
You forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.

As Time Goes By
June 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014
January 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
christines birthday

i feel so fat. i swear. it was christines birthday today. you old old woman.
at recess, seowoo came and brought brownies and they were so yummy.
and then at lunch, the crew and the force came to the tables at the cola, and we layed all the food out on the table. and then we sang happy birthday REALLY loud. haha christine was so embarrassed. and then we ate. christines cake was gay. it kept crumbling at the bottom. lol. and then pat spilled her sprite and then pearl spilled her sprite. and then we actually finished all the food. at first it was just the force and tanya, and then we saw the crew come and we were trying to hide the food. LOL. im surprised i didnt puke. i swear the amount of food i ate was like a whole days worth of food. and that was one meal. god, i feel fat.

ah last lesson for jane eyre. now we're starting flim making. what the fuck what a gay topic.

9:28 PM

Sunday, September 27, 2009
dedication to the wiggles

i saw an episode of the old wiggles show on tv today and it reminded me how much i loved them when i was little.

Can you point your fingers and do the twist.
Can you point your fingers and do the twist.
Well we're gonna go up, then go down.
Get back up and, turn around.
Can you point your fingers and do the twist.

Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands.
Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands.
Well we're gonna go up, then go down.
Get back up and, turn around.
Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands.

Toot toot chugga chugga Big Red Car.
We'll travel near, we'll travel far.
Toot toot chugga chugga Big Red Car,
We're gonna ride the whole day long.


7:28 PM


lol im looking at everyone's 11things friend post. so funny. im always the horny one who likes old men.

anyway today was a bludge. i swear, i spent the whole day watching tv.

what colour should i paint my walls? psssht i already know the answer. PALE JADE! it has a relaxing effect on your eyes. ahahaha how smart am i.

yeah so bludgey i have nothing to write about.

7:19 PM

Saturday, September 26, 2009
today is a gay day

i have terrible cramps. argh stupid george.p.
i fucking hate chinese school. i swear. the people are so freaking gay and loud and i cant read or write a single thing and i never want to go again.

nothing to write. why am i blogging anyway. lol everyone is doing that thing christine did.

facebook is getting boring. theres nothing to do.

waiting for my black ipod classic. shame my old one died. suck elaine. sorry carla.

3:51 PM

Friday, September 25, 2009
thanks christine

doing one of those 11-people thing except i like the number 8 better but then i changed to 10 again :D

1. i love you so much. i dont know what i'd do without you. your so smart, and you're very true to yourself and thats why everyone loves you. you do like really weird men, and weird men like you too (except me). i know you'll grow up to be very successful in the future. i also promise you, that if you leave, i will commit suicide.

2. my dear. you are so stupid and retarded and annoying and its hard to think that i love you. you have absolutely no sense sometimes, and i have to repeat myself 10 times before you finally get out of your mental state, which really, is no more different to your normal state. i love your facial expressions when your shocked or freaked. its so funny. your taste in men is horrendous. ditto with people.

3. ahh my cheap lover. your so cheap, and you still owe me $4.50. your so pretty and your cute and i love you a lot. we can text all day about really random things, like ugly men, dramas, what episode of friends we're watching. and its all for free. you shout me yummy food, which makes up for the food i give you. you like some really ugly men, but at least you got some better hollywood knowledge then christine. you are awesome.

4. you. i remember the first time i knew you, you added me on bebo. we've had a lot of fun. fighting over men, insulting men, or in your case, women. you associate with really ugly normos. your so incredibly loud on the bus, i want to pull your pretty hair out. we had an awful time cooking together didnt we? ahahaha. now i know all your food likes and dislikes. i will always love you and hate you. but still love you at the same time.

5. you always somehow thought i hated you, though i have repeatedly told you that you are a very close and treasured friend of mine. you piss me off. a lot. however, i cant help loving you for that. you're a great friend. you can be really random, and have a fair amount of knowledge of porn for someone who claims they dont watch it. ill miss you. i hope this opportunity means a great future for you. one piece of advice. cut the cockiness a little my friend. keep in touch. promise. iwby.

6. you nerd. actually its great having an over-smart friend. actually, you make me feel like a fly. but you are still totally awesome. sorry i didnt get you a coke today. i know you will have a very successful future in paris. you are very mean to me, and everything mean thing i say gets overpowered by another mean thing from you. ah well, what can you do. i hope i stay on your guestlist for your very cool afterparty. in the meantime, we can stay great friends.

