
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Saturday, October 31, 2009

i feel so low all of a sudden. maybe its the fact that the end of year 8 is getting closer and getting closer faster. why? why does life have to change?

everyone says its part of life. you have to face it, deal with it. but i love life now. i love my friends. i love my class. i love my family. i love the present. i hate the idea of the future. when we graduate and our friends gradually drift away. when we dont easily have a shoulder to cry on.

r 8 is so easy. so fun. so effortless. we have our friends, we have classes together, we're not stressing much. everything is supposed to be perfect. high school's not going to last. yet we all take it for granted without knowing. slacking off, not hanging out with each other as much when theres such easy access. i wish we could relive this year over and over forever. i'll be happy forever.

when we're gone, not seeing each other everyday, not laughing with each other everyday, i dont know how i'll live.

you have everything right there in front of you. and then before you know it, its just taken away. you cant get it back. thats what life feels like now.

time is ticking. our lives are getting shorter. death is coming nearer. what was god's intention of putting us in the universe? to experience all the great and terrible things in life? and then just to take it away, leaving us with pain and grief and regret and sorrow? yeah. god is just so great isn't he? making our lives so wonderful, and then fucking ruining it.

you'd say it's an experience. an experience to live. well yeah i'm sure it'll be a great experience to die. god. i hate how the world runs. we're so corrupted. and no one is fucking doing anything. i guess they just want to die in another 40 years. sure. i hope they die suffering, screaming. i hope those people live in pain forever.

i hate it.

7:09 PM


i've only known you for a little while. just over a year. but in that time, we've had lots of fun, lots of arguments. when you're gone, i'll miss you. so much. you can't imagine. sure we've had lots of ups and downs, but we never really get mad at each other. sometimes, you are so annoying. other times, you make me feel happy. i love talking to you, even if its about the most random thing. i even liked your commentation. it was very you. the small amounts of time we actually spend together, i value. sometimes, you make me feel so stupid, so unwelcome. those times hurt. those few times you actually picked up your phone made me happy. i can trust you, and i think you can trust me too, because you should know, i never would want to hurt you. you don't really know how much you mean to me. maybe that's just you. but that's why i love you; for who you are. you're a great friend. i can't imagine my life without you. i am so glad, that we have bee able to keep a good friendship. i don't want it to ever end. even when we don't see each other, i hope we can make the effort. i hope, if you read this, you can figure out straight away its you. some people are fucking jerkheads to you; but remember. i'll be there for you when you need me. i'll treasure all our funny moments. i wish for you to have a happy life. don't let other people lower yourself down. you're smart, you're trustworthy, you're special. don't ever forget.

2:22 PM

Can I Have This Dance?

Take my hand
Take a breath
Pull me close
And take one step
Keep your eyes
Locked on mine
And let the music be your guide.

Won't you promise me (Now won't you promise me)
That you'll never forget (We'll keep dancing)
To keep dancing
Wherever we go next

It's like catching lightning
The chances of finding someone
Like you
It's one in a million
The chances of feeling the way
We do

And with every step together
We just keep on getting better

So can I have this dance? (Can i have this dance?)
Can I have this dance?

Take my hand
I'll take the lead
And every turn
Will be safe with me
Don't be afraid
Afraid to fall
You know I'll catch you through it all

And you can't keep us apart (Even a thousand miles can't keep us apart)
Cause my heart is where ever you are (Cause my heart is where ever you are)

It's like catching lightning
The chances of finding someone
Like you
It's one in a million
The chances of feeling the way
We do

And with every step together
We just keep on getting better

So can I have this dance? (Can i have this dance?)
Can I have this dance?

No mountain's too high
And no ocean's too wide
Cause together or not
Our dance won't stop

Let it rain, let it pour
What we have is worth fighting for
I know I believe
That we were meant to be,

It's like catching lightning
The chances of finding someone
Like you (Like you)
It's one in a million
The chances of feeling the way
We (way we do) do

And with every step together
We just keep on getting better

So can I have this dance? (Can I have this dance?)
Can I have this dance?

Can I have this dance?
Can I have this dance?
Can I have this dance?

2:15 PM

happy songs

i like listening to old songs. they make me happy. they remind me of primary where i had all my old great friends and when everything was easy, relaxed and convenient.

now? life is just pretty much the same, but hard, stressful, and totally inconvenient.

fall out boy
the veronicas
avril lavigne

my old song playlist.

