold jewellery

sunday; major christmas shopping. so far, i've figured what to get my aunty, cousin, grandma, sister, mum and dad. just grandpa now.

tuesday; ice-skating at macq with the pack. LOL that rhymes.

wednesday; avatar at hornsby with dorie, carla, jiani and rice. then have to rush home for early christmas dinner with my stepsister. she's leaving for europe. so lucky.

thursday; wrap all the presents,

also, today, i must clean my room. need to store my year 8 books somewhere, clean out the drawers, hang up my christmas cards. sort out photos. basically give my room a makeover. think about new year resolutions.
shit these presents are going to be so freaking expensive. already over $400 and i still dont have my grandpa's present.

i'm so screwed.

12:03 PM

Friday, December 18, 2009

so today has beeen quite boring. woke up. did yoga. shower. ate breakfast. watched tv. texted. computer. goshy my back hurts.


12:52 PM

Thursday, December 17, 2009
freakishly accurate.

Stubborn and hard-hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking andproductive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal. Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. Very Stubborn and money cautious.

9:09 PM

my gosh it's hot today.

so i was going to go the beach, but i remembered it was 40 freaking degrees, so i pulled out. stayed at apartment with grandpa. watched a bit of hsm2. carla came over. picked her up from my street. shit it was boiling.

watched devil beside you. skipped most of it. carla wanted to watch hsm3 but i forgot to bring it so we watched hsm2. carla sang. secretly called rice so he could hear it. unfortunately, carla stopped. ate oreos with milk. got milk moustaches. ate noodles.

listened to music. played piano. my gosh we did nothing. it's still so hot outside.

shoot, shag or marry is fun.

3:30 PM

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ahh. its the last day of '09. for school. and PEARL'S last day. gosh. i cried in the morning. damn you christine.

french first. watched Tais Toi. it was funny. texted rice with carla. ate junk. laughed.

recess. exchanged pack cards. LOL pearl's drawing of us was even worse then christine's! audrey it's your turn next.

english. finished jane eyre. so boring. bummed around.

geo. played heads down thumbs up. ate like 10 sugar things. played celebrity heads. got jane eyre for me. so gay. drew on the whiteboard.

lunch. ate about 1/6 of the cake. then chucked it out. went to christmas concert. shit we sat on the floor so i got really bad pins and needles. the acts were boring. i noticed both mr marshall and mr hindmarsh had nice biceps. 2 people sang For Good from wicked. it was pretty good. i love the song.

got our reports. hugged pearl. started crying. made pearl cry. gave her a last hug. caught train and bus with michelle and carla. went home.

my eyes are so tired. i miss aidan.

3:52 PM

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

so today was a rather eventful day. lot of things happened.

science first. bludged on the computers. finished slide show. watched christine write her cheesy cards.

at recess, we did kris kringle. i got christine. christine got me. i got her havaianas, except i didn't know what size, so i bought her a size bigger than me. too big. luckily i gave her the receipt to exchange. got cards too. fuck there was so much writing! now i have to write heaps on my cards. my hand is dying. and all the cards have ''i know we've had our ups and downs but we always manage to get through them.' thanks guys. pfft.

english. watched jane eyre. the guy who played rochester had a pretty hot voice. but it sounded pedo-like as well. it was hilarious when they kissed. christine described it as ''he's like, rolling on her!'' shit i laughed my ass off.

french. did nothing with carla. made some stupid dialogue. watched extra. i dont think mr laing likes me anymore. i'm too slack. I MISS JINA!

lunch was boring. i was starving.

maths last. discussed with elaine and carla. ate chips and gummy worms. tried to do a sodoku puzzle. is it sodoku or soduko? eh whatever. got pissed at it. gave up.

this was an eventful afternoon. a lot happened. wasted a lot of credit on mbyun. she's fun to text. wrote christmas cards. listened to all the asian songs carla put on my ipod. happy carla?
now i must go back to my cards. i only wrote 3! they're so full of corny stuff.