7. my stupid little girl. i love you so very much, even though your common sense is beyond belief. in a terrible way. i will miss you so much, and even though i wont see you often, i hope we can stay in touch and stay great friends. ah, the girl in year 7 who didnt know humans were animals, is now going to have a great future. i wish you the very best. dont forget me. i love you.

8. you little emo kid. your so mean to me. but you are nice, and i love the nice you. you have such a funny laugh, it makes me laugh. YOU'RE SO PRETTY. you have like perfect features, except for your nose which you claim is not centre and is to the left. your hair is so sexy. i love how you love apples. i love how cute you are when im being horny. your awesome at piano. cheer up my lovely.

9. YOU STOLE MY FIRST KISS! ah well. i guess i stole yours too. your such a bum, and your very stupid. that was so funny when you ran into the pole and i had to catch you. i love your big man bag, which is like, almost half your height. i love looking and taking at gay pictures of you, and reminiscing at your gay moments. your surprisingly good at piano. except your taste in men is rather horrible too. you stole my jinalee, but thats okay. i have extras. i love you so much. and its good to know your french is improving.

10. im sorry i couldnt get you a smoking domo kun. your such a blast to be around. your so sarcastic and funny, and mean but i love you for that. you make me laugh everytime with your really weird humour, though i do not like your movie taste so much. neither your music taste or your men taste. i dont understand how you can wear skinnies all year round, but guess what? it means your special! i like calling you the entrance to a house. get it? your party was awesome. unfortunately, some people cant stop raving about it. make sure we do it again. i love love love love you.

5:45 PM

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

its really gay today. i was woken at 5:30 by the wind and when i opened the curtain, the sky was freaking RED! then it turned orange. then yellow. now it sort of normal. gosh. i went to the towers with carla and the little time i was outside, i was choking on dust. i can smell it in the kitchen.
at least i didnt go to school today :) cause im asthmatic. pearl, christine and anorah didnt go either so audrey was quite alone.

food and fashion thing last night. doing the catwalk was actually fun. excepting that christines coke gave me a huge stomach ache. and then me, christine, sandra, jchu, jwei, sarah and nancy and audrey and cecilia played games :) and we took lots of luvos

OH and we saw up! hehe it was funny. no it was funny in the first half. then it got a little boring. it was quite sad too. kevin is funny :) OH and we found a massive shoe in the thearte. it was like 40cm long i swear. so funny. and we got those 3d glases. woo poked the lenses out so theyre like fob glasses :D

im hungry

1:25 PM

Monday, September 21, 2009
i dont know what to wear tomorrow

oh yuck yuck YUCK!
fashion parade tomorrow. fuck. i wish the tech department would go shove up their ass. nothing to wear with my stupid shorts! GAH.

damn im hungry.

nothing on tv. i hate demi levato. she can go die in a hole.

5:49 PM

Saturday, September 19, 2009

argh omg. there is so much smoke EVERYWHERE. im like choking on it. as soon as you open the door and you breathe, theres like a huge draft of smoke. its like passive smoking!

aw i like the movie the perfect man. especialy the happy album the guy-who-looks-like-george-clooney gives her. i hate that fat lenny guy who cried over some concert which was a new version of some original classic rock band.

man im hungry. mum's going to make me noodles 8) miam miam.


7:18 PM


omg dorie's party was so epic!

okay so after school, me, jj, mcbae, pearl and dorie walked to her apartment. elaine, rice, ervin and sid were coming later. and then we fooled around for about 2 hours till everyone came. then we watched simpsons while eating. FOOD WAS YUMMY DORIS!

then we started our movies. seowoo rented x-men 1, 2, 3, hp5 and the forbidden kingdom. we started with x-men 1. man wolverine is so hot. then x-men 2. that one was boring. so we decided to watch hp.yuck i hate the order of the phoenix. that was a gay movie. and then, sid and rice and jj started telling scary stories D: and it was so scary cause sid would keep booing us suddenly.

yeah then ervin, rice and sid left. and then me and pearl and seowoo went to dories bed and tried to sleep while elaine, dorie and jj watched forbidden kingdom. me and pearl were hungry. we talked about friends and two and a half men for like an hour. and then it was like 1:30. then elaine and jj came in and sat on us and chatted. then we still couldnt sleep at like 2 so we went to finish the movie with the others. then me and seowoo and pearl had a physical fight about who got more of the bed. i think i still got a bruise :D

then i think i slept at about 3. and then woke up at 7:40, about to fall off the bed with seowoos legs wrapped around me. i was so tired and my back and neck and head kills. then we got up and watched x-men 3. dories mum got us leftovers from last nights dinner for breakfast. then we had lots of fruit. and then i got changed and me and pearl left first.