11:40 AM


oh my god i am going to fail my freaking exams. WHY IS MATHS AND SCIENCE FREAKING FIRST! god i cant even concentrate. science is such a bludge. god. and i still got to do english, va, geo (FUCK WHAT DO WE DO FOR GEO).

im going to explode. if anyone has a song with heaps of swearing, please send to me.

11:18 AM

Friday, October 30, 2009
so pissed

selfish. lame. gosh. i cant believe you.

4:53 PM

long time no see

havent posted in a long time. did you miss me? jigged today. sick. i was looking through audrey's maths notes. man theyre really good. except i think you made a mistake. anyway i hope sid remembers the science notes. or ill kill him.

anyway i've been ocd-ing about my ipod, like finding albums and pictures and lyrics. its a wonder i bother.

so im home by myself. its hot. suite life is on. oh yuck my throat hurts.

2:47 PM

Sunday, October 25, 2009

noooo i have a crush on a max brenner italian waiter! ahhhh he was so cute!
and he laughed at us.

cause we were dying from the chocolate and i turned and asked "does water cost anything?"
and he said "no it's free."
so i said, like pleadingly, "can we please have some?"
and he laughed and said "yeah sure. just wait a sec." and went to get the water.


4:57 PM

fatties plus HOT ITALIAN GUY

went out with carla to towers. okay so first we went to max brenner. and we ordered a chocolate fondue and a chocolate souffle and it was so sweet and rich and chocolaty and we needed water and we were dying. so i turned around to a waiter to ask for water. and there was the cutest waiter! he looked italian and he had such a cute smile. OH MY GOD SO HOT! so when we left we decided to call him antonio because it sounded italian. and oh my gosh he was so so so hot. so then we went around towers, then we decided to go to the mall. so we walked past max brenner to see him again. and then the mall had gay shoes and our favourite ones were like gone. so we went back and went to the library. me and carla shared half a wrap. but we were still hungry. this is two hours after the chocolate. so then we went to macdonalds and got a cheeseburger. yes i know, we're pigs. then we spent ages at target talking about waxing and shampoo and nail polish. my feet were dying. so i went home. attempting to finish jane eyre essay which is due tomorrow.


4:41 PM


oh dear. i have once again procrastinated and i have a jane eyre essay due tomorrow, plus questions on gilbert grape. other words, im fucked up. not to mention im going out with carla today. lets pray for a miracle shall we.


10:14 AM

Saturday, October 24, 2009
crew force pack

You guys. I love you so much. I dont know what I'd do without you. Hornsby would be such a bludge without you.

CREW; Carla, Jina, Sylvia, Tanya, Michelle, Seowoo, Sunny, Reena, Anika, Renata, Amanda.
The very fobby group. Yes yes your men are terribly ugly and shouldn''t be called men; you always scab food off everyone and are very piggish; you cant stop taking luvos; you're very loud; you sing too much. You guys always joke around and are so lame but so funny. Even then, you're all so cool and I love you.

FORCE; Elaine, Dorie, Jiani, Pat, Raveena, Grace, Jess, Joumana, Rachel, Lara.
Gosh some of the men here shouldnt even be called human, let alone men. You're the fob/white group, which is good, because that means you have knowledge of Hollywood. It's annoying when you guys fight over your silly men. You're so freaking loud on the train, I want to scream sometimes. I love it when you're all sweet and affectionate and give me kisses and hugs, though my first kiss was stolen. Even then, you're all so cool and I love you.

PACK; Audrey, Christine, Anorah, Pearl, Gen.
My awesome awesome group. You have no idea how much you mean to me. It's hard to imagine my life before you walked into to it. You guys have such awful knowledge on what's going around you, and Hollywood, and you like the ugliest men. I can never get you to stop singing. We have such fun all the time, though we do argue a lot. You guys support me when I need a shoulder to cry on, or a friend to talk to. You mean the world to me, and I want our friendship to go on forever.

We're all so cool; we love to have a laugh; we're going to keep having those crazy birthday lunch parties; we're going to muck around at sport; we'll keep dissing each others' men; we'll still have silly little bitch arguments.
Even then, I know we'll stick together, have heaps of fun together and stay friends for a long time.