6:45 PM

Monday, December 14, 2009
LUNA park

today was an average day. again. bus and train in the morning. more train. played some truth or dare. FINALLY got to luna park.

oh my god there was like 10 other grades from different schools there at the same day. so freaking gay. so when we first got our ticket thing, we ran to the ranger. LOL pearl and christine were freaking out. we had two wait for the thing to go twice before it was our turn. which just made everyone more freaked out. finally got on. i sat on the freaking edge. pearl and christine screamed the WHOLE TIME! i was laughing at them. it was os fun. and i was staring at the boy in front of me. he was like, looking so sick. and saying fuck fuck. it was really funny.

bought fairy floss. it was yummy. then went to coney island. LOL we went on the barrel thing. and christine was like, totally oblivious to what we were doing so when she went on, she was full stumbling. i was laughing my ass off. took the BIG slide. so fun. but only did it 3 times cause the line got too long. me and christine raced each other on the smaller slides. still fun. went into the mirror maze. did the barrel again. this time, christine FELL! on her ass. i freaking died. it was so funny! saw flowerpot too.

think we lined up for wild mouse next. waited half an hour. i went on with anorah. it was fun! but the picture ended up so gay! i looked so freaking spastic. and christine's and audrey's was so funny. i like fell on the floor.

time was up. bought a corn dog and chips. it tasted okay. then went home. took way early bus. got home way early. slept. then went to piano. god i was like half sleeping during my lesson. i wasn't pressing half my keys. bought cake. dinner.


watching some czech cartoon. its really cute!

8:00 PM

Sunday, December 13, 2009

i'm so freaking tired. went out with carla today. bought some gifts. bought food. lol i was eating subway and carla had finished hers and i was still eating mine. then a tomato fell out of my mouth and carla grabbed it and ate it. only later did she realise that it didn't fall from my sandwich. hehe. went to k-mart and found heaps of chocolates for 90cents. bought 2 each. it was yummo.

went to library. died on the chairs. talked about funny things. carla we must do THAT thing we were discussing. you will remember.

went home. watched devil beside you. OH MY GOD MIKE HE IS SO FREAKING SEXY! *faints*

i don't understand what's going on, and however you think i'll feel about it is totally wrong. if you think about it, and understand why i felt like that before, then you'd probably know i'm not like that. and i thought you trusted me. after the time we've spent together, i feel i can tell you most things, but i don't have anything to tell. i'm not pushing you, but just correcting what you think. i promise though, that i'll do my best to help you. in the meantime, don't worry too much about whatever it is.

anyway, i must get back to my mike he. i swear he makes me feel so happy just looking at him. i can't stop smiling!

8:37 PM

Friday, December 11, 2009

speech day was gay. i was only with audrey. but anyway, lets skip to the part where we saw C. oh my god C was so cute, i was going to faint. me, carla and elaine couldn't stop staring. ah.

speech day was so insanely gay. i was so tired and it was so boring i was about to pass out. plus it was air-con, and we weren't allowed to wear jumpers. went to westfield with audrey. ate some japanese food. bought this disgusting frozen yogurt which i only ate half of. bummed around, then walked to the station. waited ages at penno. bus. walked to apartment.

my aunt and baby cousin flew in from china today. goshy she is cute.


3:15 PM

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

i'm like obsessed with audrey hepburn. she's so gorgeous. like naturally. and oh my god i LOVE her sense of style. she's like my fashion icon.

capri pants
slim trousers
black turtleneck
basic, wrinkle-free, button-down shirt
ballet flats
The little black dress
evening gown (breathtaking, but simple)
silk scarf
flashy hat
trench coat

okay that's really all there is to say.

9:18 PM


well today was a good day.

science. bludged on the computers. ms sztajer was wearing a see-through shirt. total turn-off. raped. sort of got raped.

maths. awesome lesson. well, we had to listen to ms white drone for half the lesson about chance and the random balding sub who told us to shut up all the time. but me, carla and elaine were discussing the cute boys. so funny.

continued the conversation in french with carla. it was so quiet without jina. I MISS YOU JINA.

lunch. ugh went to exo. so boring. why did i even go? damn you pearl. made me waste my lunch time.

tech. watched the ecohouse challenge. had soft drinks. half-slept. discussed our guys with sylvia. SHE THINKS THEY'RE UGLY! had to take our houses back. me and christine ripped ours up and chucked it in the bin.

waited like 20 minutes at penno. watched jesse mccartney mv on carla's ipod. he's so cute! went home. so starved i ate two buns.

4:15 PM

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
i wish

i wish that i could freeze time forever.
i wish that he and she were never leaving.
i wish that there was no pain in the world.
i wish that everyone i loved would never suffer.
i wish that i would never have to regret anything.
i wish there was no death in the world.
i wish that i could remember every moment in my life.
i wish that life would go the way you wanted it to.