2:00 PM

Thursday, September 17, 2009

ugh so pissed! glee was just the premiere episode, which if you claim to like glee so much, YOU SHOULD'VE WATCHED IT. before that is. watching gossip girl. first season. aw lily and rufus just kissed.

YAY! me and pearl can both go to dories tomorrow. yay. and i know what to get you dorie. domo kun bag or toy.


9:02 PM


does pearl hate me, audrey, christine and anorah? if you read this pearl, firstly it is definitely not one sided love. if its one sided love, i think you dont love us anymore. probably cause your leaving and maybe its easier for you that way, but its not going to make anything better.

and also, maybe you could tell us why you think this is one sided.

YAY glee is on tonight! 7:30, channel 10. you watching?

dories party tomorrow. i hope you come pearl. then we can cower together. didnt find her a domo kun bag. sorry doris.

quite upset right now.

5:57 PM

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
i need light

today was a pretty bludgy day but it was okay. science was better cause we bludged around and watched a video. and i didnt fail the prac so im happy. yuck yuck maths was gay. we had that freaky blonde history teacher who flipped everytime someone talked. FRENCH! so pissed off! mr laing kept telling me off for banging my chair against the wall! i fucking didnt! then we had tech. ugh i hate tech.

after school i went shopping with carla. i had a brownie. it was nice. then we shared a small pizza. it was also nice.


yeah then we went to morning glory and i bought 3 pens, lead and this awesome mirror.


5:55 PM

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

im so hungry -_______-
gah JE DETESTE LE FRANCAIS! shit i forgot to say the nationality. ohhhh fuck.

YAY dorie and sids party is on again! i have to get them presents. but none of them want anything. or maybe their just being modest *nudge*

ah its wednesday tomorrow. wednesday is always such a bludgy day. oh shit i hope we dont have science tomorrow.

5:38 PM

Monday, September 14, 2009

i finally cried. finally let it out. not for the reason i wanted to.
but this video is so sad and inspiring.

though i wouldve preferred to actually cry over the reason i want to cry. man that wore me out. my eyes are tired and swollen.

i need some sleep

10:20 PM

my first kiss!

yes my darlings. today, on monday, 14th of september, 2009, i, genevieve wang received her first kiss.


6:53 PM

asshole D:<

stupid kanye west! i cant believe what he did to taylor swift

so basically, at the VMA awards, taylor lautner and nikki reed, they were announcing best music video. and hes like, and the winner is, taylor swift's you belong with me!

and shes like so happy and making her acceptance speech. then that fucking black nigga just jumps on stage, grabs the mic and says "yo taylor. im really happy for you, ill let you finish, but beyonce has the best music video. the BEST music video."

and taylors just like, shocked. and she didnt say anything and walked off stage

fuck you fucking black fucking nigga.

5:40 PM

Sunday, September 13, 2009
i hate french

ew ew ew french is taking forever. argh.

you know, i finally convinced sid that he was way like, un-cheap. DUDE he got a $90 wallet for castro! OROTON! and im like, dude, you set such high standards for everyone. and hes like shit! you're right

of course im right :)

big bang theory just finished. lol its so funny. i love the intro theme and video. so cool. all those drawings.

man im hungry. i love channel GO! YAY big bang theory is on again!
i watched m.i.t today. arron is sooooooo hot.

oh dear softball tomorrow. i hope we get mr hindmarsh. i hate the blonde bitch. at least its not the old blonde bitch whos bolding and limps.


7:57 PM

yay finally got my old skin back
for those of you who click the link to go to home, sorry it doesnt work properly. like you click it and then you click the correct link. mines correct to but this thing is gay gay gay.

im waiting for mum to bring back sushi. im hungry.
CARLA I WANT A BROWNIE! or a gourmet triangle. yummo 8)

oh dude i want to watch brown sugar macchiato. ahhh.