Crew + Force + Pack = The BOMB

6:01 PM


shit i think im getting a cold. man i have such a crap immune system. i should probably be sleeping now. thank god mum let me quit chinese school. exams were today so i wouldve been major fail.
i should probably sleep.

man this is such an uninteresting post.

9:40 AM

Friday, October 23, 2009
funny moment

forgot to post this. yesterday, me, carla, audrey and christine were on the bus home. and we were playing spotto. and i said spotto and hit christine. and she was like where? and then i raised my finger to point out the window. but. THIS WAS TOTALLY ACCIDENTAL. my finger like poked her boob. like FULLY middle. like smack-dab perfect aim. ahahaha it was so gross but it was so funny. ahahahahahahahaha.

i am so corrupted.

9:36 PM

its friday

so today was a terrible day.

pe. first period. hockey. on grass. ugh. actually it was really fun today. the activities we first did, me, audrey, christine and sylvia got into a team and we did defending and goaling. and it was so funny cause i kept owning christine and she was running everywhere to get the ball back. then we played a game. that was so tiring.

second period. music. so boring. oh actually, we watched this video on the voca people. they are so cool. go youtube them. and then we watched something about our voice box. like they shoved this camera down a woman's nose into her thing where the voice box is and you see it vibrate when she sings. so gross. but it was really funny.

third period. tech. funny. me and christine are so lame. who has a kitchen 7 metres long. LOL. yeah so we were doing out gay floor plan. i was so hungry. then i got a headache. and i was so hungry.

fourth period. geo. mr farrell was taking us today. lol he told us about when he was 23 and he had an 18 year old girlfriend from indonesia. i swear, he's very into asians. then i went to pee. on the way, i passed the social studies staff room and saw a picture of hindmarsh in a junior summer uniform. god it was so funny. i swear, his chest filled up his uniform then mine does. yeah then tanya got in trouble and had to stay 10 minutes after school ended. lol.

actually a pretty funny day.

9:26 PM

Thursday, October 22, 2009

yay sid finally got blogspot. except his thing is like screwed. it has a layout and when i tried changing it to template, everything deleted.
so today was a shit day. got something in the morning that completely shocked me and killed my mood for the entire day. on top of that, i have chinese school exams on saturday and i know ONE character. so fail.
after school, had pizza with carla. the pizza's were retarded.

5:30 PM

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

its so hot. so fucking hot.

4:33 PM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
term 4

lets start from sunday.

on sunday, carla came over to do maths cause she leaves her textbook and school but she was going to the library and the library cant insert the maths cd so we decided to share my book. yeah bad idea. so she came over, and then we went on the computer first. facebook, blog. then we video called with aidan thom who was in castle hill but decided NOT to tell us. stupid boy. yeah so then we started maths. 2 questions. then we went back to the computer. after 20 minutes, back to maths. sooo hungry. grandparents came back and made us yummy food but we had to eat 2 bowls. thats like the first time i've seen carla full. ten we did like another 10 math questions and video called aidan again. then carla went home. then i stayed till 11pm doing maths. god. so tired.

monday. term 4. great to see everyone again. so we had socer first and jesus it was hot. i saw a huge bunch of white construction workers. too bad jenny wasn't there. then we had maths 2nd period. i was freaking out cause mr payne was marking our books and i didnt mark a thing. but then we spent the whole lesson doing stupid circles and he didnt mark and i was SO PISSED. then geo. gosh that day, instead of erection-ing, hindmarsh decided to touch his boob instead. lol tanya took a photo.

today. what a bludgy day. science first. ms sztajer is so annoying. she was going on and on about rocks and i didnt understand a stupid thing. then english. we watched a really gay movie with johnny depp and leonardo dicaprio. sooooo gay.

im tired.

8:09 PM

Sunday, October 18, 2009
carla's over

hi. its gen. carla is gay. i mean, sometimes she's a bit gay, but most of the time she's awesome. i mean, she listens to me rant on about my gayness & other people's gayness, so that makes her pretty cool
and also she texts me when i'm bored in the morning.
(that was by gen btw) <-- (which was by carla)

3:33 PM

Saturday, October 17, 2009
im tired

i finally painted my room today! this really pretty light jade. not so much jade cause they dont have that colour but like this nice green. its still got some jade in it. and now my room stinks and i have no furniture in there so im staying at my grandparents.

oh dear i have to cram in so much tomorrow. i vow to not procrastinate. as much. why do they give us so much work in the holidays? carla's coming over tomorrow to do maths with me. with one textbook, i have no idea how that'll turn out.