8:25 PM

JONAS is on. nick jonas is so cute. lol this is a funny episode.

so today was really hot.

english first. drama room. laughed my ass off. watched everyone's script plays. laughed more of my ass off. especially sandra, jenny's and sarah. ours was gay. but people laughed so that's good.

music next. yodelled. gosh music is boring.

va. finished my random house thing. listened to ipod.

had this stupid french thing at lunch. gosh the people were such losers. who puts in so much effort and emotion. how retarded. anyway, stumbled a little. but didn't do too bad.

geo. listened to mr hindmarsh's gay spanish. took about 20 minutes to read a page of information because people wouldn't freaking stop laughing for some stupid reason.

the train was so lovely-ly cold. aidan came. got ditched by audrey and pearl. bus with carla. went to towers.


5:00 PM

Monday, December 7, 2009

today was so tiring. i wasn't even walking properly.

so soccer first. it was awesome. we played 10 minutes of soccer and slacked off the entire time. took really funny photos. christine looked the most retarded.

science. so boring. redid our experiment. then sat down talking. did the number thing on audrey's phone. LOL. pulled back christine's chair. but instead of totally falling off, she sat on the corner and hurt her vj. then she hit her head on the table. so funny. then we got worried she wouldn't be able to pee. but it pees just fine.

geo. just looked at a slideshowof mr hindmarsh's amazon pictures. LOL he had a goatee!

english. that was like the best english lesson ever. we went to the drama room and me, audrey and christine got into a group and picked a scenario for our script play thing. we did the one where a guy is asking out a girl who doesn't like him but likes his friend. christine played the girl, i played the cool guy the girl likes. audrey plays the guy who likes the girl but she doesn't like him. so funny. me and christine were literally rolling on the floor. goshy.

bus was gay. it was hot.

7:40 PM

Sunday, December 6, 2009

oh my gosh i forgot to post.


we walked past max brenner as per usual everytime we go to towers. i haven't seen him since the first time we went. so when i walked past and i saw, i like fainted. oh my god he is so cute! and we saw his friend too. he looked a bit weird. especially the nose.

just went for a walk. you know how people put stuff they don't want outside their houses? me and my mum walked past one and there was this massive yellow gorilla. mum's like, "take it". i like it.

went out to towers with carla. didn't do much.

8:44 PM

nothing to post anymore. oh my god, there's nothing to do on the internet at all! facebook, myspace, blog. all getting boring. except for youtube. googling hot guys. theres 2 more weeks of school. sigh, how time has passed so quickly.

so yesterday. slacked off all day. should've been doing the bloody french poem. watched tv. yeah basically did that for the whole day. went shopping in the morning. was going to buy this pair of heels but the sizes were either too small or too big. got the house to myself when parents left for some christmas party. slept at 12. so tired. i have MASSIVE eye bags.

woke up today and watched more tv. i love sonny with a chance.

OH OH. i found a pendant for my necklace! i'm very happy. mmm might go to towers today but i'm so tired and so not bothered and carla's probably still sleeping. need to buy the kris kringle stuff.

my aunt and cousin are coming to australia on speech day. shame i couldn't jig it. but yeah, me and the pack are going to watch 2012 after. and yay, i'm getting the chanel inimitable mascara. honestly, i don't really need it. i have like 4 mascaras, which are not bad, but the chanel one is really good. my mum used hers up so yeah.

who bothers thinking up a title for your blogpost. it's so pointless.

10:49 AM

Friday, December 4, 2009

so anyway. today was an okay day.

pe party first. sat in 310 watching just my luck and eating piles of junk. i was about to vomit at recess. but it was yummy. and me and jenny chu drooled over chris pine. goshy he is so sexy.

music next. got my results. eh, they were okay. thank god we didn't do hallejujah. instead watched chinese opera which sounds absolutely awful. gosh its like an embarrassment to our culture. also watched yodelling. that was WAY cool.

tech. had some gay sub. she kept staring at us. finally finished the windows and roof. bludged for half the lesson. slept.

geo. lol mr hindmarsh came in and started talking spanish. it sounded pretty hot. hehe. but yeah we learned really gay spanish stuff. and then he said shut up in spanish. and 10 minutes later, i'm like, how do you say shut up again and he's like i don't remember and i'm like you said it just then! and he shrugs and i'm like o-o.
did some random south america thing. laughed my ass off with sandra's "MY NAME'S CHARLOTTE BRONTE." jenny tried but failed.