"ai qing de zi wei jiu hao xiang ma qi duo."

man its so hot. carlawong is making me hungry becuase she is telling me how her salad and wrap tastes really really really really good.
that gaybo


2:10 PM


ah my god. its so god damn hot.
shit i need to clean my room. if i dont, ill probably be grounded from the computer.

lol today i was looking at my family photos from like 5 years ago. man i looked so noob :L
and i was a really really really really fat baby

damn i dont know how to get a stupid cbox. except people probably wont write on it. my skin is gay! its so pretty but theres no toolbar so i have to keep pressing back.

i should start french.
i should clean my room.
i should eat something.
im hungry.

LOL i was watching friends last night. i love ross :)


11:38 AM

Saturday, September 12, 2009
don't stop believing.

"Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train goin' anywhere
Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train goin' anywhere
A singer in a smoky room
The smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on
Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the nights
Streetlights, people, living just to find emotion
Hiding, somewhere in the nights
Working hard to get my fill,
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice
Just one more time
Some will win, some will lose
Some are born to sing the blues
And now the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on
Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the nights
Streetlights, people, living just to find emotion
Hiding, somewhere in the nights
Don't stop believin'
Hold onto that feelin'
Streetlight, people
Don't stop believin'
Hold onto that feelin'
Streetlight, people
Don't stop"

8:01 PM

omg im fucking pissed all over again
that girl needs to know when its fucking NOT her business and just fucking butt out!
my god! she just doesnt understand it! she doesnt freaking understand what these people are going through, yet she's being selfish about herself WHEN ITS NOT HER FUCKING BUSINESS.

C, C, and P. pfft yeah right. i dont care how she feels about this particular situation, because as far as im concerned, she has no right.
and if anyone who reads this knows what im talking and decides to be a bitch and grass, go die in a hole.

7:48 PM

i like tv

yum yum i just had caesar salad. I LOVE CAESAR SALAD.

OMG i finally started to get the hang of li xiang qing ren on the piano! so jealous of sandra D:
haaaaooo xiang ji dao, ni de yi bai fen...something :)

i love seinfield. its so funny. ahahahahahahahahahahaha
whats on tv today?
oh man it was hot -_______-
and tomorrow is hotter

OH YAY! SEINFIELD IS ON. hehehehehahahahahohohoho ;D

oh i really want to watch friends right now
NO ! i want gleeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
cant wait cant wait cant wait till next thursday.

"i know what we should do!" "elope?" "what?" "um, nothing."'

ahahahaha funny.


7:22 PM


man my stomach hurts a lot. i had like so many dumplings and im about to explode. D:
hating alison ashley is such a gay movie. i swear.


ew chinese school was so boring. i was like epic fail. cant write a stupid thing. -___-

my stomach still hurts.

damn i have to do french assignment.


12:36 PM

Friday, September 11, 2009

feels like writing again even though she wrote about an hour ago.

ahh feels good to get it off my chest. even though i doubt the person understood me.

what did we do today?

ah well first we had pe. it was awful. basketball is boring.

and i hurt my back. somehow. then we had music. me and sylvia did nothing.

we played music and now we're not going to finish our composition thing so basically, we're fucked up. then we had woodwork. it was okay. we finished that movie on global warming and now i finally know why audrey was being such a freak about us dropping one cube of paper. then we had geo. FUCK cant do freaking geo for electives! so unfair. anyway, i kept questioning mr hindmarsh about prostitution till he got too uncomfortable and was like "i dont think we should be discussing this, girls."


anyway, finally updated my blog. feeling depressed again. ahhh carlawong. I NEED YOU.



10:15 PM


this is such a crappy week. ARGH. my life is so fucking crap right now.
man i want to cry so much. but i cant get the tears out. its like bubbling inside me and its about to explode
argh and i cant do freaking elective geo! fuck whoever is doing stupid I.T. you guys are gay dumbshits.

man its hot tomorrow. shit got chinese school arggghhhhhh why did i sign up. so gay :(
and i dont know what to wear. how can dorie wear jeans in summer D:

nothing to say. today was a gay day. hey that rhymes :)

toodles. x

9:10 PM