9:44 PM

Friday, October 16, 2009
so bored

went out with audrey today. god i shall never wear my glads again. they were killing me. and i was so fucking bored. towers is killing me. and carla wasn't at the library so i still dont have my key.

YAY! THE SUITE LIFE ON DECK SEASON 2 IS COMING SOON! i love love love love LOVE suite life!

6:11 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2009
carla came over

carla came over today. around 12:30. i had to meet her at my old school, then walk to my house. stupidly i decided to take my dog, who decided she wanted to go home halfway. so i ended up carrying her. god its like carrying a bag of rice. or a sack of potatoes. yeah so we got home and then we went on facebook. then we watched friends. we finished a packet of honey soy chicken chips. ross was so cute. then we watched suite life on deck. ah carla, how many times i had to tell you who was zack and who was cody. then we had fish fingers with seafood cocktail sauce. then i walked her back to the library around 4. finally picked up wicked which we reserved. then mum picked me up. then i realised i left my key with her.

yogurt and blueberries taste really good. lol spongebob is funny.

4:45 PM


im going to taylor swift concert! yay! the tickets started selling at like 9am, and i was supposed to get up around 7 or 8, but i woke up at 15 to 9. i was like freaking out cause the computer is really slow now. so me and my sister were on different computers continually refreshing till 9. and then i got in! we got like seats in the middle on the first elevation. i'd hate to stand the entire concert. but YAY!

9:12 AM

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
my life is gay

gosh. i really want to die. hopefully get cancer. you dont have to smoke to get cancer. my mum and grandparents say you can get pancreas cancer or something when you're always angry. and my life is so fucked up theres always a reason every fucking day to be angry. god. i always get the blame. i always get told off. my family is no help.

i feel like im losing all my friends. im so sick of hornsby girls. i dont want to stay anymore. i should try transfer to baulko. at least theyre not all bitches and dickheads.

8:15 PM


went to the city today. gosh it began really awful. so tired and pissed off in the morning so we had a terrible beginning. i was all shitty and then mum got angry and threatened to send me home. shame cause we went to qvb and market city and didnt look around much. i saw this pretty ferragamo bag though. but then we went to some other shops with more appropriate things to buy and then i bought 2 pieces and cheered up straight away.

so windy. i hate wind. my hair went so retarded. ugh i feel like vomitting.

4:55 PM

Monday, October 12, 2009

i love suite life on deck. its so funny. and i love zack and cody. theyre cute.

"Oh ay oh
Come along with me
Let's head out to sea
What this world has for you and for me now
Which ever way the wind blows
We say hay ho let's go
Oh ay oh
This boat's rockin'
Oh ay oh
Ain't no stoppin' us now
Cause we're livin' the suite life
Oh ay oh
This boat's rockin'
Oh ay oh
Rockin' the whole world round
And we're livin' the suite life now
Hay ho
Oh ay oh
Let's go!"

7:30 PM

with carla again

yes shopping with carla AGAIN. man carla. you had to call me while i was yoga-ing didnt you? then mum called me. sigh. your not supposed to talk when you do yoga. yeah and then carla called me like 5 times asking me when i was going to towers. and the i finally left and then we walked around towers. so boring. seriously. the shops are gay. then we went to maccas and at yummy burgers. then it started raining so i went to grandparents apartment. gosh that takes ages to write. anyway im bored. grandma made me a yummy drink made from beans. facebook is so boring. and my holidays are getting ruined cause people are getting all depressed.

4:20 PM

Sunday, October 11, 2009
its sunday

i dont like sunday. normally cause the next day is monday and i hate mondays even more. ugh today i had to transfer all my things on my desk to my new desk which still isnt done. and i had to miss shopping with carla. and possibly miss seeing sid who i havent seen for like, since dories party. ah that was so awesome.

anyway my bed is covered in posters and beauty products. still got to tidy those up so i cant sleep yet. someone made an 8Q quiz on fb. pffft so lame. mine and sylvia and jinas quiz was awesomer. oh yeah. taylor swift concert! february 6! YAY. but jina but not be able to come. i want to watch suite life on deck! the episode just finished. im thirsty. i think i drank expired soy milk.