almost went to the station but then remembered my mum was at hornsby so i got picked up. looked around more those shoes. figured out the average total of money i'll get for christmas, new year and my birthday from my family. pretty happy with it.

yummo i baked cookies.

wow zac's eyes are so blue. *dies*

8:54 PM

Thursday, December 3, 2009

today was such a bad day. woke up and thought my p's were over. stood up and realised it wasn't. so pissed.

goshy he is so cute.

va first. so so boring. cut out pictures. glued them. got cramps.

re instead of science. oh my god i was about to faint. ms deboar is so bloody boring. stupid video. so stupid i can't believe i wasted half an hour of my life.

tech. LOL so funny. watched christine screw up our roof 3 times. then on the 4th time, she got it right but it was too small. haha i was dying. then we started talking about waxing and the 40 year old virgin. found ants in anorah's bag.

pe last. thank god for the sub. no 1.6. SUCK. played newcombe ball. sort of. laughed my head off. hurt my back.

gosh my day really was boring. ah well. there's nothing tv can't help. SUITE LIFE.

had an egg and mayo sandwich. it was yummy. i want a chocolate fondue. i want to go to max brenner and find ANTONIO! ah i forgot what he looked like.
my dog has an annoying bark.

7:19 PM

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Right here, Right Now.

Can you imagine,
What would happen,
If we could have any dream?
I'd wish this moment,
Was ours to own it,
And that it would never leave.

Then I would thank that star,
That made our wish come true (come true) oh yeah.
Cause He knows that where you are
Is where I should be too.

Right here, right now (yeah, yeah).
I'm looking at you
And my heart loves the view
Cause you mean everything.

Right here, I promise you somehow
That tomorrow can wait
For some other day to be (to be)
But right now there's you and me.

If this was forever,
What could be better
We've already proved it was.
But in 2, 123 hours,
A bend in the universe
Is gonna make everything (everything)
In our whole world change (it's our change, yeah).
And you know that where we are (where we are)
Will never be the same (oh, no) oh, no.

Right here, right now (right now).
I'm looking at you
And my heart loves the view
Cause you mean everything (everything).

Right here, I promise you somehow (somehow, we're gonna),
That tomorrow can wait
For some other day to be (to be),
But right now there's you and me.

Oh, we know it's coming (coming),
And it's coming fast (as long as there's you and me) oh yeah,
So let's make every second last.
Make it last.

Cause right here, oh right now.
Yeah, I'm looking at you
And my heart loves the view
Cause you mean everything.

Right here, I promise you somehow,
That tomorrow can wait
For some other day to be (to be),
But right now there's you and me (you and me)
You and me.
Oh, you and me.
But right now there's you and me.

6:57 PM

no title

so today was an average day.

french first period. found out i somehow got to the next round for the poem thing. fuck. i totally screwed up the last poem but nooo, mr laing's like, you have the potential blah blah blah. and now i need to remember this really gay really weird poem about someone getting dumped. by next tuesday. so fucked.

english. such a bludge. ugh.

geo. me and audrey have concluded that mr hindmarsh simply just has a massive penis rather than erection-ing every lesson. watched something on amazon.

music. did nothing. slept on sylvia.

train. waited ages for bus. saw g. listened to the corrs with carla. went to apartment. ate. made fresh orange and apple juice. yummo.

i hate my p's. they're so inconvenient.

4:33 PM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

i'm very very happy right now. okay after school, i met mum at this jewellery store at towers. and she was buying this diamond bracelet. and i was bored. and she turns to me and is like "you can pay a bit of it for my birthday.''

so i was like, only if you buy me something. and so i looked at all these white gold chains cause i think gold looks weird on me. especially 24 carat gold which is the necklace i currently have. my old white gold one got stolen or i just lost it.

so i looked at heaps of necklaces. and i liked this one but it was 18 carat so it was like $500. but then i found one that was basically the same, just 9 carat which is alright. and it was like only half the price. so yes. buying things makes me happy. which sounds really shallow actually, but then i guess you can call me shallow. materialistically.

so now, i need to find some matching jewellery for christmas and my birthday. wheeeee!

6:53 PM