9:52 PM

Saturday, October 10, 2009
normal day

a day as any other. woke up. found my dad wearing a beanie in the kitchen this morning. apparently cause hes sick and it warms up his sinus or something? yeah. dog barked at him. he barked back. dog realised it was him and ran away. ah. miso soup for breakfast. yum. so then i finished my pe notes and started a bit of science till i gave up. had mi goreng for lunch. yum. then i waited 3 hours doing something i dont remember, then i did yoga. man i love yoga. so refreshing. then i had dinner. chilli corn carne. yum. then oranges. yum. then went to grandparents apartment. they live so close to castle mall and towers. so convenient. you walk 5 minutes and your there. for me its like 15 minutes. im tired. hopefully ill go shopping with carla tomorrow. nighty night.

10:39 PM

Thursday, October 8, 2009
so hungry

ugh this morning, i got up and was planning to do yoga and you cant eat 3 hours before yoga so i starved. but then the yoga disc didnt work in blu-ray so i was wasting half an hour. and then i finally ate. then i start pe notes. ugh so much to write. and i was on the phone with christine who was watching mike he's drama. then i decided to yoga. jesus i was so hungry. finished 10 minutes ago and now im eating a chicken-schnitzel-mayo sandwich. very nice i must say. argh got to go finish notes.

3:18 PM

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
my poor ring

oh yeah. i forgot to mention. when i threw the subway rubbish away, my ring fell into the bin. im so sad.

4:07 PM

shopping with CARLA

went to towers with carla today. i got to the shops like half an hour early and i looked like such a loser by myself. so i went into a few shops, bought a few things and only 20 minutes had passed. finally carla came and we went to, i forgot. carla kept complaining about how hungry she was. then we went to the library and got water from her dads cafe. then we went on the library computers. far out they are so laggy and you only get an hour to go on it. yeah so we facebooked and blogged and then finally the hour was up. we shared the computer chair but it was so uncomfortable cause the sides of the chair went up and it kept poking my ass.

then we got free lunch from the cafe. chicken salad wrap with salad. and this yummy sauce. carla finished so fast and was like eyeing my chicken. we saw abi there. then we went back to towers and walked around and carla was STILL hungry. eventually we shared a foot long subway. yes we're fat. and she finished her half before me and i still had like a third of my half left. and her half was bigger!

then we walked around trying to find rings. i swear we circled the towers 5 times. then i saw april working at Wendy's. shes 13! are we allowed to work that young? if so, im going to! then carla came to my grandparents apartment and we went on the comp and watched friends on youtube. then i walked her back to the bus stop and walked home. its raining. i hate rain.

3:56 PM

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
new skin

i finally decided to get a new skin. like? ;)

7:35 PM

Monday, October 5, 2009

nick jonas is so cute.
nick jonas is so cute.
nick jonas is so cute.
nick jonas is so cute.
nick jonas is so cute.
nick jonas is so cute.
nick jonas is so cute.
nick jonas is so cute.

5:10 PM

Sunday, October 4, 2009
i dropped my shirt in the toilet

i like another old man. captain georg von trap from sound of music! except his like 79 now. he was hot BEFORE. ahhhhh so handsome.

i dropped my shirt in the toilet. so sad. no there wasnt pee or shit in there. thank god. but it was pretty gross. and it was new! im so pissed. i bought all these summery clothes and this week is like freaking cold. cant wear any of them.

my garage smells like paint.

WICKED. omg that was the best. so good. so so so so so good. i'd pay to see it again. but actually, 100 dollars for back seat is pretty expensive. but it was so good!

4:02 PM

Saturday, October 3, 2009

im so fucking pissed. wasting life about stupid things. nothing is going to fucking happen. wake up its not real. thats not what the whole thing was about. it was about friendship and not just fantasizing about men.

6:17 PM

Friday, October 2, 2009
mike he

im on a mike he craze again. he is so bloody hot. its unfair to us women for a guy to be so hot! *melts* im so pissed, but seeing mike completely melts my heart. ahhhhh GEN HE!

oh yes. i am still very very fucking pissed off.

and i am completely, totally, utterly in love with mike he.

7:51 PM


yay holidays. suck i didnt go to school today. me and mum went SHOPPING for the whole day. suckers.
it was so awesome. i got like heaps of new clothes and stuff for my room.
okay i have nothing to write.

6:31 PM